Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers Baffles are used to establish a cross-flow and to induce turbulent mixing of the shellside fluid, both of which enhance convection. The number of tube and shell passes may be varied. This configuration increases substantially the heat transfer Heat Exchanger design/ Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers One Shell Pass and One Tube Pass area. One Shell Pass, Two Tube Passes Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 1 Two Shell Passes, Four Tube Passes Chee 331/332/333 Heat Exchangers 2 Baffles Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers Tube fluid in Shell fluid in Shell fluid out Tubes Baffle Outlet header Inlet header Tube fluid out Tube sheet Drain Baffles help support the tubes and mix the shell-side fluid along the length of the heat exchanger One-shell and four-tube pass heat exchanger Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 3 Tube considerations Tubes up to 120” length Heat exchangers may have ~10 1000+ tubes (!) Information about standard tube dimensions, including areas can be found in Tables (for example p. 14, Heaslip) Tubes generally handle the least viscous, most corrosive & fouling fluid Shell characteristics – pipe or rolled sheet Tube characteristics – B.W.G. (Birmingham Wire Gauge) ¾” – 1 ½” Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger – Temperature Profile Log-Mean temperature difference To account for complex flow conditions in multi-pass, shell and tube and cross-flow heat exchangers, the log-mean temperature difference must modified: Tlm FTlm,CF where F=correction factor Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 7 Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 8 Correction Factor Example A shell-and-tube heat exchanger must be designed to heat 2.5 kg/s of water from 15 to 85°C. The heating is to be accomplished by passing hot engine oil, which is available at 160°C, through the shell side of the exchanger. Ten tubes pass the water through the shell. Each tube is thin walled, of diameter D=25 mm, and makes eight passes through the shell. If the oil leaves the exchanger at 100°C, what is the required flow rate? If the overall heat transfer coefficient is estimated at 354 W/m2.K, what is the total area of heat transfer? where t is the tubeside fluid temperature Fluid properties: Engine Oil at T=130°C: cp=2350 J/kg.K, Water at T=50°C: cp=4181J/kg.K, =548x10-6 N.s/m2, k=0.643 W/m.K, Pr=3.56 Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 9 Correction Factor where t is the tubeside fluid temperature Chee 331/332/333 10 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient Recall: Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 Heat Exchangers 11 Uo 1 Ao 1 Ao Rcond hi Ai ho ho But: Estimation of U poses some challenges for shell and tube heat exchangers! Heat Exchangers hi Chee 331/332/333 12 Determination of tube side film coefficient, hi • Approach 1: Using convection correlations and charts (for example Sieder-Tate, see also Welty et al, Ch. 20, equations 4.1, 2.37, 2.36) : Nu D • hD 0.023 Re 4D 5 Pr1 3 b k w Determination of tube side film coefficient, hi For these calculations the mass flow rate per tube must be used: Shell Inlet 0.14 Tube Outlet per tube Approach 2: Sieder and Tate relationship plotted in graph below (p. 53 Heaslip) t : total mass flow rate in tubes m n p : number of passes n t : number of tubes Shell Outlet (Ut is the “local” velocity in each tube) Re D Chee 331/332/333 Heat Exchangers np m t U t n t f D 2t 4 f D t U t 4m pertube f Di 13 Determination of tube side film coefficient, hi Note that in the Sieder-Tate plots, the “mass velocity”, G, is used, where where At is the cross-sectional area available for flow on the tube-side and G is in units of lb/(hr)(ft2) (multiply in cp by 2.42 for units to • Based on this definition, • match) To find G, we need to determine the flow area on the tube side: . . / (in ft2) The diameter D and flow area/tube can be found from tables (p. 14 Heaslip, see next slide), Table 10 Kern p. 14 Heaslip (2007) Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 15 Tube Inlet Determination of shell side film coefficient, ho Tube patterns and layout The problem: • • Tubes create a complex combination of flow patterns. Variable cross section confronted by the fluid. The solution: • • • Square Proprietary software packages or experimental facilities – e.g. Heat Transfer Research Inc. (HTRI). Delaware method – Serth (later chapters) Tabulated values presented in various heat transfer references. Square (rotated) Triangular Tube pitch is the centre-to-centre distance between tubes Square and rotated square patterns permit mechanical cleaning of the outside of the tubes Determination of ho • • Approach 1: Using convection correlations (for example Welty et al, Ch. 20) Approach 2: Using charts by Kern, (p. 56 Heaslip). See also curve fit eq. 3.21 in Serth, (but check out assumptions) Serth, pg. 3/110 See also curve fit eq. 3.21 in Serth, (but be aware of assumptions!) Typical values of baffle cuts 20-25% for liquids and 40-45% for vapour Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 19 Determination of ho • Calculation of shell-side equivalent diameter Once again we need the “mass velocity” on the shell side, Gs. (where As is the cross-sectional area available for flow on Square pitch the tube-side). • The equivalent diameter must be calculated based on the pitch (see next slide), or can be found in the charts (such as p. 56 Heaslip). The shell-side cross-flow area must also be calculated based on the pitch, baffle spacing and internal tube diameter (see next slide) Triangular pitch The shell-side crossflow area is: The equivalent diameters are commonly included in the charts for the shell-side heat transfer coefficients Chee 331/332/333 Heat Exchangers in ft where B is the baffle spacing 21 Fluid velocities and pressure drops in tubes Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient Up to now we have determined the “design” (or “clean”) overall heat transfer coefficient (UD ) . • • To account for fouling: Higher fluid velocity gives higher heat transfer coefficient. Higher fluid velocity helps reduce build-up of scale and contaminants on pipe/tube walls. But … Uo • • 1 Ao Rf",i Ao 1 Ao Rcond Rf",o hi Ai Ai ho Target values … • • Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 Higher fluid velocity gives a higher pressure drop. Higher fluid velocity requires larger internal fluid pressures (potential safety issues?). 23 For liquids, velocities of 1-3 m/s in pipes or tubes are recommended. For liquids, pressure drops of 30-60 kPa (or less) are permissible. Pressure Drop Tube Side Pressure Drop In practice there can be a significant pressure drop along the pipes of a multipass heat exchanger. Results in property changes Pressure drop must be accounted for in real design situations and maximum allowable pressure drops must be respected (see specifications in design assignment) • See pages 67-69 (Heaslip). The tubeside pressure drop is the sum of the pressure drop through the tubes plus the pressure drop through the channels: Pt = Where: f Gt2 L n + 4n V2 10 5.22 x 10 De s t s 2g' lbs/in2 Pt = Pressure drop across the tubeside, lbs/ft2 f = Friction factor, ft2/in2 Gt = Tube mass velocity, lb/hr-ft2 L = Tube length, ft n = Number of tube passes De = Equivalent diameter, ft s = Specific gravity = density, lbs/ft3 / 62.4 s = The viscosity ratio (/w)0.14 g' = Acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 ft/sec2 • Useful to obtain an estimate of a suitable combination of L,n and D for your H.E.(i.e. starting point) In calculations of double-pipe heat exchangers, for flow in annulus just use equivalent diameter Chee 331/332/333 Heat Exchangers 25 Heat Exchangers Shell Side Pressure Drop The isothermal equation for pressure drop for the shellside flow of a fluid being heated or cooled and including the entrance and exit losses is: Ps = Where: f Gs Ds (N+1) 5.22 x 1010 De s s lbs/in2 Ps = Pressure drop across the shell, lbs/ft2 f = Friction factor, ft2/in2 Gs = Shell mass velocity, lb/hr-ft2 Ds = Shell inside diameter, ft N = Number of baffles De = Equivalent diameter, ft s = Specific gravity s = The viscosity ratio (/w)0.14 Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 26 Some design tips The pressure drop through the shell of an exchanger is proportional to the the number of times the fluid crosses the bundle between baffles. It is also proportional to the distance across the bundle each time it is crossed. 2 Chee 331/332/333 Step-by-step instructions to size double pipe heat exchangers are provided in Serth (2007), Chapter 4 (Example 4.1) Step-by-step instructions to size shell and tube heat exchangers are provided in Serth, Chapter 5 (Example 5.1), and multiple examples are provided by Kern. A listing of common heat exchanger tube dimensions is included in page 14 (Heaslip). See p. 22-23 (Heaslip) for useful information on baffle design Useful shell dimensions are found in pages 16-17 (Heaslip) Criteria for the placement of the fluid (tube side or shell side) can be found in Serth Table 3.4 and section 5.7 and in p. 30 Heaslip. 27 Heat Exchangers Chee 331/332/333 28
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