SDI implementation and monitoring in the Netherlands GIDEON 1.0 & 2.0 – Key geo-information for the Netherlands The governmental side of the story - With special focus on: Organizational aspects / governance - Usability / best practices 24 January 2014 – WUR Theo Overduin - Geonovum General overview of this presentation 1) Personal introduction 2) SDI-assessment (a small exercise) 3) SDI-stakeholdermap 4) History of SDI-policy in the Netherlands 5) GIDEON-policy, 1st version, 2008-2011 6) Monitoring GIDEON 7) New developments 8) GIDEON 2.0, 2014-2020 9) Usability of the Dutch SDI 10) Free advice to the Dutch Minister for SDI Theo Overduin (in a nutshell) UTRECHT SDI-assessment (a small exercise) SDI-aspects: 1) DATA 2) STANDARDIZATION 3) TECHNOLOGY 4) POLICY – STRATEGY 5) ORGANIZATION – COOPERATION 6) PEOPLE - KNOWLEDGE Please give your own score on each SDI-aspect on a scale between 0 and 100 for the actual situation in the Netherlands (January 2014) SDI-stakeholdermap DECISION MAKERS EUROGI SUPPLIERS KNAW Unie van Waterschappen JRC GSDI OCW Defensie IenM/V&W VNG BZK/Forum Standaardisatie GIN Veiligheidsberaad St. Arbeidsmarkt & GEO BZK/ E-overheid USERS NVBR/NIFV BZK/Veiligheid BZK/LOGIUS IPO Kadaste r IenM/Ruimte Defensie/ Hydr. Dienst Universiteiten BZK/Wonen EL&I/Beleid Planbureau Leefomgeving IenM/Milieu IenM/GEO Financiën/RVR OCW/CBS Stedenbwk. bureaus Kadaster IenM/Milieu Provincies Provincies Waterschappen IenM/Ruimte Gemeenten LSV-GBKN DATALAND TNO GeoBusiness Nederland BZK/ICTU IenM/Prorail IenM/NS EEA GDI-DE AGIV ISO KING IenM/RWS Waterschapshuis Defensie/DVD CEN Gemeenten IHW EL&I/DLG OGC Provincies SIKB OCW/RCE Waterschappen EL&I/DR OCW/ AgentschapNL IenM/KNMI Gemeenten NIROV OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE EL&I/SBB EL&I/GAN SDI-scheme (1) DEMAND USABILITY SUPPLY INFRASTRUCTURE SDI-scheme (2): the golden triangle PUBLIC SECTOR PRIVATE SECTOR RESEARCH SCIENCE History of SDI-policy in the Netherlands Gideon 2.0 GeoSamen SDI-maturity Gideon Beleidskader GEO-informatie (VROM) Structuurschets Vastgoed Informatie (RAVI) Time 1994 2000 2008 2011 2014 2020 GIDEON Introduction (1) – Objectives 1) Public and businesses are able to retrieve and use all relevant geo-information 2) Businesses are able to add economic value to government-provided geo-information 3) The government will use information for each location in its work processes and services 4) Continuing development and innovation of the key facility GIDEON Introduction (2) – Stakeholders Ministry of Infrastructure & the Environment - Former ministry of VROM - Managing the implementation of GIDEON GI council - Coordinates all involved parties Geonovum - Reports progress Strategy owners - Coordinating implementation - Supplying monitor information GIDEON Implementation strategies 1) Integration of geo into e-services 2) Statutory key geo-registers 3) INSPIRE implementation 4) Supply optimization 5) Chain cooperation (public use) GOVERNANCE 6) Conditions for economic value creation 7) Knowledge, innovation and education GIDEON Monitoring and reporting (1) Ministry of Infrastructure & the Environment mandates Geonovum to monitor the implementation of GIDEON. Method of reporting: Summary report (2009 & 2010 & 2011) Complete report (2008, 2009 & 2010) GIDEON Monitoring and reporting (2) Methodology Identifying stakeholders Finetuning GIDEON – at milestones level Acquire information by: Policy documents Questionnaires Interviews Process information and adjusting milestones and roadmap Writing and publishing the report Reporting to the GI-council - Parliament GIDEON Monitoring and reporting (3) – Roadmap 1-1-09 1-4-09 1-7-09 1-10-09 1-1-10 3.5 1-11-2008 Vrije beschikbaarheid geo-informatie 1-4-10 Vrije beschikbaarheid GI binnen overheid 1.1 Afspraken: · Taakverdeling · Planning Afspraken gebruik GI binnnen edienstverlening 1-7-10 1-1-11 1-4-11 1-7-11 1-10-11 1.2 2.11 6.4d 1.4 Geo in de e-dienstverlening 1.5 1.5a GEOZET fase 1: Definitie en marktverkenning 1.5b 1.7 Alle plateaus harmonisatie STUF / NEN 3610 uitgevoerd BZK – VROM Intentieverklaring 1.6 1.9 Samenwerkingproject en geo- e-overheid uitgevoerd 2010 Samenwerkingproject geo / e-overheid uitgevoerd 2009 Afstemming GIDEON / NUP GEOZET 1-4-12 1-7-2012 4.8 Afstemming GideonNUP 1-1-12 Geharmoniseerde gebruiksvoorwaarden voor overheden Afspraken: · Provincies · Gemeenten · Waterschappen 1.3 1-10-10 1.6a Ingebed in strategie 4. Aanbodsoptimalisatie. PDOK 1-1-09 1-11-2008 1-4-09 1-7-09 1-10-09 1-1-10 1-4-10 1-7-10 1-10-10 1-1-11 1-4-11 1-7-11 1-10-11 1-1-12 1-4-12 1-7-2012 GIDEON Monitoring and reporting (4) – Roadmap 1-1-09 1-4-09 1-7-09 1-10-09 1-1-10 1-4-10 1-7-10 1-10-10 1-1-11 1-4-11 1-7-11 1-10-11 1-1-12 1-4-12 1-11-2008 1-7-2012 Afstemming GIDEON /NUP Strategie 1: Inbedding geo in de edienstverlening Vrije beschikbaarheid GI binnen overheid Afspraken: · Provincies · Gemeenten · Waterschappen Afspraken: · Taakverdeling · Planning 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.6 Geharmoniseerde gebruiksvoorwaarden voor overheden 1.1 Samenwerkingprojectgeo / eoverheid 2009 Samenwerkingprojecten geo- e-overheid uitgevoerd 2010 1.2 1.5a 1.5b Besluitvorming Financiering BGT Strategie 2: 2.1 Wettelijke geobasisregistraties 2.6 Besluitvorming Financiering BRT Verplicht gebruik BRT-BRK Besluit BGT 2.7 Convenant tekenen BRT en BRK 2.2 Alle plateaus harmonisatie STUF / NEN 3610 uitgevoerd BZK – VROM Ondertekening Intentieverklaring intentieverklaring (publicatie juni 2010) en vaststelling beleidsvisie BGT (oktober 2009) Vrije beschik-baarheid BRT 2.7a 2.7e 2.7b Wet BRO naar TK (verwachting eind 2011) 2.9 2.3 2.2a 2.5 2.8 Brief over beschikba arheid Besluit BRO Wet BGT naar de Tweede Kamer (verwachting: 01-012012) 2.7c 2.5a 2.4 2.5b Voor € 150,beschikbaar Gebruikersplicht kleinschalige bestanden BRT Samenhangend stelsel en vrije beschikbaarheid 2.10 2.11 Inwerkingtreding Wet BRO (verwachting: 0101-2013) Download services initieel ontsloten (annex I&II) 3.1 View services initieel ontsloten (annex I&II) 3.5a Metadata van elk Annex 1 thema in NGR INSPIRE Wetgeving 3.5 3.4 IR data specificaties Annex 1 Inwerkingtreding BGT (verwachting 01-01-2013) Verplicht gebruik van de BAG Alle gemeenten aangesloten op de BAG Implementing Rules Services Beschikbaar Strategie 3: INSPIRE implementatie 1.9 1.7 1.6a GEOZET fase 1: Definitie en marktverkenning Geo in de e-dienstverlening 3.5b 4.9a 3.6 View services volledig ontsloten (annex I&II) 3.3 Metadata Annex I & II in NGR - rijk en koepelorganisaties - provincies - waterschappen 3.2a Koppeling Nationaal INSPIRE-portaal aan EU-portaal 3.8 3.2b 3.7 3.5c Data geharmoniseerd Annex I NGR operationeel 4.8 Strategie 4: Aanbodsoptimalisatie Go/nogo PDOK NGR 1e versie 4.7 Start Plateau 1 PDOK 1e fase GI-motor 4.2 4.8 1.1 4.1 4.1a 4.9a 4.11 Jaarplan 2009 Pro-Gideon uitgevoerd 4.13 a 4.13 4.2a 4.3 Ontwerp en bouw PDOK beheerorganisatie opstarten Beheer organis atie initiëren 4.2b Jaarplan 2010 ProGideon uitgevoerd 4.9aI, II, III Ontsluiting data via PDOK 4.4 4.12 4.10 Afstemming VNG-VROM over verantwoordelijkheden m.b.t. aanbodoptimalisatie bij gemeenten PDOK uitbreiden afnemers 4.10 a Informatiehuis Water 4.14 INSPIRE Annex 1 & 2 4.5 4.10a I, II, III NUP gemeenten klaar 4.10 b Jaarplan 2011 ProGideon uitgevoerd 4.2c 4.6 Beheerorganisatie Operationeel PDOK dienstencentrum Optimalisatie Provincies Waterschappen gemeenten 1-1-09 1-11-2008 1-4-09 1-7-09 1-10-09 1-1-10 1-4-10 1-7-10 1-10-10 1-1-11 1-4-11 1-7-11 1-10-11 1-1-12 1-4-12 1-7-2012 Results (1) – Objectives + + + + Public and businesses are able to retrieve and use all relevant geo-information Businesses able to add economic value to government-provided geo-information The government will use information for each location in its work processes and services Continuing development and innovation of the key facility. GIDEON Monitoring GIDEON-implementation strategy Score (1 – 10) 1 Embedding geo in e-government 6,4 2 Statutory key geo-registers 7,4 3 INSPIRE-implementatiON 7,5 4 Supply optimalization 6,4 5 Use of geo in public sector (chain cooperation) 4,7 6 Value adding by private companies 5,4 7 Knowledge, innovation & education 5,7 8 Governance & coordination 7,1 OVERALL GIDEON 6,3 Some best practices – examples (1): Some best practices – examples (2): Some best practices – examples (3): Some best practices – examples (4): Some best practices – examples (5): Heading forward to GIDEON 2.0 (2012 - …..) New timeframe economic crisis less budget less goverment New technologies cloudcomputing crowdsourcing social media sensors – mobile platforms Open government – Open data integration geo in e-government more coöperation - networking – shared service cooperation Some characteristics of the new SDI-policy document Gideon2.0 (1): Long term policy – aiming for the year 2020 Trendwatching: International trends National trends Technological trends Social trends Consequences for the SDI-policy Focus on 5 application themes Focus on 9 top priorities Better and more effective governance Some characteristics of the new SDI-policy document Gideon2.0 (2): Focus on 5 application fields: 1) Spatial planning & Mobility 2) Building sector – asset management (life cycle support of physical objects) 3) Water (management, safety, .....) 4) Health Care (major decentralisation) 5) Energy (transation sustainability) Some characteristics of the new SDI-policy document Gideon2.0 (3): 9 Top priorities: 1) Basis in order (key registers – INSPIRE – PDOK - ................) 2) Creating and sharing knowledge 3) Open data 4) Innovation 5) Beter use of SDI 6) Marketing and communicatieon 7) International context 8) Cooperation within the golden triangle 9) Cooperation within the public sector Some characteristics of the new SDI-policy document Gideon2.0 (4): Better and more effective governance Strategic coordination within the golden traingle (public – private – science) GI-council coordination platform fot the public sector Geobusiness NL representing the private sector NCG representing the world of science, research, education Top sector governance approach: Topteam will start this year Clear role distribution SDI National Topteam Hans Tijl (public sector) Ed Nijpels (private sector) Arnold Bregt (science, research) 1) INFRASTRUCTURE 2) USE 3) INNOVATION PUBLIC SECTOR 1) USE 1) INNOVATION 2) INNOVATION 2) INFRASTRUCTURE 3) 3) INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE SECTOR USE SCIENCE, RESEARCH & EDUCATION 1) INFRASTRUCTURE 2) USE 3) INNOVATION PUBLIC SECTOR 1) USE 1) INNOVATION 2) INNOVATION 2) INFRASTRUCTURE 3) 3) INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE SECTOR USE SCIENCE, RESEARCH & EDUCATION Your own (free) advice to the Dutch Minister of SDI: Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 1: spatial planning & mobility Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 1: spatial planning & mobility Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 1: spatial planning & mobility Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 1: spatial planning & mobility Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 1: spatial planning & mobility Bring me to the nearest free parking place at my estimated time of arrival Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 1: spatial planning & mobility Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 2: building sector – asset management Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 2: building sector – asset management Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 2: building sector – asset management Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 3: water (management – safety) Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 4: health care Application themes – usability – best practices, etc. Theme 5: energy (transition sustainability) The best is yet to come! The best is yet to come! Barchman Wuytierslaan 10, 3818 LH Amersfoort Postbus 508, 3800 AM Amersfoort + 31 (0) 334 604 100 06 - 10176345 [email protected] [email protected]
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