GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA EASTERN REGION, KOLKATA TERM REVIEW MEETING, EASTERN REGION, GSI, KOLKATA, (F.S. 2013-14) MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS 1.0.0 The Term Review Meeting of Eastern Region GSI, Kolkata was held on 20th to 21st February 2014 in the P.N.Bose Committee room of ER, GSI to review the progress of work pertaining to Mission-I to IV of FS 2013-14.GSI, Eastern Region. The meeting was chaired by Shri G.P. Mohapatra, Additional Director General & HoD, Eastern Region GSI and was attended by the Term Review committee members, Dy. D.G. and Directors of State Units and ERHQ based divisions. Dr. Abdul Matin ,Professor Calcutta University, Dr S.K.Ray, DDG,GSI (Retd), Dr.Pratip Gupta, Direcor, GSI (Retd) , Shri .Nitish Das , Director, GSI (Retd) attended as external experts to review the items whose advice and suggestions during the deliberation were helpful in quantitative improvement of the items. At the outset, Shri B. Das, Director, PSS, ER welcomed the Chairman and all the delegates participating in the meeting. He requested the Chairman to take over the proceedings of the meeting. The Chairman also heartily welcomed all participants to this august gathering. He expressed the importance of the meeting and emphasized that the presentation should be focused on the objective of the item and achievement made till date. He also advised the supervisory and field officers to have interaction with the experienced officers if they have any technical issue that require corrective action before completion of the item.. 1.1.0 Overall Observations and remarks of the Review Committee 1. The Field Items have been implemented very satisfactorily in majority of the cases. 2. In case of STM (specialized thematic mapping), in spite of a good deal of work for well formulated projects, the achievement so far failed to meet the objective in some of the item. In some projects although documentation was done properly, thrust should have been given in significant geological issues... 3. In few GCM projects more professionalism in data processing is required with proper coordination between different units, though in some section excellent work has been done. 4. During the field Season, the field stay of the officers, including supervisory officers need to be planned and executed so that the target is achieved well within stipulated time. 5. OCBIS project need to be implemented with adequate responsibility. 6. A through understanding is required towards the norms and standard prior to taking up any project. 7. M-III, should have well defined rolls and responsibility.. 8. The issues related to inter regional Map compilation has to be resolved by a workshop preferably to be convened by National Head M-III. 9. The dossier of GCM projects in general need to be prepared with due care as per the guideline. 10. Duplicate samples in all projects must be collected. 11. The submission of GCM samples along with requisite data sheet has to be on periodical and on regular basis to ER Chemical Lab, under the supervision of Project in charge. 1 12. Target achievement may be ensured in STM, GCM, GPM and DM. Any shortfall, should be have enough justification, else responsibility may have to be fixed. 13. In case of Geophysical mapping, proper planning is required to achieve the target. 14. Any suggestion for modification of the FSP (e.g. target, title, objective, personnel) has to be approved by the competent authority. 15. Before launching any gold investigation based on a stray high value, an independent expert group should carry out check sampling (trench, channel ,bed rock ,heavies etc) to validate the high value. The expert group should carry out auditing of analytical results throughout the investigation, even with preserved core samples. Such check sampling by independent expert group should be adopted as a routine procedure in GSI. 16. Integration of Geophysical exploration with that of geological study is very much essential through coordination between the respective Director/ supervisory officers and field officers. 17. Guidance by the supervisory officers/ Mission Heads in the field will enable preparation of good quality geological map with lithological and structural details to understand the control of mineralization. It should be supported with the geophysical and chemical analysis so that the investigations may be upgraded to next higher stage as per UNFC norms. 18. In course of Gold exploration, stream sediment sampling should be given due importance. More surface work in the form of pitting/trenching is required. Mapping (DM, LSM etc.) should be completed prior to sampling. 19. The project dossier needs to be updated with all relevant data till circulation of the report and may be kept in readiness for peer-reviewing. 20. Chemical Division, GSI, ER has to prepare status of pending non-NGCM samples which has to include the status of Chemical Divisions of State Units and also to prepare an action plan to clear the pendency so that report may be circulated in schedule time incorporating analytical data. 21. The investigation reports may be reviewed by the experts for qualitative improvement. 2.0.0 Mission -I Item wise observations and comments FSP ITEM No &TITLE 1. STM/ER/BR/2012/001 Specialized Thematic Mapping to find out the western extension of Bathani volcanosedimentary sequence and its stratigraphic status with respect to Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex and possible correlation with the Mahakoshal belt in parts of Aurangabad, Gaya and Palamau districts, Bihar and Jharkhand. 2 SUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE Well presented and appreciated by the reviewers. The recommendations of Stage Review Committee to be followed i.e joint traverse with officers from gold investigation in known Mahakoshal Group Granulite occurs as small patches within gneissic terrain, indicating presence of two contrasting metamorphic conditions in the area. Emphasis may be given to establish how both are interrelated. Are the granulite relicts? If so, how they survived during the subsequent event. Signature of both ductile shearing and brittle deformation are present in the area. Further study needed to establish the relation. Contact relation between different lithounits may be studied in detail. Attempts may be made to establish sequence of foliation development. Microstructure of rocks, including mineralogy, through thin section study to be speeded up. Enclave lithology to be studied in detail . Scheelite may be searched within calc silicate rock. 2. STM/ER/BR/2012/002 Specialised Thematic Mapping to examine interrelationship between granitic phase vis-à-vis mafic and felsic volcanics in the northern periphery of the Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC), in Parts of Aurangabad and Gaya Districts, Bihar. 3. STM/ER/JH/2012/001,F.S. Year: 2013-14 Specialised Thematic Mapping of Tamar Porapahar Shear Zone (TPSZ) in Tiruldih-Tamar-Hemrom-area in Ranchi and Khunti districts, Jharkhand with special emphasis on Structural manifestation and locating favourable areas of associated Au, Cu, REE mineralisation. 4. STM/ER/JH/2012/002 STM of North Singhbhum Mobile Belt in ChandilKhokro-Kandra area, Saraikela-Kharsawan district, Jharkhand to elucidate lithostratigraphy, structure and to identify favorable target areas for gold and associated mineralization. 5. STM/ER/ODS/2013/001 Specialised Thematic Mapping of the terrain south of Mahanadi graben in Takara-Daspalla-Arhakata segment of Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt in central Odisha to understand the Precambrian evolution of the Mahanadi Tectonic Zone (MTZ). 3 A high standard of output has been maintained in the investigation Field targets to be completed. The meta pyroxenite (when the samples have been sheared and showing anomalous Cr values) should be studied in detail. Evidences which raised doubt about rhyolites mapped by the earlier workers is interesting,but further documentation is required to modify earlier views. Study the brecciated (?) rock in detail to mark the cataclastically deformed zone (earlier identified as rhyolite). The pattern of distribution of granulites within the CGC terrain may be brought out from the study. Time relation between granite phases, mafic and felsic volcanism to be studied. Relation between different structural fabric should be attempted. The presence of wide range of metamorphic rocks should be explained with petrographic study. The workers have tried to maintain a good structural output and well presented . Additional sample to be collected from the zone where bed rock sample has shown higher value of Au ,Ni and Cu. Folds, shear zone, brittle deformation zone and network vein may be relevant structural control for mineralization. Structural control, if any, need to be studied. Study of shear zone need to be given priority, since both dextral and sinistral shears are present. High standard of output has been maintained in the work. PS sample collected during July to September 2013 were not studied in time. Field stay of officers should be adequate . Sample submission for lab studies should be in regular intervals. The mineralization zone identified in the area need to be demarcated properly after rechecking some priority samples. Analytical data of Au need to be incorporated in field dossier. Scrap out malachite stain or avoid malachite contact zones in sampling, those will show erroneous high copper value. In view of the known occurrences of gold in BIF, in some parts of the world, the iron formation of the area may be sampled for Au. The field item has been executed in proper direction and presented well within the time and available resource, the objective has been adequately addressed. A uniformly high standard has been maintained in this STM work. The list and sequence of a 6. STM/ER/ORS/2012/002 TITLE: Specialised thematic mapping in RiamalRengali- Lodhajhari area in the marginal zone between Singbhum craton and Easternghat Mobile Belt, AngulDeogarh districts,Odisha. dozen tectono-magmagmatic event that have come out were interesting.It is hoped that the workers will be able to add further interesting observations and interpretations. The pseudotechylyte occurrences documented by the workers are interesting. The field map needs to be modified incorporating the name of the identified litho units. EPMA studies need to be undertaken for the different rock types. Incipient Charnockite formation and their tectonic significance need to be drawn. A high standard has been maintained in this STM work. The tectonic juxtaposition of two tectonic units needs to be explained from available collected data. The work should be focused on locating lamproites in the marginal zone. 7. STM/ER/WBAN/2013/001 Title: Delineation of lithostratigraphic units of Siwalik Belt in Darjeeling District, West Bengal. Code No. STM/ER/WBAN/2013/001 A good standard of field and laboratory documentation of data, backed up by suitable interpretation, has been maintained in the presentation. Detail and extensive work done . New attempt to interprete the collected information through study of facies and association Section measurement should have been done in details. Correlation of Siwalik with Western Himalaya to be more specific. The faults and fault zone may have to be demarcated in an area. In consideration to those faults, the stratigraphy may have to be deciphered. Although, lithostratigraphic variation have been adequately documented, further classification of sandstone units may be taken up. In view of the tectonism in the area of this Siwalik belt, (truncated by thrust fault), it may not be suitable for defining/ delineating a type section or reference section for Siwalik at this stage. 8. GPM/ER/HQ/2013/001 Geophysical mapping in parts of Singhbhum district of Jharkhand, Mayurbhanjdistrict of Odisha and Purulia, Bankura & Medinipur district of West Bengal The magnetic and gravity data have been collected carefully and in systematic way. Attempt should be made to identify the target area favourable for detailed study. 2D modeling showing subsurface density distribution should be attempted which will be helpful for interpretation of gravity and magnetic maps. The performance, till date is not satisfactory and achievement towards the prorate target is dismal. Spillover work of FS 2013-14 need to be intimated to CHQ with proper justification 4 9. GPM/ER/HQ/2013/002 Geophysical mapping in parts of Ranchi & Singhbhum districts of Jharkhand and, Mayurbhanj district of Orissa Attempt should be made to identify the target area favorable for detailed study. Spillover work of FS 2013-14 need to be intimated to CHQ with proper justification. The spillover work of FS 2012-13 should be completed by March 2014. 10. MGR/ER/SR/2013/002 Multichannel bathymetric mapping of part of Central Andaman Trough and study of evolutionary history and possible locales of submarine hydrothermal mineralization in the basin and surround area 11. MGR/ER/SM/2013/231 Multibeam Bathymetric Survey and Magnetic Profiling in the Narcondam-Barren Basin, North Andaman Sea. FSP No.: SM-231, 2013-14/MGR/ER/SM/2013/231 Project dossier is well maintained. The progress of work is well in terms of Swath Bathymetry , Magnetic survey , Seismic survey ,single channel bathymetry ,though shortfall occur in sampling ,ROV, CTD as standardization for quantum of work in a cruise is yet to be done. Data analyses and synthesis for this cruise is yet to be taken up. Title should be scientifically meaningful. Further refinement in NQT is necessary. Project dossier is well maintained. Due to nonavailibility of the Multichannel Echo sounder alternative target was fixed for the magnetic survey of 1000 lkm which has been achieved. The aims and objective of the cruises to be well defined, for offshore part of West Bengal and Odisha Coast. 12. MIP / ER / ST / 2013 / 231 Placer mineral resource evaluation in the territorial waters off Palur – Malud, Odisha. 13. ER / ST / 2013 / 232 “Seabed and Geophysical Mapping of Continental Shelf Region off West Bengal with an Emphasis on down Core Sediment and Faunal Study to Distinguish the Sea Level Fluctuation.” 14. CGM/ ER/ST/2013/233 Geotechnical appraisal off Satpara, Odisha. Bay of Bengal. 5 Project dossier is well maintained. The progress of the work is satisfactory. Stipulated target has been achieved. The identification of the placer minerals in preliminary stages could have taken up. Quantitave analyses of placer minerals could indicate the resources available. The target is achieved Attempt may be taken up for demarcation of palaeo strandlines. Target is achieved. Project dossier does not have RCA/NRCA data,flap is not attached. The geotechnical investigation as carried out need to be thoroughly examined due to limited utility of the data and its takers. A routine geotechnical survey need to be reviewed. It would have been very interesting if palaeo strands of Holocene or younger period could be delineated and dated by suitable techniques. 15. MGR/ ER/ M&CSD Op EC-I/ 2013/ST-234 Paramagnetic surveys off Rushikulay River Mouth, Odisha. Bay of Bengal. 16. ENV/ER/M&CSD/2012/068. Study of Creek Systems and Shoreline Changes in parts of Western Sunderbans, West Bengal. 17. ENV/ER/M&CSD/2013/079 Study of changes in the nature and morphology of east and west facing beaches of South Andaman Islands in response to tectonic disturbances and beach processes. 18. PRS/CHQ/MP/2009/025A National Mission on Geomorphological and Lineament Mapping on 1: 50, 000 scale using satellite data. (Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, WB and NER.) 19. PRS/CHQ/MP/2009/025B National Mission on Geomorphological and Lineament Mapping on 1: 50, 000 scale using satellite data. (Andaman and Nicobar Islands). 6 Shortfall in magnetic survey due to adverse sea condition. The gap area may have to be taken up at the earliest. Project dossier does not have NRCA details, flap is not attached in dossier. Target is achieved. Dossier is well maintained. To include study of suspended particulate matter of the Matla Estuaries for evaluation of elemental concentration and REE concentration. The dynamic and neo-tectonic activity in the study area to be documented. Are the changes cyclic ? Are correlatable with inter-seismic , co- seismic and pre-seismic cycle? This possibility can be verified by studying sedimentary units ( Holocene) in the coastal tracts. Shallow borehole cores (2-5m) may be adequate to examine presence of mud ( estuarine)- peat- peatty soil repetitive sequence indicative of dynamic coasts. Sand layers, rooted trees in growth position , if identified will further support the dynamic nature. This input may add another dimension to this work that is being carried out and maintain a good standard. The overall growth or denudation pattern of Sundarban Delta may have significant societal implication. Brochures are well maintained, flaps are to attached. Targets achieved . Submergence /emergence features of the coast to be studied in detail. To deal with the coastal dynamics,if possible. Study of costal sedimentary units of Holocene is recommended. Other available publications on coastal and neo tectonism may be consulted and accordingly thrust may be given to gap areas. Progress of work is satisfactory. Dossier was not presented (Lab based item) Field check has not been done. Officers are to submit the final report by the end of FS 2013-14 Field check has not been done. Dossier was not presented (lab based item) The work should be completed as per schedule. Dossier was not presented (lab based item) The report should be submitted in time. 20. 21. RP/ER/HQ/2013/002 Development of spectral database of alteration/mineralized zones of Gorubathan and Pedong Lead-Zinc deposits, Darjeeling District, West Bengal using field spectrometer and analysis of spectra. GCM/ER/BR/2013/001 Regional Geochemical mapping around Tutilawa, Pathalgara, Katkamsari and Nagwa areas in Chatra and Hazaribagh districts of Jharkhand covering Toposheet Nos. 72 H/4 and 72H/3 (part). Work to be completed in time. The report to be submitted in time. Progress not satisfactory. Target to be achieved in time. Attempt to upgrade the geological maps may be taken up. Digital photography of the sampling station in (1m× 1m) grid with a sample location tag with coordinates and land marks may be taken up. Sample submission for analysis is not upto the expectation. Delay in execution is due to ground law and order situation. Target achieved The geological maps to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 22. GCM/ER/BR/2013/00 Regional Geochemical mapping around Bagodhar, Bishungarh, Kubri and Maskedih areas in Giridih, Hazaribagh and Koderma districts of Jharkhand covering Toposheet Nos. 72 H/16 & 72 H/15 (part). 23. GCM/ER/BR/2013/003 Regional Geochemical Mapping in Chandrapur, Bokaro, Patan, Chas, Purajara and Ojadih areas in parts of Bokaro, Dhanbad, Giridih districts, Jharkhand covering parts of toposheets 73 I/2 and 73 I/5 The progress of work is satisfactory . 20 of area could not be covered because of Bokaro city. The same area have to be covered in the next toposheet. The geological map should be upgraded if new rocks are identified in the area. 24. GCM/ER/BR/2013/004 Geochemical mapping around Antkadih, Daru Kharika, Bhelwara and Gaira areas in Hazaribagh, Kodarma and Giridih districts of Jharkhand covering toposheet nos. 72 H/12 & 11 (part)”. The progress of work is satisfactory Suggested to include additional OGP area for the 72H/11. The geological maps to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 25. GCM/ER/JH/2013/001 Geochemical Mapping in and around Ghoranji, Jamuwa and Fatehpur area in toposheet nos.72L/3, 4 and southern part of 72L/2 covering parts of Giridih districts of Jharkhand. 26. GCM/ER/JH/2013/002 Geochemical Mapping in and around Govindpur,-Khunti and Torpa in Toposheet No 73E/4,8 And 73F/1. The progress of work is not satisfactory The target has to be completed .If necessary ,man power is to provided , RCA and vehicle problem are to be sorted out by concerned SU Head. The geological maps to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. The progress of work is not satisfactory. The target of the item should be achieved. The geological maps to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 7 27. GCM/ER/JH/2013/003 Geochemical Mapping in and around Bandgaon-Topkara area in toposheet no. 73F/5 and middle part of 73 F/1 covering parts of Khunti and West Singhbhum districts of Jharkhand. The work has been initiated in February 2014 The target of the item must be achieved by deploying additional personal. The SU should provide all infrastructure to field officers. 28. GCM/ER/ODS/2013/001 Regional geochemical mapping around Narsinghpur, Khandapara and Tigiria area in Cuttack, Nayagarh and Khurda districts of Odisha covering Toposheet Nos. 73 H/3 & H/11(in part) . The progress of work is satisfactory . The geological maps to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 29. GCM/ER/ODS/2013/002 Regional Geochemical Mapping around NayagarhSarankula and Banki area in Nayagarh, Khurda and Cuttack districts of Odisha covering Toposheet nos.73H/4 & 73H/11(part). The progress of work is satisfactory .The presentation was very good. Geological map is to be upgraded. Project dossier is well maintained. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 30. GCM/ER/ODS/2013/003 Regional geochemical mapping around BarhambaFategarh and Tulasipur area in Cuttack, Khurda, Dhenkanal and Nayagarh districts of Odisha covering Toposheet nos. 73 H/7&11(part). The progress of work is satisfactory .The presentation was very good. Geological map is to be upgraded. Project dossier is well maintained. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 31. FSP No.: GCM/ER/ODS/2013/004 Regional Geochemical Mapping around Athagarh Dhenkanal and darshanpur area in Cuttack, Dhenkanal and Khurda districts of Odisha covering Toposheet nos. 73 H/10 &11(part) 32. GCM/ER/ODS/2013/005,F.S. Year: 2013-14 Regional Geochemical Mapping around Sukinda-Bhuban and Talabasta area in Jajpur, Dhenkanal, Cuttack and Khurda districts of Odisha covering Toposheet no. 73H/13 & 73H/11 (part). 33. GCM/ER/ODS/2013/006 Regional geochemical mapping around Tangi - Kapileswar and Angaraparha area in Cuttack, Jajpur, Dhenkanal and Khurda districts of Odisha covering Toposheet nos. 73 H/14 &11(part). The progress of work is satisfactory .The presentation was very good. Geological map is to be upgraded. Project dossier is well maintained. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. The presentation is very good and well organized. The project dossier is lacking RCA/NRCA details, and marking flag for easy access of document. Geological map is to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. The presentation of the work is very good and well organized. The project dossier is well maintained but induction of one geologist is not recorded, it needs to be recorded with an office order with an intimation to DDG,PSS. Geological map is to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 8 34. FSP No. GCM/ER/WBAN/2013/001 Regional Geochemical mapping of Toposheet no. 78B/1 & 78B/5 around Mirik, Karsiyang & Tindharia area in parts of Darjeeling district, West Bengal. FSP No. GCM/ER/WBAN/2013/001 The progress of work is satisfactory .The presentation was very good. The project dossier is well maintained Geological map is to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 35. GCM/ER/WBAN/2013/002 Regional Geochemical mapping of Toposheet no. 78B/05 & 78B/09 around Kalijhora, Bagrakot & Odlabari area in parts of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts, W.B. 36. GCM/ER/WBAN/2013/003 Regional Geochemical mapping of Toposheet no. 78A/16 & 78B/13 around Gairibas, Tangta & Chalsa Mahabari area in parts of Darjeling district, West Bengal. GCM/ER/WBAN/2013/003. Regolith samples should not be collected from transported materials. Care must be taken to distinguish between in situ and transported material.. Geological map is to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. Gnessic rocks occurring in the area should be sampled. Geological map is to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. 37. GCM/ER/WBAN/2013/004 Regional Geochemical mapping of Toposheet no. 73I/6 & I/2 around Jaynagar area in parts of Puruliya district, West Bengal & Saharpura, Sindurpeti & Goaldih area in parts of Dhanbad district, Jharkhand. 38. SER/ER/HQ/2013/007 Creation of repository and formulation of programme, monitoring, evaluation of geochemical database under Geochemical Mapping Items in the Region. 9 The project dossier should include the name of newly inducted geologist with office order. The progress of the work is satisfactory and the presentation was also very good. Sample submission is also regular. Geological map is to be upgraded. Digital photograph of each sampling location in 1km×1km grid with sample location tag and land mark is to be made. Geochemical division have to collect Chemical analysis data Toposheet wise ( Excell Sheet with all details) regularly from SUs and Chemical Division and send the same to National Mission Head-I and DDG, PSS-P&M division, CHQ. Have to upgade and circulate the already circulated NGCM report with addition package data available from time to time. The division has to be strengthened with posting of Supervisory officer and additional officer and adequate facility. 3.0.0 MISSION III 39. 40. 41. 42. FSP ITEM No&TITLE SUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE DB/ER/BR /2012/001 Title :Creation of theme based database of degree sheet 72 D. DB/ER/BR /2012/001 MAP/ER/HQ/2012/001 Compilation of New Series (Second Edition) of Geological Quadrangle Maps, 1:250K GQM. The progress is satisfactory and the target will be completed as per schedule. DB/ER/ODS/2012/ 001 Creation of theme based data base in Degree sheet 73 H DB/ER/WBAN/2013/001 Creation of theme based database of degree sheet No. 78C and 78D . Item should be completed as per schedule The progress of the work pertaining to 250 K is satisfactory and will be completed as per schedule. The item has to be completed with incorporation of data into portal database. Regional Mission Head should authenticate correctness of database. Environmental parameter in digitized layers need to be uploaded into the portal data base. Missing data pertaining to some of the toposheets of 78 C and 78D are to be uploaded by end of March. 43. M-III/ER/HQ/2013/001 Updation and linking of Oracle database with 50K GMS (Geological Map Series) spatial database and additional data entry in Geoscientific database. The item is progressing well and to be completed as per schedule. 44. MAP/ER/HQ/2012/001 Compilation of new series (second edition) of Geological Quadrangle Maps, 1:250K based on the recently uploaded 1:50K GMS maps. The digitized layer of 250 K maps need to be prepared from the digitized layers of 50k maps in shape file format already loaded in the portal data base . Conversion of map 50 k layers to D×F format should not be encouraged. To provide the status of compilation of Regional and intra regional sheets. A workshop should be arranged by HOD NMH-III to resolve the differences (see Sl no 43). First version of QGM should be completed (only 294 maps completed another 40 maps need to be completed on priority) The item to be completed as per schedule. 45. 46. SER/ER/HQ/2013/015 Scrutiny of Scientific Papers/Dissemination information/Library activities. SER/ 2013-14/MAP/ M&CSD /2013/ 001 Compilation and Digitisation of EEZ seabed map 10 of The item is to be completed as per schedule. 47. 48. 49. 50. SER/ 2013-14/MAP/ M&CSD /2013/ 002 TW map scrutiny, modification, finalization and publication SER/ 2013-14/MAP/ M&CSD /2013/ 003 Miscellaneous Service Item NET/M&CSD/2013/001 Network Management and System Administration DB/M&CSD/2013/001 Enrichment of Geoscientific database. The item is to be completed as per schedule The item is to be completed as per schedule The item to be completed as per schedule. 600 cruises data has been entered. By the end of 2014-15 all the data to be incorporated in geoscientific database 51. DB/M&CSD/2013/002 Creation of data base and archiving of swath bathymetry data. Compilation of all EEZ maps to be completed by April 2014. 4.0.0 MISSION II FSP ITEM No &TITLE 52. Mineral Prognostication, ERHQ, Policy Support System (PSS) Creation of exploration model in the part of Singhbhum Shear Zone through prospective maps to find out new target areas for copper, gold and associated minerals. 53. ME/ER/BR/2013/001. Preliminary search for gold mineralization along and adjoining Jhajha-Jamui shear zone at northeast of Sono area, Jamui district , Bihar (G4).” 54. ME/ER/BR/2013/002 “Investigation for Gold in volcano-sediments, volcanics and associated plutonic rocks around Majhauli – Ajaynagar – Ghansura area of Gaya district, Bihar, (G4)” SUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE Good work is being done. Data synthesis has been carried out in positive note. Presentation is excellent. Data capturing and some analysis of mapping and geochemical data are going on in a very positive note. Absence of laboratory data, particularly EPMA and Fluid inclusions may cause problems in work and hence need to be generated through another additional project/ item. A collaboration with a national level institute like ISI, Kolkata may be thought of. Item should be continued. Work is progressing well. The item is expected to be completed in time. Presentation is also very good. Drilling should be in more planned way. Further probing in the area may not be encouraged, because results are not very encouraging. Adequate work has already been carried on a stray 1.2 ppm .Au value in initial stage of investigation. However, BMQ may be evaluated for resources of Fe. Planning for prorate target should have been carried out. 11 Presentation of the item is appreciable Source rock of gold may be identified. Drilling achievement till date is poor. Borehole location map, section and its indexing to be rechecked. Target is to be completed by March 2014 as per the FSP (reduced target as conveyed.) The control of gold mineralization may be established from the petrological and chemical analysis from the possible litho units so that the mineralization processes and nature is deciphered. 55. ME/ER/JH/2013/001 “Investigation for gold in Sindauri-Ghansyampur Block, Ranchi District, Jharkhand.” 56. ME/ER/JH/2012/001 Investigation for gold in Largadih-Balidih Saraikela-Kharsawan District, Jharkhand Block, 57. ME/ER/JH/2013/002 “Investigation for gold in Bhitar Dari – Hakegora area, East Singhbhum district,Jharkhand. 12 Borehole logging should be in more detail. Gold and sulphide association may be investigated. Item to be continued in 2014-15. The presentation of the item was very well. Potential occurrences of gold in this area is encouraging Target of drilling is almost in the stage of completion (85% completed.) From the second level drilling, it seems that the zone of gold mineralization could be wider. The mineralized zone should have been delineated prior to taking drilling. So that sulphide zones encountered at shallower depths and in the hanging wall side in the deeper boreholes could have been anticipated. Gold association with sulphide to be investigated in detail. Geophysical survey should be given emphasis in this investigation. A thorough analyses of the sulphide zone and mineralized zone from the trenching and scout drilling could have helped in deciphering possible mineralized zone.. Need to verify the character of brecciated quartz/quartzite, and find out whether it is volcanic breccias or sedimentary breccias or sheared quartzite or could be even solution breccias. Borehole planning need to be checked in accordance with channel sampling (analyse each sample in the channel to avoid stray high abnormal values). The committee expresses its concern as drilling has stopped since Jan’14 due to forest clearance. This has resulted in idling the rig and the issue should be resolved. DDG, State Unit may intervene on this priority issue. The genetic modeling may have to be done. If the positive results come from the present investigation the left block (Eastern )may be probed later on. The presentation of the item was very good. Reported 125 ppm Au value in previous year may be due to nugget effect. The control of mineralization need to be established. Mineralized zone should be mapped and marked on the map. The item is to be continued. 58. ME/ER/JH/2012/003 Investigation for rare metals and REE in Chotanagpur Gneissic Complex in Dublaberatoli-Sundil area, Ranchi District, Jharkhand.” 59. ME/ER/JH/2012/005 Investigation for rare metals and REE in Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex in and around Kasidih area, Ranchi District, Jharkhand. 60. 61. ME/ER/JH/2013/005 Search for potentiality of titanium, and vanadium i the bauxite of Serangdag Plateau in Garna Hanrup-KaprapatRisapattoli-Kurbetola area of Gumla District,Jharkhand. (G-4). ME/ER/JH/2013/004 Reconnaissance for low grade iron ore, manganese ore and limestone in the rocks of Iron Ore and Kolhan Group in the parts of Bambasai-Dumurjowa-Mongra Block , West Singhbhum distrist Jharkhand.” 13 The differentiation, if any ,may be worked out in pegmatites. The nature and composition of the adjacent granitic body in the southern side may be studied also. The compositional variation of the pegmatites, from one to another and as well within individual pegmatite has to be studied in depth. The aspects of those compositional variation with reference to the distance from the granitic body also to be worked out. The pegmatite with tourmaline and albite need to be studied in detail for REE and RM occurrences. Accordingly sampling has to be done. In such coarse grained rock bilk sampling is preferred to groove/channel sample. The officers may visit the Beku- Belamu to see the control of mineralization. From the mineral phases identified, it seems both HREE and LREE are present beside other rare metals. Break up of HREE and LREE with associated other rare metals to be studied. The relationship between grain size and HREE and LREE concentrations to be established. The factors such as fractures and minor shears and permeability may be studied, also for their relationship with the concentration of REE and RM. Find out whether the granite samples with high REE are close to the pegmatite bodies. Find out whether there is development of skarn in contact with the calc silicate. Incidentally the skarns are good sources of rare metals. Scintilometer survey to be carried out. Analysis of Ga, Ti and V are not received. Sampling of laterite to be carried out in scarp section or in pits for possible concentration of targeted elements along with REE and other rare metals Drilling is likely to be covered as committed. Focus should be given in V and Ga Surface sampling may be done. The project should be reoriented. Since there is no indication of iron ore that could be significant, a detailed prelimnary study could have avoided taking up such item. The item may be completed as scheduled. However potentiality of limestone occurrences may have to be looked in to.. 62. ME/ER/JH/2013/005 “Investigation for apatite and associated minerals in the apatite magnetite rocks around Lanka-Parbahal areas, Bokaro district, Jharkhand 63. 64. 65. . ME/ER/ODS/2013/001 Recconnaitory stage investigation for chromite around Tulasipasi, Mahupal and Bhuasuni Parbat, Dhenkanal district, Odisha ME/ER/ODS/2013/002/052 “Investigation for Manganese in Dengula-Bandhal area, Bonai-Kendujhar Belt, Sundergarh district, Odisha ME / ER / ORS / 2012 / 003 Investigation for gold in Barkeram-Chalkadisahi and Champani-Hatia blocks of Badampahar- Gorumahisani belt, Mayurbhanj district, Odisha Sampling /PT may be recorded as well as core sample study. AMD may be contacted for G-ray logging of the Borehole. Item is not formulated properly, it may not continue in coming years unless some promising zone for exploration is reported/analysed. 1000 nos CS in the NQT has been printed wrongly. It may be corrected as 100 no. The work is progressing well. Dimensions (length and width) of Chromiferous zones/bands/lenses need to be established FS targets should be achieved. Number of days of field officers in field should be increased. Chemical analysis needed for assessment of work. Field work is carried out very well. Shearing as observed may be worked out in detail. The host rock of gold mineralization is yet to be identified with any degree of certainty. . 66. 67. 68. ME/ER/ORS/2012/001 Exploration for iron ore in Kalamang west block, Sundergarh district, Odisha. ME/ER/ODS/2013/003 Exploration for iron ore in Mendhamaruni block, Sundergarh district, Orissa ME/ER/WBAN/2013/001. Preliminary search for Ni, Cr & PGE group of elements in mafic-ultramafic suite of rocks in parts of BagaliaSonaijuri -Kashipur-Gopalpur sector, T.S. 73 I/11, Purulia district, West Bengal 69. ME/C/ER/NEnR/2012/001. “Regional exploration for Lignite in Adharsuli Sector, Raniganj Lignite Field, Barddhaman district, West Bengal.” 14 The work is progressing well, all inputs will be achieved and presentation is very good. CGPB group (Fe) may be contacted whether the deeper iron ore below valley level is acceptable in NMI of IBM. The work is progressing well,field work carried out is very well. Further unexplored areas of the block may be drilled by all the three drilling units of Fe-ore investigation during the current FS 2013-14 after getting approval from DG GSI. The work is progressing in the right direction. Item may be continued. Find out the mineral phase of Chromium, as no results of Cr has been received so for. Analysis is to be done for cobalt and vanadium. Work out the detailed petrography of mafic and ultramafic rocks. Item may be continued. Item is closed. An expert group (should include persons familiar with investigations in Damodar-Koel Valley Coal occurrences) should evaluate whether any potential area still remains to be explored in Barddhaman district. ME/C/ER/HQ/2013/002. “Prelimnary exploration of Coal by scout drilling around Gaurangapur-Bankati Area towards east of BistupurDandeswar Sector, Raniganj Coalfield, Barddhaman district 71. ME/C/ER/NEnR/2013/001 Regional exploration for coal in Kamalpur Block, Raniganj Coalfield, Barddhaman district, West Bengal Item is closed. An expert group (should include persons familiar with investigations in Damodar-Koel Valley Coal occurrences) should evaluate whether any potential area still remains to be explored in Barddhaman district. 72. ME/ER/NEnR/2013/002 “Preliminary exploration for Lignite by scout drilling in Tertiary sediments around Krishnanagar Area in northern part of Raniganj Coalfield, Birbhum district, West Bengal Item is closed. Lignite of Teriary period was not encountered in any of the boreholes and technical evaluation suggested a mid-way correction of the item. Therefore it is suggested that; An expert group (should include persons familiar with investigations in Damodar-Koel Valley Coal occurrences) should evaluate whether any potential area still remains to be explored in Barddhaman district. 70. 73. ME/ ER/NEnR/ 2012/001(continuous item). Regional exploration for Gondwana coal under the cover of Tertiary sedimentaries in Heruka sector, Birbhum Coalfield, Birbhum district, West Bengal. 74. ME/ER/NEnR/2012/002 (continuous item) Exploration for coal in Gazipur West Sector to the west of Gazipur Area, Rajmahal Master Basin, Birbhum district, West Bengal 75. ME/C/ER/NEnR/2010/00 Regional exploration for coal in Grindola block, Ib-River Coalfield, Jharsuguda district, Odisha. ME/C/ER/NEnR/2012/002 Regional exploration for coal in Bandbahal block, Ib-River Coalfield, Jharsuguda district, Odisha ME/C/ER/NEnR/2013/003 Regional exploration for coal in Bartap block, Ib-River Coalfield, Jharsuguda district, Odisha ME/C/ER/NEnR/2012/003 Regional Exploration for coal in Chadchadi Block, 76. 77. 78. 15 Deeper capacity rig may be deployed in this item. An expert group (should include persons familiar with investigations in Damodar-Koel Valley Coal occurrences) should evaluate whether any potential area still remains to be explored in Barddhaman district. The second borehole was totally barren with Tertiary and Rajmahal Traps upto almost 700m .This should have been closed much before.The continuity is to be explained. CBM study not encouraging. Geophysical logging should have been carried out. Not much economic resources in the area could be inferred. So the item may be closed. Most of the boreholes are showing non coal intersection except one, though the item is approved for continuation in FS 2014-15 continuations. It needs to be reviewed. As the Birbhum Coal field is showing very less prospect, GSI may again start coal exploration in Jharkhand. Jharkhand State unit can help in this regard. Deep drilling may be one option for exploration of coal in the area after a thorough basin analyses. The work carried out so far is very much satisfactory. The work carried out so far is very much satisfactory. The work carried out so far is very much satisfactory. Closed due to lease hold area notification by DGH. 79. Talcher coalfield, Sambalpur and Deogarh districts, Odisha ME/C/ER/NEnR/2013/004 Exploration for coal by scout drilling in northeastern extension of Nuagaon North Block, Talcher Coalfield, Deogarh district, Odisha. LSM target completed. The status of leasehold from DGH may be verified, so that any expenditure by GSI is not incurred. 80. ME/ ER/HQ /2013/001 Exploration by scout drilling for Gondwana coal under the cover of younger formations in Mirjagaon area, northern side of Hura North Extension block, Rajmahal Group of Coalfields, Bhagalpur district, Bihar Item just initiated and target may be achieved in time. 81. ME/C/ER/ODS/2013/004 Exploration for coal by scout drilling in Kantaikoliya area, Talcher Coalfield, Angul district, Odisha Item just initiated and target may be achieved in time. 4.0.0Mission-IV 82. ENV/ER/BR/2013/001 Geo-Environmental Assessment of Gaya urban agglomerates, Gaya district, Bihar. Division Name: Urban Geology. 83. ENV/ER/ODS/2013/001 Study of coastal processes in Ganjam (19°23’21”: 85° 03’11”) – Paluru (19° 27’12”: 85° 07’35”) sector, Ganjam and Puri districts of Odisha. 84. ENV/ER/ODS/2013/002 Study of fluoride incidences in surface and ground water in Rairakhol-Kadligarh –Kishornagar area, Sambalpur & Angul districts of Odisha. 85. 86. 87. 88. ENV/ER/WBAN/2013/001 To decipher the Strand line evolution of Digha coast, W.B.. ENV/ER/WBAN/2013/001 RP/ER/WBAN/2013/001 Characterization and petrogenesis of the chromite and chromite bearing mafic-ultra mafic rocks of Andaman ophiolite. RP/ER/WBAN/2013/001 SEI/ER/HQ/2012/003 Seismic microzonation of Patna town. SEI/ER/HQ/2012/002 16 Very good work. Interaction with urban planning of state government is desired, particularly before taking up the item. The data obtained has to be utilized by the state or other stakeholder otherwise all the exercise goes invain. Such items has to be undertaken as a collaborative item A few specific recommendations should be made from the study. Work done by MCSD and other unit on coastal processes may be compiled first before taking up any such item in future. No alkaline body identified in the zone (NESW) that separates the cratonic blocks from EGMB. The fluoride bearing minerals in rocks has to be identified. Analytical results are not sufficient to substantiate the interpretation. The interpretation has to be corroborated by field and lab. based studies. Target of PRSNT map 1:500 scale has to carried on. It may be completed as per NQT Dating of ridges may be attempted. Very good presentation NQT target progressed well. The findings were important The petrographic work carried so far vis –a-vis mineral chemistry is significant. Field stay of supervisory officer is just one day. It may be increased in the remaining part of the F.S. NQT target progressed well. Study is very through in all subject. Overall quality of work is very good. Overall quality is satisfactory. The worker have Active fault mapping in East Patna Fault, Bihar 89. SEI/ER/HQ/2012/002 Study of Crustal deformation and strain buildup along MFT, MBT, MCT and transverse faults in Darjeeling – Sikkim Himalaya and foothills in West Bengal through Geodetic survey using DGPS. 90. RP/ER/HQ/2013/005 Characterization and genesis of clay deposits in Tertiary sediments of Birbhum Coalfield, Birbhum district, West Bengal. 91. Characterization of lamproites and associated intrusive of Damodar valley coalfield, West Bengal and Jaharkhand. RP/ER/HQ/2013/004. Petrographic work is not satisfactory and inconclusive. Conclusion about the origin is not based on evidence Scope for further quality work is there. NQT targets have been merely achieved. Petrographic evidence are very convincing. Mineral chemistry also indicate lamproitic nature of dyke. The work is of high quality. The item taken up and executed in very systematic manner which help identifying Paleocene foraminifera from Andaman . The effort put by the worker is wonderful and appreciable. Overall assessment is excellent. The target may be achieved in due time. The item may be completed in schedule time. The item may be completed in schedule time. The item may be completed in schedule time. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. RP/ER/HQ/2013/003 Study of foraminifera and algae from Tertiary sediments of North Andaman Island, Andaman SEI/ER/HQ/2013/001 Electrical imaging of crustal structures by magnetotelluric and resistivity surveys along a traverse from Islampur to Karandighi in Bengal basin. LHZ/ER/HQ/2013/002 Site specific stability assessment of Tindharia landslide on NH-55, Darjeeling District, West Bengal. LHZ/ER/HQ/2013/001 Site specific stability assessment of Dalapchand Landslide near Kalimpong, Darjeeling District, West Bengal for suggesting remedial measures . SER/ER/HQ/2013/016 Collecting inventory information of emergent and prominent landslides along major road corridors and settlement areas of Sikkim-Darjeeling Himalayas. 17 taken care of all the aspect of the study. T.L dating may be attempted for few samples. Item just initiated, the delay could have been avoided through proper planning.Target may be achieved in time.
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