Lake Charlevoix Committee Minutes 2014 March

Lake Charlevoix Watershed Project Meeting
Thursday, March 13, 2014 10am -12noon
Boyne City Hall Auditorium
Meeting Minutes
Welcome and Introductions, participants included:
Dusty Christiansen
Joanne Beeman
Anne Zukowski
Kelly Martin
Kirsten Stark
Mark Seelye
Larry Sullivan
Larry Levengood
Mike Spencer
Scott McPherson
Roxanne Merrick
Greg Goudy
Bill Henne
Jim Rudolph
Carl Wehner
Nancy Cunningham
Ty Ratliff
Caitlin Donnelly
Kira Davis
Joe Kimmell
Dan Mishler
Grenetta Thomassey
Claire Rasmussen
FOJ, Friends FISP
Friends FISP
Charlevoix Co. Conservation District
Charlevoix Co. Planning
Charlevoix Co. Soil Erosion
Charlevoix Co. Commissioner
Health Dept of Northwest MI
City of Charlevoix
City of Boyne City
DEQ-WRD Gaylord
DEQ - Cadillac
Hayes Twp
Friends of the Boyne River
Friends of the Boyne River
L.T. Conservancy
L.T. Conservancy
LTBB Odawa
Lake Charlevoix Association
Lake Charlevoix Association
Tip of the Mitt
Tip of the Mitt
2. New Business or Issues:
 Conceptual Plans, marina expansion in Round Lake - Mike Spencer, City of
Charlevoix presented the history, identified needs, and current ideas for this project.
The City is looking at other options with less of a footprint in Round Lake and
retaining view fairways. New plans will be posted on the City of Charlevoix website.
Proposed Land Swap with St. Mary’s - Attendees present summarized current
concerns and we discussed the basics of the proposed swap. A community
committee is being assembled to address the matter. St. Mary’s stated publicly that
if the public does not want this swap, they will not go forward.
Update on plans for Camp Seagull (J. Rudolph) - This site is now a community
park. A governing committee has been appointed and park upgrades are being
considered, including a boat launch. All of the funding sources for this project were
grants and donations. Self-sustaining maintenance practices will be used to the
extent possible.
Antrim Co. Conservation District (written update, H. Shafer) – Heidi will be
presenting on Natural Shorelines at the Michigan Inland Lakes Convention in May.
MDEQ permit was received for proposed work on the Jordan River pipeline crossing.
DTE is donating the materials.
This committee will be represented at the Michigan Inland Lakes Convention
May 3, 2014. Grenetta outlined the presentation that will include LCA, MSUE, Hayes
Twp, Friends of the Boyne River, and Tip of the Mitt. It will address the Lake
Charlevoix Watershed Plan and successful implementation projects. K. Davis added
that the tribe will be presenting on water resource protection topics at the same
time but on a separate track.
The 2014 Students Experience Lake Charlevoix will be held May 20-21 and is
being organized by D. Myers (TOMWC), the Lake Charlevoix Association, and the
Beaver Island Boat Company.
3. Old Business:
Update on 319 Grant Projects
 MSUE (D. Solomon) – a) will be working with zoning administrators to
address enforcement issues, among other concerns – 1st meeting is March
25th. b) will host a planner’s forum by taking a Lake Charlevoix shoreline
tour this summer to review favorable and unfavorable examples. c) East
and west side Lake Charlevoix water protection practices will be reconciled,
working with LIAA.
 Suggestion was made in discussion to clarify jurisdictions with shoreline
property owners. (e.g. township, DEQ, concurrent below/above OHWM)
LCA Guardian Program (J. Kimmel) – the program is moving forward
they are now pledging businesses (landscapers).
Storm Water Control Ordinance for the 3 cities - first meeting with
city managers is March 27th.
The Septic Project will be getting started in April with the Health Dept.
Lake Charlevoix Tributary Monitoring – Grenetta read a summary of survey
status from K. Cronk. All data will be reported in 2014.
Updates on Community Foundation grant projects:
 Village of Boyne Falls – Engineering is finished and report being
written. Grenetta is working with them to obtain grants for infrastructure
Economics and local water quality – The grant has been received.
Grenetta will do a lit review, a survey, and create fact sheets.
Stover Creek - The grant has been received and D. Myers & K. Cronk
(TOMWC) will form a subcommittee to address various issues.
Charlevoix Co Conservation District and the Community
Foundation are considering a grant to do Autumn Olive removal work in
the county. K. Martin is requesting problem areas be submitted.
4. Partner Updates
Conservation Resource Alliance written update - a) Planning for the Jordan
River / Old State Rd crossing project is underway; b) Announced meeting in
Cadillac for Watershed Volunteers
M. Seelye (Charlevoix County) – A contractor’s workshop on soil erosion was
held last month in partnership with Emmet County. Well-attended, and they
heard about watershed plans during presentation from TOMWC.
K. Davis (LTBB) a) LTBB is involved in the St. Mary’s / Fisherman’s Island land
swap discussion. As a sovereign nation, the tribe will be working directly with
the State of Michigan and St. Mary’s. b) The Chippewa Ottawa Resource
Authority has passed a resolution to oppose “tar sands” petroleum products
through the Line 5 Straits pipeline. c) LTBB was a not awarded recent SAW
grant funds. d) The tribe is working on a tribal clean water act.
K. Martin (CCD) – The conservation district is taking a larger role in supporting
recycling. A new recycling brochure is available and plans are being made for a
Fall collection for difficult items.
T. Ratcliff (LTC) – a) the LTC played a large role in development, fundraising,
and acquisition of Camp Seagull. b) Doug Fuller is retiring and staff changes are
D. Mishler (LCA) – The association is looking to publish a Lake Charlevoix book
which will include water protection topics.
B. Henne (WATCH) – Discussion continues with marine deputies to patrol
cigarette boat noise on Lake Charlevoix. Many enforcement challenges exist.
A. Zukowski (Friends of Fisherman’s Island) – please visit the Save
Fisherman’s Island Facebook page. A petition has been started.
R. Merrick (DEQ) – The DEQ is anticipating issues in communities with snow
melt, potential rain events, and stormwater sewer overflows. Grenetta
commented that a “THAW” task force has been set up by First Responders for
Emmet and Charlevoix counties.
C. Wehner (FoBR) – a) starting crowd hydrology on the Boyne River this
Spring with the installation of 6 river gauge stations. These will be monitored by
volunteers via phone, etc. b) FoBr is looking again at bank stabilization needs at
the public access between the hydro dam and Dam Rd.
N. Cuningham (FoBR) - The Boyne River (Boyne City) nature area will be
finished around the vortex installation project.
J. Beeman (Friends of Fisherman’s Island, FOJ) – New hydraulic fracturing
information materials and topic speakers are available. Michigan hydraulic
fracturing well spacing regulations remain unsettled.
M. Spencer (City of Charlevoix) - the city council is waiting for more
information before taking a position on the St. Mary’s / Fisherman’s Island
proposed land swap.
Next meetings scheduled:
June 12, 10-noon, Boyne City Public Library NOTE LOCATION
September 11, 10 – noon, Charlevoix Public Library
December 11, 10 – noon, location TBD