Student Representative Assembly Meeting 14G Sunday, September 28, 2014 at 6:30 pm Council Chambers, GH 111 Called to Order at 6:36 pm CALL OF THE ROLL Present Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present Chair Abbas, Brodka, Chennabathni, Craig, D’Angela, Dufault, Gill, Gillis, Guarna, Khanano, King, Kousoulas, Lehwald, Mazza, Modi, Mohamed, Mordhorst, Narro Perez, Nestico-Semianiw, Nolan, Paul, Saull, Seevaratnam, Tambakis, Tweedie, Wilson, Zacharewicz Mallon Soubas D’Mello, Jama Lindsay D’Souza (MSU Member), Anj Periyalwar (MSU Member), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (MSU Member), Matthew Clarke (MSU Member), Naomi Pullen (DRO), Lina Assi (MSU Member), Tamex Shihab (MSU Member), Issac Oakie (MSU Member), Eamon Colvin (SASS Observer), Kornelia Palczewski (SOCS President), Cullum Brownbridge (MSU Member), Natasha Sandhu (Services Commissioner), Alan Rheaume (UA Commissioner), V. Scott (Recording Secretary) Mike Cheung ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Guarna, seconded by Modi that the Assembly adopt the agenda, as circulated Amendment Moved by Brodka, seconded by Zacharewicz that the following item be added to Business: Close SRA seat and MSU seat on the General Assembly Planning Committee. Brodka announced that these seats need to be closed by September 30. Vote on Amendment Passes Unanimously Amendment Moved by Gillis, seconded by Osazuwa that the following item be added to Business: Open SRA seat on the Bylaws & Procedures Committee. Gillis stated that they recently lost a member, so they will need to open this seat. Vote on Amendment Passes by General Consent Amendment Moved by Nestico-Semianiw, seconded by Zacharewicz that Business Item # 4 be amended to include two (2) SRA seats on the External Affairs Committee. Passes by General Consent SRA 14G Page 2 September 28, 2014 Adopt Agenda Moved by Guarna, seconded by Modi that the Assembly adopt the agenda, as circulated and amended. Passes by General Consent ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHAIR The Speaker reminded Observers that there is an Observer’s list being circulated at the back, and to please sign it. He reminded the Assembly to clean up after themselves once the meeting has ended. The Speaker asked the Assembly to email him whenever they will not be attending a meeting, and to try and come 10 minutes early to the meeting to help with set up and that they can start on time. REPORT PERIOD 1. Health Sciences Caucus – Mordhorst presented 2. Mordhorst summarized the report. Humanities Caucus – Lehwald presented 3. Lehwald summarized the report. Kinesiology Caucus – Wilson presented 4. Wilson summarized the report. Operations Commissioner – Paul presented 5. Paul summarized the report. Finance Commissioner – D’Angela presented 6. D’Angela summarized the report. Executive Board – Craig presented 7. Craig summarized the report. Vice-President (Administration) – Brodka presented Brodka summarized the report. Questions D’Angela asked what the next steps will be for the space allocation. He asked if it would go through EB or the Assembly. He also asked if committee members get the courtesy cards. Brodka responded that committee members do get cards, and will be asking for the names from the Commissioners. Brodka explained that the Space Allocation audit will prepare their recommendations and send them to EB. D’Angela asked if they could gain access to the survey results from Welcome Week and have the complete breakdown. Brodka responded that he will have to look into that. Kousoulas asked if the text-based peer support will be something that is done by the end of this year, or a project for future years. Brodka responded that he is hoping to have it done for this year. SRA 14G Page 3 September 28, 2014 8. Gill asked if there was a plan on codifying the courtesy cards. Brodka responded that they could. Cards are given out every year, but it’s not formalized in the policies. Brodka stated that he can look into it. Mordhorst asked how many students responded to the post Welcome Week survey. Brodka responded that 1377 people took the survey. Elections – Pullen presented Pullen summarized the report. She added that the FYC election is going on right now, where all first years can vote. Pullen reported that they won’t be having a polling station on campus during this time, and that there will be a change being brought forward to the next meeting about this. She added that the polling stations aren’t beneficial to elections anymore. Questions Tambakis asked why the poll clerks are no longer beneficial. Pullen responded that to have a polling station on campus, they will need to book tables and poll clerks just to be able to vote on a computer. She added that they usually have less than five people voting at the stations. INFORMATION PERIOD Saull reported that Homecoming was a huge success. He felt that this will set a precedent for things to happen going forward. He stated that the next SRA meeting may be long, and he will be bringing forward an allocation through MSU Inc for Frost Week. Saull reported that he will also be bringing forward a recommendation for Fall Break and to see what choices can be made. King updated the Assembly on the SRA mailing list for MSU members. This will help them be more aware of the meetings. The plan is to have a survey for students to add their emails to the list and she stated that the hope was to have it launched in time for the October 19 meeting. Narro Perez reported that the Anslie Wood and Westdale Community Association will be hosting a Ward 1 debate tomorrow, and that they are hoping to get student questions for the candidates. Next week the launch will be happening for the municipal elections. The MSU mayoral debate will be happening October 22 in the Atrium. During the week of October 6, it will be National Mental health Awareness Week, and SWELL will be having a lot of programming and MSU services will be collaborating. Financial Literacy Week will also be happening during this time. Narro Perez stated that at the next meeting the OUSA Home Office will be here to present. Saull reported that he ran on the platform point of participatory budgeting, and the process will be starting the first week of October. He reported that he will be starting a prom committee, and is hoping to have the ‘high school dance’ around frost week. Brodka asked everyone to check out the jobs tab on the MSU website, as there a number of positions listed. QUESTION PERIOD Gillis asked the Finance Commissioner to speak to the wage reviews done at EB that were noted in his report. D’Angela responded that anything for hours will have to go through the Assembly, but since there are students in these jobs they had to speak to the reviews in Closed Session. He added that he can provide a better explanation once the process has been completed. Brodka asked the Kinesiology Caucus where their year plan was. Taylor responded that it was just sent in. Brodka asked the Nursing Caucus where their year plan was. Zacharewicz responded that he is currently working on the transition now. Brodka asked the Health Sciences Caucus where their year plan was. Mordhorst responded that she sent it in August 30. BUSINESS SRA 14G Page 4 September 28, 2014 1. Recess for Meetings of MSU Incorporated Moved by Saull, seconded by Khanano that the Assembly recess for a meeting of MSU Inc and CFMU Inc. Gillis stated that the VP Finance isn’t here. Why don’t they hold the talks off until he is present. Saull responded that the Board will be able to speak to these items, as they have all met with the auditors. Gillis explained that he has a lot of questions, and asked if they will be able to answer all of them. Brodka responded that there is the potential that they may be able to answer the questions. Vote on Motion In Favour: 30 Opposed: 2 Abstentions: 0 Opposed: Gillis, Abbas Motion Passes Recessed at 7:16 pm Called to Order at 8:47 pm CALL OF THE ROLL Present Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present Chair 2. Abbas, Brodka, Chennabathni, Craig, D’Angela, Dufault, Gill, Gillis, Guarna, Jama, Khanano, King, Kousoulas, Lehwald, Mazza, Modi, Mohamed, Mordhorst, Narro Perez, Nestico-Semianiw, Nolan, Paul, Saull, Seevaratnam, Tambakis, Tweedie, Wilson, Zacharewicz Mallon D’Mello, Soubas Lindsay D’Souza (MSU Member), Anj Periyalwar (MSU Member), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (MSU Member), Matthew Clarke (MSU Member), Naomi Pullen (DRO), Lina Assi (MSU Member), Tamex Shihab (MSU Member), Issac Oakie (MSU Member), Eamon Colvin (SASS Observer), Kornelia Palczewski (SOCS President), Cullum Brownbridge (MSU Member), Natasha Sandhu (Services Commissioner), Alan Rheaume (UA Commissioner), V. Scott (Recording Secretary) Mike Cheung Close MSU Seats on Standing Committees Moved by Paul, seconded by D’Angela that the Assembly close nominations for MSU Members on the following Standing Committees: Services (1) Operations (1) Finance (1) Paul stated that the MSU members have been waiting patiently for this. Nominations Lindsay D’Souza – Services Issac Oakie – Operations Cullum Brownbridge - Finance Vote on Motion Passes by General Consent SRA 14G Page 5 September 28, 2014 3. Lindsay D’Souza was acclaimed to the MSU Seat on the Services Committee. Issac Oakie was acclaimed to the MSU seat on the Operations Committee. Cullum Brownbridge was acclaimed to the MSU seat on the Finance Committee. Close MSU Seat on Elections Committee Moved by Nestico-Semianiw, seconded by King that the Assembly close nominations for one (1) MSU Member to the Elections Committee. Nestico-Semianiw explained that they would like to close this seat. Nominations None Moved by Gillis, seconded by Osazuwa that the motion be postponed until SRA meeting 14H. Passes by General Consent 4. Close SRA seats on Standing Committees Moved by Nestico-Semianiw, seconded by Narro Perez that the Assembly close nominations for SRA Members on the following Standing Committees: Bylaws & Procedures (1) External Affairs (2) University Affairs (1) Operations (1) Nominations Gillis nominated Paul for Bylaws & Procedures – declined Jama nominated herself for Bylaws & Procedures - accepted Oliveros nominated King for University Affairs – accepted Vote on Motion In Favour: 22 Opposed: 1 Abstentions: 7 Opposed: Nestico-Semianiw Abstained: D’Angela, Brodka, Saull, Narro Perez, Lehwald, Guarna, Tambakis Motion Passes 5. Jama was acclaimed to the SRA seat on the Bylaws & Procedures Committee. King was acclaimed to the SRA seat on the University Affairs Committee. Close SRA Seat on Other Committees Moved by Brodka, seconded by Seevaratnam that the Assembly close nominations for one (1) SRA member to the Teaching Awards Committee. Narro Perez explained to the Assembly on what the Committee does. Osazuwa asked how often they meet. Narro Perez responded that it depends on when the nomination periods are, but it does vary. Nominations SRA 14G Page 6 September 28, 2014 Brodka nominated Osazuwa – accepted Vote on Motion Passes by General Consent 6. Osazuwa was acclaimed to the SRA seat on the Teaching Awards Committee. Open SRA Seat on Standing Committee Moved by D’Angela, seconded by Oliveros that the Assembly open one (1) SRA seat on the Finance Committee. D’Angela stated that the Finance Committee meets on Thursdays at 1:30, but that it can change for this semester. Vote on Motion Passes by General Consent 7. Year Plan Moved by Brodka, seconded by Narro Perez that the Assembly approve the year plan of the Humanities Caucus for the 2014-2015 academic year. Lehwald went over the year plan with the Assembly. Vote on Motion Passes by General Consent The Speaker declined the Chair. The Vice-President (Administration) assumed the Chair. 8. Summer Variable Capped Hours - Speaker Moved by Saull, seconded by D’Angela that the Assembly approve the Summer Variable Capped Hours for the Speaker, as circulated. Brodka asked Mike Cheung to go over this with the Assembly. Cheung went over the memo and summer hours with the Assembly. Vote on Motion Passes Unanimously The Vice-President (Administration) declined the Chair. The Speaker resumed the Chair. 9. Close SRA seat and MSU seat on the General Assembly Planning Committee Moved by Jama, seconded by Osazuwa that the Assembly Close one (1) SRA seat and one (1) MSU seat on the General Assembly Planning Committee. SRA 14G Page 7 September 28, 2014 Nominations Nadia Igdoura for the MSU Seat Lina Assi for the MSU Seat Gillis nominated Jama for the SRA seat – accepted D’Angela nominated Gillis for the SRA seat – declined Brodka nominated Nestico-Semianiw for the SRA seat – declined Brodka nominated Abbas for the SRA seat – declined Vote on Motion Passes by General Consent Jama was acclaimed to the SRA seat on the GA Planning Committee. Election for the MSU Seat on the GA Planning Committee Moved by Zacharewicz, seconded by Gill that the Assembly set parameters for the election at one minute for opening statements, and two minutes for questions per candidate, pooled. Passes by General Consent Nominees Nadia Igdoura Lina Assi Candidates spoke within allotted time. Assembly voted by Secret Ballot. Lina Assi won the MSU Seat on the GA Planning Committee. 10. Open SRA seat on the Bylaws & Procedures Committee Moved by Gillis, seconded by Osazuwa that the Assembly open one (1) SRA seat on the Bylaws & Procedures Committee. Osazuwa asked if there were any nominations. Gillis stated not yet, but the meeting time is up in the air and they can change the time. Nominations Osazuwa nominated Tweedie – declined Vote on Motion Passes by General Consent NEW BUSINESS Moved by Nestico-Semianiw, seconded by Dufault that the Assembly consider the following motion under New Business: “Moved by Nestico-Semianiw, seconded by ___ that the Assembly open two (2) SRA seats on the External Affairs Committee, and one (1) SRA seat on the Operations Committee.” Nestico-Semianiw explained that they would like these seats opened. SRA 14G Page 8 September 28, 2014 Vote to Consider Passes by General Consent 1. Open SRA Seats on Standing Committees Moved by Nestico-Semianiw, seconded by Paul that the Assembly open two (2) SRA seats on the External Affairs Committee, and one (1) SRA seat on the Operations Committee. Paul asked Assembly members to talk to the Commissioners about this, and to read the year plans for objectives. He added that he would love to see them at their meetings. Osazuwa asked if the Commissioners were willing to change the times of their meetings. Paul responded that he would. Nestico-Semianiw stated that he would. Vote on Motion Passes by General Consent Moved by Gillis, seconded by Modi that the Assembly consider the following motion under New Business: “Moved by Gillis, seconded by ___ that the Assembly approve the Year Plans of the Social Sciences and Engineering Caucuses for the 2014-2015 academic term.” Vote to Consider Passes by General Consent 2. Year Plans Moved by Gillis, seconded by Narro Perez that the Assembly approve the Year Plans of the Social Sciences and Engineering Caucuses for the 2014-2015 academic year. Gillis felt that they should approve the year plans. Narro Perez asked the caucuses to speak to their year plans. Jama went over the Social Sciences year plan. Seevaratnam went over the Engineering year plan. Vote on Motion Passes by General Consent TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING Sunday, October 19, 2014 Time: 6:30 pm Location: Council Chambers, GH 111 CALL OF THE ROLL Present Absent Excused Abbas, Brodka, Chennabathni, Craig, D’Angela, Dufault, Gill, Gillis, Guarna, Jama, Khanano, King, Kousoulas, Lehwald, Mazza, Modi, Mohamed, Mordhorst, Narro Perez, Nestico-Semianiw, Nolan, Paul, Saull, Seevaratnam, Tambakis, Tweedie, Wilson, Zacharewicz Mallon SRA 14G Page 9 September 28, 2014 Absent Late Others Present Chair D’Mello, Soubas Lindsay D’Souza (MSU Member), Anj Periyalwar (MSU Member), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (MSU Member), Matthew Clarke (MSU Member), Naomi Pullen (DRO), Lina Assi (MSU Member), Tamex Shihab (MSU Member), Issac Oakie (MSU Member), Eamon Colvin (SASS Observer), Kornelia Palczewski (SOCS President), Cullum Brownbridge (MSU Member), Natasha Sandhu (Services Commissioner), Alan Rheaume (UA Commissioner), V. Scott (Recording Secretary) Mike Cheung ADJOURNMENT Moved by Khanano seconded by Zacharewicz that the meeting be adjourned. Passes by General Consent Adjourned at 9:36pm /vs
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