PROGRAMME PERSONALISED LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (PLE) CONFERENCE 2014 WEDNESDAY – FRIDAY, 27 – 29 AUGUST, 2014 UNITAR INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, KUALA LUMPUR Day 1: Wednesday, 27 August, 2014 DATE Wednesday, 27 August TIME 8.30 a.m. PROGRAMME Arrival of Guests Registration & Refreshments 9.30 a.m. Welcome Address by Emcee Opening Ceremony of PLE Conference 2014 VENUE Auditorium Foyer, Level 2 Auditorium, Level 2 Welcoming Remarks by: Wan Ahmad Saifuddin Wan Ahmad Radzi Chief Executive Officer, UNITAR International University 9.45 a.m. Speech & Launching Ceremony by: YBhg. Datuk Prof. Dr. Roziah Omar Deputy Director General, Department of Higher Education Ministry of Education Malaysia Video: CAW, CLIEx and DB Media 10.00 a.m. Break 1 Refreshments & Informal Networking Sessions 10.30 a.m. Keynote 1 Professor Grainne Conole Professor of Learning Innovation and Director of the Institute of Learning Innovation University of Leicester Chairperson: Datin Dr. Norrizan Razali PIC: Matthew Video: CAW, CLIEx & DB Media 11.30 a.m. – 12.00 noon Session 1: Presenter: Antony E. Ratcliffe Topic: Security Professionals and Informal Work-related Learning in Online (virtual) Communities Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaida Mustafa PIC: Avindan Naya (SFGS) Video: CAW Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daing Zaidah Daing Ibrahim, Farah Binti Zainal &Sarasvati d/o Rajindra Topic: A Call for CALL; An Integration Into UNIEC Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Noor Raihan Ab. Hamid PIC: Muhammad Asyraf Abd Aziz (ASD) Video CLIEx 1 Auditorium, Level 2 Auditorium Foyer, Level 2 Auditorium, Level 2 Theatrette, Level 10A Theatrette, Level 10B DATE TIME 12.00 noon – 12.30 p.m. PROGRAMME Session 2: Presenter: Huey Zher Ng & Raja Maznah Raja Hussain Topic: Personalising Feedback Via Podcast For Effective Learning Among Pre-Service Teachers Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaida Mustafa PIC: Avindan Naya (SFGS) Video: CAW VENUE Theatrette, Level 10A Presenter Wong Choon Yee & Nor Aniza Binti Abdullah Topic: Effects of Self-Initiated Online Quizzes On Exam Score Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Noor Raihan Ab. Hamid PIC: Muhammad Asyraf Abd Aziz (ASD) Video CLIEx Theatrette, Level 10B 12.30 p.m. Lunch Bendi Café, Level 2 2.30 p.m. – 3.00 p.m. Session 3: Presenter: Siti Zuraidah Binti Md Osman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rozinah Jamaludin & Nur Eliza Mokhtar Topic: Student Engagement and Achievement in Active Learning Environment Among Malaysian Polytechnic Commerce Department Students Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim PIC: Syaiful Afeif Md Yusof (OAO) Video CAW Theatrette, Level 10A Theatrette, Level 10B Presenter: Helena Song Topic: Creating Digital Personal Learning Spaces in Higher Education: Disabled Students Experiences Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim PIC: Kamarul Ariffin Haji Mohd Yusof (KMC) Video CLIEx 3.00 p.m. Break 2 Foyer, Level 10 3.30 p.m. – 4.15 p.m. Workshop 1: Presenter: Dr. Roger Palmer Topic: Using Video in the Flipped Classroom Chairperson: Asst. Prof. Dr. Johari Talib PIC: Priya Yeoh (CCO) Video: CAW 3.30 p.m. – 4.15 p.m. Workshop 2: Presenter: Huey Zher Ng Topic: Digital Tools to personalise Large Classes Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Abdullah Mohd Noor PIC: Idiza Mohd Idris (OAO) Video: CLIEx 4.15 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. Session 4: Presenter: Encik Syamil Fahim Bin Mohd Fahim Topic: Personalised Printing Chairperson: Encik Wan Ahmad Saifuddin PIC: Priya Yeoh (CCO) Video: CAW 5.00 p.m. End of Day 1 2 L10A02, Level 10 L10A05, Level 10 Theatrette, Level 10B Day 2: Thursday, 28 August, 2014 DATE Thursday, 28 August TIME 9.00 a.m. PROGRAMME Arrival of Speakers & Participants Refreshments & Informal Networking Session 9.30 a.m. Keynote 2 Dr. Cristina Costa Lecturer of Lifelong Learning (TEL) University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK Chairperson: Datin Dr. Norrizan Razali PIC: Farah Liyana (SFGS) Video: CAW, CLIEx and DB Media 10.30 a.m. Break 1 Refreshments and Informal Networking Session 11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Session 1: Presenter: Haliza Binti Mohd Said & Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim Topic: Managing Personal Learning Environments Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Putri Zabariah Megat A. Rahman PIC: Mohamad Norizan Kormin (OAO) Video: CAW 11.30 a.m. – 12.00 noon VENUE Auditorium Foyer, Level 2 Auditorium, Level 2 Auditorium Foyer, Level 2 Theatrette, Level 10A Presenter: Jazihan Binti Mahat Topic: Factors Influencing Mobile Learning Perceived Ease of Use Among University Students in Malaysia Chairperson: Ijlal Mohd Nadzir PIC: Yasirah Roselan (CCO) Video: CLIEx Theatrette, Level 10B Session 2: Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaida Mustafa & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sakina Sofia Baharom Topic: Conquering technophobia for personalizing learning: How caterpillars turn into butterflies? Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Putri Zabariah Megat A. Rahman PIC: Mohamad Norizan Kormin (OAO) Video: CAW Theatrette, Level 10A Presenter: Gowri P., Sharmila D.R. & Amir Ridhwan Mohd Ghazali Topic: Reasons for Declining in Academic Performance in High Achievers in a Private University Chairperson: Ijlal Mohd Nadzir PIC: Yasirah Roselan (CCO) Video: CLIEx Theatrette, Level 10B 3 DATE TIME 12.00 noon – 12.30 p.m. PROGRAMME Session 3: Presenter: Suzanne Krishnan, Assoc. Prof. Abdullah Mohd Noor & Sofia Elias Topic: Interactive Learning As Personalised Learning Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Putri Zabariah Megat A. Rahman PIC: Mohamad Norizan Kormin (OAO) Video: CAW VENUE Theatrette, Level 10A Presenter: Asst. Prof. Dr. Johari Talib Topic: Sex Education in the Classroom: Assessment on the Inquiry-Discovery Approach Chairperson: Ijlal Mohd Nadzir PIC: Yasirah Roselan (CCO) Video: CLIEx Theatrette, Level 10B 12.30 p.m. Lunch Bendi Café, Level 2 2.00 p.m. – 2.40 p.m. Session 4: Presenter: Dr. Roger Palmer Topic: The Flipped Classroom and Flipped Mastery Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Susela Devi K. Suppiah PIC: Priya Yeoh (CCO) Video: CAW 2.00 p.m. – 2.20 p.m. Presenter: Hjh Sabariah Siron & Mohd Azli Jailani Topic: Lonely and Unloved Chairperson: Asst. Prof. Dr. Fakhrulzaman Abdullah PIC: Syaiful Afeif Md Yusof (OAO) Video: CLIEx 2.20 p.m. – 2.40 p.m. Session 5: Presenter: Sabariah Siron & Nuzha Mohd Taha & Abdul Razak Habib Topic: Living in Fear Chairperson: Asst. Prof. Dr. Fakhrulzaman Abdullah PIC: Syaiful Afeif Md Yusof (OAO) Video: CLIEx 2.40 p.m. – 3.00 p.m. Session 6: Presenter: Dr. Zaida Mustafa, Wan Noorashikin Binti Wan Abdullah and Saiful Izwan Bin Zainal Topic: Using Videos In The Classroom To Improve Students’ Engagement Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Abdullah Mohd Noor PIC: Priya Yeoh (OAO) Video: CAW Presenter: Dr. Lau Hieng Soon Topic: Effectiveness of Workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy, Scoring Rubrics and Table of Test Specifications: The Case of a Private University in Malaysia Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim PIC: Wan Nur Syazwani (CLieX) Video: CLIEx 4 Theatrette, Level 10A Theatrette, Level 10B Theatrette, Level 10B Theatrette, Level 10A Theatrette, Level 10B DATE TIME 3.00 p.m. – 3.20 p.m. PROGRAMME Session 7: Presenter: Dr Iskandar Rizal Hamzah Topic: Case Study: PLEs at Cempaka Schools Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Abdullah Mohd Noor PIC: Priya Yeoh (OAO) Video: CAW Presenter: Haysriq Thomeeran Topic: Digital vs Literacy for Higher Education Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim PIC: Wan Nur Syazwani (CLieX) Video: CLIEx 3.203.40 Session 8: Presenter: Zaihasriza Binti Idris Topic: Researching Electronic Portfolios and Students’ Soft Skills Development Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naim Kamari PIC: Priya Yeoh (OAO) Video: CAW Presenter: Nurul Nadiah Sahimi, Ku Faridah Ku Ibrahim, Sakina Sofia Baharom & Putri Zabariah Megat A. Rahman Topic: Naily! You Have 5 More Minutes!!! Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim PIC: Wan Nur Syazwani (CLieX) Video: CLieX 3.40 p.m. Break 2 Refreshments & Informal Networking Session 4.00 p.m. – 4.45 p.m. Workshop 1: Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rozinah Jamaludin & Siti Zuraidah Md Osman Topic: Flipping the Classroom: Just Remember 4Ps Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naim Kamari PIC: Muhammad Asyraf Abd Aziz (ASD) Video: CLIEx 4.45 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. Workshop 2: Presenter: En. Wan Ahmad Saifuddin Topic: From Ghanaian Proverb to UNIEC space: UNITAR’s Journey to Making Learning More Personal Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaida Mustafa PIC: Haysriq Thomeeran (ClieX) Video: CAW 5.30 p.m. End of Day 2 5 VENUE Theatrette, Level 10A Theatrette, Level 10B Theatrette, Level 10A Theatrette, Level 10B Foyer, Level 10 L10A02, Level 10 Amphitheatre, Level 9 Day 3: Friday, 29 August, 2014 DATE Friday, 29 August TIME 9.00 a.m. PROGRAMME Arrival of Speakers & Participants Refreshments & Informal Networking Session 9.30 a.m. Keynote 3 Professor Ali Jafari Professor of Computer and Information Technology and Director of the CyberLab at IUPUI Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis Topic: Looking at the Next Generation of (Personal) Learning Environment: Social, Global, and Engaging Chairperson: Datin Dr. Norrizan Razali PIC: Farah Diyana (SFGS) Video: CAW, CLIEx and DB Media 10.30 a.m. Break Refreshments & Informal Networking Session 11.00 a.m. Roundtable Session Personalisation of Learning in Today’s Classroom Chairperson: Datin Dr. Norrizan Razali PIC: Matthew,Priya and Yas Video: CAW, CLIEx and DB Media Auditorium, Level 2 12.30 p.m. Lunch Bendi Café, Level 2 2.30 p.m. Private KL Tour by UNITAR International University 8.00 p.m. PLE Conference 2014 Appreciation Dinner UNITAR International University 10.00 p.m. End of PLE Conference 2014 6 VENUE Auditorium Foyer, Level 2 Auditorium, Level 2 Auditorium Foyer, Level 2 Auditorium, Level 2
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