The histone deacetylase inhibitor, panobinostat induces apoptosis and prolongs survival in the TH-NMYC murine model of high-risk neuroblastoma K. Waldeck 1Peter 1, C. Cullinane 1, J. Shortt 2, 1, K. Ardley G.A. McArthur 3, P. J. Wood 4 MacCallum Cancer Centre, Translational Research Laboratory, Melbourne, Australia, 2Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Gene Regulation Laboratory, Melbourne, Australia, 3Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Molecular Oncology Laboratory, Melbourne, Australia, 4Monash Health, Children’s Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia Introduction Deregulated acetylation of histones plays a key role in the pathogenesis of haematological as well as solid tumours by changing the chromatin structure and consequently altering transcription of genes involved in cell cycle control, differentiation and apoptosis. Inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDACs) can therefore result in multiple cellular responses, and are considered to be potent inducers of cell death1. Thus, there is considerable interest in HDAC inhibition as a potential therapeutic modality in haematological and solid tumour malignancies2. Our studies utilise the TH-NMYC murine model for neuroblastoma3 and human neuroblastoma cell lines and confirm HDAC inhibition as a promising therapeutic target in neuroblastoma. BMF P a n o b in o s ta t Actin BIM (EL) BIM (L) BIM (S) Actin 50 P v a lu e < 0 .0 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 24 hr V e h ic le 4 r P e r c e n t s u r v iv a l B 0h A 100 Panobinostat Vehicle BMF mRNA fold increase (relative to 0hr) Methods Homozygous TH-MYCN transgenic mice underwent serial abdominal ultrasound (US) from four weeks of age until abdominal neuroblastomas greater than 50mm3 were detected. Tumour volumes were calculated followed by a survival intervention using a continuous, low dose (5mg/kg) of panobinostat, a panHDAC inhibitor for 9 weeks. US were then performed twice weekly until mice were sacrificed. Tumours were also harvested at 24 hours for western blot (WB) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis of key markers of apoptosis. In-vitro analyses of sensitivity and apoptotic response to panobinostat were also performed in the human neuroblastoma cell lines, IMR32, SK-N-SH and the murine neuroblastoma cell line NH02A. Acetyl HH3 Panobinostat treatment Actin P value <0.05 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Figure 4. Treatment of TH-NMYC mice with panobinostat for 24 hours resulted in significantly increased levels of pro-apoptotic proteins BIM and BMF (shown at both (A) protein and (B) BMF mRNA level), p<0.05. 175 D ays Figure 1. Treatment with panobinostat significantly improved survival with 100% of THMYCN mice alive at day 63 compared with vehicle (0.0%, mean survival 7 days; p<0.0001). One hundred days after the withdrawal of drug 88.9% of panobinostat treated mice remained alive. IMR32 NH02A SKNSH A BIM (EL) BIM (L) BIM (S) V e h ic le 3 Actin P a n o b in o s ta t 0 4 8 16 24 32 48 0 4 8 16 24 32 48 0 4 8 16 24 32 48 hours 400 B m R N A f o ld in c r e a s e 15 200 ( r e la t iv e t o 0 h r ) 0 IM R 3 2 SKNSH 10 N H 02A 5 p v a lu e < 0 .0 5 60 80 Figure 2. Treatment with panobinostat caused significant and sustained tumour regression on ultrasound. NMyc 4 8 4 0 4 8 4 0 Figure 5. Increases in the pro-apoptotic protein BIM and BMF were also observed, in a time dependent manner, within the human and mouse panobinostat sensitive neuroblastoma cell lines, IMR32, SK-N-SH and NH02A. (A) Western blot analysis of pro-apoptotic protein responses following timed exposure to panobinostat (B) with corresponding significant (p<0.05) increases in BMF mRNA at 4 hours post dose. Key Findings • Low dose (5mg/kg) Panobinostat is well tolerated in the TH-NMYC murine model when given in a continuous dosing schedule. • Treatment with panobinostat prolonged survival and caused sustained tumour regression. • Panobinostat induces apoptosis independent of NMYC. • These preclinical findings indicate that HDAC inhibition is a promising therapeutic strategy, in high-risk neuroblastoma Panobinostat Vehicle H and E 4 P a n o b in o s t a t t r e a t m e n t ( h r s ) D ays Cleaved caspase 3 2 40 2 20 2 0 8 0 0 4 T u m o u r V o lu m e ( m m ) 600 Figure 3. Treatment with panobinostat for 24hr resulted in significant levels of apoptosis, as observed by increased cleaved Caspase 3 and fragmentation of nuclei as visualized in H and E staining. NMyc expression remained unchanged in tumour cells in response to panobinostat. ! References Financial Support 1Kutko et al, Clinical Cancer Research 2003 9(15): 5749-55 2Marks et al, Nature Reviews 2001 1:194-202 3Weiss et al. EMBO 1997 (16)11; 2985-2995. You are My Sunshine (YAMS) Foundation Kathleen Tinsley Clinical Research Fellowship
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