City of Brisbane Pistol Club - Perpetual Rolling Club Calendar No shooting before 8:00AM - or after 9.00PM Range 7 and 8/8a closed on Monday mornings Range 9 closed when Range 8a being used Completing a Range Register is required every time you shoot - including practice/sighting/chrono etc SATURDAY R6 R7 R8/8a R9 R11 R12 R6 SRV 2nd CLS 3rd AP 4th 5th R8/8a R9 MONDAY # R10 R11 R12 R6 STD 2nd AP STD STD 4th CF/25 CF9M 25Y AP AP CF CF PT 1pm AP AP STD STD PT 10am AP AP CF CF PT 1pm AP AP STD STD PT 10am AP AP CF CF PT 1pm AP AP STD STD PT 10am AP 1pm AP CF CF PT 1pm AP 10am AP STD STD PT 10am AP CF CF PT 1pm AP 8am 10am 2nd R9 CLS CLS CLS R6 CF/25 CF/25 CF/26 CLS CLS CLS 1pm 1st CLS 8am MS 3rd CLS 9am 10am 1pm CLS 8am CLS 10am CLS 4th R8/8a R9 IPSC 10am CLS 1920 5th MS RF STD 25Y R10 R11 R12 5th IPSC 1pm STD STD CLS SHOT CF/25 CF/25 6pm 3rd IPSC 7pm 1pm CLS CLS CLS CLS AP New Member Shoot PT Police Training IND Induction 30S 30 Shot Fun Night MS Metallic Silhouette CLS Range Closed SHOT Shot Gun AP W15 WA 1500 STD SRV Service Pistol/Unrestricted 25 25M Pistol 25Y 25 Yard Service CF Centre Fire BPI Black Powder International 2nd BPI 3rd 4th CLS 5th CF9M IPSC Check Metro R1 before R6 1st STD PT PT STD CF PT PT STD PT PT CF/25 CF PT PT SHOT STD PT PT STD CF PT PT STD PT PT CF/25 CF PT PT SHOT STD PT PT 7pm going on to 8A. 8A cannot RF Rapid Fire BP50 Black Powder 50 Metre 50 50M Pistol # Weapon Safety Course club guns may not be available M CC bays on Metro R1 are in use IPSC Rifle Use R7 beyond frames R10 R11 R12 STD All ranges closed until 1pm ANZAC Day CLS IPSC CLS CF CF STD STD CF BP STD STD CF BP 6pm CLS 7pm IPSC CLS AP 6pm CLS 7pm Mayleigh IPSC CLS AP 6pm Club Coaching CLS IPSC CLS 7pm 6pm 5th STD R9 AP 2nd All ranges closed all day Good Friday & Christmas Day CLS R8/8a be used if the right hand Centre Fire 9mm Only BP25 R7 6pm 4th CF/25 CF/25 IPSC AP SHOT CLS scheduled on Metro R1. Standard Pistol CLS SHOT 6pm 5th PT CLS Metro PC events are Air Pistol / Air Rifle Black Powder 25 Metre WSC IPSC 30S PT CLS 3rd STD 6pm 7pm NM CLS AP 4th 7pm NM Legend IPSC NM CF THURSDAY (NIGHT) # 6pm 7pm R12 12pm CLS AP 2nd R11 12pm 10am 6pm 7pm R10 CF/25 TUESDAY 1st R9 12pm WSC 12pm IPSC AP R7 R8/8a 8am 50/M CLS R6 R7 12pm 1pm SRV CLS 10am 8am 12pm IPSC PT 1pm 1pm CLS MS AP CLS 8am 50/M CLS IPSC 12pm 25Y STD 10am 10am BP25 STD 12pm NM RF AP 12pm CF/25 CF/25 IPSC R12 10am 1pm 3rd R11 9am 1st CLS 12pm SRV AP CLS 8am 50/M CLS 9am 25Y R8/8a THURSDAY # R10 10am CF/25 CF/25 R7 8am 1pm IPSC NM 12pm 1pm STD 25Y CLS 8am 10am BP25 W15 12pm 1pm STD CLS MS AP 8am 10am IPSC 50/M CLS 12pm 1pm IND SRV AP 8am 10am CF/25 AP 12pm 1pm 50/M CLS 8am 10am 1st RF AP 12pm 1pm R7 8am 9am 10am Bays 3-27 closed on Range 8 when Range 7 being used SUNDAY # R10 8am 1st Rev: September 2014 CLS 7pm AP IPSC CLS
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