CDP-PC - Purpose and History – June 17, 2014 Community

Community Development Partnership Planning Committee
Purpose and History
For Distribution at the Planning & Zoning Workshop
June 24, 2014
The purpose of the Greenwich Community Development Partnership is to increase and
preserve the supply of moderate income housing to rent or buy to meet the needs of the
town’s moderate income workforce, seniors on fixed incomes, young adults entering the
workforce, and others challenged to find moderate income Greenwich housing in a
manner consistent with the goals of the Town of Greenwich and the Greenwich
The purpose of the proposed building zone regulations is to provide small scale,
scattered site housing that is inclusive – including both market rate and below market
rate housing in the same developments – and that is concentrated in areas near public
transportation, and to encourage residential development in the business zones and
preserve the neighborhood character of residential zones.
In June 2009, the RTM approved the town’s Plan of Conservation and Development
(POCD). The POCD recommended four committees, including a Housing Task Force,
to work on selected POCD action items and recommended that the Housing Task Force
develop recommendations for the POCD action items that address affordable and
moderate income housing.
First Selectman Peter Tesei named individuals representing a broad cross section of
citizens and town government and not-for-profit agencies to the Housing Task Force
and appointed Nancy Brown, retired community development director, to chair it. The
task force also included liaisons from the POCD Implementation Committee, the
Housing Authority of the Town of Greenwich, the Board of Estimate and Taxation, and
the Representative Town Meeting Land Use Committee.
The Housing Task Force (HTF) began its work in the fall of 2009 and presented its
report to the First Selectman in 2012. One of its recommendations was to create a
committee to implement the HTF recommendations and form a not-for-profit
corporation, to be called the Greenwich Community Development Partnership. First
Selectman Peter Tesei appointed individuals to the Community Development
Partnership Planning Committee and appointed Mary Ellen LeBien to chair it. The
proposed Greenwich Community Development Partnership will work for the town’s
affordable housing goals, but will be separate from the town and not dependent upon
taxpayer funding.
The Community Development Partnership Planning Committee (CDP-PC) convened in
October 2012 and has met regularly since that time. It gathered information from town
agencies, developers, bankers, the town Comptroller, the town Budget & Systems
Director, and the chairman of the Board of Estimate and Taxation, and it studied
affordable moderate income housing programs in Connecticut and across the country.
The CDP-PC will present its proposed building zone regulations at a workshop of the
Planning and Zoning Commission on June 24, 2014.
Committee members: Stuart Adelberg, Judy Holden, Mary Ellen LeBien, chair, Ken
Rogozinski, and George Yankowich. Mark Schroeder resigned in April 2014, when he
moved out of state.
CDP-PC - Purpose and History – June 17, 2014
Community Development Partnership Planning Committee
Bullet Points for Proposed Regulation Changes for Business Zones
June 24, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission Workshop
The purpose of these zoning proposals is to create more moderate income housing
in Greenwich. They follow upon the Housing Task Force proposals and the 2009
POCD. The proposals provide incentives for development in such business zone
areas as appropriate while controlling density and neighborhood character.
For any development of 4 or more dwelling units in the R-6 and RMF zones, 20% of
all units are required to be moderate income multi-family dwelling units.
20% of all dwelling units in all applications under 6-110 (in all business zones) and in
the R-6 and RMF multi-family zones must be deed restricted as moderate income
dwelling units.
Since 20% of all residential units must be moderate income, there is no need to
have two separate sections, 6-110 and 6-110g. The proposal is to create only one
section, 6-110, utilizing most of the existing language with appropriate additions and
For moderate income dwelling units on lots in the CGB, CGBR, GB and GBO zones,
the Commission may reduce the required lot area for each dwelling unit containing
not more than one bedroom to 1200 square feet, and the Commission may reduce
the additional lot area required per unit for each bedroom in excess of one to 300
square feet in the CGB, GB, and GBO zones and to 200 square feet in the CGBR
On lots in the LB zone, the Commission may reduce the required lot area for each
dwelling unit containing not more than one bedroom unit to 2000 square feet and
may reduce the additional lot area required per unit for each bedroom in excess of
one to 300 square feet.
An increase in the number of stories and an increase in the height of a building may
be allowed in certain business zones.
As part of any moderate income housing pre-application process, a workshop shall
be convened by the Director of Planning and Zoning that includes ZEO, DPW
Engineering, Building Official, Sewer, Highway, and other appropriate
agencies/persons at which meeting the developer whose plans include affordable
units in the project can present and discuss a sketch plan prior to actual submission
to any agency.
The maximum allowable number of dwelling units and the density bonus is
increased from 50% to 60% in the LB, CGB, GB, and GBO zones and from 30% to
40% in the CGBR and LBR zones.
Moderate income dwelling units must be occupied by either the owner(s) or legal
lessee(s) only.
A buy-out provision is proposed allowing a developer or qualifying owner to pay a
fee in lieu of constructing no more than 50% of the required moderate income
dwelling units.
CDP-PC – Bullet Points for Proposed Regulation Changes for Business Zones – June 17, 2014
Community Development Partnership Planning Committee
Proposed Regulation Changes for Business Zones
June 17, 2014
(a)(2) NEW (F): For any development of 4 or more dwelling units on one existing lot or
merged adjoining lots, 20% of all units are required to be moderate income dwelling
units. The standards of Section 6-110 shall apply to these units.
(a) Number of dwelling units
The allowable number of dwelling
units on any lot shall be computed
as follows: ZONE
1500 /1200
3000 /2000
*See Section 6-110(g) (4/4/87)
Requirements for Moderate Income Dwelling Units in all Business zones.
(a) For the purpose of promoting the inclusion of below-market-rate housing units, hereafter
referred to as moderate income dwelling units, within private sector residential development so
as to increase the diversity of the Town’s housing stock, in accordance with the objectives of the
2009 Plan of Conservation and Development and the POCD Housing Task Force
recommendations of 2011, and for the purpose of mitigating the shortage of housing units that
can meet the housing needs particularly but not exclusively of those employed by the Town and
by non-governmental Health, Education and Human Services Agencies and others who are
classified as moderate income families households as defined in (6) (H) below, the Planning
and Zoning Commission may allow modifications of these regulations, as indicated below, for
new construction in the LB,CGB, CGBR GB and GBO zones and for existing buildings in all
business zones where dwelling units are permitted pursuant to Sec. 6-110(a), provided the
Commission makes a finding that the purposes and requirements of this section are met and the
proposal complies with the standards of Sec. 6-15 and 6-17 of the Building Zone Regulations.
CDP-PC Proposed Regulation Changes for Business Zones-June 17, 2014-Page 1 of 9
For the purposes of this section, an existing building shall be listed with the Tax Assessor as of
January 1 2014. of January 1, 1990. (9/3/90)
(b) In all applications under 6-110 it is required that a minimum of 20% of all dwelling
units be deed restricted as moderate income dwelling units. The Commission may
consider a fraction to be a whole number to meet the requirements that not less than
20% of all units (including bonus units) are moderate income dwelling units. (9/3/90)
(c) In all zones, except for lots between a front and rear building line in the CGBR zone, the lot
area used for determining the number of permitted units shall be the actual lot area reduced by
the amount of floor area devoted to uses other than dwelling units. Upon application for Special
Permit pursuant to Sec. 6-17 the Commission may authorize computation of permitted units
based upon actual lot area reduced by one-half the floor area devoted to uses other than
dwelling units provided the maximum FAR of the zone is not exceeded. (5/11/87)
(d) For Moderate Cost units under section 6-110 and 6-110g moderate income dwelling units
on lots having a front and rear building line in the CGBR zone, the Commission may reduce the
required lot area for each dwelling unit containing not more than one bedroom to 1,000 sq. ft.
and reduce the additional lot area required per unit for each bedroom in excess of one to 200
sq. ft. if the use of all floor areas above the ground floor is limited to dwelling units. (Use Group
(e) For moderate income dwelling units on lots in the CGB, GB and GBO zone, the
Commission may reduce the required lot area for each dwelling unit containing not more
than one bedroom to 1200 square feet and reduce the additional lot area required per unit
for each bedroom in excess of one to 300 square feet. On lots in the LB zone, the
Commission may also reduce the required lot area for each dwelling unit containing not
more than one bedroom unit to 1500 square feet and reduce the additional lot area
required per unit for each bedroom in excess of one to 300 sq. ft.
(1) Distance Requirements.
An adequate distance shall be maintained free of all obstructions from any wall containing a
dwelling unit window required for light or ventilation. Where minimum side yards are required in
Sec. 6-205(b), the Planning and Zoning Commission may find lesser side yards adequate for
residential uses. (6/11/86)
In all zones other than CGBR the minimum distance in feet between a building containing
dwelling units and any other building on the same lot shall be equal to the sum of the number of
stories of the two buildings multiplied by eight, unless the Commission finds a lesser distance
consistent with the purposes of this sub-section (b). (6/11/86)
(2) Special Requirements
(a) For CGBR and LBR zones, dwelling units shall be permitted only above floors having uses
of Use Groups permitted in said zones other than Use Group 3.
(b) Special Permit Required.
A Special Permit shall be required for any development with five or more two or more dwelling
units. (9/1/84)
CDP-PC Proposed Regulation Changes for Business Zones-June 17, 2014-Page 2 of 9
(c) The Commission, when it deems appropriate, may require outdoor recreation space of
suitable size, shape and location to serve the recreational needs of the residents. Such areas
may include balconies, roof areas designated for recreation, lawn areas, and the like.
(d) For moderate income dwelling units under Section 6-110 on lots having a front and
rear building line in the CGBR zone, the Commission may reduce the required lot area for
each dwelling unit containing not more than one bedroom to 1000 square feet and reduce
the additional lot area required per unit for each bedroom in excess of one to 200 square
feet if the use of all floor areas above the ground floor is limited to dwelling units only.
(Use Group 3) Notwithstanding any other provision of these regulations, floor area devoted to
Use Group 3 uses, dwelling units in business zones, may not be converted to any other Use
Group and may not be used for resident professional offices. unless a Special Permit and Site
Plan approvals have been granted in accordance with the standards and requirements of Sec.
A6-15 and A6-17 of these regulations. (8/13/90)
(e) For moderate income dwelling units on lots in the CGB, GB and GBO zones, the
Commission may reduce the required lot area for each dwelling unit containing not more
than one bedroom to 1000 square feet and reduce the additional lot area required per unit
for each bedroom in excess of one to 200 square feet provided that the use of all floor
areas above the ground/first floor is limited to dwelling units only. (Use Group 3) For
any and all developments in the business zones having residential uses and units, a
minimum of 20% of the total permitted units must be moderate income dwelling units. as
defined in section 6-110g below.
(f) On lots in the LB zone, the Commission may also reduce the required lot area for each
dwelling unit containing not more than one bedroom unit to 1500 square feet and reduce
the additional lot area required per unit for each bedroom in excess of one to 250 square
feet provided that the use of all floor areas above the ground/first floor is limited to
dwelling units only. (Use Group 3) All modifications of these regulations as indicated below
may be allowed for conversion of space in an existing building provided that any new floor area
added to the building is necessary to meet the Town Building and Fire Code for construction of
the moderate income dwelling units, and does not exceed the permitted FAR with the .75
bonus limit.
(3) Procedure:
The housing development proposal shall be subject to Special Permit procedures and standards
pursuant to Sec. 6-17. As part of any moderate income housing pre-application process, a
workshop shall be convened by the Director of Planning and Zoning that includes ZEO,
DPW Engineering, Building Official, Sewer, Highway, and other appropriate
agencies/persons at which meeting the developer whose plans include moderate income
dwelling units in the project can present and discuss a sketch plan prior to actual
submission to any agency.
(4) Incentives:
To provide incentives to include below-market-rate housing units for moderate income
households within private-sector development in the business zones, the Commission may
allow the following modifications of the Building Zone Regulations:
(A) A Floor Area Bonus: An increase in Floor Area Ratio up to .75;
CDP-PC Proposed Regulation Changes for Business Zones-June 17, 2014-Page 3 of 9
(B) A waiver of non-residential ground floor use, as may be required pursuant to other
sections of these regulations;
(C) A density bonus: an increase in the allowable number of dwelling units per lot as follows:
1) The maximum allowable number of dwelling units and the density
bonus shall be determined by calculating the number of one-bedroom
dwellings possible under the provisions of Sec. 6-110 (a) and
increasing the resulting number of dwellings (excluding fractions) by
(50%) 60% in the LB, CGB, GB and GBO zones and by (30%) 40%
in the CGBR and LBR zones. for all other business zones ; for
residential density calculations and required number of moderate
income dwelling units in the CGBR zones, see Section 6-110 (a). The
larger figure is the maximum allowable number of dwelling units; the
difference is the density bonus of which 50% must be
constructed and offered as moderate income dwelling units.
Such units shall have not less than one-bedroom and shall contain, on
the average, the same number of bedrooms as the market rate units
in the development, unless the Commission finds a different allocation
of bedrooms per dwelling to be more responsive to current housing
needs. The total number of bedrooms on site shall not exceed two (2)
times the maximum allowable number of dwelling units approved for
the site.
2) The requirement for subtraction of floor area devoted to uses other
than dwelling units, for the purposes of computing the number of
units, may be modified by the Commission.
(D) An increase in the number of stories: by one (1) story only over the number of stories
otherwise allowed in the underlying business zone; and (6/19/2013):
1) For the GB and the GBO, CGBR and CGB business zones only, an
increase by one (1) story only over the number of stories otherwise
allowed in these zones and provided the number of moderate income
dwelling units is twice the number otherwise required under Section
6-110(g)(2)(C)(1) and Section 6-110(g)(3) above this Section 6-110
(4)(C)(1) above, an increase in the height of a building up to 45 feet;
all as measured according to the requirements of the particular
underlying business zone; and
2) for the LB and LBR business zones no increase in the number of
stories but an increase in the height of a building up to 40 feet, all as
measured according to the requirements of the particular underlying
business zone provided it meets the required minimum of
moderate income dwelling units.
(E) A waiver of maximum coverage standards provided the scale of proposed structures is
compatible with surrounding uses and open spaces; and provided sufficient landscaping,
screening and decorative planting is provided to enhance the residential quality of the
development and to screen refuse, transformer, storage and parking areas.
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(F) A modification of requirements, if any, of the underlying zone that all parking spaces for
the units be surface spaces on the same level as street level businesses. The
Commission may allow up to one-third of the required spaces for Use Group 1 to be
located in an on-site underground parking level provided that the underground spaces
are designated for long-term parking by employees, and further provided that the
Commission finds such location of spaces will result in an enhancement of the
residential quality of the development through an increase of landscaping, screening and
decorative planting. The total number of on-site parking spaces shall be determined in
accordance with Division 15 of these regulations. (10/2/87)
(5) Required Number of moderate income dwelling units:
Any of the above modifications of the Building Zone Regulations may be
permitted by the Commission subject to the following:
a) The applicant/owner shall construct and maintain at least 50% of the gross
floor area of buildings to be in residential use except in existing buildings as
defined above (as noted in the Tax Assessor records of January 2014)
where existing or new floor area is to be devoted to moderate income dwelling
units. Regardless of the total number of units, applicant must guarantee
50% of the density bonus units are offered and maintained as moderate
income dwelling units, in accordance with the provisions of this 6-110
section (9/3/90)
b) In calculating the required number of moderate income dwelling units, taking
into consideration the modifications requested under (2) above, the
Commission may require a fraction to be considered a whole number in order
to meet the intent of the bonus incentives.
(6) Criteria and Requirements of inclusion of moderate income dwelling units:
(A) General Requirements:
1) Moderate income dwelling units shall be offered for sale, resale or
continuing rental to moderate income households as defined below;
or to a Commission-approved Agency which may be a non-profit
agency, a municipal agency, or other organization, which shall offer
the dwellings to moderate income families as set forth herein.
2) Such units shall be physically integrated into the design of the
development in a manner satisfactory to the Commission.
3) Parking shall be provided in accordance with the standards of Sec. 6155 for multi-family dwellings.
4) Moderate income dwelling units must be owner occupied or
occupied by the legal lessee only. If there is more than one
owner of a unit, both owners must occupy the unit as their
primary residence. Moderate income dwelling units cannot be
rented or leased out or occupied by others not legally allowed or
qualified by the Town. An annual affidavit is required from the
owner/renter indicating they are residing in the unit as their
primary residence. This annual affidavit should be submitted to
the Planning and Zoning Department or its designated agent.
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Buy-Out Provision:
In lieu of construction of the required moderate income dwelling
units as required by Section 6-98 or Section 6-110, a
developer/owner may, with Town approval, pay a qualifying fee to
the Town’s special fund. The amount of the per unit qualifying fee
shall be equal to the average total development cost of the total
proposed project units (defined as the sum of the total construction
costs outlined in the project’s building permit application and the
acquisition cost of the building lot). This per unit fee is then
multiplied by the number of required moderate income dwelling
units to be satisfied by payment of the fee. If a developer/owner
chooses to select this option, such fee is payable to the Town after
approval of the project by the Planning and Zoning Commission and
prior to any permit issuance. This fee or buy-out provision is limited
to a maximum of 50% of the required number of moderate income
dwelling units. The remaining number of the required moderate
income dwelling units not satisfied by payment of the fee must be
constructed by the developer/owner. The buy-out provision shall
not increase the number of market rate dwelling units on the project
site. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the discretion
to either round up or round down any fractions to whole unit
numbers in the computation of required moderate income dwelling
units under Sections 6-98 and 6-110.
Priority List of Eligible moderate income families households applying for
moderate income dwellings shall be selected on the basis of the following
categories of priority:
1) Full-time Town of Greenwich Municipal and Board of Education
employees and full-time employees of not-for-profit health, education
and human services agencies and other not-for-profit agencies
located in the Town of Greenwich that provide essential services to
the Greenwich Community. (8/13/90)
2) Other residents of the Town of Greenwich.
3) Other persons employed in the Town of Greenwich.
4) All others
Guidelines for maximum rent and sales price.
For moderate income dwelling units in each housing development, a
range of sales prices and/or monthly rentals may be established, subject
to the following:
1) The average monthly rent for moderate income dwelling units
excluding common charges and utilities (gas, oil and electricity), shall
not exceed 2.0% of the median annual Town paid wages for all fulltime municipal employees and teachers during the preceding fiscal
2) The first time the units are sold, the average sales price to moderate
income families households shall not exceed four times the median
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annual Town paid wages of all full-time municipal employees and
teachers during the preceding fiscal year. There shall be no extra upfront charge for minimum required facilities such as, but not limited to,
parking and recreational facilities, at time of purchase or for one year
after any condominium association has been established. Each unit
owner, however, shall pay his fair share of common charges,
expenses and assessments as provided in the Common Interest
Ownership Act of the State of Connecticut.
3) The developer of housing provided in accordance with this section 6110 shall receive, on average, the maximum sales price and/or rent
established (D)(1) and (D)(2) above for the moderate income dwelling
Resale Restrictions
1) For owner occupied for sale moderate income dwelling units, the
title to said property shall be restricted so as to maintain the unit
in the moderate income category over the life of the unit. Said
restriction shall provide that in the event of any resale of the unit
(by the original owner or any successor owner), the maximum
resale price shall be limited by the same median income
guidelines and rules indicated in (D)(2) above.
2) For rental moderate income dwelling units, the title to said
property shall be restricted so as to maintain the units in the
moderate income category over the life of the units. This title
restriction will survive any sale of the rental project to a
subsequent owner. There shall be no limitation on the sales
price of any moderate income rental project.
Declaration of Restrictions
The developer/owner of moderate income dwelling units shall submit to
the Planning and Zoning Commission a Declaration of Restrictions as to
the ownership, use and occupancy of such moderate income dwelling
units. This declaration of restrictions shall be binding upon such
developer and all succeeding owners of the moderate income dwelling
units and shall incorporate the provisions of this section therein by
reference hereto. Final site plan approval shall be given by the
Commission only after it has been satisfied that the Declaration of
Restrictions binds the developer and all succeeding owners of the
moderate income dwelling units and duly restricts the ownership, use and
occupancy thereof, and requires adherence to established sales and
rental guidelines and administrative procedures, all in accordance with
the provisions of this Section 6-110.. The Commission may cause any
such Declaration of Restrictions to be reviewed by the Town Attorney.
Each deed for the moderate income dwelling units will indicate the
restrictions on those units and refer to the Declaration of
1) The Greenwich Community Development Office or other designated
agent/agency approved by the Town shall maintain a list of eligible
CDP-PC Proposed Regulation Changes for Business Zones-June 17, 2014-Page 7 of 9
moderate income families households in accordance with the priority
list set forth in B (C) above. Where the number of those eligible in the
same category of priority exceeds the number of available moderate
income housing units, the applicant shall be selected by lottery. As
the goal of this program is to provide the greatest benefit to the
largest number of eligible people, the Town will seek, at its
discretion, to match the size of an available moderate income
dwelling unit to the most appropriately sized eligible family
household. The selected moderate income family household must
reside in the moderate income housing dwelling unit. Moderate
income dwelling units must be occupied by the qualified
owner(s) or legal lessee(s) only. If there is more than one
qualified owner or legal lessee, each owner or legal lessee must
occupy these units as their primary residence. These moderate
income dwelling units cannot be rented, assigned or leased out
or occupied by others not legally allowed or approved by the
Town or designated agency.
2) At the time of Site Plan approval for each housing development, the
Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve the designation of an
administrative agency to monitor and administer guidelines for the
rent, sale or resale of moderate income dwellings. Such administrative
agency, which may buy the moderate income dwellings units for the
purpose of rental or resale to moderate income families households,
may be a non-profit corporation, an agency of the Town, a
Community Housing Development Corporation pursuant to
Section 8-217 of the General Statutes, a 501(c)(3) non-profit
corporation such as a Community Development Partnership or
other approved organization. Such agency may maintain and submit
an eligibility list to the Community Development Office or other
designated agent but the choice of families households for available
apartments even if owned by the designated agency shall be in
accordance with (6)(C) above.
3) The designated agency shall establish the sale price, resale price or
annual rental of the individual dwelling in accordance with the
guidelines and requirements of (6)(D) and (E) above and with the
approval of the Greenwich Community Development Office or other
designated organization. There will be an Affordability Plan filed
on the Greenwich Land Records indicating the deed restrictions
on the specific unit which the designated agency will enforce.
4) The designated agency shall set up such procedures as may be
necessary to receive annual certification or other information from
owners and or tenants which confirms continuing compliance with the
guidelines and requirements of this section and which notifies of any
conversion in the form of ownership. This information shall be
submitted to the Planning and Zoning department or to the
Greenwich Community Development office.
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1) Moderate income dwelling units are those set aside for moderate
income households whose aggregate income, (including the total of
all current annual income of all members of the household, but
excluding the earnings of working minors attending school full-time,
from any source whatsoever at the time of certification), meets the
annual median annual Town paid wages of all full-time Municipal and
Board of Education employees and teachers of the Town of
Greenwich during the preceding fiscal year.
2) Moderate income households families – families whose aggregate
income, including the total of all current annual income of all family
household members from any source whatsoever at the time of
certification, (but excluding the earnings of working minors attending
school full-time) averaged for the preceding two years, shall not
exceed the following multiple (listed below) of median annual Town
paid wages of all full-time Town of Greenwich Municipal and Board
of Education employees during the preceding fiscal year. (3/2/88) In
calculating household income, the value of assets must be
considered. If the value of assets (not including personal
property or vehicles) is $5,000 or less, then the income received
from those assets should be added to the household’s annual
household income. If the value of assets is greater than $5,000,
the greater of the following should be added to the household's
annual income:
a) Actual income received from the assets or
b) The actual value of the assets multiplied by the current
passbook savings rate as established by HUD.
1 person family household 1.2
2-3 person family household 1.5
4-5 person family household 1.8
6 person family household 1.9
3) A household, as defined by HUD, is all the people who
occupy a housing unit. A household includes the related
family members and all the unrelated people, if any, such
as lodgers, foster children, wards, or employees who share
the housing unit. A person living alone in a housing unit,
or a group of unrelated people sharing a housing unit such
as partners or roomers, is also counted as a household.
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Community Development Partnership Planning Committee
Existing and Proposed Bonus Chart
June 17, 2014
Existing bonus %
#total units/moderate income units
5+2.5 aff.= 8 units total; 20%=1.6 or 2 units
6+2 aff.= 8 units total; 20%=1.6 or 2 units
3.3+1.6 aff=5 units ; 20%=1 unit
5+1.5 aff.=7 units; 20%=1.4 units aff.
5+2.5=7.5 or 8 units; 20%=2 units aff.
5+2.5=8 units; 20%=2 units aff.
8.3 +3.3=11.6 units or 12 units; 20%= 2.4 units
8.3+3.3=11.6units or 12 units; 20%=2.4units
5+3=8units ;3units aff. 20%
5+2=7units; 20%=1.4 units or 2
8.3+3.3=11.6units or 12 units; 20%=2.4units
8.3+3.3=11.6 or 12 units; 20%=2.4 or 3 units