51 51 Business The Business Faculty has a mission of being committed to developing and delivering quality, student-centred Business education that provides students with the knowledge and skills to meet the evolving needs of stakeholders in the UAE. The Faculty serves the needs of the region by offering sustainable programmes that provide both local and global perspectives, promote social responsibility and enhance critical thinking and professional practices. The Faculty provides superior graduates capable of assuming challenging and key positions, integrating the business expertise and skills needed in a rapidly evolving society. These programmes enable graduates to meet professional requirements found in a bilingual multicultural business environment and develop employability and lifelong learning skills leading to a variety of management careers in local and international organisations within the UAE. Business graduates find their skills are highly sought by many UAE organisations. Graduates can expect to work in a wide range of industries and organisations with the public and private sector including banks, accountancy firms, property companies, the aviation industry, oil and gas companies, the government, information technology firms, etc. or opt to become entrepreneurs. 52 H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y Diploma in Applied Business: Customs Administration The Applied Diploma in Customs Administration produces qualified graduates who exhibit a wide range of fundamental technical and professional skills targeted at the customs administration requirements. Graduates will identify, analyse and solve problems, both within and across all areas of the Business environment as it relates to the various customs administration functions. The programme includes courses in professional communications, as well as general education courses appropriate to the discipline. Graduates who meet GPA and English requirements can articulate 30 credits into selected BAS programmes. Course Credits Course Credits HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 Business Business Core Courses BSD 1013 BSD 1023 BSD 2013 BSD 2023 BSD 2033 BSD 2043 BSD 2067 Introduction to Organisational Operations Software Applications I Introduction to Human Resources Software Applications II Basic Accounting Practical Accounting Applied Diploma Work Placement 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 CSD 1003 CSD 1013 CSD 1023 CSD 1053 CSD 2003 CSD 2013 CSD 2023 CSD 2033 CSD 2102 CSD 2152 Required Credits: 28 Introduction to Customs Administration Introduction to Criminology The Crime of Smuggling Border Control Introduction to Risk Management GCC Customs Law Intermediate Risk Management International Conventions Applied Customs Administration Project I Applied Customs Administration Project II 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Course Credits General Studies Required Credits: 15 Arabic Communication and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Social and Behavioural Studies 5-7 6-8 0-4 0-4 Total Required Credits 68 Minimum Duration of Study Maximum Duration of Study 4 Programme Code Cost Recovery Programme 52 Customs Administration Core Courses Required Credits: 25 HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES Yes Major Code 2 BUSAP CAD H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y 53 Diploma in Applied Business: Retailing The Applied Diploma in Retailing produces qualified graduates who exhibit a wide range of fundamental technical and professional skills targeted at retail market requirements. Graduates will identify, analyse and solve problems, both within and across areas of the Business environment as it relates to the various retail functions. The programme includes courses in professional communications, as well as general education courses appropriate to the discipline. Graduates who meet GPA and English requirements can articulate 30 credits into selected BAS programmes. Course Credits Course Credits Introduction to Organisational Operations Software Applications I Introduction to Human Resources Software Applications II Basic Accounting Practical Accounting Applied Diploma Work Placement 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 BSD 1213 BSD 1223 BSD 1233 BSD 1243 BSD 1253 BSD 2213 BSD 2222 BSD 2233 BSD 2252 BSD 2263 Required Credits: 28 Working in the Retail Environment Marketing Principles Ethics in a Retail Environment Retail Operations Arabic in a Retail Environment Retail Customer Service Applied Retailing Project I Retail Marketing Applied Retailing Project II Socially Responsible Retailing 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 BSD 1013 BSD 1023 BSD 2013 BSD 2023 BSD 2033 BSD 2043 BSD 2067 Retailing Core Courses Required Credits: 25 Course Credits General Studies Required Credits: 15 Arabic Communication and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Social and Behavioural Studies 5-7 6-8 0-4 0-4 Total Required Credits 68 Minimum Duration of Study Maximum Duration of Study 4 Programme Code Cost Recovery Programme No Business Business Core Courses Major Code 2 BUSAP BUT HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES 54 H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration The generic Business Administration major allows students who do not wish to pursue a specific career pathway to select available courses from the six specialised Business majors. This major provides the knowledge and skills needed to function in a general Course Credits HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 Business Business Administration Core Courses BUS 1203 BUS 1303 BUS 1503 BUS 2003 BUS 2103 BUS 2203 BUS 2303 BUS 2403 BUS 3003 BUS 3103 BUS 3203 BUS 3406 Required Credits: 39 Software Applications for Business Marketing Accounting for Managers Business and Commercial Law Operations Management Business Statistics for Managers Financial Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Managing People and Organisations International Business and Globalisation Strategic Management and Business Policy Simulations Work Related Learning 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Course Credits Business Administration 2000 Elective Courses See Programme Chair for available courses BUS 2903 BUS 2913 BUS 2923 BUS 2933 business administration environment and to perform general business related functions. It allows students to explore a number of different specialisations but does not provide an in-depth experience in any one area. Course Credits Business Administration Elective Courses See Programme Chair for available courses Note: A minor may be achieved with 12 credits in any one area BUS 3903 BUS 3913 BUS 4113 BUS 4213 BUS 4313 BUS 4513 BUS 4623 BUS 4713 BUS 4813 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BUS 4916 Integrative Industry Project (Accounting) 6 BUS 4926 Integrative Industry Project (Finance and Banking) Integrative Industry Project (Human Resource Management) Integrative Industry Project (Quality and Strategic Management) Integrative Industry Project (International Business Management) Integrative Industry Project (Supply Chain Management) 6 BUS 3923 BUS 4936 Required Credits: 3 Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management Sustaining Cultural Identity through Tourism and Events Introduction to Sustainable Property Development and Management Macroeconomics 3 3 3 Required Credits: 39 Contemporary Issues in Business Emotional Intelligence for Business Effectiveness Management Information Systems Incorporating SAP Financial Accounting I Financial Quantitative Methods Employee Relations and UAE Labour Law Strategic Decisions with Management Science International Business Finance Real Estate Concepts Supply Chain Concepts and Practices BUS 4956 BUS 4966 BUS 4986 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 Course Credits 3 General Studies Required Credits: 39 BUS 1003 Management and Leadership BUS 1103 Economics for Managers BUS 1403 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Arabic and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Natural Sciences Social and Behavioural Studies Total Required Credits Maximum Duration of Study Cost Recovery Programme 54 HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES 120 6 No Minimum Duration of Study Programme Code Major Code 3 3 3 6 - 12 9 - 12 3-6 3-6 3 4 BADAB BAD H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y 55 This Business Administration major focuses on the profession of Accounting and related business functions. It provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to perform effectively as accountants in business and industry. It also ensures that graduates satisfy the academic requirements stipulated for entrance into professional accounting bodies. Course Credits Course Credits Accounting Core Courses Required Credits: 30 Business Administration Core Courses BUS 3406 Required Credits: 39 Software Applications for Business Marketing Accounting for Managers Business and Commercial Law Operations Management Business Statistics for Managers Financial Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Managing People and Organisations International Business and Globalisation Strategic Management and Business Policy Simulations Work Related Learning 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Business Administration Elective Courses Note: A minor may be achieved with 12 credits in any one area other than the major concentration. Please see Programme Chair or Business Minor Programme Report for all available courses. Required Credits: 12 Financial Quantitative Methods Retail Finance and Banking Employee Relations and UAE Labour Law Career Development and Planning Strategic Decisions with Management Science International Quality Management System International Business Finance Cross Cultural Relations Management Supply Chain Concepts and Practices Logistics and Transportation 1 Total Required Credits Maximum Duration of Study Cost Recovery Programme Financial Accounting I Auditing Managerial Accounting I IFRS Financial Accounting II Taxation Managerial Accounting II Corporate Finance Integrative Industry Project (Accounting) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 6 No 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Course Credits 6 Course Credits BUS 4213 BUS 4223 BUS 4313 BUS 4323 BUS 4513 BUS 4533 BUS 4623 BUS 4643 BUS 4813 BUS 4823 BUS 4113 BUS 4123 BUS 4133 BUS 4143 BUS 4153 BUS 4163 BUS 4173 BUS 4183 BUS 4916 General Studies Required Credits: 39 BUS 1003 Management and Leadership BUS 1103 Economics for Managers BUS 1403 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Arabic and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Natural Sciences Social and Behavioural Studies Minimum Duration of Study Programme Code Major Code 3 3 3 6 - 12 9 - 12 3-6 3-6 3 4 BADAB BAC HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 BUS 1203 BUS 1303 BUS 1503 BUS 2003 BUS 2103 BUS 2203 BUS 2303 BUS 2403 BUS 3003 BUS 3103 BUS 3203 Business Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration: Accounting 56 H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration: Finance and Banking Business graduates in Finance and Banking are responsible for the financial health of an organisation. They produce financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop strategies and plans for the long-term financial goals of their organisation. Graduates will be capable of pursuing careers in the banking and finance industry. The major blends theory and practical applications providing pathways to CFA and other external certifications. Course Credits Course Credits HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 Business Business Administration Core Courses BUS 1203 BUS 1303 BUS 1503 BUS 2003 BUS 2103 BUS 2203 BUS 2303 BUS 2403 BUS 3003 BUS 3103 BUS 3203 BUS 3406 Software Applications for Business Marketing Accounting for Managers Business and Commercial Law Operations Management Business Statistics for Managers Financial Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Managing People and Organisations International Business and Globalisation Strategic Management and Business Policy Simulations Work Related Learning 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Business Administration Elective Courses Note: A minor may be achieved with 12 credits in any one area other than the major concentration. Please see Programme Chair or Business Minor Programme Report for all available courses. Required Credits: 12 Financial Accounting I Auditing Employee Relations and UAE Labour Law Career Development and Planning Strategic Decisions with Management Science International Quality Management System International Business Finance Cross Cultural Relations Management Supply Chain Concepts and Practices Logistics and Transportation 1 Total Required Credits Maximum Duration of Study Cost Recovery Programme HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES BUS 4213 BUS 4223 BUS 4233 BUS 4243 BUS 4253 BUS 4263 BUS 4273 BUS 4283 BUS 4926 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 6 No Required Credits: 30 Financial Quantitative Methods Retail Finance and Banking Financial Assets and Markets International Trade and Finance Law, Ethics and Professional Standards Corporate Finance and Banking Wealth and Risk Management Islamic Finance and Banking Integrative Industry Project (Finance and Banking) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Course Credits 6 Course Credits BUS 4113 BUS 4123 BUS 4313 BUS 4323 BUS 4513 BUS 4533 BUS 4623 BUS 4643 BUS 4813 BUS 4823 56 Finance and Banking Core Courses Required Credits: 39 General Studies Required Credits: 39 BUS 1003 Management and Leadership BUS 1103 Economics for Managers BUS 1403 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Arabic and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Natural Sciences Social and Behavioural Studies Minimum Duration of Study Programme Code Major Code 3 3 3 6 - 12 9 - 12 3-6 3-6 3 4 BADAB BFS H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y 57 Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration: Human Resource Management Business graduates in Human Resource Management plan, direct, and coordinate the administrative functions of an organisation. They oversee the recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training and development of staff; consult with top executives on strategic planning; and serve as a link between an organisation’s management and its employees. This programme complies with generally accepted HR standards and procedures adopted by local and international organisations. Course Credits Course Credits BUS 3406 Required Credits: 39 Software Applications for Business Marketing Accounting for Managers Business and Commercial Law Operations Management Business Statistics for Managers Financial Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Managing People and Organisations International Business and Globalisation Strategic Management and Business Policy Simulations Work Related Learning 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Business Administration Elective Courses Note: A minor may be achieved with 12 credits in any one area other than the major concentration. Please see Programme Chair or Business Minor Programme Report for all available courses. Required Credits: 12 Financial Accounting I Auditing Financial Quantitative Methods Retail Finance and Banking Strategic Decisions with Management Science International Quality Management System International Business Finance Cross Cultural Relations Management Supply Chain Concepts and Practices Logistics and Transportation 1 Total Required Credits Maximum Duration of Study Cost Recovery Programme Required Credits: 30 Employee Relations and UAE Labour Law Career Development and Planning Recruitment and Selection Training and Development International Human Resource Management Managing Organisational Change Strategic Human Resource Management Performance Management Integrative Industry Project (Human Resource Management) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Course Credits 6 Course Credits BUS 4113 BUS 4123 BUS 4213 BUS 4223 BUS 4513 BUS 4533 BUS 4623 BUS 4643 BUS 4813 BUS 4823 BUS 4313 BUS 4323 BUS 4333 BUS 4343 BUS 4353 BUS 4363 BUS 4373 BUS 4383 BUS 4936 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 6 No General Studies Required Credits: 39 BUS 1003 Management and Leadership BUS 1103 Economics for Managers BUS 1403 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Arabic and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Natural Sciences Social and Behavioural Studies Minimum Duration of Study Programme Code Major Code 3 3 3 6 - 12 9 - 12 3-6 3-6 3 4 BADAB BHR HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES Business BUS 1203 BUS 1303 BUS 1503 BUS 2003 BUS 2103 BUS 2203 BUS 2303 BUS 2403 BUS 3003 BUS 3103 BUS 3203 Human Resource Management Core Courses HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 Business Administration Core Courses 58 H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration: International Business Management Business graduates with a degree in International Business Management will work in a variety of roles in multinational or global organisations. Students will learn a broad range of business skills to enable them to succeed in managerial positions in companies with an international focus. Course Credits Business Business Administration Core Courses BUS 1203 BUS 1303 BUS 1503 BUS 2003 BUS 2103 BUS 2203 BUS 2303 BUS 2403 BUS 3003 BUS 3103 BUS 3203 HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 BUS 3406 International Business Management Core Courses Required Credits: 39 Software Applications for Business Marketing Accounting for Managers Business and Commercial Law Operations Management Business Statistics for Managers Financial Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Managing People and Organisations International Business and Globalisation Strategic Management and Business Policy Simulations Work Related Learning 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BUS 4353 BUS 4533 BUS 4623 BUS 4643 BUS 4653 BUS 4663 BUS 4673 BUS 4683 BUS 4966 Required Credits: 12 Financial Accounting I Auditing Financial Quantitative Methods Retail Finance and Banking Employee Relations and UAE Labour Law Career Development and Planning Strategic Decisions with Management Science Supply Chain Concepts and Practices Logistics and Transportation 1 Total Required Credits Cost Recovery Programme HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 Business Administration Elective Courses Note: A minor may be achieved with 12 credits in any one area other than the major concentration. Please see Programme Chair or Business Minor Programme Report for all available courses. Maximum Duration of Study Required Credits: 30 International Human Resource Management International Quality Management System International Business Finance Cross Cultural Relations Management International Marketing for Global Competitiveness International Trade International Law Middle East Development and Logistics Integrative Industry Project (International Business Management) Course Credits General Studies Required Credits: 39 Course Credits BUS 4113 BUS 4123 BUS 4213 BUS 4223 BUS 4313 BUS 4323 BUS 4513 BUS 4813 BUS 4823 58 Course Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 6 No BUS 1003 Management and Leadership BUS 1103 Economics for Managers BUS 1403 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Arabic and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Natural Sciences Social and Behavioural Studies Minimum Duration of Study Programme Code Major Code 3 3 3 6 - 12 9 - 12 3-6 3-6 3 4 BADAB BIM H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y 59 Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration: Quality and Strategic Management Business graduates in Quality and Strategic Management will learn the relevant tools, techniques, models and frameworks to improve quality standards in an organisation and to participate in the strategic planning process. They will be able to develop processes and evaluate information to improve the performance of various organisations, and contribute to the development and realisation of their strategic plans. Course Credits BUS 3406 Software Applications for Business Marketing Accounting for Managers Business and Commercial Law Operations Management Business Statistics for Managers Financial Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Managing People and Organisations International Business and Globalisation Strategic Management and Business Policy Simulations Work Related Learning 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BUS 4373 BUS 4513 BUS 4533 BUS 4543 BUS 4553 BUS 4563 BUS 4573 BUS 4583 BUS 4956 Required Credits: 30 Strategic Human Resource Management Strategic Decisions with Management Science International Quality Management System Quality Management Tools Strategic Supply Chain Management Strategic Marketing Management Advanced Strategic Management ISO Standards and Excellence Integrative Industry Project (Quality and Strategic Management) Business Administration Elective Courses Note: A minor may be achieved with 12 credits in any one area other than the major concentration. Please see Programme Chair or Business Minor Programme Report for all available courses. Required Credits: 12 Financial Accounting I Auditing Financial Quantitative Methods Retail Finance and Banking Employee Relations and UAE Labour Law Career Development and Planning International Business Finance Cross Cultural Relations Management Supply Chain Concepts and Practices Logistics and Transportation 1 Total Required Credits Maximum Duration of Study Cost Recovery Programme 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Course Credits 6 General Studies Required Credits: 39 Course Credits BUS 4113 BUS 4123 BUS 4213 BUS 4223 BUS 4313 BUS 4323 BUS 4623 BUS 4643 BUS 4813 BUS 4823 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 6 No BUS 1003 Management and Leadership BUS 1103 Economics for Managers BUS 1403 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Arabic and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Natural Sciences Social and Behavioural Studies Minimum Duration of Study Programme Code Major Code 3 3 3 6 - 12 9 - 12 3-6 3-6 3 4 BADAB BQS HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES Business BUS 1203 BUS 1303 BUS 1503 BUS 2003 BUS 2103 BUS 2203 BUS 2303 BUS 2403 BUS 3003 BUS 3103 BUS 3203 Quality and Strategic Management Core Courses Required Credits: 39 HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 Business Administration Core Courses Course Credits 60 H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration: Supply Chain Management Business graduates in Supply Chain Management will be able to efficiently integrate the flow of materials, finances, and information from suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers to the final customer and back again. Supply Chain Management involves coordinating and integrating these flows both within and among companies. The primary objective of supply chain management is to improve the service levels to customers while reducing overall supply chain costs. Course Credits Course Credits HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 Business Business Administration Core Courses BUS 1203 BUS 1303 BUS 1503 BUS 2003 BUS 2103 BUS 2203 BUS 2303 BUS 2403 BUS 3003 BUS 3103 BUS 3203 BUS 3406 Required Credits: 39 Software Applications for Business Marketing Accounting for Managers Business and Commercial Law Operations Management Business Statistics for Managers Financial Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Managing People and Organisations International Business and Globalisation Strategic Management and Business Policy Simulations Work Related Learning 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Business Administration Elective Courses Note: A minor may be achieved with 12 credits in any one area other than the major concentration. Please see Programme Chair or Business Minor Programme Report for all available courses. Required Credits: 12 Financial Accounting I Auditing Financial Quantitative Methods Retail Finance and Banking Employee Relations and UAE Labour Law Career Development and Planning Strategic Decisions with Management Science International Quality Management System International Business Finance Cross Cultural Relations Management Total Required Credits Maximum Duration of Study Cost Recovery Programme HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES BUS 4683 BUS 4813 BUS 4823 BUS 4833 BUS 4843 BUS 4853 BUS 4863 BUS 4873 BUS 4986 Required Credits: 30 Middle East Development and Logistics Supply Chain Concepts and Practices Logistics and Transportation 1 Manufacturing in Supply Chain Supply Chain Strategy and Management Logistics and Transportation II Procurement and Inventory Management Supply Chain Risk Management Integrative Industry Project (Supply Chain Management) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Course Credits 6 Course Credits BUS 4113 BUS 4123 BUS 4213 BUS 4223 BUS 4313 BUS 4323 BUS 4513 BUS 4533 BUS 4623 BUS 4643 60 Supply Chain Management Core Courses 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 6 No General Studies Required Credits: 39 BUS 1003 Management and Leadership BUS 1103 Economics for Managers BUS 1403 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Arabic and Emirati Studies English Communication Information Technology and Mathematics Natural Sciences Social and Behavioural Studies Minimum Duration of Study Programme Code Major Code 3 3 3 6 - 12 9 - 12 3-6 3-6 3 4 BADAB BSM H I G H E R C O L L E G E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y 61 Minor in Business Business students are given the opportunity to choose both a major specialisation and an optional minor. Students are able to develop a more diverse range of skills to be better able to meet the dynamic needs of various employers. Students must complete 12 credits in any one Business specialisation area, other than their major concentration, to complete a minor. Course Credits Course Credits Required Credits: 12 Financial Accounting I Auditing Managerial Accounting I IFRS Financial Accounting II Taxation Managerial Accounting II Corporate Finance 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Course Credits BUS 4353 BUS 4533 BUS 4623 BUS 4643 BUS 4653 BUS 4663 BUS 4673 BUS 4683 Financial Quantitative Methods Retail Finance and Banking Financial Assets and Markets International Trade and Finance Law, Ethics and Professional Standards Corporate Finance and Banking Wealth and Risk Management Islamic Finance and Banking 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BUS 4373 BUS 4513 BUS 4533 BUS 4543 BUS 4553 BUS 4563 BUS 4573 BUS 4583 Required Credits: 12 Strategic Human Resource Management Strategic Decisions with Management Science International Quality Management System Quality Management Tools Strategic Supply Chain Management Strategic Marketing Management Advanced Strategic Management ISO Standards and Excellence 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Course Credits Human Resource Management Supply Chain Management Required Credits: 12 Employee Relations and UAE Labour Law Career Development and Planning Recruitment and Selection Training and Development International Human Resource Management Managing Organisational Change Strategic Human Resource Management Performance Management 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BUS 4683 BUS 4813 BUS 4823 BUS 4833 BUS 4843 BUS 4853 BUS 4863 BUS 4873 Required Credits: 12 Middle East Development and Logistics Supply Chain Concepts and Practices Logistics and Transportation 1 Manufacturing in Supply Chain Supply Chain Strategy and Management Logistics and Transportation II Procurement and Inventory Management Supply Chain Risk Management Total Required Credits 12 Minimum Duration of Study Maximum Duration of Study 6 Programme Code Cost Recovery Programme 3 3 3 Quality and Strategic Management Required Credits: 12 Course Credits BUS 4313 BUS 4323 BUS 4333 BUS 4343 BUS 4353 BUS 4363 BUS 4373 BUS 4383 3 3 3 3 3 Course Credits Finance and Banking BUS 4213 BUS 4223 BUS 4233 BUS 4243 BUS 4253 BUS 4263 BUS 4273 BUS 4283 Required Credits: 12 International Human Resource Management International Quality Management System International Business Finance Cross Cultural Relations Management International Marketing for Global Competitiveness International Trade International Law Middle East Development and Logistics No 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Major Code HCT Catalogue | 2014/2015 | PROGRAMMES HCT Catalogue 2014/2015 BUS 4113 BUS 4123 BUS 4133 BUS 4143 BUS 4153 BUS 4163 BUS 4173 BUS 4183 International Business Management Business Accounting
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