BAKERY BAKERY Lubricant issues within the Lubricant issues withinthe the Lubricant issues within Bread & Bakery Industry Bread & & Bakery BakeryIndustry Industry Bread Risk Avoidance Risk Avoidance The lubrication of equipment such as mixers, Risk Avoidance moulders, chillers, rollers, slicers, ovens, The lubrication of equipment suchbaggers, as mixers, The presents lubrication of equipment such asto mixers, moulders, etc, a possible route contamination. moulders, chillers, rollers, slicers, baggers, ovens, chillers, rollers, slicers, baggers, oven etc, presents a etc, presents possible route to contamination. possible route to acontamination. DETEX metal & x-ray detectable componentry on FOODLUBE aerosols help High Temperatures reduce the risk of foreign body contamination. High Temperatures Extreme operating temperatures of up to 600˚C inExtreme bakery operating ovens cause excessive solids build up. temperatures of up to 600˚C Solids build up causes climb, screeching & in bakery ovens cause chain excessive solids build up. Extreme operating temperatures of up to 600°C in bakery can lead to contamination of the baked product. Solids build up causes chain climb, screeching & ovens cause excessive solids build up. Solids build up can lead to climb, contamination thelead baked product. causes chain screeching &ofcan to contamination High Temperatures of the baked product. Low Temperatures Low Temperatures Chiller drive trains operating at temperatures as Low Temperatures Chiller drive trains operatingtoatdrag, temperatures low as -50 ˚C are susceptible chatter & as Chiller drive trains operating at temperatures as low&as low as -50 ˚C are susceptible to cause drag, chatter & shudder. Ineffecient lubricants drag -50°C are susceptible to drag, chatter & shudder. Inefficient shudder. Ineffecient lubricants cause drag & increase power consumption. Condensation lubricants cause drag & increase power consumption. in increase power consumption. Condensation in chillers can cause corrosion. Condensation in chillers can cause corrosion. chillers can cause corrosion. WaterResistance Resistance Water Lubricants are removed by strict cleaning regimes with Water Resistance Lubricants removed byaround strictmixers, cleaning regimes regular washare downs especially dividers & ROCOL®®® FOODLUBE®®® ROCOL FOODLUBE Is a range of food safe lubricants Is a range rangefor of food food safelubricants lubricants of safe designed the demands of designed demands of designed for the demands of the bread,for bakery & associated the bread, bakery bakery & associated associated the bread, & processing industries. processing processing industries. industries. FOODLUBE ®® RANGE FOODLUBE RANGE BAKERY BAKERY BAKERY BAKERY All products in the FOODLUBE® range are : All FOODLUBE® Allproducts productsininthe the FOODLUBE®range rangeare: are : • ISO 21469 Certified* • AQIS approved H1 incidental contact registered • NSF ISO 21469 Certified* • NSF H1 Incidental Contact registered NSF H1C15 incidental contact registered • NZFSA (all animal product, except dairy) Incidental • HACCP endorsed & GMP Compliant Contact approved • NZFSA C15 (all animal product, except dairy) Incidental (all animal product, except dairy) •• NZFSA AsureQuality (food / beverage / dairy) Incidental ContactC15 approved Incidental Contact approved Contact approved • AsureQuality (food / beverage / dairy) Incidental (food &/ beverage / dairy) Incidental •• AsureQuality Contact endorsed approved HACCP GMP Compliant approved. • Contact HACCP endorsed & GMP Compliant Colourless & non-toxic Colourless & & non-toxic non-toxic •• Colourless Manufactured using only FDA registered ingredients • Manufactured using only FDA registered registeredingredients ingredients Manufactured using only FDA from mineral hydrocarbons •• Free • Free from mineral hydrocarbons Free from from nut mineral • Free oils hydrocarbons or synthetic glycerides derived from • Free from nut oils or synthetic glycerides derived from nut oil • Free from nut oils or synthetic glycerides derived from nut nutoil oil Lubricants are removed stricttocleaning regimes with regular wash downs especially around mixers, moulders. Cleaned parts are by exposed potential corrosion, increased & shortened life.especially with regular wash downs around mixers, dividers &wear moulders. Cleaned parts are exposed dividers & moulders. Cleaned parts are exposed to potential corrosion, increased wear & to potential corrosion, increased wear & shortened life. shortened life. The rigorous demands of internal & external audits and Process Control *Excludes Rocol Foodlube Silicone FMG Spray HACCP procedures to maintain a safe environment. Process Control Reduce resources that could be used for plant lubrication or Process Control The rigorous demands of internal & external audits maintenance. TheHACCP rigorousprocedures demands oftointernal & external and maintain a safe audits and HACCP procedures to maintain safe be environment. Reduce resources that acould environment. resources that could be used for plant Reduce lubrication or maintenance. used for plant lubrication or maintenance. *Excludes Rocol Foodlube Silicone FMG Spray It’s lubrication managed It’s lubrication managed if you need: if you need: Choose Choose • Increased effeciently - Increases lubricant effeciency, Increased effeciently Increases lubricant effeciency, • improvements in plant- productivity & reduction in costs improvements plant productivity reduction in costs • Risk reduction in - Establishes all your&lubricant • requirements Risk reduction&-ensures Establishes all your lubricant contamination free lubrication requirements & ensures contamination free lubrication rationalisation - Rationalises your lubricant • Lubricant Lubricant rationalisation - Rationalises • usage & reduces your stock holding on your site lubricant usage & reduces your stock holding on site • Full audit compliance - ROCOL is one of the world’s first •ISO21469 Full audit certified compliance - ROCOL is one of theISO21469 world’s first lubricants manufacturer. ® ® ISO21469 certified lubricants manufacturer. is a globally recognised hygiene certificationISO21469 that ticks an is a globally recognised hygiene certification that ticks an important box for auditors as it provides credible, independent important box as it provides credible, independent assurance thatfor all auditors ROCOL products are formulated, assurance that&all ROCOLhygienically products are& formulated, manufactured supplied safely manufactured & supplied hygienically & safely • TPM compatibility - ROCOLcare is modular & can be • integrated TPM compatibility ROCOLcareimprovement is modular & programme can be into your- continuous integrated into your continuous improvement programme • Training - best practice lubrication training is available • Training - best practice lubrication training is available ® ® ® BAKERY BAKERY 0800 4 Rocol (0800 476 265) - NZ or 1800 063 511 - AUS 0800 Rocol (0800 4764 265) NZ or476 1800 1800 0634 511 - AUS or 0800 Rocol- (0800 265)063 - NZ511 - AUS Performance You Can Trust™ ® / | Performance You Can Trust™ Performance You Can Trust™ | Call us for information on Rocol® FOODLUBE® products on 1800 063 511 - AUS or 0800 4 Rocol (0800 476 265) - NZ Silos Silos Silos Mixers Mixers Mixers Vibratory shakers shakers with with gear gear Vibratory Vibratory shakers with gear moves freely freely in in silos. silos. moves moves freely in silos. Gear coupling coupling Gear Gear coupling Bearings Bearings Bearings Corrosion Protection Protection Corrosion Corrosion Protection FOODLUBE® 22 FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Premier 2 FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Premier FOODLUBE® Premier Spray FOODLUBE® Spray FOODLUBE® Spray Blowers Blowers Blowers Used for for conveying conveying powders powders Used Used for pipes conveying powders through to the next part part of of through pipes to the next through pipes to the next part of the process. the process. the process. Gearboxes Gearboxes Hydraulics Gearboxes Hydraulics Hydraulics Bearings Bearings Bearings Chains Chains ChainsGears Open Open Gears Open Gears Corrosion Protection Corrosion Protection Corrosion Protection FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque Hi-Torque 220 220 FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque FOODLUBE® Premier Premier 220 FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Spray Premier FOODLUBE® Spray FOODLUBE® Spray Kemper Kemper Kemper Hobart Hobart Hobart FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque Hi-Torque 220-460 220-460 FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque 220-460 Hi-Power 22-46 FOODLUBE® Hi-Power 22-46 Hi-Power 22-46 FOODLUBE® Premier FOODLUBE® Premier FOODLUBE® Premier Chain Spray Spray FOODLUBE® Chain ChainPaste Spray FOODLUBE® Multi FOODLUBE® Multi Paste Multi Paste FOODLUBE® Spray FOODLUBE® Spray FOODLUBE® Spray Dividers Dividers Dividers Often called called dough dough dividers dividers as as they they Often Often called dough dividers as they are generally used to divide dough. are generally used to divide dough. are generally used to divide dough. APV Baker Baker APV APV Baker Mecathern Mecathern Mecathern Eurobake Eurobake Eurobake Peabody Holmes Holmes Peabody Peabody Holmes Dresser Roots Roots Dresser Dresser Roots Gardner Denver Denver Gardner Gardner Denver Sump Sump Sump Bearings Bearings Bearings Protection Corrosion Corrosion Protection Corrosion Protection Generally slow slow moving moving stirrers stirrers are are Generally Generally slow moving stirrers are used to mix the various ingredients. used to mix the various ingredients. used to mix the various ingredients. APV Baker Baker APV APV Baker Eurobake Eurobake Eurobake Renold Ajax Ajax Renold Renold Bühler Ajax Bühler Bühler Proofers Proofers Proofers Gearboxes Gearboxes Gearboxes Chains Chains Chains Bearings Bearings Bearings Open Gears Open Gears Open Gears Corrosion Protection Corrosion Protection Corrosion Protection Kemper Kemper Kemper Konig Konig Konig FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque Hi-Torque 220-460 220-460 FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque 220-460 FOODLUBE® Chain Spray FOODLUBE® Chain Spray Chain Spray FOODLUBE® Premier FOODLUBE® Premier FOODLUBE® Multi Premier FOODLUBE® Paste FOODLUBE® Multi Paste FOODLUBE® Multi Paste Spray FOODLUBE® Spray FOODLUBE® Spray Ovens Ovens Ovens The dough dough passes passes through through the the The The dough passes through the proofers which generally operate proofers which generally operate proofers which generally operate at 40°C 40°C -- 60°C 60°C & & at at high high humidity, humidity, at at 40°C - the 60°Cdough & at high humidity, to make rise. to make the dough rise. to make the dough rise. APV Baker Baker APV APV Baker Eurobake Eurobake Eurobake Gearboxes Gearboxes Gearboxes Chains Chains Chains Bearings Bearings Bearings Corrosion Protection Protection Corrosion Corrosion Protection Used to to bake bake the the dough dough at at Used Used to bake the dough160°C at temperatures between temperatures between 160°C temperatures between 160°C 600°C depending depending on on the the oven oven -- 600°C -type 600°C depending on the oven & items being baked. type & items being baked. type & items being baked. Konig Konig Konig APV Baker Baker APV APV Baker Eurobake Eurobake Eurobake FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque Hi-Torque 220-460 220-460 FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque 220-460 Chain Fluid/Spray FOODLUBE® Chain Fluid/Spray Chain Fluid/Spray FOODLUBE® Premier FOODLUBE® Premier FOODLUBE® Premier Spray FOODLUBE® Spray FOODLUBE® Spray Chillers // Freezers Freezers Chillers Chillers / Freezers Used to to quick quick freeze freeze freshly freshly baked baked Used Used to quick freeze freshly baked products down to around -40ºC. products down to around -40ºC. products down to around -40ºC. APV Baker Baker APV APV Baker Eurobake Eurobake Eurobake Starfrost Starfrost Starfrost Gearboxes Gearboxes Gearboxes Chains Chains Chains Bearings Bearings Bearings Corrosion Protection Protection Corrosion Corrosion Protection Sasib Sasib Sasib Spooner-Vicars Spooner-Vicars Spooner-Vicars Gearboxes Gearboxes Gearboxes Chains Chains Chains Bearings Bearings Bearings Protection Corrosion Corrosion Protection Corrosion Protection FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque Hi-Torque 220-460 220-460 FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Hi-Torque 220-460 Bakers Mate HT Graphite Bakers Mate HT Graphite Hi-Temp Synthetic Chain Lube Bakers Mate HT Graphite Hi-Temp Synthetic Chain Lube Chain Lube Hi-Temp Synthetic Chain Lube FOODLUBE® Premier FOODLUBE® Premier Premier FOODLUBE® Spray Spray FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Spray Packing Packing Packing Used to to rapidly rapidly adjust adjust the the speed speed of of Used Used to rapidly adjust the speed of is required. required. is is required. Disco Drives Drives Disco Disco Lenze Drives Lenze Lenze FOODLUBE® Hi-Power Hi-Power 22-32 22-32 (-50ºC) (-50ºC) FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Hi-Power 22-32 (-50ºC) FOODLUBE® Hi-Power 22-32 (-50ºC) FOODLUBE® Hi-Power 22-32 (-50ºC) FOODLUBE® Premier Premier FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Premier Spray FOODLUBE® Spray FOODLUBE® Spray Sump Sump Sump Corrosion Protection Protection Corrosion Corrosion Protection FOODLUBE® Hi-Power Hi-Power 32 32 FOODLUBE® FOODLUBE® Hi-Power 32 Spray FOODLUBE® Spray FOODLUBE® Spray Performance you you can can trust trust Performance Performance you can trust This ensures that our technically advanced products are supported by a wealth of experience & knowledge. In the food & This ensures that our technically advanced products are supported by a wealth of experience & knowledge. In the food & This ensures thatthis ourexperience technically &advanced products are supported by arange wealth experience & knowledge. In the food & bakery industry, knowledge delivers the FOODLUBE® ofof NSF H1, NZFSA NZFSA C15 (All (All animal animal product bakery industry, this experience & knowledge delivers the FOODLUBE® range of NSF H1, C15 product bakery dairy) industry, this experience & knowledge the FOODLUBE® of NSF&H1, NZFSA C15 (Allproducts animal product except & AsureQuality AsureQuality (food beverage //delivers dairy) Incidental Incidental Contactrange lubricants HACCP endorsed except dairy) & (food // beverage dairy) Contact lubricants & HACCP endorsed products except dairy) & AsureQuality (food / beverage / dairy) Incidental Contact lubricants & HACCP endorsed products Performance you can trust™ Call 1800 063 511 - AUS or 0800 4 Rocol (0800 476 265) - NZ for Technical Assistance
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