Effects of CRD IV on a €125k IFPRU Limited Licence Investment Firm Introduction MiFID Investment Firms which, among other MiFID Activities, Safeguard and Administer Client Assets/Money but do not Deal on Own Account, are subject to the new Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV) with effect from 1 January 2014. This paper highlights and summarises the key affect of this on and requirements of this on such Firms. The key areas of note which may have impact on these Firms are the removal of Tier 3 capital, ending of the ability to use the Simplified approach to calculate Credit Risk Weightings, the change the in the method of calculating Regulatory Capital Requirements (including additional Buffers), Country-by-Country Reporting and the requirement to make certain regulatory reports in a specified data format (XBRL). What is CRD IV CRD IV is the EU implementation of Basel III which is a global Accord via the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in response to the financial crisis. Basel III contains a package of proposals to increase the prudential soundness of Banks, and its implementation in the EU is designed to also cover certain MiFID Investment Firms (approx. 1,500 out of the 2,400 MiFID Firms in the UK, who are prudentially regulated by the FCA). CRD IV entirely replaces previous CRD (i.e. CRD, CRDII, CRDIII, BCD and CAD) and introduces entirely new prudential requirements; however, many remain essentially the same. CRD IV increases the quality of capital that Firms are required to hold, and introduces Systemic and Cyclical Capital Buffers for some Firms. It also introduces a substantially revised EU wide liquidity regime. Governance requirements are also being introduced as part of CRD itself for the first time, including the introduction of “bonus limits” How is it implemented? The ‘CRD IV Package’ is comprised as: the Capital Requirements Directive (Directive 2013/36/EU) the Capital Requirements Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 575/2013). The Capital Requirements Regulation (‘CRR’) is directly binding on ‘in scope’ Firms, and does not need to be implemented by the FCA (or via UK Regulation). However, the FCA is transposing the Directive in to the FCA Handbook, along with a limited number of discretionary policies and Derogations available to Member States in the CRR. In scope Firms must, therefore, refer directly to the CRR, supplemented by EBA technical standards and the FCA’s rules/guidance in a new Sourcebook, the Investment Firms Prudential Sourcebook (‘IFPRU’). When will it be implemented? The CRDIV Package came into force on 1 January 2014, however, for some rules there may be transitional provisions which will delay the full implementation of that element. Key Changes Key changes resulting from the CRDIV Package are as follows: 1. Change to Prudential Category and Prudential Rules applicable to Firms. From 1 January 2014 MiFID Limited Investment Firms will be classified as IFPRU 125K Limited Licence Investment Firms and become subject to the requirements laid down in the IFPRU Sourcebook as well as the CRR requirements as detailed above. 2. Treatment of Deferred Tax Assets – Deferred Tax Assets are to be deducted from Common Equity Tier One (‘CET1’) Capital where they derive from future profits. But the full impact of this provision is deferred until 31 December 2017 or 2023. Between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2023, for DTA’s which are derived up to 31 December 2013, and to 31 December 2017 for DTA’s which are derived post 31 December 2013, these DTA’s are subject to Transitional Provisions which have been confirmed as applicable in the UK respectively in IFPRU TP4.6 and TP4.7). 3. CRDIII Tier 3 Capital - Tier 3 Capital will no longer be eligible capital. IFPRU Firm’s with Short Term Subordinated Debt will no longer be able to include this within the Firm’s Capital (currentlty permitted at Upper Tier 3). 4. Changes in way in which the Own Funds Requirement (i.e. that previously known as the Capital Resource Requirements) are calculated – will be now based on Risk Weighted Exposures. 5. The FCA’s Simplified approach to Credit Risk, as set out in BIPRU 3.5, is not permitted within CRR, instead Firms will need to use the Standardised Approach. 6. Bonus Limits – this limits the amount of Variable Remuneration that can be paid as a proportion of Fixed Remuneration (1:1 to 1:2 ratio of Fixed to Variable Remuneration) but this is subject to the application of proportionality provisions. 7. CRD Capital Buffers – Limited Licence IFPRU Firms are not subject to these buffers. 8. The implementation of a new basis of Regulatory Reporting – CoRep and, possibly, FinRep. Prudential Categorisation Firms which were classified as a €125k BIPRU Limited Licence Investment Firms are now classified as IFPRU Limited Licence Investment Firms from 1 January 2014. There is a further sub-categorisation of IFPRU Firm; Significant IFPRU Firm. An IFPRU Firm will only fall within this definition if it meets any one, or more, of the following conditions:a. Total Assets exceeds £530 million; b. Total Liabilities exceeds £380 million; c. the Annual Fees and Commission Income it receives in relation to the Regulated Activities carried on by the Firm exceeds £160 million in the 12 month period immediately preceding the date the Firm is required to carry out the assessment on a rolling basis; d. Client Money that it receives or holds exceeds £425 million; and e. Assets belonging to its Clients that it holds in the course of, or connected with, its Regulated Activities exceeds £7.8 billion. Falling outside of the definition of Significant IFPRU Firm means that certain more onerous requirements will not apply to these standard IFPRU Investment Firms. CRDIII Tier 3 Capital As mentioned above CRDIII Tier 3 Capital will no longer be eligible as Own Funds (i.e. Regulatory Capital) for all Firms, not just IFPRU Firms. Therefore, Short Term Subordinated Debt (i.e. with an initial term of between 2 and 5 years) will no longer count towards Total Own Funds. Changes in calculation basis of Own Funds Requirement The mechanics of the Own Funds Requirement calculation will differ with IFPRU Firms having to translate their capital requirements into a Risk Weighted Exposure (‘RWE’) equivalent. IFPRU Firms are then required to hold at Common Equity Tier 1 Capital of at least 4.5% of RWE, at Tier 1 (which is the sum of CET1 and T1 qualifying assets) 6% of RWE and of Total Own Funds (which is the sum of all eligible Own Fund incl. eligible Tier 2) 8% of RWE. To clarify, a Firm may meet all of its Own Fund Requirements via CET1, they are not required to maintain different categories of Capital in order to meet these obligations. We have demonstrated these requirements and calculations on the attached spreadsheet and can provide further advice and guidance in relation to the method behind these calculations. Standardised approach to Credit Risk Firm’s which were previously permitted to use the Simplified approach to establishing its Credit Risk Exposure Weighting will now need to move to, at least, the CRR’s Standardised approach from 1 January 2014. Under the Standardised approach Firms are required to weight Exposures by taking account of the entity to which it is exposed to in line with that entities Credit Rating. As the majority of Firm’s Exposures are to Institutions then the overall capital requirement should not likely increase materially. Cyclical and Systemic Capital Buffers The Directive introduces formal Cyclical and Systemic Capital Buffers as a response to the financial crisis, both to provide a greater ‘cushion’ to absorb losses and to help address the pro-cyclical mechanisms that contributed to its origins and aggravated its effect. There are up to five possible separate capital buffers, which together make up the Combined Buffer (CB) requirement; the Combined Buffer must then be met by holding sufficient Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) capital. None of these Capital Buffers will apply to IFPRU Limited Licence (or Limited Activity) Investment Firms as the UK adopted the Derogation permitted which permitted this under CRR. Variable Remuneration Limit Variable Remuneration will limited to a proportion that represents 100% of Fixed Remuneration (or 200% of Fixed Remuneration where certain conditions are met). The FCA has issued Proportionality Guidance where it may be possible to disapply the Variable Remuneration Limit on grounds of ‘proportionality’. Country by Country Reporting IFPRU Firms will be subject to CRR Art. 89. This requires Institutions to disclose certain information publically. The UK has issued its Country by Country Reporting Regulations. In summary the items which each Institution and by any of its Branches and Subsidiaries (if it has them), must disclose at each level are; Names, nature of activities and geographical location (of the Institution and at Subsidiary/Branch level); Turnover; Number of employees on a full time equivalent basis; Profit or loss before tax; Tax on profits or loss; and Public subsidies received. Regulatory Reporting IFPRU Firms will, automatically, be subject to CoRep and, possibly, FinRep. CRDIV requires all EEA States adopt the EU’s existing Regulatory Reporting process (the UK has, hitherto, opted out of this). However, Firms, may well not be subject to FinRep, as these are only required at Consolidation Group level, not at solo level, where its Shares are Admitted to Trading on a Regulated/Prescribed Market and adopts IFRS Accounting Standards. However, all IFPRU Firms will be subject to CoRep. These Firms will need to submit the new CoRep Templates, electronically via GABRIEL, in XBRL format. Kinetic Partners can provide details of a number of companies which can assist with the translation of a Firm’s existing Capital spreadsheet into the correct format. The first CoRep reporting will commence from Reporting Date 31 March 2014, on this first occasion, this report will need to be submitted no later than 30 May 2014. Ordinarily, thereafter, CoRep Reports must be submitted by defined dates, which are, approximately, one month after its corresponding Reporting Date. The table below details the changes for IFPRU Firms. We have highlighted in red those reporting requirements that are applicable to IFPRU Firms. Data items replaced for CRDIV Firms Data items that remain for Data items unaffected by CRDIV Firms but COREP/FINREP application differs under CRDIV rules FSA003 - Capital Adequacy (is FSA005 - Market Risk: Only 2 replaced by COREP Own Funds) data elements for Capital Addons will be completed FSA004 - Credit Risk FSA006 - Market Risk (supp.): Retained to support RNIV FSA005 - Market Risk Framework FSA007 - Operational Risk FSA045 - IRB Portfolio Data: Guidance will change FSA028 - Non EEA Sub groups FSA018 – UKIGs Large CRD: FSA001 Balance Sheet FSA002 Income Statement FSA014 - Forecast data FSA015 - Sectoral analysis FSA016 - Solo consolidation FSA045 - IRB Portfolio Data FSA046 - Securitisation FSA058 – Securitisation FSA017 - Interest rate gap exposures: Guidance will change as this will be applied to entities with Core UK Group FSA019 - Pillar 2 Questions and Non-Core LE Group Waiver LIQUIDITY FSA011, 047 – 055 COREP LE FSA008 - Large Exposures (Applies to PRA Firms Only At Non CRD: Present) FSA029 - 042 Payment Services: FINREP - CONSILIDATED RETURNS WHEN USING IFRS FSA056 / 057 FSA001 Balance Sheet RMAR FSA002 Income Statement Complaints MLAR all other data items not explicitly mentioned are unaffected Limited Licence Pillar 1 Capital Eligible LLP Member/Eligible Partner/Ordinary Share Capital CRR Part 2, Chapter 2 3,000,000 Share Premium Account CRR Part 2, Chapter 2 2,000,000 CET1 Audited Reserves CRR Part 2, Chapter 2 4.50% 1,500,000 0 Intangible Assets CRR Part 2, Chapter 2 (200,000) Deferred Tax Assets CRR Part 2, Chapter 2 [xxxxxx] CRR Part 2, Chapter 2 (234,000) 0 Perpetual Non-Cumulative Prefs CRR Part 2, Chapter 3 200,000 Deductions CRR Part 2, Chapter 3 (20,000) Deductions T1 6.00% 6,066,000 Net CET1 0 Qualifying Long Term Subordinated Debt CRR Part 2, Chapter 4 100,000 Deductions CRR Part 2, Chapter 4 (50,000) T2 6,500,000 Total CET1 180,000 Total T1 0 Total Capital 50,000 6,296,000 Total Capital 8.00% Risk Requirement CRR Reference Requirement Element Exposure Weighted RWE Exposure Factor ('RWE') Credit Risk Trading Book Risk Weighted Exposure Amount CRR 92(3)(a) CRR Title II 2,771,243 2,771,243 100% Market Risk Own Funds Requirement CRR 92(3)(b) CRR Title IV 0 0 1250% Large Exposure Concentration Risk Own Funds Requirement CRR 92(3)(b) CRR Art. 395/401 0 0 1250% Foreign Currency Own Funds Requirement CRR 92(3)(c) CRR Art. 351 0 23,456 1250% CRR 92(3)(c) CRR Title V 0 0 1250% Commodity Risk Own Funds Requirement CRR 92(3)(c) CRR Art. 356 0 0 1250% Own Funds Requirement CRR 92(3)(d) CRR Title VI 0 0 1250% Annex II and Credit Derivatives Risk Weighted Exposure Amount CRR 92(3)(f)(i) CRR Title II 0 0 100% Repo, Securities/Commodities Lending and Borrowing Risk Weighted Exposure Amount CRR 92(3)(f)(ii) CRR Title II 0 0 100% Margin Lending on Securities/Commodities Risk Weighted Exposure Amount Long Settlement Risk Weighted Exposure Amount CRR Title II CRR Title II 0 0 0 0 100% 100% Non-Trading Book Settlement Risk Own Funds Requirement Derivative Risk Credit Risk CRR 92(3)(f)(iii) CRR 92(3)(f)(iv) Variable Capital RWE Amount FOR CRR 97 3,578,600 Higher RWE Amount (Higher of (a) and (b)) ICG Tier Capital CET1 Ratio T1 Ratio Total Capital Printed 04/02/2014 @ 13:39 140.00% Capital Requirement 2,818,148 2,794,699 (a) 44,732,500 (b) 44,732,500 62,625,500 Capital Held Surplus Capital Actual Ratio Surplus Ratio 6,066,000 3,247,853 13.56% 9.06% 3,757,530 5,010,040 6,246,000 6,296,000 Page 1 of 1 2,488,470 1,285,960 13.96% 14.07% 7.96% 6.07% CRDIV ICAAP Summary Limited Licence Firm
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