UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Material Readiness Assessment Overview Fleet Maintenance & Modernization Symposium 2014 19-20 September 2014 Victor Garcia Branch Head Platform Assessment (RA16) Black Berry: (951) 545-9703 Office: (951) 273-4623 Cell: (626) 975-1128 [email protected] 1 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 1 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Agenda Material Readiness Assessment – Material Readiness Database (MRDB) Aligned Troubled Systems Process (TSP) – Objective Quality Evidence based decisions Platform Assessment & Mission Modeling DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 2 2 UNCLASSIFIEDUNCLASSIFIEDFOUO FOUO BLUF • Delivering the tools and assessments needed to measure and manage material readiness - RM&A Assessment is Core Technical Capability (TC) - Assessments cover OFRP including maintenance and sustainment phases • Mature and proven tools to assess material readiness - - - - Centralized source for material readiness data and metrics Managed by SEA21 Endorsed by SWE BOD/USFF/CPF Stakeholders include USFF, COMPACFLT, OPNAV, TYCOMs, SWE, NAVSEA, SEA 21, PEO’s, SPAWAR, ISE’s DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 3 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Material Readiness Assessment Evolution 1980 1985 1991 1988 Fleet Data Collection • 4855 log • 3M system Pre-MRDB Issues: • Program managers collect data on own system, create multiple databases • No agreed data, analysis methods, or readiness metrics • Fleet unable to get dependable answers to material readiness issues • $20M+ annually on unaffordable proliferation of databases • No systematic collection of material readiness data 2000 Fleet establishes TSP program CNO Charter Identifies MRDB as sole authoritative source of Ao and RM&A measures 2003 OPNAVINST 3000.12A Ao established as KPP PRES. 2009 2011 2012 2006 MRA Next Generation Coast Guard eLOG PEO SUB Support D E P AR T ME N T O F T H E N AV Y RKC O F F IC E OF T HE C HIE F O F NAV AL O P E R AT IO NS WAS H ING T O N, D C 20350-‐2000 IN R E P L Y R E F E R TO : 3050 S er 03/80380154 14 Dec 88 F rom: T o: C hief of Na val O perations C ommander, Naval S ea S ys tems C ommand S ubj: MAT E R IAL R E AD INE S S D AT A B AS E (MR D B ) S ubj: (a) O P NAV INS T 3000.12 (b) O P NAV INS T 5000.49A (c) C NO ltr 4000 S er 03/6U 386911 of 18 N ov 86 (d) C O MN AVS E AS Y S C O M Was hing ton D . C . 2500458 Aug 88 (e) C NO (O P -‐03B ) P rog ram R eview of 28 Nov 88 1. R eference (a) es tablis hed O perational Availability (Ao) as th e primary meas ure of material readines s for Na vy mis s ion es s ential equipment and s ystems . R eference (b) mandates Ao as th e primary driving force for sys tem des ig n and development, as well as for p rovis ion of log is tics s upport for a ll Navy s ys tems and equipments. R eference (c) es tablis hed the S hip R eadines s Improvement P rog ram (R IP ) to maximiz e total s hip readines s by relating res ources to wartime material readines s . 2. In the pas t, there has b een a proliferation of d ata bas es which p roduced confus ing and contradictory information. T herefore, the C O MNAV S E AS Y S C O M R eadines s D ata B as e is des ignate d as the s ingle authoritative O P -‐03 MR D B for all s hipboard s ys tems . 3. T he primary objective of the MR D B is to provide an automated, on-‐line s ource of material readines s information in order to: a. As s es s equipment, s ystem, and total ship operational ava ilability, reliability, and log is tic s upportability. b. Identify total ship and individual equipment material readine s s drivers . c. Quantify/validate effectivenes s of readines s initiatives . d. P rovide early indication of chang es in readines s trends. 4. C ompletion of cons olidation to and automation of the MR D B is rec ommended. In order to alleviate the F Y -‐89 s hortfall outlined reference (d), identification of funds as subelements within appropriated AG S AG ’s is approved. As directed reference (e), reprog ramming into the R S 1S Q funding line is n ot approved. 5. In order to enhance the credibility and sus tainability of this initiative, more active participation by the HM&E community is required in order to achieve elimination of data bas e duplica tion. A long -‐term plan of action, including res pons e to the Na vy I.G . direction in this reg ard, is reques ted b y 15 F ebruary 89. 6. My point of contact is L ieutenant C ommander M. H. B usby, O P -‐352E , X 52079. J . W. NY Q UIS T As s is tant C hief of Naval O perations (S urface Warfare) Add SPAWAR Aegis NAVAIR HM&E In MRDB NAVSEA establishes Material Readiness Data Base (MRDB) for selected systems Platform Level Health Assessment OPNAVINST 3000.12 Established Ao primary material readiness measure DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 4 UNCLASSIFIEDUNCLASSIFIEDFOUO FOUO NWSC Corona Material Readiness Assessment Inputs, Processes & Utilization NSWC Corona Authoritative Processes & Tools CIS CASREP Information System MRDB Ao RM&A Logistics TSP ST-1 CIS Trends EOC Drivers LOD Cost CASREPs DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 5 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Assessment Tool MRDB • OPNAV chartered since 1988 as single authoritative readiness database for all shipboard systems - Managed by SEA21 - Endorsed by Fleet/SWE, NAVSEA, and SPAWAR - Tool of choice for C5I and HM&E RM&A assessment • Multi-dimensional tool - Standard methodology with computations IAW OPNAVINST 3000.12A - Assess system readiness - Root cause analysis and early problem identification - Predictive capability (“what if?” excursions) - Determine effectiveness of corrective actions - Platform health assessment - Readiness Kill Chain (RKC) MRDB provides Fleet , PM, ISEA & OEM the tools for measuring and managing material readiness DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 6 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Assessment Approach • • • • • • • • • Reliability Maintainability: PMS/BIT/BITE Supply Support Tech Assist Support Training Experience Personnel Technical Documentation Support Equipment AND MORE… • Does the system work? − Is it reliable, maintainable, affordable? • How do you know? • Is the system meeting requirements? • What are the key metrics and drivers? • How do we choose the right fix at the right cost for the right readiness? Ao = MTBF MTBF + MTTR + MLDT + MOADT + MADMDT • Reliability • Maintainability • Supportability • Outside Assists • Admin Delays DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona What is The Weakest Link? What if …? UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 7 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Ao Directive to Implementation • DoD 5000.02 series ̶ Ao is a DoD KPP and the Navy’s primary measure of material readiness • OPNAVINST 3000.12A, Operational Availability Handbook ̶ “Operational Availability (Ao) is defined as the probability that the system will be ready to perform its specified function, in its specified and intended operational environment, when called for at a random point in time” • MRDB Calculations ̶ Adhere to OPNAVINST 3000.12A and consistent with common industry standards and implementation ̶ Ao is a probabilistic indicator of material readiness ̶ Ao is a function of multiple parameters DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 8 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Ao Parameters • Failure Counts • Down Times ̶ Fleet reported maintenance ̶ CASREPs ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ • Repairs Actions ̶ Replace ̶ Repair ̶ Part Cost Corrective maintenance Logistics Fleet technical assistance Administrative time • Usage ̶ Energized time ̶ Demand factors Typical Failure-Repair Sequence Failure Occurs Tech assist requested Technician requests part • Secure equipment • Get IETM, tech docs, tools • Fault isolation • Active maintenance • Awaiting DS response • Awaiting onboard assistance Corrective Maintenance Time Tech Assist Time Ship supply requests part • Internal approval • Re-order is necessary Part received onboard • Fill order from Navy shore inventory • Fill backorders • Shipping delay • Shore logistics delay Administrative Delay Time DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona Logistics Delay Time UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Failure Corrected • Part install • Alignment • Test Corrective Maintenance Time 9 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO MRDB Data Input CY13 Data Volume INSURV Tech. Manuals N RATIO O B A COLL E MS 2,28 1,94 1 2k ’s YS 240 S MENT ALL SH IP S SCHEDU LE RMC & IS EA / C5RA TSRA / BMDRA RTS REPO T EMPLOY 99 Events 30,0 Reliability Block Diagram ISEA WITH ASSESSMENT ALTY CASU 97 Criteria 5,14 7 TEC H AS S IS T S Multiple source data supporting RM&A assessment DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 10 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Assessing a System (A to Z) Demand Signal Ø Collaborate with technical community (PM, ISEA, TYCOM, OEM) to develop system assessment criteria • reliability model • system boundaries • LRU/criticality assignments Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Readiness Assessment Criteria & Reliability Block Diagram Induct System Into MRDB Ø Develop RM&A equations Ø Develop configuration files and part dictionaries Ø Score and process 4 years of Fleet data Data Validation Ø Collaborate with SMEs on ensuring validation of scored data and metrics MK 15 PHALANX CIWS BLOCK 1B RM&A BRIDGE PLOT FLEET METRICS AND PART DRIVERS PM: PEO IWS 3G ISEA: NSWC IHD DET PICATINNY Last Updated: 19 MAY 2014 SYSTEM OVERVIEW Phalanx CIWS is a high-rate-fire gun weapon system that automatically acquires, tracks, and destroys Anti-Ship Missiles (ASMs) that have penetrated the ship's outer defensive layers. CIWS is a total weapon system that encompasses functions usually performed by separate, independent systems. Utilizing precision radar, CIWS provides autonomous search, detection, declaration (threat evaluation), acquisition, track, firing, gun aim correction, target destruction, automatic kill assessment, and cease fire. 12 AAW MEAN DOWN TIME COMPONENTS FY11 #C2 ASuW #C3 FY12 FY13 #C4 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14Q2 TOTAL P OP Avg. Duration MEAN LOGISTICS TIME - MLT (Hrs) ASuW MEAN DOWN TIME COMPONENTS 1000 900 100 800 90 800 MLDT MT TR MOADT MAdmDT Reliability Drivers or Top Degraders: Part Name Part Number / RSN Thermal Imager 3A33 Passive Limiter 6748446 Rate Gyroscope 6196547 Coolant Pump 6748441 Torque Motor 5543190-001 System Level Totals *Inc ludes M A J /C R IT F ailures d uring A c tiv e T ime FY11 MLDT MTTR FY12 MOADT FY13 MAdmDT FY14Q2 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14Q2 0 AAW ASuW 44 50 FY10 120 100 80 60 6,000 4,000 49 56 0 468 636 FY14Q2 8,000 45 52 FY13 140 12,000 44 53 FY12 479 642 FY11 421 826 FY10 436 766 0 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 Q2 0 AAW 2,000 40 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14Q2 Total Cost $1,813,221 $1,143,175 $877,866 $749,577 $664,158 $18,420,155 Supportability: If listed drivers were all onboard spares, new Ao would be 0.69 / 0.82 *Inc ludes P M S /M IN /M A J /C R IT e v ents d uring C alendar T ime 20 0 ASuW Data Source For This Entire Dashboard: OPNAV Material Readiness Database (MRDB) Part Drivers / Top Degraders Supportability Drivers or Top Degraders: *CA *MTBF (Hrs) Part Name Part Number / RSN Sensitivity Analysis 18 3,910 Thermal Imager 3A33 AAW / ASuW 10 212,762 Grooved Gun Clamp 12011779 Current Ao = 0.68 / 0.70 92 28,621 Housing Assy 6166869 78 14,257 Coolant Pump 6748441 Reliability: If no listed drivers failed, the new Ao for 45 62,827 LCS Display Unit 7635857 AAW: 0.71 1,411 887 / 1,371 System Level Totals ASuW: 0.81 *Inc ludes M A J /C R IT F ailures d uring A c tiv e T ime Cost Drivers or Top Degraders (All costs are historical): Part Name Part Number / RSN NR Thermal Imager 7485724 15 Barrel Gun 20MM 6736578 50 Coolant Pump 6748441 102 HPA 6991116 12 Rate Gyroscope 6196547 86 System Level Totals 18,861 ASu W 10,000 30 20 10 0 AAW TOTAL 18,000 50 200 100 FY13 FY14Q2 14,000 40 300 200 FY12 16,000 70 400 400 200 100 FY11 HISTORICAL PARTS COST IN $1,000s 60 500 400 300 20000 10000 FY10 20,000 80 700 600 600 50000 30000 2 PERCENT NOT ON BOARD %NOB 42 51 600 0 CA SREPS PER SY S 700 500 0. 00 14 16 FY10 0 FY14Q2 18,420 AAW 0 FY10 40000 6 4 16,113 ASuW 0 200 FY14Q2 8 0. 50 15,299 FY13 202 FY12 195 FY11 41,929 36,617 33,500 31,266 10 1.00 173 FY10 53,60860000 18 16 14 2. 00 50 MTTR VS MANHOURS 20 3. 00 2. 50 2.04 1.92 1.83 150 100 10 5 13,974 AAW 0 983 1,385 200 881 1,072 0.68 0.70 FY14Q2 887 1371 0.71 0.69 FY13 935 1,178 0.69 0.61 FY12 1,059 1,041 0.72 0.61 FY11 2.56 2.30 200 1. 50 15 200 100 346 503 Ø Perform RM&A assessments Ø ID readiness trends/drivers Ø Perform regular model/data/ criteria validations with SMEs 0.79 0.68 System Assessment/Sustainment FY10 0.0 CASREPS PER SY STEM 250 300 600 400 15 18 30 25 20 800 14 18 35 500 400 1000 16 17 600 1400 1200 0.2 19 17 CASREPS, CRITICALITIES, & DURATION (Day s) RELIABILITY - MTBF (Hrs) 1600 0.6 0.4 9,964 OPERATIONAL AVAILABILITY - Ao 0.8 146 1.0 Maintainability Drivers or Top Degraders: Part Name Part Number / RSN Coolant Pump 6748441 Rate Gyroscope 6196547 Torque Motor 5543190-001 Housing Assembly 6166869 Gun 20MM Auto M61A1 8227554-40 System Level Totals To tal C ost Part C ost per Sys-Yr *NL 18 11 28 12 16 708 *Total Log 12,769 12,696 6,062 5,650 4,717 269,550 *%NOB 100 32 93 19 100 44% / 50% **CA 62 84 40 30 19.00 1,606 **MTTR (Hrs) 13 9 13 15 18 14 / 16 **Total CM (Hrs) 819 775 514 439 340 15,574 *Inc ludes M IN /M A J /C R IT F ailures d uring C alendar T ime / **Inc ludes M A J /C R IT F ailures d uring A c tiv e T ime DATA SOURCE: N96 MATERIAL READINESS DATABASE (MRDB-NG) Improve Readiness & Reduce Cost Ø ID potential improvements Ø Perform ROI studies Ø Monitor effectiveness of improvement initiatives DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO ü ü ü ü ü ECPs/Ordalts Sparing Changes Tech Manual updates PMS changes Reliability improvements 11 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO MK 15 PHALANX CIWS BLOCK 1B RM&A BRIDGE PLOT FLEET METRICS AND PART DRIVERS PM: PEO IWS 3G ISEA: NSWC IHD DET PICATINNY Last Updated: 19 MAY 2014 SYSTEM OVERVIEW Phalanx CIWS is a high-rate-fire gun weapon system that automatically acquires, tracks, and destroys Anti-Ship Missiles (ASMs) that have penetrated the ship's outer defensive layers. CIWS is a total weapon system that encompasses functions usually performed by separate, independent systems. Utilizing precision radar, CIWS provides autonomous search, detection, declaration (threat evaluation), acquisition, track, firing, gun aim correction, target destruction, automatic kill assessment, and cease fire. FY11 FY12 AAW FY13 FY14Q2 FY10 FY12 AAW AAW MEAN DOWN TIME COMPONENTS FY13 FY14Q2 0 FY10 FY11 #C2 ASuW #C3 FY12 FY13 #C4 0. 00 FY14Q2 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 TOTAL P OP Avg. Duration 900 100 800 90 800 700 80 500 600 300 MLDT MT TR MOADT FY10 MAdmDT Reliability Drivers or Top Degraders: Part Name Part Number / RSN Thermal Imager 3A33 Passive Limiter 6748446 Rate Gyroscope 6196547 Coolant Pump 6748441 Torque Motor 5543190-001 System Level Totals *Inc ludes M A J /C R IT F ailures d uring A c tiv e T ime FY11 MLDT MTTR FY12 MOADT FY13 MAdmDT FY14Q2 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14Q2 0 AAW ASuW 4,000 44 50 0 60 6,000 49 56 FY14Q2 80 8,000 45 52 FY13 100 10,000 44 53 FY12 468 636 FY11 479 642 FY10 421 826 0 10 120 12,000 20 436 766 100 346 503 100 140 14,000 30 200 200 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 Q2 2,000 0 AAW 40 FY10 FY11 FY12 Total Cost $1,813,221 $1,143,175 $877,866 $749,577 $664,158 $18,420,155 Supportability: If listed drivers were all onboard spares, new Ao would be 0.69 / 0.82 *Inc ludes P M S /M IN /M A J /C R IT e v ents d uring C alendar T ime FY13 FY14Q2 20 0 ASuW Data Source For This Entire Dashboard: OPNAV Material Readiness Database (MRDB) Part Drivers / Top Degraders Supportability Drivers or Top Degraders: *CA *MTBF (Hrs) Part Name Part Number / RSN Sensitivity Analysis 18 3,910 Thermal Imager 3A33 AAW / ASuW 10 212,762 Grooved Gun Clamp 12011779 Current Ao = 0.68 / 0.70 92 28,621 Housing Assy 6166869 78 14,257 Coolant Pump 6748441 Reliability: If no listed drivers failed, the new Ao for 45 62,827 LCS Display Unit 7635857 AAW: 0.71 1,411 887 / 1,371 System Level Totals ASuW: 0.81 *Inc ludes M A J /C R IT F ailures d uring A c tiv e T ime Cost Drivers or Top Degraders (All costs are historical): Part Name Part Number / RSN NR Thermal Imager 7485724 15 Barrel Gun 20MM 6736578 50 Coolant Pump 6748441 102 HPA 6991116 12 Rate Gyroscope 6196547 86 System Level Totals 18,861 0 ASu W 16,000 40 200 FY13 FY14Q2 18,000 50 400 400 FY12 AAW TOTAL HISTORICAL PARTS COST IN $1,000s 42 51 300 FY11 20,000 60 500 400 FY10 0 FY14Q2 PERCENT NOT ON BOARD %NOB 70 600 10000 CA SREPS PER SY S 700 600 4 2 0 MEAN LOGISTICS TIME - MLT (Hrs) ASuW MEAN DOWN TIME COMPONENTS 1000 200 887 1371 983 1,385 881 1,072 935 1,178 FY11 ASuW 0 20000 6 0. 50 14 16 0 30000 8 15,299 FY10 200 100 50 5 40000 10 10 100 50000 41,929 36,617 33,500 31,266 18,420 200 1,059 1,041 0.68 0.70 0.71 0.69 0.69 0.61 0.72 0.61 0.0 12 1.00 400 0.79 0.68 0.2 2. 00 1. 50 15 600 14 150 300 146 0.4 16 15 18 20 800 2.04 1.92 1.83 16,113 400 1000 200 25 53,60860000 18 2. 50 202 0.6 2.30 MTTR VS MANHOURS 20 3. 00 14 18 500 1200 2.56 195 0.8 30 CASREPS PER SY STEM 250 13,974 1400 35 16 17 600 19 17 CASREPS, CRITICALITIES, & DURATION (Day s) RELIABILITY - MTBF (Hrs) 1600 9,964 OPERATIONAL AVAILABILITY - Ao 173 1.0 Maintainability Drivers or Top Degraders: Part Name Part Number / RSN Coolant Pump 6748441 Rate Gyroscope 6196547 Torque Motor 5543190-001 Housing Assembly 6166869 Gun 20MM Auto M61A1 8227554-40 System Level Totals To tal C ost Part C ost per Sys-Yr *NL 18 11 28 12 16 708 *Total Log 12,769 12,696 6,062 5,650 4,717 269,550 *%NOB 100 32 93 19 100 44% / 50% **CA 62 84 40 30 19.00 1,606 **MTTR (Hrs) 13 9 13 15 18 14 / 16 **Total CM (Hrs) 819 775 514 439 340 15,574 *Inc ludes M IN /M A J /C R IT F ailures d uring C alendar T ime / **Inc ludes M A J /C R IT F ailures d uring A c tiv e T ime DATA SOURCE: N96 MATERIAL READINESS DATABASE (MRDB-NG) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 12 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO MRDB Reporting & Assessment Products ● Annual, Semi-Annual, and Quarterly published RM&A reports ● Other planned reports [monthly SWE/NIDE, CNSP monthly CASREP bridge-plot, multiple (daily/bi-monthly/returning CSG) PACFLT reports, SEAR support, etc.) ● Ad Hoc data calls (over 600 in FY13) ● Over 248 System Readiness Forums − Input to RKC (E-Pillar) − ILSMT (Sparing/logistics improvements) − HM&E Sustainment/PESC − Program Reviews (ECPs/ORDALTs) − Input to TSP (TYCOM priorities) − SEA 21 Initiatives/Task Forces − C5I KSN (Task ID and prioritization) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 13 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO MRDB Scope (875-Plus Reliability Models for 235 Systems) COMBAT SYSTEMS ACDS/CDS Aegis ADS Aegis C&D Aegis W CS AN/BPS-‐15H AN/BPS-‐16 AN/BSN-‐2 DDD AN/SLQ-‐25 NIXIE AN/SLQ-‐32 AN/SLQ-‐37 AN/SLQ-‐37 V4 AN/SLQ-‐48 AN/SPA-‐25G AN/SPN-‐41 AN/SPN-‐43C AN/SPN-‐46 AN/SPQ-‐12 RADD AN/SPQ-‐14 AN/SPQ-‐9B AN/SPS-‐40E AN/SPS-‐48E AN/SPS-‐48G AN/SPS-‐49 AN/SPS-‐55 AN/SPS-‐67 AN/SPS-‐73(V)12 AN/SPS-‐74 AN/SQQ-‐28 AN/SQQ-‐32 AN/SQQ-‐89 ASWCS AN/SQQ-‐89 HCPS AN/SQQ-‐89 MSTRAP AN/SQQ-‐89 SLR AN/SQQ-‐89 TDSS AN/SQQ-‐89A(V)15 TI09 AN/SQR-‐19/A/B TACTAS AN/SQS-‐53C/D AN/SQS-‐56 SDRS AN/SSN-‐2 PINS AN/SSQ-‐132(V)1 SPS AN/SSX-‐1 AN/SYQ-‐17 RAIDS AN/TPX-‐42A AN/UQN-‐4/4A AN/URN-‐25 TACAN AN/USG-‐2 CEC AN/USG-‐2A CEC AN/USG-‐3 60Hz Distribution A/C Plants AFFF Aircraft Elevators Aux Seawater Ballast Boat Davits Central Fresh W ater Cargo W eps Elevators CPP Cranes DC Power (MCM 1 c lass) Distillers/Demineralizer ECS/MCS Firemain Fuel Oil Gas Turbine Generators HP Air AN/USQ-‐T46 BFTT AN/USQ-‐T47 BEWT AN/UYQ-‐25B SIMAS I I AN/UYQ-‐70 AN/WLR-‐1H(V)1 AN/WQN-‐2 DSVL AN/WSN-‐2/2A SGS AN/WSN-‐7 RLGN AN/WSN-‐7A RLGN AN/WSN-‐7B RLGN AN/WSN-‐8A DEML AN/WSN-‐9 DHYSL DD-‐2 DEPTH DET MK 110 57MM GUN MK 116 UFCS MK 130 MOD 5 CDC MK 15 CIWS MK 160 GCS MK 20 EOSS MK 23 TAS MK 26 I PDS MK 32 SVTT MK 34 GWS MK 36 DLS HM&E Systems LP Air/MP Air Lube Oil MGT Propulsion MCM GTG MPDE/SSDG MRG Main/Secondary Drains IC Switchboards Propulsion Control C4I Systems MK 38 MGS MK 41 VLS MK 45 MK 46 OSS MK 49 RAM MK 53 NULKA MK 6 LLLTV MK 75 MK 92 MOD 1 GFCS (USCG) MK 99 FCS NSSMS RNSSMS SPY-‐1A SPY-‐1B SPY-‐1B(V) SPY-‐1D SPY-‐1D(V) SSDS MK 1 SSDS MK 2 Sub BUHR UCS VLS SUP SYS Oil Pollution Abatement (OPA) Ship Service Turbine Generator Solid W aste Steam Boiler Propulsion Steam Auxiliary Systems Steering Stern Gate VCHT/CHT Combustion Air DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona AMEX-‐1889 AN/BLQ-‐10 AN/BSQ-‐11 MLCS AN/BSQ-‐9 TFDS AN/BVS-‐1 AN/BVY-‐1 AN/FSQ-‐207 JMINI AN/FSQ-‐221 ENMS AN/FSQ-‐229 NT-‐WAN AN/GRC-‐211 VHF AN/GRR-‐24 AN/MRR-‐6 AN/PRC-‐150 AN/SIA-‐123 AN/SQQ-‐124 AN/SRA-‐49A AN/SRA-‐50 AN/SRC-‐40 AIAS AN/SRS-‐1A CDF AN/SSN-‐6 NAVSSI AN/SSN-‐6(V)1 AN/SSN-‐6B(V)3,4 AN/SSN-‐6D(V)4 AN/SSN-‐6E(V)4 AN/SSN-‐6F(V)4 AN/SSN-‐6H(V)4 AN/SSQ-‐124 COBLU AN/SSQ-‐128 DCGS-‐N AN/SSQ-‐137 SSEE AN/SSR-‐1A AN/SYQ-‐23 JSIPS-‐N AN/SYQ-‐26 TMS AN/SYQ-‐28 SUBSMS AN/TSQ-‐214 ADSI AN/UPX-‐28(V)1 AN/UPX-‐37 AN/URC-‐107 JTIDS AN/URC-‐131H HFRG AN/URC-‐141 MOS AN/URC-‐146 HFSAR AN/URN-‐31 AIS AN/URT-‐23 AN/USC 54 (V)5 AN/USC-‐38 AN/USC-‐42 AN/USC-‐54 VICS PC AN/USC-‐61 DMR AN/USC-‐69 CBSP AN/USQ-‐115(V) TBMCS AN/USQ-‐119 GCCS-‐M AN/USQ-‐123 CHBDL AN/USQ-‐125 LINK 11 AN/USQ-‐144 ADNS AN/USQ-‐144K(V)2,4 AN/USQ-‐148 SCI NET AN/USQ-‐151 JTT AN/USQ-‐152A(V)1 TBMCS AN/USQ-‐153 JTT AN/USQ-‐153(V)8 AN/USQ-‐153A/B/C I SNS AN/USQ-‐153C CENTRIX AN/USQ-‐153C(V)1,9 AN/USQ-‐167 AN/USQ-‐169 ADMS AN/USQ-‐172 GCCS-‐M AN/USQ-‐177 SubLAN AN/USQ-‐177B(V)1 AN/USQ-‐185 AN/USQ-‐195 BFTN UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO AN/USQ-‐74 LINK 11 AN/USY-‐3 MDA AN/UYK-‐158 NTCSS AN/UYQ-‐107 CPS AN/UYQ-‐70 SUBS AN/UYQ-‐86 CDLMS AN/UYQ-‐95 EKMS AN/WRN-‐6 AN/WRR-‐12 SLVR AN/WSC-‐6 AN/WSC-‐8 ANCC/ATC BATTLE FORCE EMAIL BFTN -‐ AN/USQ-‐195(V) Comp Network Def CSRR ECDIS GBS INMARSAT B MPD 4 11425-‐002 PDU NAVWAR Antennas Navy Multiband Term OE-‐538 ANTENNA GROUP OE-‐562 SUB HDR ANT OJ-‐827(V) CDS OK-‐664 RFDACS PICT R-‐2368(V)3/URR SSRS Sub EXTERIOR COMM SYS SYQ-‐7A NACMACS I IA TV-‐DTS UHF LOS UHF SATCOM 14 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Aligned Troubled System Process (TSP) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 15 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO What is TSP? • TSP is a process for ranking systems to identify and pursue solutions for systemic Fleet-wide reliability, maintainability, supportability and cost issues - CNO directed and USFF chartered - Scope is all systems – HM&E and C5I - Maintenance data focused - MRDB utilized to perform deep-dive and root cause analysis - HM&E Sustainment IPT develops and executes Performance Related Engineering/Performance Related Logistic (PRE/PRL) tasks - C5I monthly VTC Forum identifies system issues and KSN task proposals - Semi-annual Flag reviews (March/September) to review and approve execution plans The Navy’s “Tripwire” for identifying and fixing sustainment systems DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 16 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO SWE BOD Endorsed Plan • • Problem statement: There exist numerous lists supported by objective and subjective metrics lacking direct Echelon II PARM engagement and inconsistent levels of Flag oversight Leadership Objectives - - - - • Improve Flag oversight and institute periodic reviews Align metrics and prioritization algorithms Improve PARM accountability Codify processes The culture of the existing stove-piped processes is a barrier that must be overcome to improve cross-organizational communications Ranked Troubled Systems List Mission Criticality (System-level by Class) Special Justification Points Max of 50 Points Points Max of 25 Points Points Max of 25 Points Data Source NSWC Corona Data Source NSWC Corona, TYCOMs, SEA 21A, PEO IWS, SPAWAR, NSWC PHD, NSWC Philadelphia Data Source INSURV Report TYCOM AoCs Description Objective Data Reason Top 25% 26%-50% 51%-75% 76%-100% Pts +50 +40 +30 +20 Description Subjective data Description Objective data Reason Top 25% 26%-50% 51%-75% 76%-100% Pts +25 +20 +15 +10 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona Reason INSURV Report TYCOM AoCs UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Pts + 10 + 15 Prioritized System List PRE/PRL (HM&E) & KSN(C5I) Sustainment Tasks 17 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Ranked Troubled Systems List “Phase 1” of TSP “Phase 2” of TSP Identify & Prioritize Fleet Maintenance Problems Perform Root Cause Analysis to Provide Solutions MRDB CASREPS (CIS) “System Rankings” Ranking Process All C5I and HM&E Systems System Forums Prioritize Ranked List Data Packages HM&E Quarterly IPT C5I Monthly VTCs • TYCOMs • PARM • ISEA • OEM • Pertinent Stakeholders Identify Fix Tech Assist 2K failures Cost Execute task prioritization algorithm… EOC Proven and Disciplined Process to Improve Readiness of Shipboard Systems DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 18 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO C5I and HM&E Ranking DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 19 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Mission criticality slide DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 20 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Special justification Special Justification Points Max of 25 Points Data Source INSURV Report TYCOM AoCs Description Subjective data Reason Pts INSURV Report + 10 TYCOM AoCs + 15 ENGAGEMENT SYSTEMS TYCOM AoCs AN/SLQ-‐48 MINE NEUTRALIZATION SYSTEM 10 AN/USG-‐2 COOPERATIVE ENGAGEMENT 10 MK 116 UNDERWATER FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM 10 MK 38 MOD 2 10 MK 45 GUN 10 MK 75 76 MM GUN MOUNT 10 MK 86 GUN FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM 10 MK-‐41 V LS 10 ACDS LHD1 8 MK 2 SSDS 8 MK 92 GUN FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM 8 DETECTION / PALS SYSTEMS TYCOM AoCs AN/SPN-‐41B MICROWAVE LANDING SYSTEM 10 AN/SPN-‐43C MARSHALLING RADAR 10 AN/SPQ-‐14 10 AN/SPS-‐67 SURFACE SEARCH RADAR 10 AN/SQQ-‐32 MINEHUNTING SONAR SYSTEM 10 AN/SQQ-‐89 10 AN/SQR-‐19 TOWED ARRAY 10 AN/SQS-‐56 SONAR SET 10 AN/TPX-‐42 10 MKXII AIMS IFF SYSTEMS 10 AN/SPQ-‐9B 5 AN/SQS-‐53 SONAR 5 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona C4I SYSTEMS AN/SYQ-‐7 NAVMACS AN/URC-‐131 HFRG AN/WSC-‐6 SHF SATCOM AN/WSC-‐8 COMMERCIAL SATCOM AN/UYQ-‐86 CDLMS EHF SATCOM HYDRA AN/SRC-‐58 AN/URT-‐23/24 (SERIES) HF TRANSMITTERS OE-‐82 UHF SATCOM ANTENNA AN/URN-‐25 TACAN AN/USQ-‐148 SCI LAN GCCS-‐M/JMCIS NTCSS/SNAP AN/USQ-‐153 SIPRNET/NIPRNET/ISNS UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO TYCOM AoCs 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 21 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Sustainment Task Development Process through OQE Metrics Definitized Requirements, Negotiated Allocations and Flag Endorsement achieved prior to Fiscal Year Execution DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 22 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO FY14 Approved Tasks HM&E C5I • • • • • • • • • AN/SPS-48: Pedestal / Antenna Overhaul AN/SPS-48: Waveguide Boot AN/SPS-48G(V)1: Technical Documentation AN/SPS-49A(V)1: Obsolete CCA redesign VLS: Hatch Motor Test-bench AN/SPQ-9B: BIT recording MK 99 FCS: School House syllabus review AN/SQR-19: Towed Array AN/SSQ-137: Ship Signal Exploitation Equipment: Waterfront training, update training for newer variants Additional TYCOM Concerns: T1. AN/SQS-53, AN/SQS-56, MK116: RM&A Support T2. AN/WQC-2A: RM&A support T3. C4I SOT MRC and Handbook update T4. AN/USQ-172 GCCS-M: Training for CASREP First Responders • • • • • • • • • • DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona 60Hz Power: Corrosion control and Develop ICMP Task Controllable Pitch Propeller: Electro-Hydraulic Servo Valves (EHSV) degradation. Main Propulsion Boiler: Complete Stream Plant Valve Manuals GAS Turbine Generator (GTG): Cooling Fan Watertight Doors: Update Drawings Oily Waste: Sorbent Polisher Improvement Main Propulsion Diesel Engines: Jacket Water Treatment Commercial Conversion Diesel Engine: Update Maintenance documentation Ship Service Gas Turbine Generator: Obsolete No Break Power Supply (NBPS) MCM MRG: Develop/Execute/Training MRG LRU UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 23 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO TSP Win 18 - NOV - 2010 15 - FEB - 2013 Problem Identified Correction In-Process Coolant pump failures have been increasing and are the one of the Top Reliability, Supportability, Maintainability, and Cost Driver identified by MRDB and a high concern to Sixth Fleet & leadership. 24 - FEB - 2011 TSP VTC – 1st Visit MRDB provides Coolant Pump RM&A Impacts & metrics. TSP, CNSL CSO, CIWS ISEAs & Fleet Liaison, C5I Deputy, & Corona Analyst discussed findings and possible solutions. ISEA has started a yearlong pump study which includes redesign testing MRDB metrics are showing an improving trend of less coolant pump failures in the Fleet. Based on the estimated improvements in reliability, the reduction in coolant pump failures over the next three years has a potential cost avoidance of $1M. 18 - AUG - 2011 17 - Nov - 2011 Design Agent coolant pump successful and an ECP has been approved to implement a material change to the impeller. ISEA Introducing the change via Class 2 ECP and Fleet attrition. New design is expected to improve reliability by three times. New impellers are in production and are being fielded by attrition. Results are expected in a couple of years. TSP will continue to monitor pump replacements to ensure effectiveness. Fixed at the lowest level. TSP VTC – Tracking DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona TSP VTC – Closed UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 24 24 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO MRDB/TSP Recent Success Stories AN/WSN-7: Repair philosophy saves $6.3M/yr; reduces CASREPs & logistics time AN/SLQ-32(V)3/5: ESE upgrade. $700K annual cost avoidance. AN/SPY-1: Forward-staging of spare parts will reduce logistics time; improve Ao AN/SQQ-89(V)15: MRDB analysis leads to vendor change, saves $300K/yr CIWS 1B: WADS upgrade. $395K annual cost avoidance. MK45 Gun: Inadequate maintenance training. Revise curriculum. AN/USC-38(V)9: SSA reliability upgrade. $561K annual cost avoidance. AN/WSC-6(V)9 & A(V)9: Antenna bearing failures due to insufficient lubrication. PMS modified to correct. AN/USQ-119 GCCS-M 3.X: UPS reliability improved through PMS modification. AN/SPQ-9B Radar: HVPS reliability upgrade. $600K annual cost avoidance. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 25 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Life Cycle Metrics Platform Assessment DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 26 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Meeting the Demand Increased interest in a platform level health assessment – “Is it an isolated DDG issue or a surface fleet issue ?” MRDB provides the flexibility to model missions in a System of Systems approach Increases in HM&E MRDB system coverage enabled the platform assessment MIW Mission Model DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 27 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Platform Level Health Assessment Corona reports Materiel Availability (Am) at the platform level IAW DUSD (L&MR) Memo 10MAR07 Mission Areas are modeled in System of Systems approach utilizing validated failure events/data – Modeled IAW CCD, TEMP, DRM, and REDLINE requirements – Operational Availability (Ao) and system drivers are available at the Mission and System levels – Models are aligned with approved Mission Criticality and the HM&E/C5I Master Systems List OQE alignment between sustainment stakeholders (RKC E-Pillar, KSNs, NSWC, IWS, SPMs) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 28 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Warfare Areas MISSION AREA AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE (AMW) SURFACE WARFARE (SW) AIR WARFARE (AW) UNDERSEA WARFARE (USW) BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE (BMD) STRIKE WARFARE (SW) COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS (CCC) FLEET SUPPORT OPERATIONS (FSO) INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS (INT) INFORMATION OPERATIONS (IO) LOGISTIC (LOG) MINE WARFARE (MIW) MOBILITY -‐ DAMAGE CONTROL (MOB-‐D) MOBILITY -‐ ENGINEERING (MOB-‐E) MOBILITY SEAMANSHIP (MOB-‐S) MOBILITY -‐ NAVIGATION (MOB-‐N) AVIATION (AIR) NON-‐COMBAT OPERATIONS (NCO) NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE (NSW) CG 47 DDG 51 FFG LHD 1 LPD 17 LSD 41/49 MCM 1 PC P P S P P P -‐-‐ S P P S S S S -‐-‐ P P P S P P P -‐-‐ S P P S S S S S P P P -‐-‐ -‐-‐ -‐-‐ -‐-‐ -‐-‐ -‐-‐ S P -‐-‐ -‐-‐ -‐-‐ -‐-‐ -‐-‐ -‐-‐ P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P S S P S S S S P P S P P S S S P S S S S S S P S S S S S P S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S P S P S S P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S P Mission models developed IAW technical documentation (ROC/POE, and Redlines) and thru coordination with TYPE Desks, NSWCs, PEOs, SPMs DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 29 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Engagement SSDS CIWS SLQ-‐32 DLS NSSMS RAM DetecCon CEC SPQ-‐9B SPS-‐49 SPS-‐48 SPS-‐67 Comms Link 16 Engagement SSDS CIWS MK-‐38 DetecCon CEC SPQ-‐9B SPS-‐73 Comms Link 16 Propulsion SPN-‐35C SPN-‐41 SPN-‐43C URN-‐25 TACAN AircraZ Elevators Steering Machinery Control System Fuel Oil Lube Oil CombusCon Air Gas Turbine LM2500+ Aux Propulsion Sys Main ReducCon Gear Propulsion ShaZing Controllable Pitch Propeller Comms Aux -‐ Air / Water Control Ballast Stern Gate AviaCon Link 16 Satcom Networks Transport Data Link Electrical DistribuCon Sys. SSDG Diesel Engines 60 Hz Power DistribuCon * 400 Hz Power DistribuCon * 400 Hz Power Conversion * DC Power DistribuCon* WSN-‐7 Moriah NAVSSI NavigaCon HP Air LP Air AC Plants Chilled Water Electronic Cooling Water Potable Water Reverse Osmosis Aux Seawater * Start Air * * Planned for MRDB Induction DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 30 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO PLATFORM SHIP CLASS HEALTH ASSESMENT DASHBOARD (AAW) 𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑇𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 DAT=𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟−𝐶𝑁𝑂 𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙 AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE WARFARE −𝐶3&𝐶SURFACE 4 𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑨↓𝑴 -‐ Materiel Availability 𝐴↓𝑀 =𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑇𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔/𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟 AIR WARFARE MOBILITY WARFARE Drivers MISSION SPQ-‐98 Mission Metrics SPS-‐49AV1 SPS-‐48E SPS-‐67 V1 (LHD 8 only) SPS-‐73 V12 (LHD 8) USG-‐2A CEC 1 of 3 req’d Name System P/N N Display Unit SSDS 418R4C-35 2 71,818 TWT SPQ-9B 6869028 36 11,241 575 Hours High Voltage PS SPQ-9B 6869024-1 18 29,723 35 Hours Rate Gyroscope CIWS 6196547 92 28,621 Mean Logistics Downtime 400 Hours Coolant Pump CIWS 6748441 78 14,257 Mean Admin Downtime 100 Hours SBC EC/IC CCA RAM 7345330 3 67,296 RAM 5495435 3 12,492 Operational Availability 0.91 Mean Time Between Failures 1 of 3 req’d MK 57 MOD 10 NSSMS (LHD 8) RAM MK 2 MOD 3A SSDS (LHD 8) SLQ-‐32A V3 (LHD 8) MK 36 MOD 1B DLS (LHD 8) CIWS BLK 1B Mean Downtime Mean Time to Repair Mean Outside Assist Downtime CIWS CIWS AN/SPS-49AV1 AN/SPS-67 AN/SPS-48E AN/SPS-73 CEC SSDS 5,750 Hours 40 Hours Surge Suppressor AN/SLQ-32 20 SN/SPQ-9B MRDB COST IN ($M) 18 140 120 16 Part Name Thermal Imager Part Number / RSN 3A33 *CA 18 *MTBF (Hrs) 3,910 Passive Limiter 6748446 10 212,762 Rate Gyroscope 92 28,621 78 14,257 45 62,827 1,411 887 / 1,371 14 100 Coolant Pump 12 80 Torque Motor 5543190-001 10 0 18 2 16 40 15 60 6 14 8 4 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14Q2 20 System Level Totals Part Name Thermal Imager Part Number / RSN *NL *Total Log *%NOB 3A33 18 12,769 100 Grooved Gun Clamp 12011779 11 12,696 32 Housing Assy 6166869 28 6,062 Coolant Pump 6748441 12 5,650 19 LCS Display Unit 7635857 16 4,717 100 System Level Totals DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona RAM 6196547 6748441 10 SYSTEM NSSMS UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO MTBF 93 708 269,550 44% / 50% 31 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Platform RM&A Annual Report Propulsion Systems Propulsion Systems C3/C4 CASREP Tracker (FY12) Readiness and Reliability: APS, S/N 2012016, Pulse Encoder P/N APS, S/N 2012016, Pulse Encoder P/N 924-‐010002-‐8093, 1/22/12 thru 924-‐010002-‐8093, 2/11/12 thru 2/10/12 2/20/12 0.9 Lube Oil, S/N 2012034, Gasket P/N 3-‐ 2999-‐8-‐00-‐907-‐17, 2/13/12 thru 2/14/12 Ao Threshold = 0.85 0.8 0.7 MCS, S/N 2012068, Vibration Monitor MCS, S/N 2012068, Vibration Monitor Card P/N 4302597, 3/28/12 thru Card P/N 4302597, 3/26/12 thru 4/18/12 3/27/12 0.6 Ao Gas Turbine w/Comb Air, S/N 2012047, Ball Bearings P/N 6313-‐2RS1C3/GHY, 2/13/12 thru 2/14/12 Ao (12-‐month) Rolling Average 1 0.5 FY12Q1 0.4 10/01/11 0.3 FY12Q2 01/09/12 FY12Q3 04/18/12 FY12Q4 PMA 07/27/12 0.2 0 FY10 11Q1 11Q2 11Q3 FY11 12Q1 Year Ending 12Q2 12Q3 PMA 02/12/13 FY12 CASREP Analysis: Ao MTBF 1 1,500 10,000 0.6 8,000 0.4 6,000 1,000 FY12 13,299 FY11 0 4,524 0.82 FY10 2,000 11,257 0.45 4,000 0.74 0 A total of 28 MCS CASREP events were reported in FY12. The top MCS CASREP part replaced was the Belman UPS (P/N 4500241). The most common problem with the Belman UPS assemblies was their inability to provide emergency power for the required 30 minutes after shutting off the primary source. During FY12, long logistic delay lead times and the lack of the ship forces training reduced their capability to repair these Belman UPS assemblies. This resulted in a high number of MCS CASREPs opened. Beyond FY12, the ISEA and ships force have focused their efforts towards Battery Pack requisitioning which allows for a repair instead of a replacement of the entire Belman UPS assembly. 2,000 12,000 0.8 0.2 MDT 14,000 0.85 11/04/12 PMA1-‐1 0.1 PMA FY10 FY11 FY12 500 Another significant contributor to the high MCS CASREP count was an increase in failures within the Data Acquisition 0 MLDT FY10 MTTR FY11 MOADT FY12 MAdmDT CASREP Summary: Unit (DAU) cabinets. One of the biggest concerns was excessive high temperatures within the DAU cabinet which Current Reliability Drivers Part Name 933 CPU CARD ETI UPS SEAL ASSEMBLY SHAFT SPRING FIBER OPTIC MODEM FLOW CONTROL VALVE 64D1 CCA VME POWER SUPPLY caused several VME Power Supply (P/N 4301718) and 64D1 CCA failures. These failures would often result in a loss of communication between the MCS and DAU. CASREP Severity Counts FY12 P/N 4302862-‐1 4302303 PP046KHG 4302047 L34353P03 4302472-‐3 4301718 System MCS MCS Lube Oil MCS GAS TURBINE MCS MCS Part Failures 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 MTBF 41,034 18,080 4,880 36,285 1,797 75,016 186,542 30 There was also a high number MCS CASREPs with Power Supplies (P/N 4302671-‐1) replaced in the Gas Turbine Work 28 26 Stations and LAN cabinets. Failures for these Power Supply failures often gave ships force misleading indications that 24 the battery was 100% charged, but with only 30 minutes remaining before failure. 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 MCS LUBE OIL LM2500+ APS STEERING FUEL OIL MRG PROPULSION CPP GAS SHAFTING C2 C3 C4 TURBINE Link for all MRA Reports: https://www.mra.nmci.navy.mil DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 32 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Summary The Navy has a common process to measure, assess, and arrive at solutions for material readiness issues NSWC Corona serves as the Navy’s independent assessment agent of material readiness for Informed decisions require objective quality evidence The MRDB and TSP databases are mature and proven resources to manage material readiness of C5I and HM&E systems DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 33 UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO Questions DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only administrative/operational use July 31, 2014. Other requests shall be referred to NSWC, Corona Division, Corona UNCLASSIFIED- FOUO 34
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