Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan BSM SD PLN 0096 LONGWALL BSWL1 TO BSLW6 SUBSIDENCE MONITORING PROGRAM 1. INTRODUCTION This Subsidence Monitoring Program outlines the proposed monitoring and reporting program to be undertaken to measure subsidence movements and impacts as a result of mining of Longwalls BSLW1-BSLW6 of the Blakefield seam in the Blakefield South Mining Area. This monitoring program has been prepared in accordance with the NSW Department of Primary Industries (Mineral Resources) Guideline for Subsidence Management Approvals (2003) and meet the requirements Condition 12 of Subsidence Management Plan Approval File No.04/1676 dated 30th April 2009. 2. PURPOSE This program has been developed to provide an overview of the monitoring program to be implemented to assess the subsidence movements as a result of mining of Longwalls BSLW1–BSLW6 of the Blakefield seam. Required actions and responsibilities are defined to ensure monitoring is undertaken within required timeframes. The results of monitoring will be compared with the predictions in the SMP Application to assess whether the accuracy of predictions, the management strategies in place are adequate and to provide feedback to stakeholders. 3. SCOPE This plan applies to Longwalls BSLW1-BSLW6 of the Blakefield seam in the Blakefield South Mining Area at the Bulga Underground Operations (SMP area). 4. MINE PLAN The majority of the SMP area is located within land owned by the Bulga Joint Venture (BJV), which is currently utilised for mining and agricultural purposes. The remainder of the SMP area is located under privately owned land predominantly utilised for grazing and rural activities. The surface of the land within the application area is generally flat to undulating with vegetation dominated by pasture and woodland species. The depth of cover to the seam above the proposed longwalls varies between approximately 130 metres at the eastern end of Longwall BSLW1 to approximately 335metres at the maingate of Longwall BSLW6. The seam floor within the SMP area generally dips from the north to the south. The seam thickness within the extents of the proposed longwalls varies between a minimum of 2.2 metres near the western end of Longwall BSLW1 to a maximum of 3.65 metres at the maingate of Longwall BSLW6. The longwalls will be extracted below the previously extracted Longwalls 1 to 6 and E1 to E7 of the overlying Whybrow seam. The depth of cover to the previously extracted longwalls in BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Effective:19/02/2014 Review: 20/02/2017 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 1 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan the Whybrow seam varies between 40 metres at the northern end of Whybrow Longwall 1 and 350 metres at the southern end of Whybrow Longwall E7. The interburden thickness between the Whybrow and Blakefield seams varies between 70 metres above the middle of BSLW1 to BSLW3 and 100metres at the eastern end of BSLW1.Implementation. 5. MONITORING PROGRAM Beltana environmental monitoring includes a number of elements that are also necessary for evaluating the potential impacts of subsidence specifically: surface and groundwater; and flora and fauna. Additional elements specific to subsidence that require monitoring include: surface safety; public roads; infrastructure; private properties; and mine owned properties. The monitoring requirements of the various elements listed above are included in the management plans listed in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 - Existing Subsidence Management Plans at Beltana Management Plan Document ID Beltana Highwall Mining Environmental Monitoring Program. BSM SD PLN 0042 Longwalls BSLW1 - BSLW6 Surface Safety Management Plan. BSM SD PLN 0112 Longwalls BSLW1 - BSLW6 Public Road Safety Subsidence Management Plan. BSM SD PLN 0092 Longwalls BSLW1 - BSLW6 Broke Private Irrigation District (PID) and Broke Potable Water Supply (BPWS) Pipeline Subsidence Management Plan. Longwalls BSLW1 - BSLW6 Powerline Subsidence Management Plan. BSM SD PLN 0093 Longwalls BSLW1 - BSLW6 Telecommunications Subsidence Management Plan. BSM SD PLN 0094 Longwalls BSLW1 - BSLW6 Private Property Subsidence Management Plans for Bird, McInerney, Lewis and Beltana owned land. BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 BSM SD PLN 0100 various Effective: 19/02/2014 Review: 20/02/2017 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 2 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan 5.1 SUBSIDENCE SURVEY MONITORING Additional to the elements included in the management plans listed in Table 5.1 is the requirement to monitor the ground subsidence to enable the comparison of actual subsidence against predicted. The objectives of the Blakefield South of this program are: provide general information on the magnitude and extent of subsidence over the proposed longwalls for multi-seam mining conditions; compare the actual ground movements with predicted ground movements, so as to improve the predictive methods and guidelines for multi-seam mining conditions; detect non-systematic movements such that any preventive measures, where required, can be initiated; 5.2 Survey Methodology A conventional traverse shall be run to establish control for the monitoring control survey marks; A total station shall be the primary source of all measurements; A secondary source of measures will be GPS readings, these will be used when climatic conditions are not favorable for the primary method to be used. If this method is used GPS control shots of occupation of stations will be a minimum of 10 epochs will be undertaken; All marks shall have a 3 dimensional component (x,y,z); Individual point stations will be monitored with GPS readings; Precision level run shall be undertaken to confirm trig levels of the traverse survey control stations. These shall be used as a Secondary means to confirm status of monitoring line control survey marks that are closer to subsidence impact zone if a discrepancy begins to occur; The total station used for the survey has an accuracy of 5mm +- 2ppm/klm for a single prism; Surveys will be taken pre, during and post longwall extraction. The frequency of survey during longwall extraction will be dependent on the rate of retreat, however surveys will not be taken at intervals greater than 1 month for all lines (or part thereof) actively under the influence of subsidence. A post survey will be taken when only minimal movement, between current preceded surveys has occurred; and Data collected will be then presented in a spreadsheet format accompanied with a plan showing the correlation of the survey and the retreating face. BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Effective: 19/02/2014 Review: 20/02/2017 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 3 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan 5.3 Survey Monitoring Station Generally the stations will be 2100mm long star pickets or to the point of refusal, driven into the ground centre punched and spaced at intervals of 10m. Other forms of subsidence monitoring that will be utilized include visual monitoring, aerial elevation surveying (LIDAR), photographic monitoring or other systems which arise with technology advancements. These other forms of monitoring compliment the traditional ground monitoring. The proposed plan for the remaining BSLW31 to BSLW5 is shown on Plan 2013134. Following is a brief description of the various monitoring lines: Broke Road (BSLW3 and BSLW4) Ground monitoring line installed along the western side of Broke Road will provide representative ground movements along the alignment of Broke Road, as well as various services and infrastructure adjacent to Broke Rd. This line also references the influence of the overlying Whybrow chain pillar. Charlton Road (BSLW3) Ground monitoring line installed along the eastern side of Eastern Road will provide representative ground movements along the alignment of Charlton Road, as well as various services and infrastructure adjacent to Charlton Rd. X Line (BSLW3 and BSLW4) Ground monitoring line installed as part of the extended X line will measure multi seam subsidence towards the commencement end of BSLW3 and BSLW4. LOM (BSLW3 to BSLW5) Ground monitoring line installed as part of the extended LOM line will measure multi seam subsidence towards the completion end of BSLW3, BSLW4 and BSLW5. Measures ground strains in the wall of the Old Taillings Dam. X-Line 2 (BSLW3 to BSLW5) Ground monitoring line installed as part of the proposed new line will measure multi seam subsidence in the middle of BSLW3, BSLW4 and BSLW5. Measures ground strains in natural topography as opposed to fill (LOM). BSLW4 Commencement (BSLW4) Ground monitoring line installed will measure subsidence and angle of draw over the commencement of BSLW4. Due to land ownership and topographical constraints, BSLW4 is the only opportunity to measure the commencement end. BSLW4 Centreline (BSLW4) Ground monitoring line installed will measure ground movements in natural topography as well as fill over the Main Gate of BSLW4 and Tail Gate of BSLW5. The monitoring locations as shown in Plan 2013134-R4 have been designed taking into account current surface constraints. These include topography, natural features, heritage items, private landholders, infrastructure, public safety and visual amenity. BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Effective: 19/02/2014 Review: 20/02/2017 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 4 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan 5.4 SUBSIDENCE INSPECTION MONITORING SUMMARY Table 5.2 outlines the proposed subsidence inspection monitoring to be undertaken for Longwalls BSLW1-BSLW6. The table describes the parameters, units, frequency and responsibilities for carrying out the monitoring. Some actions are restricted to a single longwall. Inspections will be carried out in stages as mining progresses. BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Effective: 19/02/2014 Review: 20/02/2017 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 5 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan BSM SD PLN 0096 Table 5.2 - Subsidence Inspection Monitoring Public Roads Monitoring Method Sites Parameters Monitored Units of Measure Monitoring frequency Responsibility Visual inspection Broke, Charlton and Fordwich Roads, and Butler’s Lane Condition of road and associated infrastructure (including culverts & fences) General condition. Prior to undermining. Evidence of cracking or humping 24/7 during undermining of Broke, Charlton and Fordwich Roads. Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator/ Mine Subsidence Board Weekly for Butler’s Lane during the extraction of Longwall BSLW3 until extraction face is 200 metres beyond Charlton Road. 3 – 6 months after mining BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 6 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Surface Water MonitoringDrainage Lines Monitoring Method Sites Parameters Monitored Units of Measure Monitoring frequency Responsibility Visual inspection All drainage lines within the SMP Application area and the wet soak Condition (including existing erosion and ponding), water level and any cracks General condition One week prior to commencing Longwall mining, and post mining. Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator Public Safety Risks due to cracking Land Visual inspection Survey Surface at and behind the active longwall extraction face Surface Remediation areas Cracking, stepping and erosion Areas of significant cracking Mapping will be carried out over areas of significant cracking to obtain baseline data BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program m (water level) mm (cracks) Surveying of drainage channels may be required to confirm drainage paths Presence of cracks/stepping/ erosion mm (cracks/ stepping) Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Plan Three-monthly intervals during the first six months after mining beneath the area, and at six-monthly intervals for the following year One week prior to commencing Longwall mining, during and post mining Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator After mining Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 7 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Fences and access to BJV Land Dams Monitoring Method Sites Parameters Monitored Units of Measure Monitoring frequency Responsibility Visual inspection All fences within SMP Application area, gates and signage preventing access to BJV land subject to subsidence Fence type and condition General condition Pre, during and post mining Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator/Mine Subsidence Board Dams within the SMP Application Nature and condition of drainage paths and dam, freeboard, water level, bank and bed condition, evidence of cracking and erosion General condition One week prior to commencing Longwall mining, during mining, and within one month of subsidence occurring on private land Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator Sediment levels behind fences General condition of sediment controls, revegetation areas and drains At quarterly intervals Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator Visual inspection area Erosion and Sediment Control Visual inspection Disturbed areas BJV security Revegetation progress of disturbed areas Scour and sedimentation of drains BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 mm (freeboard) ML (water level) mm (cracks) Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Plan Page 8 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Monitoring Method Sites Parameters Monitored Units of Measure Monitoring frequency Responsibility Powerlines Inspections Energy Australia assets and BJV assets the SMP Application area Safety and serviceability of the lines including ground clearance checks General Condition of lines ( tension/ sag) and poles ( tilt) Prior to, during and after mining. Frequency will be daily when actively subsiding poles. Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator Private Irrigation District & Broke Potable Water Pipelines and Tanks Inspections PID and BPWS pipelines and tanks within SMP Application area Establish baseline condition of pipelines and associated infrastructure Monitor the pipeline, tanks and associated infrastructure for leaks General condition Prior to the commencement of each longwall undermining sections of the pipelines/tanks. Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Plan Daily monitoring during the undermining of and 200m past the pipelines, tanks and associated infrastructure Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 9 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Monitoring Method Sites Parameters Monitored Units of Measure Monitoring frequency Responsibility Aboriginal Heritage Inspections All sites not directly affected by mining (not destroyed under Section 90) Site condition (including photographic record) General condition Annually. Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator European Heritage Inspections All heritage sites within SMP Application area Overall condition of site General condition Prior to during and after mining Beltana Underground Environment and Community Coordinator BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Regular inspections will be carried out during mining Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Plan Page 10 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan BSM SD PLN 0096 6. REPORTING Reporting with regards to outcome on this plan are summarised in Table 6.1 below Report Name Frequency Scope Transmission Distribution Weekly Longwall Update Weekly Structure similar to Quarterly Subsidence Status Report. Reporting briefer to communicate weekly changes. Email Government agencies representatives, CCC, Private, Landholders, Infrastructure owners Quarterly Subsidence Status Report Every 3rd month of the calendar year Condition 17 of Subsidence Management Plan Approval File No.04/1676 dated 30th April 2009 Hard Copy Principle Subsidence EngineerDepartment of Industry and Investment, Department of Water and Energy, Director of Environment and Sustainability, CCC, Infrastructure Owners, Private Landholders AEMR April each following previous Schedule6 Condition 5 of DA 376-8-2003 Hard Copy BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program year Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Company Website Company Website Director General Department of Planning, Department of Industry and Investment, Department of Water and Energy, Director of Environment and Sustainability, CCC, Infrastructure Owners, Private Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 11 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan Landholders Subsidence Survey Monitoring Reports Produced Annually AEMR Subsidence Survey Monitoring Results Pre, During and Post mining BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program with Condition 18 of Subsidence Management Plan Approval File No.04/1676 dated 30th April 2009 Hard Copy Condition 5 of Subsidence Monitoring Strategy Approval File No.04/1676 dated 16th June 2010. Results provided as soon as practicable. Digital Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Company Website Director General Department of Planning, Department of Industry and Investment, Department of Water and Energy, Director of Environment and Sustainability, CCC, Infrastructure Owners, Private Landholders Principle Subsidence EngineerDTIRIS Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET NSW Page 12 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development 7. Plan KET CONTACTS Key contacts with regards to this plan are included in Table 7.1 Table 7.1: Key Contact Details 8. Position Name Phone (W) Phone (Mob) Bulga Underground Operations Manager Mark Munro 6570 4300 0417 111 203 Bulga Complex Environment and Community Manager Ralph Northey 6570 2539 0418 439 874 Bulga Underground Environment and Community Manager Ned Stephenson 6570 4366 0400 266 877 Environment and Community Officer Martin Salm 6570 4281 0418 737 760 Bulga Underground Mine Surveyor Steve Allen 6570 4209 Mine Subsidence Board Richard Pickles 6572 4344 0425 275 564 Telecommunications Consultant Colin Dove 9546 4771 0428 970 826 Telstra Mark Schneider 0419 242 044 Energy Australia Contact Ian Hall 0417 472 670 Broke Potable Water Supply Contact Ian Vickers 6578 7283 0411 559 316 Private Irrigation District Emergency Number John Lamb 6574 5205 0427 695 468 REFERENCES Umwelt 2003. Bulga Coal Continued Underground Operations EIS July 2003. SEE for the Bulga Underground - Southern Mining Area Modification - Section 96(2) Application to Modify Consent DA 376-8-2003. MSEC 2008. Mine Subsidence Engineering Consultants Report Number MSEC334, Revision C. MSEC 2010a – Mine Subsidence Engineering Consultants Report Number MSEC393, Revision B. MSEC 2010b – Mine MSEC452, Revision A. BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Subsidence Engineering Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Consultants Report Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Number Page 13 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development MSEC 2011- – Mine Subsidence Engineering Consultants MSEC464, Revision A. Report Plan Number Galvin 2008 – Galvin and Associates Report Number 0908/6-1b, November 2008.Subsidence Risk Assessment Associated with Mining Longwalls SB1- SB6 of the Blakefield Seam November 2007 BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 14 of 15 Blakefield South Mine Sustainable Development Plan BSM SD PLN 0096 BSM SD PLN 0096 Longwall BSWL1 to BSLW6 Subsidence Monitoring Program Status: Approved Version: 6.0 Effective: 26/04/2012 Review: 26/04/2015 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED UNLESS VIEWED ON THE INTRANET Page 15 of 15
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