Zinc…essential for life New Solution/Application Continuous Galvanized Rebar Frank E. Goodwin Sc.D. IZA International Galvanizing Conference and Exhibition Delhi, India July 10-11, 2014 Zinc…essential for life Contents • The Problem, and Our Approach • Development Assistance to Xiamen Newsteel (XNS-China) and Super Galvanising (SG-Dubai) • Worldwide Developments Zinc…essential for life The Problem with Rebar Initially: Cosmetic Staining Later: Structural Weakening Zinc…essential for life Cape Town sea wall Zinc…essential for life Research and Field Experience Compared to black steel, galvanized rebar provides: • significant delay in the initiation of corrosion of the zinc coating; • long-term protection until coating is dissolved and totally lost; • sacrificial cathodic protection of exposed areas of steel. Zinc…essential for life Protecting RebarAvailable Products Epoxy Coating: strictly a barrier coating – any cuts in the epoxy coating give a pathway to corrosionvulnerable to damage, in handling or service, unrepaired cut ends Stainless Clad: barrier protection similar to epoxy, but more resistant to handling damage, 2.6-3.2X black rebar cost Zinc…essential for life Protecting RebarAvailable Products Batch Galvanized: Sacrificial and barrier protection offered at 2X rebar cost, must be formed before coating Zn Spraying followed by Epoxy Coating (Gerdau Ameristeel Z-Bar): A semi-continuous process, moving in right direction but still costly (requires manufacture of Zn wire) Zinc…essential for life Coating Alternatives CRG and CGR + Epoxy Very Competitive Epoxy Only (ECR) Batch Galv. (BGR) 316 SS-Clad 316 Solid SS Continuous Galv. (CGR) CGR + Epoxy Zinc…essential for life Batch Galvanized Rebar (BGR) Uses pure Zn: the flux technology is well-developed (zincammonium chloride) Produced to ASTM A767: Zinc…essential for life Our Approach Continuous Galvanized Rebar (CGR) • Reduce cost so that we can better compete with ECR • Keep advantage of Zn coating of BGR • Introduce other advantages, including bending after coating on customer’s site Zinc…essential for life Our unique process Use Al-containing Zn bath to control of coating structure Use of Al-tolerant galvanizing flux (US Patent 7811389) Zinc…essential for life Development Plan • After first discussions of XNS and Canadian Zn producer Teck Metals,, a 3-way, 1-year MOU signed by XNS, Teck and IZA December 2010 • Line designed by Southeast China Univ of Technology team (G. Kong and RZ Sui), equipment delivered for first trial August 2011 • 7 trials performed August –September 2011 -Problem of excess dross needed to be solved - Coating control needed improvement (up to 95 µm thickness produced, wanted 50 µm - Single strand running at 1 m/min - The flux worked very well Zinc…essential for life The design of the line First 7 trials August-September 2011 Zinc…essential for life Xiamen Newsteel Metal Products Co., Ltd Salt Spray Test Epoxy resin coated steel Zinc alloy coated steel Z i n c + e p o x y c o m p o s i t e rebar rebar coated rebar Quantity Length Surface finish 3 3 3 25 25 25 Make three man-made diameter defects holes on each side of the rebar, the hole should penetrate the coating and reach to the steel base, the holes located between ribs. Test solution: Concentration 5% Nacl solution PH=6.8 Test temperature: 35± Neutral Salt Sample placement: Sample and vertical direction at 20 degrees, defect holes spray test towards the cabinet side, after 24 hours continuous spray check sample surface respectively. Collection volume: ml. Test result ⒈ Epoxy resin coated steel rebar corroded seriously(rust) at defect hole area after 24 hours. ⒉ Zinc alloy coated rebar and zinc+epoxy composite coating are corroded after 24 hours. Zinc…essential for life Zinc…essential for life Bending tests on CGR bars at Hong Kong Poly U. (Prof. Chung and Dr. Ho) January 2012 • Coating defects noticed on rebar ribs • Bending tests carried out with 40mm mandrel • 135 degree bend showed only small lines of cracks, judged “good” Zinc…essential for life Further developments at Newsteel - 2013 • 32 mm rebar coating production • Increase to 3 bars • Increase to 10 m/min line speed • Low and high Al coating trials • Galvanized rebar standard submitted to National Standardization administration • Newsteel and IZA have communicated with Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China. Zinc…essential for life Continuously Galvanized Rebar (In-Line CGR) 12 mm CGR Newsteel - 2014 20 Zinc…essential for life Epoxy coating development: Akzo Nobel tests May 2013 using CGR from Newsteel Zinc…essential for life Akzo Nobel tests May 2013 Test Results Zinc…essential for life Zinc…essential for life Zinc…essential for life Akzo Nobel tests May 2013 Conclusions There is no difference when testing the coated parts directly 1 day after coating or after 28 days as mentioned by the customer Rebar powder sent from USA to Xiamen Zinc…essential for life Bend testing of Newsteel CGR by Gerdau Z-Bar Satisfactory Result Zinc…essential for life USA trademark application 85882085 made by IZA Zinc…essential for life Starting of Cooperation with ATI and Newsteel March 2013 Zinc…essential for life Case study for continuous galvanized rebar • Project name: Beijing-Fuzhou Passenger Railway Line Project(JiangxiFujian region) • Construction Company:China Railway No. 24 Bureau • Application Place: Railway roadbed cable trough— Power cable well Zinc…essential for life Power Cable Well Reinforcement Zinc…essential for life Sample for Highway Substructure and Building Columns Zinc…essential for life Hong Kong Activities Building Department of HK Government has issued a code on use of galvanized rebars for building canopies. An earlier code governed the use of galvanized rebars in reinforced earth. 1/3 of HK population (2 million people) live in public housing structures. There is a huge pressure from HK residents for building far more public housing in the next 10 years The Housing Department has much interest in galvanized rebars because of poor experience with unprotected rebar HK Polytechnic Univ. is performing bend tests, to assist the drafting of the guideline and specs for CGR. Zinc…essential for life Dubai Project • First trial by Super Galvanizing on June 28, 2013, rebar supplied by Conares • Seminar with public sector customers November 2013 in Dubai with Prof. Yeomans • Refinement and additional trials continuing Zinc…essential for life OneSteel production with Zn-12%Al Zinc…essential for life Zinc…essential for life Other Developments State DOTs currently banning the use of fusion bond epoxy rebar (per AZZ Galvanizing): Oregon Virginia Florida + one to be named New York Thruway System specifies galvanized coated rebar ASSHTO has been contacted as is willing to present any new galvanized rebar specification to individual states for consideration Samples have been sent to interested producers and users Zinc…essential for life Marketing Objectives -Educate end-users about the problems of corroding rebar and how these problems are solved with duplex coated rebar -Find applications, and their owners, where corrosion resistant rebar is needed -Find candidate producers, transfer technology -Initiate product characterization testing of duplex rebar versus other protection strategies, i.e. plain galvanized, epoxy only -Develop national and public sector standards permitting use of CGR: ISO 14657 already in place Zinc…essential for life Processing Objectives • Newsteel and Super Galvanising -Adjust process parameters to ensure a continuous, defect-free galvanized coating -Produce samples for performance testing and product characterization. -Optimize process productivity (line speed, wiping, pre-treatment) -On-going production trials in increasing quantities, sufficient to supply end user demonstration projects Replicate with other producers Zinc…essential for life Technical Objectives • Provide firm basis for promulgation of national and international standards for CGR: -Establish the lifetime equivalency of the 5060 micron CGR zinc coating and the 137 micron (three ounce) HDG coating in concrete. -Establish comparative performance for DCR vs epoxy-only coated bar and black bar. -Establish new tighter bend radii specifications for CGR. China Rebar Production 2001- 2009 Chi na Rebar Out put 14000 12150 12000 9797 2007 2008 8792 10000 7259 8000 6000 10137 3735 4517 6016 5855 4000 2000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009 District 2009 January-December total rebar output (ton) Whole country 121,505,575.91 Beijing Tianjin Hebei Shanxi Neimenggu Liaoning Jilin Heilongjiang Shanghai Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui Fujian Jiangxi Shandong Henan Hubei Hunan Guangdong Guangxi Hainan Chongqin Sichuan Guizhou Yunnan Xizang Shanxi Gansu Qinghai Ningxia Xinjiang 1,858,598.00 2,640,012.00 13,433,912.00 4,452,147.09 1,274,965.00 4,558,060.72 999,609.70 1,552,057.00 193,949.00 19,011,368.93 1,513,037.74 6,260,963.02 4,109,893.77 5,942,034.50 11,278,926.16 5,162,561.40 2,778,445.04 4,290,993.66 5,089,777.70 3,646,465.79 55,927.00 480,535.38 6,422,355.61 2,186,213.00 3,542,013.00 4,904,124.70 1,504,494.00 88,397.00 342,716.00 1,931,022.00 Zinc…essential for life Zinc Market Potential • 200 million tpy rebar • 10% coated = 20 million tpy • With 2% zinc pickup = 400,000 tpy zinc Zinc…essential for life www.galvanizedrebar.com
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