
6. No mention of existing City of Yarra Bicycle Strategy
In 2009 CoY adopted the Bicycle Strategy 2010-2015 to establish a
long-term vision for cycling in Yarra.
Yarra already has an established and extensive on and off-road
bicycle network which contributes to Yarra having the highest level
of non-car use for travel to work in Melbourne. More than two in
every five residents walk, cycle or catch public transport to go to
work (42%), well above the Melbourne average (16%).
The East West Link
Impact Statement has
failed to mention that
the City 01 Yarra has a
current Bicycle
Strategy (2010-2015)
Large numbers of cyclists from other municipalities also pass
through Yarra due to the existing cycling infrastructure and Yarra's
proximity to the Melbourne Central Activity District (CAD).
Yarra City Council has not previously had a bicycle strategy, with
improvements to the on and off road bicycle network achieved
through annual capital works allocations sitting under the Council
Plan and other Council and State strategies.
Ref: http://www .yarracit y.vic.gov.au/Su st ai nab le-tra nsport/Bicyclestrategy/
Neither does the CIS or
any State Government
announcements made
since May 2013, cantain
detailed examination of
remedial works or impacts
the EWL project will have
during the years of
construction upon existing
bike projects in Yarra or
successive bicycle
strotegies developed after
Yar ra Bicycle Users Group - Presentation to fast West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 8
7. From City of Yarra - Bicycle Strategy 2010·2015 - Connecting Routes
7.1.1 Strategy 1 - Better On·Road Bicycle Network
(a) Connecting Routes (page 31) Showing connecting routes across Alexandra Parade/Eastern Freeway - the route of the proposed East West Link project.
The following lists both the amv.I1 work in progress
and t:'1e ~rwof\ n!~d 10 algn to the stat r,,1Ino
pnc:rit.{!S - CQf'll~ Rar.,klS. fach prqea nr;.>ed5,
iurthfi!" Investigation "rd detailoi'd design nlgarding W!
ty pe of trwtrnalt bc& sui1ed b thQo rc:t.JiQ.
Refer to Appendix 5 fO!' M 3~ of t he Bicytle Routes
FigUTt 7.1.1 (b]
Stl ~!~y
0 0
denoms protEct phase
l-loc:.... Ro vus - .6.ctions
wen.,gton street
" Q
JOhnstoo st
VlctDr1d St
Il00 ..
.. SepiIl.1ted bicycle lane
1'05stlIC!- OOtIVk:R~ furdng
.. SQp¥4:tfi!O Uli!itmenl 1rom ~ton str<H!t
Dc!S:Ign being
to VlCtcxl;l PaJsOO including remoYdl of
pclrklng on the Q~I Skie of the ro.x1,
po$5lblli! r.ltsQd proQSUI.1n p<IWmQnts.11
(- ""
on de!.1gn)
VereISQnley .lnd otter streets.
!'eddy' ~ 10
AJI!,Qndr.l fide to
.. Retnforce bicycle IoIne WIth vln.1.lne or
sep<lr.Jt~ Indudlng ill merge
~d g r~n ~ i t conftJct points
Johnston 5t
" (J OU~Pdeto
.. RQlnforcp blcym lane With vb..... n" or
raised ~tors including ilt merge points
.md gtK'n ~nt it confkt polnts.
ESt S200K
Clift on Hili!
Abbol'i:lord Route
• sepi:lr.lte~g raded bfcydl! lane_
FellWld: SV
ROli msdenSU
• Rdnforro ~ l;me with vtl~1rM! Of
r.l5c:od ~ldlors IndudFlg CIt merge points
Clnd ~ee1 POlin! 0111 conflict poIntS
""""""", !'de
I 2Q
ESt $3001(
IYambl.Ol st
Est S20t::
Detaned Oo1S1gn
Const rue! 121\3
(.iSl l?lnffl!ll!wOIY
• \ 'JJdeJl 3011arl!d path 0II10n9 Trenerry Cl e~Cl!nt
TTWII!rry 01
Siltn s.~ctl StI
N'cholsof't sa
f51 Slm
unoot frCQWiy.
• RC!I'nl'orte bicycle 10111'141 with vtl:..... oo or
IdISro Sl>p~0II1(m :ndudlng 01- m«ge points
OIInd 9'«>0 poI'm at coni! <l poInt~.
U t SlOt::
O"I OII~ed DeS'g n
Construct tUB
' ,·\i:iA~CYa.~:.. 'li,hr,GV rlO
Yarra Bicycle Users Group - Presentation to East West Link (Eostern Section) Project Assessment Committee_ 7th April 2014
I Page 9
8. Interruptions to Wellington St reet " Copenhagen La ne" route
The Comprehensive Impact Statement has no mention of the Eastern portal construction impact upon proposed Wellington Street Copenhagen lanes at the
Alexandra Parade intersection. This is a vital component of the first of five separate lanes as outlined in Yarra Bicycle Strategy (2010-2015)
Ref: http ://www.varracitv.vic.gov.au/P arki ng -road s-and -tra nspo rtf Cu rre nt -p ro iects/ proposed -se pa rat ed- bike-Ianes-i n-we IIingto n -streett
In November 2013 the proposed lanes were still in jeopardy, even after lengthy consultations, when concerns were raised by one business in the area at the
Yarra Councils November meeting
The local community swiftly mobilised to support the lanes proposal with a campaign directed at Yarra Councillors to support the existing initiative with over
800 signatures gathered online and hardcopy with two weeks.
Refer to htt p://well ingtonstbikelane.info
http://www .cha nge.org/pet it ions/va rra -citv-co unci I-we IIi ngto n-st -co pen hage n-Iane-petiti 0 n
Council again supported the project to progress to the detailed design stage at its meeting on 17 December 2013, with consideration of a number of
measures to limit the impact of the removal of parking on local businesses and properties.
Artists Impression of the finished bike lane treatment in Wellington Street, Collingwood
Yarra Bicvcle Users Group - Presentation to fast West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 10
'. ~
',..'"~ ,...,."
", "
New m~chn nl~ nd to 5ep~r.lte
contr"now I;me (wtum, cydislS
in the opposite direction 0 1
tr~f1 k) from thQ; rO"d .
Str eltt botw_o WriVht
Str_t and Rouno.llth Stntoltt
Grun p;alnt 3CXjed to I!xistlng bilee
lanll to better dl!fino it.
Wright St
: ::;
: :B
: >!
ROS~neat" Sf
to be
in conjunction
E :- ~
Gr4\'Y Stt_t betw •• n Roson.ath
5,, _t and Noon. StrlMtt
Ncw lino
Dw~r Street cul- dEl-s;)c to
""de"S," ;
Un. miW1cing to di!fioe space for
cyclists. Now tll"O p .. th to COOI'lKt
9. Clifton Hill to Abbotsford Bicycle Route
Aoundabout Dwyo, Str •• t
<lind Spcmslw Stro.t Olfton Hili
-;: .
W ' ''OIht St~t and Y"mbh,
St, " t Intorsoc;tlon
i.. ~tp.'~
NOOoe- St
with rosurhcing works.
........ ...... .
Y;lim bla St~t botw •• n Wright
Str_t <an d Ram scNn Str_t
Street lights to be imulIlId. line
marldng and grllen paint to bll
_cided to the b~e lane to bettt'f
Ramsden 51,_t and Yambla
5tr_t InterSG<tlon
Impl'O'W1d line marking and
ins~l1atiOf'l 01 rubbQt I;lnll makers
to prevent cyclists being squeezed
by turning v"hlde5.
CIS has no mention of East West Link construction or impacts upon Clifton
Hill to Abbotsford Bicycle Route, especially at Trenerry Crescent, Clifton
Hi ll.
Ref: http://www.yarracity.vic.gov.au/Pa rking-road s-and t ranspo rtf Cu r re nt -p ro iects/ CI ifto n-Hi 11-to-Ab botsfo rd-Bi cycl e-Ro ute-/
ROS4Kl9ath Str_t and Yambla
Str_t Int"rSG<tlon
!mpl'O'W1d hnll marking and
Install;lOco ot J\JbbEr I;lnll m;lktrs
to preY'li!nl cychsts being squellNd
by turning vllflides .
:: i:2
'. c
.c ..
:-.s ..
8OUNO .:a.~
SOUHi . • .
Trenerry CnKC.CIf1t ~ Bath 5tr_t
Cllntre median i5l';lOd to b" inst ..Red
on Trenerry Crescent to provide ..
ule route for southbound cydists
turning r ight. A new5hartd path to
bo installed in Bath StrllQt. Inking
Tronerry Cr05~nt to 9 .. lh StrOIl't .
TUrrw:r St • "! ... NOR71-I
: T eoUVo
: ............. :
.JOhnston Sf
Y..,., ,} St
..: :8
""" COI'n9WOOO' •· z
GiPPSSt ' -
Ntchol5on St r •• t botwe-en Glpps
and Johnston Stre.t
NOW Unll marklfl9. larK' mak"~ and
green pamt added to the bike'ane to
blltter delinll it.
Nl<tIoison St.--t ilnd Glpps StrM!
lnstillt;;,tlon 01 oatty stilrt II";IIIC lights
that g"M? cydsts;;, head sUrt to
mOY1!' through the interwction.
Yorro Bicycle Users Group - Presenta tion to East West Link (Eastern Sect ion) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 11
10. Brunswick Street to St Georges Road Route
The Comprehensive Impact Statement has no mention of the Eastern portal construction impact upon Brunswick Street/ St Georges Road Route.
1.311"mlWid 'tJStGeOf~~ lid ROlli.
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,- ,
' -,
Yarra Bicycle Users Group - Presentation to East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 12
11. Existing Darebin Creek Trail and connection to Merri Creek Trail
The Comprehensive Impact Statement has no mention of the Eastern portal construction impact upon existing Darebin Creek Trail and connection to Merri
Creek Trail.
] 8 D~rebl n Creek Tf ~1I
,.<''' " .
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Yarra Bicvcle Users Group - Presentation to fast West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 13
12. linear Park /Napier Street Route
The Comprehensive Impact Statement has no mention of the Eastern portal construction impact upon Linear Park/Napier Street initiative .
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Yarra Bicvcle Users Group - Presentation to East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 14
13. Main Yarra Trail- North Route
The Comprehensive Impact Statement has no mention of the Eastern portal construction impact upon the Main Yarra Trail- North Route as shown here.
The Digits Falls area is one of the most visited areas in Melbourne as a popular cycling destination for locals and visitors.
1.12 Main Varra Trail North Route
" \\.0
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.... .
••• •••••
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•• 5..
Eastern Fwy
Eastern Fwy
Yarra Bicvcle Users Group - Presentation to East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 15
14. Main Yarra Trail- South Route
M~nY~H~ 1,~tI Soolh
The Comprehensive Impact Statement has no mention ofthe Eastern portal
construction impact upon the Main Yarra Trail- South Route, as shown
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Ipresentation to East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 16
15. Capital City Trail - Extract from City of Melbourne CIS submission
From City Of Melbourne submission on Linking Melbourne Authority's East West Link (Eastern Section) Comprehensive Impact Statement regarding impacts upon
Capital City Trail and Royal Park
"The impact an the Capital City trail is poorly documented and addressed. This is a significant cycling and commuter trail. (refer appendix 9, Report: Bicycle and
pedestrian count data, 2013 - Royal Pork)
The SIA daes not recognise the significance af the Capital City Trail in Precinct Three. The City of Melbourne has provided data on the use of the trail Precinct
Three. The COMPREHENSIVE IMPACT STATEMENT should be amended to recognise this and assess its impact.
The COMPREHENSIVE IMPACT STATEMENT should require that the Capital City Trail and other shared paths stay open and viable during the construction
"A key recreational value of Moonee Ponds Creek is as a regional shared trail. The Capital City Trail runs parallel to the creek and it connects the Yarra River and
the City to Royal Park and onto the northern suburbs. For bicycle and pedestrian movement it is as important as the Yarra Main trail. The VicRoads counter
located on Footscray Road, 200 metres south east of the CityLink off-ramp recorded 3,200 bike riders every 24 hours (2013)22. This counter records bicycles from
both Footscray Road and the Capital City Trail, with the recorded numbers showing it is the most heavily used bike route in Metropolitan Melbourne."
Ref: City Of Melbourne submission on Linking M elbourne Authority' s East West Link (Ea stern Section) Compreh ensive Impact Statement (COMPREHENSIVE
Yarra Bicvcfe Users Group - Presentation to East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 17
16. Yarra Cycling Count Data
City of Yarra - Pedestrian and Cyclist Data Held By Traffic Unit
Eastern Freeway pedestrian overpass
between Alexandra Parade East and
Trenerry Crescent (informally used by
Trenerry Crescent / Noone Street
Alexandra Parade / Wellington Street
Trenerry Crescent / Gray Street, Alexandra
Parade / George Street, Alexandra Parade /
Napier Street, Canning Street / Gray Street,
Johnson Street / Wellington Street.
Canning Street / Lee Street intersection
7:00am-9:00am weekday bicycle count
7:00am-9 :00am and 4:00pm-6:00pm weekday bicycle counts
7:00am-9:30am weekday bicycle count
2004 to
7:00am-9:30am annual weekday bicycle count
8:00am-1O:00am weekday bicycle count
Napier Street I Johnson Street intersection
7:00am-9:00am, 12:00pm-2:00pm and 4:00pm-6:00pm weekday bicycle counts
Napier Street / Johnson Street intersection
Joh nson Street / Brunswick Street
7:00am-9:00am, 12:00pm-2:00pm and 4:00pm-6:00pm weekday pedestrian counts
7:00am-9:00pm weekday bicycle count
7:30am-9:30am, 3:00pm-5:00pm weekday (except north-south movements on Smith Street)
Smith Street / Westgarth Street / Mater
Princes Street / Nicholson Street pedestrian
crossing facility .
School crossing surveys 8:15am-9:15am weekday
Alexandra Parade Pedestrian Operated
Signal near Gold Street
School crossing surveys 8:15am-9:15am weekday
Queens Parade / Michael Street
Pedestrian movements on west side of Queens Parade 12:00pm-3:00pm (Saturday)
Bicycle Victoria (City of Yarra countsvarious locations)
2012 and
- -
7:00am-9:00am Super Tu esda y bicycle counts
- --
Yarra Bicycle Users Group - Presentation to East Wes t Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 18
Summary Findings of Traffic Unit Data
30 cyclists recorded using Eastern Freeway overpass between Alexandra Parade East and Trenerry Crescent (2011) during the morning peak hour (8:00am-9:00am).
44 cyclists recorded using the section of Trenerry Crescent passing under the Eastern Freeway between 7:00am-9:00am (2011). BV Super Tuesday counts have recorded
59 cyclists (2012) and 124 cyclists (2013) passing under the Eastern Freeway on Trenerry Crescent between 7:00am-9:00am.
348 cyclists recorded entering or crossing Alexandra Parade from Wellington Street between 7:00am-9:30am with 175 cyclists crossing or entering Alexandra Parade from
Wellington Street during the 8:00am-9:00am peak hour (2010). BV Super Tuesday counts have recorded 407 cyclists (2012) and 448 cyclists (2013) entering or crossing
Alexandra Parade from Wellington Street between 7:00am-9:00am .
Currently limited east-west cycle movements on Alexandra Parade through Wellington Street intersection (10 cyclists per direction between 7:00am-9:30am). Similar
levels of east-west cycle movements were recorded during the 2012 and 2013 BV Super Tuesday counts.
188% increase in cyclists passing through Trenerry Crescent / Gray Street intersection during AM (7:00am-9:00am) peak period between 2004 (32 cyclists) and 2009 (92
cyclists). BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 71 cyclists (2012) and 138 cyclists (2013) passing through the intersection between 7:00am-9:00am.
57% increase in cyclists passing through Alexandra Parade / George Street intersection during AM (7:00am-9:00am) peak period between 2004 (123 cyclists) and 2009
(193 cyclists).
115% increase in cyclists crossing at or cycling past Alexandra Parade pedestrian operated signals near Napier Street during AM (7:00am-9:00am) peak period between
2004 (141 cyclists) and 2009 (303 cyclists) . BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 492 cyclists (2012) and 690 cyclists (2013) crossing or passing by the pedestrian operated
signals between 7:00am-9:00am .
133% increase in cyclists passing through Canning Street / Princes Street intersection during AM peak period (7:00am-9:00am) between 2004 (365 cyclists) and 2009 (849
cyclists). BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 977 cyclists (2012) and 1,213 cyclists (2013) passing through the intersection between 7:00am-9:00am.
682 cyclists recorded using Canning Street (150m north of Princes Street) during AM (8:00am-9:00am) peak hour (2012).
207% increase in cyclists passing through Johnson Street / Wellington Street intersection during AM (7:00am-9:00am) peak period between 2004 (147 cyclists) and 2009
(541 cyclists). BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 655 cyclists (2012) and 812 cyclists (2013) passing through the intersection between 7:00am-9:00am.
335 cyclists (AM peak hour, 8:00am-9:00am). 52 cyclists (lunch time peak hour, 12.30pm-l:30pm) and 242 cyclists (PM peak hour, 5:00pm-6:00pm) recorded travelling
along Napier Street through intersection with Johnson Street (2012).
160 cyclists (AM peak hour, 8:00am-9:00am). 43 cyclists (lunch time peak hour, 12.30pm-l:30pm) and 161 cyclists (PM peak hour, 5:00pm-6:00pm) recorded travelling
along Johnson Street through intersection with Napier Street (2012).
Council bikes counts recorded 714 cyclists passing through Napier Street / Johnson Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am (2012 typical day). BV Super Tuesday
counts recorded 696 (2012) and 833 (2013) passing through the intersection between 7:00am-9 :00am on the Super Tuesday events days.
217 (AM peak hour, 8:00am-9:00am), 251 (lunch time peak hour, 12.30pm-l:30pm) and 274 (PM peak hour, 5.00pm-6:00pm) pedestrian crossing movements recorded at
the Napier Street I Johnson Street intersection.
109 cyclists (AM peak hour, 8:00am-9:00am), 150 cyclists (PM peak hour, 5:00pm-6:00pm) and 959 cyclists (over 14 hour survey period, 7:00am-9:00pm) recorded
travelling along Johnson Street through intersection with Brunswick Street (2012).
Yarra Bicycle Users Group
Presentation to East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 19
226 cyclists (AM peak hour, 8:00am-9:00am), 236 cyclists (PM peak hour, 5:00pm-6:00pm) and 1,381 cyclists (over 14 hour survey period, 7:00am-9:00pm) recorded
travelling along Brunswick Street through intersection with Johnson Street (2012).
121 cyclists recorded entering or crossing Smith Street from either Westgarth Street or Mater Street in AM peak hour (7.30am-8:30am). 121 cyclists recorded entering or
crossing Smith Street from either Westgarth Street or Mater Street in the afternoon peak hour (3:45pm-4:45pm).
101 children recorded crossing at Princes Street pedestrian operated signal at Nicholson Street (close to St Brigid's Primary School) during AM peak hour (8:15am9:15am).
45 children recorded crossing at Alexandra Parade pedestrian operated signal near Gold Street (close to Gold Street Primary School) during AM peak hour (8:15am9:15am).
175 pedestrians recorded crossing (either Michael Street or Queens Parade) from south-west corner of intersection of Michael Street and Queens Parade during peak
hour on Saturday afternoon (12:15pm-l:15pm).
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 363 (2012) and 527 (2013) passing through the Wellington Street / Queens Parade intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 655 (2012) and 812 (2013) passing through the Wellington Street / Johnson Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 540 (2012) and 572 (2013) passing through the Wellington Street / Gipps Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 586 (2012) and 631 (2013) passing through the Wellington Street / Langridge Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the
Super Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 413 (2012) and 431 (2013) passing through the Wellington Street / Victoria Parade intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 579 (2012) and 714 (2013) passing through the Napier Street / Gertrude Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 459 (2012) and 539 (2013) passing through the St Georges Road / Scotch mer Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the
Super Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 570 (2012) and 684 (2013) passing through the Brunswick Street / Alexandra Parade intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the
Super Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 824 (2012) and 995 (2013) passing through the Brunswick Street / Gertrude Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 635 (2012) and 705 (2013) passing through the Brunswick Street / Victoria Parade intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 315 (2012) and 292 (2013) passing through the Nicholson Street / Johnson Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
Yarra Bicvcle Users Group - Presentation to East West Link {Eastern Section} Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 20
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 469 (2012) and 591 (2013) passing through the Nicholson Street / Gipps Street intersection between 7:00am-9 :00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 249 (2012) and 353 (2013) passing through the Nicholson Street (Abbottsford) / Langridge Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am
on the Super Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 687 (2012) and 787 (2013) passing through the Nicholson Street (Fitzroy) / Gertrude Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on
the Super Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 116 (2012) and 173 (2013) passing through the Trenerry Crescent / Bath Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 280 (2012) and 377 (2013) passing through the Rathdowne Street / Princes Street intersection between 7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
BV Super Tuesday counts recorded 269 (2012) and 333 (2013) passing through the Heidelberg Road / Fenwick Street intersection between7:00am-9:00am on the Super
Tuesday events days.
Yarra Bicycle Users Group - Presentation to fast West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 21
17. Conclusion
Yarra Bicycle Users Group's {Yarra BUG) submission has demonstrated that the Traffic Impact Assessment (Appendix E) fails to address the impacts as regards
to current and planned cycling infrastructure.
This unpopular and unnecessary project, if proceeded with, will inflict massive impacts on cycling and walking connectivity within the City of Yarra.
The Comprehensive Impact Statement (CIS) is therefore a misnomer.
Yarra Bicycle Users Group - Presentation to East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee. 7th April 2014
I Page 22