TANJUNG OFFSHORE BERHAD (“TANJUNG” OR THE “COMPANY”) PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF THE MARINE OFFSHORE BUSINESSES OF THE VENDOR GROUP (AS DEFINED HEREIN) BY TANJUNG 1. INTRODUCTION On behalf of the Board of Directors of Tanjung (“Board”), AFFIN Investment Bank Berhad (“AFFIN Investment”) wishes to announce that the Company had on 5 June 2014 entered into two (2) heads of agreements (“HOAs”) the details of which are as follows: (i) a heads of agreement with: (a) Farid Khan Bin Kaim Khan (“FK”) and his business partners; (b) Mower Tunggal Jaya PT, Megagold Indonesia PT and Zona Maju Mapan PT (collectively referred to as the “BNI Shareholders”) and their business partners; and (c) Bourbon Far East Pte Ltd (“Bourbon FE”); (collectively referred to as the “Vendor Group”) in relation to the proposed acquisition of the marine offshore businesses which comprise the companies set out in Section 2.1 below (“HOA 1”); and (ii) a heads of agreement with FK, the BNI Shareholders and their respective business partners in relation to the proposed subscription of Mudharabah Redeemable Preference Shares (“MRPS”) to be issued by Bahtera Niaga Internasional PT (“BNI”) which will allow Tanjung to participate in the net profits and dividend cash flows of the vessel assets and subsidiary/associate interests of BNI set out in Section 2.1 below (“HOA 2”); (collectively referred to as the “Proposed Acquisition”). Pursuant to the HOAs, Tanjung and the Vendor Group have agreed to negotiate exclusively in good faith the detailed terms and conditions of the Proposals (as defined in Section 2 below) with the intention to finalise and enter into the relevant definitive agreements within three (3) months from the date of the HOAs or such other period as the parties may mutually agree upon. HOA 1 and HOA 2 are inter-conditional upon each other. The HOAs are not intended to be legally binding save for the issue price of the Consideration Shares (as defined in Section 2 below) and the clauses on Abortion, Inter-conditionality, Exclusivity Period, Exclusivity, Confidentiality and Governing Law and Jurisdiction, further details of which are set out in Section 3 below. Further details of the Vendor Group and BNI are set out in Appendices I and III of this announcement, respectively. Page 1 of 14 2. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSALS 2.1 Proposed Acquisition HOA 1 will enable Tanjung to acquire the following equity interest in the Vendor Group’s marine offshore businesses: (i) 51% equity interest in Bourbon Labuan Asset Ltd, a company which has property rights on three (3) offshore support vessels (“OSV”); (ii) 51% equity interest in Bourbon Offshore Labuan Ltd, a company which has property rights on six (6) OSVs; (iii) 51% equity interest in Bourbon Offshore Mitra Sdn Bhd, a licensed ship manager for the assets of Bourbon Labuan Asset Ltd and Bourbon Offshore Labuan Ltd; (iv) 100% equity interest in Labuan SPV 1, a company which would have property rights on four (4) anchor handling tug supply (“AHTS”) vessels; (v) 100% equity interest in Jack Sparrow Ltd, a company which would have property rights on two (2) OSVs; (vi) 100% equity interest in Labuan SPV 2, a company which would have property rights on six (6) OSVs and one (1) AHTS; (vii) 100% equity interest in Bahtera Sri Kandi Sdn Bhd, a licensed contractor of Petroliam Nasional Berhad; (viii) Up to 100% equity interest in Synergy Kenyalang Offshore Sdn Bhd, a company which owns one (1) OSV; and (ix) 100% equity interest in Bahtera Niaga Indonesia (Labuan) Ltd. The HOA 2 will enable Tanjung to have interest participation in the net profits and dividend cash flows of the following vessel assets and subsidiary/associates of BNI through the subscription of the MRPS: (x) participation of up to 51% of the net profits and dividend cash flows of Surf Marine Indonesia PT, a company which has property rights over five (5) OSVs, sixteen (16) crew boats and one (1) bulk carrier; (xi) participation of up to 51% of the net profits and dividend cash flows of Bahtera Niaga Indonesia PT, a company which has property rights over two (2) OSVs; (xii) participation of up to 51% of the net profits and dividend cash flows of Bahtera Nusantara Indonesia PT, a company which has property rights over four (4) OSVs; and (xiii) participation of up to 100% of the net profits and dividend cash flows derived from the operations of ten (10) OSVs directly owned by BNI. (The above items (i) – (xiii) shall collectively be referred to as the “Target Acquisition Portfolio”) Page 2 of 14 The consideration sum for the Target Acquisition Portfolio will be determined later and will be satisfied by the issuance of such number of new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in Tanjung (“Tanjung Shares” or “Shares”) where the said Shares will be issued at a fixed issue price of RM0.708 per Tanjung Share (“Consideration Shares”). Further details of the Target Acquisition Portfolio are set out in Appendix II of this announcement. 2.2 Proposed Special Issue The Company proposes to increase the issued and paid-up capital of the Company upon the completion of the Proposed Acquisition by issuing such number of new Tanjung Shares at the same issue price as the Consideration Shares which has been fixed at RM0.708 per Tanjung Share, the quantum of which is to be determined upon the execution of the relevant definitive agreements (“Proposed Special Issue”). The Company proposes to invite Bourbon FE, FK, the BNI Shareholders and Investment 1 SPV (“ISPV”) to subscribe for new Shares where the consideration for the new Shares shall be satisfied in cash. The Company further proposes to invite the arranger of the Proposed Acquisition to subscribe for new Shares in the Company in consideration of the arranger’s fee. For the avoidance of doubt, none of the abovementioned invitees are existing shareholders of Tanjung as at the date of this announcement. 2.3 Proposed Exemption As a consequence of the Proposed Acquisition and the Proposed Special Issue, the shareholdings of the Vendor Group and their parties acting in concert (“PACs”) are expected to be more than 33% of the enlarged issued and paid-up share capital of Tanjung upon the completion of the said proposals. In this regard, pursuant to Part III of Paragraph 9(1) of the Malaysian Code on Take-Overs and Mergers, 2010 (“Code”), the Vendor Group will be required to make a mandatory take-over offer to acquire all the remaining Tanjung Shares not already owned by the Vendor Group and their PACs. Hence, the parties will cooperate in seeking for an exemption from the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”) pursuant to Practice Note 9 of the Code from the obligation to undertake a mandatory take-over offer to acquire all the remaining Tanjung Shares not already owned by the Vendor Group and their PACs upon the completion of the Proposed Acquisition and the Proposed Special Issue (“Proposed Exemption”). 2.4 Proposed Offering Upon the completion of the Proposed Acquisition and the Proposed Special Issue, the Company proposes to undertake a proposed renounceable rights issue on the basis of 1 new Tanjung Share for each existing Tanjung Share held by the shareholders of Tanjung at the close of business on an entitlement date to be determined later (“Proposed Rights Issue”) and a proposed offering of new Tanjung Shares to investors to be identified (“Proposed Offering”). The amount of new Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Rights Issue and the Proposed Offering will be determined prior to the execution of the relevant definitive agreements. 1 ISPV is a company related to the arranger, as both the ISPV and the arranger share the same shareholders. ISPV is encouraged to participate in the Proposed Special Issue by the Vendor Group as a hallmark of confidence of value creation in the Proposed Acquisition, by the arranger. Page 3 of 14 2.5 Proposed Offer for Sale There may also be a proposed offer for sale of Tanjung Shares held by certain existing shareholders of Tanjung to be identified which will be undertaken concurrently with the Proposed Offering (“Proposed OFS”). 2.6 Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital The Company proposes to increase the authorised share capital of Tanjung to such amount as to cater for the issuance of new Tanjung Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposals (as defined herein) (“Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital”). 2.7 Proposed M&A Amendments The Company proposes to amend its memorandum and articles of association of Tanjung pursuant to the Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital (“Proposed M&A Amendments”). 2.8 Proposed Group Reorganisation post Proposed Acquisition Upon the completion of the Proposed Acquisition, the management of the Company will undertake a detailed review of the existing businesses of Tanjung and its subsidiaries (“Tanjung Group” or the “Group”) and may reorganise the existing businesses of the Tanjung Group within 18 months from the completion of the Proposed Acquisition. The Company also proposes to dispose of its shares in 7 New Market Holdings Limited (formerly known as Wavenet Holdings Investments Ltd) by exercising its put option with HB Properties Plc (please refer to the Company’s announcement dated 23 May 2014 for further details on the above). (The above shall collectively be referred to as the “Proposed Group Reorganisation”) 2.9 Proposed Warrants Issue to FK and key management personnel to be identified The Company proposes to issue warrants to FK and key management personnel to be identified where each warrant will be exercisable into 1 new Tanjung Share at an exercise price of RM0.708 per Tanjung Share (“Proposed Warrants Issue”). These warrants will not be transferrable and will not be listed. The warrants have an exercise period of up to three (3) years from the issue date and are exercisable anytime from the date of eligibility until expiry subject to FK and the key management personnel to be identified creating value for the shareholders of Tanjung where such value will be measured against the future market price performance of Tanjung Shares. The new Shares to be issued arising from the exercise of the warrants cannot be sold until the expiry of a moratorium as described in Section 3 below. The Proposed Warrants Issue is subject to the completion of the Proposed Offering. The number of warrants to be issued is to be determined prior to the execution of the relevant definitive agreements and is dependent upon, inter-alia, the number of Conversion Shares. (The Proposed Acquisition, Proposed Exemption, Proposed Special Issue, Proposed Rights Issue, Proposed Offering, Proposed OFS, Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital, Proposed M&A Amendments and Proposed Warrants Issue shall be collectively referred to as the “Proposals”) Page 4 of 14 3. SALIENT TERMS OF THE HOAs 3.1 Key terms of the HOAs 3.1.1 Valuation (i) For the purpose of the Proposed Acquisition, the valuation of the Target Acquisition Portfolio comprising businesses in: (a) provision of marine offshore vessels and related services to the offshore oil and gas industry; and (b) sub-sea operations; shall take into account the appraised valuation of the vessels and assets acquired based on an independent valuers’ valuation, price-earnings 2 multiples, price-to-book multiples and EV/EBITDA multiples and the discounted cash flow method, and (c) oil and gas engineering and related services shall take into account a price-earnings multiple, EV/EBITDA multiple and the discounted cash flow method; subject to change depending on the outcome of the due diligence exercise. (ii) 3.2 The purchase consideration for the Proposed Acquisition shall be satisfied by the Consideration Shares. Management and Committees Upon the completion of the Proposals, the Board of Tanjung shall procure: 2 (i) the appointment of Datuk Wira Harzani Azmi as Non-Executive Chairman; (ii) the appointment of FK as Group Managing Director; (d) the appointment of an Executive Director to manage the Group’s operations in Indonesia; (e) the appointment of a Finance Director who is a Malaysian citizen; (f) the appointment of a sufficient number of independent Directors; and (g) at least 60% of the composition of the Board shall be Malaysian citizens. EV/EBITDA – Enterprise value / Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation Page 5 of 14 3.3 Abortion 3.3.1 Costs In the event that the Proposals are aborted due to failure to obtain all the approvals from the relevant regulatory authorities for the Proposals for reasons not attributable to the fault of Tanjung, then FK, the BNI Shareholders and their respective business partners will bear half of the agreed abortive fees and expenses incurred by the arranger, principal adviser, legal advisers and reporting accountant (if any) appointed to advise Tanjung on the Proposals (“Costs”). 3.3.2 Indemnity Should the Proposals be aborted before signing of the relevant definitive agreements by any of the parties and/or for any reason whatsoever, neither party shall be liable to indemnify the other for any loss whatsoever other than the Costs. 3.4 Inter-conditionality The Proposed Acquisition, Proposed Exemption, Proposed Special Issue, Proposed Rights Issue, Proposed Offering, Proposed OFS, Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital, Proposed M&A Amendments and Proposed Warrants Issue are inter-conditional upon each other. The Proposed Group Reorganisation is conditional upon the Proposals. 3.5 Exclusivity Period Tanjung and the Vendor Group will not, and will ensure that its related corporations will not, directly or indirectly, initiate, solicit or entertain any discussion, negotiation, agreement or arrangement or otherwise deal in any way with any other person other than the parties for: 3.6 (i) acquisition of vessels/assets/companies of the Vendor Group; or (ii) the use of Tanjung as a vehicle for any back-door listing, reverse take-over or any other proposal which will allow another person other than the Vendor Group and the shareholders of the Vendor Group emerging as its new major shareholders. Upon the expiry of the exclusivity period of 3 months from the date of the HOAs or such other period as the parties may mutually agree upon, the HOAs shall cease to have any effect. Confidentiality The parties agree that all information exchanged between the parties under or in connection with this Proposed Acquisition is confidential to them and may not be disclosed to any person except: (i) with the consent of the other party; (ii) if required by law, including if required to be disclosed in the documentation necessary to implement the Proposed Acquisition; Page 6 of 14 3.7 (iii) to employees, advisers, or consultants of the party or its related entities; (iv) if required by legal proceedings in connection with this Proposed Acquisition; and (v) if the information is generally and publicly available except as a result of breach of any confidentiality obligation imposed on the recipient of the information. Proposed Moratorium FK who is intended to be the Group’s Managing Director and the BNI Shareholders have volunteered to have moratorium arrangements which exceed the regulatory minimum that shall be imposed on them as key promoters of the transaction. Details of the moratorium shall be finalised upon the execution of definitive agreements. 3.8 Governing Law and Jurisdiction The HOAs are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia. The parties also irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia. 4. BASIS OF DETERMINING THE ISSUE PRICE OF THE CONSIDERATION SHARES The issue price of the Consideration Shares of RM0.708 was arrived at after taking into consideration the following: (i) a premium of 15.7% to the 5-day volume weighted average market price (“VWAP”) of RM0.612 of the existing Tanjung Shares up to and including 2 June 2014, being the last full trading day prior to the suspension of its trading (“LTD”); (ii) a premium of 39.6% to the audited consolidated net assets (“NA”) per existing Tanjung Share as at 31 December 2013 of approximately RM0.507; and (iii) a premium of 36.9% to the unaudited consolidated NA per existing Tanjung Share as at 31 March 2014 of approximately RM0.517. The issue price of the Consideration Shares is justified after taking into account the premium accorded to the issue price of the Consideration Shares to the 5-day VWAP up to and including the LTD, audited NA per Tanjung Share as at 31 December 2013 and the unaudited consolidated NA per Tanjung Share as at 31 March 2014. Page 7 of 14 5. PROPOSED BUSINESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN TANJUNG AND BOURBON FE OR ANY OTHER COMPANIES DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CONTROLLED BY THE ULTIMATE COMPANY DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CONTROLLING BOURBON FE (“BOURBON GROUP”) Pursuant to the Proposed Acquisition, Tanjung and Bourbon Group intend to enter into a proposed business arrangement whereby: 6. (i) Vessels which are currently owned or purchased in the future by the Tanjung Group can be utilised throughout the Bourbon Group’s global network of business relationships and vessel management. This advantage shall be materialised via a business agreement between Tanjung and the Bourbon Group whereby the Bourbon Group has a first right of refusal on the utilisation of any excess vessel/asset of the Tanjung Group and the Tanjung Group in turn shall earn an agreed margin from the gross proceeds earned from the vessel placed out to the Bourbon Group; (ii) Similarly, if the Tanjung Group is short of any vessels where demand exceeds supply in its region of operation, then the Tanjung Group has a first right of refusal option on any excess vessels from the fleet of the Bourbon Group, on terms which are reciprocal of the abovementioned terms in Section 5(i) above; (iii) The above arrangements are to be encapsulated in the proposed business agreement between Tanjung and the Bourbon Group, as a condition precedent of the Proposed Acquisition. The aforesaid proposed business agreement will provide for synergistic benefits to the Tanjung Group in view of the Bourbon Group’s global network and for Tanjung to maximise the utilisation of its fleet of vessels accordingly; (iv) Both Bourbon FE and the Bourbon Group are wholly-owned subsidiary companies of BOURBON SA, a company which is listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris (“BOURBON”) (Source: 2013 Registration Document Annual Report). RATIONALE FOR THE PROPOSALS The Proposed Acquisition will provide an opportunity for the Tanjung Group to capitalise on regional growth potential in the offshore vessel services industries servicing the oil and gas industry and to capture new opportunities in these sectors as the primary region of operations of the Target Acquisition Portfolio are in Malaysia, Indonesia and Asia Pacific. Further, Tanjung is expected to benefit from FK and Bourbon FE’s experience in the global OSV/PSV/AHTS/workboat/crew boat/barge marketplace and its reliable cash flows from its contracts and concessions. The Proposed Exemption is to facilitate and ensure the successful implementation the Proposed Acquisition and the Proposed Special Issue. The Proposed Special Issue is to enable the Company to have immediate working capital upon the completion of the Proposed Acquisition. The Proposed Rights Issue will provide an opportunity for the shareholders of Tanjung to increase their equity participation in Tanjung. The Proposed Offering is undertaken to raise funds for Tanjung to pare down debts, undertake capital expenditure investments and to disburse expenses related to the Proposals. Page 8 of 14 The Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital and the Proposed M&A Amendments are to facilitate the Proposals. The Proposed Group Reorganisation is to enable the Company to focus on its new core businesses, specifically, the provision of offshore marine services. The Proposed Warrants Issue is to align the interest of FK (being the intended Group Managing Director) and key management personnel to be identified with the interest of the shareholders of the Company as the exercisability of the warrants will be based on the future market performance of Tanjung Shares. 7. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSALS The effects of the Proposals can only be determined upon finalisation of the detailed terms and conditions of the Proposals. Therefore, further details pertaining to the effects of the Proposals will be announced upon execution of the relevant definitive agreements. 8. APPROVALS REQUIRED The Proposals are subject to the following approvals being obtained: (i) the approval of the SC pursuant to the Equity Guidelines for the significant change in the business direction or policy of Tanjung; (ii) the approval of the SC for the Proposed Exemption pursuant to the Code; (iii) the approval of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) for the listing of and quotation for the new Tanjung shares arising from the Proposals on the Main Market of Bursa Securities; (iv) the approval of the Board and shareholders of Tanjung at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened; (v) the approval of the Board of Directors of Bourbon FE and shareholders of Bourbon FE, or any other competent authority within the Bourbon Group, at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened (if required); (vi) the approval of the Board of Directors, shareholders or any other relevant party of the respective BNI Shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened (if required); (vii) the approval of the creditors and lender(s) of Tanjung, the Target Acquisition Portfolio and Bourbon FE (if required); and (viii) the approval of any other relevant authorities, if required. The Proposals are intended to be conditional upon and subject to the above approvals being obtained, in addition to the following: (a) completion of due diligence on terms satisfactory to Tanjung; (b) completion of due diligence on terms satisfactory to Bourbon FE; Page 9 of 14 9. (c) satisfactory legal due diligence clearance of HOA 2; (d) the approval of the Vendor Group and the Board of Directors of BNI; and (e) such other conditions precedent as shall be mutually agreed by Tanjung and the Vendor Group. DIRECTORS’ AND MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS’ INTEREST None of the Directors and/or major shareholders of Tanjung and/or persons connected to them have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Proposals. 10. DIRECTORS’ STATEMENT The Board is of the opinion that the Proposals, subject to the further input of the advisers and the finalisation of the valuation of the Target Acquisition Portfolio, if implemented, will be in the best interest of Tanjung. 11. ADVISERS AFFIN Investment has been appointed as the Principal Adviser for the Proposals. An independent adviser will be appointed to advise the non-interested Directors and non-interested shareholders of Tanjung on the Proposed Exemption. 12. DOCUMENTS FOR INSPECTION A copy of the HOAs will be made available for inspection at the registered office of the Company th at 802, 8 Floor, Block C, Kelana Square, 17 Jalan SS7/26, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor during normal business hours from Monday to Fridays (except public holidays) for a period of 3 months from the date of this announcement. Full details of the Proposals will be announced in accordance with the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities once the relevant definitive agreements in relation to the Proposals have been executed. This announcement is dated 5 June 2014. Page 10 of 14 APPENDIX I INFORMATION ON THE VENDOR GROUP 1. INFORMATION ON FK FK is a Singaporean aged 58, graduated with a marine engineering qualification from Singapore Polytechnic. He is currently the Regional Managing Director of the Bourbon SA group of companies in the Asia Pacific Region. 2. INFORMATION ON THE BNI SHAREHOLDERS 2.1 Mower Tunggal Jaya PT Mower Tunggal Jaya PT was incorporated in Indonesia on 19 January 2010 in accordance with the provision of the Indonesian Company Law No. 40 of 2007. The principal activity of Mower Tunggal Jaya PT is an investment holding company. 2.2 Megagold Indonesia PT Megagold Indonesia PT was incorporated in Indonesia on 16 April 2009 in accordance with the provision of the Indonesian Company Law No. 40 of 2007. The principal activity of Megagold Indonesia PT is investment holding company. 2.3 Zona Maju Mapan PT Zona Maju Mapan PT was incorporated in Indonesia on 2 September 2009 in accordance with the provision of the Indonesian Company Law No. 40 of 2007. The principal activity of Zona Maju Mapan PT is an investment holding company. 3. INFORMATION ON BOURBON FE Bourbon FE was incorporated in Singapore under the Companies Act (Cap 50) of Singapore as a private limited company and commenced its business on 29 July 2008. The principal activity of Bourbon FE is ship owner, charterer, broker, operator, management and other related activities. As at 10 May 2014, Bourbon FE has issued and paid-up share capital of USD21,493,200 comprising 21,493,200 ordinary shares of USD1.00 each. Page 11 of 14 APPENDIX II INFORMATION ON THE TARGET ACQUISITION PORTFOLIO 1. BOURBON LABUAN ASSET LTD Bourbon Labuan Asset Ltd was incorporated in Labuan on 27 March 2012, in accordance with the provision of the Labuan Companies Act 1990. The principal activity is the leasing of vessels on bareboat and time charter to companies involved in the oil and gas industry. 2. BOURBON OFFSHORE LABUAN LTD Bourbon Offshore Labuan Ltd was incorporated in Labuan on 27 March 2008, in accordance with the provision of the Labuan Companies Act 1990. The principal activity is the leasing of vessels on bareboat and time charter to companies involved in the oil and gas industry. 3. BOURBON OFFSHORE MITRA SDN BHD Bourbon Offshore Mitra Sdn Bhd was incorporated in Malaysia on 27 August 2009 under the Companies Act, 1965. The principal activity is to be a licensed ship manager for vessels time chartered involved in the oil and gas industry. 4. LABUAN SPV 1 Labuan SPV 1 will be incorporated prior to the execution of the definitive agreements. The intended principal activity of Labuan SPV 1 is to be a special purpose ship owning company. 5. JACK SPARROW LTD Jack Sparrow Ltd was incorporated in Jersey, the United Kingdom on 18 June 2013 under the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 and is the holding company of two (2) ship owning companies. 6. LABUAN SPV 2 Labuan SPV 2 will be incorporated prior to the execution of the definitive agreements. The intended principal activity of Labuan SPV 2 is to be a special purpose ship owning company. 7. BAHTERA SRI KANDI SDN BHD Bahtera Sri Kandi Sdn Bhd was incorporated in Malaysia on 30 April 2007 under the Companies Act, 1965. The principal activity is the business of ship brokers, managers of shipping property, freight contractors, marine support services, shipping and marine related industries. 8. SYNERGY KENYALANG OFFSHORE SDN BHD Synergy Kenyalang Offshore Sdn Bhd was incorporated in Malaysia on 30 June 2011 under the Companies Act, 1965. The principal activity is the business of the chartering of offshore support vessels. Page 12 of 14 APPENDIX II INFORMATION ON THE TARGET ACQUISITION PORTFOLIO (Cont’d) 9. BAHTERA NIAGA INDONESIA (LABUAN) LTD Bahtera Niaga Indonesia (Labuan) Ltd was incorporated in Labuan on 12 March 2013, in accordance with the provision of the Labuan Companies Act 1990 and is currently dormant. 10. SURF MARINE INDONESIA PT Surf Marine Indonesia PT was incorporated in Indonesia on 16 July 2002, in accordance with the provision of the Indonesian Company Law No. 40 of 2007. The principal activity is the owning, operating and chartering vessels to companies involved in the oil and gas industry. 11. BAHTERA NIAGA INDONESIA PT Bahtera Niaga Indonesia PT was incorporated in Indonesia on 14 April 2010, in accordance with the provision of the Indonesian Company Law No. 40 of 2007. Bahtera Niaga Indonesia PT is a special purpose ship owning company. 12. BAHTERA NUSANTARA INDONESIA PT Bahtera Nusantara Indonesia PT was incorporated in Indonesia on 17 June 2010, in accordance with the provision of the Indonesian Company Law No. 40 of 2007. Bahtera Nusantara Indonesia PT is, amongst others, a ship owning company. Page 13 of 14 APPENDIX III INFORMATION ON BNI BNI was incorporated in Jakarta in October 2006. BNI is primarily engaged in supporting the offshore oil and gas industry and the shipment of coal in Indonesia. BNI has an offshore shipping license to service the oil and gas exploration, drilling and production activities. BNI also participates in the charter and operation of offshore supply and anchor handling vessels, geophysical, storage tankers, tugs and barges for shipment of coal, timber, aggregates, construction equipment and general cargoes. (Source: www.bni.co.id) Page 14 of 14
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