doorOd iaosa eoo9.d ggso ee+sJ ioa3r: aoo$CI 67 ,$A:,(l) 2013-14 eeaddd Odreddd aoo3ore.:oX> eldatld d$ a3orl$ocb_560 001. 6oood: 3l_01_20t4. eFd &dob: dinrwd eJ,oed deao erqj.oe^60d *:g* pqlerr ddxbd {cnra"t doe$o$ oor{ dgdri ddsdbrte${ ag*a*o; ud. w$eaD: eroSoerld d$ Bo. ercrr(4)ll7- 210/2013-14/drox,c& 6:16-0r-2014. d>es,od doorr,ld ei.oed Beao erqj.roerrood 35*1^ "d, @ogd $drre/i ddt'Dd dposg"t d?e*rrld *f;orr."ud, ddda$dgibd oed)dod wgebu agdg Eoeodcsod. p'--"-'-; dz3,$ ddsabds ddd d.errsRb{ dinrud ej.oed deao ecqj.rdedOod aoo$d cao*CIo$oo'rf uDei(a$, itroro aootS\uc oonb ro-it deabro€rlg dgttg-{eDFdJ 0d6da**bd acro,drd deji*, dqdib* eG ucbd iuoro uodnegJa eCId doqdg oaler T€t aroa aJ:$ deubuoe CIo$ujrrrso *-d ee>oal "urin.*rt-Tia*g aaosano";ffi;:T 'J.irr*o oq z dg aad odo$rld .rdoj} i -oo J_o**l:rg* ax".rr aogd ^;ioe,rerrr_ T"i"rc**n J.{ d.a. g!i, d?,s,*,, suoro "aodooJ:oonf ae3eer:dgrf,*l^ dqdgri iouoQ*dod, dddabdsdb4 d?'i* ribuod,l d_dugt,r Xa0:9,1ydb3-d?J'tudl, iouoqad daDgo$ edo$ das$. oaood t0_02_20t4 :g Dod t{_oz_zat4 d dderi 9e d.d er*' e'uaoend' E'e'or.dd* asorr$1,acb- ;;' ox'-%'#ff} ;"*:-l'ffi kffi copy) doJooie.:r iro?nderond. co. dgdof '$elor ao6s'3o q3,^€^}rodtF srwc f-$ro, adoS:aocb Tnpo ia'-grrs ado$ d%.b rauorr#oo "aodoo$oono iouopad oeiiaodl iaoro anod{rcrr$g6d &qde^ erabuofl od$sow, qaootrrrcb, ge dr$oodeoSi d.vo;Jr$ ajorrctacb .adcb Boro -Jr-orre ioqloes.N.e@oojrDncr*, rcJir* To$rddJ{oode.:r gp:,d. 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T3sDo$Fdr, suoro .aod.od * ihi #'fS - *;;'# I ; #A' "S; ii?,T "T; :"orbdod I sl;?S'^ t #J;. ,1/n-nardq oryorr- derdeJondg sdosx,o. sro cb. o de d do{o$ u J^ i qR"' " R :S* erdraod I "KPSC Engineering College staff recruitment examination" Cur{iculum committee Professor/Asst. Profgssor & Lecturer Post r/Asso ciate Professor /Asst. (pr"r.ntlv red esffi Venue Date : Sri.Krishnarajendra Silver Jubilee Institute K R Circle, Bangalore : 10-02-2014 to 12-02-2014 Coordinator: Dr. Shashidhar S of P rofesso r\ Technology, Ramthal, Principal-SKSJIT' Bangalore. l. civil Enqineering and Geolow (Geologv in consultationwith Geolog) su.\iect expefts.\ i. Dr. M B Patil, Prof & HOD, SKSJII Bangalore ii. Dr. R v Ranganath, Prof, BMS College Of Engineering, Basavanagudi, Bangalore. iii. Dr. Magesh, Prof, Govt.Engg. College, Ramanagaru iv.Dr. Kirankumar, Associate Prof. SKSJIT, Bangalore 2. Mechanical Eng.ineering i. Dr. Pundarika, Principal, Govt.Engg. college, Ramanagar ii. Dr. RangaswoffiY, Prof, Govt.Engg. College, Hassan iii. Dr. L Ravikumar, Prof, BMS College Of Engineering, Basavanagudi, Bangalore. iv.Di. B S Suresh, Prof, BMS College Of Engineering, Basavanagudi, Bangalore. 3. Computer Science and Engineerinq i. Dr. Basavaraju, Prof&Head, SKSJI! Bangalore ii.Dr. Gowrishankar, Prof, BMS College Of Engineering, Basavanagudi, Bangalore. iii. Dr.Guruprasad H S, Prof, BMS College Of Engineering, Basavanagudi, Bangalore. iv. Sri. Shyleshchandra, Associate Prof, SKSJII Bangalore 4. Electronics and Col?munication Engg. i. Dr. Sheshachala, Prof, BMS College Of Engineering, Basavanagudi' Bangalore. ii.Dr. Guruprasad H S, Prof, BMS College Of Engineering, Basavanagudi, Bangalore. iii. Ms. Pavithra, Associate Prof, SKSJII Bangalore iv. Mr. Nagesh, Associate Prof, SKSJIT, Bangalore 5. Qhemistry. Bangalore i.Dr. Thimmegowda, Asst. Prof, SKSJII of Engineering, Basavanagudi', ii. Dr. Dharmaprakash, HOD, Blvts college Bangalore. 6.Phllsics n^rEngineering, Basavanagudi' of College paramesha, BMS HOD, i.Dr. Bangalore. Bangalore ii.Sri. Rangasw am!,Asst' Prof, SKSJII .,-^^.^ 7. Mathematics prof, SKSJII Bangalore srrurt Lala, Asst. prof, BMS College ii. sri. G M Shekhar v R Asst. Basavanagudi, Bangalore' i.b. of Engineering, kchnolory i.Dr.TAnanthrktith"*'AssociateProf'SKSJIIBangalore 8. Tbltile /Si,lk ii.Sri.AVShivaprakash,AssociateProf,SKSJIIBangalore iii. Sri K Srinathi Associate Prof, SKSJII Bangalore g.Physical Educati.on SKSJIT, Bangalore i. Dr. Munirajuffi.ul Education Director, 10. Library Sct?nce Bangalore i. S-t. Sul-u Shaheen, SGL/Lib Sc, GWP! ii.Smt. Lalitha, SGL/Lib Sc, GWPT' Bangalore DIRECTOR Directorate Of Technilal Education @- ,7 5lPage J,,iff;tt"'Y er$Dod & "KPSC PolVtechnic diploma Lecturer' s recruitment examination"- Venue Date : SJ(Govt.) Polytechnic, Bangalore : 13-02-20 1 4 to 15-02-2014 Coordinator: 1.. Sri. Krishnamurthy K, Principal, SJ(Govt.) Polytechnic, Bangalore Asst. Coordinator 2.Dr. Siddalingaswamy NH, Development offrcer, DTE, Bangalore l. Mechanical i. Sri. B. Vijayakumar- Principal, WPT- Mangalore iii. Sri. Ramesh L S, Sl. Gr LAyIE- GPT:KGF iii. Sri. Venkatesh Babu S.G 51. Gr L/ME- GPT:Ramanagar iv. Dr. Siddalingaswamy NH, Development Officer. DTE 2. Civil i. Sri.Sridhar Murthy, S1. Gr LICE- GPI Immadihalli, Bangalore ii. Sri. NS Jayaram- S1. Gr L/CE- SJP, Bangalore iii. Sri. Chandrashekhar H, Sr. LICE, MEI Polytechnic, Bangalore iv. Sri. Sureshkumar, Sl. Gr L/CE- SJP, Bangalore and C ommunic ation (kl ec ommunic at ion) i. Smt. Rose Mary- Principal-GPlsiddapura ii. Smt. Jayashri- S1. Gr LIE&.C- GPT Chintamani iii. Sri. Srinivas V, Development Offtcer, DTE, Bangalore iv. Dr. S M Prasad, Sl. Gr LIE&C- GVIPI Bangalore 3 .El ectronic s 4. Electrical & Electronics i. Sri. P G Prakash-Principal-GPT:-Channasandra, B angalore ii.Sri. U.V Govekar, S1. Gr LIE&E- GPT, Tumkur iii. Smt. Aruna D, S1. GrLIE&E- SJP, Bangalore iv. Sri. Rajashekhar Sl. GrLIE&E- GPT, Chintamani I 5.Computer Science Engineering, Information Science, System Analyst & Programmer i. Sri. Raj esh Hongal-Principal-GPT:Gadag ii. Smt. Gayathri. V Sl. Gr L/CSE- E- Governance Section, DTE, Bangalore iii. Sri. Bagevadi- Sl. Gr L/CSE-GWPI Bangalore iv. Smt. Smithu, L/IS- GPT:-Channasandra, Bangalore t- 6. Science i. Sri. R B Pawar-Principal-GPT:Bijapur ii. Sri. Sangam- - Sl. Gr L/Sc-GPl Immadihalli-Bangalore iii. Dr. Hanumantha Nayak, - Sl. Gr LiSc- SJP, Bangalore iv. Sri. Nazeer Ahmed-- Sl. Gr L/Sc-GPT:Mulbagal 7. M.T.T& Tool Die Making i. sri. Arun Devadas- sl. Gr L/MTI Smt. L V Polytechnic, Hassan ii. Sri. Saleemuddin, SGLA'ITT, SJP, Bangalore iii. Sri.Dasharathan, SGLA{TT, SJP, B angalore iv. Sri.Chandrashekhar, L/MTI SJP,Bangalore S.Pobtmer kqhno.low( Rubber and Plastic Tbchnolowl i. Sri. Babu Devadiga-S1.Gr. L/Polymer-KPl Mangalore ii.Sri. Sushanth Kumar- L/Polymer- KPT, Mangalore iii.Sri. Santhosh- L/Polymer- KPT, Mangalore 9. Cerarftics i. Sri. Ashwathaiah Sl. Gr L/Ceramics- SJP, Bangalore ii. Sri. Kishore Kumar. V.Rathod- L/Ceramics- S JP-Bangalore iii. S mt. S angeeth a, - L I Cerami cs- S JP-B angalore 10. Cinematqgraphlt i. Sri. Vij ayakumar- Principal-WPT:Ramanagar Il. Welding aftd Sheet metal i. Sri. Manjunath-L/WsM-SJP-Bangalore ii. Sri. Sharanraj V- L/WSM-SJP-Bangalore 12. MetallurT i. Sri. Amaresh-Sl. Gr L/Metallurgy-GPT, B ellary ii.Sri. Hanamappa Handi, Sl.Gr L/Metallurgy-VISSJ Polytechnic, Bhadravathi. iii. Sri. Ishwarappa Kattimani, S l. Gr LAvletallurgy-Vl S S J Polytechni c, Bhadravathi. Costume and Dress rryaking(ADFT) i. Smt. Chandrika P, Sl.Gr L/ADFT, GVIPI Bangalore ii.Smt. Manjula Kadam- Sl.Gr L/ADFI GSIPT, Hubli iii. Smt. Meera, Sl.Gr L/ADFT, JSS Women' s Polytechnic, Mysore 1,3. 14. Heqt Pover Tbchnolo.W i. Sri. Sripathy , Sl. Gr L/I{P} SJP, Bangalore ii.Sri. Mahadevaswamy, L/HPISJP, Bangalore 2lPage Engine e,r i ng i. Sri.Chandrashekhar L-Principal- GP! Ramanagar ii. Sri. Gopinath, SGL/AT, GPI Channapatna. iii. Sri. Santhosh kumar- Sl. Gr LlNt- SJP, Bangalore iv. Smt. Smitha, LlNf , SJP, Bangalore I 5 .Auto ryo b i I e 16. English 1. Sri. Manohar G Nayak-Principal-GRlcBM, Bangalore 2. Smt. Sowmya, L/English, - SJP, Bangalore 3. Smt. Roopa Muthkore, L/English, - SJP, Bangalore 17. Commercigl Practice 1. Sri. Goni. GM , Principal- GWPT:Hubli 2. Smt.Pav ana R SGL/CP-GWPlBangalore 3. Sri. Raveendr a TL-LI CP, GzuCP-Bangalore 18. Mining 1. Sri. Suresh Ganesh-Principal -School of Mines-KGF 2. Sri. Rajan L Sr.Gr L/Mining- School of Mines-KGF Printing kchnoloqt i .Sriram Reddy AV Principal, Govt printing Institute. B'lore ii.sri. G B Prakash, SGL/Print, Govt printing Institute. B,lore iii. Sri. shankar Guru, LlPrint, Govt printing Institute. B'lore 19. 20. kxtile kchnolo?t i. Sri. Sreekanth G Dy Director(Ins), DTE, Bangalore ii. Smt. Usha, Sl.Gr.LecVText, Govt. ITT, Bangalore iii. Sri. Srinivasaiah V Sl.Gr.Lect/Text, Govt. IT! Bangalore 21. Library Science i. Smt. Salma Shaheen, SGL/Lib Sc, GWp! Bangalore ii.Smt. Lalitha, SGL/Lib Sc, GWp! Bangalore DIRECTOR Directorate Of Technicpl Fducation --Bangalorffi-,*, n_ w' ,',lr,t:,itry //>' 3lPage
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