Documents/Ada CIC membership letter 2014

P.O. BOX 202
ADA, OHIO 45810-0202
What is “CIC”? By definition, your Ada CIC is “a corporation for the sole purpose of advancing, encouraging, and
promoting industrial, economic, commercial and civic development of our Ada Community and Area.”
Ada CIC meets on the third Wednesday of each month at noon, and the meetings are open to the public. The
meetings often consist of a designated program or guest, as well as member update reports from those who are
present. These meetings serve as an ideal place to hear the positive developments going on throughout our
We know what you are thinking: not another meeting, not another group of people who talk about everything, yet
accomplish little. While there may be a single meeting that seems like that, the overall goal of CIC is to accomplish
development within and by the community. Recently, CIC has been able to support, in cooperative effort with other
community organizations, the following initiatives:
In 2014, we are working to develop a stronger web presence for the Industrial Park;
Continued economic development in the Industrial Park, most recently, Harvest Pride, LLC Tortilla Chip
Ada/Hardin Water Resource Plan;
Lincoln Highway Buy Way;
Community Highlights, a bi-monthly calendar of local events;
The list of things Ada CIC can accomplish is limited only by the participation of its members. Ada CIC needs continued
support from individuals and businesses such as yourself to continue the current projects, and to develop new ones as
the needs of our community change.
Why are we sending you this letter? We think you are active and interested in our community’s development. We
invite you to join us, to network, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects that are important to our community.
You define your participation. Memberships are $25. Not able to make a mid-day meeting? You can still be a
member. Meeting information is sent via email, so you can still be up to date with CIC actions.
What do you need to do next? Simply complete and return the enclosed Pledge of Support with your payment. We
look forward to being in contact with you soon!
James Meyer, President
Deb Curlis, Trustee
Norm Rex, Trustee
2014 CIC Officers & Trustees
Bryan Marshall, Vice President Angela Polachek, Secretary
Beth Fenton, Trustee
Richard Lawrence, Trustee
Fred Steiner, Trustee
Don Traxler, Trustee
Crystal Huffer, Treasurer
David Retterer, Trustee
Jimmy Wilson, Trustee