River Biz May 2014 Monthly publicaon of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce Community of Opportunity Happy New Year! Chamber Luncheon—May 22 Rocky River Chamber of Commerce Welcomes Mar#n Savidge of CNN Join us for networking and lunch at Westwood Country Club on Thursday, May 22 as the Chamber welcomes Marn Savidge, an anchor and correspondent for CNN in Atlanta. Savidge is a graduate of Rocky River High School and Ohio University. His aspiraons for a career in broadcasng began here in high school and since then he has covered breaking news around the globe. He has worked at WJW-TV, as well as the Associated Press, NBC, MSNBC and television staons in Illinois. **Please note that if Marn Savidge cancels his presentaon due to breaking news on CNN, there will be an alternate speaker and refunds will not be given. When: Thursday, May 8, 7:30—9:30 a.m. Where: Don Umerley Civic Center Cost: $15 for members, $20 for non-members Keynote speaker Debby Peters Of Connext Naon Presents “Up to Speed Networking” Followed by a SPEED NETWORKING session Sponsored by: Breakfast provided by: Sponsored by: Panera Bread Chamber Luncheon Thursday, May 22 Networking—11:30 a.m. Lunch—Noon Coffee provided by: Cravings Café Westwood Country Club 22625 Detroit Rd., Rocky River Cost By 5/19 On 5/20-21 On 5/22 Pre-registraon required by May 2! Register online and pay with PayPal at www.RockyRiverChamber.com Members $20 $25 $35 Making Summer Plans! Non-members $25 $30 $35 Please mark your calendar for these great summer events: Indicate your menu selecon when making reservaons: #1 Roasted pork loin #2 Turkey garden salad #3 Eggplant parmesan RSVP by Monday, May 19 , 5:00 p.m. to the Chamber office 440-331-1140 or [email protected] Advanced reserva#ons are required! We cannot expect the chef to have a meal ready for you if we’re not expecng you. PLEASE NOTE: If you fail to cancel your reservaon before Monday at 5:00 p.m., you will receive a bill for the cost of your reserved meal. When you arrive at Westwood Country Club for the Chamber luncheon, please drive to the right/west side of the building and use valet parking. Please do not enter through the front of the building. 24th Annual Golf Ou#ng Monday, June 16 Taste of River/Buy River Saturday, July 12, 12:00—3:00 p.m. NOACC Ou#ng at Cleveland Indians vs. NY Yankees Wednesday, July 9, 6:00 p.m. Ou#ng at Lake Erie Crushers game Thursday, July 31, 6:00 p.m. Liba#ons Tour Thursday, August 28, 5:00 p.m. Visit www.RockyRiverChamber.com and click on Event Calendar for registraon forms. www.RockyRiverChamber.com Le8er from the Vice Chair As Vice Chair of Membership, I would like to see our members increase their connecon opportunies every day. I have yet to find an event or commiEee that is not welcoming to all personality types. The ease and comfort of our Chamber makes it simple to get involved in an unfamiliar area of liEle or no experience. On the personal side, one of the best connecons I have made was about three and half years ago. I met Anne Demanelis from Valley Riding. My daughter has always been a huge lover of animals and mostly horses. I can’t explain the look on her face when I first talked to her about horse riding lessons. I will never forget that moment! Since then, she has been taking riding lessons for three and half years now and has no intenon of stopping. On the business side, I can tell you the connecons I have made are incredible. Even with switching careers, I have had many Chamber members do business with me in different lines of business. This is due to the trust and bond that we have with each other by building our relaonships at every event we aEend. The Rocky River Chamber is excing! Do you agree? If not, what are you missing? With so many facets at your disposal to grow your business, it’s excing to think what could happen. One thing I have learned in my short four years with the Chamber, is parcipaon is key. From event parcipaon to commiEee parcipaon to Board parcipaon; all of these have greatly helped my career. I have heard from so many other Chamber members what an impact it has had on not only their business, but their personal lifestyle as well. I’ve seen business connecons made, friendships formed and even a relaonship that started at Expo led to marriage! With about 415 members, I’m sure there is someone in the Chamber who you have not met. Please take two minutes this coming week, look through the directory, and call someone to make a new connecon. That’s as simple as it gets to ulizing one of the many strengths of our chamber. Above all else, our Chamber is extremely efficient. With the leadership of our Board and our Execuve Director, Liz Manning, the growth and strength of our Chamber has never been beEer. OKen I proudly and publicly announce that I am a member of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce and you should feel the same! As I have learned from my own experiences stated above, the more we parcipate with each other, the more this Chamber will foster new relaonships and new business opportunies. It’s easy to get involved! I drank the Kool-Aid. I hope you will too! Thank you everyone for your commitment! Sincerely, Kevin New Vice Chair Membership Page 2 Join us! Business A9er Hours Date: Thursday, June 5 Time: 5:30—7:00 p.m. Place: Ferris Steak House 2589 Wooster Rd. You and your guests are invited to network with other Chamber members on Thursday, June 5, 5:30—7:00 p.m. at Ferris Steak House. Appezers will be provided and a cash bar will be available. There is no cost to aEend. You are welcome to invite a friend or colleague who could benefit from meeng other area business people. Hopefully the weather will be warm enough to enjoy the pao! Members are welcome to join The Breakfast Club DATE: Tuesday, May 6 TIME: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. PLACE: Panera Bread VIP room 19705 Center Ridge Rd. One of the primary goals of the Rocky River Chamber is to provide members with opportunies to get together, network and make valuable connecons. THE BREAKFAST CLUB is one such opportunity to do so. It's very simple, just show up and start your day by geOng to know your fellow Chamber members in an informal seOng. NO RSVP needed, NO cost, NO program. Food and beverage are available for you to purchase at Panera. The BREAKFAST CLUB will gather on the first Tuesday of each month at the Rocky River Panera, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Members only! Tips on Tech Great Lakes Computer's monthly technology p Here are two ps to make your printer ink last longer, and ulmately save you money in the long run: 1. Set the print quality down to “low” or “draK” on your print seOngs when high quality is not of high importance 2. Use smaller, thinner fonts: It takes less ink to print a smaller font such as the Ecofont typeface, which is free to download on the web. This tech p has been brought to you by Great Lakes Computer. Subscribe to our blog "Tips on Tech" for the most up-to-date technology news: www.GreatLakesComputer.com/blog. River Biz Ladies Night Out You CARE for everybody else. Now it’s time to care about YOU. Tuesday, May 6, 2014 LaCentre Conference and Banquet Facility 25777 Detroit Road Westlake, 44145 5:30-6:30 p.m. Registration, health screenings and retail boutique 6:30 p.m. Dinner and physician panel discussion Cost is $15 (includes meal). All major credit cards accepted. Reservations required, visit clevelandclinic.org/swhwestlake For more information, please call 440.312.4804 Enjoy a relaxing evening out alone or with your girlfriends. Start your evening with complimentary health screenings and wellness information, enjoy pampering and visit our retail boutique specializing in health and wellness products, jewelry and more. Following a sit-down dinner, enjoy a lively, informal Q & A discussion with a panel of physicians and medical experts from Cleveland Clinic who specialize in areas that are important to a woman’s health. Bring your questions and enjoy good food, great conversation, helpful information, prizes and more! *Adult beverages and retail items available for purchase. Moderator Mita Patel, MD Breast Services Fairview Hospital Jason Knight, MD Obsterics/Gynecology Fairview Hospital Kelly Raj, DO Family Medicine Center for Family Medicine Jean Reinhold, MD Obsterics/Gynecology Avon Pointe Family Health Center Our experts are open to answering your questions about Breast Health, Cardiology, Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Female Cancers and more. Reservations required, visit clevelandclinic.org/swhwestlake For more information, please call 440.312.4804 April New Members Members Special Events Elite Insurance Coverage Doug Halpin 20325 Center Ridge Rd., #100 Rocky River, OH 44116 440-333-8000 www.EliteCoverage.com An independent, mul-line insurance agency providing a wide range of risk management services and customized insurance programs to both corporate and personal clients. ♦ Valley Riding’s 3rd annual Dusty Boots Derby Benefit is Saturday, May 3, 4:30—10:00 p.m. at Rocky River Stables. For more informaon, call 216-267-2525 or email DustyBootsBenefi[email protected]. ♦ Cleveland Clinic is hosng Ladies Night out on Tuesday, May 6 at 5:30 p.m. at LaCentre Conference and Banquet Facility. The event includes dinner, Q&A with a panel of women’s health experts, health screenings, wellness informaon, pampering, retail bouque, prizes and more. The cost is $15. To make a reservaon, visit clevelandclinic.org/swhwestlake. River Dog Café will celebrate its grand opening with a ribbon cuOng ceremony on Wednesday, May 7 at 11:30 a.m. The new café is located at 19900 Detroit Rd. Simply Deneen Photography is hosng Mom and Me portrait sessions on Friday, May 9. To reserve a spot, email [email protected]. The Gathering Place’s annual Race for the Place, an annual celebraon of Naonal Cancer Survivor’s Day, is Sunday, June 1 at Beachwood Place. Join the Chamber’s team by going to ww.RaceForThePlace.org, click on Register and join the team called Best of the West. Erieview Title Agency Emily McManamon 25125 Detroit Rd., Ste. 130 Westlake, OH 44145 440-835-4505 www.ErieviewTitle.com Title and escrow services on both residenal and commercial real estate transacons throughout Ohio. ♦ ♦ ♦ Niccoli Insurance Agency Bob Niccoli 21851 Center Ridge Rd., Ste.100 Rocky River, OH 44116 440-895-0027 Full service insurance agency specializing in home, auto, life and financial. If you have a special one-me event you’d like promoted in Member Special Events, simply send a 2-3 sentence summary of your event to [email protected] by the 15th of the month prior to the event. Events may also be submi?ed for posng on the Chamber’s website. River Dog Café Jennifer Barnes 19900 Detroit Rd. Rocky River, OH 44116 216-767-5559 www.RiverDogCafe.com Locally owned and operated with a menu featuring gourmet hotdogs, sausages, upscale sandwiches, salads and specialty café selecons. Thanks to our April luncheon sponsor— First Federal Lakewood S#no da Napoli Agosno Iacullo 19068-70 Old Detroit Rd. Rocky River, OH 44116 440-331-3944 www.SnoDaNapoli.com Authenc Italian cuisine. Vedda Prin#ng Phil Vedda 12000 Berea Rd. Cleveland, OH 44111 216-671-2222 www.VeddaPrinng.com Full service commercial prinng, fulfillment and mailing services. May 2014 First Federal Lakewood sponsored the April 24 luncheon, at which 125 people were fortunate to hear an economic update from Dr. Ned Hill of Cleveland State University. At the FFL sponsor table (l-r) Jeff Bechtel, Bethany Schulte, Gail Ligge? and Tom Fraser. Photo by Kate McCarthy New Member-to-Member Benefit ♦ Elite Insurance Group – Discounts with Auto-Owners Insurance provided for both commercial and personal lines. Page 3 It’s Time to Golf! A Sixth Grader’s View of Our Businesses The Rocky River Chamber is proud to present its 24th annual Golf Oung on Monday, June 16. You are invited to spend a summer day networking with other Chamber members on the beauful course at Avon Oaks Country Club (a Chamber member!). Wrap up your Father’s Day weekend with a great day of golf. A registraon form is included with this newsleEer, sign up today. Therese Konrad, a sixth grade teacher at Rocky River Middle School, asked her students to write about a place in Rocky River that they love. Some of these essays have been published in River Biz newsleEers. Mrs. Konrad reported that the students were very passionate about the assignment and many even visited their chosen establishment to collect details. Here is an essay about S#no da Napoli by Grant Eversman: Where in Rocky River can you get great Italian food that makes everybody in your family feel like they’re in Italy? A great place to visit in Rocky River is Sno da Napoli. Sno’s is an Italian restaurant that has incredible food! The food, service and atmosphere at Sno’s are amazing. You can maximize the benefit of your parcipaon by becoming an event sponsor. Brand name exposure for sponsors begins as soon as you register and pay! Thanks to our sponsors to date: Masters Sponsor Sno da Napoli has an atmosphere that makes everybody feel like they’ve taken a trip to Italy. The restaurant is always organized as well as super clean. Marble walls and candles fill the restaurant and make it look like an Italian café. Sno’s always has Italian music on along with indirect lighng to take your mind off of your hecc life outside. Sno da Napoli has such an enjoyable atmosphere with candles, marble walls and Italian music that makes everyone feel like they’re having a great me in Italy. Cart Sponsors PGA Sponsors Beverage Sponsor The service at Sno da Napoli is fantasc, where your waiters will treat everybody with respect. Sno da Napoli has waiters who give your family lots of a?enon and try to make everybody’s dining experience as wonderful as possible. Chefs at Sno’s are fabulous at creang a variety of tasty Italian foods. The city of Rocky River is a caring city and the customers siKng at a table next to your family will not be rude or disrespecLul to your family. Sno da Napoli always makes their customers have a posive experience. Hole-in-One Sponsor US Open Sponsors Sno da Napoli has some of the best Italian food in all of Cleveland. The pasta at Sno’s will leave your taste buds begging for more with many different sauces including wine, tomato and cream. Many entrees at Sno’s include a great variety of fresh seafoods. Sno’s has fabulous white Italian bread provided with your meal. If you want great Italian pasta, seafood and bread you can find that at Sno’s. Sno da Napoli has fantasc food, service and atmosphere. Sno’s is a great place to visit in Rocky River if your family wants to have an incredible me! Health Insurance Benefit Driving Range Sponsor: Integrity Window & Door PuOng Contest Sponsor: Minute Men HR Breakfast Sponsor: Chick-fil-A Page 4 Did you know that you can receive a discount on employee health insurance from Anthem through the Chamber? Currently over 20 Chamber member businesses take advantage of this cost savings. To get a quote, contact one of the following members who are Anthem brokers: ♦ Alpha Group: Kevin O’Brien 440-835-8860 ♦ Dawson Companies: Kae Cook 440-333-9000 ♦ Richey-BarreE Insurance: Nancy Kelly 440-835-4800 River Biz Friday, May 9, 2014 Get your tickets today! 2014 Theme: Beyond You Nine world-class speakers will challenge you to focus on the outward rather than the inward. Laura Bush Desmond Tutu Laura Schroff First Lady of the United States Nobel Laureate Best-selling author Former Time executive Malcom Gladwell Randall Wallace Simon Sinek Best-selling author: Blink, The Tipping Point Screenwriter, director, producer Leadership expert Best-selling author Andy Stanley Bill McDermott Dr. Henry Cloud Leadership author and communicator Co-CEO of SAP AG Clinical Psychologist Leadership Consultant Visit LeadercastCleveland.com for ticket prices, speaker bios, video, 2013 Leadercast summary, and to buy tickets. Advance ticket purchase required. Discounted tickets for Rocky River Chamber members $20 off per order, please contact the Chamber office at 440-331-1140 for the promo code Relax, listen, learn and be inspired in the comfortable, brand new, state-of-the-art Jochum Performing Arts Center at Lutheran West (Wi-Fi available) CEUs available Ticket price includes lunch Group ticket prices available “Inspiring, smart, simple, impactful, relevant, sharp, smooth, modern, classy, sophisticated, entertaining, motivating. These are some of the words I used to describe Leadercast” ~ Liz Manning, Rocky River Chamber of Commerce Executive Director “It was as if I was listening to someone who knew my life as a leader inside and out. I walked away with so much information and motivation to share about leading in a complex world and the need to prioritize and demand simplicity in our schedules, relationships and organizations. “ ~ Debra Bernard, Rocky River High School Principal & Rocky River Chamber Chairwoman Hosted by: Rocky River on the WVIZ Auc#on Thursday, October 9, 2014 THANK YOU to our EARLY SPONSORS! Expo sponsors who registered by January 14 are geOng year -round brand name exposure, in addion to the usual benefits of sponsorship. ♦ A big pull-up floor banner has been made with the early sponsors’ logos and it will be taken to EVERY Chamber event in 2014 (that’s about 20 events)! ♦ Logos of early sponsors are on the Expo registraon form that is distributed all year at Chamber events and in newsleEers. It’s not too late to sign up as an Expo sponsor! If you sign up as a sponsor by August 15, you’ll sll get your logo on all future Expo 2014 adversing and markeng materials, including a postcard that will be mailed to 4,000 businesses, and your choice of table placement on the Expo floor. Visit www.RockyRiverChamber.com for a registraon form. Thanks to Expo sponsors to date: PLATINUM SPONSOR Gold Sponsors Thank you to all of the member businesses that donated almost $6,000 worth of items to the Rocky River “desnaon boards” on the WVIZ aucon, which took place the weekend of April 25. Businesses featured on the boards were: Brown Aveda Instute, Burntwood Tavern, Century Cycles, Erie Island Coffee, Girls Got Swing, Gloria Hardington, Lipson O’Shea Legal Group, Lutheran West High School, Mad Tex, Market, Planet Fitness, Pure Enchantment, Tomorrows, Rocky River Public Library. Above leN: Bill Brink (leN, property manager of Beachcliff Market Square) and Liz Manning (RRCC Execuve Director) were the guest auconeers for the Rocky River desnaon boards on the WVIZ aucon. Above right: Mike McIntyre of WCPN , center, introduced Photos by Mayor Pam Bobst Manning and Brink. Thank you to Bill Brink for organizing the dona#ons! Get a New Member & Get Dinner at Burntwood When you recruit a new member to join the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, you will be rewarded with a $20 gi9 card for BURNTWOOD TAVERN! * Just make sure that your name is on the line in the middle of the new member’s applicaon that says “Who encouraged you to join the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce?” Silver Sponsors You will also get recognion at the Chamber luncheon when the new member is introduced! Let your friends, family, clients, neighbors and your business circle know that the Rocky River Chamber provides successful opportunies to network. To find out if a business is already a member, check the website’s Member Directory: www.RockyRiverChamber.com/MemberDirectory.html *One reward per person in 2014. Valid at Rocky River locaon only. Quan##es are limited! Thanks to for participating in this promotion! May 2014 Page 5 Member Spotlight Member Spotlight Charlo8e Sullivan Strategic Partners 959 West Saint Clair Cleveland 44113 216-264-6309 www.StrategicPartnersOhio.com Looking for the answer to why so many small businesses weren't taking advantage of the huge number of government programs available to them and why in so many cases businesses were totally unaware of their existence led me to join the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce. The decision we made in 2012 was one of the best decisions our company has ever made! My name is CharloEe Sullivan and I am the Managing Partner of Strategic Partners LLC. I was born and raised in Lakewood but have always loved what Rocky River had to offer. My partner, Dave Byrnes, is a resident of Rocky River, that’s what prompted us to choose the River Chamber rather than one of the other Chambers. I now live in the Edgewater neighborhood of Cleveland with my two children, ages 14 and 11, and my husband. We spend much of our me enjoying the great shopping, restaurants and parks of Rocky River. Who knows, with any luck maybe one day we too will become residents of the city. Our business, like YOUR business, usually does beEer having minimal contact with state or local government. Like you, at first I found working with government very inmidang. However, that isn't the case today. I have found that I enjoy helping organizaons and businesses gain every advantage they can from the government. Among our consulng services we specialize in assisng small businesses and nonprofit organizaons locate various government funds in which they may eligible for to help promote their business growth. I invite everyone to take advantage of our invitaon for a no-charge inial consultaon to see if we can help. Liz and the Chamber members have been great in welcoming me into their community, always ready to answer quesons and lend a hand when asked. I have gained not only dozens of business contacts by aEending events but an enre circle of friends I know I can count on. I know being connected to the Chamber can help me grow my business and open doors…but I also know it only works if I show up! LIKE the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce page on Facebook! Page 6 Donna D’Amico Bradley Bay Health Center 605 Bradley Rd. Bay Village 44140 440-871-3474 www.bbhc.net As a relavely new member to the Chamber, I am thrilled to be in the Member Spotlight. My name is Donna D’Amico and I am the Markeng Director of Bradley Bay Health Center. Though we are located in Bay Village, our residents primarily come from the Westshore area, with many residents from Rocky River. Bradley Bay is one of 4 communies owned by O’Neill Healthcare. We are currently building our fiKh locaon, which will be in Fariveiw Park – Rocky River’s backyard. Having only been with Bradley Bay for a year, my focus has been on expanding our community relaonships. The Chamber provides the perfect opportunity and vehicle to make that happen. My own background is that of a born and raised west-sider, growing up in Seven Hills, graduated from Nazareth Academy (now Holy Name High School) and then on to Kent State. Happily divorced a few years ago, I am now a resident of Fairview Park and love the area. I have also been blessed with two great and successful kids – a daughter in PiEsburgh and my son in San Francisco. My career has gone from employee benefits, to corporate health care and for the past 13 years, senior living – all focused on sales and markeng. I love the senior living industry, because I really can make a difference in the lives of those I serve. Having worked with some talented and successful mentors over the years, I have learned many things that have made a difference in my professional life. I think one of the most important is that people want to do business with people they like – people they would call their friends - so make a lot of friends! What beEer place to do that but in the Chamber. I look forward to meeng and working with all of you. Mission Statement The Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, an advocate and vital presence in Rocky River, strives to support a network of businesses and civic interests to promote business for its members. River Biz 2014 Event Calendar Date Event Time Place May 8 Coffee Tea & Contacts Sponsored by Geek With A Heart 7:30—9:30 a.m. Don Umerley Civic Center May 9 Leadercast May 22 Chamber Luncheon Sponsored by Seeley Savidge Ebert & Gourash Speaker: Marn Savidge of CNN presents “Reaching for Your Goals” 11:30 a.m. Westwood Country Club June 5 Business AKer Hours 5:30—7:00 p.m. Ferris Steak House June 16 Golf Oung June 26 Chamber Luncheon Sponsored by Normandy Senior Living Speaker: Pat Conway, co-founder of Great Lakes Brewing Company Lutheran West High School Avon Oaks Country Club 11:30 a.m. Cleveland Yachng Club May Commi8ee Mee#ngs Membership Commi8ee Wednesday, May 14, 8:30 a.m. Chick-fil-A at Westgate Contact: Kevin New 216-570-9608 Taste of River Commi8ee Friday, May 2, 8:30 a.m. Cravings Café, 19701 Lake Rd. Contact: Jim Riedl 440-477-9307 Golf Ou#ng Commi8ee Thursday, May 8 and May 22, 5:00 p.m. Burntwood Tavern at Beachcliff Market Square Contact: Marc Hustek 216-374-4882 Liba#ons Tour Commi8ee Tuesday, May 13, 4:00 p.m. Market, 1137 Linda St. Contact: Geof Pelaia 440-681-8111 Expo Commi8ee Tuesday, May 20, 8:15 a.m. Chamber office, 19543 Center Ridge Rd. Contact: Jason Lukz 216-595-0123 x1132 Up & Running Small Business Group A support group for businesses with 1, 2 or 3 people Wednesday, May 21, 8:00 a.m. Panera Bread, 19705 Center Ridge Rd. Contact: Peter Toomey 440-333-6698 Would you like to be a part of a commi?ee? Not only will you be supporng the Chamber, it’s also a great way to get to know other Chamber members. Many business partnerships have formed between commi?ee members! Call the Chamber office to find out which one is a good fit for you. May 2014 Page 7 Invites you to THURSDAY, MAY 8 7:30 – 9:30 A.M. DON UMERLEY CIVIC CENTER 21016 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River Keynote speaker: Debby Peters of Connext Nation Presents of plenty Bring s cards! s busine “Up to Speed Networking” Followed by a SPEED NETWORKING session Breakfast provided by: Coffee provided by: Sponsored by: $15 for Rocky River Chamber members $20 for non-members Pre-registration required REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS MAY 2 REGISTRATION FORM Business Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________City _________________________Zip________ Phone ___________________________________Email ___________________________________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT (CHECK ONE) — DUE WITH REGISTRATION You may register online and pay with PayPal at www.RockyRiverChamber.com PayPal is the preferred method of payment Check #__________ enclosed (payable to Rocky River Chamber of Commerce) MasterCard/VISA Sorry, we do not accept American Express or Discover Name on Card (please print) Credit Card Number (this portion of the application will be cut off & shredded after credit card processing) Exp. date 3 Digit Code Billing ZIP Return to Rocky River Chamber of Commerce: 19543 Center Ridge Rd., Rocky River, OH 44116 Phone 440.331.1140 • Fax 440.331.3485 • [email protected] • www.RockyRiverChamber.com 2014 24TH ANNUAL ROCKY RIVER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GOLF OUTING AVON OAKS COUNTRY CLUB 32300 DETROIT ROAD, AVON SCRAMBLE FORMAT 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM REGISTRATION & BREAKFAST BY FREE GOLF CLINIC PUTTING CONTEST QUALIFICATIONS BEGIN GOLFERS’ INSTRUCTIONS SHOTGUN START RECEPTION MASTERS SPONSOR: GOLF PACKAGE $150 INCLUDES BREAKFAST, BOX LUNCH, PIG ROAST DINNER & BEER/WINE EARLY BIRDY BONUS PACKAGE: $30 ($40 WHEN PURCHASED DAY OF EVENT) INCLUDES MULLIGAN, PUTTING CONTEST, DRIVING RANGE CONTEST & 5 RAFFLE TICKETS BIG RAFFLE AT THE RECEPTION! WIN A $500 GIFT CARD, HDTV AND MANY GREAT PRIZES DONATED BY CHAMBER MEMBERS TICKETS $5 EACH, 5 FOR $20 AVAILABLE IN ADVANCE OPEN TO ALL WINNERS NEED NOT BE PRESENT Beverage Sponsor Cart Sponsors SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS LOGO ON SHOE BAGS LOGO ON ALL PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS LOGOLINK ON CHAMBER’S WEBSITE HOLE SIGN PGA Sponsors M ASTERS $2500 PGA $1000 2 SIGNS 1 SIGN LOGO DECAL ON 1/2 OF COURSE CARTS, PLUS FULL CART WRAP ON YOUR XART US Open Sponsors CART $1000 US OPEN $500 1 SIGN 8 GOLFERS 4 GOLFERS 2 GOLFERS 2 GOLFERS SHOE BAG 8 SHOE BAGS 4 SHOE BAGS 2 SHOE BAGS 2 SHOE BAGS 8 TICKETS 4 TICKETS 2 TICKETS RECOGNITION AT DINNER OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE ITEMS FOR GOLFERS’ GIFT BAGS SPEAKING OPPORTUNITY AT DINNER HOLE $125 1 EXCLUSIVE SIGN 1 SIGN GOLF PACKAGE (INCLUDES: GOLFERS, CART, BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, BEER/WINE) FREE RAFFLE TICKETS PUTTING CONTEST OR HAPPY HOUR $300 24TH ANNUAL ROCKY RIVER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GOLF OUTING—MONDAY, JUNE 16 REGISTRATION FORM Business Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________City _____________________________Zip_________ Phone _____________________________________Email ___________________________________________________________ SPONSORSHIP REGISTRATION MASTERS SPONSOR — $2,500 (UP TO 8 GOLFERS INCLUDED) PGA SPONSOR — $1,000 (UP TO 4 GOLFERS INCLUDED) CART SPONSOR — $1,000 (limit 2) (UP TO 2 GOLFERS INCLUDED) US OPEN SPONSOR — $500 (UP TO 2 GOLFERS INCLUDED) Happy Hour Sponsor — $300 (limit 1) Putting Contest Sponsor — $300 (limit 1) Hole Sponsor — $125 GOLF REGISTRATION SINGLE GOLFER PACKAGE—$150 EACH (PLEASE PRINT NAME BELOW ) QUANTITY ____ FOURSOME—$600 (PLEASE PRINT NAMES BELOW ) EARLY BIRDY BONUS PACKAGE—$30 EACH ($40 VALUE WHEN PURCHASED DAY OF EVENT) (INCLUDES MULLIGAN, PUTTING CONTEST, DRIVING RANGE CONTEST & 5 RAFFLE TICKETS) GOLFER NAME(S) — DUE BY MONDAY, JUNE 9 GOLFER #1 GOLFER #2 COMPANY COMPANY EMAIL EMAIL GOLFER #3 GOLFER #4 COMPANY COMPANY EMAIL EMAIL DINNER-ONLY RESERVATIONS—$25 PER PERSON Name for Dinner Reservation #1 Name for Dinner Reservation #2 RAFFLE DONATION I/we would like to donate the following item(s) for the big Raffle (minimum value of $25): VALUE: $ METHOD OF PAYMENT (CHECK ONE) — DUE WITH REGISTRATION Check #__________ enclosed (payable to Rocky River Chamber of Commerce) Total enclosed or to be charged $_________ MasterCard/VISA Sorry, we do not accept American Express or Discover Name on Card (please print) Credit Card Number (this portion of the application will be cut off & shredded after credit card processing) Exp. date 3 Digit Code Return to: Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, 19543 Center Ridge Rd., Rocky River, OH 44116 Phone 440.331.1140 • Fax 440.331.3485 • [email protected] • www.RockyRiverChamber.com Billing ZIP River Biz Monthly publicaon of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 19543 Center Ridge Rd. Rocky River, OH 44116 www.RockyRiverChamber.com Our website is always current! Rocky River Chamber of Commerce 2014 Officers Chairwoman Vice Chair Economic Development Vice Chair Policy Vice Chair Events Vice Chair Membership & Markeng Treasurer Secretary Past Chairman Execuve Director Debra Bernard, Rocky River School District Rusty Deane, OneLink Technical Services William Ferry, Ferry Legal Marc Hustek, Howard Hanna Real Estate Kevin New, Harding & Jacob Insurance Agency Mike Foss, Foss Business Soluons Nick Cronin, Rocky River Public Library Paul Hvizda, Admiral Products Liz Manning 2014 Board of Directors Ashley Gay Rick Joyce Christopher Klym Anne Kuenzel Gail Ligge8 Jason Lukz Steve Polly Jim Riedl Ellen Todia Panera Bread Hunngton Naonal Bank Rocky River City Council Cleveland Clinic First Federal of Lakewood 212 Capital Group Ba?le & Polly First Federal Lending WineStyles Find great resources in our Member Directory online at www.RockyRiverChamber.com LogoLink Your Business The Chamber’s website received over 11,000 hits in 2013 and an average of over 700 unique visitors each month! For just $250 per year, those visitors can see YOUR logo on the home page and mulple pages of the website! Contact the Chamber office for details. River Biz Credits Wring, Design & Layout: Liz Manning Proofreading: Peter Toomey Photography: Simply Deneen Photography Prinng: Minuteman Press Phone: 440-331-1140 • Fax: 440-331-3485 • Email: [email protected] • Website: www.RockyRiverChamber.com
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