Neurological complications, cognitive dysfunction and cognitive improvement after CAS Iris Quasar Grunwald,Wolfgang Reith, Dept. for Interventional and Diagnostic Neuroradiology University Clinic of the Saarland Homburg/Saar Germany Complications after CAS neurological complications • • • • • • TIA minor stroke major stroke Reperfusion/Hyperperfusion syndrome ICH death • • acute stent thrombosis dissection local problems other • • • • groin hematoma, aneurysma spurium, AV fistula, allergic reaction nephropathy hyperthyreosis USA Carotid Stenting Studies 30-Day Composite Endpoint Patients (%) 7.8% 5.2% 7.2% 5.8% 5.8% 3.8% CABERNET N=454 MAVErIC N=52 BEACH N=747 ARCHeR2 N=278 SAPPHIRE SECuRITY N=305 Reperfusion Injury After Carotid Stenting „Reperfusion injury“ (RPI) or „cerebral hyperperfusion Syndrom“ after Carotid OP or Stent is a well known phenomena. Causes: - Failure of autoregulation of the cerebral vessels - Vessels previously perfused with low pressure - sudden increase of perfusion pressure => No compensation of this sudden change in pressure Spetzler R F: Normal perfusion-pressure breakthrough theory, Clin Neurosurg 25: 651-672, 1978 Sundt T M: The ischemic tolerance of neural tissue and the need for monitoring and selective shunting during carotid Endarterectomy, STROKE 14: 93-98, 1983 Clinical symptoms: Reperfusion injury • ipsilateral headache, nausea, vomiting • focal seizures • focal neurologic symptoms • focal or parenchymal bleeding, or subarachnoid and /or subdural/-pial Literature • no ischemia • onset of symptoms: hours to days after Carotid TEA/stent • Incidence: up to 1 to 2% • Risikfactor: Hypertension post OP/Stent Abou-Chebl A: Intracranial hemorrhage and hyperperfusion syndrome following carotid artery stenting, Risk factors, prevention and treatment, J Am Coll Cardiol 43 (9): 1596-1601, 2004 Results Homburg patients: 7/2000 bis 12/2006: 340 Carotid stent procedures with DWI after CAS Mean age: 67.6 years, 21% female, 79% male 62.6% symp, 37.4% asymptomatic Degree of stenosis: mean 84% MRT: T2, FLAIR, DWI, PWI within 24 hours after stent Anticoagulation: ASS, Plavix, Heparin Clinical examination: Neurology Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting Homburg patients: Perfusion MRI: using MedX bolus tracking, 0,2 mmol/kg KG, T2* gradient echo percentage change right to left hemisphere: TTP, MTT, CBV, CBF Results 340 Stent procedures were evaluated Î9 patients with reperfusion injury (9/340) (2.6%) Î7 symptomatic and 2 asymptomatic stenoses Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting Case 1: Patient M.SCH., 75 y, stenosis of the left ICA 90% 50 % on the right ICA Symptoms with frequent TIA`S, no infarction on MRI 10 hours after the stent procedure: acute hemiplegia, aphasia, no hypertonus Î ICB Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting case 2: Patient E.E., 63 years, stenosis of the ICA 95%, asymptomatic pre 24 h 5d 24 h 12 hours after the stent procedure dizziness Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting case 2: Patient E.E., 63 years, stenosis of the ICA 95%, asymptomatic pre pre Pre-stent: post post TTP within the media and anterior circulation with slight delay (3 s Differenz MTT, CBV, CBF identical After-stent: TTP, MTT, CBV, CBF identical Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting case 4: patient H. B., female, 80 years, 99% stenosis of the right ICA, Clinical symptoms: TIA 24 h before and 72 h after the stent procedure headache Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting case 4: patient H. B., female, 80 years, 99% stenosis of the right ICA, Clinical symptoms: TIA pre Pre-stent: post pre post TTP within the media and anterior teritories delayed (4 s difference), MTT, CBV, CBF identic After-stent: TTP, MTT, CBV, CBF identic Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting Results: frequency: 2,6% (9/340) ICB: 0,49% (n=2) - no significant difference concerning: - mean age, - degree of stenosis, 3/9 Pat. with contralateral stenosis 3/9 diabetes 9/9 hypertension 4/9 Subcortical arterosclerotic Encephalopathy No patient showed angiographical signs of infarction and other abnormalities Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting Summary: Reperfusion injury is seldom! Risik factors: Î older patients?? Î high grade stenosis?? Î contralaterale stenosis? Î hypertension, SAE Reperfusion injury can remain asymptomatic (only seen in MRI) MRI necessary pre-and post stent Perfusion seems to be normal in Patients with minimal variants Patients should undergo RR control for at least 24 hours Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting Case 3: Patient G.W., 58 years, stenosis of the left ICA 99% , 75% on the right ICA Clinical symptoms: TIA`s pre 24 h 72 h CT After 24 hours headache Reperfusion injury after Carotid Stenting Case 3: Patient G.W., 58 years, stenosis of the left ICA 99% , 75% on the right ICA Clinical symptoms: TIA`s pre Pre Pre-stent: post post TTP within the media territory and both anterior teritories with delay (2 s difference), MTT, CBV, CBF identic After-stent: TTP, MTT, CBV, CBF identic Cognitive changes after carotid artery stenting Zur Anzeige wird der QuickTime™ Dekompressor „TIFF (LZW)“ benötigt. Purpose: - to evaluate changes in cognitive performance after CAS - has been done for CEA - no consensus in the literature for the effect of CEA on cognition previous studies Lunn et al. cerebrovascular disease 1999: Systemic review of the literature 16/28 found an improvement (CEA) Johnston et al. Ann Intern med 2004 : high grade stenosis of the left internal carotid artery was associatet with cognitive impairment 4006 right handed, no previous TIA/Stroke 2.4 versus 18% Aleksic Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2006: 33 CEA; 3-5d, Cognitive function does not change following CEA memory Moftakhar et al 2005: 79% had improved cognitive scores after CAS; 21stents, 10 extracran carotid, IQ Questionnaire, 3-14 months,chart review, phone interview, Mlekusch et al. Radiology 2006: CAS seems to exert beneficial effects on the course of depressive symptoms 143 pat >80% asympt, 102 controls lower limb, 34% depressed before 10% after stent - studies differ on methological issues: - sample size - type of patients (demographic, mood, TIA, stroke) - control group - range of cognitive tests used -type of analysis used - most studies lack information about: - Degree and side of stenosis - Perfusion - Handedness - Depression - Outcome after intervention (DWI) Patients and Method • n= 46 with stenosis of the ICA • 12 women, 34 men • age: 68.3 (women); 69.57 (men) •19 stented on right, 27 on left hand side • mean degree of stenosis left 85.2%, right 83.8 • all: right handed, asymptomatic • tests for cognitive speed, memory function • cognitive tests before and 3 months after stent Inclusion criteria: age : 40-80 no paresis in the upper extremity no impairment in eye sight, no hemianopsia informed consent Exclusion criteria: psychiatric disease ( schizophrenia, depression, organic psychosyndrome) insufficient command of the german language Neuropsychological tests: Cognitive speed Memory function • connect the numbers test • repeat the numbers (general cog. achievement tempo) (short time memory) • labyrinth test (visual and memory) organization+visual-motor coordination) • image test (pictorial • figure symbol test (decision taking and processing) • colour word test (optical and verbal area+ gen.cogn.achievement tempo) • word list (verbal lerning information+ delayed recall) • word pairs (associative verbal capacities) • symbol test (visual memory without verbal associations) • latent learning Affective state was determined by the BECK depression Inventory MMSE (screening for dementia) (28.58) Materials and Method • Statistical analyzis using SPSS • parametrical T-test versus zero • When comparing results before and after stenting (related samples) we used the Wilcoxon test MRI : 24h before and 48h after intervention Clinical Results - successfull stenting in all cases - no neurological deficit - DWI: new lesions in 10 cases; in 34 cases no new lesions Purandare et al. BMJ 2006: Cerebral emboli as a potential course of Alzheimer´s disease and vascular dementia case-control study Stenting of the carotid artery significantly increased cognitive speed function p<0.001 Results Results Changes in cognitive function might be due to changes in perfusion -the higher degree of stenosis the more marked was perfusion deficit - increase in brain perfusion after stenting - increase in brain perfusion after stenting correlated with increase in memory function (p<0.05) Time to Peak right ICA stenosis >90% Marked improvement after stent concerning - cognitive speed (CNT) - verbal fluency and - delayed recall Time to Peak right ICA stenosis, 75% only slight change in cognitive function after stent Discussion Stenting of the ICA seems to improve functions that involve cognitive speed regardless of - patients age - side of stenosis - degree of stenosis Stenting led to a significant increase in cognitive speed function (p<0.028) Correlation between degree of stenosis and perfusion deficit - the higher degree of stenosis the more marked was perfusion deficit - increase in brain perfusion after stenting correlated with - increase in memory function (p<0.05) Stenting may offer more than reduced stroke risk Impressions from the Saarland, Germany
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