David Chimin Chan, Jr., MD, PhD CURRICULUM VITAE Date Updated: July 31, 2014 Name: David Chimin Chan, Jr., MD, PhD Work Address: Center for Health Policy and Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research 117 Encina Commons Stanford, CA 94305-6019 Voice: 650-725-9582 Fax: 650-723-1919 Email: [email protected] Nationality: United States Citizen Current Academic Positions: 201320132014- Assistant Professor of Medicine, Stanford University Investigator, Center for Health Care Evaluation, Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research Education: 1999 2002 2003 2005 2013 BA, Mathematics and Economics, summa cum laude, University of California at Riverside MSc, International Health Policy, distinction, London School of Economics and Political Science MSc, Economics for Development, University of Oxford MD, Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles PhD, Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Training: 6/2005-6/2006 6/2006-6/2008 6/2008-6/2011 Intern, Internal Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Resident, Internal Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Fellow, Harvard Medical School Faculty Development Fellowship General Internal Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School Past Academic Appointments: 11/2010-6/2013 Instructor in Medicine (BIDMC), Harvard Medical School 1 David Chimin Chan, Jr., MD, PhD Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions: Current: 8/2013- Staff Physician, Internal Medicine, Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System Past: 7/2008-6/2013 12/2008-6/2013 11/2010-6/2013 Staff Physician, Medicine/Internal Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Staff Physician, Medicine/Internal Medicine, McLean Hospital, Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Staff Physician, Medicine/General Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Other Professional Positions: 2000 2002 2004 2004 2005 2005 2007-2008 2008-2010 2011-2012 Summer Associate, L.E.K. Consulting Consultant, World Bank Consultant, HealthNet of California Iowa State Coordinator for Health, Democratic National Committee Visiting Medical Scholar, Shanghai Public Health Center and Beijing Ditan Hospital Consultant, L.E.K. Consulting Medical Device Fellow, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, US Food and Drug Administration Staff Fellow, Office of Planning and Analysis, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration Entrepreneur in Residence, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and US Food and Drug Administration Honors and Prizes: 1993-1994 1994 1995-1999 1995-1999 1995-1996 1995-1999 1997-1999 1997 American Invitational Mathematical Examination Selectee, American Invitational Mathematics Examination USA Mathematical Talent Search Selectee, USA Mathematical Talent Search Dean's List, University of California at Riverside National Merit Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship Corporation Honors Program Fellowship, University of California at Riverside Regents Scholarship, University of California at Riverside Chancellor's List, University of California at Riverside Omicron Delta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society 2 David Chimin Chan, Jr., MD, PhD 1997 1998 1998 1999 2001-2003 2001 2002 2002-2003 2005 2006 2007 2011 Golden Key, Golden Key Honor Society Phi Beta Kappa (early election in Junior year), Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society Asian-Pacific Student Programs Scholastic Award, University of California at Riverside Mark P. Hanna Award for best graduating mathematics major, University of California at Riverside British Marshall Scholarship, Association of Commonwealth Universities Rhodes Scholarship National Finalist, The Rhodes Trust Brian Abel-Smith for best dissertation, London School of Economics George Webb Medley Grant, Oxford University, England William N. Valentine Award for highest scholarly distinction in Internal Medicine, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine Neil R. Powe Award for epidemiology and outcomes research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Martin P. Solomon Education Grant, Brigham and Women's Hospital George and Obie Schultz Fund Award, MIT Department of Economics Publications: 1. Chan DC, Heidenreich PA, Weinstein MC, Fonarow GC. Heart failure disease management programs: a cost-effectiveness analysis. American Heart Journal 2008;155(2):332-8. 2. Chan DC, Pollett PK, Weinstein MC. Quantitative risk stratification in Markov chains with limiting conditional distributions. Medical Decision Making 2009;29:532-540. 3. Jha AK, Chan DC, Ridgway A, Franz C, Bates DW. Improving safety and eliminating redundant tests: cutting costs in US hospitals. Health Affairs 2009;28(5):1475-84. 4. Chan DC, Shrank WH, Cutler D, Fischer MA, Brookhart MA, Avorn J, Solomon D, Choudhry NK. Patient, physician, and payment predictors of statin adherence. Medical Care 2010 Mar;48(3):196-202. 5. Chan DC, Gruber J. How sensitive are low income families to health plan prices? American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 2010 May;100(2):292-6. 3 David Chimin Chan, Jr., MD, PhD 6. Joynt KE, Chan DC, Orav EJ, Jha AK. The impact of Massachusetts healthcare reform on preventable hospitalizations for previously insured Medicare patients. Health Affairs 2013 Mar;32(3):571-8. Working Papers 1. Chan DC. Teamwork and moral hazard: Evidence from the emergency department. Revise and resubmit at the Journal of Political Economy. 2. Chan DC. Learning, knowledge, and team decisions: Evidence from physicians in training. 3. Chan DC. Clocking out: Shift work in the emergency department. Funding Information: Past: 2007-2008 The Relative Importance of Patient, Physician, and Cost-Sharing Factors in Adherence: a Study of Statin Adherence Among Privately Insured Patients Private grant, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Role: PI The goal of the study was to evaluate the relative importance of patient, physician, and cost-sharing factors in explaining adherence, as well as the overall explanatory power when considering all these factors, using rich administrative data. 2011 National Bureau of Economic Research Fellowship in Aging and Health Economics NIA/T32 AG000186 Role: PI Declined due to other funding 2011-2013 The Effect of Universal Health Care on the Previously Insured: Evidence from Medicare in Massachusetts Rx Foundation Role: Co-PI (Jha PI) Although there have been anecdotal reports about the shortage of primary care that may be worsened during insurance expansion, there is no evidence about its effect on utilization and health. The goal of this project is to estimate the effects on utilization and health on Medicare beneficiaries during insurance reform in Massachusetts. 2011-2013 Social Networks and Peer Effects Among Emergency Physicians 4 David Chimin Chan, Jr., MD, PhD Charles A. King Trust Postdoctoral Fellowship Role: PI The goal of this study is to quantify the effects that emergency physicians have on each other (“peer effects”) in terms of productivity and choice of patients. It will study exogenous matching of physicians to each other, as well as a natural experiment in which physicians can no longer choose their own patients. 2011-2013 Peer Effects in the Emergency Department on Productivity and Patient Choice Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellowship F32-HS021044 Role: PI The goal of this study is to quantify the effects that emergency physicians have on each other (“peer effects”) in terms of productivity and choice of patients. It will study exogenous matching of physicians to each other, as well as a natural experiment in which physicians can no longer choose their own patients. 2013-2014 Causes and Consequences of Physician Practice Patterns: Evidence from VA Primary Care VA HSR&D LIP 14-CC1 Role: Co-PI (Chan and Chee PIs) The goal of this study is to develop new methods that use exogenous variation in the assignment of patients to VA primary care providers to study the roots and effects of practice style variation. Current: 2011-2016 Estimating the Potential Medicare Savings from Comparative Effectiveness Research NIH R37-150127-5054662-0002 Role: Investigator (Garber PI) The goals of this project are to study the economic benefits that might accrue to Medicare from the application of comparative effectiveness research to high impact medical areas. 2014-2015 The Role of the Doctor-patient Relationship in Decision-making P30AG024957-10 Seed Grant Role: Co-PI (Chan and Chee PIs) The goal of this study is to develop new methods that use exogenous variation in the assignment of patients to VA primary care providers to study the roots and effects of practice style variation. 5 David Chimin Chan, Jr., MD, PhD Invited Presentations (including Scheduled): American Economic Association Annual Meeting (2014, 2015), American Society of Health Economists Biennial Conference (2014), Brigham and Women’s Hospital (2008, 2010), Carnegie Mellon University Heinz College (2013), Cornell Weill Medical College (2013), Dartmouth College (2013), Duke Fuqua Business School (2013), ETH Zurich (2014) Food and Drug Administration (2007, 2010), Harvard Business School (2013), Harvard Medical School Department of Health Care Policy (2013), Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) (2008, 2009), International Health Economics Association World Congress (2014), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2013), Johns Hopkins Carey Business School (2013), Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2006), National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute (2013, 2014), National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center (2002), Northern California Kaiser Permanente Division of Research (2013), Oxford University (2003), Stanford Medical School (2013), RAND (2013, 2014), UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine (2013), University of Michigan Medical School (2013), University of Michigan Ross School of Business (2013), University of Pennsylvania Medical School (2013), University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business (2013), Queen’s School of Business (2014), USC Schaeffer Health Policy Center (2013), USC Price School of Public Policy (2013), Yale School of Public Health (2013), and Veterans Affairs Center for Health Care Evaluation (2013) Current Licensure and Certification: 20072008- Medical License, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine Professional Service Referee: American Economic Review, European Journal of Health Economics, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics 6
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