ZJU 4674000 OU/UY LU14 11:ZZ FAA ]0001/0003 1 FS LTD FICON HOLDINGS LTD IFS Court, TwentyEight, Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius Tel: (230)467 3000 Fax: (230) 467 4000 Ref: FS/ZN/FKO (Please quote our reference in your reply) 30 September 2014 By fax and email National Stock Exchange of India Ltd Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 Fax: 022 26598237/38 / Email: [email protected] Indja Dear Sir Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 We enclose herewith a disclosure pertaining to the sale of equity shares of SOUTHERN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LIMITED held by the Company in favour of LOTUS FERTILIZERS PRIVATE LIMITED as required under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011. Kindly acknowledge receipt Thanking you. 42<tb-,5&52*.. Yours faithfu .,/» · , ·-* 6.*\ .// co; ti.0. f. Z hip \ S\ 1,9,i, S,ol ) of Zakir Husseill N'iAiurit Director enc CC:SOUTHERN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LIMITED (Email: [email protected]. in) G·\OP 3WBCIT]CON Swn ()6\2()14\sate of SPIC shares filing\Coi,eriinit Letier.FICON doc 331 80.9 14 30/09 2014 11:22 FAX 230 4674000 IFS LTD ]0002/0003 Format for Disclosures under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 Name of the Target Company (TC) SOUTHERN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LIMITED Name(s) of the acquirer and Persons Acting in Concert (PAC) with the acquirer Whether the acquirer belongs to Promoter/Promoter group LOTUS FERTILIZERS PRIVATE LIMITED The acquirer and the transferor are subsidiaries of the same holding company. The transferor is disclosed as a Promoter and Promoter Group of the target company. General exemption - Regulation 10(1)<axiii) of SAST. Post acquisition, the acquirer will belong to Promoter and Promoter Group of the target company. Name(s) of the Stock Exchange(s) where the shares of TC are Listed Details of the disposal as follows National Stock Exchange of India Ltd % w,r.t total Number share/voting capital wherever % w.r.t total diluted applicable (*) share/voting capital of TC e*) 43,678,229 21.45 N.A. 27,995,454 13.75 N.A. Before the acquisition under consideration, holding of: a) Shares carrying voting rights b) Shares in the nature of encumbrance le€lgeNieR ReA-€NSpe6 R€|6FtakiAg ettERV c) Voting rights (VR) othei:wise thafl by shases d) Wafrants/conver·tiblc cceuritics/any otheF instrument that entities the ocquirer to raccivc chaFcs carrying voting rights-in the TC (specify holding in eaoh category) e) Total (a+b+c+d) Details of sale a) Shares carrying voting rights sold b) \/Rs acquired,/sold otherwise than b, equity shores c) Warparts/00#vcrtitic -sc€isitics/a,ny othcr instmment that CAtiNcs th<: acqwker to rcecivo chares caFryiflg voting rights in the TC (specify holding in-each catcgory) ,A acquked d) Sharcs in the nature of oncumbranee (plodgcl lien/non disposal undertaking/ etheFO e) Total ·(a+b+c+/-d) 30/09 2014 11:23 FAX 230 4674000 IFS LTD ]0003/0003 After the sale, holding of: a) Shares carrying voting rights b) VRs ott· Cfwisc than by equity :harcs affant#Gellvellible·GeGEHities*Ayether instrument that entities the ocquiFer-10 rcocive shares carrying voting Fights in the TC (specly holding im each category) after acquisition d) Sharcs in the nature of encumbrance (pledge/ lien/non disposd undertaking/ 7.70 15,682,775 N.A. Gthefs) e) Total (a+b+c+d) Mode of sale (e.g. open market / public issue / rights issue / preferential allotment / inter-se transfer/encumbrance, etc.) Date of sale of shares. Equity share capital / total voting capital of the TC before the said sale Equity share capital/ total voting capital of the TC after the said sale Total diluted share/voting capital of the TC after the said acquisition/sale Inter-se Transfer 26 September 2014 2,036,403,360 2,036,403,360 N.A. lr ·7 I BEVA'* H. U / t.' .\/'.. -- Signature of the Seller / Authorised Signatory For and on behalf of FICON HOLDINGS LTD .. = 7if,R\ tful<TrPRIA,•.irGA \v. ,4,» 03 / »47- ....4, -I---I. Place: IFS Court, TwentyEight Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius Date: 30 September 2014 (FIA 30·9'14
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