ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 30 June 2014 BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited 13 006 165 975 Australian Financial Services Licence No 230523 BlackRock Wholesale Funds BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 088 051 889 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund 088 174 494 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 088 196 801 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund 088 174 056 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 088 173 611 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Annual Financial Report - 30 June 2014 Contents Page Directors' Report 1 Auditor's Independence Declaration 7 Statements of Comprehensive Income 8 Balance Sheets 11 Statements of Changes in Equity 14 Statements of Cash Flows 16 Notes to the Financial Statements 19 Directors' Declaration 84 Independent Auditor's Report to the Unitholders of BlackRock Wholesale Funds 85 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Directors' Report For the year ended 30 June 2014 Directors' Report The directors of BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited (the 'Responsible Entity'), the Responsible Entity of BlackRock Wholesale Funds (the 'Funds'), present their report together with the financial statements of the Funds, for the year ended 30 June 2014 and the auditor's report thereon. The BlackRock Wholesale Funds comprise BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund, BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund, BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund, BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund and BlackRock Australian Bond Fund. Fund Objectives BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund The investment objective of the Fund is to provide investors with the highest possible returns consistent with a 'balanced' investment strategy. BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund The primary aim of the Fund is to generate capital and income returns for those investors seeking exposure to international fixed income markets, including Australia. The Fund aims to outperform the Barclays Capital Global Aggregate 500 Index (AUD hedged) over rolling three years periods. BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund The primary aim of the Fund is to provides investors with regular monthly income and some capital growth. The Fund aims to achieve this goal by outperforming the benchmark asset allocation returns over rolling three year periods. BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund The Fund has two aims: to achieve capital growth over the long-term through investments in Australian shares and other securities, and to provide investors with some tax-effective income through the distribution of franking credits. Overall, the Fund aims to achieve this goal by out performing the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index over rolling five year periods. BlackRock Australian Bond Fund The Fund aims to capture returns superior to those available from the Fund's benchmark (the UBS Australia Fixed Interest Index (All Maturities)) by accessing a broad array of value-enhancing strategies. Principal Activities The Funds invested in accordance with the provisions of the Funds' Constitutions. The Funds did not have any employees during the year. There were no significant changes in the nature of the Funds' activities during the year. Directors The following persons held office as directors of the Responsible Entity during the year or since the end of the year and up to the date of this report: Director Date appointed M S McCorry Appointed 2 December 2009 J Arter Appointed 19 September 2012 L McMahon Appointed 13 February 2013 A Landman Appointed 8 May 2013 K Miller Appointed 8 May 2013 A Telfer Appointed 12 December 2013 -1- BlackRock Wholesale Funds Directors' Report For the year ended 30 June 2014 Directors' Report (continued) Review and Results of Operations During the year, the Funds continued to invest funds in accordance with target asset allocations as set out in the governing documents of the Funds and in accordance with the provisions of the Funds' Constitutions. Results The performance of the Funds, as represented by the results of their operations, were as follows: BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Operating profit/(loss) before finance costs attributable to unitholders Distributions paid and payable 116,143 157,669 5,529 3,258 63,839 90,247 32 6,242 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Operating profit/(loss) before finance costs attributable to unitholders 3,665 5,713 34,461 58,384 Distributions paid and payable 1,483 2,962 32,716 44,868 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Operating profit/(loss) before finance costs attributable to unitholders 8,573 1,272 Distributions paid and payable 6,054 5,258 -2- BlackRock Wholesale Funds Directors' Report For the year ended 30 June 2014 Directors' Report (continued) Returns The table below demonstrates the performance of the Funds as represented by the total return. Returns* 1 Year % p.a. 3 Year % p.a. 5 Year % p.a. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund returns 13.32 10.86 9.82 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund returns 9.12 8.22 8.47 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund returns 9.30 7.01 8.14 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund returns 15.79 8.78 8.95 7.02 7.77 7.84 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund returns Class X * Returns (after fees) are calculated on the assumption that all distributions are reinvested in the Funds, and include the effect of compounding. Reconciliation of Net Asset Value for Unit Pricing Purposes to Financial Reporting Purposes The key differences between net assets for unit pricing and net assets attributable to unitholders as reported in the financial statements prepared under Australian Accounting Standards have been outlined below: BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 890,392 Net Assets for Unit Pricing Purposes Permanent Differences Difference between net market value (for unit pricing) and fair value (for financial statements) of financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss Timing Differences Distribution payable Other Net assets attributable to unitholders as at 30 June - -3- 940,999 (1,881) (57,303) (532) (77,296) 334 832,557 862,156 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 63,820 (32) 63,788 63,745 (69) (5,786) (1) 57,889 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Directors' Report For the year ended 30 June 2014 Directors' Report (continued) Reconciliation of Net Asset Value for Unit Pricing Purposes to Financial Reporting Purposes (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 $'000 37,342 Net Assets for Unit Pricing Purposes Permanent Differences Difference between net market value (for unit pricing) and fair value (for financial statements) of financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss Timing Differences Distribution payable Other Net assets attributable to unitholders as at 30 June (466) 1 36,877 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 43,500 $'000 213,730 - (51) 255,237 (559) (1,313) - (30,784) (74) (38,936) - 42,136 182,872 215,742 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 125,870 Net Assets for Unit Pricing Purposes Permanent Differences Difference between net market value (for unit pricing) and fair value (for financial statements) of financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss Timing Differences Distribution payable Other Net assets attributable to unitholders as at 30 June (2,248) 1 123,623 89,136 (107) (4,070) (3) 84,956 In accordance with the Funds' offering documents, listed investments are stated at the last traded price on the valuation day for the purpose of determining net asset value per unit for applications and redemptions. The Funds have adopted AASB 13 on 1 July 2013 and have changed their valuation inputs for listed investments to the last traded prices and unlisted unit trusts investments to net asset value per unit, as reported by the Responsible Entity. The change allows for consistency with the inputs prescribed in the Funds' offering documents for the calculation of unit prices for applications and redemptions. As a result, this change eliminated the difference between the net assets for unit pricing purposes and net assets as reported in the financial statements as at 30 June 2014. In the prior year, the Funds utilised bid and ask prices for their listed financial assets and financial liabilities respectively in accordance with AASB 139 which resulted in a difference with the per unit trading value calculated by the Funds using last traded prices. The difference of $1,880,446 for BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund, $69,442 for BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund, $51,316 for BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund, $558,614 for BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund and $106,914 for BlackRock Australian Bond Fund, as at 30 June 2013 are recorded as a fair value movement through profit or loss. -4- BlackRock Wholesale Funds Directors' Report For the year ended 30 June 2014 Directors' Report (continued) Significant Changes in State of Affairs In the opinion of the directors, there were no significant changes in the state of affairs of the Funds that occurred during the financial year under review. Matters Subsequent to the End of the Financial Year Except as disclosed in the financial statements, no matter or circumstance has arisen since 30 June 2014 that has significantly affected, or may significantly affect: (i) the operations of the Funds in future financial years, or (ii) the results of those operations in future financial years, or (iii) the state of affairs of the Funds in future financial years. Likely Developments and Expected Results of Operations The Funds will continue to be managed in accordance with the investment objectives and guidelines as set out in the governing documents of the Funds and in accordance with the provisions of the Funds' Constitutions. The results of the Funds' operations will be affected by a number of factors, including the performance of investment markets in which the Funds invest. Investment performance is not guaranteed and future returns may differ from past returns. As investment conditions change over time, past returns should not be used to predict future returns. Further information on likely developments in the operations of the Funds and the expected results of those operations have not been included in this report because the Responsible Entity believes it would be likely to result in unreasonable prejudice to the Funds. Indemnification and Insurance of Officers and Auditor No insurance premiums are paid for out of the assets of the Funds in regards to insurance cover provided to either the officers of the Responsible Entity or the auditor of the Funds. So long as the officers of the Responsible Entity act in accordance with the Funds' Constitutions and the Law, officers remain indemnified out of the assets of the Funds against losses incurred while acting on behalf of the Funds. The auditor of the Funds is in no way indemnified out of the assets of the Funds. Fees Paid and Interests Held in the Funds by the Responsible Entity or its Associates Fees paid to the Responsible Entity and its associates out of Funds' property during the year are disclosed in Note 12 of the financial statements. No fees were paid out of Funds' property to the directors of the Responsible Entity during the year (2013: Nil). Pursuant to ASIC Class Order relief, the Responsible Entity may individually negotiate fees with certain sophisticated or professional investors. The number of interests in the Funds held by the Responsible Entity and its associates as at the end of the financial year are also disclosed in Note 12 of the financial statements. Interests in the Funds The movement in units on issue in the Funds during the year is disclosed in Note 6 of the financial statements. Value of Assets The value of the Funds' assets and liabilities is disclosed on the Balance Sheets and derived using the basis set out in Note 2 of the financial statements. -5- BlackRock Wholesale Funds Directors' Report For the year ended 30 June 2014 Directors' Report (continued) Environmental Regulation The operations of the Funds are not subject to any particular or significant environmental regulations under either Commonwealth, State or Territory law. Rounding of Amounts to the Nearest Thousand Dollars The Funds are registered schemes of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/100 (as amended), issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission relating to the ''rounding off'' of amounts in the directors' report and financial statements. Amounts in the directors' report and financial statements have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars in accordance with that Class Order, unless otherwise indicated. Additional Disclosures The Funds have applied the relief available in Class Order 06/441 issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission in the preparation of this report. This class order allows registered Schemes with a common responsible entity to include multiple financial statements in adjacent columns in a financial report. The Funds have applied the relief available in Class Order 98/2395 issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission in the preparation of this report. Accordingly, the additional information otherwise required to be included in the directors’ report has been disclosed in Notes 5, 6 and 12 to the financial statements. Auditor's Independence Declaration A copy of the auditor's independence declaration as required under Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 is set out on page 7. The financial statements were authorised for issue by the directors on 24 September 2014. This report is made in accordance with a resolution of the directors. Director L McMahon Sydney 24 September 2014 -6- t ✉ ✈ ⑩ ❶ ➀ ❆ ✣ ✭ ✮ ✬ ★ ✯ ✮ ❊ ❅ ✫ ★ ✣ ❃ ✥ ✮ ★ ✇ ❾ ② ➇ ➈ ➄ ➋ ➇ ➈ ✉ ➔ ⑧ ✉ ➂ ➃ ➉ ➃ ➎ ✈ ❽ ✬ ❃ ✣ ❑ ■ ✰ ✣ ◗ ✛ ▲ ❍ ✣ ✫ ✬ ✪ ✥ ✭ ✧ ✬ ★ ✱ ❉ ↔ ✦ ✮ ✣ ✪ ▲ ✣ ■ ❂ ✩ ❦ ✤ ★ ❁ ● ✐ ✣ ❑ ➣ ✭ ✢ ❃ ✛ ✜ ✮ ❍ ❅ ↕ ✛ ✰ ✣ ❍ ● ★ ✯ ✦ ✮ ◗ ✣ ✥ ✩ ✣ ✪ ✥ ❂ ✰ ✱ ❂ ✬ ✢ ❉ ❁ ✥ ★ ✩ ❇ ✬ ❂ ✣ ✣ ✩ ✣ ❏ ✦ ✣ → ✥ ❂ ❂ ❊ ✮ ✬ ❍ ❃ ❍ ❃ ✮ ✮ ❄ ★ ❅ ✯ ❂ ✬ ❃ ❂ ✯ ❏ ✧ ✣ ★ ❄ ❃ ❍ ❅ ✬ ★ ✥ ✬ ✱ ❅ ✮ ➌ ➎ ➑ ❋ ◆ ✱ ✥ ★ ✬ ❍ ❅ ✬ ❖ ❅ ✦ ❅ ✥ ✣ → ❿ ➉ ❽ ✉ ✈ ➒ ✇ ① → ✯ ✥ ✣ ❃ ✥ ✮ ❂ ❅ ✮ ❂ ❊ ❅ ✩ ❇ ✯ ❂ ✣ ❈ ✤ ✳ ✴ ❉ ✣ ✵ ✮ ✯ ❂ ✶ ✷ ❊ ✣ ✥ ❃ ❂ ✸ ❆ ✵ ✣ ✣ ✶ ✹ ❉ ✥ ✮ ✮ ✥ ✺ ★ ❆ ✤ ✸ ✮ ✣ ✳ ★ ✯ ✬ ❅ ✻ ✥ ★ ✼ ❅ ✣ ✴ ✮ ❃ ✳ ✽ ✱ ❂ ✥ ✻ ✮ ✾ ❋ ★ ✿ ❃ ✱ ✮ ❀ ✥ ✼ ✛ ❊ ✩ ✭ ❍ ✩ ✬ ✪ ❃ ● ❑ ✬ ❁ ▲ ✮ ✦ ❃ ✤ ❑ ❁ ❍ ✣ ■ ❂ ✬ ✣ ✱ ✱ ✣ ✥ ✯ ✦ ✥ ✣ ✮ ✤ ✥ ❂ ★ ✰ ✮ ■ ✬ ❅ ✬ ❂ ✯ ✣ ✥ ✣ ❏ ❆ ✦ ✣ ✣ ✥ ❂ ▼ ❋ ◆ ✱ ✥ ★ ✬ ❍ ✭ ❍ ✬ ❃ ❑ ▲ ✮ ✭ ❍ ✬ ❃ ❑ ▲ ✮ ❅ ✬ ❖ ❃ ❑ ❅ ✦ ❙ ❅ ❆ ✥ ✮ ✣ ❍ ✯ ✣ ✬ ✱ ✬ ❍ ✱ ▲ ✣ ❁ ✣ ✥ ❂ ✣ ✱ ★ ✤ ✮ ✬ ❂ ✱ ❂ ✥ ❅ ✮ ❅ ✧ ❍ ✬ ❂ ✣ ◗ ❍ ✭ ✥ ❂ ✮ ❅ ✥ ✯ ❂ ❘ ❚ ✮ ◆ ❊ ✯ ❂ ✥ ● ❆ ✭ ✣ ❍ ✭ ✬ ❃ ❑ ❍ ▲ ✬ ❃ ✮ ❑ ❃ ▲ ❑ ✮ ❃ ❙ ❑ ❆ ❙ ✮ ❍ ✣ ❆ ✱ ✬ ✮ ❍ ❍ ✣ ✣ ✱ ✬ ✰ ❍ ✬ ✣ ✭ ✬ ❂ ✣ ❏ ✬ ❍ ✯ ✬ ❁ ❃ ❂ ❃ ❂ ✣ ✮ ✯ ❚ ✦ ✣ ◆ ❚ ✯ ❂ ◆ ● ✯ ❂ ● ▼ ❯ ❱ ❲ ❋ ✱ ❊ ✥ ❳ ❨ ❍ ✮ ✣ ★ ❆ ★ ❬ ✬ ✥ ✣ ❩ ❃ ❭ ✯ ❆ ❊ ❆ ✯ ❅ ✤ ❃ ✧ ❍ ❫ ✥ ❂ ✣ ✮ ❪ ✬ ❂ ■ ❆ ❩ ◆ ❅ ✬ ❙ ❨ ✬ ✣ ✣ ❑ ✣ ❲ ★ ✬ ✣ ✱ ❭ ✬ ❅ ✣ ✥ ❍ ❴ ✣ ❋ ❳ ✣ ✣ ❲ ★ ✥ ✬ ✬ ❍ ✯ ❆ ❅ ✱ ✣ ✣ ★ ★ ❂ ✥ ✯ ❂ ❂ ✥ ◆ ★ ✣ ✮ ✱ ❚ ✮ ★ ❃ ◆ ❴ ❊ ✬ ✮ ❂ ❍ ❵ ❂ ❘ ❂ ✬ ■ ✣ ❜ ◆ ✥ ❂ ✯ ❅ ✥ ❞ ❅ ❆ ✬ ★ ✣ ❚ ◆ ✯ ❂ ● ✭ ❍ ✬ ❃ ❑ ▲ ✮ ❃ ❑ ❋ ◆ ✱ ✥ ★ ✬ ❍ ❅ ✬ ✭ ❂ ✮ ✯ ❂ ❚ ◆ ✯ ❂ ❃ ✮ ❍ ❍ ✣ ❃ ✥ ❅ ■ ✣ ❍ ❘ ✥ ❖ ✥ ❆ ✣ ✬ ◆ ✯ ❅ ✥ ✥ ❆ ✣ ✬ ◆ ✯ ❅ ✥ ✮ ★ ✱ ❅ ❣ ✯ ❂ ✬ ✮ ✱ ✮ ◆ ✱ ❂ ❊ ✥ ✣ ❂ ✛ ✮ ❊ ❆ ✣ ✩ ❊ ✪ ❅ ✜ ✬ ❂ ● ❃ ❂ ✯ ❁ ❅ ✣ ✬ ❃ ❍ ❍ ✱ ✬ ★ ✥ ✬ ✥ ✣ ✥ ✣ ✦ ❆ ✣ ✬ ✥ ✥ ❂ ✥ ✮ ✱ ✮ ✥ ❆ ❊ ✥ ✣ ❆ ✧ ✣ ✣ ✱ ✭ ✥ ❍ ✮ ✬ ❃ ❊ ❑ ✦ ▲ ✮ ❘ ❃ ❑ ❑ ❙ ✮ ❂ ❆ ❄ ❍ ✣ ✮ ✯ ❍ ✣ ✱ ✣ ❏ ✬ ✬ ❍ ✣ ❚ ✯ ❂ ✧ ◆ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✯ ❂ ✣ ❃ ❂ ✣ ★ ✣ ❢ ◆ ❅ ★ ✣ ✦ ✣ ✥ ❂ ✱ ✮ ❊ ✥ ❆ ✣ ❉ ✮ ★ ✤ ✮ ★ ✬ ✥ ❅ ✮ ❂ ✱ ❋ ❃ ✥ ✛ ✩ ✩ ✪ ❅ ▼ ❅ ✮ ❤ ◗ ✫ ❉ ✘ ★ ❆ ✁ ✱ ❲ ✥ ✄ ✟ ✞ ❳ ✁ ✁ ✣ ✆ ✣ ★ ♣ ❍ ✬ ✐ ❳ ❲ ✤ ✤ ❍ ❅ ❃ ✬ ✧ ❍ ✣ ❃ ✮ ✯ ✣ ✮ ❊ ✤ ★ ✮ ❊ ✣ ✱ ✱ ❅ ✮ ✬ ❂ ❍ ❃ ✮ ✯ ❂ ◆ ❃ ✥ ❅ ★ ❂ ✣ ❍ ❘ ❥ q ❘ ❂ ✣ ◗ ❥ ♦ ★ ✣ ✝ ✟ ✬ ❦ ❲ ❳ ❉ r ❫ ❧ ❳ ◗ ✐ ❥ ❧ ✰ ❋ ✢ ❥ ❦ ♥ ★ ✥ ☎ ✄ ❖ ❃ ❂ ❥ ♥ ✣ ★ ❅ ❁ ❂ ✬ ✂ ✱ ✐ ❨ ✬ s ★ ❴ ♠ ◆ ❅ ☎ ✍ ✎ ✯ ✁ ❋ ✞ ✔ ✁ ✙ ✆ ❃ ✟ ✟ ❃ ✠ ☎ ✮ ✄ ✎ ✁ ✝ ✆ ✆ ◆ ✂ ✟ ✡ ✚ ✥ ❂ ☛ ✎ ✬ ☞ ✑ ✟ ☛ ✥ ❂ ✞ ☞ ✱ ✟ ✟ ✂ ✚ ✌ ✎ ✌ ☞ ✍ ✞ ✎ ✏ ✂ ✟ ✆ ✡ ✠ ✑ ✑ ✒ ✁ ✣ ✠ ✞ ✟ ✁ ✍ ✆ ✓ ✟ ✠ ✍ ✎ ✔ ✟ ✡ ✡ ✁ ✎ ✒ ✂ ☎ ✕ ✆ ✂ ✒ ✠ ✂ ✍ ✠ ✡ ✟ ✖ ✁ ✡ ☎ ✂ ✆ ✁ ✎ ✒ ✗ ✬ ✥ ❅ ✮ ❂ ✥ ✮ ✥ ❆ ✣ ✬ ◆ ✯ ❅ ✥ ✱ ❝ ❂ ★ ✣ ❍ ✬ ✥ ❅ ✮ ❂ ❍ ✥ ✯ ❂ ✣ ❡ ✯ ❂ ❆ ❝ ✩ ❇ ✢ ❂ ❛ ✬ ✯ ✬ ▼ ❅ ➓ ⑧ ❿ ② ⑨ ④ ❼ ✉ ➁ ✉ ✉ ❼ ② ❼ ➁ ❽ ➇ ❼ ⑦ ❼ ➀ ❼ ➇ ➒ ✱ ❆ ✥ ⑤ ❾ ➅ ⑥ ❽ ② ➊ ❹ ❽ ✜ ✦ ✣ ✣ ❾ ❼ ❿ ⑧ ➊ ➇ ✇ ❾ ➇ ➇ ✩ ✲ ❁ ➏ ➑ ✈ ✉ ❸ ③ ❽ ➄ ➆ ❸ ❼ ➎ ❶ ❍ ➌ ➈ ✉ ❼ ➁ ➁ ❸ ✇ ✉ ⑥ ❻ ✇ ✇ ➈ ❷ ⑤ ❺ ➃ ✉ ✉ ④ ❺ ✉ ➀ ➉ ✇ ❹ ❾ ❼ ✇ ⑨ ❾ ➂ ✉ ❼ ➃ ⑩ ➁ ✇ ④ ⑨ ➁ ② ➄ ⑧ ➐ ❾ ❻ ➏ ❾ ❾ ❹ ❼ ❼ ❼ ✱ ▼ ✭ ③ ❶ ⑨ ➍ ③ ② ❸ ➅ t ❥ ① ❶ ➁ ❾ ✇ ❷ ✮ ❅ ✣ ✱ ❊ ● ❼ ② ② ➓ ✉ ❾ ❶ ⑤ ❻ ✇ ➏ ⑦ ❾ ❾ ❶ ⑧ ❹ ④ ❼ ❼ ❽ ✈ ✈ ① ⑧ ⑧ ⑤ ✉ BlackRock Wholesale Funds Statements of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2014 Statements of Comprehensive Income BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Notes Investment income Interest income Distributions from related schemes Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss (including FX gains/(losses)) Fee rebates from related schemes Other operating income $'000 $'000 $'000 71 51,748 127 61,295 379 72,377 251 517 105,152 146 19 5,497 - (2,983) - 124,964 166,739 5,876 3,617 8,808 13 - 8,885 181 4 - 345 2 - 359 - 8,821 9,070 347 359 116,143 157,669 5,529 3,258 5 (63,839) (90,247) (32) 6 (52,304) (67,422) (5,497) 12 4 12 Total net investment income/(loss) Expenses Responsible Entity's fees Transaction costs Custody movement fees Other operating expenses $'000 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 12 Total operating expenses Operating profit/(loss) 6,600 Finance costs attributable to unitholders Distributions to unitholders (Increase)/decrease in net assets attributable to unitholders (6,242) 2,984 Profit/(loss) for the year - - - - Other comprehensive income - - - - Total comprehensive income for the year - - - - The above Statements of Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. -8- BlackRock Wholesale Funds Statements of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2014 Statements of Comprehensive Income BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Notes Investment income Interest income Distributions from related schemes Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss (including FX gains/(losses)) Fee rebates from related schemes Other operating income $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 1,756 2,831 9 23,099 51 26,379 2,223 13 - 3,282 5 - 13,179 51 317 34,678 68 2 3,992 6,118 36,655 61,178 321 6 - 404 1 - 2,188 6 - 2,789 3 2 - 327 405 2,194 2,794 3,665 5,713 34,461 58,384 5 (1,483) (2,962) (32,716) (44,868) 6 (2,182) (2,751) (1,745) (13,516) 12 4 12 Total net investment income/(loss) Expenses Responsible Entity's fees Transaction costs Custody movement fees Other operating expenses BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 12 Total operating expenses Operating profit/(loss) Finance costs attributable to unitholders Distributions to unitholders (Increase)/decrease in net assets attributable to unitholders Profit/(loss) for the year - - - - Other comprehensive income - - - - Total comprehensive income for the year - - - - The above Statements of Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. -9- BlackRock Wholesale Funds Statements of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2014 Statements of Comprehensive Income BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Notes Investment income Interest income Distributions from related schemes Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss (including FX gains/(losses)) Fee rebates from related schemes Other operating income $'000 2 4,903 6 2,681 3,604 66 3 (1,457) 54 - 8,578 1,284 5 - 10 1 1 5 12 8,573 1,272 5 (6,054) (5,258) 6 (2,519) 3,986 12 4 12 Total net investment income/(loss) Expenses Responsible Entity's fees Transaction costs Custody movement fees Other operating expenses $'000 12 Total operating expenses Operating profit/(loss) Finance costs attributable to unitholders Distributions to unitholders (Increase)/decrease in net assets attributable to unitholders Profit/(loss) for the year - - Other comprehensive income - - Total comprehensive income for the year - - The above Statements of Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 10 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Balance Sheets As at 30 June 2014 Balance Sheets BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund As at Notes Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral 30 June 2014 $'000 30 June 2013 $'000 1,779 100,267 12,661 36,185 110 387 5,899 9 794,862 2,478 883,419 10,526 63,433 - 57,806 - 899,386 942,791 63,930 63,705 57,303 8,302 77,296 733 32 110 5,786 30 782 442 2,606 - - - 66,829 80,635 142 5,816 832,557 862,156 63,788 57,889 14(b) 5 10 11 Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets attributable to unitholders liability 30 June 2013 $'000 14(b) 7 Total assets Liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral 30 June 2014 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund As at 6 The above Balance Sheets should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 11 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Balance Sheets As at 30 June 2014 Balance Sheets BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund As at Notes Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral 9 409 45,778 28,876 22,350 37,080 - 42,122 - 168,753 - 203,653 - 37,644 43,478 214,940 254,879 466 301 1,313 29 30,784 1,284 38,936 201 - - - - 767 1,342 32,068 39,137 36,877 42,136 182,872 215,742 14(b) 5 10 11 6 30 June 2013 $'000 532 824 Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets attributable to unitholders liability 30 June 2014 $'000 30 June 2013 $'000 20 544 14(b) 7 Total assets Liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral 30 June 2014 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund As at The above Balance Sheets should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 12 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Balance Sheets As at 30 June 2014 Balance Sheets BlackRock Australian Bond Fund As at Notes Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral 247 10,849 69 1,737 9 123,168 - 87,400 681 134,264 89,887 1 2,248 8,262 4,070 2 130 - 859 - 10,641 4,931 123,623 84,956 14(b) 5 10 11 Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets attributable to unitholders liability 6 The above Balance Sheets should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 13 - 30 June 2013 $'000 14(b) 7 Total assets Liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral 30 June 2014 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Statements of Changes in Equity For the year ended 30 June 2014 Statements of Changes in Equity BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Total equity at the beginning of the financial year - - - - Profit/(loss) for the year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year - - - - Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners Total equity at the end of the financial year - - - - BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Total equity at the beginning of the financial year - - - - Profit/(loss) for the year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year - - - - Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners Total equity at the end of the financial year - - - - The above Statements of Changes in Equity should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 14 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Statements of Changes in Equity For the year ended 30 June 2014 Statements of Changes in Equity BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Total equity at the beginning of the financial year - - Profit/(loss) for the year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year - - Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners Total equity at the end of the financial year - - Under Australian Accounting Standards, net assets attributable to unitholders are classified as a liability rather than equity. As a result there was no equity at the start or end of the year. The above Statements of Changes in Equity should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 15 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Statements of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2014 Statements of Cash Flows BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Notes Cash flows from operating activities Proceeds from sale of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Purchase of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Transaction costs Interest received Interest paid Distributions received from related schemes Fee rebates from related schemes received Other income received Responsible Entity's fees paid Operating expenses paid $'000 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 $'000 645,827 603,951 7,788 7,764 (492,703) 4,344 (1,900) 237 517 (8,030) (10) (511,378) (181) 30,372 (1,749) 2,792 146 19 (8,925) (4) (2,887) 912 (316) (1) (2,917) 1 (362) - 148,282 115,043 5,496 4,486 Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from applications by unitholders Payments for redemptions by unitholders Distributions paid 56,249 (168,567) (46,753) 160,477 (244,808) (31,409) 3,031 (7,506) (911) 2,892 (6,970) (408) Net inflow/(outflow) from financing activities (159,071) (115,740) (5,386) (4,486) (10,789) (697) Net inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 14(a) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 12,661 (93) 110 - 12,997 - - 361 - - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 14(b) 1,779 12,661 110 - Non-cash operating activities 14(a) 48,913 40,534 4,980 3,025 Non-cash financing activities 14(c) 37,079 26,705 4,875 2,266 The above Statements of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 16 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Statements of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2014 Statements of Cash Flows BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Notes $'000 Cash flows from operating activities Proceeds from sale of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Purchase of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Transaction costs Interest received Interest paid Distributions received from related schemes Fee rebates from related schemes received Other income received Responsible Entity's fees paid Operating expenses paid BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 $'000 20,808 26,158 52,718 259,429 (11,506) 10 (297) (5) (7,874) 783 5 (405) (1) (4,930) 9 48 317 (2,027) (5) (99,024) (3) 50 3,693 69 2 (2,745) (5) 9,010 18,666 46,130 161,466 Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from applications by unitholders Payments for redemptions by unitholders Distributions paid 1,792 (9,644) (1,670) 1,020 (17,248) (1,749) 14,477 (57,349) (31,725) 38,342 (158,882) (19,515) Net inflow/(outflow) from financing activities (9,522) (17,977) (74,597) (140,055) Net inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 14(a) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (512) 689 (28,467) 21,411 532 (157) 28,876 7,465 - - - - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 14(b) 20 532 409 28,876 Non-cash operating activities 14(a) 2,037 2,332 25,859 7,967 Non-cash financing activities 14(c) 660 989 9,143 7,005 The above Statements of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 17 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Statements of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2014 Statements of Cash Flows BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Notes Cash flows from operating activities Proceeds from sale of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Purchase of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Transaction costs Interest received Interest paid Distributions received from related schemes Fee rebates from related schemes received Other income received Responsible Entity's fees paid Operating expenses paid $'000 $'000 51,345 152,145 (88,897) 1,168 63 3 (5) (196,659) (10) 1,365 52 (2) (36,323) (43,109) Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from applications by unitholders Payments for redemptions by unitholders Distributions paid 38,935 (2,403) - 45,658 (2,658) - Net inflow/(outflow) from financing activities 36,532 43,000 14(a) Net inflow/(outflow) from operating activities Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 209 (109) 69 154 (32) 24 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 14(b) 246 69 Non-cash operating activities 14(a) 5,150 1,048 Non-cash financing activities 14(c) 7,876 4,674 The above Statements of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. - 18 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 1 General Information These financial statements cover BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund, BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund, BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund, BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund and BlackRock Australian Bond Fund ("the Funds") as individual entities. The Funds were constituted on 30 June 1992. The Funds will terminate on the eightieth anniversary of the day the Funds commenced, unless terminated in accordance with the provisions of the Funds' Constitutions. The Responsible Entity of the Funds is BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited (the 'Responsible Entity'). The Responsible Entity's registered office is Level 26, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. The financial statements were authorised for issue by the directors on 24 September 2014. The directors of the Responsible Entity have the power to amend and reissue the financial statements. The financial statements are presented in the Australian currency. 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to all years presented, unless otherwise stated in the following text. (a) Statement of Compliance and Basis of Preparation These general purpose financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations issued by the Accounting Standards Board and the Corporations Act 2001 in Australia. The Funds are forprofit unit trusts for the purpose of preparing the financial statements. The financial statements are prepared on the basis of fair value measurement of assets and liabilities except where otherwise stated. Certain prior year numbers have been reclassified in the financial statements to conform to current year presentation. The Balance Sheets are presented on a liquidity basis. Assets and liabilities are presented in decreasing order of liquidity and are not distinguished between current and non-current. All balances are expected to be recovered or settled within twelve months, except for investments in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and net assets attributable to unitholders. The amount expected to be recovered or settled within twelve months after the end of each reporting period cannot be reliably determined. (i) Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards The financial statements of the Funds also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. (ii) New and amended standards adopted by the Funds The Funds have applied the following standards and amendments for the first time in their annual reporting period commencing on 1 July 2013. AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement aims to improve the consistency and reduce complexity by providing a precise definition of fair value and a single source of fair value measurement and disclosure requirements for use across Australian Accounting Standards. The requirements do not extend to the use of fair value accounting but provide guidance on how it should be applied where its use is already required or permitted by other Australian Accounting Standards. If a financial asset or a liability measured at fair value has a bid price and an ask price, the standard requires valuation to be based on a price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value and allows the use of mid-market pricing or other pricing conventions that are used by market participants as a practical expedient for fair value measurement within a bid-ask spread. - 19 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) (a) Statement of Compliance and Basis of Preparation (continued) (ii) New and amended standards adopted by the Funds (continued) On adoption of the standard, the Funds changed their valuation inputs to last traded prices for listed financial assets and liabilities and net asset value per unit, as reported by the Responsible Entity, for investments in unlisted unit trusts. The change allows for consistency with the inputs prescribed in the Funds' offering documents for the calculation of unit prices for applications and redemptions. The use of last traded prices and net asset value per unit is recognised as a standard pricing convention within the industry. In the prior year, the Funds utilised bid and ask prices for their listed financial assets and liabilities respectively, and redemption value for their investments in unlisted unit trusts. As required under the standard, the change to the fair value of the financial assets and liabilities is applied prospectively in the same way as a change in an accounting estimate. As a result, the fair value of the financial assets and liabilities increased by $1,880,446 for BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund, increased by $69,442 for BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund, increased by $51,316 for BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund, increased by $558,614 for BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund and increased by $106,914 for BlackRock Australian Bond Fund, as at 1 July 2013. The differences have been recorded as fair value movements through profit or loss. Comparative amounts have not been restated. AASB 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, AASB 11 Joint Arrangements, AASB 12 Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities, revised AASB 127 Separate Financial Statements, AASB 2011-7 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from the Consolidation and Joint Arrangements Standards (effective 1 January 2013) and AASB 2013-5 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Investment Entities (effective 1 January 2014) AASB 10 replaces all of the guidance on control and consolidation in AASB 127 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements, and Interpretation 12 Consolidation – Special Purpose Entities. The core principle that a consolidated entity presents a parent and its subsidiaries as if they are a single economic entity remains unchanged, as do the mechanics of consolidation. However the standard introduces a single definition of control and focuses on the need to have both power and rights or exposure to variable returns before control is present. The amendments made to AASB 10 by AASB 2013-5 introduce an exception from the consolidation requirements for investment entities provided that the investments in subsidiaries are measured at fair value through profit or loss. AASB 127 is renamed Separate Financial Statements and is amended to deal solely with separate financial statements. The amendments to AASB 127 outline that consolidated financial statements are no longer required to be prepared, the standard requires an investment entity as defined in AASB 10 to present separate financial statements as its only financial statements in the case where it measures all of its subsidiaries at fair value through profit or loss and to disclose that fact, as is the case with the Funds. Going forward only separate financial statements are required. AASB 12 sets out the required disclosures for entities reporting under the two new standards, AASB 10 and AASB 11 and replaces the disclosure requirements currently found in AASB 127 and AASB 128. The standard requires entities to disclose significant judgments and assumptions made in determining whether the entity controls, jointly controls, significantly influences or has some other interests in other entities. Entities are also required to provide more disclosures around certain 'structured entities'. The amendments also introduce new disclosure requirements related to investment entities. Adoption of the standard has impacted the Funds' level of disclosures in certain of the above noted areas, but has not impacted the Funds’ financial position or performance. The Funds have elected to early adopt amendments made to AASB 10, AASB 12 and revised AASB 127 by AASB 2013-5 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Investment Entities. On adoption of the amendments, the Funds have determined that they meet the definition of an investment entity. The Funds do not control any entities providing services to the investment entity. They have therefore changed their accounting policy with respect to their controlled entities. The subsidiaries, which were previously consolidated, are now accounted for at fair value through profit or loss in their separate financial statements. The Funds' policy has and continues to be, to measure their investment in controlled entities at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with AASB 139, in their separate financial statements. As both the consolidated and the separate financial statements have been previously disclosed, in which their subsidiaries were accounted for at fair value through profit or loss, not at cost. As such, no further information is presented on the impact of the above change, as the separate financial statements show the financial position of the Funds as required by the investment entities exception. This change in accounting standards has been applied retrospectively in accordance with AASB 108 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors as required by the transitional provisions of AASB 10 and the amendments to AASB 10. - 20 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) (a) Statement of Compliance and Basis of Preparation (continued) (ii) New and amended standards adopted by the Funds (continued) AASB 2012-2 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Disclosures – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (effective 1 January 2013) and AASB 2012-3 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (effective 1 January 2014) This standard requires additional disclosures to enable users of financial statements to evaluate the effect or the potential effects of netting arrangements, including rights of set-off, associated with an entity’s recognised financial assets and recognised financial liabilities, on the entity's financial position. The disclosure requirements are also applicable to derivative financial instruments that are subject to enforceable master netting arrangements or similar agreements, irrespective of whether the financial instruments are currently offset. The Funds have elected to early adopt amendments made by AASB 2012-3, the amendments clarify the offsetting criteria in AASB 132 and address inconsistencies in their application. This includes clarifying the meaning of 'currently has a legally enforceable right of set-off' and that some gross settlement arrangements may be considered equivalent to net settlement. Except for AASB 2013-5 and AASB 2012-3 which were early adopted, and AASB 2012-2 which became effective on 1 January 2013, there are no other standards, interpretations or amendments to existing standards that are effective for the first time for the financial year beginning 1 July 2013 that would be expected to have a material impact on the Funds. (b) Financial Instruments (i) Classification The Funds' investments are classified as at fair value through profit or loss. They comprise: ! Financial instruments held for trading Derivative financial instruments such as futures, forward foreign exchange contracts, options and swaps are included under this classification. The Funds do not designate any derivatives as hedges in a hedging relationship. ! Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition These include financial assets that are not held for trading purposes and which may be sold. These are investments in listed equity, listed unit trusts, unlisted unit trusts, interest bearing securities and money market securities. Financial assets and financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition are those that are managed and their performance evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with the Funds' documented investment strategy. The Funds' policy is for the Responsible Entity to evaluate the information about these financial instruments on a fair value basis together with other related financial information. Short sales are classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. Short sales are where borrowed securities are sold in anticipation of a decline in the market value of those securities and are made or may be used for various arbitrage transactions. (ii) Recognition/derecognition The Funds recognise financial assets and financial liabilities on the date they become party to the contractual agreement (trade date) and recognise changes in fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities from this date. Investments are derecognised when the right to receive cash flows from the investments have expired or the Funds have transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership. - 21 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) (b) Financial Instruments (continued) (iii) Measurement Financial assets and liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets and liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss are measured initially at fair value excluding any transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset or financial liability. Transaction costs on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are expensed immediately. Subsequent to initial recognition, all instruments held at fair value through profit or loss are measured at fair value with changes in their fair value recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income. ! Fair value in an active market The fair value of financial assets and liabilities traded in active markets is based on their quoted market prices at the end of the reporting date without any deduction for estimated future selling costs. Prior to 1 July 2013, the quoted market price used for financial assets held by the Funds was the current bid price and the quoted market price for financial liabilities was the current ask price. On adoption of AASB 13, the Funds changed their fair valuation input to utilise the last traded market prices for both financial assets and financial liabilities. ! Fair value in an inactive or unquoted market The fair value of financial assets and liabilities that are not traded in an active market is determined using valuation techniques. These include the use of recent arm's length market transactions, reference to the current fair value of a substantially similar instrument, discounted cash flow techniques, option pricing models or any other valuation technique that provides a reliable estimate of prices obtained in actual market transactions. Accordingly, there may be a difference between the fair value at initial recognition and amounts determined using a valuation technique. If such a difference exists, the Funds recognise the difference in the Statements of Comprehensive Income to reflect a change in factors, including time, that market participants would consider in setting a price. Investments in other unlisted unit trusts are recorded at the net asset value per unit as reported by the Responsible Entity of such funds. (c) Offsetting financial instruments Financial assets and liabilities are reported on a gross basis in the Balance Sheet. Where there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously on default or in the ordinary course of business, the financial assets and liabilities will be offset and reported on a net basis in notes to the financial statements. (d) Net Assets Attributable to Unitholders Units are redeemable at the unitholders' option and are therefore classified as financial liabilities. The units can be put back to the Funds at any time for cash equal to a proportionate share of the Funds' net asset value. The fair value of redeemable units is the residual interest that is payable at the end of the reporting date if unitholders exercised their right to redeem units in the Funds. The Funds' redemption unit price is based on the last traded market price for the purpose of determining the net asset value per unit for applications and redemptions. (e) Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits held at call with financial institutions, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, and bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are shown as liabilities on the Balance Sheets. Payments and receipts relating to the purchase and sale of investment securities are classified as cash flows from operating activities as movements in the fair value of these securities represent the Funds' main income generating activity. - 22 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) (f) Margin Accounts Margin accounts comprise of cash held for derivative transactions and short sales. The cash is held by the broker and is only available to meet margin calls. Unrestricted margin account balances and restricted margin accounts balances, where the derivative transactions’ original maturities are within three months, are classified as cash and cash equivalents. Restricted margin accounts where the derivative transactions’ original maturities are not within three months are classified as cash held on collateral. (g) Investment Income and Expenses Interest income and expenses are recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income for all interest bearing securities using the effective interest method. Interest income on assets held at fair value through profit or loss is included in the net gains/(losses) on financial instruments. Other changes in fair value for such instruments are recorded in accordance with the policies described in Note 2(b). The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset or financial liability and of allocating the interest income or interest expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts throughout the expected life of the financial instrument, or a shorter period where appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or liability. When calculating the effective interest rate, the Funds estimate cash flows, considering all contractual terms of the financial instrument (for example, prepayment options), but do not consider future credit losses. The calculation includes all fees and points paid or received between the parties to the contract that are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and all other premiums or discounts. Dividend income is recognised on the ex-dividend date. The Funds may incur withholding tax imposed by certain countries on investment income. Such income is recorded net of withholding tax in the Statements of Comprehensive Income. If a portion of the foreign withholding taxes is reclaimable, it is recorded as an asset. Trust distributions are recognised on an entitlements basis. Dividends declared on securities sold short are recorded as a dividend expense on the ex-dividend date. (h) Expenses All expenses, including Responsible Entity's fees, are recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income on an accruals basis. (i) Income Tax Under current legislation, the Funds are not subject to income tax provided the taxable income of the Funds is distributed either by way of cash or reinvestment (i.e. unitholders are presently entitled to the income of the Funds). The benefit of imputation credits and foreign tax paid are passed on to unitholders. (j) Distributions In accordance with the Funds' Constitutions, the Funds distribute their distributable (taxable) income, and any other amounts determined by the Responsible Entity, to unitholders by cash or reinvestment. The distributions are recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income as finance costs attributable to unitholders. (k) Increase/Decrease in Net Assets Attributable to Unitholders Non-distributable income is included in net assets attributable to unitholders. Movements in net assets attributable to unitholders are recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income as financing costs. - 23 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) (l) Foreign Currency Translation (i) Functional and presentation currency Items included in the Funds' financial statements are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates (the "functional currency"). This is the Australian Dollar, which reflects the currency of the economy in which the Funds compete for capital and are regulated. The Australian Dollar is also the Funds' presentation currency. (ii) Transactions and balances Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translations at year end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income. The Funds do not isolate that portion of gains or losses on securities and derivative financial instruments which is due to changes in foreign exchange rates from that which is due to changes in the market price of securities. Such fluctuations are included with the net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss. Non monetary items that are measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value was determined. Translation differences on assets and liabilities carried at fair value are reported as part of the fair value gain or loss. (m) Receivables Receivables may include amounts for dividends, interest, trust distributions, amounts due from brokers and applications receivable. Dividends and trust distributions are accrued when the right to receive payment is established. Interest is accrued at the end of the reporting date from the time of the last payment using the effective interest rate method. Amounts due from brokers represent receivables for securities that have been contracted for but not yet delivered by the end of the reporting date. Applications receivable are recorded when the applications are made for units in the Funds with the consideration yet to be received as at the end of the reporting date. Collectability of trade receivables is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Debts which are known to be uncollectible are written off by reducing the carrying amount directly. An allowance account (provision for impairment of trade receivables) is used when there is objective evidence that the Funds will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables. Significant financial difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or financial reorganisation, and default or delinquency in payments (more than 30 days overdue) are considered indicators that the trade receivable is impaired. The amount of the impairment allowance is the difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate. Cash flows relating to short term receivables are not discounted if the effect of discounting is immaterial. The amount of the impairment loss is recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income within other expenses. When a trade receivable for which an impairment allowance had been recognised becomes uncollectible in a subsequent period, it is written off against the allowance account. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against other expenses in the Statements of Comprehensive Income. (n) Payables Payables include liabilities and accrued expenses owing by the Funds and redemptions payable which are unpaid as at the end of the reporting period. Trades are recorded on trade date, and normally settled within three business days. Purchases of financial instruments that are unsettled at reporting date are included in payables. Redemptions payable are recognised when the unitholder returns their holdings back into the Funds, foregoing all rights associated with the units, with the payment yet to be released. The distribution amount payable to unitholders as at reporting date is recognised separately on the Balance Sheets when unitholders are presently entitled to the distributable income under the Funds' Constitution. - 24 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) (o) Applications and Redemptions Applications received for units in the Funds are recorded net of any entry fees payable prior to the issue of units in the Funds. Redemptions from the Funds are recorded gross of any exit fees payable after the cancellation of units redeemed. Unit redemption prices are determined by reference to the net assets for unit pricing purposes of the Funds, divided by the number of units on issue at or immediately prior to close of business each day. Applications and redemptions of units are processed simultaneously. (p) Goods and Services Tax (GST) The GST incurred on the costs of various services provided to the Funds by third parties such as custodial services and investment management fees have been passed onto the Funds. The Funds qualify for Reduced Input Tax Credits (RITC) hence, investment management fees, custodial fees and other expenses have been recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income net of the amount of GST recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Accounts payable and accrued expenses are inclusive of GST. The net amount of GST recoverable from the ATO is included in receivables in the Balance Sheets. Cash flows relating to GST are included in the Statements of Cash Flows on a gross basis. (q) New Accounting Standards and Interpretations Certain new accounting standards and interpretations have been published that are not mandatory for the 30 June 2014 reporting period and have not been early adopted by the Funds. The directors' assessment of the impact of these new standards (to the extent relevant to the Funds) and interpretations is set out below: (i) Amendments made to AASB 124 by AASB 2014-1 (Annual improvements 2010-2012 cycle), which confirm that the Funds must disclose the fees paid for management personnel services received from a third party such as the responsible entity, but not the compensation paid by the responsible entity to its employees or directors. The amendments do not have any impact on the Funds' financial position or performance. (ii) AASB 9 Financial Instruments and AASB 2009-11 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 9 and AASB 2010-7 Amendment to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 9 (December 2010) and AASB 20126 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards - Mandatory Effective Date of AASB 9 and Transition Disclosures and AASB 2013-9 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards - Conceptual Framework, Materiality and Financial Instruments (effective from 1 January 2018) AASB 9 Financial Instruments addresses the classification, measurement and derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities. It has now also introduced revised rules around hedge accounting. The standard is not applicable until 1 January 2018 but is available for early adoption. The derecognition rules have not been changed from the previous requirements, and the Funds do not apply hedge accounting. The Funds have not yet decided when to adopt AASB 9. Management does not expect this to have a significant impact on the recognition and measurement of the Funds' financial instruments as they are carried at fair value through profit or loss. There are no other standards that are not yet effective and that are expected to have a material impact on the Funds in the current or future reporting periods and on foreseeable future transactions. (r) Use of Estimates The Funds make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year. Estimates are continually evaluated and based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. For the majority of the Funds' financial instruments, quoted market prices are readily available. However, certain financial instruments, for example, over-the-counter derivatives or unquoted securities are fair valued using valuation techniques. Where valuation techniques (for example, pricing models) are used to determine fair values, they are validated and periodically reviewed by experienced personnel of the Responsible Entity, independent of the area that created them. Models are calibrated by back-testing to actual transactions to ensure that outputs are reliable. - 25 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) (r) Use of Estimates (continued) Models use observable data, to the extent practicable. However, areas such as credit risk (both own and counterparty), volatilities and correlations require management to make estimates. Changes in assumptions about these factors could affect the reported fair value of financial instruments. For certain other financial instruments, including amounts due from/to brokers and payables, the carrying amounts approximate fair value due to the immediate or short-term nature of these financial instruments. (s) Rounding of Amounts The Funds are registered schemes of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/100 (as amended), issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission relating to the ''rounding off'' of amounts in the directors' report and financial statements. Amounts in the directors' report and financial statements have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars in accordance with that Class Order, unless otherwise indicated. (t) Cash Held on Collateral Cash held on collateral includes restricted margin accounts where the derivative transactions’ original maturities are not within three months as well as restricted cash for short sales. Short positions are taken on securities which have relatively poor return expectations. To facilitate settlement, securities are borrowed with collateral requirements. These requirements are satisfied with cash and/or other securities. Cash used to satisfy collateral requirements are disclosed in cash held on collateral. 3 Financial Risk Management The Funds' activities expose them to a variety of financial risks: credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk (including price risk, currency risk and interest rate risk). The Funds' overall risk management program focuses on ensuring compliance with the Funds' Product Disclosure Statements and seeks to maximise the returns derived for the level of risk to which the Funds are exposed. The Funds may use derivative financial instruments to moderate and create certain risk exposures. Financial risk management is carried out by the Investment Risk Management Committee (IRMC) under policies approved by the Board of Directors of the Responsible Entity ('the Board'). The Funds use different methods to measure different types of risk to which they are exposed. These methods include Value at Risk ('VaR') analysis in the case of interest rate, foreign exchange and other price risks and ratings analysis for credit risk. VaR analysis is explained in Note 3(b). (a) Market Risk (i) Price Risk The Funds are exposed to price risk. This arises from investments held by the Funds for which prices in the future are uncertain. They are classified on the Balance Sheets as fair value through profit or loss. Where non monetary financial instruments are denominated in currencies other than the Australian Dollar, the price in the future will also fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates. Note 3(a)(ii) below sets out how this component of price risk is managed and measured. Investments are classified in the Balance Sheets as at fair value through profit or loss. All securities investments present a risk of loss of capital. Except for equities sold short and derivative instruments, the maximum risk resulting from financial instruments is determined by the fair value of the financial instruments. Possible losses from equities sold short can be unlimited. Market risk is managed and monitored by the Responsible Entity on a portfolio basis, with risks managed through ensuring that investment activities are undertaken in accordance with the Funds' investment model which is reviewed and updated regularly. The Responsible Entity continuously monitors the Funds' holdings relative to the recommended portfolio, and the exposure of the Funds are monitored to ensure that it remains within designated ranges or asset allocation constraints, taking into account any derivative position being used to manage risks. - 26 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (i) Price Risk (continued) In addition, the IRMC regularly reviews the Funds to ensure the Funds are following the appropriate investment model, its portfolio is in accordance with its stated guidelines and restrictions, and the performance of the Funds remains in expected bounds. The summarised VaR analysis in Note 3(b) explains how the risk is measured and summarises the potential exposure of the Funds’ net assets attributable to unitholders. At the reporting date, the notional principal amounts of derivative financial instruments held by the Funds were as follows: BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2014 $'000 30 June 2013 $'000 Notional Principal Amount Asset Futures - Domestic Futures - International Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps - Domestic Swaps - International Liability Fair Value Net Notional Principal Amount Asset Liability Fair Value Net 29,952 13,625 (8,834) (22,956) 21,118 (9,331) 459 (4) 54,790 - (89,779) (37,538) (34,989) (37,538) 123,428 104,398 17,607 (123,478) (104,398) (17,607) (50) - (50) (291) 391 117,477 135,630 20,539 (117,604) (135,630) (20,539) (127) - 1,111 204 (127) 2,655 (2,026) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 30 June 2014 $'000 30 June 2013 $'000 Notional Principal Amount Asset Futures - Domestic Futures - International Forward foreign exchange contracts Options - Domestic Options - International Swaps - Domestic Swaps - International Liability Fair Value Net Notional Principal Amount Asset Liability Fair Value Net 9,374 3,038 (13,714) 9,374 (10,676) 188 (22) 211,645 - (154,046) (6,821) 57,599 (6,821) (192) 72 13,728 1,805 30,325 722,715 11,858 (13,705) (5) (14,789) (722,715) (11,858) 23 1,800 15,536 - 23 3 6 262 (13) 1,730 7,519 3,002 9,015 32,225 (1,717) (6,501) (9,015) (32,225) 13 1,018 3,002 - 13 30 8 276 25 - 27 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (ii) Foreign Exchange Risk BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund, BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund and BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund The direct investments held by the Funds do not have any direct exposure to foreign exchange risk. This disclosure has not been made on a look through basis for investments held indirectly through underlying investments. The disclosure of foreign exchange risk may not present the true foreign exchange risk profile of the Funds where the underlying investments have significant exposure to foreign exchange risk. The summarised VaR analysis in Note 3(b) explains how the risk is measured and summarises the potential exposure of the Funds’ net assets attributable to unitholders. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund and BlackRock Australian Bond Fund The Funds hold monetary and non monetary assets denominated in currencies other than the Australian Dollar. The foreign exchange risk relating to non monetary assets and liabilities is a component of price risk. Foreign exchange risk arises as the value of monetary securities denominated in other currencies will fluctuate due to changes in exchange rates. The summarised VaR analysis in Note 3(b) explains how the risk is measured and summarises the potential exposure of the Funds’ net assets attributable to unitholders. Foreign exchange risk is managed using forward foreign exchange contracts and other derivatives in accordance with Fund guidelines and restrictions. Daily monitoring is undertaken to ensure instruments used and exposures created are consistent with the investment strategies and objectives of the Funds. For accounting purposes, the Funds do not designate any derivatives as hedges in a hedging relationship, and hence these derivative financial instruments are classified as at fair value through profit or loss. This disclosure for the Funds has not been made on a look through basis for investments held indirectly through underlying funds. The disclosure of foreign exchange risk may not present the true foreign exchange risk profile of the Funds where the underlying fund has a significant exposure to foreign exchange risk. - 28 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (ii) Foreign Exchange Risk (continued) The following tables summarise the Funds' assets and liabilities, monetary and non-monetary, which are denominated in different currencies. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading** Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss* Cash held on collateral*** Total assets United States Dollar A$'000 European Euro A$'000 British Pound A$'000 Japanese Australian Other Yen Dollar Currencies A$'000 A$'000 A$'000 Total A$'000 1,369 467 - 3 8 46 410 100,259 768 3 1,779 100,267 1,287 58,080 59,916 780 780 212 215 891 945 735,495 433 837,365 207 210 793,575 2,523 899,431 - - - - 57,303 8,302 - 57,303 8,302 6 137 109 - 6 - 10 - 650 350 1 - 782 487 143 109 6 10 66,605 1 66,874 Net assets 59,773 671 209 935 770,760 209 832,557 Increase/(decrease) in exposure from currency derivatives (3,161) 6,521 4,079 4,059 (15,073) 3,575 - Total foreign currency exposure 56,612 7,192 4,288 4,994 755,687 3,784 832,557 Liabilities Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading** Cash held on collateral*** Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) * Includes unit trust holdings. ** Includes derivatives, forward foreign exchange contracts which have been classified as Australian Dollar exposure in the above analysis. *** Where margin calls on margin accounts and cash held on collateral can only be made to counterparties in Australian Dollar, the balances are disclosed separately in the currency exposure tables and are aggregated in the Balance Sheet. - 29 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (ii) Foreign Exchange Risk (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2013 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading** Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss* Cash held on collateral*** Total assets Liabilities Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading** Cash held on collateral*** Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets United States Dollar A$'000 European Euro A$'000 British Pound A$'000 Japanese Yen A$'000 Australian Other Dollar Currencies A$'000 A$'000 Total A$'000 46 408 88 44 5 12,615 36,185 3,878 - 12,661 36,185 4,423 28,460 28,914 128 216 44 1,288 1,293 850,536 10,393 913,607 - 878,996 11,809 944,074 - - - - 77,296 733 - 77,296 733 2,430 1,259 1 - 2 24 2 - 171 - - 2,606 1,283 3,689 1 26 2 78,200 - 81,918 25,225 215 18 1,291 835,407 - 862,156 Increase/(decrease) in exposure from currency derivatives (17,813) 2,759 1,386 1,266 12,402 - - Total foreign currency exposure 7,412 2,974 1,404 2,557 847,809 - 862,156 * Includes unit trust holdings. ** Includes derivatives, forward foreign exchange contracts which have been classified as Australian Dollar exposure in the above analysis. *** Where margin calls on margin accounts and cash held on collateral can only be made to counterparties in Australian Dollar, the balances are disclosed separately in the currency exposure tables and are aggregated in the Balance Sheet. - 30 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (ii) Foreign Exchange Risk (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 30 June 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading** Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss* Total assets Liabilities Bank overdraft Margin accounts*** Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading** Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets Increase/(decrease) in exposure from currency derivatives Total foreign currency exposure United States Dollar A$'000 European Euro A$'000 British Pound A$'000 Japanese Australian Other Yen Dollar Currencies A$'000 A$'000 A$'000 Total A$'000 84 80 - - - 198 7,888 489 4 2,961 8 286 10,849 577 2,911 3,075 - - - 118,344 126,919 1,336 4,309 122,591 134,303 - - 24 - 15 - 2,248 8,262 1 - 1 39 2,248 8,262 97 - 6 2 11 14 130 97 - 30 17 10,521 15 10,680 2,978 - (30) (17) 116,398 4,294 123,623 (2,917) - (1) 7,240 (4,322) - (18) 123,638 (28) 123,623 61 - - (30) * Includes unit trust holdings and interest bearing securities. ** Includes derivatives, forward foreign exchange contracts which have been classified as Australian Dollar exposure in the above analysis. *** Where margin calls on margin accounts and cash held on collateral can only be made to counterparties in Australian Dollar, the balances are disclosed separately in the currency exposure tables and are aggregated in the Balance Sheet. - 31 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (ii) Foreign Exchange Risk (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 30 June 2013 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading** Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss* Cash held on collateral*** Total assets United States Dollar A$'000 European Euro A$'000 British Pound A$'000 Japanese Yen A$'000 Australian Other Dollar Currencies A$'000 A$'000 Total A$'000 47 107 - 8 3 30 1,737 863 110 77 1,737 1,091 23 177 8 8 8 3 86,309 646 89,585 4 114 86,309 681 89,895 - - - 8 - 4,070 2 - 8 4,070 2 24 - - - 750 85 859 24 - - 8 4,822 85 4,939 Net assets 153 8 8 (5) 84,763 29 84,956 Increase/(decrease) in exposure from currency derivatives 141 (425) (500) - 300 484 - Total foreign currency exposure 294 (417) (492) (5) 85,063 513 84,956 Liabilities Bank overdraft Margin accounts*** Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading** Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) * Includes unit trust holdings and interest bearing securities. ** Includes derivatives, forward foreign exchange contracts which have been classified as Australian Dollar exposure in the above analysis. *** Where margin calls on margin accounts and cash held on collateral can only be made to counterparties in Australian Dollar, the balances are disclosed separately in the currency exposure tables and are aggregated in the Balance Sheet. - 32 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (iii) Interest Rate Risk The Funds' interest bearing financial assets and liabilities expose them to risks associated with the effects of fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market interest rates on their financial position and cash flows. The Funds are exposed to cash flow interest rate risk on financial instruments with variable interest rates. Financial instruments with fixed rates expose the Funds to fair value interest rate risk. Interest rate risk is mitigated through ensuring activities are transacted in accordance with mandates, overall investment strategy and within approved limits. The summarised VaR analysis in Note 3(b) explains how the risk is measured and summarises the potential exposure of the Funds' net assets attributable to unitholders. The disclosure for the Funds has not been made on a look through basis for investments held indirectly through the underlying funds. The disclosure of interest rate risk may not present the true interest rate risk profile of the Funds where the underlying fund has significant exposure to interest rate risk. The following tables summarise the Funds' exposure to interest rate risks. They include the Funds' assets and liabilities at fair values. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2014 Floating interest rate $'000 Fixed interest rate $'000 1,779 - - 100,267 1,779 100,267 - - 584 312 391 584 312 391 2,478 4,257 - 793,575 895,129 793,575 2,478 899,386 - - 57,303 8,302 57,303 8,302 442 - 129 362 291 - 129 362 291 442 442 - 66,387 66,829 - - 832,557 832,557 Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Cash held on collateral Total assets Financial liabilities Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps Cash held on collateral Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets attributable to unitholders - liability - 33 - Non interest bearing $'000 Total $'000 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (iii) Interest Rate Risk (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2013 Floating interest rate $'000 Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Cash held on collateral Total assets Financial liabilities Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps Cash held on collateral Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets attributable to unitholders - liability Fixed interest rate $'000 Non interest bearing $'000 Total $'000 12,661 - - 36,185 12,661 36,185 2,655 - 1,405 363 - 1,405 363 2,655 10,526 25,842 - 878,996 916,949 878,996 10,526 942,791 - - 77,296 733 77,296 733 2,026 - - 90 490 - 90 490 2,026 - 2,026 - 78,609 80,635 - - 862,156 862,156 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund The Fund's exposure to cash flow interest rate risk is limited to its cash and cash equivalents which are floating rate interest bearing investments. As at 30 June 2014 the total investment in cash accounts of the Fund was $110,008 (2013: Nil). Interest rate risk is mitigated through ensuring activities are transacted in accordance with mandates, overall investment strategy and within approved limits. The summarised VaR analysis in Note 3(b) explains how the risk is measured and summarises the potential exposure of the Fund's net assets attributable to unitholders. The disclosure for the Fund has not been made on a look through basis for investments held indirectly through the underlying funds. The disclosure of interest rate risk may not present the true interest rate risk profile of the Fund where the underlying fund has significant exposure to interest rate risk. - 34 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (iii) Interest Rate Risk (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 30 June 2014 Floating interest rate $'000 Fixed interest rate $'000 20 - - 544 20 544 20 - 37,080 37,624 37,080 37,644 - - 466 301 466 301 - - 767 767 - - 36,877 36,877 Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total assets Financial liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets attributable to unitholders - liability 30 June 2013 Floating interest rate $'000 Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total assets Financial liabilities Distribution payable Payables Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Net assets attributable to unitholders - liability - 35 - Fixed interest rate $'000 Non interest bearing $'000 Non interest bearing $'000 Total $'000 Total $'000 532 - - 824 532 824 532 1,543 1,543 40,579 41,403 40,579 1,543 43,478 - - 1,313 29 1,313 29 - - 1,342 1,342 - - 42,136 42,136 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (iii) Interest Rate Risk (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund The Fund's exposure to cash flow interest rate risk is limited to its cash and cash equivalents which are floating rate interest bearing investments. As at 30 June 2014 the total investment in cash accounts of the Fund was $409,041 (2013: $28,875,844). Interest rate risk is mitigated through ensuring activities are transacted in accordance with mandates, overall investment strategy and within approved limits. The summarised VaR analysis in Note 3(b) explains how the risk is measured and summarises the potential exposure of the Fund's net assets attributable to unitholders. The disclosure for the Fund has not been made on a look through basis for investments held indirectly through the underlying funds. The disclosure of interest rate risk may not present the true interest rate risk profile of the Fund where the underlying fund has significant exposure to interest rate risk. BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 30 June 2014 Floating interest rate $'000 Fixed interest rate $'000 247 - - 10,849 247 10,849 8 264 199 33 73 - 199 33 73 272 3,006 3,261 25,112 25,376 94,473 105,627 94,473 28,118 134,264 1 - - 2,248 8,262 1 2,248 8,262 - 23 33 10 64 - 33 10 64 23 1 23 10,617 10,641 9,143 - - - 123,623 123,623 Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total assets Financial liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Buy/(sell) notional exposure to interest rate swaps (9,143) - Net assets attributable to unitholders - liability - 36 - Non interest bearing $'000 Total $'000 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (a) Market Risk (continued) (iii) Interest Rate Risk (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 30 June 2013 Floating interest rate $'000 Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Cash held on collateral Total assets Financial liabilities Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to unitholders) Buy/(sell) notional exposure to interest rate swaps Fixed interest rate $'000 Total $'000 69 - - 1,737 69 1,737 143 267 128 13 540 - 128 13 540 410 1,950 681 2,843 8,555 8,822 75,804 78,222 75,804 10,505 681 89,887 - - 4,070 2 4,070 2 85 24 248 502 - 248 502 109 85 24 4,822 4,931 11,515 - - - 84,956 84,956 (11,515) - Net assets attributable to unitholders - liability Non interest bearing $'000 The Responsible Entity uses interest rate swaps as part of the overall investment strategy and to manage the Fund within its limits. The gross notional value of these swaps at 30 June 2014 was $14,573,000 (30 June 2013: $35,187,202) resulting in an asset at fair value on the Balance Sheet of $243,377 (30 June 2013: an asset of $300,136). The Fund can hold a variety of swaps including interest rate swaps. The exposure figures above do not reflect the impact of these swaps. (b) Summarised VaR Analysis Value at Risk (VaR) is a risk model used to estimate the potential losses that could occur on the Funds' net asset value position due to movements in interest rates, currency and market prices over a given period and for a specified degree of confidence. - 37 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (b) Summarised VaR Analysis (continued) BlackRock uses VaR analysis and/or tracking error estimates to measure and manage risk as these are commonly used and understood models, are easily interpreted and are consistent across different types, asset classes and types of funds. For the purpose of these accounts VaR analysis has been presented. The objective in all cases is to estimate potential losses and manage the downside risk. The following tables summarise the outputs of the VaR model in relation to interest rate, currency and price risk exposures. The total VaR figures are not the sum of individual risk components as this does not include correlations between different risk factors. BlackRock calculates the VaR relative to the Funds' benchmarks. The analysis implies that the Manager can be 95% confident that the value of the portfolio will not decrease by any more than the figures in the table below relative to a portfolio of the same value as the Funds' portfolios which replicates the composition of the benchmark over the 5 day period from 30 June. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 2014 $'000^ Total Portfolio Risk 2013 % 12,072 $'000^ 1.45 % 2,845 0.33 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund 2014 $'000^ 2013 % 357 Total Portfolio Risk $'000^ 0.56 % 139 0.24 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 2014 $'000^ 2013 % 254 Total Portfolio Risk $'000^ 0.69 % 147 0.35 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund 2014 $'000^ 2013 % 3,657 Total Portfolio Risk $'000^ 2.00 % 1,143 0.53 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 2014 $'000^ 927 Total Portfolio Risk 2013 % $'000^ 0.75 ^ VaR has been calculated on Net Assets Attributable to Unitholders before rounding. - 38 - % 93 0.11 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (b) Summarised VaR Analysis (continued) Detailed information about the models There are a number of different VaR models used within the Funds Management industry. BlackRock uses one or more of ex-ante and ex-post estimates of portfolio risk and the Monte Carlo simulation model depending on the fund type. Models are calculated using historical data and a covariance matrix where applicable. The models used by BlackRock have the following features: ! VaR is calculated to a 95 per cent confidence level. VaR at a confidence level identifies the maximum expected loss under that confidence level; ! VaR is calculated for a 5 day holding period. The time horizon of five days is selected to coincide with the period used to analyse the portfolio positions. The risk data is examined in various daily, weekly and monthly forums; and ! The portfolio VaR is not the simple sum of individual asset stand alone VaRs; the correlations among assets in the portfolio are considered. Although VaR is a valuable risk management tool it should be interpreted, as with all predictive models, with consideration to its assumptions and limitations. The main assumptions and limitations are listed below: ! Some modelling assumes certain financial variables are normally distributed: The normality assumption allows BlackRock to scale portfolio risk estimates to the appropriate confidence levels. The normality assumption is derived from statistical analysis for examining sample populations of observations and the implications of not assuming normality would preclude the use of most statistical tools including mainstream commercial models for risk measurement. ! The use of historical returns and correlations between assets would not take into account future potential events: It is a commonly stated and well-recognised limitation that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. ! Model risk, in general terms, is a known limitation that includes: the quality or accuracy of the underlying data, where significant events occur within the data, the changing sensitivity of the Funds' assets to external market factors over time, and appreciating that using only one model may be limiting in itself to obtaining the best understanding of a Funds’ risk position. BlackRock acknowledges these limitations and thus compares ex-ante and ex-post risk estimates to review expectations versus actual outcomes. Should ex-post values differ significantly from ex-ante returns, an assessment of the reasons for this will be made. The Funds’ risk is managed with constant review of both performance and risk numbers by the investment professionals within the business. These reviews consist of: ! Weekly meetings between the global members of Risk & Quantitative Analysis (RQA). These meetings include RQA Australia. ! Monthly meetings between RQA and the Fund Managers. ! Monthly meetings between RQA and the Chief Investment Officer. ! Ad hoc presentations to the Investment Risk Management Committee (IRMC) to keep IRMC abreast of RQA processes and latest updates. ! Daily report of performance figures along with a comparison of ex-ante versus ex-post returns sent to RQA London. ! RQA professionals sitting and working closely with the Fund Managers every day. - 39 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (c) Credit Risk Exposure Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will fail to perform contractual obligations, either in whole or in part, when they fall due. Credit risk primarily arises from the Funds' investment in debt instruments and from trading derivative products. Other credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, deposits with banks and other financial institutions, amounts due from brokers and other receivables. None of these assets are impaired nor past due but not impaired. Market prices generally incorporate credit risk assessments into valuations and risk of loss is implicitly provided for in the carrying value of financial assets and liabilities as they are marked to market. (i) Interest Bearing Securities The Funds invest in interest bearing securities which have credit ratings by well-known rating agencies. For unrated interest bearing securities a rating is assigned by the Responsible Entity using an approach that is consistent with the approach used by rating agencies. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying amount of the financial assets. None of the financial assets are impaired nor past due but not impaired. An analysis of the directly held interest bearing securities by rating is set out in the tables below: BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 30 June 2014 % Portfolio Rating 30 June 2013 % Portfolio - AA Total 100.00 100.00 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 30 June 2014 % Portfolio Rating 44.74 42.74 1.83 5.40 5.29 100.00 AAA AA+ AAA+ ANon-rated Total 30 June 2013 % Portfolio 28.85 52.58 4.78 13.78 0.01 100.00 (ii) Derivatives All exchange traded derivatives are executed through brokers, and cleared through a clearing broker and approved by the IRMC. Over the counter derivative transactions are conducted only with approved counterparties, who meet the applicable specific Funds' requirements and where trading documentation is in place. To minimise credit risk, the Funds only transact with counterparties of investment grade quality (BBB- or above as rated by Standard & Poor’s). BlackRock has a process in place to assess the creditworthiness of counterparties and assess that the risk is evenly distributed. Matters arising in relation to counterparties are reviewed regularly by the IRMC. - 40 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (c) Credit Risk Exposure (continued) (iii) Settlement of Securities Transactions All transactions are settled/paid for upon delivery using approved brokers. The risk of default is considered minimal as delivery of securities sold is only made once the broker has received payment. Payment is made on a purchase once the securities have been received by the broker. The trade will fail if either party fails to meet its obligation. (iv) Other Credit Risk The exposure to credit risk for cash and cash equivalents, deposits with banks and other financial institutions is considered to be minimal due to the high credit rating of the relevant financial institution. VaR analysis is also used to manage and measure the credit risk of the Funds. The Funds are not materially exposed to credit risk on other financial assets. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents and other financial assets. None of these assets are impaired nor past due but not impaired. The clearing and depository operations for the Funds' security transactions are mainly concentrated with one counterparty, namely JP Morgan Chase Bank NA ('J.P. Morgan'). J.P. Morgan is a member of a major securities exchange, and at 30 June 2014 had a credit rating of A-1 (2013: A-1). At 30 June 2014, substantially all cash and cash equivalents, balances due from brokers and investments are held in custody by J.P. Morgan. (d) Liquidity and Cash Flow Risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the Funds may not be able to generate sufficient cash resources to settle their obligations in full as they fall due or can only do so on terms that are materially disadvantageous. The Funds are exposed to daily cash redemptions of redeemable units and daily margin calls on derivatives. The liquidity risks associated with the need to satisfy unitholders’ requests for redemptions are mitigated by maintaining adequate liquidity to satisfy usual redemption volumes and restricting the investment activities of the Funds to securities that are actively traded and highly liquid. The Funds also maintain continuous monitoring of forecast and actual cash flows and matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities. The Responsible Entity considers and maintains the liquidity of the Funds, in the context of the investment objectives and liquidity requirements of the Funds. Operational procedures are in place to review margin requirements on futures contracts. IRMC reviews liquidity reports to ensure the Funds have sufficient liquidity to pay client redemptions and meet margin calls as required. - 41 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (d) Liquidity and Cash Flow Risk (continued) The following tables analyse the Funds’ financial assets and financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments (as appropriate) into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining period at the reporting date to the contractual maturity date. The amounts in the tables are contractual undiscounted cash flows. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund At 30 June 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading Inflows Outflows Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral Total assets Liabilities Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading Inflows Outflows Cash held on collateral Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 1,779 100,231 36 - - - - 49,219 (48,906) 975 (1) - - - - 793,575 895,898 2,478 3,488 - - - - (57,303) (6,851) (1,451) - - - - 74,209 (74,571) - (420) (442) - - - - (832,557) (897,073) (2,313) - - - - 1,175 - - - - (1,175) - 42 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (d) Liquidity and Cash Flow Risk (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund At 30 June 2013 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading Inflows Outflows Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral Total assets Liabilities Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading Inflow Outflow Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total Less than 1 month $'000 12,661 36,163 39,750 (39,386) 878,996 928,184 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 22 4,154 (95) 10,526 14,607 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (77,296) - (733) 77,728 (78,220) (88) (2,026) - - - (862,156) (939,944) (821) (2,026) - - - (2,026) - - - (11,760) 13,786 The Responsible Entity uses total return swaps as part of the overall investment strategy and to manage the Fund within its limits. The gross notional value of these swaps at 30 June 2014 was $122,005,059 (30 June 2013: $156,169,006), resulting in an asset at fair value on the Balance Sheet of $99,896 (30 June 2013: an asset of $628,146). - 43 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (d) Liquidity and Cash Flow Risk (continued) BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund At 30 June 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Total assets Liabilities Distribution payable Payables Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total At 30 June 2013 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Total assets Liabilities Distribution payable Payables Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 110 387 - - - - - 63,433 63,930 - - - - - (32) (51) (59) - - - - (63,788) (63,871) (59) - - - - (59) - - - - 59 Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 5,899 - - - - - 57,806 63,705 - - - - - (5,786) - (30) - - - - (57,889) (63,675) (30) - - - - (30) - - - - 30 - 44 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (d) Liquidity and Cash Flow Risk (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund At 30 June 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Total assets Liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total At 30 June 2013 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Total assets Liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 20 541 3 - - - - 37,080 37,641 3 - - - - (466) (249) (52) - - - - (36,877) (37,592) (52) - - - - (49) - - - - 49 Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 532 824 - - - - - 42,122 43,478 - - - - - (1,313) - (29) - - - - (42,136) (43,449) (29) - - - - (29) - - - - 29 - 45 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (d) Liquidity and Cash Flow Risk (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund At 30 June 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Total assets Liabilities Distribution payable Payables Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total At 30 June 2013 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Total assets Liabilities Distribution payable Payables Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 409 45,770 8 - - - - 168,753 214,932 8 - - - - (30,784) (931) (353) - - - - (182,872) (214,587) (353) - - - - (345) - - - - 345 Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 28,876 22,345 5 - - - - 203,653 254,874 5 - - - - (38,936) - (201) - - - - (215,742) (254,678) (201) - - - - (196) - - - - 196 - 46 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (d) Liquidity and Cash Flow Risk (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund At 30 June 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading Inflows Outflows Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Total assets Liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading Inflows Outflows Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities Net total Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 3-6 months $'000 27 10,840 220 9 10,494 (10,456) 266 (1) 94,473 105,378 494 6-12 months $'000 - 1,523 (1,259) 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 - - 1 (1) 4 (3) 52 (43) 264 988 988 506 507 26,624 26,633 - (1) (2,248) (8,261) (1) - - - 3,239 (3,251) 1,071 (1,188) - - (1) (123,623) (134,145) (118) - - (1) (28,767) 376 264 988 - 47 - - 506 10 (10) 26,633 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (d) Liquidity and Cash Flow Risk (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund At 30 June 2013 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Financial assets held for trading Inflows Outflows Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Cash held on collateral Total assets Less than 1 month $'000 1-3 months $'000 69 1,731 3-6 months $'000 6-12 months $'000 1-3 years $'000 3+ years $'000 6 - - - 1,940 (1,416) 103 - 25 - 29 - 75,804 78,128 681 790 25 29 1,461 1,495 9,044 9,420 - - - - - 554 (520) - 4,519 (4,143) Liabilities Bank overdraft Distribution payable Payables Financial liabilities held for trading Inflow Outflow Net assets attributable to unitholders Total liabilities 300 (300) (750) - - 558 (643) 3,026 (3,050) (84,956) (89,028) (750) - - (85) (24) Net total (10,900) 40 25 29 (4,070) (2) 1,410 9,396 The Responsible Entity uses credit default swaps as part of the overall investment strategy and to manage the Fund within its limits. There were no credit default swaps held by the Fund at 30 June 2014. The gross notional value was Nil (30 June 2013: $6,052,330), resulting in a Nil fair value on the Balance Sheet (30 June 2013: an asset of $722). The Responsible Entity uses index swaps as part of the overall investment strategy and to manage the Fund within its limits. The gross notional value of these swaps at 30 June 2014 was $720,000,000 (30 June 2013: Nil), resulting in an asset at fair value on the Balance Sheet of $5,962 (30 June 2013: Nil). (e) Fair Values of Financial Assets and Liabilities The carrying amounts of the Funds' assets and liabilities at the end of each reporting period approximate their fair values. Financial assets and liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss are measured initially at fair value. Transaction costs on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are expensed immediately. Subsequent to initial recognition, all instruments held at fair value through profit or loss are measured at fair value with changes in their fair value recognised in the Statements of Comprehensive Income. The carrying value less impairment provision of other receivables and payables are assumed to approximate their fair value. The fair value of financial liabilities for disclosure purposes is estimated by discounting the future contractual cash flows at the current market interest rate that is available to the Funds for similar financial instruments. - 48 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (e) Fair Values of Financial Assets and Liabilities (continued) (i) Fair value in an active market The fair value of financial assets and liabilities traded in active markets is based on their last traded prices at the end of the reporting period without any deduction for estimated future selling costs. The Funds value their investments in accordance with the accounting policies set out in Note 2(b). For the majority of their investments, the Funds rely on information provided by independent pricing services for the valuation of its investments. Prior to 1 July 2013, the quoted market price used for financial assets held by the Funds was the current bid price and the quoted market price for financial liabilities was the current ask price. The Funds have adopted AASB 13 from 1 July 2013 and changed their fair valuation input to utilise the last traded market prices for both financial assets and financial liabilities. Where the last traded price does not fall within the bid-ask spread, an assessment is performed by the Responsible Entity to determine the appropriate valuation price to use that is most representative of fair value. A financial instrument is regarded as quoted in an active market if quoted prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry group, pricing service or regulatory agency and those prices represent actual regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. (ii) Fair value in an inactive or unquoted market The fair value of financial assets and liabilities that are not traded in an active market is determined using valuation techniques. These include the use of recent arm's length market transactions, reference to the current fair value of a substantially similar other instrument, discounted cash flow techniques, option pricing models or any other valuation technique that provides a reliable estimate of prices obtained in actual market transactions. Where discounted cash flow techniques are used, estimated future cash flows are based on management's best estimates and the discount rate used is a market rate at the end of the reporting period applicable for an instrument with similar terms and conditions. For other pricing models, inputs are based on market data at the end of the reporting period. Fair values for unquoted equity investments are estimated, if possible, using applicable price/earnings ratios for similar listed companies adjusted to reflect the specific circumstances of the issuer. The fair value of derivatives that are not exchange traded is estimated at the amount that the Funds would receive or pay to terminate the contract at the end of the reporting period taking into account current market conditions (volatility and appropriate yield curve) and the current creditworthiness of the counterparties. The fair value of a forward foreign exchange contract is determined as a net present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at appropriate market rates as at the valuation date. Investments in other unlisted unit trusts are recorded at the net asset value per unit as reported by the Responsible Entity of such funds. (f) Fair Value Hierarchy The Funds classify fair value measurements using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the subjectivity of the inputs used in making the measurements. The fair value hierarchy has the following levels: ! Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (level 1). ! Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 2). ! Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs) (level 3). - 49 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (f) Fair Value Hierarchy (continued) The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. For this purpose, the significance of an input is assessed against the fair value measurement in its entirety. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs that require significant adjustment based on unobservable inputs, that measurement is a level 3 measurement. Assessing the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment, considering factors specific to the asset or liability. The determination of what constitutes 'observable' requires significant judgment by the Responsible Entity. The Responsible Entity considers observable data to be that market data that is readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary, and provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market. The following tables present the Funds' financial assets and liabilities (by class) measured at fair value according to the fair value hierarchy at 30 June 2014 and 30 June 2013. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund At 30 June 2014 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Total Financial liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps Total - 50 - Level 2 $'000 Level 3 $'000 Total $'000 584 - 312 391 - 584 312 391 584 793,575 794,278 - 793,575 794,862 129 129 362 291 653 - 129 362 291 782 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (f) Fair Value Hierarchy (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund At 30 June 2013 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Total Level 2 $'000 Level 3 $'000 Total $'000 1,405 - 363 2,655 - 1,405 363 2,655 1,405 878,996 882,014 - 878,996 883,419 90 90 490 2,026 2,516 - 90 490 2,026 2,606 Financial liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Swaps Total BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund At 30 June 2014 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Total At 30 June 2013 Level 2 $'000 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Total - 51 - 63,433 63,433 Level 2 $'000 - Level 3 $'000 57,806 57,806 Total $'000 Level 3 $'000 63,433 63,433 Total $'000 - 57,806 57,806 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (f) Fair Value Hierarchy (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund At 30 June 2014 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Total At 30 June 2013 Level 2 $'000 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total 37,080 37,080 Level 2 $'000 - Level 3 $'000 Total $'000 Level 3 $'000 40,579 1,543 42,122 37,080 37,080 Total $'000 - 40,579 1,543 42,122 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund At 30 June 2014 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Total At 30 June 2013 Level 2 $'000 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Total - 52 - 168,753 168,753 Level 2 $'000 - Level 3 $'000 203,653 203,653 Total $'000 Level 3 $'000 168,753 168,753 Total $'000 - 203,653 203,653 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (f) Fair Value Hierarchy (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund At 30 June 2014 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total Financial liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total - 53 - Level 2 $'000 Level 3 $'000 Total $'000 199 - 33 73 272 - 199 33 73 272 199 94,473 28,118 122,969 - 94,473 28,118 123,168 33 33 10 64 23 97 - 33 10 64 23 130 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (f) Fair Value Hierarchy (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund At 30 June 2013 Level 1 $'000 Financial assets Financial assets held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total Financial liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total Level 2 $'000 Level 3 $'000 Total $'000 128 - 13 540 410 - 128 13 540 410 128 75,804 10,505 87,272 - 75,804 10,505 87,400 248 248 502 109 611 - 248 502 109 859 Investments whose values are based on quoted market prices in active markets, and therefore classified within level 1, include active listed equities, trusts, exchange traded derivatives, semi-government securities and money market securities. Financial instruments that trade in markets that are not considered to be active but are valued based on quoted market prices, dealer quotations or alternative pricing sources supported by observable inputs are classified within level 2. These include investment-grade corporate bonds, certain listed equities, certain unlisted unit trusts, and over-the-counter derivatives. As level 2 investments include positions that are not traded in active markets and/or are subject to transfer restrictions, valuations may be adjusted to reflect illiquidity and/or non-transferability, which are generally based on available market information. Investments classified as level 2 are debt and derivative instruments and units in related schemes. The fair value of debt and derivative instruments is derived from industry standard valuation models with published or observable market data. The fair value of the units in related schemes is determined by the unit price released as at the reporting date by the Responsible Entity for the related schemes. Investments classified within level 3 have significant unobservable inputs, as they are infrequently traded. As observable prices are not available for these securities, the Responsible Entity has used valuation techniques to derive fair value. Except for cash and cash equivalents which are classified as level 1, the Funds' assets and liabilities not measured at fair value at 30 June 2014 and 2013 have been classified as level 2. The carrying amounts of these assets and liabilities approximate their fair values as at the end of the reporting date. The Funds did not hold any level 3 instruments during the year ended 30 June 2014. There were no transfers between levels for recurring fair value measurements during the year ended 30 June 2014 (30 June 2013: Nil). - 54 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (f) Fair Value Hierarchy (continued) The following tables present the movement in level 3 instruments for the year ended 30 June 2013 by class of financial instrument. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2013 Units in Unit Schemes $'000 Opening balance Purchases Sales Gains/(losses) recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income Closing balance 5,611 (5,858) 247 - Total unrealised gains/(losses) for the year included in the Statement of Comprehensive Income for financial assets and liabilities held at the end of the year - BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Interest bearing securities $'000 30 June 2013 Opening balance Purchases Sales Gains/(losses) recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income Closing balance Total unrealised gains/(losses) for the year included in the Statement of Comprehensive Income for financial assets and liabilities held at the end of the year Units in Unit Schemes $'000 1,003 (987) (16) - - 5,239 (5,469) 230 - - (g) Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Financial assets and liabilities are reported on a gross basis in the Balance Sheet. BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund, BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund and BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund have no derivatives subject to master netting arrangements. The gross and net positions of financial assets and liabilities are disclosed in the following tables. - 55 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (g) Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Gross amounts not offset on the Balance Sheet 30 June 2014 Gross amounts of financial Amounts instruments subject to master presented in the netting Balance Sheet arrangements $'000 $'000 Net amount excluding collateral $'000 Cash Collateral received/posted $'000 Net amount $'000 Financial assets Derivatives 1,287 312 975 - 975 Total 1,287 312 975 - 975 Derivatives 782 312 470 442 912 Total 782 312 470 442 912 Financial liabilities Gross amounts not offset on the Balance Sheet Gross amounts of financial instruments presented in the Balance Sheet $'000 Amounts subject to master netting arrangements $'000 Derivatives 4,423 363 4,060 2,760 6,820 Total 4,423 363 4,060 2,760 6,820 Derivatives 2,606 363 2,243 - 2,243 Total 2,606 363 2,243 - 2,243 30 June 2013 Net amount excluding collateral $'000 Cash Collateral received/posted $'000 Net amount $'000 Financial assets Financial liabilities - 56 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 3 Financial Risk Management (continued) (g) Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Gross amounts not offset on the Balance Sheet 30 June 2014 Gross amounts of financial Amounts instruments subject to master presented in the netting Balance Sheet arrangements $'000 $'000 Net amount excluding collateral $'000 Cash Collateral received/posted $'000 Net amount $'000 Financial assets Derivatives 577 18 559 - 559 Total 577 18 559 - 559 Derivatives 130 18 112 - 112 Total 130 18 112 - 112 Financial liabilities Gross amounts not offset on the Balance Sheet Gross amounts of financial instruments presented in the Balance Sheet $'000 Amounts subject to master netting arrangements $'000 Derivatives 1,091 337 754 - 754 Total 1,091 337 754 - 754 Derivatives 859 337 522 - 522 Total 859 337 522 - 522 30 June 2013 Net amount excluding collateral $'000 Cash Collateral received/posted $'000 Net amount $'000 Financial assets Financial liabilities Agreements with the derivative counterparties are based on the ISDA Master Agreement. Under the terms of these arrangements, if on any date amounts would otherwise be payable in the same currency and in respect to the same transaction with the counterparty, the obligation may be automatically satisfied and discharged if the party with the larger aggregate amount pays to the other party the excess of the larger aggregate amount over the smaller aggregate amount. In the event of default, the aggregation into a net position owing/receivable to a single counterparty is subject to the terms of the arrangements and the insolvency laws of the relevant jurisdiction of the party in default. - 57 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 4 Net Gains/(Losses) on Financial Instruments Held at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss The net gains/(losses) recognised in relation to financial assets and financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss: BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Financial assets and liabilities Net gain/(loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading Net gain/(loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 21,503 43,435 - 50,874 61,717 5,497 (2,983) 72,377 105,152 5,497 (2,983) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Financial assets and liabilities Net gain/(loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading Net gain/(loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss - (24) - BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 - 1,721 2,223 3,306 13,179 32,957 2,223 3,282 13,179 34,678 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Financial assets and liabilities Net gain/(loss) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading Net gain/(loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss 356 - 58 - 163 3,248 (1,620) 3,604 (1,457) BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 5 Distributions to Unitholders The distributions during the year were as follows: BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Year ended 30 June 2014 $'000 Distributions paid - 31 December Distributions paid/payable - 30 June 30 June 2013 CPU 6,536 57,303 63,839 $'000 1.25 11.81 CPU 12,951 77,296 90,247 2.25 14.59 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 CPU $'000 CPU 32 32 Distributions paid - 30 September Distributions paid - 31 March Distributions paid/payable - 30 June 0.05 293 163 5,786 6,242 0.46 0.25 9.27 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Year ended 30 June 2014 $'000 Distributions paid - 31 July Distributions paid - 31 August Distributions paid - 30 September Distributions paid - 31 October Distributions paid - 30 November Distributions paid - 31 December Distributions paid - 31 January Distributions paid - 28 February Distributions paid - 31 March Distributions paid - 30 April Distributions paid - 31 May Distributions paid/payable - 30 June 59 61 199 55 30 211 32 28 284 29 29 466 1,483 - 59 - 30 June 2013 CPU $'000 0.12 0.12 0.42 0.12 0.07 0.47 0.07 0.06 0.65 0.07 0.07 1.12 165 108 305 97 115 379 74 69 202 94 41 1,313 2,962 CPU 0.25 0.17 0.48 0.16 0.19 0.66 0.13 0.12 0.37 0.18 0.08 2.63 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 5 Distributions to Unitholders (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 2014 $'000 Distributions paid - 30 September Distributions paid - 31 December Distributions paid - 31 March Distributions paid/payable - 30 June 30 June 2013 CPU 378 1,193 361 30,784 32,716 $'000 0.24 0.80 0.25 22.66 1,225 1,068 3,639 38,936 44,868 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund - Class X Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 CPU $'000 Distributions paid - 30 September Distributions paid - 31 December Distributions paid - 31 March Distributions paid/payable - 30 June 1,021 1,302 1,483 2,248 6,054 0.74 0.94 1.05 1.70 CPU 287 575 326 4,070 5,258 0.60 0.60 2.16 24.68 CPU 0.60 1.20 0.67 4.37 6 Net Assets Attributable to Unitholders As stipulated within the Funds' Constitutions, each unit represents a right to an individual share in the Funds and does not extend to a right to the underlying assets of the Funds. All units and unit classes have the same rights and restrictions as provided in the Funds' Constitutions. The difference between unit classes relates to the obligation to pay fees to the Manager. The fee rate varies from unit class to unit class with the exception of X class for which no management fees are charged. Movements in number of units and net assets attributable to unitholders during the year were as follows: 30 June 2014 No. '000 Opening balance Applications Redemptions Units issued upon reinvestment of distributions Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to unitholders Closing balance BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 30 June 2013 2014 No. '000 $'000 30 June 2013 $'000 529,761 32,297 (99,272) 22,569 561,042 96,140 (144,641) 17,220 862,156 56,436 (175,418) 37,079 852,360 160,477 (244,808) 26,705 485,355 529,761 52,304 832,557 67,422 862,156 - 60 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 6 Net Assets Attributable to Unitholders (continued) BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 2014 2013 No. '000 No. '000 $'000 $'000 Opening balance Applications Redemptions Units issued upon reinvestment of distributions Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to unitholders Closing balance 62,427 3,165 (7,844) 5,250 64,150 2,838 (6,864) 2,303 57,889 3,033 (7,506) 4,875 62,685 2,892 (6,970) 2,266 62,998 62,427 5,497 63,788 (2,984) 57,889 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 2014 2013 No. '000 No. '000 $'000 $'000 Opening balance Applications Redemptions Units issued upon reinvestment of distributions Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to unitholders Closing balance 50,006 2,045 (11,283) 773 67,795 1,205 (20,182) 1,188 42,136 1,792 (9,893) 660 54,624 1,020 (17,248) 989 41,541 50,006 2,182 36,877 2,751 42,136 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 2014 2013 No. '000 No. '000 $'000 $'000 Opening balance Applications Redemptions Units issued upon reinvestment of distributions Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to unitholders Closing balance 157,782 9,571 (38,144) 6,626 232,133 23,568 (102,913) 4,994 215,742 14,522 (58,280) 9,143 315,761 38,342 (158,882) 7,005 135,835 157,782 1,745 182,872 13,516 215,742 - 61 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 6 Net Assets Attributable to Unitholders (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund - Class X 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 2014 2013 No. '000 No. '000 $'000 $'000 Opening balance Applications Redemptions Units issued upon reinvestment of distributions Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to unitholders Closing balance 93,088 42,185 (11,293) 8,602 43,782 47,124 (2,762) 4,944 84,956 38,935 (10,663) 7,876 41,268 45,658 (2,658) 4,674 132,582 93,088 2,519 123,623 (3,986) 84,956 Capital Risk Management The Funds manage their net assets attributable to unitholders as capital, notwithstanding net assets attributable to unitholders are classified as a liability. The amount of net assets attributable to unitholders can change significantly on a daily basis as the Funds are subject to daily applications and redemptions at the discretion of unitholders. The Funds monitor the level of daily applications and redemptions relative to the liquid assets in the Funds. As of 30 June 2014 the capital of the Funds is represented in the net assets attributable to unitholders table. In the event of a significant redemption, the Funds' Constitution allows the delay of payment beyond the usual redemption timeframe but no later than the maximum number of days specified in the Constitution for satisfying redemption requests. Further, in certain circumstances such as disrupted markets, the Constitution allows payment to be delayed beyond the maximum number of days. 7 Receivables BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Settlements receivable Applications receivable Interest receivable Distributions from related schemes receivable Fee rebates from related schemes receivable Other receivables Total 61,110 187 1 38,831 36 102 100,267 - 62 - 2 35,996 22 165 36,185 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 2 379 6 387 5,892 7 5,899 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 7 Receivables (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 537 3 4 544 Settlements receivable Applications receivable Interest receivable Distributions from related schemes receivable Fee rebates from related schemes receivable Other receivables Total 818 6 824 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 26,150 45 1 19,536 8 38 45,778 1 22,296 5 48 22,350 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 9,356 1,484 9 10,849 Settlements receivable Applications receivable Interest receivable Distributions from related schemes receivable Fee rebates from related schemes receivable Other receivables Total - 63 - 1,731 6 1,737 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 8 Investments in Subsidiaries The below controlled entity is accounted for at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with the accounting policy described in Note 2. BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Name of Entity Country of Domicile Fair Value 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Units Held 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 % % BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Australia 112,179,451 73,800,623 90.74 86.82 BlackRock Australian Core Plus Bond Fund Australia - 55,179,820 - 100.00 BlackRock Global Fixed Interest Plus Fund Australia - 12,066,953 - 61.00 BlackRock Institutional Liquidity Fund* Australia 14,987,932 67,068,134 21.39 65.63 127,167,383 208,115,530 Total * The BlackRock Institutional Liquidity Fund is not considered a controlled entity as at 30 June 2014 in accordance with the accounting policy described in note 2. BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Name of Entity BlackRock Global Diversified Bond Fund (AUD Hedged) Total Country of Domicile Australia Fair Value 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 63,433,091 57,805,903 63,433,091 57,805,903 - 64 - Units Held 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 % % 81.70 82.22 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 9 Financial Assets Held at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 Held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total held for trading BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 $'000 $'000 584 312 391 1,287 1,405 363 2,655 4,423 - - Designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total designated at fair value through profit or loss 793,575 793,575 878,996 878,996 63,433 63,433 57,806 57,806 Total financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss 794,862 883,419 63,433 57,806 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 Held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total held for trading BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 $'000 $'000 - - - - Designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total designated at fair value through profit or loss 37,080 37,080 40,579 1,543 42,122 168,753 168,753 203,653 203,653 Total financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss 37,080 42,122 168,753 203,653 - 65 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 9 Financial Assets Held at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 Held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total held for trading $'000 199 33 73 272 577 128 13 540 410 1,091 Designated at fair value through profit or loss Units in related schemes Interest bearing securities Total designated at fair value through profit or loss 94,473 28,118 122,591 75,804 10,505 86,309 Total financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss 123,168 87,400 An overview of the risk exposures relating to financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss is included in Note 3. 10 Payables BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 Settlements payable Redemptions payable Responsible Entity's fees payable Custody fees payable Other payables Total 6,851 1,448 3 8,302 - 66 - 733 733 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 51 58 1 110 30 30 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 10 Payables (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 249 51 1 301 Settlements payable Redemptions payable Responsible Entity's fees payable Custody fees payable Other payables Total 29 29 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 931 352 1 1,284 201 201 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 8,260 1 1 8,262 Settlements payable Redemptions payable Responsible Entity's fees payable Custody fees payable Other payables Total - 67 - 2 2 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 11 Financial Liabilities Held at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 $'000 Held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total held for trading 129 362 291 782 90 490 2,026 2,606 - - Total financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss 782 2,606 - - BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 $'000 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 $'000 Held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total held for trading - - - - Total financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss - - - - - 68 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 11 Financial Liabilities Held at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund As at 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Fair Value Fair Value $'000 $'000 Held for trading Futures Forward foreign exchange contracts Options Swaps Total held for trading 33 10 64 23 130 248 502 109 859 Total financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss 130 859 An overview of the risk exposures relating to financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss is included in Note 3. 12 Related Party Transactions Responsible Entity The Responsible Entity of the Funds is BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited (ABN 13 006 165 975, AFSL 230523) whose ultimate holding company is BlackRock, Inc. BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited is incorporated in Australia and BlackRock, Inc. is incorporated in the United States of America. Key management personnel Directors Key management personnel include persons who were directors of the Responsible Entity at any time during the financial year as follows: Director Date appointed M S McCorry Appointed 2 December 2009 J Arter Appointed 19 September 2012 L McMahon Appointed 13 February 2013 A Landman Appointed 8 May 2013 K Miller Appointed 8 May 2013 A Telfer Appointed 12 December 2013 - 69 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Other key management personnel No other person had authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Funds, directly or indirectly during the financial year. 30 June 2013 Name R J Maddox (Resigned 31 October 2012) Position Managing Director and Co/Chief Investment Officer Employer BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited Key management personnel unitholdings At 30 June 2014 no key management personnel held units in the Funds (30 June 2013: Nil). Key management personnel compensation Key management personnel are paid by the Responsible Entity. Payments made from the Funds to the Responsible Entity do not include any amounts attributable to the compensation of key management personnel. Key management personnel loan disclosures The Funds have not made, guaranteed or secured, directly or indirectly, any loans to the key management personnel or their personally related entities at any time during the reporting period. Responsible Entity's fees and other transactions In accordance with the Funds' Constitutions, the Responsible Entity was entitled to receive fees for the provision of services to the Funds. Responsible Fee rebates Entity's from related fees schemes 30 June 2014 $ $ BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 8,807,758 250,611 BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund 344,837 - BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 321,003 12,546 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund 2,187,840 51,138 - 66,386 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Responsible Entity's fees $ 30 June 2013 BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund - 70 - Fee rebates from related schemes $ 8,884,587 146,485 358,635 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Responsible Entity's fees and other transactions (continued) Fee rebates from related schemes $ Responsible Entity's fees $ 30 June 2013 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 403,370 4,958 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund 2,788,806 67,623 - 54,095 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Investments The Funds held investments in the following schemes which were also managed by the Responsible Entity or its related parties: BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2014 BlackRock Global Allocation Fund (Aust) Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units Value of units purchased sold during the during the year year $ $ Interest held at year end % Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ 125,702,517 166,563,628 1,202,738 16,520,564 15.30 6,354,094 BlackRock Australian Core Plus Bond Fund - - 1,443,267 57,259,521 - 86,105 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 120,310,518 112,179,451 44,427,725 8,260,281 90.74 5,499,215 15,045,587 14,987,932 333,803,204 385,846,411 21.39 1,808,332 124,130,514 100,812,473 23,738,685 16,435,760 22.62 24,716,308 50,654,039 72,877,992 - - 22.65 - 107,677,823 176,994,776 12,302,423 133,726,532 5.45 11,902,862 80 684 1,403,832 13,025,762 100.00 834,623 BlackRock Institutional Liquidity Fund BlackRock Equitised Long Short Fund BlackRock Global Ascent Fund BlackRock Wholesale Indexed Australian Equity Fund BlackRock Global Fixed Interest Plus Fund - 71 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Investments (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2014 Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units Value of units purchased sold during the during the year year $ $ Interest held at year end % Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ BlackRock Fixed Income GlobalAlpha Fund (Dublin) 10,982 29,063,315 - - 1.12 - BlackRock Diversified Fixed Income Absolute Return Fund 52,990 65,907,063 24,384,419 - 17.92 - BlackRock Asian Dragon Fund 778,715 29,016,698 26,979,934 - 4.40 - 28,758,242 25,171,284 25,000,000 - 4.19 546,036 BlackRock Wholesale Indexed Australian Listed Property Fund 30 June 2013 Number of units held at year end Fair value of units held at year end Fair value of units held at year end Value of units sold during the year Interest held at year end Distribution received/ receivable during the year Units $ $ $ % $ BlackRock Australian Core Plus Cash Fund - - 3,539,945 37,060,065 - 946,223 BlackRock Australian Government Inflation Linked Bond Fund - - 273,603 16,543,408 - 185 BlackRock Money Market Fund - - 243,299,204 253,736,605 - 1,789,875 BlackRock Property Trust (Aust) - - - 4,869,882 - 568,558 BlackRock Global Allocation Fund (Aust) 136,735,750 161,935,738 13,366,457 29,460,000 16.86 1,202,739 BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund - - 4,453,719 52,882,039 - 24,163 BlackRock Australian Core Plus Bond Fund 62,347,965 55,179,820 12,543,104 - 100.00 2,364,596 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 80,816,904 73,800,623 45,513,662 - 86.82 4,501,616 - 72 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Investments (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2013 Number of units held at year end Fair value of units held at year end Fair value of units held at year end Value of units sold during the year Interest held at year end Distribution received/ receivable during the year Units $ $ $ % $ BlackRock Australian Equity Index Fund - - 16,298,802 280,105,762 - 11,888,370 67,173,798 67,068,134 87,385,665 20,294,833 65.63 328,470 113,250,377 98,292,267 7,526,734 - 23.87 23,738,686 50,654,039 74,002,613 24,913,584 - 25.11 - BlackRock Wholesale Indexed Australian Equity Fund 181,450,905 268,961,229 291,157,221 42,480,322 9.50 13,253,112 iShares UBS Government Inflation Index Fund - - - 5,238,468 - 22,970 11,774,268 12,066,953 1,460,018 3,895,155 61.00 665,630 10,982 28,460,438 1,683,863 - 1.09 - - - - 63,020,989 - - 32,757 39,229,022 35,993,826 - 12.27 - BlackRock Institutional Liquidity Fund BlackRock Equitised Long Short Fund BlackRock Global Ascent Fund BlackRock Global Fixed Interest Plus Fund BlackRock Fixed Income GlobalAlpha Fund (Dublin) BlackRock Portable Alpha Investment Strategies, L.P. Alpha Plus Global Equity A Series BlackRock Diversified Fixed Income Absolute Return Fund BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund 30 June 2014 BlackRock Global Diversified Bond Fund Number of units held at year end Units 81,143,775 Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units Value of units purchased sold during the during the year year $ $ 63,433,091 7,919,029 - 73 - 7,788,256 Interest held at year end % 81.70 Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ 379,332 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Investments (continued) BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund 30 June 2013 BlackRock Global Diversified Bond Fund Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ 80,746,569 Value of units purchased during the year $ Value of units sold during the year $ Interest held at year end % 5,942,365 7,763,622 82.22 57,805,903 Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ 6,600,221 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 30 June 2014 Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units Value of units purchased sold during the during the year year $ $ Interest held at year end % Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ BlackRock Money Market Fund 1,908,841 1,908,841 10,337,813 12,509,783 0.08 75,094 BlackRock Monthly Income Fund 9,651,609 7,880,616 494,691 8,247,696 2.46 461,292 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 12,271,776 11,442,401 2,383,272 2,402,508 9.26 554,851 BlackRock Wholesale Indexed Australian Equity Fund 4,520,340 7,430,282 446,804 4,498,471 0.23 448,663 BlackRock Wholesale Indexed Australian Listed Property Fund 1,235,811 1,081,671 1,051,275 - 0.18 53,304 85,704 1,109,608 1,021,435 - 0.03 28,135 6,250,193 6,226,242 6,236,696 - 8.89 134,271 BlackRock Wholesale Indexed International Equity Fund Blackrock Institutional Liquidity Fund - 74 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Investments (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 30 June 2013 BlackRock Money Market Fund Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units purchased during the year $ Value of units sold during the year $ Interest held at year end % Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ 4,080,811 4,080,811 20,319,199 17,128,877 0.45 61,597 - - - 4,546,414 - 530,793 BlackRock Monthly Income Fund 19,469,196 14,920,394 1,018,088 6,825,415 4.35 983,811 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 12,270,600 11,205,303 4,601,135 - 13.18 740,151 BlackRock Wholesale Indexed Australian Equity Fund 6,997,714 10,372,578 512,972 5,483,746 0.37 514,252 BlackRock Property Trust (Aust) BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund 30 June 2014 Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units Value of units purchased sold during the during the year year $ $ Interest held at year end % Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ BlackRock Equitised Long Short Fund 83,653,287 67,938,933 20,027,966 33,720,872 15.24 16,656,665 BlackRock Wholesale Indexed Australian Equity Fund 61,332,142 100,814,340 10,760,373 45,146,332 3.10 6,442,700 30 June 2013 Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units purchased during the year $ Value of units sold during the year $ Interest held at year end % Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ BlackRock Equitised Long Short Fund 94,605,924 82,110,374 86,827,981 73,069,828 19.94 19,830,577 BlackRock Wholesale Indexed Australian Equity Fund 81,997,287 121,543,020 19,283,383 99,338,092 4.29 6,523,828 BlackRock Cash Fund - - 879,583 85,659,954 - - - 75 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Investments (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund 30 June 2014 BlackRock Enhanced Australian Bond Fund BlackRock Institutional Liquidity Fund 30 June 2013 Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units Value of units purchased sold during the during the year year $ $ Interest held at year end % Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ 82,609,909 87,533,047 30,944,507 5,876,445 24.43 4,443,832 6,966,468 6,939,772 27,444,916 35,511,232 9.90 459,086 Number of units held at year end Units Fair value of units held at year end $ Value of units purchased during the year $ Value of units sold during the year $ Interest held at year end % Distribution received/ receivable during the year $ BlackRock Enhanced Australian Bond Fund 58,550,893 60,779,165 63,225,000 - 19.53 1,662,515 BlackRock Institutional Liquidity Fund 15,048,361 15,024,690 91,635,638 99,796,178 14.71 1,018,370 Related party schemes' unit holdings Parties related to the Funds including the Responsible Entity, its related parties or other schemes managed by the Responsible Entity held units in the Funds as follows: BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Unitholder Number of units held opening Units Number of units held closing Units BlackRock Balanced Fund 17,820,574 16,725,580 3.45 1,154,822 2,249,816 2,193,787 BlackRock Income Fund 2,405,949 - - 92,182 2,498,131 - BlackRock Professional Investor Balanced Fund 2,813,055 - - 124,457 2,937,512 - 30 June 2014 Interest held at year end % - 76 - Number of units acquired Units Number of units disposed Units Distributions paid/payable by the Funds $ BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Related party schemes' unit holdings (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 30 June 2013 Unitholder BlackRock Balanced Fund Number of units held opening Units Number of units held closing Units Interest held at Number of Number of year end units acquired units disposed % Units Units Distributions paid/payable by the Funds $ 19,833,281 17,820,574 3.36 1,556,437 3,569,144 3,030,835 BlackRock Income Fund 2,515,902 2,405,949 0.45 168,718 278,671 406,068 BlackRock Non Tax Paying Balanced Fund 4,886,855 - - 344,511 5,231,366 107,584 BlackRock Professional Investor Balanced Fund 3,273,309 2,813,055 0.53 252,316 712,570 475,148 - - - 40,204,773 40,204,773 834,419 BlackRock Balanced Pooled Super Fund BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Unitholder Number of units held opening Units Number of units held closing Units BlackRock Managed Income Fund 11,717,269 10,671,525 25.69 510,277 1,556,021 371,704 1,268,566 - - 36,932 1,305,498 3,138 Interest held at Number of Number of year end units acquired units disposed % Units Units Distributions paid/payable by the Funds $ 30 June 2014 BlackRock Professional Investor Managed Income Fund 30 June 2013 Unitholder BlackRock Managed Income Fund BlackRock Professional Investor Managed Income Fund Number of units held opening Units Interest held at year end % Number of units held closing Units Number of units acquired Units Number of units disposed Units Distributions paid/payable by the Funds $ 13,255,826 11,717,269 23.43 748,805 2,287,362 658,599 1,302,151 1,268,566 2.54 70,409 103,994 69,385 BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund 30 June 2014 Unitholder BlackRock Professional Investor Australian Share Fund Number of units held opening Units 5,035,271 Number of units held closing Units 4,701,985 - 77 - Interest held at year end % 3.46 Number of units acquired Units 551,991 Number of units disposed Units 885,277 Distributions paid/payable by the Funds $ 1,133,785 BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 12 Related Party Transactions (continued) Related party schemes' unit holdings (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund 30 June 2013 Unitholder BlackRock Professional Investor Australian Share Fund Number of units held opening Units Number of units held closing Units Interest held at Number of Number of year end units acquired units disposed % Units Units Distributions paid/payable by the Funds $ 5,927,882 5,035,271 3.19 593,490 1,486,101 1,426,442 - - - 13,200,090 13,200,090 - BlackRock Australian Equities Pooled Superannuation Trust BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Unitholder Number of units held opening Units BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund 80,816,904 120,310,518 90.74 48,200,497 8,706,883 5,499,215 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 12,270,600 12,271,776 9.26 2,587,181 2,586,005 554,851 Number of units held opening Units Number of units held closing Units Interest held at Number of Number of year end units acquired units disposed % Units Units Distributions paid/payable by the Funds $ 30 June 2014 30 June 2013 Unitholder BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Number of units held closing Units Interest held at year end % Number of units acquired Units Number of units disposed Units Distributions paid/payable by the Funds $ 33,747,499 80,816,904 86.82 47,069,405 - 4,501,616 BlackRock Balanced Pooled Super Fund 2,531,231 - - 231,012 2,762,243 16,602 BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund 7,503,001 12,270,600 13.18 4,767,599 - 740,151 Other transactions with the Funds Apart from those details disclosed in this note, no key management personnel have entered into a material contract with the Funds since the end of the previous financial year and there were no material contracts involving key management personnel interests subsisting at year end. - 78 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 13 Remuneration of Auditor During the year the following fees were paid or payable for services provided by the auditors of the Funds: BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $ $ $ $ Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Audit and review of the financial statements 10,321 8,424 6,132 5,424 784 650 785 650 11,105 9,074 6,917 6,074 Other services Total BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $ $ $ $ Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Audit and review of the financial statements Other services Total 5,432 4,724 6,769 4,694 785 650 784 650 6,217 5,374 7,553 5,344 BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $ $ Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Audit and review of the financial statements Other services Total 5,432 4,724 785 650 6,217 5,374 Other services relate to the audit of the Funds' compliance plans. The audit fees paid or payable are discharged by the Responsible Entity from the fees earned from the Funds. - 79 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 14 Reconciliation of Profit/(Loss) to Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Operating Activities BlackRock Wholesale Balanced Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 (a) Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities Operating profit/(loss) for the year Net (gains)/losses on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss (including FX (gains)/losses) Proceeds from sale of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Purchases of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Distributions from related schemes reinvested Net change in receivables and other assets Net change in accounts payable and accrued liabilities Interest received from debt securities Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities BlackRock Wholesale International Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 116,143 157,669 5,529 3,258 (72,377) (105,152) (5,497) 2,983 645,827 603,951 7,788 7,764 (492,703) (48,913) (2,785) (511,378) (40,534) (17,993) (2,887) (4,980) 5,514 (2,917) (3,025) (3,575) 718 2,372 (18) 28,498 29 - (2) - 148,282 115,043 5,496 4,486 Cash Margin accounts Cash and cash equivalents Bank overdraft 1,779 1,779 - 12,661 12,661 - 110 110 - - Total cash 1,779 12,661 110 - 37,079 26,705 4,875 2,266 (b) Components of cash and cash equivalents Cash as at the end of the financial year as shown in the Statements of Cash Flows is reconciled to the Balance Sheets as follows: Margin accounts comprise of restricted cash held for derivative transactions. (c) Non-cash financing activities During the year, the following distribution payments were satisfied by the issue of units under the distribution reinvestment plan - 80 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 14 Reconciliation of Profit/(Loss) to Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Operating Activities (continued) BlackRock Wholesale Managed Income Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 (a) Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities Operating profit/(loss) for the year Net (gains)/losses on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss (including FX (gains)/losses) Proceeds from sale of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Purchases of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Distributions from related schemes reinvested Net change in receivables and other assets Net change in accounts payable and accrued liabilities Interest received from debt securities Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 3,665 5,713 34,461 58,384 (2,223) (3,282) (13,179) (34,678) 20,808 26,158 52,718 259,429 (11,506) (2,037) 280 (7,874) (2,332) 294 (4,930) (25,859) 2,767 (99,024) (7,967) (14,565) 23 - (11) - 152 - (113) - 9,010 18,666 46,130 161,466 Cash Margin accounts Cash and cash equivalents Bank overdraft 20 20 - 511 21 532 - 409 409 - 28,876 28,876 - Total cash 20 532 409 28,876 660 989 9,143 7,005 (b) Components of cash and cash equivalents Cash as at the end of the financial year as shown in the Statements of Cash Flows is reconciled to the Balance Sheets as follows: Margin accounts comprise of restricted cash held for derivative transactions. (c) Non-cash financing activities During the year, the following distribution payments were satisfied by the issue of units under the distribution reinvestment plan - 81 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 14 Reconciliation of Profit/(Loss) to Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Operating Activities (continued) BlackRock Australian Bond Fund Year ended 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 $'000 $'000 (a) Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities Operating profit/(loss) for the year Net (gains)/losses on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss (including FX (gains)/losses) Proceeds from sale of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Purchases of financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss Distributions from related schemes reinvested Net change in receivables and other assets Net change in accounts payable and accrued liabilities Interest received from debt securities Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 8,573 1,272 (3,604) 1,457 51,345 152,145 (88,897) (5,150) 244 (196,659) (1,048) (1,635) 1,166 1,359 (36,323) (43,109) (b) Components of cash and cash equivalents Cash as at the end of the financial year as shown in the Statements of Cash Flows is reconciled to the Balance Sheets as follows: Cash Margin accounts Cash and cash equivalents Bank overdraft 27 220 247 (1) 69 69 - Total cash 246 69 7,876 4,674 Margin accounts comprise of restricted cash held for derivative transactions. (c) Non-cash financing activities During the year, the following distribution payments were satisfied by the issue of units under the distribution reinvestment plan As described in Note 2(k), income not distributed is included in net assets attributable to unitholders. The change in this amount each year (as reported in (a) above) represents a non-cash financing cost as it is not settled in cash until such time as it becomes distributable (i.e. taxable). - 82 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2014 15 Events Occurring After the Reporting Period No significant events have occurred since the end of the reporting period up to the date of signing of the Annual Financial Report which would impact on the financial position of the Funds disclosed in the Balance Sheets as at 30 June 2014 or on the results and cash flows of the Funds for the year ended on that date. 16 Contingent Assets, Contingent Liabilities and Commitments There are no outstanding contingent assets, contingent liabilities or commitments as at 30 June 2014 (30 June 2013: Nil). - 83 - BlackRock Wholesale Funds Directors' Declaration For the year ended 30 June 2014 Directors' Declaration In the opinion of the directors of the Responsible Entity: (a) the financial statements and notes set out on pages 8 to 83 are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including: (i) complying with Accounting Standards, the Corporations Regulations 2001 and other mandatory professional reporting requirements; and (ii) giving a true and fair view of the Funds' financial positions as at 30 June 2014 and of their performance, as represented by the results of their operations; changes in equity and their cash flows, for the financial year ended on that date; (b) the financial statements also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards as disclosed in Note 2(a); and (c) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Funds will be able to pay their debts as and when they become due and payable. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Responsible Entity made pursuant to s.295(5) of the Corporations Act 2001. Director L McMahon Sydney 24 September 2014 - 84 - ❁ ❂ ❃ ■ ❏ ❚ ❅ ❏ ❯ ❘ ❄ ❑ ❄ ❘ ❆ ❭ ❳ ❴ ❬ ❭ ❁ ❍ ❂ ❤ ● ❪ ❱ ❪ ❂ ◗ ❃ ❞ ❜ ❵ ❞ ❡ ❏ ➚ ➪ ➶ ➹ ➘ ➪ ➹ Ô Ñ ➹ ➱ Õ Ö ✃ ➱ Õ Ô Ñ ➹ ➱ Õ Ö ✃ ➱ Õ Þ ß à ö ô ➱ á ➶ â ã ø ➹ á â ÷ ❮ â ä Ø Ï å ➶ ➪ ì â ú ➪ ➮ Ñ ✃ ➚ ➮ ➮ ➪ ➪ ü Ñ å ➬ à ú ➪ Ó ú ê Ñ ✃ Ò é ý ➹ Ò ➬ ❮ á å Ñ þ ú ➶ Ø í ÿ ➮ ➱ ✃ ➬ á è ú ➮ Õ Ø å í ➮ ❒ ➪ ➮ á Õ è Ò Ó é ✃ ✃ Ñ ❒ ê î ú ➪ ò â å ➷ Ñ Ñ ➹ ➱ î ➪ ➪ ➷ ❐ â à á ç á è Ó ❍ ❘ ❖ ❣ ❆ ❱ ❂ ❜ ❘ ❂ ➱ ✃ ❏ ➪ ❲ ■ ❘ ❖ ➮ ❉ ❄ ❍ ▼ ❘ ➹ ❏ ➘ ➪ ▼ ● ï ➬ ï Ï ❮ ❮ ê ➬ è å ➪ ❮ ➪ Ó Ð ➬ ✃ ➱ ì Ø ➶ ➴ ➮ Ø ➷ ➮ õ ➪ ➷ ❮ ❰ ô ❐ ❮ ➴ ➹ Ð ❮ è ➮ ✃ ❮ ✁ ❒ ➹ Ï ✆ ✝ ✥ ✞ ✠ Ó ñ ➮ ➶ ñ ➮ ➬ ➮ ➮ ➪ ✝ ✃ Ò ➴ ➬ ✃ ➬ ❮ ➬ ❮ ➹ ❮ ➮ ➪ ➷ ➬ ò ➬ ➬ ✃ ✝ ➪ ➹ Ó ❒ Ò ➪ ➪ ❒ ➷ ➮ ➬ ❰ ✃ ➹ Ñ ➹ Ò ➮ ✚ ➬ ➱ Ò ➶ ✤ ✃ ✛ ❒ Ò ✚ Ñ ❒ ✢ ➪ ➪ ➹ Õ ➪ ✜ Ò ✢ ➱ ✤ ✃ Ñ ★ ✃ ❮ ✣ Ö ➹ ➪ ➷ ➹ ✢ ➪ ✲ ❮ Õ ➬ Ñ ➴ ✜ ➱ ➶ ò ➹ ✛ ➱ ➮ ÷ ➬ ➹ ❮ ➹ ô × ✚ ➷ ❮ Ð ✙ Ñ ❮ ❮ ➪ ÷ ❮ ✘ Ô ➬ ➹ ✃ ➮ ✗ Ø Ð Ô ✃ ✝ Ó ➮ ➪ Ü ➹ ➮ ➷ ❰ ➴ Û ❮ ➬ ❮ ✃ ➮ Ò ➮ Ó ➬ ➪ Ó ➮ ❒ Ò ➹ ➪ Ñ ➹ Ñ ❮ ➬ ✫ ✣ ❮ Ò ➮ ✩ ✪ ❮ ✳ ✴ Ü ✪ ➮ ➹ ✫ ➶ ✩ ❮ ➹ Ð ➬ ✪ ➷ ❮ ✩ ✘ ➱ ➬ ➮ ✵ ✣ ✣ ➬ Ó Ò ✶ ✚ Ó ✣ ➹ ➬ Ò ➮ ✤ ➮ ❮ ➶ ➹ ➹ ➬ ➮ ➶ ➪ ✃ Ð ➮ ➪ ➱ Ð Ò ➪ Ñ ➹ Ò Ó ✃ ➹ ➹ ➪ ➱ ✃ ➷ ❮ Ò ❮ Ð Ò ➬ ➹ ➹ ➪ ✃ ➪ Ø ➷ ❮ Ò ➱ ➷ Ò ✃ ➪ ➹ ➮ ➱ ➱ Ò ❮ ➮ ➬ ➱ Ñ ➹ Ø ❐ ➹ ➮ ➪ ➬ ❮ Ò ➹ ➮ ➮ ✧ ð ➪ ➶ ➹ Ø ➹ ➬ ❮ ➮ ➮ ➬ ñ Ó Ó Ñ ➪ ➬ ✃ ✫ Ò ➶ ✃ Ñ ➮ ➘ ➱ ❒ ➹ Ó Ò ➴ ➪ Ó ✚ ➴ ➹ Ò Ñ Ò Û Ð ✃ ➹ ✃ ✩ Ý ➷ Ð ➱ ➪ ➮ ❮ ➷ ❮ Ò ❮ ➹ ❮ ➹ ➬ ➪ ➪ ➹ ➷ ✭ Ò ❐ ➴ ✰ ➪ ✫ ➷ ➪ Ò ✯ ➪ ➮ Ï ➮ ✯ ➶ Ø ➹ ➹ ✮ ➮ ö ❮ Ó ✣ Ð ➪ ➹ ➪ ✃ ➮ Ú ➘ ✭ ❮ ✃ Ï ➮ ➬ ✬ ✃ ✱ ➬ ❮ Ï ✤ ➬ ✜ ➮ ➪ ➮ ✫ ➮ ✫ Ò ❐ ✜ ➹ ❮ ✜ ✃ ➮ ➹ ✪ Ò Ù Ó ➶ ✣ ➹ ☎ ✣ ➪ ➮ ✩ ❒ Ò ❒ ➘ Ó ✢ ➪ ✃ ➪ Ù ✜ Ò Ò Ö ➪ ç ➬ ➬ ➮ ❮ ➹ ➮ ï ➮ ➷ Ï Ó ê ❮ ➴ ❮ Ð Ò ì ✃ Û ➮ ➪ ➴ î ✃ ❮ ➹ ➶ ➷ ê ➬ ➬ ➮ ➪ â ❮ ➪ Ò ➱ å ➬ Ò ✃ ç ❒ Ó ➶ Ò ü ➮ ➮ ➪ Ï ê ✃ ❮ ➶ ❮ é ❮ ➴ ❐ ñ ❐ ➹ Û ➪ ➪ ✽ Ó ➶ Ò ➱ ✼ Ó ➪ ➬ ➴ ➹ Ð Ò Ò Ò ñ ù Ò Ò ✃ Ò Û ➪ ❒ ➪ ➪ ➴ ➪ ✠ ➪ Ò Ò ➬ ➶ ➹ ➹ ✏ ➮ ➮ ➷ Ó ✗ ❮ Ð ❮ Ó ✏ ✦ ➪ ➹ ➪ ➶ ✝ ✃ ➮ ➷ ➮ ✻ ➪ Ò Ó Ò ❮ Ñ ❮ ➱ ➮ ✖ ❐ ❮ ❮ ➱ ➱ ➪ ➬ ➹ Ñ ☎ Ó ✓ ➱ Ñ ➪ ➹ ✃ ❮ ➹ Ó Ñ ✡ ➮ ➷ ➹ ✝ ➪ ✟ ò ✃ Ü ❮ Ù ✕ ➬ ➬ Ï ➶ ➷ Ó ➮ ❮ ñ ✡ ❮ ➹ Ó ➶ ✞ ✃ Ò ➬ ➬ ➮ ✒ Ó ➱ ❒ ➮ ❮ ➬ ☛ ➹ Ø ➹ ✑ Ò ➬ ➪ ➘ ➹ ➮ ➮ ➬ ➶ Ñ Ñ ➱ ✝ ❰ ➱ ➮ ò ✃ ❮ ➮ ➱ ➪ ➘ ➹ ➬ ☞ Ó ❒ ➪ ñ ✔ ❮ ❮ ❮ Ü ❰ ✏ Ñ ➹ ➪ ✓ ➪ ➴ ➬ ✡ ➪ ✃ ❐ Ñ ✝ Ò ➱ Ï ✒ Ö ❒ ❐ ❒ ➹ ❮ ❮ ➪ ☛ ❮ Ò ❮ ➮ ✃ ➬ ➬ ➬ ✎ ➬ ❮ Ó ➮ Ð ➮ ❮ ➹ ➮ ❐ ☞ Ó ➹ ➬ ➪ ❮ Ó ➹ ✃ ✟ ➘ ➮ ➪ ✝ ➪ ➱ ➮ ✑ ➪ Û ➪ ✝ ➶ ➶ ❮ ❮ ✍ ➪ Ò ➴ ➶ ☞ ➮ Ñ ➴ ➱ ✃ ➬ ➪ Ó ☞ ➮ ➮ ➷ Ó Ó ❒ ➷ Ò ➹ ✌ Ó ➴ ➶ ➮ Û ✞ ➪ ➹ ➮ ò ☛ Ò Ò ñ ✡ ✃ ➮ ➹ ✏ Ð Ò ➬ Ó ➬ ☛ ✃ ✃ Ñ Ò ➱ ❮ ✎ Ó ➹ ❐ ➱ ➪ ☞ Ð Ò ✃ Ñ ❐ ✹ ➴ ➹ Û ➮ ✸ ✺ ➬ Ò ➪ ➮ ➮ ✟ ✃ Ñ ➱ ☎ ø ✍ ➮ ò Ó ➪ ➶ ➹ ✷ Ò Ò ✌ ➱ ➬ ➴ ➬ ➪ ☞ ➪ Ó Û ➷ ➹ Ò ✄ ✃ ✞ ❮ ➶ ➪ ❐ ➬ ✃ ➮ ☛ ➷ ❒ ➬ Ó ✡ ➪ ➪ ✄ Ó ✟ ➶ Ò ➮ ➪ ➮ ➬ ➱ Ñ ➮ â ❮ ➹ Ò ê ☎ Ð ➬ Ó ➪ Ó ➮ ➪ Ð ➱ Ò ✃ ➷ ➹ ò ✃ ú ➷ Ó Ò ➶ ➬ Ò ➪ ➴ ù ➹ ➬ ✃ î ➹ ➪ ➹ ❮ ❮ ➱ ➮ ❐ ➴ ➪ ➷ ❒ ➷ ➬ Ñ ➮ ❰ ➮ ✃ ☎ ➮ ➬ â ➴ ✃ ➹ ➷ í ➷ ➱ ➪ ➷ ú ❮ ➪ ➶ ➪ è ✃ ñ ➮ ❐ Ó í ➱ ➮ ❐ ➮ ➮ ê ➪ ➶ Ò ➹ ❮ ê ✃ ➮ ➚ ➮ Ð Ó ➴ û ☎ Ó ➪ Ò Ó ➮ Ò ➪ ❐ ❐ ➬ ➬ ❒ Ñ ì ➷ ➴ ➷ ➹ ✾ ï ➹ ❮ ➪ ✂ ç Ò ➹ ➪ ➮ å ➴ ❮ ➮ ➮ è Ò ➹ ➹ ➴ î ✃ ➹ Ñ ❐ ì ❮ ➷ ❒ ❐ á ✃ ❮ ➷ ➹ ê ➪ ➮ ❮ ➪ é Ó Ó ➹ ➪ è ➹ ➪ Ó ❮ í ò ✃ ❮ Ò ➷ å ➮ ➶ ➪ ➘ î Ò ✥ ➪ ➪ ✃ ❐ Ò ➮ í ❒ Ó ➪ ➹ ➬ ê ➪ ➷ Ï Ó ➷ Ò Ò ➹ ➮ ü Ñ ➹ Ï ➴ î ➹ ➷ ❮ ✃ ❮ ➬ ❮ ➪ ❒ î ➱ ➹ ➮ ➪ ➬ ê ➹ ➮ ➬ Ò ➹ è ❮ Ü ➷ ➹ ò ê ➬ Ï ➴ ➬ ✃ à Ð ❮ ➹ ❮ ê ➪ ✃ ✃ ï ➶ à Ó ➱ ì Ñ î ú ✃ Ó í ➴ Ò û ➪ è Ó é ê ✁ ➹ Ó Ù Ó ➪ ❮ Ó Ó ❐ ❐ ➹ ➪ Õ ➬ ❮ ➮ ❮ ✃ Ï Ð ➮ ➮ ➶ ➶ ✃ ➪ Ó Ò ➬ ➪ Ò Ó Õ ➬ Ó Ó ✃ Õ Ð ➹ ❐ Ó Ó ➹ ➪ ➮ Ó Ó ➪ Ò ➬ ❐ ➪ ➹ Ñ ❮ ❐ ➮ ➬ Ó è Ó Ó ➮ é ➹ ➮ ê ➪ ❐ á ➪ ì î ❮ ú è ➮ å ✃ Ð ç ➮ â ➶ å ➪ í Ð ï ú ➬ î ❮ ê ➹ ç ❮ ➱ ï ➬ ú ➹ í Ñ è Ò ê ç ➪ ❒ í ✃ á Ò à ➮ Ø â ñ å ➶ í è ➪ ç ➮ å Ò ➮ ➪ ➶ ❒ ➹ ê ÿ ➱ ➹ Ó ➙ ➼ â ➱ ➹ ➜ ➝ ➢ ➡ ➛ ➞ ➝ ê ➮ ➴ ➛ ➟ ➬ ➬ ➞ ➩ ➫ ➛ ❒ ❮ Ò ï ➬ ➛ ➽ ✃ ➢ ➤ ➞ ➛ ➹ è ➬ ❮ ➹ ➪ ê ➪ è ➹ ú ➪ Ò ➬ ➮ Ó ➪ ➱ ❮ í ➴ ➘ ➶ ❮ ➬ Ó ✃ è ➷ ➬ ➪ ú ➪ Ó ➘ ➶ ➷ ç ➪ á Ò ➮ ➪ ➮ Ó í ➹ ❮ ➮ ➮ ➮ ❮ è ➹ ✃ ➪ ç ➶ å ➹ ➪ ➬ ✃ ➪ ✃ í ➪ Ð ➴ ❮ ❀ ❮ Ò ➮ ✼ ➪ ➘ ➮ ➴ à ➪ ➶ ➹ ò Ñ ➮ ➪ Ø ò Ð ➘ Ó í ❮ ❮ ➬ ➪ å ✃ ñ Ï ➱ â Ó ✃ ➪ ➹ ➹ ➹ ➬ ➱ ➶ à ➪ ➥ ➦ ➫ ➧ ➯ ➢ ➦ ➡ ➧ ➢ ➢ ➜ ➾ ➨ ➫ ➨ ➧ ➩ ➡ ➫ ➭ ➜ ➢ ➟ ➥ ➤ ➯ ➯ ➙ ➲ ➛ ➤ ➡ ➢ ➛ ➩ ➟ ➳ ➢ ➩ ➤ ➫ Ò ç ➷ ê à ➴ ➪ ✿ ê ➮ á í ✃ Ð è Ò è ➹ ➴ å ➷ è ✃ é Ò ê ➪ ê Ò í Ò è ú è ✃ ☎ Ò ✂ þ ï ✁ Ó ❐ ê ❮ ➮ ➴ è ➪ ➬ Ò ➱ ➮ ➪ ✃ Ò í ➷ Ò ➮ ➬ ï ❮ ❒ ❒ ➱ ✂ þ Ñ Ò ➪ ➹ Ñ ➴ Ñ ➶ ➷ ➹ ➹ Ó ❮ ✃ ➹ ò ❮ ➮ ➮ á Ó ➹ ❮ ú ➹ ➪ Ò ➪ ➬ ï ➴ Ó ➬ Ð ➬ ➵ ➢ ➥ ➥ ➛ ➫ ➲ ➜ ➞ ➸ ➟ ➜ ➲ ➤ ➜ ➩ ➤ ➥ ➙ ➢ ➺ ➛ ➥ ➞ ➜ ➟ ➛ ➫ ➲ ➻ Ø ❒ â à Ï ➬ ✃ ì Ó î ➪ Ó ➬ ✃ ➪ ê ➮ ❮ Ò ✃ ï Ð ➹ ➮ á ➪ ➪ à Ó Ò ➮ ✻ ➪ ✿ ê ❐ ➷ ❒ ì á ❐ ✃ ➷ Ò ➪ è ➹ ú ➷ Ó ➪ Ó í è ò ➬ ❮ û ➪ Ó ➬ Ï ❮ ➹ Ï é ➹ ê ❰ á ➮ ➶ ➴ ➷ ❮ ➬ ✃ ü ü ➪ ➷ ❒ ç ➬ Ò ➮ ❒ ➬ å ➬ ü ➪ ➱ Ò ❮ ç ➮ ú ✃ ✃ ✃ á Ò ➱ ➪ ❮ ➷ ✃ è ê Ó ➴ í ➹ ➪ ➮ ê Ø Ò ❮ ï Ó Ó ➶ ï ➪ å ñ ÿ ➪ Ñ Ñ ☎ Ó Ð ñ Ò í ❮ ➮ ➪ ➴ ú Ò ➴ ➬ ❒ ➮ ✃ Ó ➘ å ❮ ❒ Ò ➪ à ✃ ➬ ➶ á Ò ➹ ➮ ➱ Ñ ➷ Ð è ➱ ➹ ➷ ✃ î Ð ➬ ❮ Ð ì ➱ ➬ ➹ ☎ ❮ ➾ ➬ ê ➪ ➮ ✃ ➮ é ➱ ➜ ➢ ➬ ➮ ➬ ➟ Ð ➪ ➹ ➠ ➟ ➬ ➶ ❮ ➝ ➫ Ò Ñ ➶ ➬ ➪ ÿ ➮ ➮ ➢ ❒ ✃ ❒ ➟ ➶ å Ï ➪ ✃ ➮ ï ❮ ➘ ➮ Ð ❒ ➮ ➡ ➵ ❒ Ï ➪ ➷ ➠ ➢ ➬ ✃ ê ➹ Ñ ❮ í ➴ ➪ ➹ ✃ ➹ ✿ Ñ ò ➬ ➪ ❮ ➘ ➪ ➛ ú ➴ Ò ➮ Ò è ✃ ➪ ➴ ➹ ➹ ê ➚ ✃ Ò ➮ ÿ ➹ ➹ ➪ à ✁ ❒ ➶ ➱ ➬ ➪ ❮ ➮ ➹ ❮ ➷ ➹ ❒ ❒ Ò ✃ ❒ Ò ➬ ➹ ➮ ➪ ➮ ✃ ❒ Ò ✃ ➘ ➬ ➷ ➪ ➹ ❳ ● ò ➹ Ó ➬ Ó Ð ✃ Ò ❈ ➴ Ñ ó ➪ Ó á × × ➮ ➮ ❯ ❆ ❘ ❋ ➷ ➬ ➹ ➮ ❯ ❄ ❈ ❘ ❜ ➪ ➱ Ð í ➪ ❐ Ó Ó ✃ å ❮ Ñ ➹ ❰ ú ❆ ❈ ❆ ❄ ❘ ❘ ❅ ❍ ❝ ❣ ❢ ❄ ➹ Ñ ➪ Ò ❃ ➱ ✃ ➶ ➹ Ñ ❮ ➱ ➮ ➮ ❂ ➹ Ù Ý ➶ ❮ ❐ ê Ô ➷ ➷ ❪ ◗ ❆ ✐ ➪ ➪ ❮ Ó ➴ Ñ Ï ➴ ➹ Ó ➹ ➹ Ó ✂ ï Ó ➪ ñ ➹ ç ➪ ❮ × ❮ ✃ Ï è Ñ ➹ ❮ ➹ ❮ ✃ Ú Ð ➬ ➶ ➪ ✃ ➶ Ó ê Ñ Ô Ó ➬ ç ➹ ❮ ➹ Ò ➚ Ó ➶ ➱ ❐ Õ ➪ ➹ ➮ Ð ➱ Ñ ➬ Ó ✃ ✃ Ö ➹ ➪ Ó ➱ î ➮ ➬ ➮ Ó í ➱ ➶ Ó Ò ❮ ➪ ➹ ➚ ➴ ❐ ❐ ✃ Ñ Õ Û ✃ ➪ ❮ Ô ➱ Õ ➱ ➹ ➪ ✃ ➱ ➶ ➮ ➪ ➶ Ö ✃ ➱ Ó ➮ ➱ Ö ➶ ➹ Ð ➹ Õ ➪ ➷ ç Ó Ñ ➹ ➶ ➮ å ➮ Ô ñ Ø ➹ Ò Ñ ð ➪ ➮ ✃ Ø Ô æ ❐ ❮ ❒ ➷ Ø ï ✃ ➪ ❮ ➷ î ➱ ç Ò ➴ ❮ í ❮ ✃ è ➹ × ì ➬ ➷ í ➬ ➴ ë ➪ ➪ ➱ ➷ × Þ ➘ ➷ á ❮ ❮ ➪ ê Ó à ❮ ✃ ➹ é ❮ ü ➬ Ô ➶ è ➪ ➪ ê Ð Ñ ç ➶ Ò ç Ï ➹ Ü å ➪ ➹ ❮ ❮ ❮ æ ➪ ê ✃ ➹ Ò ❰ è ➬ ➬ ➬ Ó ❒ ➪ å Ñ ➷ ❰ ➮ ➹ ❐ ➶ ❮ ➹ Ò ❮ ✃ î ➹ ❮ ➮ ➴ ➱ ➮ í ❒ ➪ Ó × Ð Ò á ❐ ➮ ➴ ➪ ✃ ï ✃ ❮ Û Ó Ð ➱ Ù ➪ ➹ ➮ ➱ ➪ Ñ ❰ â Ñ ➹ ❮ ➮ ➹ ➹ Ó ➪ ➴ ➪ Ó ➪ ✃ ❐ ù ➶ ➪ Ñ ➶ ➹ û ➷ ✃ ➶ ❮ í ➮ ➶ ã Ó ➬ è ➬ ➚ ➪ Ó í ➷ ➚ å ➮ ➴ ✐ ❙ ❂ ❯ ◗ ❬ ❢ ❂ ❚ ❫ ● ❙ ❂ ❯ ❆ ❬ ◗ ❉ ❋ ❘ ❨ ❬ ▼ ❙ ● ❊ ◗ ❫ ❘ ❡ ❃ ❄ ❘ ❬ ❬ ▲ ❇ ◗ ❂ ▲ ❭ ❂ ❳ ❩ ▲ ❵ ❊ ❯ ❯ ❭ ❄ ❲ ❉ ❖ ❄ ❄ ❂ ❈ ◆ ❲ ❂ ❲ ❄ ◆ ❂ ❑ ✐ ❇ ▼ ❚ ❛ ❇ ❂ ❏ ❨ ❬ ❆ ▲ ◗ ❃ ❃ ❅ ● ● ❉ ❂ ✷ ✸ Ù ✹ ❮ ✝ ➱ ✬ ✭ ñ ❮ Ý ç ➴ ➱ ✜ ✥ ➶ ➬ ❒ Ý ò ♣ ✦ ê t ➬ ✇ ➹ r Ü Ò ➮ ➶ ❰ à Ò ❮ Ñ ➬ Ò ➮ ✟ Ó Ø ❐ ➮ ê ✃ è ✒ ➹ ➶ ✗ ✞ ➪ ➶ ➮ ú ✠ ñ ➮ ❮ é ✆ ê ☛ ➱ ➬ ➪ é ✏ ➪ ➪ Ò è ✝ ➘ ➶ ➬ ÿ ✡ ➹ ➮ ➷ å ✗ ➶ ➮ ➪ ➬ ✥ ❮ ✂ ➹ ❰ ➬ ❮ ➱ ➷ ➬ á à à Ò ➱ ú ❮ ➮ ✃ ï ✃ ❐ ➷ Ò á ❒ ➪ ❒ Ó ì ✃ î ú Ñ ➪ Ð è ➬ ➪ ❮ ➮ å ➷ ➷ ➶ ❮ ➪ ✂ ç ñ ➪ Ö ï ➬ ➱ ê ➶ Ó ü ➮ ➷ ➪ ç ➮ ➪ å ❒ è ➪ ➱ ✃ ç ➶ ➪ ➬ Ñ ❮ ➹ Ó ❮ Ò ➬ ➷ ➹ ò Ñ ➮ ➪ ➬ ❒ ✃ ✦ ➪ ➪ ❮ ❮ ➷ Ò ❮ ➮ ➬ ➪ ➪ ➮ ❮ ù ➱ ➴ ❰ ➬ Ø ➪ Ò Ò ➪ ñ ➪ ➷ ✃ ù ➴ ò ➴ Ñ ➬ Ò ❰ ➷ ➪ ➮ ò ❐ ➶ ➪ ➬ ➪ ❮ ➮ ★ ➪ ❮ ➮ Ó ✜ ➶ ✃ ✢ ➪ Ó Ð ✛ ➮ ✜ ➹ ➶ ✢ ❐ ➪ ★ ➪ ✩ ✣ ➮ ✪ ✜ ➪ ✜ ✫ Ò ✢ ✛ ✤ ✜ ✬ ❐ Ó ✢ ✭ ➬ ✩ ✣ ✣ Ð ✪ ✮ Ï ➬ ✜ ✯ ➘ ✫ ✤ ✯ ➪ ✰ ❮ Ø ➮ ✃ ✼ Ó r û ➮ á Ð ➷ Ò Ò ❰ ➪ Ø ➷ ö Û ø ➱ Ü ➱ ➪ ✃ ❒ ➴ ➮ ❮ ➪ ➮ ❐ ➶ Û ➮ ➪ ö ❐ Ó ➪ ➪ Ô Ò ➘ ➪ ➮ Ò ❮ ✺ s ➮ Ú Ó Ò ➬ ❰ ➴ ✥ ➮ ➪ ➶ Ñ ➹ ➱ ➬ ➹ ➹ Ñ Ó ➪ ñ Ò Õ Ö ✃ ➪ ➬ ➹ ❮ ➷ ❮ ➹ Ñ Û Ó ✃ ✃ ö ô ÷ ø Û ✥ Ü Ð ➪ q ➮ ➱ Õ ➶ ➷ ➱ ➚ ➪ ✃ ➱ ➱ ☎ ✦ ❮ ò ➹ ➪ í ➹ ➮ Ð ➮ ➶ ➹ ➪ s é ➮ ✃ ❮ ✃ ➬ ➮ Ó ➶ ✃ Ñ ➪ Ó ➹ Ñ ➪ × ➴ ❮ ➷ ➹ Ò ➪ ➬ ❮ ➹ ➱ ➱ ✃ Ò ➷ ➹ ❮ ➱ ➪ ñ ➬ ➮ ➶ ➮ ➶ ★ ➪ ✜ ✢ ✛ ✜ ✢ ✩ ✣ ✪ ✜ ✫ ✤ ❧ ➹ Ð ñ ✃ ➮ Ï ➪ Ñ q Ò ❮ ➪ Ï ➹ ✃ ➬ ➴ ✱ á ❒ ➷ ➱ ❮ ➬ ✺ ➪ ➴ ❮ ❮ ✥ ✈ Ò Ñ ➮ ❐ Ñ ✦ Ñ ➱ ➹ Ò ➹ ➪ ✥ ➹ Ò ➪ ➪ ➬ ➪ è ✟ ➷ Ð ➘ è ✠ ➴ ❮ ➬ ❮ Ï ✃ ❒ Ó ➬ ➬ ❮ ❐ ✃ ➱ Ø Ð ✃ ✉ ➪ ➮ ➬ Ò Ð ➱ í ❮ ➹ ➷ Ó Ù á ➹ ✃ á ✏ ❧ ❮ ✰ ➘ ➪ ➱ ✺ â ï ✟ Ò Ï ❮ ➹ ✯ ➪ ➬ ✧ ➴ ❮ á ✃ ❮ ✯ ð ➶ ➷ ✹ ✏ ➱ ➪ ï ➬ ➬ ✮ Ï ➬ ✥ ð ✃ ➪ ❮ Ð ✣ ð ➬ ✟ ➪ ç ➬ ❒ Ý ✎ Ï ò å ➪ ✭ Ý ❮ ➚ Ó è ✟ ✫ ✃ ✬ ➬ ☎ ➹ â ✹ ✏ ➮ ✰ ê Ò ð ❥ ➴ ➶ ✪ ☞ ✯ ➶ ✫ ✃ ➹ ➷ ú ✪ ✌ ✯ î ✛ Ù ❮ ➱ ê ❦ ✞ ✮ ➬ é ☛ ✃ ✣ ➶ è ✡ ✃ ✃ ❮ ➮ ➴ ❐ ❮ ❒ ➮ × ➴ ➶ ➹ ➬ Ñ ❰ ❮ ❮ ➷ ➮ Ï ➹ ➮ Ü ñ ✂ Ó ➷ ➮ ➬ ➮ ➹ ➶ Ð ➬ ♠ ➪ ❮ ❮ ➹ ➹ ❮ ➷ ➹ Ù ❮ ❮ ➱ ➬ ➹ Ñ ❒ ✃ Ó ➬ ➮ ➬ ✃ ❮ ➹ Ó ➹ ➮ ó ô õ ➴ ❮ ö ➪ ô ÷ ø ➹ ❮ ➷ ✃ Ð ➮ ➶ ➪ ➬ Ò ➷ Ò ➷ ➮ ➪ Ó Ò ➹ ❮ ❮ ➹ ➷ ➮ ➬ ➮ ✃ ❮ ➶ ★ ➪ ➹ Ñ ✜ × ✢ ➬ ❮ ✛ ✜ ➹ ❮ ✢ ➱ ✩ ✣ ➬ ➹ ✪ ✜ Ñ ✫ ✤ Ö ✙ ➪ ✚ ❒ ♥ ✃ ♦ Ò ➮ ✘ ➬ ❮ ✩ ✣ Ï ✪ ✜ ✫ Ü ✤ ➮ ✮ ➹ ❮ ✯ ➷ ✯ ➹ ✰ Ò ♠ ➷ ➹ Ó ❮ ➷ ➹ Ó
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