Modeling of Porous Silicon Nanowires

Modeling of Porous Silicon Nanowires
PhD Day, December 3rd, 2014
Aleandro Antidormi 31284 2nd year
Tutors: G. Piccinini
, L. Boarino2
M. Graziano
Cooperator: D. Chiabrando1,2
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy
INRIM - Istituto di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy
Attended Classes
• Electrochemical Bio/Nano/CMOS interfaces, 4 CFU,
Fisica dei sistemi mesoscopici, 4 CFU, 24/07/2013
Introduzione alla formulazione hamiltoniana di sistemi
classici e quantistici, 4 CFU, 30/10/2014
Metodi statistici avanzati, 5 CFU, 13/10/2014
Multi-scale and multi-physics numerical modelling
techniques, 4 CFU, 29/06/2013
Nanomagnetismo e spintronica, 4 CFU, 26/03/2014
Sistemi quantistici dissipativi a stati finiti, 6 CFU,
Il metodo Monte Carlo, 6 CFU, 20/10/2014
Nanocomputing: dispositivi, circuiti e architetture, 8 CFU,
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Research context - Porous Silicon (PS)
• PS is a very interesting material
• Structure:
I Network of Silicon Nanocrystals
I Size: few nanometers
I All around pores
• Unique transport properties
I NOT wide band-gap
I NOT insulator
• Electrical transport in PS largely
depends on
pores concentration
pores dimensions
* images reproduced by courtesy of NanoFacility
Piemonte, INRIM
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Research Context - PS Nanowires
• PS-NWs have many versatile properties
I Self-assembly fabrication techniques
I No lithography
I Integrability with standard
Silicon-based technologies
• Many possibilities of application
I Focus on sensing
• Large ratio surface area to volume
• High chemical reactivity at room
• Gas molecules fill pores =⇒ change of
the conductivity of PS
• Measure of the change of conductivity
=⇒ estimation of gas concentration
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PS-NWs Fabrication
• Fabrication process: Metal-Assisted
Etching (MaE)
• p-doped Si substrate covered by
Polystyrene nanospheres (1)
diameter=210nm ±5%
• spin coating -> self-assembled
hexagonal-packed monolayer
• Oxigen Plasma etching used to reduce
spheres dimensions (2)
• Au film deposited using e-gun
• Spheres removed in ultrasonic bath (3)
• MaE (4) performed with sample in
(H2 O : H2 O2 : HF 1 : 1 : 3))
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Addressed Research Problems
• Irregular shape of PS-NWs makes
modelling and simulation difficult
• Analytical solution for the conduction
Simulative approach is the most
promising way
• At present no models available for
porous materials in physics-based
Electrical properties depend on size
and shape of pores
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Novel contribution
• We developed a simplified model
suitable for simulator TCAD Atlas
• Simulation of many PS-NWs
Pore distribution and concentration
taken from OUR devices
• Statistical treatment of the problem
given the unknown pore distribution
• Analysis of results leads to a better
comprehension of electron transport in
porous structures
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Adopted Methodologies - Porous Distribution TEM
• TEM analysis has been
performed after scratching
wires on a grid
• Lighter dots = silicon
nanocrystals in a porous
• Statistical data about
position and size of pores
have been deduced
Average area of pores
A = 4.1nm2
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Adopted Methodologies - PS-NW Model
• We modelled PS-NW as a 3D-wire with square section
• Material: p-doped crystalline silicon, NA = 1015 atoms/cm3
• Non-rectifying contacts to avoid influence of Schottky
• Pores modelled with pore segments with squared sections
• Number, position and size of pores randomly chosen in
accordance with data from fabricated devices
• Pores geometry is rather arbitrary: pores can intersect
creating complicated structures
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Adopted Methodologies - Simulation
• Simulated device characteristics
taken from fabricated devices:
• Channel length 100nm, Squared
section 900nm2
• Uniform Distribution of pores
along the channel
• Pore depth normally distributed
µd = 19.2nm, σd = 11.4nm
• Pore side normally distributed
µs = 6.3nm, σs = 3.2nm
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Adopted Methodologies - Results
x 10
Current [A]
Applied Voltage [V]
• Current-Voltage characteristic for one PS-NW;
• a) Va = 0.2V , b) Va = 2.5V , c) Va = 8.0V
• Field- Dependent Mobility leads to current saturation
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Adopted Methodologies
• Conduction in PS-NWs largely influenced by the
concentration and distribution of pores
• Field-dependent mobility limits current flow
• Higher porous concentrations =⇒ stronger spatial
confinement of carriers =⇒ quantum mechanical effects
• Energy quantization =⇒ reduced states density =⇒
increased resistivity
• Moreover, interaction with gas molecules changes the
surface properties of the wire
• Ab-initio atomistic study becomes necessary (ATK VNL
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Adopted Methodologies
• From microscopic to macroscopic
description of conduction:
• In very short Si-NWs, electron transport
shows coherent properties; (Wire
length phase relaxation length)
• Current calculation possible through
Landauer formalism (via transmission
• Pores inserted in the wire modify the
transmission spectrum =⇒ change in
current and conductance
• From the effect of one pore to the
transmission spectrum, average effect
of a pore distribution obtainable.
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Published and Submitted Journal Papers
• A. Antidormi, D. Chiabrando, M. Graziano, L. Boarino, G.
Piccinini, "Methodology modeling of MaE-fabricated
Porous Silicon Nanowires", Microelectronics and
Electronics (PRIME), 2014 10th Conference on Ph.D.
Research in Grenoble, June 2014
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Future Work
• Electrical characterization of experimental PS-NWs and
comparison data vs. simulation
• Development of electric model for circuit simulator based
on elementary resistive blocks
• Understand effects of pores on transmission spectrum of
Si-NWs via atomistic simulation
• Predict transmission spectrum for a given pore distribution
and evaluate current
• Understand effects of gas molecules on electron transport
and changes in conductance (gas sensing application)
• Validate the model with simulation and experimental data
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