Opening Speech by MOEVT PS on CELMA and DSI

The ADEM Chief Executive,
Invited Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
It is a real pleasure for me to be here today to officiate at the
dissemination of the Training Needs Assessment report for establishment
of a one-year Certificate in Education Leadership, Management and
Administration (CELMA), and a two-year Diploma in School Inspection
(DSI), which the Agency for the Development of Educational Management
(ADEM) endeavors to introduce in August 2014.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
ADEM’s intention to develop these two courses has come at the right
moment when the main concern of the Ministry of Education and
Vocational Training and the Government in general is to improve the
education sector by strengthening the management, leadership and
administration of schools and colleges. This can only be achieved by
improving the education provision and its management, as well as the
quality assurance mechanism.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Certificate in Education Leadership, Management and Administration
(CELMA) which is being developed by ADEM aimed at equipping Primary
School teachers with the practical and applicable knowledge and skills, and
appropriate values to enable them to manage schools and Teachers
Colleges more efficiently and effectively. Apart from strengthening the
participants’ capacity, CELMA is going to capture teachers and other
education supervisors who do not qualify for the current Diploma in
Education Management and Administration (DEMA) that ADEM is providing,
and hence make them eligible for the Diploma course after performing well
in the certificate course.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In addition to that, I have been informed that the Agency plans to bring
the CELMA course closer to the customers at zonal, regional and district
levels through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode to enable
teachers to conveniently access it from their work stations, as opposed to
the residential mode which demands the teachers to seek for release to
pursue studies; and thus be away from their schools and other education
centres for the entire study period. However, those who wish to pursue it
under the residential mode, will have the opportunity to do so.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Tanzania Development Vision 2025 aspires for Tanzanians who are
highly educated, knowledgeable and skilled, and culturally mature to
handle national and international challenges in various political and socialeconomic fields by 2025. To achieve this, the management and
administration of schools and Teachers’ Colleges have to be strengthened
so that they function effectively. School inspectors are the key personnel
for ensuring that schools and Teachers’ Colleges deliver quality education
to meet the national and international standards. Hence, the Diploma in
School Inspection that ADEM is developing has come at an opportune time.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MOEVT) is among the
six ministries implementing the Big Results Now (BRN) strategy which is
pegged on achieving its set objectives at the highest level output within the
shortest time possible. To achieve the BRN nine objectives, the education
management and administration at School and Teachers’ College level has
to be reinforced. Improved school and education management can lead to
highly motivated teachers, proper utilisation of school resources, motivated
pupils to study hard and improved monitoring and evaluation of school
activities geared at improving performance. In that regard, CELMA and DSI
courses that ADEM aspires to introduce will facilitate the achievement of
these objectives.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate ADEM for coming
up with the new idea of introducing the DSI course. Traditionally, School
Inspectors did not attend any professional training to qualify them for the
duty, due to non-existence of such courses in any institution. Furthermore,
there were no clear merits used to select school inspectors apart from
relying on their experience as teachers and tutors. Identified teachers and
tutors from schools and Teachers’ Colleges were nominated for the work.
The nominees went through a three-week orientation course, and later on
embarked on the inspection duties. This course will, therefore, solve all the
challenges that the inspectorate directorate has been facing. Big up,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Apart from the professional content of the CELMA and DSI courses, ADEM
plans to include Education in Emergency (EIE). Tanzania has been a
witness to various types of disasters such as famine, armed conflicts,
floods and explosions from within and the neighbouring countries, whereby
schools are closed because of insecurity or because they have been
damaged and/or destroyed during the fighting or by the floods, fire and
sometimes turned into make-shift camps for disaster victims, hence halting
all education activities in these centres. This theme will, therefore, enable
teachers and other actors to face such disasters when they take place.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is high time for this theme to be included in the curriculum for both
CELMA and DSI courses so that our teachers and other education
supervisors learn how to maintain provision of education during such
emergencies. Without education, children face a severely limited future and
without stability and structure of education, children become more
vulnerable to exploitation, including abduction, child soldiering and sex
abuse. Teachers and other education supervisors need to learn that
education has to go on even during such emergencies. They need to learn
how to prepare safe Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS) including
mechanisms for community participation in the design and site location, to
minimise disruption to formal schooling in an emergency environment.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We also need to realize the need to expand the training of stakeholders
from the current Heads of Schools, DEOS, REOs, SLOs to parents,
teachers, Head-teachers, School Committees and School Boards, so as to
increase their capacity in monitoring and evaluation, and hence improve
performance of the schools and colleges.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the Government, I would like to extend my appreciation to
our development partners for their continued support and co-operation in
the provision of education in Tanzania which has contributed to improved
performance in various education institutions. These include, among
others; UNICEF, UNESCO, JICA and the World Bank. Their interest in
supporting the education sector is evidenced by their presence here today.
I once again, say, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
I now declare this meeting officially opened!!
Thank you very much for your attention.