INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IEC TC57 CIM WG14 Model Manager Report CIM Users Group, Orange County November 13, 2014 [email protected] WG14 WG14 context What’s new in DCIM12 / Ed.3 of IEC 61968-11 WG14 modelling team work WG14 references for the CIMug members 2 The role of the modelling efforts within WG14 CONTEXT 3 Context: WG14 focus and modelling requirements* Mission of WG14 System Interfaces for Distribution Systems The IEC 61968 series of standards Intended to facilitate inter-application integration of the various distributed software application systems supporting the management of utility electrical distribution networks within a utility’s enterprise systems environment. Supports this integration by developing information exchange standards using the Common Information Model (CIM), normative message structures, additional normative parameters, and informative recommendations and examples. WG14 needs to address the needs of all distribution utilities: Including the 10,000 smaller DSOs needing only one or a few of the most common interfaces As well as medium and larger utilities with Enterprise Application Infrastructure projects that can make more extensive use of the standards. * from the WG14 roadmap 4 Context: WG14 IRM – Interface Reference Model Defined in IEC 61968-1 Parts 3 through 9 (shown): identify requirements for data exchanges develop profiles derived from DCIM (for message payloads) to be exchanged among two or more business functions (realized by products) Part 11: extends base CIM to support the above (and often other WG’s) requirements Part 100: defines implementation profiles (JMS, Web Service), to transport payloads within the 61968 Message envelope 5 Context: Integration and Interoperability testing* Custom Interface and Adapter Informative Custom Interface and Adapter Custom Point-to-Point required data elements are Integration Layer explicitly specified in the standard and interoperability tests are performed based on those specifications. Informative Custom Interface and Adapter Mapping through Integration Layer Custom Interface and Adapter System A System B Standard Productized Interface Standard Productized Interface Normative Mapping through Integration Layer Normative True Plug and Play Standard Interface Standard Interface With Custom Adapter With Custom Adapter Normative Message types Informative Message types data elements are illustrated and example ones are provided, but requirements for interoperability testing are not specified provided as an aide in reducing the distance to integrate * from the WG14 roadmap 6 Context: From requirements to implementation artefacts – in 4 or 5 steps (optional) Use case as text & table Find business objects in canonical CIM or extend CIM 2 1 Use case as UML sequence 3 Use case repository Define profiles (message payloads) from CIM 4 Canonical CIM 5 Generate XSD, WSDL, … General-purpose XML tool CIM-specific profiling tool 7 Context: WG14 roadmap priorities by NC* RS NC Average CAN CH DE FR UK US ZA AU (Serbia) Positions Priority Resource Status CH, US, FR, ZA, UK, DE, SW, AU, UK, CA US, FR, ZA, CH, CA Comment DCIM 61968-11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3.0 61968-9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3.0 61968-3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 2.9 US, FR, DE, CH, UK Operations 61968-4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 2.9 Assets 61968-13 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 7 2.9 61968-1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 9 2.8 61968-6 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 8 2.4 US, FR, DE, CH, CA, UK FR, US, CH, UK, DE, AT CH, US, FR, ZA, UK, DE, SW, AU, UK, CA AU, US, FR, ZA, UK (?), 61968-100 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 9 2.2 61968-2 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 9 1.9 Glossary 61968-5 2 2 2 2 1 2 6 1.8 Operations planning 61968-7 2 2 2 2 1 2 6 1.8 Extension planning 61968-8 2 1 1 1 1 2 8 1.6 2 3 3 61968-14 NC: National Committee US, CA, CH, FR, ZA US, CA, ZA, JP, DE, UK Metering Distribution network model exchange** IRM (Interface Reference Model) Work Implementation profiles (JMS, WS) Customers Mapping to MultiSpeak * as of May 2012 3=High 2=Medium 1=Low ** pending move to WG13 8 Context: DCIM in the standard TC57 CIM model IEC61970 IEC61968 + IEC61970CIMVersion + IEC61968CIMVersion + Base + Common + Dynamics + InfIEC61970 Base IEC61968CIMVersion + + + Operations + Faults + Assets + DocIEC61970 + AssetInfo + Domain + Work + Core + Customers + DiagramLayout + Metering + OperationalLimits + LoadControl + Topology + PaymentMetering + Wires - DocIEC61968 + Generation - InfIEC61968 date: Date [0..1] = 2014-08-28 version: String [0..1] = IEC61968CIM12v09 IEC62325 + IEC62325CIMVersion + DC + DocIEC62325 + LoadModel + MarketCommon + AuxiliaryEquipment + MarketManagement + Protection + MarketOperations + Equivalents + InfIEC62325 + Meas + SCADA + ControlArea + Contingency + StateVariables (from IEC61970) WG14: IEC 61968 series Distribution CIM: IEC 61968-11 A B A depends on B distribution extensions IT integration Now working on DCIM12 for Ed.3 9 Context: WG14 modelling team responsibilities Since July 2008 All CMMs and WG14 profile team leads are members as well Members from other WGs active as well Requirements for modelling Weekly modelling calls Coming from profiling teams (in WG14 and WG16 – at present) Model consolidation and bug fixing All tracked through WG14 (and sometimes) combined issues list We develop canonical DCIM (in UML) Paper publication is IEC 61968-11 Part 11 edition cycle / DCIM UML major release cycle: ~2.5 years CMM: CIM Model Manager WG: Working Group 10 The new and cool model parts in DCIM12, for Ed.3 of IEC 61968-11 WHAT’S NEW 11 What’s new: Commons, operations, network model Common Merged PostalAddress into StreetAddress Enhanced TelephoneNumber and StreetDetail (important for WG16) Support for Incident-s, Fault-s and Outage-s Support for outage management, planning, scheduling, switching actions in cases of pure equipment outage, pure customer outage or both WiresExt Ownership, Crew, Hazard, some more OrganisationRole-s Operations Person and people’s roles with respect to documents, assets, organisations Pending: Potentially, from requirements for DER modelling Through Base CIM, relevant for distribution Grounding model (Petersen coil) Fault model (model of WG14 handed over to WG13) Pending: 12 Phase model for EnergySource What’s new: Assets and work Assets Pending: Input from Asset Health TF (better asset lifecycle events modelling) AssetInfo Procedure-s and ProcedureDataset-s (general) ShuntCompensatorInfo and SwitchInfo enhancements Pending: Issue resolution on WireInfo Other physical and datasheet modelling for network applications, including DER Work Support for maintenance, service, inspection and trouble work Pending: 13 Input from Asset Health TF and Part 6 team on procedures and data sets What’s new: Customers and metering Customers Notifications, Hazards, Service kinds, TroubleTicket-s and reporting Pending: 14 Modelling to support use cases for public outage reporting Metering Enumerations for units of measure, multipliers, phase codes and currencies harmonized with base CIM and with 61850 Pending: Better abstracted UsagePoint model Input from Part 9 team, for their Ed.3 Application of typed enumerations for ReadingType, EndDeviceEvent, EndDeviceControl and ReadingQuality in canonical model Potential model consolidation of similar semantic concepts from WG16 and WG21 How we move the standard development forward MODELLING TEAM WORK 15 Modelling work: Modelling issues meetings Regular weekly web conferences Resolving combined and WG14 non-closed issues Tanja attends most WG13 calls, but rarely WG16 Recent discussions on: WG14 modelling call is Tuesday 5pm CET (Zurich/Paris), 10am US Central DER modelling measurement / meter reading modelling If you want to join the calls: (become a member of any CIM-developing WG) send Tanja a mail to be added to the WG14 modelling team list 16 Modelling work: Issues summary counts* WG14 Total 741 Closed Non-closed Open Engaged Review ReadyToClose 716 25 17 6 2 0 Combined Closed Open Review ReadyToClose 198 11 9 1 Total 219 *as of 2014-08-28 21 17 Modelling work: Changes tracking and process Every WG14 CIM update release includes the following WG14-specific files WG14 issues spreadsheet which reflects: the content of the latest model update discussion in modelling calls resolution of issues, and all model changes within the package IEC61968 WG14 change log text file contains summary of closed, new, commented issues, both combined and WG14 tracks non-issue-related changes (e.g., diagrams) overall model validation log and problems list freshly generated IEC 61968-11 draft, from an updated template (= continuous integration) 18 Modelling work: Modelling priorities and timing Priorities: Driven by: Needs for interoperability (IOP) tests, when planned Those common classes that support the above (continuous: clean-up for consistency/correctness, simplification, diagrams, documentation) At present, no IOP tests for WG14 planned (last were in 2011) IEC 61968-11 Ed.3 will be based on Base CIM17 (skipped Base CIM16); planned for 2015 or early 2016 Coordination with WG13 on final model releases is challenging – communities have different schedules – but we all try our best to stay in sync 19 Needs of profile documents (Parts 3 through 9, Part 13) In WG14, we never maintain parallel models The pointers to resources on the CIMug site relevant for WG14 work – accessible to CIMug members WG14 REFERENCES 20 WG14 references: Current CIM Model Drafts WG14 releases you have to be a registered CIMug member to see this area at all combined model with IEC61968 package update a stable release gets posted to the Current CIM Model Drafts @ CIMug 21 WG14 references: Draft IECTC 57 Documents WG14 draft documents when we don’t forget, we post draft documents to the Draft IECTC 57 Documents @ CIMug for DCIM model and document, it’s Part 11, with all milestone files but latest drafts are to be found as in previous slide (Current CIM Model Drafts); release includes also Part 11 22 WG14 references: Ask for Help To find your way around I recommend the Ask for Help Also to file a modelling or profiling issue for modelling, we still use spreadsheets as they let us work independently from the network and with full set of features that web app does not have – but this may change in the future… 23 WG14 references: User feedback matters In WG14 (like in other IEC WGs), most of experts are volunteering It may take us time to come back to users’ requests, but we don’t forget them! By doing early reviews of our models, profiles and documents, we have many more pairs of eyes that can help identify problems early, so please do provide your feedback by any means! 24 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION Q&A 25
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