AEP Ohio Transmission Company (AEP Ohio
Transco) has proposed to improve the transmission system in northwest Ohio by upgrading an existing 138-kilovolt (kV) transmission
line in Clinton and Pleasant townships in Seneca County and Ballville Township in Sandusky
Mr. Jeffrey D. Wagner
111 Madison Street
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
Ballville Township Board of Trustees
Mr. David Stotz
Mr. Robert Kusmer
Mr. Richard Geyer
2200 Tiffin Road
Fremont, Ohio 43420
The purpose of the Tiffin Center-Fremont Center 138-kV Line Improvement Project is to install a second circuit by rebuilding from existing single circuit H-Frame structures to double
circuit single steel poles from the existing Tiffin
Center Station to the existing Fremont Center
Station. This project is a critical component of
the Fremont Area Improvement project, which
addresses a critical need for AEP Ohio Transco
to reinforce its transmission system in the area.
The project will help to accommodate growth
in this region and to upgrade the company’s
transmission system in northwestern Ohio.
Construction is scheduled to begin in June
Clinton Township Board of Trustees
Mr. Dennis Moyer
Mr. Jim Distel
Mr. Dennis Kingseed
P.O. Box 336
837 N SR 101
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
Pleasant Township Trustee
Mr. William Biller
2026 West Township Road 148
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
Pleasant Township Trustee
Mr. David Kingsborough
5475 North County Road 33
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
The project is known as the Tiffin Center-Fremont Center 138kV Line Improvement Project.
As required by Ohio Revised Code Section
4906-11-01, AEP Ohio Transco has filed a Letter of Notification with the Ohio Power Siting
Board, under Case No. 14-0143-EL-BLN.
Pleasant Township Trustee
Mr. Douglas Stacy
8550 North County Road 51
Green Springs, Ohio 44836
This project meets the requirements for a Letter of Notification because it is within the types
of projects defined by Item (4)(a) of Attachment
A of the interim process defined in the OPSB’s
September 4, 2012 Finding and Order in Docket
12-1981-GE-BRO. This states that a project
qualifies for a Letter of Notification if the project is:
(1) An electric transmission line that:
(a) consists of replacing electric transmission line structures with a different
type of structure where less than two
miles of new right of way is required.
The Letter of Notification for the Tiffin CenterFremont Center 138-kV Line Improvement
Project is pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board. This application has been assigned
Case No. 14-0143-EL-BLN. This number should
be included in all communications with respect
to this proceeding.
Petitions to intervene in or comment on the Letter of Notification will be accepted by the siting
board up to 10 days following the publication
date of this notice required by Rule 4906-508(C)(1), OAC. Petitions should be addressed
to Ohio Power Siting Board, 180 East Broad
Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43215-3793 and must
cite Case No. 14-0143-EL-BLN.
The Tiffin Center-Fremont Center 138-kV Line
Improvement Project involves the installation
of 22 self-supporting, single pole, dead-end
structures and 123 direct embedded single
The following state agencies have been served
with copies of the application:
pole structures. New conductor, insulators and
hardware will be installed on the structures.
The project will be an approximate $5 million
investment by AEP in its transmission system
in the area. The project will allow AEP to continue to provide the level of service its customers expect.
The accompanying map depicts the project
area. It should be noted that due to the reduced scale and limited detail, this map should
be used only as a general guide. Copies of the
actual Letter of Notification, including specific
details about the location and construction are
available for public inspection at the following
Tiffin-Seneca Public Library
Mr. Tim Hagen, Director
77 Jefferson Street
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
Birchard Public Library
Ms. Pam Hoesman, Director
423 Croghan Street
Fremont, Ohio 43420
Ohio Power Siting Board
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
180 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio, 43215-3793
Electronic versions of the Letter of Notification
can be found at http://www.aeptransmission.
com/ohio/ and at the Ohio Power Siting Board
website at Search under
current cases for Case No. 14-0143-EL-BLN.
The following local city and county government
officials have been served with a copy of the
application as required by state of Ohio Power
Siting Board regulations:
• Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
• Ohio Department of Agriculture
• Ohio Department of Development
• Ohio Department of Health
• Ohio Department of Natural Resources
• Ohio Department of Transportation
• Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
• Ohio Historical Society
The complete Letter of Notification and this ad
are available at http://www.aeptransmission.
To ask a question, make a comment or express
a concern about the project, please call the
AEP Ohio Transmission Project Information Line
toll-free at 1-877-215-9261 or send an email
inquiry through “contact us” on
Sandusky County Board of
Mr. Matt Damschroder
Mr. Dan Polter
Mr. Terry Thatcher
622 Croghan Street
Fremont, Ohio 43420
Seneca County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Fred Zoeller
Ms. Holly Stacy
AEP Ohio Transmission Company
700 Morrison Road
Gahanna, Ohio 43230
Attention: Todd Sides, Project Manager