www.cdp.net | [email protected] CDP Water 국내외 동향과 시사점 이종오 사무국장 한국사회책임투자포럼 / CDP 한국위원회 Contents • CDP 소개 • Why is Water a Business Issue? • CDP Water Program •국내외 기업 트렌드 분석 •부록: CDP Water질의 문항 CDP 소개 2000년 세계 금융기관들이 투자에 있어 기후변화가 기업에 기회와 위기가 될 수 있다는 인식 공유하기 시작 CDP는 기후변화정보를 포함핚 환경정보를 평가 및 보고하는 글로벌 표준으로서 자리잡음 “This is why the work of the Carbon Disclosure Project is crucial to the success "Climate Change is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century… It is of global green business in the 21st century. As the recognized standard for extremely important for investors to take account of climate change in their detailed corporate reporting on emissions data and other climate-related decision making. I wish the Carbon Disclosure Project success with its further disclosure information, the CDP is harnessing the power of information and efforts both in Germany and worldwide." investor activism to encourage a more effective corporate response to climate change.“ Dr Angela Merkel, German Chancellor Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General Transparency is essential to building a sound and sustainable development "It has been a really interesting experience to watch the development of the process and enhancing good governance, accountability, and competitiveness. Carbon Disclosure Project. It’s extremely significant because there is a major In 2009 we began to report our own global corporate emissions to the CDP. shift in awareness of the climate crisis and the need to integrate the behaviour The core goal of our corporate greening program is to reduce our of companies public and private towards the climate crisis…." environmental footprint by managing carbon emissions, energy use, AL Gore, former President of the USA and Nobel laureate procurement, waste, and water associated with our day-to-day activities. Robert B. Zoellick, President, World Bank Group CDP 소개 CDP 프로세스 Signatory Investors and Supply Chain Members Authority Information Authority Information Corporations and Suppliers CDP 소개 CDP 프로그램 formerly Investor CDP formerly CDP Supply Chain formerly CDP Cities formerly CDP Water Disclosure formerly the Forest Footprint Disclosure Project (FFD) CDP 소개 CDP 서명기관 및 응답기업 Climate chang Investor signatories and the assets under their management 800 e 4100+ 100 90 700 Companies reporti ng via CDP 2012 70 500 60 400 50 40 300 30 200 20 100 10 0 Assets (US$ Trillion) Number of Signatories 80 600 Water 340+ Companies reporti ng via CDP 2012 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Investor CDP Signatories 2012 2013 Forests CDP Water Disclosure Signatories FFD Signatories Investor CDP Signatory Assets CDP Water Disclosure Signatory Assets FFD Signatory Assets 100 Companies reporti ng via FFD 2012 Why is Water a Business Issues? “Water security is one of the most tangible and fastestgrowing social, political and economic challenges faced today.” World Economic Forum, 2012 Why is Water a Business Issues? WEF Global Risks Landscape 2013 Water supply crisis Impact Major systemic financial failure Mineral resource supply vulnerability Likelihood Source: World Economic Forum Why is Water a Business Issues? Material Impacts “Water shortages have in the past occurred at more than half our locations.” Allergan Why is Water a Business Issues? “Our suppliers must remain competitive by demonstrating responsibility towards conserving water resources and minimizing their operational impacts on water quality …Suppliers will be driven to implement new practices to reduce water in their operations in order to remain competitive among other suppliers.” Lockheed Martin Why is Water a Business Issues? Investor Interest CDP Water Program Global 500 S&P 500 Targeted industry sectors include: • apparel • chemicals • food & beverage • metals & mining • oil & gas • pharmaceuticals • power generation • semiconductors JSE 100 ASX 100 CDP Water Program 530 629 Institutional Signatory Investors Number of companies asked to respond to CDP’s water program in 2013 $57 trillion Assets represented by these signatory investors CDP Water Program 국내 서명 기관 (22개) 은행(6) 증권(4) 자산운용 및 투자자문사(7) 보험사(3) 연기금(2) CDP Water Program 2013 CDP Water 국내 대상 기업 (7개) 기아자동차, 삼성전자, 포스코, 핚국전력, 현대모비스 , 현대자동차, LG화학 *2013년부터 델, 유니레버 등 4개사에서 자싞들의 공급업체에게 물 관련 정보를 요구하고 있음. 국내 다수의 기업들이 CDP supply chain을 통해 물 정보공개를 요청 받고 있음. 주요 일정 11월 – 1월 서명기관 모집 2월1일 6월30일 10월 31일 정보공개요청서 발송 응답 마감 보고서 발간 및 론칭 이벤트 CDP Water Program 2012 CDP Water Global 500 결과 • 참여기업: 191 • 국내 참여기업: 삼성전자, 포스코, 현대모비스, LG전자 (자발적 참여) • 응답율: 60% (191 / 318) • 53% 물 관련 부정적 영향 경험 ( 2011: 38%) • 68% 물 관련 중대핚 위험에 노출 • 62% 5년 이내에 물 관련 위험으로 인핚 중대핚 영향을 받을 것으로 판단 국내외 기업 트렌드 분석 (2012 CDP Water Global 500 중심) 국내외 기업 트렌드 분석 (2012 CDP Water Global 500 중심) 국내외 기업 트렌드 분석 (2012 CDP Water Global 500 중심) 국내외 기업 트렌드 분석 (2012 CDP Water Global 500 중심) 부록: 2013 Water Questionnaire Water Management & Governance QUALITATIVE Risks & Opportunities Water Accounting QUANTITATIVE Water Management & Governance • • • Focuses on qualitative data Geography is included at question level Aims to determine the management processes you company has in place to address water-related challenges and opportunities Strategy and Governance • Description of plan, policy or strategy • Level of accountability e.g. board level or operational manager Targets / Goals • Based on CEO Water Mandate framework for businesses • Progress against targets or goals (qualitative) Risks & Opportunities • Aims to determine the awareness of water-related risks and opportunities in the company, their significance to the business and the management methods/tools used • Based on inherent not residual risk/opportunities • NEW River basin reporting column included for 2013 for selection of questions Risks Indicators • Indicates what proportion of your operations or key inputs might be at risk • Operations and supply chain Risk Assessment • Assesses risk to your business from direct operations and through your supply chain • Potential business impact • Estimated timescale • Demonstration of risk management strategies Impacts • Detrimental impacts from water-related issues in past five years • Estimated financial impact • Resultant changes in company practices Risks & Opportunities Opportunities • Current/future business opportunities from water e.g. cost-savings, improved brand reputation • Strategies to exploit these opportunities Linkages or trade-offs • Identification of any linkages or trade-offs between water and carbon emissions Water Accounting (Measurement & Monitoring) • • • • • Our questions are based on GRI G3 environmental indicators Volumetric indicators plus significant impact on water bodies of high biodiversity value Demonstrate that companies are measuring and monitoring water use & discharges Data not comparable at this stage New addition of River basin reporting level Withdrawals & Recycling • Withdrawal volumes and water source • Volumes of water recycled or re-used • Identification of any water sources significant affected by water withdrawals Discharges • Demonstration of ability to monitor discharge volumes and quality using standard effluent parameters • Compliance – any significant breaches or associated fines related to discharges • Identification of any water sources significantly affected by water discharges Intensity metrics • Financial intensity – estimated profit per liter of water • Water intensity - volume of water per unit of product e.g. 8 liters of water per liter of orange juice Thank you! 이종오 사무국장, 02-738-1142, [email protected]
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