Manufacturer since 1930’s ATI ENVIRONNEMENT Presentation Dr. KIM Moody Oct. 15, 2014 ATI ENVIRONNEMENT manufactures incinerators, since 1930 Well Known in the World Respecting New European Regulation EC 76/2000 • Incineration is the only solution to eliminate DEFINITIVELY organic waste like hospital waste, pharmaceutical waste, oily waste, animal waste, all kinds of industrial hazardous waste. • Incinerators become CLEAN and ENERGY RECYCLING technology. NEW GENERATION INCINERATOR 1- No pollution – Water, Soil and Air 2- No colors and no smell out of chimney 3- Completely combustion (unburned rated: less 3%) 4-Entirely automatic operation How much clean? • Particulates content in the air in Paris: 5 mg/m3 • Out of the chimney of incinerator: 3 mg/m3 How much clean? • * 85,000 tons cigarette per year in France: • 85,000 t/y x 8,000 m3/t x 25,000 mg CO/t • = 17,000,000,000,000 mg CO (17,000 t CO) • * 10,000,000 tons domestic waste incinerated per year: • 10,000,000 t/y x 8,000 m3/t x 50 mg CO/t • = 4,000,000,000,000 mg CO (4,000 t CO) Our references and experiences! RECENT REFERENCES • • • • • • • • • • Ukraine : 25 incinerators Russia : 34 incinerators Vietnam: 33 incinerators Cambodia: 4 incinerators Roumania: 16 incinerators Poland: 31 incinerators China: 3 incinerators Austalia: 1 incinerator UK: 3 incinerators Africa: 65 incinerators etc… MUSCAT (OMAN) MEDICAL WASTE TREATMENT CENTRE 2 lines x 250 kg/h inaugurated in January 2006 FOSAN CITY (CHINA) MEDICAL WASTE TREATMENT CENTRE 1 lines x 15 tons/day Adelaider CITY (AUSTRALIA) HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT CENTRE 1 lines x 20 tons/day AL-AIN (UAE) WASTE TREATMENT CENTRE 2 lines x 250 kg/h Operating by Saudi DALLAH GROUP CO. BARHEIN WASTE TREATMENT CENTRE Inauguration of Medical and Hazardous Waste Treatment Centre – Bahrain on 22 April, 2002 under the presence of the Bahrain Minister of Health and the French Ambassador. SEPCO PHARMACEUTICAL WASTE TREATMENT CENTRE – SAUDI ARABIA : Jeddah- AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL – PAKISTAN : Karachi- European Regulation OLD GENERATION INCINERATOR IN 1980-1990S One chamber No control O2 No control CO Low operating temperature No gas treatment system WHAT NEW EUROPEAN REGULATION ON INCINERATOR ? (EC 2000/76) Article 6 Incineration plants shall be designed, equipped, built and operated in such a way that the gas resulting from the process is raised, after the last injection of combustion air, in a controlled and homogeneous fashion and even under the most unfavourable conditions, to a temperature of 850 °C, as measured near the inner wall or at another representative point of the combustion chamber as authorised by the competent authority, for two seconds. If hazardous wastes with a content of more than 1 % of halogenated organic substances, expressed as chlorine, are incinerated, the temperature has to be raised to 1,100 °C for at least two seconds. European Emission Standard U.S.EPA Standard (5/12/1999) KUWAIT Standard (2012) European standard (ATI guarantee) Directive 4/12/2000 Dust particles (mg/Nm3) 34 10 10 HCl (mg/Nm3) 31.5 10 10 CO (mg/Nm3) 125 50 50 SO2 (mg/Nm3) - 50 50 Nox (mg/Nm3) - 200 200 HF (mg/Nm3) - 1 1 Dioxine & Furane (ngTEQ/Nm3) 0.2 0.1 0.1 Mercury (mg/Nm3) 0.13 0.05 0.05 Heavy Metals (mg/Nm3) 0.9 0.5 0.5 Pollutants Emission Warranty (New European Emission Standard EU 76/2000) FIVE STEPS OF GAS CLEANING 1st Step: Pyrolitic combustion (the best air control system ) 2nd Step: Special Secondary Combustion) Chamber patented by ATl 3rd Step: Elimination of Dioxins & Furans, Mercury 4th Step: Elimination of Acid pollutants 5th Step: Elimination of Dust particles and heavy metals 1st Step Pyrolitic combustion (the best air control system ) 7.6 2nd Step Special Secondary (Post-Combustion) Chamber patented by ATl 3 T: Temperature, Time and Turbulence (Good mix of CO + O2) 3nd Step Elimination of Dioxins and Furans Dioxins/Furans Elimination Dioxins/Furans (PCDD/PCDF) production = Carbon (C) in dusts + Oxygen (0) in Gas + Cl (produced from plastics) + T° (250°C – 450°C) In general, in the hospital waste in France, the production of Dioxins/Furans after the boiler : 5 ng/Nm3 Where : •3 ng/Nm3 in particle form, eliminated by Ceramic filters •2 ng/Nm3 in gaseous form, absorbed by Active carbon 3.5 1100°C 180°C Energy Exchanger 4nd Step Elimination of Acid pollutants Reactor Dioxins-Furans Active carbon or Mineral Minsorb injection system d’injection 12.4 Reactor HCl / SO2 / H.F. Special Hydrate lime or bicarbonate sodium injection system ACID POLLUTANTS ELIMINATION Chemical neutralization by Special Hydrated Lime : Ca(OH)2 • • • • Ca(OH)2 + 2 HCl Ca(OH)2 + 2 HF Ca(OH)2 + SO2 Ca(OH)2 + SO2 + 0.5 O2 CaCl2 + 2 H2O CaF2 + 2 H20 CaSO3 + H2O CaSO4 + H2O 5th Step Elimination of Dust particles and heavy metals 12.5.3 EMISSION GAS MONITORING SYSTEM Emission gas test results after gas traitment system ADVANTAGES OF ATI-INCINERATORS MULLER TECHNOLOGY ATI has the confident technologies made of long Experience (70 years), R & D and Renovation. We are always concerning the Emission level and the Robust and Simplicity of conception in order to reduce the Environment Impact and the Operation Cost. Our experimented engineers can offer a Solution for Each client according to his necessity and situation You are always welcome to ATI ENVIRONNEMENT Office and factory 2, rue Gustave Effel 45500 Gien – France Tel : +33 (0)2 38 29 29 02 Fax : +33 (0)2 38 31 94 59 e-mail:[email protected] Web : End THANK YOU
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