CROSSFIT FAYETTE Building a Community of Healthy People! ! ! February 2014 The Spirit of Competition ! ! Lots of talk is buzzing around the box about competing in CrossFit Events, and I have been pushing lots of you to get in some of the local competitions. “Why,” you ask? Well, it’s because I believe in you, and it’s time you started to believe in yourself. The CrossFit Games Open starts February 27th and 14.1 will be the first WOD. Registering for the Open will let you know where you are in your fitness level compared to over 150,000 people. The cost is $20, and you can register at The way I see it, you are GOING to do the WODs anyway, so you might as well find out where you rank in the world…most of you will be very surprised to see how well you do. Competition brings out your very best, and your very best is what we as coaches are looking for. Everyday you draw a breath you are competing at something, your fight up the cooperate ladder, your battle for your kids well-being, fighting to cover and protect your wife/husband and family, the battle against the enemy who tries to take something from you every day, so don’t tell me you don’t compete or you don’t want it…cause you do. You just need a little push - and your coaches are here to do just that. We try to make you better at life, help you push through the “suck,” encourage you to take on a challenging WOD when it comes up on the board, help you to stay in the fight and overcome any obstacle that CFF or life will throw at you. on a field or in a box somewhere, they will be motivated to do better and try harder, guaranteed. Isn’t it time we see some change in our society? Be that guy/gal that encourages those around them to BE better, work harder, eat and live healthy and be PRODUCTIVE. Don’t settle for, or fall into mediocrity. You are in the top 1% of people in the world who choose their workouts to be very hard and very challenging. You are above average people who strive to be BETTER than their neighbor, BETTER than normal and the old life style simply will not suffice. Tell your classmates like it is, if you’re gonna beat me, you’re going to have to suffer! ! Coach B ! There are lots of events coming and I will be encouraging all of you to get in the game! By competing in any event you can inspire a friend or relative to make that desperately need a “life change.” If they see you going out on a limb or getting out of your comfort zone and throwing down Congrats to Phil Metzger who passed his Level 1 Trainer Certification! Jason William has been at CrossFit Fayette since mid-August and has been throwing down ever since. Jason is on his way to becoming, if he’s not already, the strongest dude in the box, with a deadlift over 500#, squats over 400# and Bench press over 300#. And if you’ve ever had to run against him, he’s no slouch in that area either. He never complains about a WOD and is always willing to help out his fellow athlete. If you get a chance, watch the video of him finishing up GI Jane on Facebook. It was very cool to watch Jason in an all out brawl and see him persevere and finish it up. Nice work sir! You deserve to be February’s Fire Breather of the month. Register now for the 2014 Crossfit Open $20 per competitor ! Good Luck to our athletes competing in Garage Games One February 14-16! Come show your support for our box! Devetress Freeman has quickly accelerated to the top of the class with her work capacity and technique. She is a very hard worker and is a pleasure to coach because she obtains an “over achiever” attitude and is always attentive to instructions. Dee, as we call her, has lost over 160 pounds…say what?...yes 160 pounds. By choosing to follow a healthy life style, dedication to proper nutrition and a relentless workout schedule Dee has completely changed her appearance and life, very proud of you Dee. Keep it up Fire Breather!
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