8 LegalNotes 3 International Arbitration in Mauritius New developments in 2013 KENYA Mushtaq Namdarkhan Associate BLC Chambers [email protected] Anjarwalla & Khanna is the largest corporate law firm in Eastern Africa. The firm is ranked first in Kenya by various legal guides, including Chambers Global, IFLR 1000, Legal PLCplaces Which Lawyer (b) one of the500, following is situated outside theGuide State in which the parties have and Euromoney to the World’s their place of business: (i) the juridical seat Leading Project Finance Lawyers. Aleem Tharani I Anjarwalla & Khanna I [email protected] Undertaking infrastructure projects in Kenya: Get the contract right! Introduction of the arbitration, if determined in, or pursuant to, the arbitration agreement; or (ii) any place where a substantial part of the obligations of the commercial relationship is to be performed or the place with which the subject matter of the dispute is most closely connected; (c) the parties have expressly agreed that the subject matter of the arbitration agreement relates to more than or that the Kenya has seen a significant rise in infrastructure developments in the recent past, especially in one theState fields of real was enacted, together with the Supreme Introduction IAA 2008 applies to their arbitration; or Court (International ArbitrationThis Claims) estate development, and infrastructure. has been caused by various factors including a Mauritius, aside from beingenergy known as a transportation Rules 2013 (the IA Rules). financial centre and a gateway to investment demand for housing by the rising population, infrastructure demands caused (d) bythe growing investor interest in the arbitration arises under an arbitration into Africa, is increasingly being recognised as country and the Government’s Vision 2030 development blue print, whose aim clause is to included achievein industrialization the constitution of a by The IAA 2008 an international arbitration destination – an global business (offshore) company. the year 2030. The IAA 2008 is an adaptation of the alternative option to London and Paris. UNCITRAL Model Law on International The IAA 2008 applies to international Commercial Arbitration (the Model In 2008, the International Act Putting together an Arbitration infrastructure project, be it skyscrapers, roads,Law). power projects or which a realhave estate development arbitrations Mauritius as their Previously, in international arbitration in (the IAA 2008) was enacted by the Mauritian involves amalgamating several constituent elements. An integral ingredient to any project the construction juridical seat, save for is a few provisions which Mauritius, the IAA 2008 applied alongside the Parliament. The IAA 2008 set out the rules apply whether the juridical seat is in Mauritius contract which sets out the terms andConvention conditions pertaining the carrying out of the main building works in on the Recognitionto and applicable to international arbitration in or not, these relate to (i) referrals to the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Act respect of the project. A well drafted contract that is clear on the terms could have a significant effect on the cost, Mauritius and also established the Mauritius Supreme Court of Mauritius from other courts 2001 (CREFAA 2001), which domesticated the International Centre In timing and Arbitration completion of(MIAC). the project. to determine whether the parties ought to be New York Convention on the Recognition and 2011, MIAC entered into an agreement with referred to arbitration instead; (ii) applications Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. the London Court of International Arbitration to the Supreme Court to obtain interim What should a project contract provide for? (LCIA), giving birth to the LCIA-MIAC measures in connection with international Under the IAA 2008, “International Arbitration Centre. arbitration proceedings; and (iii) the defined any arbitration The key concerns for most developers ofarbitration” a projectis are as as follows: recognition in Mauritius of interim measures where: In 2013, in a bid to further cement the granted by an arbitral tribunal. (a) the parties to an arbitration agreement position of Mauritius as a venue for •adjudicating ensuring that works are completed in accordance with the construction have, at the time of the conclusion of the programme for the project; international disputes, the The general purport of the IAA 2008 is to •International ensuring that the works are completed within budget; agreement, their place of business in Arbitration (Miscellaneous encourage parties to resort to international different States; 2013 (the are IAA Amending Act) •Provisions) whereActprojects to be financed, ensuring that the risk allocations in the various project contracts will be acceptable to potential lenders and financiers; and 3 LegalNotes 9 arbitration, and to limit the intervention by the Mauritian Courts. Appeals against decisions made by the Supreme Court under the IAA 2008 are made directly to the Privy Council. Key changes under the IAA Amending Act There are several key changes which offer clarity and bolster international arbitration in Mauritius. These are: (a) The IAA Amending Act offers clarity in recognition and enforcement or foreign arbitral awards, as it repeals provisions on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards contained in the Code of Civil Procedure. The effect is that the IAA 2008 and the CREFAA 2001 are the applicable statutes to enforcement of Aleem Tharani I Anjarwalla & Khanna I [email protected] foreign awards. KENYA Anjarwalla & Khanna is the largest corporate law firm in Eastern Africa. The firm is ranked first in Kenya by various legal guides, including Chambers Global, IFLR 1000, Legal 500, PLC Which Lawyer and Euromoney Guide to the World’s Leading Project Finance Lawyers. (b)The IAA Amending Act introduces “Designated Judges”, being 6 judges Undertaking infrastructure projects in Kenya: The IAA Rules designated for a period of 5 years by the The IAA Rules, which are intended to be a GetChief theJustice contract right! as being the only judges who comprehensive and stand-alone procedural documents, such as shareholders’ agreements provide for other modes or forums of dispute resolution. Investors do not therefore, have to shall hear applications under the IAA 2008 be subject of Mauritius arbitration if they do code for matters arising under the IAA 2008 Introduction and CREFAA 2001. This should in the long not wish for it to be so, since the mandatory or CREFAA 2001, also impose rigorous case term enable those judges to acquire an requirements only relate to disputes arising management timelines in order to expedite Kenya has inseen a significant rise in infrastructure developments in the recent out past, especially the fields of real expertise the field of international of the company’s in constitution. the proceedings as much as possible. Those arbitration. Designated energy judges can exclude timelines relate notably to the This filing has and been caused by various factors including a estate development, and transportation infrastructure. Conclusion persons other than the parties and their serving of infrastructure written evidence, the agreement demand for housing by the rising population, demands caused The by changes growing investor in the brought by theinterest IAA Amending legal representatives to attend the court between the parties of an estimated length of country and the Government’s Vision 2030 development blue print, whose aim by Act is areto setachieve to improveindustrialization the international proceedings and restrict the publication hearing of an application, the filing of a court arbitration landscape in Mauritius, further the ofyear 2030. relating to the court information bundle or brief of evidence and documents to providing incentives to make Mauritius the proceedings in order to preserve be used at the hearing, and the filing and destination of choice for both investment confidentiality. serving argumentsroads, and bundles Putting together an infrastructure project, beofitskeleton skyscrapers, power projects or aresolution. real estate development and dispute of authorities by the parties. involves amalgamating several constituent elements. An integral ingredient to any project is the construction (c) The IAA Amending Act introduces witness contract which sets out the terms andEffect conditions pertaining to the carrying out of the main building works in statements as a method of adducing of changes on investors evidence in proceedings respect of the project. before A wellthedrafted contract that isBusiness clear on Companies the terms could have a significant effect on the cost, and Global Supreme Court under the IAA 2008 and Chambers Global, IFLR 1000 timing and completion of the project. The IAA Amending Act has clarified that the CREFAA 2001. A witness statement only IAA 2008 is to provide that only disputes and PLC Which Lawyer? needs to be verified by a statement of truth arising out of the constitution of a global all recognise BLC Chambers as What should project by the witness. a This seems to contract indicate that provide business for? company are to be subject to a top-tier law firm in Mauritius. witness statements (which, unlike arbitration under IAA 2008 and not disputes BLC works closely with AXIS are not public documents) sworn to the company” as was previously Theaffidavits, key concerns for most developers of“relating a project are as follows: Fiduciary Ltd, a specialist service abroad would not need to be subject to provided in the IAA 2008. The effect of this is the cumbersome process of apostille before provider with expertise in that there is no conflict where the constitution • being ensuring thatasworks completed inaaccordance with the construction the project; admissible evidenceare before the of GBC 1 or a GBC 2 company provides for programme offshore for companies, trusts and Court. • Supreme ensuring that the works are completed within budget; arbitration under IAA 2008, and other investor fund administration. • where projects are to be financed, ensuring that the risk allocations in the various project contracts will be acceptable to potential lenders and financiers; and
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