ERCOT Independent Review of the CNP Katy Area Upgrades Project Public ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project Version 1.0 © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. System Planning ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public Document Revisions Date 05/15/2014 Version Description Author(s) Final Xiaolong Yu Review ed by Prabhu Gnanam, Jeff Billo 1.0 © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. i ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1 2. Study Approach ........................................................................................................................ 2 3. Reliability Analysis of the Base Case.................................................................................... 2 4. Reliability Analysis of Project Options ................................................................................. 4 5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 6 6. Designated Providers of Transmission Facilities ................................................................. 7 7. Appendix.................................................................................................................................... 8 © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. ii ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public 1. Introduction The Katy area is an established suburban area west of Houston that is expected to experience significant load growth in the near future. CenterPoint has forecasted the Katy area to serve 1147 MW in 2018 which is an increase of approximately 152 MW from the actual 2013 summer peak load experienced in the Katy area. Using the 2018 peak load, under the contingency loss of the Flewellen – Mason Road and Flewellen – Obrien 138-kV double-circuit line, the Brazos – Flewellen 138-kV line will exceed its emergency rating. Figure 1 below shows the area of concern. Figure 1 Area of concern In order to provide transmission infrastructure that meets ERCOT reliability criteria and increase the reliability in the Katy area by mitigating the loss of over 300 MW of load following a double circuit tower outage, CenterPoint Energy proposed the following improvements in the Katy area: Convert Katy Substation from a double-tap configuration to a loop configuration on 138 kV circuit 09. © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public Convert Franz Substation from a double-tap configuration to a loop configuration on 138 kV circuit 09. Construct a new approximately 6.4 mile circuit from Zenith Substation to Franz tap on double-circuit structures creating a new 138 kV Zenith–Franz–Katy–Flewellen circuit 09. Install a second 800 MVA normal rated / 1000 MVA emergency rated 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. Upgrade 1.6 miles of existing 138 kV circuit from Franz Substation north to the interface with the new 138 kV circuit to Zenith Substation. The total cost for these projects is estimated to be $20.4 million and it is anticipated that the projects can be completed by summer 2017. 2. Study Approach The analysis of the system primarily focused on the steady-state thermal reliability of the ERCOT transmission system in the Katy area to meet the projected 2018 load growth . The latest 2013 Regional Transmission Plan (RTP) model for the year 2018 served as the base case of this analysis. The 2013 RTP identified the Katy area reliability need and a reliability project (2013 RTP # R-62) was proposed as a place holder solution until a more thorough analysis of the area could be completed. The 2013 RTP Katy area upgrades project was removed from the base case for this analysis. Base case Transmission system changes: Remove the Zenith – Franz 138 kV line. Remove the new 800/1000 MVA 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. Restore the original configurations in and among Substations Katy, Franz, and Freeman, so the Katy – Franz 138 kV circuit 09 has 280 MVA emergency rating; the Katy – Franz 138 kV circuit 66 has 280 MVA emergency rating; the Franz – Freeman 138 kV circuit 66 has 220 MVA emergency rating. The circuit parameters (R/X/B) are restored accordingly. As part of the ERCOT independent review, s everal transmission improvement options were studied and compared in order to identify a reliable while economical solution. The evaluation of these options mainly consisted of N-1 contingency analysis . In addition, selected G-1+N-1 (single generator unavailable followed by N-1) contingency analysis and X-1+N-1 (single 345/138 kV transformer unavailable followed by N-1) contingency analyses were performed in accordance with NERC and ERCOT reliability criteria. 3. Reliability Analysis of the Base Case AC N-1 contingency analysis of the base case with the 2018 peak load was performed using PowerWorld Simulator. Figure 2 below depicts that the flow on the Brazos – Flewellen 138-kV line is 118% of its 280 MVA emergency rating under the contingency loss of the Flewellen – Mason Road and Flewellen – Obrien 138-kV double-circuit line. It should be noted that the contingency analysis also revealed other post-contingency overloaded elements that were regional problems. These elements were discarded from this analysis since these © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public were either not related to the new load addition, were very far from the area of concern, or will be addressed by subsequent projects. Figure 2 Contingency Flow on the Brazos – Flewellen 138 kV The G-1+N-1 and X-1+N-1 analyses showed two different limiting conditions for the study area. Table 1 shows the results of the reliability analysis for these conditions. First Contingency (G-1 or X-1) 1375 MW unit at STP substation 345/138 kV transformer in Zenith Second Contingency (N-1) Monitored Facility Rate B (MVA) Flewellen – Mason Road and Flewellen – Obrien 138 kV Brazos – Flewellen 138 kV 280 double circuit Flewellen – Mason Road and Brazos – Flewellen 138 kV Flewellen – Obrien 138 kV 280 double circuit Table 1 Reliability Analysis for Selected G-1+N-1 and X-1+N-1 © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. Worst % Loading 119% 119% 3 ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public 4. Reliability Analysis of Project Options Four transmission improvement options were analyzed using PowerWorld Simulator to identify a reliable and economical solution to serve the Katy area load growth. Detailed cost estimations for all four projects can be found in Appendix. These four alternatives and the reliability analysis results are listed below: Option 1 (Option 2 in CenterPoint Energy’s RPG Submittal) Convert Katy Substation from a double-tap configuration to a loop configuration on 138 kV circuit 09, and parallel Flewellen – Franz 138 kV circuit 66 with 138 kV circuit 09 to form a new 138 kV circuit 09. Construct two new approximately 6.4 mile 138 kV circuits from Zenith Substation to two Franz Substation tap points. Install a second 800 MVA normal/1000 MVA emergency rated 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. The total cost estimate for Option 1 is approximately $22.8 million. N-1 AC contingency analysis showed no overloads with Option 1. G-1+N-1 AC contingency analysis (loss of a single unit at STP substation 1375 MW) showed no overloads in the study area. With the addition of the second autotransformer in Zenith, X-1+N-1 AC contingency analysis (loss of a single 345/138 kV transformer in Zenith substation) showed no overloads in the study area. Option 2 (Option 4 in CenterPoint Energy’s RPG Submittal) Convert Katy Substation from a double-tap configuration to a loop configuration on 138 kV circuit 09. Convert Franz Substation from a double-tap configuration to a loop configuration on 138 kV circuit 09. Construct a new approximately 6.4 mile circuit from Zenith Substation to Franz tap on double-circuit structures creating a new 138 kV Zenith–Franz–Katy–Flewellen circuit 09. Install a second 800 MVA normal/1000 MVA emergency rated 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. Upgrade 1.6 miles of existing 138 kV circuit from Franz Substation north to the interface with the new 138 kV circuit to Zenith Substation. The total cost estimate for Option 2 is approximately $20.4 million. N-1 AC contingency analysis showed no overloads with Option 2. G-1+N-1 AC contingency analysis (loss of a single unit at STP substation 1375 MW) showed no overloads in the study area. With the addition of the second autotransformer in Zenith, X-1+N-1 AC contingency analysis (loss of a single 345/138 kV transformer in Zenith substation) showed no overloads in the study area. © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public Option 3 Reconductor the existing Brazos normal/emergency rating. Install a second 800 MVA normal/1000 MVA emergency rated 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. – Flewellen 138 kV line to 441/526 MVA The cost estimate for reconductoring Brazos – Flewellen is approximately $3.0 million, which can be derived using ERCOT’s average generic dollar per transmission mile cost. Option 3 assumes the T H Wharton to Addicks 345 kV line upgrade to an emergency rating 1450 MVAR by 2018. This project was proposed separately in the 2013 Regional Transmission Plan. N-1 AC contingency analysis showed no overloads with Option 3. G-1+N-1 AC contingency analysis (loss of a single unit at STP substation 1375 MW) showed no overloads in the study area. With the addition of the second autotransformer in Zenith, X-1+N-1 AC contingency analysis (loss of a single 345/138 kV transformer in Zenith s ubstation) showed no overloads in the study area. Option 3 is a logical alternative solution since Brazos – Flewellen 138 kV is the overloaded element found in the base case N-1 contingency analysis. The installation of the second 345/138 kV transformer in Zenith Substation is needed to meet the X-1+N-1 reliability criteria; without this autotransformer, the T H Wharton – Willow 138 kV circuit will be overloaded to 108% of its emergency rating under certain contingencies. Although the Freeman – BETKA – Hockley 138-kV circuit did not overload by 2018, the post-contingency flows approach 97% of its emergency rating indicating that it would likely overload in 2019 or 2020 as load growth continues in the area. Adding this 138 kV line upgrade (approximately 12 miles) will increase the total cost of Option 3 to approximately $23.9 million, which is higher than Option 2. ERCOT performed additional analysis to compare the system loss saving for both Option 2 and Option 3. The results showed that the total system loss saving with Option 2 is 9.18 MW versus 1.05 MW with Option 3. Option 3 does not address the over 300 MW load loss for the common tower outage of Flewellen – Katy ckt 66 and Flewellen – Katy ckt 09 which results in the loss of major loads at Katy and Franz. Option 4 Construct a second circuit, approximately 6.7 mile from Obrien Substation to Flewellen Substation creating a new 138 kV Obrien–Flewellen circuit, which shall not share a tower with the existing circuit. Install a second 800 MVA normal rated / 1000 MVA emergency rated 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. The total cost estimate for Option 4 is approximately $26.0 million, based on the CenterPoint Energy’s estimate that includes new positions at Flewellen and Obrien substations . Option 4 assumes the T H Wharton to Addicks 345 kV line upgrade to an emergency rating 1450 MVAR by 2018. This project was proposed separately in the 2013 Regional Transmission Plan. N-1 AC contingency analysis showed no overloads with Option 4. G-1+N-1 AC contingency analysis (loss of a single unit at STP substation 1375 MW) showed no overloads in the study area. © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public With the addition of the second autotransformer in Zenith, X-1+N-1 AC contingency analysis (loss of a single 345/138 kV transformer in Zenith substation) showed no overloads in the study area. Option 4 is another logical alternative solution because the limiting contingency is always the double circuit line coming out of Flewellen. Building a new separate Obrien-Flewellen 138 kV line will essentially remove the impacts of the double circuit contingency. The installation of the second 345/138 kV transformer in Zenith Substation is needed to meet the X-1+N-1 reliability criteria; without this autotransformer, the T H Wharton – Willow 138 kV circuit will be overloaded to 108% of its rate B under certain contingencies . Option 4 does not address the over 300 MW load loss for the common tower outage of Flewellen – Katy ckt 66 and Flewellen – Katy ckt 09 which results in the loss of major loads at Katy and Franz. 5. Conclusion Based on the above analyses, ERCOT recommends Option 2 for the following reasons: Option 2 has the lowest overall cost estimate. Option 2 provides all loads in Katy area with an additional source, which is more reliable. Specifically, the 2018 projected 185 MW load at the Franz substation and the 125 MW load at the Katy substation will have a new source provided from the Zenith substation with Option 2. This addition along with converting Franz and Katy into loop stations will solve the issue of a double circuit tower outage of Flewellen – Katy ckt 66 and Flewellen – Katy ckt 09 resulting in the loss of these loads at Katy and Franz substations. Option 2 has lower operational costs in terms of system loss, partially caused by the more meshed network structure. In conclusion, the following transmission upgrades studied as Option 2 (Option 4 in the CenterPoint Energy RPG submittal) constitute the most effective solution to serve the projected load growth in the Katy area: Convert Katy Substation from a double-tap configuration to a loop configuration on 138 kV circuit 09. Convert Franz Substation from a double-tap configuration to a loop configuration on 138 kV circuit 09. Construct a new approximately 6.4 mile circuit from Zenith Substation to Franz tap on double-circuit structures creating a new 138 kV Zenith–Franz–Katy–Flewellen circuit 09. Install a second 800 MVA normal rated / 1000 MVA emergency rated 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. Upgrade 1.6 miles of existing 138 kV circuit from Franz Substation north to the interface with the new 138 kV circuit to Zenith Substation. © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public 6. Designated Providers of Transmission Facilities In accordance with ERCOT Protocol Section, ERCOT staff is to designate transmission providers for projects reviewed in the RPG. These providers can agree to provide or delegate the new facilities or inform ERCOT if they do not elect to provide them. For the project scope recommended in this report CenterPoint Energy is the sole designated provider of all transmission facilities. © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project ERCOT Public 7. Appendix Estimated Cost Option 1 (CenterPoint Option 2) Transmission Substation Convert Katy Substation from a double-tap substation to a loop substation. Upgrade Katy Substation equipment to at least 440 MVA Rate A and at least 526 MVA Rate B. Keep existing 14.4 MVAR capacitor bank at Katy Substation. Loop in 138 kV circuit 09 from Flewellen Substation and 138 kV circuit 09 Franz tap. Parallel 138 kV circuit 66 from Flewellen to former Franz tap point with 138 kV circuit 09. Expand 138 kV Zenith Substation to allow for two 138 kV circuits to be built from Zenith Substation 6.4 miles south to Franz Substation tap points on 138 kV circuit 66 for one 138 kV circuit and 138 kV circuit 09 for the other 138 kV circuit. Tap points will be located 1.6 miles from Franz Substation taps. New configurations will be 138 kV Zenith - Franz tap Katy Loop circuit 09 and 138 kV Zenith - Franz tap Freeman circuit 66. Substation equipment rating at Zenith and conductor rating of at least 478 MVA Rate A and at least 526 MVA Rate B. Install a second 800/1000 MVA 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. $100,000 $490,000 $8,750,000 $2,800,000 $0 $10,700,000 Total $22,840,000 Table 2 Option 1 Upgrade Cost Estimates Estimated Cost Option 2 (CenterPoint Option 4) Transmission Substation Convert Katy Substation from a double-tap substation to a loop substation. Upgrade Katy Substation equipment to at least 440 MVA Rate A and at least 526 MVA Rate B. Keep existing 14.4 MVAR capacitor bank at Katy Substation. Loop in 138 kV circuit 09 Flewellen Substation and 138 kV circuit 09 Franz Substation. Keep one Katy Substation distribution transformer tapped off 138 kV circuit 66 to form a new 138 kV Flewellen– Katy tap – Freeman circuit 66. Convert Franz Substation to a loop substation. Franz Substation equipment rating of at least 441 MVA Rate A and at least 526 MVA Rate B. Expand 138 kV Zenith Substation to allow for one 138 kV circuit to be built from Zenith Substation 6.4 miles south to Franz Substation on double-circuit structures. New 138 kV circuit will interface with former tap off 138 kV circuit 66 approximately 1.6 miles from Franz Substation. New $200,000 $490,000 $0 $87,000 $6,600,000 $1,690,000 © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 ERCOT Independent Review of the CenterPoint Katy Area Upgrades Project configurations will be 138 kV Flewellen– Katy tap – Freeman circuit 66 and 138 kV Zenith– Franz– Katy– Flewellen circuit 09. Substation equipment rating at Zenith and conductor rating of at least 500 MVA Rate A and at least 600 MVA Rate B. Parallel bundle 4.6 miles 138 kV circuit 66 Franz tap - Franz corner. Upgrade 1.6 miles from Franz Substation to new 138 kV circuit from Zenith Substation to a rating of at least 441 MVA Rate A and at least 526 MVA Rate B. Install a second 800/1000 MVA 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. ERCOT Public $600,000 $0 $0 $10,700,000 Total $20,367,000 Table 3 Option 2 Upgrade Cost Estimates Estimated Cost Option 3 Re-conductor the existing 5.1 miles Brazos – Flewellen 138 kV line to 441/526 MVA normal/emergency rating. Install a second 800 MVA normal rated / 1000 MVA emergency rated 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. Upgrade the existing 12 mile Freeman – BETKA – Hockley 138 kV line to 287/316 MVA normal/emergency rating. Transmission Substation $3,009,000 $40,000 $0 $10,700,000 $10,200,000 $0 Total $23,949,000 Table 4 Option 3 Upgrade Cost Estimates Option 4 Construct a second approximately 6.7 mile circuit from Obrien Substation to Flewellen Substation creating a new 138 kV Obrien–Flewellen circuit. Install a second 800 MVA normal rated / 1000 MVA emergency rated 345/138 kV autotransformer at Zenith Substation. Estimated Cost Transmission Substation $7,638,000 $7,700,000 $0 $10,700,000 Total $26,038,000 Table 5 Option 4 Upgrade Cost Estimates © 2014 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 9
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