Northwest District Office NPDES Stormwater Overview November 3, 2014 NPDES Stormwater Program e Required by the Clean Water Act (1972). The program regulates stormwater discharges into surface waters from certain: Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Construction Activities Industrial Facilities The NPDES Stormwater Program is not ERP. The Environmental Resource Permitting ERP) Program is authorized under Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.). The NPDES Stormwater Program is authorized under Chapter 403, F.S. Why is Stormwater a Problem? Sediment Bacteria Oil and Grease Nutrients Trace Metals Pesticides GP – Large & Small onstruction Activities gulated by the NPDES ormwater Program Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Minimize the extent of the area exposed at one time and the duration of exposure. Keep runoff velocities low and retain runoff onsite. NPDES Stormwater Construction Activities Regulate construction activities that ultimately disturb >1 acre Currently processes ~3,000 Notices of Intent (construction permits) each year How do you apply for coverage under the CGP? Develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) NOIs can be submitted electronically at: Current application fees: $250 (small construction >1 to <5 acres) $400 (large construction > 5 acres) Construction Generic Permit (CGP) April April May May June June Coverage is effective two days following the submittal of a mplete application and fee. The generic permit (CGP) is effective for five years. NPDES Stormwater Construction Activity Permit Requirements Develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to prevent the discharge of pollutants (sediment) Conduct weekly/ 0.5” rain event inspections Correct noncompliance issues within 7 days Map Direct Check Boxes Stormwater, Erosion, & Sedimentation Control Inspector Training Program Course Content: Impacts of Erosion and Sedimentation BMPs for Erosion and Sedimentation Control BMPs for Stormwater Management Systems Class Schedule: Qualified Stormwater Inspector MSGP - Industrial Activities Regulated by the NPDES Stormwater Program NPDES Stormwater Industrial Activities Regulate over 2,700 industrial facilities. Facilities are required to implement appropriate pollution prevention techniques to reduce the contamination of stormwater runoff. What Industrial Activities are regulated? (simplified descriptions) Heavy Manufacturing Mining/oil gas exploration Hazardous Waste Facilities Landfills Recycling Facilities (automotive salvage yards, recycling facilities) 5. Steam Electric Power Plants 6. Transportation Industries (Trucking, Airports, Marinas) 7. Light Industry (printing, warehousing) 8. Treatment works Regulated Industrial Activities by Industrial Sector Sector A: Timber Products Sector B: Paper Products Manufacturing Sector C: Chemical Manufacturing Sector D: Asphalt Paving Sector E: Glass, Clay, Cement, Man. Sector F: Primary Metals Sector G: Metal Mining Sector H: Coal Mines Sector I: Oil and Gas Extraction Sector J: Mineral Mining & Dressing Sector K: Hazardous Waste Facilities Sector L: Landfills Sector M: Auto Salvage Yards Sector N: Recycling Facilities Sector O: Power Plants (Steam) Sector P: Land Transportation Sector Q: Water Transportation Sector R: Ship & Boat Building Sector S: Air Transportation Sector T: Treatment Works Sector U: Food & Kindred Products Sector V: Textile Mills Sector W: Furniture & Fixtures Sector X: Printing & Publishing Sector Y: Plastics Manufacturing Sector Z: Leather Tanning & Finishing Sector AA: Fabricated Metal Products Sector AB: Transportation Equip. Sector AC: Electronic Goods Sector AD: Additional Activities….. Does my facility need NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage? s your facility a regulated “industrial activity” as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)? Does your facility discharge stormwater to waters of the state or into an MS4? f the answer is yes to both questions, the acility needs NPDES Stormwater Permit coverage. NPDES Stormwater Permitting Options Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP) Most facilities are eligible for coverage under the MSGP ~2,303 active MSGP’s “No Exposure Exclusion” (NEX) All industrial processes and materials are not exposed to stormwater ~798 active NEX’s Individual Permit Issued by the FDEP District Offices ~20 individual stormwater permits statewide How do you apply for coverage under the MSGP? Develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Complete and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) NOIs can be submitted electronically or by mail at: Current application fee is $500 MSGP Permit Coverage April April May May June June Permit coverage is effective two days following the submittal of a complete application and fee. The MSGP permit is effective for five years. What is a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)? Identifies controls to reduce stormwater pollution Includes a maintenance and inspection schedule Monitoring and reporting requirements A SWPPP is a road map that helps you comply with your permit. MSGP BMP’s What BMP’s are Currently Employed at the facility Are the BMP’s Maintained consistently with the SWPPP? Do BMP’s appear to be sufficient to protect surface waters? MSGP SWPPP Checklist MSGP Site review Annual Comprehensive Evaluation MSGP Common Issues No SWPPP No Quarterly Visual Inspections No Analytical Monitoring Done No Annual Comprehensive Evaluation MSGP Monitoring Types Determined by MSGP Sector Three types of monitoring Visual Analytical Compliance Visual Monitoring Quarterly visual xamination of tormwater discharges Color Odor Solids / Foam Sheen o analytical tests equired Analytical Monitoring Required in the 2nd & 4th ear of permit coverage or certain industrial ectors ab results help gauge he effectiveness of the WPPP Results are compared to cutoff” or “benchmark alues” Compliance Monitoring MSGP Sector SIC Code Activity A 2411 Wet deck storage C 287X Ag chemicals –P Fertilizer D 2951 Asphalt/roofing emulsions E 327X Concrete Products All Sectors (Primarily O) Varies Coal Pile Runoff Compliance monitoring is required for certain types of stormwater discharges. The discharges are subject to numeric stormwater effluent limitations. Wet Deck Storage Wet Deck Storage CONDITIONAL EXCLUSION FOR “NO EXPOSURE” No Exposure (NEX) o Exposure ertification For xclusion From PDES Stormwater ermitting RULE 62‐ 20.910(17), F.A.C.) Industrial “No Exposure” Exclusion “No exposure” means that all materials and activities are protected by shelter that prevents exposure to precipitation. Application includes 11 yes/no questions to determine if no exposure exists Application fee is currently $200 Coverage is effective for five years Benefits of NEX Permit No visual quarterly monitoring is required No annual comprehensive evaluation is required No SWPPP is required. ote: Compliance inspections are still done by the epartment. CGP BMP’s What BMP’s are currently employed at the construction site Are the BMP’s maintained consistently with the SWPPP? Do BMP’s appear to be sufficient to protect surface waters? CGP SWPPP Common Issues Locations of surface waters, wetlands, MS4 Latitude and longitude of each discharge point Soil data Waste disposal Fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides Toxic substances Non-stormwater discharges Contractor subcontractor certification Responsible Authority Certification CGP Commom Construction Site Issues Silt fence maintenance Stormwater infrastructure not completed first Improper inspections (do the entire site) Improper site assessment (wetland flow) No staged construction (leave vegetation) No Responsible Authority Certification signature Weak BMP’s (stronger aggressive measures) Failure to do BMP maintenance (fix problems) No additional BMP devices onsite for emergency Additional BMP Devices Onsite Real World Scenarios NPDES Stormwater Contacts PDES Stormwater Notices Center HotlineRequest permits, forms & files- call toll free (866) 336-6312 d Smith-Program Administrator-(850) 245-8568 Borja Crane Amores-Env. Manager-(850) 245-7520 Kevin Hargett-NPDES Stormwater Compliance oordinator NWD-(850) 595-0687
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