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I ~}e;)::Jf"05o'd ;;j'o~u 0lJdo'.;~ ~ o'iVclf"e,)o' ;§'d;S; 0'\;;50. ~ru~c: cv.:;)' u'orn ;C<J2)?icj'@ ~da o'~o- 3 L s (~)o-I :s8 ~d~~; e:>Joli~ '(.;),)(;5e') mdQ,5J (1 :')C)d~eo..tJ dod ~O~I)~ ~~}IJ',) i'\0ao'J> uCltd..rai\5..J ae0cl.l ~ ii::b u"i'iJ21~" UOi''S.J00d) ~~o( cGoo oJCl1i...rae;:illSWdOJoc5ri B'.l "3de~leSi\5..J.( dorn cr~dEe~e5clF\d. ri' 23Jrlv'J2Ic0 ~Q.D.Jo' ~c1C: e:;~,€..")eN~ ffilU, o'.llie;ii3oee;}; e:>JClr;3 ,DJo'mu v ei)~ W'J.~ V.....D ;~ cf nkje:'5d ....) ~i()'~i() e:1~'~;~' oJf ....•., ~~f"a ,illod~rl~ri'. ~U, ~cGF'a ffilU, 26-07-2014 In the interest of safety of children, the Commissioner of police, Bangalore City has issued guidelines in order No. 157/MAG(1)Misc/2014, dated 26-07-2014 to all Government/BBMP/Private Pre Nursery/Nursery /Primary/Middle/High Schools and ordered to implement all the 9 guidelines before 31-08-2014 03-09-2014 Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka while hearing the matter issued directions to establish Special Cell headed by Deputy Commissioner of Police to look after the implementation of the guidelines and coordinate with the heads of educational institutions and to attend the issues if any in this regard. 05-09-2014 Memo issued to all the Police Inspectors of Bangalore City to visit all the schools with plain cloth and instructed to take necessary action U/s 188 IPC against those schools which are not implemented the guidelines. 06-09-2014 Pursuant to the directions of Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka Special Cell headed by Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP Security, Office of the Commissioner of Police, Bangalore City has been established. 09-09-2014 Meeting was held by DCP, Head of Special Cell and VVIP Security along with (regarding the Implementation of guidelines) 1) Sri. C.R. Mohammed Imtiyaz, Chairman, Karnataka State Minorities Education Institutions (R), Bangalore 2) Sri. Obedulla, Secretary, Karnataka State Minorities Education Institutions (R) 3) Sri. D. Shashikumar, Secretary, KAP-JAC, Bangalore City, Discussed about the implementations of guidelines. Focused on the conditions which involves financial investment and require more time. Invitees have requested to call for a meeting to discuss the difficulties in implementing the few guidelines. 11-09-2014 As per the discussions held in the meeting on 09-09-2014 with the heads of educational institutions, Fee prescribed for the police verification certificate for job aspirants along with verification (particularly for the employees of educational institutions) has been fixed to Rs. 250-00 17-09-2014 Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka while hearing the matter on 17-09-2014 issued directions to all the concerned to take necessary steps to implement the guidelines particularly no. 1 (a) (b) and no. 9 discussing with the heads of all the private and Government institutions with shakehand method. Matter is relisted on 03-11-2014 25-09-2014 Pursuant to the order dated 17-09-2014 of the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka, Meeting was convened by the Commissioner of Police, Bangalore City. Heads of Government and BBMP institution and private school authority, School association presidents and other members have attended the meeting. Heads of the Private Institutions have expressed difficulties in implementing the guidelines No. 1 and 9 which involved financial investment and require more time. Few members expressed the difficulties in appointing the women attendant in the school bus. Police Commissioner requested heads of the educational institutions to constitute sub committee headed by Smt. Philomina Lobo, Director, Secondary Education with other 3 members including a women member from private educational institutions to assess the schools which are 1) eligible to implement the guidelines 2) which are partially eligible to implement the guidelines 3) Schools which are not eligible to implement guidelines depending on their infrastructure, vehicles and requested to provide assessment report within a week. 30-09-2014 Commissioner of police, Bangalore City has communicated with the Commissioner, Public Instructions, Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore City to create a sub committee headed by Smt. Philomino Lobo, Director, Secondary Education with other members of the private educational institutions and to submit report as discussed in the meeting held on 25-092014 09-10-2014 The Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP and Nodal Officer, (Implementation of Guidelines issued in the safety of Children) has issued Memo to all the divisional police nodal officers of Bangalore City police and instructed to collect the correct and complete details of all the Pre Nursery/Nursery/Primary/Medium/High Schools of all Government /BBMP/Private Schools by consulting concerned Education Officers of Bangalore City. 09-10-2014 The Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP, and Nodal Officer once again communicated with the Commissioner, Public Instructions to provide the report by appointing sub-Committee headed by Smt. Philomino Lobo, Director, Secondary Education, Nrupatunga Raod, Bangalore City 11-10-2014 The Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP and Nodal Officer called for a meeting of all the Divisional police nodal officers of Bangalore City Police on 13-10-2014 13-10-2014 During the Meeting with all the Nodal officer, the Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP and Nodal Officer, Bangalore City Instructed to collect the correct information of all the Pre Nursery/Nursery/Primary/ Medium/High Schools of all Government/BBMP/Private Schools which falls under the jurisdiction of Bangalore City police Commissionerate and to submit the same. 14-10-2014 Today the Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP and Nodal Officer held a meeting with Sri Eshwaramurthy, Subject Inspector, Education Department, Sri Venkatesh, Education Co-Ordinator, North range-1, Bangalore City and other Block Education Officers of Bangalore North Range and also with Sri Hanumantharaju, Education Officer from BBMP. Deputy Commissioner of Police informed to all about the importance of implementing the guidelines issued in the interest of school Children and asked to provide report regarding the status of implementation of guidelines in Government Schools. Sri Eshwaramurthy submitted the list of all Government, Private and Aided schools which comes under the Jurisdiction of North range-1 to 4. Sri Hanumantharaju, Education Officer from BBMP submitted a list of schools running by BBMP in Bangalore City. 15-10-2014 Today the Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP and Nodal Officer held a meeting with Sri N. Venkatesh, Education officer, South Range and informed about the importance of implementing the guidelines issued in the interest of school Children and asked to provide the status report regarding the implementation of guidelines in Government Schools. Sri N. Venkatesh, Education Officer submitted a list of all Government, Private and Aided schools which comes under the Jurisdiction of South Range. 16-10-2014 Today, Sub Committee headed by Smt. Philomino Lobo called for a meeting at conference Hall, Office of the Commissioner, Public Instructions, Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore City. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP and Nodal Officer, Bangalore City from Bangalore City Police, Sri Shashikumar, Brain Centre, Blossom School, Bangalore City, Sri CR Imtiyaz Ahmed, President Karnataka State Minorities Educational Institutions Managements Federations, Bangalore City, Smt. Dr. B. Gayathri Devi, Principal, Little Flower Public School, Bangalore city and other members have attended the meeting. Few members have expressed the difficulties in implementing the guidelines conditions No.1 and No.9 which involve financial investment. Non availability of Women staff to appoint women attendant in School vehicles. 20-10-2014 The Deputy Commissioner of Police, VVIP and Nodal Officer, Bangalore City has instructed all the nodal officers of Bangalore City police to visit all the schools in plain Clothes and collect the information regarding the status of implementation of guidelines discussing with the heads of educational institutions. 30-10-2014 Today matter posted before the Hon'ble High Court of karnataka and the court has observed that there is no coordinated efforts by the departments concerned to secure the safety of the school children and emphasised that the Annexure-Z8 cannot be implemented, in full, by the police department alone. There is need for other government Departments to extend cooperation in implementation of Annexure-Z8, Which applies all the schools, whether state owned or privately owned, aided or unaided, minority or non minority. Hon'ble High Court directed to constitute a committee, headed by an officer not below the rank of Addl. Chief Secretary to Government, so that all the departmental Heads could work under him and secure the safety of school children. The matter is posted to 07-11-2014 06-11-2014 As per the directions of Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka Committee has been constituted headed by Additional Chief Secretary with 12 members from other departments. Commissioner, Department of public Instructions will be the member secretary to formulate steps and to submit the proceedings before the government for approval. 07-11-2014 Today matter posted before the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka. Hon'ble Court once again emphasised the implementation of guidelines as soon as possible and insisted the government authorities to form the action plan to effectively implement the same in all the government, BBMP and private schools in Bangalore City as well as in other Metropolitan cities. Matter posted to 05-12-2014
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