Schletter Solar Academy: Our experience – your success Workshop program 2014 Both in our workshop center and at our international locations, we offer comprehensive basic workshops and practical mounting workshops as well as information material on special topics - competent first-hand information for investors, banks and insurance companies, fitters, solar companies, planers and dealers. We are looking forward to your participation! Our workshops in 2014 at a glance Dear Readers, 15 GW in 15 years! As a manufacturer of mounting systems, the Schletter GmbH is not involved in the process of solar project value creation to the same extent like for example project planners and module manufacturers. Nonetheless, there probably is no company in the world that has supplied and installed more fastening systems for ground-mounted solar plants. 15 GW in 15 years - maybe not everything has worked as intended in the last 15 years, but these impressive figures prove that undoubtedly quite a lot of things have been done right! There is no doubt that one of the most important factors that made this success possible has been the wide range of workshop programs we have been offering all these years. Every workshop gives us the opportunity to maintain and improve the quality of the solar plants and the fastening systems, as we get valueable feedback when talking to the customers personally. As a result of that, our new developments will meet the customer´s specific requirements. 15 GW in 15 years - this is also a valuable treasure trove of experiences gained in countless projects. This surely is the best pre-condition to acquire know-how in close cooperation with the customers that will be integrated in each of our technical innovations and our workshop participants can take advantage of. 15 GW in 15 years - this is also our benchmark for the future! Even though the solar sector is undergoing a difficult period, the following facts cannot be denied: Solar power is the most important factor in every energy turnaround scenario and is gaining more and more ground. As the market is getting ever more professional, further training and the exchange of information become increasingly important for the success of any company. Thus, we are looking forward to welcome you at one or - even better - several workshops in our company or at your place. In the name of the whole staff of the Schletter GmbH Hans Urban Deputy Director of the Schletter GmbH 2| Competence workshops, Forstingpage // 04 PVF PVI PV 2.0 PV-E Ground-mounted photovoltaic plants Photovoltaic plants on roofs of industrial buildings Photovoltaics 2.0 Self-consumption of solar power for business enterprises, apartment buildings and communities By now, the Schletter big plant workshops have become a household name in the solar sector. Competent lecturers from different institutes and companies impart basic knowledge about the planning of photovoltaic plants and especially also further information on quality assurance of whole solar power plants (for example structural analysis and load standards, certification and quality assurance, lightning protection, insurance, calculation of profitability, etc.). This year, the workshops focussing on ground-mounted solar plants (PFV) as well as on solar plants on roofs of industrial buildings (PVI) will take place in March. The workshop "Photovoltaics 2.0 (PV 2.0) will be hosted for the first time this year. The “PVE” workshop covers all question about how medium-sized and also big solar plants can be operated economically with innovative contract concepts also in 2014. Afterwards, you can take part in a guided tour through the production halls of the Schletter company. Mounting workshop, Mounting Center Haagpage // 08 MWS Mounting workshop Practical exercises on our example roofs will prepare you in the best possible way for mounting, planning, training of your staff and for the consulting meeting with your customer. After the workshop, you can take part in a guided tour through the production halls of the Schletter company. Mounting workshops in groups by agreement, special conditions are possible (IsoTop, solar plants in open areas, carports, etc.) System workshops, Forstingpage // 10 MS AK BSV EMO MS : AK: BSV: EMO: Mounting systems for PV plants Auto-calculator & structural analysis applications Lightning protection & insurances Solar carports & electric mobility On the basis of numerous examples, pictures and mounting examples, we will show you system solutions for the most different kinds of roofs and mounting situations. This workshops covers the subjects of suitable system selection, utilization of structural analysis charts, information on calculation and last but not least the avoidance of planning errors. Afterwards, you can take part in a guided walk trough the production halls of the Schletter company. Additional workshop to get more into the details of plant dimensioning and calculation Additional workshop about lightning protection concepts for photovoltaic plants and about insurance concepts Special workshop on the future potential of photovoltaics in combination with electric mobility with special focus on solar carports and charging infrastructure. ANS automationNEXT building automation, Haagpage // 13 Workshop on building automation software hosted by our partner company automationNEXT Factory tourPage // 14 Directions & registrationsPage // 15 |3 Competence workshops 2014 PVF Workshop duration 2 days Workshop fee € 270 + legal VAT per participant Target group Fitters, installers, architects, planners, bank staff, insurance staff, investors, sales experts, energy consultants Prerequisites: None Workshop venue Brauereigasthof Forsting Ground-mounted photovoltaic plants This workshop has been created especially for planning and installation companies, but also for investors investing in large ground mount solar plants. Besides well-founded technical basics of planning, further subjects regarding the quality assurance of the whole plant will be imparted. • • • • • • • • • • Geological basics of pile-driving/foundation Structural analysis and load standards in different countries Certification and quality assurance of components and complete solar plants Lightning protection concepts Insurance concepts Liability / warranty conditions and contract drafting Inverter concepts, simulation calculations, plant monitoring Plant simulation and calculation of profitability Solar carports and electric mobility Geological surveys, GPS measuring and pile driving technologies, rack mounting Day 1 (09:00 to 17:00): • Lightning protection, liability, yields, system technology • In the evening: We will have a buffet supper together Day 2 (8:00 to 17:00): • Project planning, structural analysis, system dimensioning Afterwards: Opportunity to visit our production and logistics facilities (bus transfer), food and drinks will be served in our company building We will host this workshop in cooperation with numerous competent lecturers from the solar sector and we would like to thank them cordially for their support. Depending of the availability of the lecturers, the topical focuses mentioned may vary, and we would like to ask you to take this into account. All lectures are held in German and are interpreted simultaneously into English Get all information about the PVF competence workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. 4| Workshop on groundmounted solar plants Practical presentations of soil surveys, GPS-aided surveying, pile-driving technology and rack mounting complete the program. Demonstration of speedy mounting Fire test PVI Workshop duration 2 days Workshop fee € 270 + legal VAT per participant Target group Fitters, installers, architects, planners, bank staff, insurance staff, investors, sales experts, energy consultants Prerequisites: None Workshop venue Brauereigasthof Forsting Photovoltaic plants on roofs of industrial buildings This workshop has been created especially for big planning and installation companies, but also for investors who invest in big photovoltaic plants on roofs of industrial buildings. Besides well-founded technical basics of planning, further subjects regarding the quality assurance of the whole plant will be imparted. • • • • • • • Structural analysis and load standards in different countries Certification and quality assurance of components and complete solar plants Lightning protection concepts Insurance concepts Liability / warranty conditions and contract drafting Inverter concepts, simulation calculations, plant monitoring Plant simulation and calculation of profitability Day 1 (09:00 to 16:00): • Roof construction, structural analysis, system dimensioning Afterwards: Opportunity to visit our production plant and logistics facilities (bus transfer), drinks will be served. • In the evening: We will have a buffet supper together Day 2 (8:00 to 16:00): • Lightning protection, safety, liability, yields, system technology We will host this workshop in cooperation with numerous competent lecturers from the solar sector and we would like to thank them cordially for their support. Depending of the availability of the lecturers, the topical focuses mentioned may vary, and we would like to ask you to take this into account. All lectures are held in German and are interpreted simultaneously into English Get all information about the PVI competence workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. |5 Competence workshops 2014 PV 2.0 Workshop duration 2 days, 09:00 - 17:00 h Workshop fee € 270 + legal VAT per participant Target group Fitters, installers, architects, planners, bank staff, insurance staff, investors, sales experts, energy consultants Prerequisites: None Workshop venue Brauereigasthof Forsting Photovoltaics 2.0 Photovoltaics 2.0 – the next generation of PV application. Until now, the market potential for photovoltaics has been determined by the feed-in tariff in the respective country and its significant fluctuations or cuts. By now, the LCOE costs for solar power generation have decreased to such a low level that a steady growth on a "medium level" can be expected. Smart technical and economic concepts can help to stabilize this market growth and to increase the percentage of solar power generation in the future. In our new workshop, we would like to address this issue from a neutral, crosssupplier perspective while opening up the opportunity for discussion. • Full cost accounting of photovoltaic power generation • Profitability of the self-consumption of solar power • Self-consumption in households with or without storage • Power demand curves of different appliances, effects on the self-consumption quota and the profitability of the solar plant • Own consumption potential of electric mobility • Innovative optimization of energy and building management for industrial application • Storage technologies and battery technology • PV potential in Germany – the required extension of the grid and its costs We will host this workshop in cooperation with numerous competent lecturers from the solar sector and we would like to thank them cordially for their support. Depending of the availability of the lecturers, the topical focuses mentioned may vary, and we would like to ask you to take this into account. All lectures are held in German and interpreted simultaneously into English. All lectures are held in German and are interpreted simultaneously into English Get all information about the PVI 2.0 competence workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. PV-E Workshop duration 1 day, 09:00 - 17:00 h Workshop fee € 75 + legal VAT per participant Target group Craftsmen, energy consultants, planners, architects, employees of expert companies specialized in solar business Lecturer Dipl.-Kfm.(Univ.) Michael Vogtmann Workshop venues Brauereigasthof Forsting Get all information about the PVI-E competence workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. Self-consumption of solar power for business enterprises, apartment buildings and communities This workshops covers all question how medium-sized and also big solar plants can be operated economically with innovative contract concepts. This workshop does not focus on technology, but on the legal, contractual and economic framework conditions. We want to provide you as our customers with the latest information to make sure that solar plants will be sold, built and economically operated also in 2014. This workshop takes place several times a year. The upcoming events are listed in the workshop calender on our website. 2014 Mounting Mounting workshop workshop 2014 Become a Schletter-certified mounting company MWS Workshop duration 2 days Workshop fee € 250 + legal VAT per participant Target group Fitters, installers, architects, planners, sales experts, energy advisers Prerequisites: Experience in the installation of grid-connected solar plants Please note Please bring your own working clothes and safety shoes! Mounting workshops The participants are divided up in groups of 5 - 7 and these groups are instructed by an experienced trainer. This offer is aimed at installation and planning companies. For our mounting workshops, we have installed the most different example roofs with a total roof area of 230m². Practical exercises on the basis of our model roofs will make you fit for planning, mounting, training of your staff and of course for your personal talks with your customer. Day 1 (09:00 to 16:00): Theory / practice • Morning: Presentation of different roof systems and selection of suitable mounting solutions. • Afternoon: Mounting of roof-specific fastening solutions for different roof coverings. Afterwards: Opportunity to visit our production plant and logistics facilities. Day 2 (08:00 to about 16:00): Hands-on training • Assembly and mounting of all systems on the model roofs Workshop venue Mounting Center Haag in former Schletter production halls Get all information about the MWS mounting workshop as well as the registration form by scanning this QR code. 8| Mounting workshop Hands-on training on our example roofs with a total area of more than 230 m² will prepare you in the best possible manner for planning, mounting, training of your staff and for personal talks with your customer. Your mounting center team |9 System workshops 2014 MS Workshop duration 1 day, 09:00 - 16:30 h Workshop fee € 75 + legal VAT per participant Target group Fitters, installers, architects, planners, sales experts, energy advisers Mounting systems for PV plants • • • • • • System solutions for the most different kinds of roofs Dimensioning of suitable fastening systems Plant dimensioning according to structural analysis Project planning and calculation News and innovations Discussion and exchange of experiences Afterwards: Opportunity to visit our production and logistics facilities Prerequisites: Experience in the installation of grid-connected solar plants would be helpful Please note Please consider that there are only 40 seats available. Workshop venues Brauereigasthof Forsting as well as: Factory Hotel Münster Get all information about the MS system workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. 10 | AK Workshop duration 1 day, 09:00 - 16:00 h Workshop fee € 75 + legal VAT per participant Target group Fitters, installers, architects, planners, sales experts, energy advisers Application of the auto-calculator & structural analysis tools This offer is aimed at customers who already have participated in our workshop "MS - mounting systems for PV plants" or already have been using our systems for some time. On the basis of calculation examples, plant dimensioning for different roof situations is discussed in work groups. Please bring your own laptop with Windows and MS Office already installed. Prerequisites: Profound knowledge in the area of solar plant planning or already having taken part in the MS workshop Please note Please consider that there are only 20 seats available. Workshop venues Brauereigasthof Forsting as well as: Factory Hotel Münster Get all information about the AK system workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. | 11 System workshops 2014 BSV Workshop duration 1 day, 09:00 - 16:00 h Workshop fee € 75 + legal VAT per participant Target group Fitters, installers, architects, planners, sales experts, energy advisers Prerequisites: Experience in the installation grid-connected solar plants Please note Please consider that there are only 40 seats available. Lightning protection and insurances Lightning protection for photovoltaic plants • Causes of overvoltage and how lightning protection works • Hazard analysis • Current state of standardization and legal situation • Measures of interior and exterior lightning protection Solar insurances • Risks to installers and operators • Range of services and coverage of several insurance packages • Advice based on practical experience Get all information about the BSV system workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. Workshop venue Brauereigasthof Forsting EMO Workshop duration 1 day, 08:30 - 16:30 h Workshop fee € 75 + legal VAT per participant Target group System suppliers and installation companies from the photovoltaic sector that are interested in new electric mobility markets. Prerequisites: None Please note Please consider that there are only 40 seats available. Workshop venue Brauereigasthof Forsting 12 | Solar carports & electric mobility General overview of the current state of electric mobility, Information on vehicle technology P-CHARGE – charging systems for electric vehicles Designs, possible layouts, counting and billing, technology and handling, price overview Park@Sol carport systems Structural load assumptions, compiled kit systems, individual unit assembly systems, foundation procedures, project planning, lightning protection Visit of the 500 KW reference carport plant and of Schletter's production facilities Get all information about the EMO system workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. Workshop: Building automation ANS Workshop duration ½ day, 9:00 - 13:00 h Workshop fee € 75 + legal VAT per participant Target group Electric installers, dealers, wholesalers automationNEXT Building control workshop • The next.system is a powerful, custom-configurable building management software package. It can be operated on most current industrial PC platforms and is compatible with most current renowned manufacturers' hardware systems. • The advantage of the configuration software next.manager is the user-friendly, self-explanatory handling and the opportunity to combine hardware platforms by different manufacturers on one operational level. automationNEXT, the manufacturer of the software, is a partner company of Schletter GmbH. Schletter GmbH actively takes part in the further development of this system and the Schletter company building is one of the largest reference plants for the next.server system. With a total of more than 400 installed meters for gas and power consumption, we record and optimize our energy consumption in the different halls and production facilities. • In addition to the management of large and complex production facilities, the software can be configured in smaller and cost-effective part-packages to automate and optimize demanding housekeeping in the domestic household. The software is also designed for the networking of solar power plants, combined heat and power plants and small wind power plants. • We would like to invite our customers from the electrical installation sector, and of course also dealers and wholesalers to learn about this new software platform here at our company headquarters. • A pre-installed representative test surrounding enables you to create and test simple programs yourself. Using the Schletter production halls as an example, you will get insights in how to quickly and easily record and automate complex processes. Prerequisites: None Workshop venue Schletter GmbH Get all information about the ANS workshop and the registration form by scanning this QR code. A partner company of the Schletter GmbH Factory visit on location in Kirchdorf Visit our production facilities and our shipping department Take a look at our production facilities. As we are equipped with state-of-the-art and efficient machinery, we can easily achieve high production capacities. At the same time, we can produce cost-efficiently and react quickly to customer requirements due to our high real net output ratio. Individual customer wishes can easily be realized by our competent staff in the departments of development, construction and design. We will also show you our new logistics center: Due to state-of-the-art warehousing technology, the new logistics center allows a more efficient and quicker delivery. With an increased stock, automatic shelf management and paperless picking, we offer our customer an even more efficient service. 14 | Directions and registration Venues Richtung Landshut Dorfen Schletter GmbH: Alustrasse 1 83527 Kirchdorf/Haag i. OB GERMANY Moosham Winden Brauereigasthof Forsting Münchner Straße 21 D-83539 Forsting, GERMANY The venue can be reached by train or car Tel.: +49 8094 9097-0 Fax: +49 8094 9097-40 12 15 Schletter GmbH, Alustrasse 1 Schletter Mounting Center: Heimgartenstraße 41 (former production halls) 83527 Haag i. OB, GERMANY Tel: +49 8072 9191 – 209 Fax: +49 8072 9191 – 9209 E-mail: [email protected] Schletter Mounting Center, Heimgartenstrasse 41 Haag in Oberbayern 12 Further information about our workshop venue and accommodation options are listed on our website under "Workshop dates". Richtung Mühldorf 12 Lerchenberg Maitenbeth Richtung München 15 Allmannsau Weidgarten Soyen Workshop venue: Brauereigasthof Forsting, Münchner Straße 21 15 Richtung Ebersberg München Forsting Oberhub Graben Unterhub 304 Linden Accommodation If you want to take part in a workshop that takes place close to the headquarters of Schletter GmbH, we recommend the Brauereigasthof Forsting, if accommodation is required (contact details see above). A number of rooms are reserved for our participants. Ramsau Rottmoos Mün chn Pfaffing Edling er S tr. Reitmehring Gabersee Wasserburg am Inn Richtung Salzburg Richtung Rosenheim Online registration at in the "Events" area Conditions of participation 1. Registration By registering, you acknowledge the terms of participation. Registrations will be considered in order of entry. The registration is binding, as soon as it it confirmed by the organizer. The invoice for the participation fee will be sent to you after the confirmation of participation. 2. Cancellation Up to two weeks before the workshop, you can cancel without any charge. As there is only a limited number of seats available, we would like to ask for your understanding that we have to charge the complete participation fee if the participant cancels to late or fails to appear. Of course, a replacement person can take part in the workshop. 3. Cancellation of the event If the event is cancelled by the organizer, participation fees that already have been paid will of course be refunded. Further claims, especially the payment of travel expenses, accommodation costs or non-productive time are generally excluded. | 15 Schletter GmbH Alustrasse 1 83527 Kirchdorf / Haag i. OB Tel.: +49 8072 9191 -0 Fax: +49 8072 9191 -9100 [email protected] © Schletter GmbH, 2014, I000015GB, V1 We will be there for you: Our qualified team of experts will competently give you practical and up-to-date information. External lecturers will complete our team in order to cover special topics. Get up-to-date practical and theoretical information - we are looking forward to your participation!
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