Village of Mundelein Police Statue Fund Contents Le er From The Mayor .................................................................................................... 1 Le er From The Chief of Police ........................................................................................ 2 Project Overview ............................................................................................................. 3 Quick Facts ...................................................................................................................... 4 Frequently Asked Ques ons ............................................................................................ 5 Partnership Opportuni es ............................................................................................... 6 Police Tribute Statues Na onwide ................................................................................8-9 V ILLAGEOF M UNDELEIN OFFICEOFTHEMAYOR SteveLentz,Mayor KatyTimmerman,VillageClerk MundeleinPoliceStatueFund DearFriendsandNeighbors: AsMayoroftheVillageofMundeleinandonbehalfoftheBoardofTrustees,Iwouldliketo expressmyappreciationforMr.JackForshaw’seffortsinraisingfundstoconstructastatuein frontofthePoliceDepartmentonRoute45. AtitsJuly8,2013,VillageBoardmeeting,theBoardpassedanordinanceauthorizingthe creationoftheMundeleinStatueCommitteeandappointedJackForshawasChairman.Their purposeistoraisemoniestocompletetheprojectwhichisafullͲsizebronzestatueofapolice officerholdingthehandsoftwochildren.Allmoniesraisedwillbeadministeredandrecorded throughtheVillageofMundeleinFinanceDepartmentandwillbeusedforexpensesrelatedto thepurchaseandinstallationofthestatue. TheBoardofTrusteesandIfullysupporttheCommittee’seffortsandlookforwardtotheday thatthispublicartisdisplayedandvisibletoalltravelersononeofthebusiestroadsin Mundelein.ThisisawonderfultributetotheMundeleinPoliceDepartmentthathasservedthe communityformorethan100years. Sincerely, SteveLentz Mayor SL/ckp y y y 1 V ILLAGEOF M UNDELEIN OFFICEOFTHECHIEF EricGuenther,PoliceChief MundeleinPoliceStatueFund DearVillageofMundeleinPartners: IamwritingthisletterasashowofsupportforthePublicSafetyStatueCommitteethathas beenchargedwithraisingfundstopurchasealifeͲsizedcommemorativebronzestatueslated tobeinstalledatthefrontentranceoftheVillageofMundeleinPoliceStationonRoute45to beviewedandenjoyedbyallMundeleinresidentsandvisitors. Thestatuetitled,“TheProtector,”featuresapoliceofficerholdingthehandsoftwochildren anditisintendedtoserveasatributetoallwhomworkinlawenforcement.MundeleinMayor, SteveLentz,hasappointedMr.JackForshawasCommitteeChairman. TheoverallgoalforthisinitiativeistopaytributetotheMundeleinPoliceDepartmentformore than100yearsofserviceandserveasavisualreminderoftheVillage’scommitmenttoits historyanditscitizens.Additionally,thePublicSafetyStatueCommitteehopesthatthisproject willbeacatalystforalargerinterestinpublicartwithintheVillageofMundelein. Shouldyouhaveanyquestions,pleasefeelfreetocontacttomedirectlyat847Ͳ968Ͳ3775or [email protected]. Thankyouinadvanceforyoursupportofthisimportantcommunityproject. Sincerely, EricJ.Guenther ChiefofPolice EJG/jlm y y y 2 Overview Proposed Cast Bronze Statue To Serve As Tribute To Mundelein Police Officers To pay tribute to the Mundelein Police Department’s more than 100 years of service, the Village of Mundelein recently passed an ordinance authorizing the crea on of the Mundelein Public Safety Statue Commi ee and appointed Jack Forshaw as Chairman. The commi ee’s purpose is to raise funds to complete a police officer tribute. The project will include a life-sized cast bronze statue of a police officer holding the hands of two children. The statue, called “The Protector,” will stand nearly 6’2” tall with his hat in place, weigh approximately 600 pounds, and present a powerful image to Village residents and visitors concerning the selfless contribu ons made by those in public service on a daily basis. Approximate cost of the project is $70,000. “This is a wonderful tribute not only to all those who have served as a Mundelein Police Officers, but to all those in law-enforcement. Our focus here at Mundelein is our ci zens and this statue will be a meaningful symbol and reminder of that commitment to the community,” said Eric Guenther, Mundelein Police Chief. “The Board of Trustees and I fully support the Commi ee’s efforts and look forward to the day that this public art is displayed and visible to all travelers on one of the busiest roads in Mundelein. This is a wonderful tribute to the Mundelein Police Department that has served the community for more than 100 years,” remarked Mayor Steve Lentz. Once funding is in place, The Village of Mundelein will commission Brodin Studios, Inc.—a company owned and operated for over 30 years by re red police officers and firefighters to honor and memorialize their brave comrades in law enforcement, fire/rescue, and the military. Brodin Studios bronze statues are created using the ancient lost wax process of hot bronze cas ng. This more than 5000 year old cas ng method is a lengthy progression of steps that require a great deal of a en on. The end result is a finished piece that is unsurpassed in detail, quality, and beauty. Brodin Studios uses the lost wax process over other cas ng methods because it enables the ar sts to customize each sculpture down to the last detail including specific uniform style, patches, badges, and more. “Our statues make a definite statement in the community. We’ve found that when people see our sculptures for the first me, they interact with them, kids touch the officer’s hand, and a man approaching a ground-mounted life-size figure looks eye to eye with him and so the statue has greater impact as compared to viewing it on a base. We usually recommend moun ng life-size sculpture at or near ground level for this reason,” explains Neil Brodin, Owner, Brodin Studios, Inc. “I think the proposed statue will be a wonderful addi on to the Village of Mundelein and it will be a nice way to honor our police officers. It’s important to have something like this in the Village to remind the community that the police department and its officers are protectors and partners with them. This proposed statue will represent who they are and what they do. It will help to break down the barriers of us/ them,” said Raymond Rose, Former Mundelein Police Chief for 20 years. 3 Quick Facts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Village of Mundelein officials wish to pay tribute to the Mundelein Police Department’s 100 years of service. Mayor Steve Lentz along with the Village Board passed an ordinance authorizing the crea on of the Mundelein Public Safety Statue Commi ee. Commi ee Chair: Mr. Jack Forshaw, Lifelong Mundelein Resident. Commi ee’s sole purpose is to raise funds to complete a police officer tribute. The tribute will include a life-sized cast bronze statue of a police officer holding the hands of two children. The statue, called “The Protector,” will stand nearly 6’2” tall with his hat in place, weigh approximately 600 pounds, and present a powerful image to Village residents and visitors concerning the selfless contribu ons made by those in public service on a daily basis. Once funding is in place, The Village of Mundelein will commission Brodin Studios, Inc.— a company owned and operated for over 30 years by re red police officers and firefighters to honor and memorialize their brave comrades in law enforcement, fire/rescue, and the military. Approximate cost of the project is $70,000. Dona ons To make a dona on to the Police Officer Tribute Statue Fund, simply make your checks payable to Mundelein Police Statue Fund. For More Informa on If you would like more informa on on this project, please call Mr. Jack Forshaw, Chairman, Mundelein Police Statue Fund at 847-566-0334. “This is a wonderful tribute not only to all those who have served as a Mundelein Police Officers, but to all those in law-enforcement. Our focus here at Mundelein is our ci zens and this statue will be a meaningful symbol and reminder of that commitment to the community.” –Eric Guenther, Mundelein Police Chief Thank you for your support of this important community service project. 4 Frequently Asked Ques ons What is the Police Statue Fund? The Village of Mundelein is raising funds for a life-sized bronze statue of a police officer holding the hands of two children. This stunning piece of artwork will serve as a tribute to the men and women of law enforcement who have served the Village for over 100 years. The statue will be placed in front of the Mundelein Police Sta on facing Route 45 for maximum community exposure. What is the approximate cost of the statue? The current es mated cost of the statue is $60,000. There will be addi onal installa on costs, so the total cost of the project will be approximately $70,000. Who is in charge of solici ng dona ons? At the July 8, 2013 Village of Mundelein Board Mee ng, the Board passed an ordinance establishing the Village of Mundelein Police Statue Planning Commi ee. Jack Forshaw was named Chairman of the Commi ee and he will be assisted by six volunteer members. This Commi ee will personally contact Mundelein business owners to consider suppor ng this ini a ve. Mundelein residents will be invited to donate to this cause via other marke ng solicita ons. Can businesses and private individuals make a pledge to the Police Statue Fund and then make payments over me? The Police Statue Fundraising Campaign will take place over the next 12 months. Pledge payments to the fund may be made in increments over this me period to the Mundelein Police Statue Fund. Is my dona on to the Police Statue Fund tax deduc ble? Your dona on is 100% tax deduc ble. When will the police tribute statue be installed? Provided that funding is in place by December, 2014 the statue will be installed and dedicated in May, 2015. Who has been commissioned to create the police statue? The Village of Mundelein will commission Brodin Studios, Inc.—a company owned and operated for over 30 years by re red police officers and firefighters to honor and memorialize their brave comrades in law enforcement, fire/rescue, and the military. Brodin Studios bronze statues are created using the ancient lost wax process of hot bronze cas ng. This more than 5000 year old cas ng method is a lengthy progression of steps that require a great deal of a en on. The end result is a finished piece that is unsurpassed in detail, quality, and beauty. 5 Partnership Opportuni es POLICE CHIEF CLUB $10,000 and above dona on SERGEANT’S CLUB $500–$1,499 Bronze desktop replica statue 8” x 8” Personalized Brick 12” x 12” Personalized Brick Name on bronze commemora ve plaque mounted at statue site Name on bronze commemora ve plaque mounted at statue site Mayoral Le er of Apprecia on Lunch with the Police Chief at a Mundelein restaurant of your choice Ride Along with Police Officer Mayoral Le er of Apprecia on Recogni on in all Village of Mundelein promo onal materials Name/Logo recogni on on dedicated page of Village Website Recogni on in all Village of Mundelein promo onal materials POLICE OFFICER’S CLUB $100–$500 Name/Logo recogni on on dedicated page of Village Website 4” x 8” Personalized Brick DEPUTY CHIEF CLUB $5,000–$9,999 Recogni on in all Village of Mundelein promo onal materials 12” x 12” Personalized Brick Name/Logo recogni on on dedicated page of Village Website Name on bronze commemora ve plaque mounted at statue site Mayoral Le er of Apprecia on Ride Along with Police Officer Mayoral Le er of Apprecia on FRIENDS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT $50 4” x 8” Personalized Brick Recogni on in all Village of Mundelein promo onal materials Name/Logo recogni on on dedicated page of Village Website COMMANDER’S CLUB $1,500–$4,999 12” x 12” Personalized Brick Name on bronze commemora ve plaque mounted at statue site Bronze commemora ve plaque Mayoral Le er of Apprecia on Recogni on in all Village of Mundelein promo onal materials Name/Logo recogni on on dedicated page of Village Website 6 Police Tribute Statues Na onwide Alabama Jasper Police “Protector” Mountain Brook Police “Protector” Florence Police “Protector” Baldwin County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Call to Duty” Colbert County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” w/two children Arkansas Li le Rock FBI “G-Man” Sculpture California Monrovia Police “Protector” Vallejo Police and Fire Memorial San Bernardino Police “Call to Duty” Tus n Police “Call to Duty” Garden Grove Police “Call to Duty” Alhambra Police “Protector” Dublin Police and Fire “Protectors” Westminster Police Office Sculpture Bakersfield Vietnam Nurses Memorial “Nurse” Rio Hondo Police “Call to Duty” Downey Police “Call to Duty” Hawaiian Gardens LA County Deputy and Firefighter “Protectors” Colorado Colorado State Patrol Trooper Connec cut Norwalk Police “Protector” North Thompsonville Firefighter “Protector” Delaware Dover Delaware State Police Memorial “Call to Duty” Florida Indian River County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Call to Duty” Lake County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” (1st female Protector) Miami-Dade Law Enforcement “Call to Duty” w/child Coral Springs Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Davie Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Cape Coral Police “Protector” Winter Haven Police “Protector” Polk County (4) Deputy Full-Body Life-size Portraits Hernando County Police “Call to Duty” Elgin Firefighter Portraits Glen Ellyn Firefighter Memorial Sculpture Lansing Firefighter Sculpture Iowa West Des Moines Police “Protector” Spencer Firefighter “Protector” Coralville Police “Protector” Kansas Prairie Village Police “Protector” Shawnee Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Topeka Police and Deputy “Call to Duty” Junc on City Police “Protector” Louisiana Jefferson Parish Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Lafaye e Police “Call to Duty” w/child New Orleans Police “Call to Duty” w/child Maryland Howard County Police “Protector” Harford County Police “Protector” Ocean City Firefighter Memorial Prince Georges County FOP 89 Police “Call to Duty” Ridge Firefighter “Protector” Massachuse s Rockland Police “Call to Duty” w/child Wellesley Police “Protector” Fall River Police “Protector” Minnesota Minneapolis Police “Protector” and “Eastside Guardian” Minnesota State Patrol State Trooper “Protector” Maple Grove Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Aus n/Mower County Police and Deputy Memorial Robbinsdale Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Anoka Police “Protector” Anoka County Sheriff ’s Deputy two-statue Memorial Champlin Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Columbia Heights Police and Firefighter “Protectors” w/child Hennepin County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” con nued on next page Georgia Floyd County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Call to Duty” Rome WWI “Doughboy” Sculpture Smyrna Police “Protector” w/two children Hawaii Kailua-Kona Park Ranger Memorial Illinois Kendall County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” Springfield Illinois State Firefighters Memorial Naperville Police Male and Female “Protectors” Pala ne Firefighter Memorial Schaumberg Police “Protector” Arlington Heights Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Batavia Police “Protector” 8 Police Tribute Statues Na onwide (cont.) Minnesota (cont.) Ohio Minneapolis “George Mikan” Portrait St. Cloud Police “Protector” St. Paul Firefighter Bas Relief Memorial Maplewood Police “Call to Duty” and Bas Relief Portrait Memorial Eagan Police, Firefighter & Military Memorial Itaska Sheriff ’s Deputy Memorial Lorain Police “Call to Duty” Massillon Police “Protector” Pickerington Police “Protector” Sycamore Township Firefighter “Protector” Union County Sheriff Deputy “Call to Duty” Euclid Police “Protector” Hamilton Police “Protector” Cincinna FBI “G-Man” Sculpture Michigan Muskegon County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” w/two children Pon ac Michigan State Police and Firefighter Memorial Waterford Township Police “Protector” Kent County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” Holland Police “Protector” Ingham County Deputy Memorial Grand Rapids Salu ng Police Officer East Pointe Firefighter “Protector” Dearborn Police “Call to Duty” Dearborn Heights Police “Protector” Delta Charter Township Firefighter “Protector” Ba le Creek Police “Protector” Taylor Police “Protector”) Hazel Park Police and Fire Memorial Lansing Firefighter Memorial Missouri Pennsylvania Monroe County Firefighter “Protector” Blair County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Call to Duty” w/child Cambria County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” Penn Hills Police “Call to Duty” Tennessee Clarksville Police Memorial Roane County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” w/two children Texas Colleyville Police Officer Sculpture Houston Police “Protector” Galveston Police “Protector” Goodfellow Air Force Base Firefighter Memorial Laredo Police “Call to Duty” Plano Police “Protector” St. Joseph Police and County Memorial St. Louis County Police and Firefighter Memorial St. Louis County Police “Call to Duty” St. Charles Police “Protector” Florissant Police “Protector” Virginia New Hampshire Washington Berlin Police “Call to Duty” Hampton Police “Protector” Arlington County Police Officer Sculpture Newport News Police and Firefighter Memorial Chesapeake FOP Police, Deputy , Firefighter Memorial King County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” Nebraska Has ngs Police “Protector” New Jersey Ocean County Police “Protector” Vineland Police “Protector” Union Beach Firefighter “Protector” Bayonne Police and Firefighter “Protectors” Hasbrouck Heights Police “Protector” Sycamore Township Firefighter “Protector” New York Hun ngton Manor Firefighter “Protector” Monroe County Sheriff ’s Deputy “Protector” Middle Island Police, Firefighter, and Paramedic Memorial Merrick Firefighter Memorial Mas c Firefighter Protector Manorville Firefighter “Call to Duty” South Hampton Police “Protector” Oregon Tuala n Police “Call to Duty” 9 Police Statue Fund Committee Members Jack Forshaw, Chairman Sue Forshaw Don Hansen Holly Kim Jim Nutschnig Tom Ouimet Marilyn Sindles Village of Mundelein Police Statue Fund Jack Forshaw, Chairman 847-566-0334 [email protected] 440 East Hawley Street Mundelein, Illinois 60060
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