NIHR CLINICAL TRIALS FELLOWSHIPS NIHR CLINICAL TRIALS FELLOWSHIPS 2014 GUIDANCE NOTES Published April 2014 Page 1 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Introduction On behalf of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), the NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre (TCC) is launching the third round of NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowships. The NIHR through its various national research programmes (, commissions new research of direct relevance to the NHS. Many of these studies involve clinical trials. The conduct and execution of well designed trials requires partnership with clinicians, other trialists and methodologists and ideally builds on the experience, expertise and infrastructure provided by Clinical Trials Units (CTUs). Clinical Trials Fellowships (CTFs) are designed to support existing NIHR Trainees with an interest in, and experience of, working with clinical trials as part of their current training award who would benefit from further training within the setting of a CTU (in receipt of NIHR CTU Support Funding). The training programme should expose the trainee to all aspects/stages of trials and should not limit individuals to one study. These Guidance Notes are intended to help individuals and CTUs who are eligible to apply for a NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowship complete an application. Eligibility NIHR CTFs are open to existing NIHR trainees in partnership with CTUs in receipt of NIHR CTU Support Funding. Applications should be submitted jointly by the CTU and the trainee. NIHR trainees must: Currently hold one of the following awards: NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship (DRF); NIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF); NIHR Career Development Fellowship (CDF); NIHR Clinical Lectureship (CL) (part of NIHR’s Integrated Academic Training Programme, including NIHR recognised locally-funded CLs); NIHR Clinician Scientist Award; NIHR Clinical Academic Training Doctoral Research Fellowship (CAT DRF); NIHR Clinical Academic Training Clinical Lectureship (CAT CL); NIHR Healthcare Scientist Doctoral Research Fellowship (HCS DRF); NIHR Healthcare Scientist Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (HCS PDF); Be involved in a clinical trial as part of their training award; Have an award that finishes on or after 1st February 2015; and Have continued support from their employing organisation for the duration of the fellowship (this will be the host institution that administers their current award and may or may not be the same as the institution that hosts the CTU). Clinical Lecturers must also have permission from their Postgraduate Dean for time out of their training programme. Published April 2014 Page 2 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre CTUs must: Be based in England; and Be in receipt of NIHR CTU Support Funding, with at least one year of their current contract in force at the deadline for submission of an application. Individual CTUs may be involved with up to two separate applications, supporting different trainees. Scope CTFs provide 6 months dedicated time (or 8 months part-time at 75% Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) or 10 months part-time at 60% WTE) for the trainee to undertake activities that expose them to a range of clinical trials and studies. NIHR is looking for innovative proposals that expose trainees to all aspects and stages of NIHR trials and studies and should not limit the individual to a single project where they would only see one stage in depth. Training programmes should provide trainees with hands on experience that considers the issues involved in the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of all trials (including public health based research). We expect trainees to demonstrate clearly how they would draw on their existing NIHR-funded research and how this additional training would support their future career either as a clinical trials collaborator or principal investigator. Funding Each NIHR CTF will attract full cost of employment (including National Insurance, Superannuation and London Weighting where appropriate) for the Trainee for the 6 month period plus costs to support their clinical trial training activities (capped at £5000 for each award). “Full Economic Costs” (FEC) will also be paid to Higher Education Institutions. It is anticipated that up to 6 fellowships will be awarded. The CTF is additional to the trainee’s existing NIHR training award and must be taken immediately after their current award finishes without a break in funding. Funding for the Fellows will begin once details (including start date) have been submitted to the NIHR TCC. Fellows should start within 18 months of awards being announced, subject to the CTU having continuing NIHR CTU Support Funding in place for the duration of the fellowship. Management Successful Fellows are expected to submit a progress report at the end of the fellowship. The host organisation should submit a financial reconciliation following completion of the award. Selection Process for Applications All CTUs in receipt of NIHR CTU Support Funding will be contacted and asked if they are interested in participating in the round. Details of participating CTUs will be available on the NIHR TCC website. Published April 2014 Page 3 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Potential candidates will be invited to apply for an NIHR CTF in partnership with a participating CTU. All applicants must have contacted the CTU where they are interested in working by 5th May 2014, stating their name and contact details, their current NIHR award and projected end date, and summary of their trials exposure to date and reasons for applying. Applications will be reviewed and scored by an Expert Panel which will make recommendations to the Director General of R&D for the Department of Health. The selection process and subsequent management of the NIHR CT Fellowship will be managed by the NIHR TCC. The outcome will be announced during Autumn 2014. Assessment Criteria Applications for CTFs will be assessed against the following criteria: The potential of the trainee to undertake high quality clinical trials in their future career; The impact the fellowship will have on the trainee’s career development and trajectory; The extent to which the Fellowship will provide a high-quality and stimulating research training experience in all aspects of clinical trials of relevance to the NIHR; The provision of academic supervision and support; and The extent to which the Fellowship will support professional and personal development. Completing the Application Using the Electronic Application Form All the application forms are ‘protected’. This means that you will only be able to type in the appropriate boxes using the prescribed format. The size of each section is fixed; be aware that visible text is limited to the size of the sections. Please do not use a font size of less than 10 points for your application. Other features, such as spelling and grammar checking are not available: you may wish to prepare answers in a blank document and cut and paste them into the application form when they are complete. On opening the forms, the text fields will be highlighted. Type the appropriate details and use the TAB key or mouse to move to the next available field. The default format for entry of dates is dd/mm/yy The application form is made up of a number of different parts, summarised below: Part A Application Summary Part B Trainee Curriculum Vitae Part C Trainee Experience and Case for Support Part D Hosting Organisation(s) Published April 2014 Page 4 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Part E Justification of Resources Requested Part F Declarations and Signatures Part G Department of Health Monitoring Part H Finance Form Part I Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form The application form is available from the NIHR TCC website: It may also be requested as a Word document by e-mailing: [email protected] Part A – Application Summary Trainee Details Please enter your full name. For doctors and dentists, please enter the GMC-/GDC-recognised specialty. For all other applicants, please enter your discipline or professional background from the dropdown menu. Please add your professional body registration membership and registration number where appropriate. Please select your current NIHR training award from the dropdown menu. Please select your proposed start date from the dropdown menu. Clinical Trials Unit Details Please give details of the Clinical Trials Unit where the fellowship will be based, details of your current appointment and details of the employing organisation where this is different. Part B – Trainee Curriculum Vitae Please enter your employment history with your most recent position first. Please enter your professional qualifications, educational qualifications, degrees and diplomas. Please provide details of all NIHR or other grants or awards that you currently hold or have previously held. This should also include any NIHR training fellowships. Please list all recent publications that would be of relevance to this application. Part C – Trainee Experience and Case for Support Summary of Experience Within this section please detail your progress to date in your existing fellowship or lectureship in relation to your clinical trial. Please outline the relevant stages of a clinical trial for which you have experience and highlight the areas where further training would be appropriate. Published April 2014 Page 5 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Overview of Training and Future Plans and Career Intentions Please indicate how this training will build on your existing experience and outline your future research and career intentions. In what ways will this additional training add value to your career? Part D – Hosting Organisation(s) This section should be completed by the CTU and employing organisation where this is different. Contact Details Please provide contact details for the senior representatives of the organisation(s). CTU Proposed Training Programme Please provide a clear outline of the of the 6 month training programme. The training should provide ‘hands on’ experience for all stages for clinical trials and build on the expertise of the unit. This may include involvement in the development of trial protocols, conduct, analysis and interpretation of ongoing trials in the unit. A timetable and milestones for the proposed training programme should be included. Training Supervision Please give details of the members of the CTU who will be involved in the training programme, their role in the CTU and how their expertise will be used to support the trainee. Part E – Justification of Resources Requested This section provides the rationale behind the request for resources. The section is free text and will expand as required. Please refer to the specialist finance Guidance Notes (Part H) for limits on funding. You are advised to read these carefully to inform the completion of this section. Please provide a breakdown of costs associated with undertaking this Fellowship and provide justification for the resources requested. You should describe the value for money of the work itself Part F – Declarations and Signatures All parties must read carefully the declarations and signatures section. The Trainee The trainee should sign the NIHR CTF Application Form to confirm that: The information provided in the application is true, accurate and complete; They understand the terms and conditions of an NIHR CTF; and If successful, they will undertake the work according to good practice. NIHR Carbon Emissions Guidelines Please tick the box to confirm that the applicant has read the NIHR Carbon Reduction Guidelines and, where possible, taken steps to reduce the carbon emissions generated by this research. Published April 2014 Page 6 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Advice on how to do this can be obtained from the NIHR Carbon Reduction Guidelines: The Lead Employing Institution All applications should be signed by the appropriate administrative authority (e.g. the institution's finance officer) and the Head of Department of the prospective host institution. In signing, the officials are indicating: Their approval of the application; Their willingness to offer an appointment to the individual (if successful) for the tenure of the award subject to their normal employment practices; Their commitment to providing the support necessary to make any award a success; Their approval of the salaries and other costs sought; and Their acceptance of the terms and conditions associated with an NIHR CTF. The Clinical Trials Unit A representative of the Clinical Trials Unit must sign off the application. Part F(i) – Current supervisor’s statement of support All applications should include a statement of support from the trainee’s current academic supervisor. Part F(ii) – Postgraduate Dean’s Statement All applicants who are undertaking specialty or general practice training are required to submit part F(ii), completed by their current Postgraduate Dean. Part G - Department of Health Monitoring Information Please use the drop-down menus and tick boxes to provide the information requested. This will be used solely by the Department of Health and the NIHR for accountability, audit and monitoring purposes. Classification of Proposed Research The research classifications contained in this section are those developed by the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) to classify and analyse health research. Health Category You should choose one health category from the list to classify the NIHR research on which your work is based. If this spans more than one health category you can make a second choice. Do not enter more than two health categories. Further information on classifying research can be obtained from the following website: Published April 2014 Page 7 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Research Activity You should choose one research activity from the lists to classify the NIHR research on which your work is based. If your proposed research area spans more than one research activity you can make a second choice. Do not enter more than two research activities. You will see that the main 8 categories are further subdivided. To help you choose the correct subdivision you should use the guidance found at in the downloadable Health Research Classification System booklet. Part H - Finance The finance form should provide a breakdown of costs associated with undertaking the Fellowship as described in the proposal. General Information NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowships provide support for trainees to undertake a training programme designed to provide experience and training in all aspects of clinical trials within a UKCRC registered CTU (in receipt of NIHR CTU Support Funding). Funding is provided to cover the trainee’s salary costs and a contribution to support the clinical trial training activities (up to £5,000) only. The information entered in this section should provide an analysis of the total funds requested to undertake the research proposed and should be based on current prices. These costs will be used to assess value for money. It is in the best interest to undertake a thorough, realistic and accurate costing. You must provide a clear and full justification for all costs. Costs must be provided at current prices. An adjustment for inflation will be made annually thereafter at rates set by the Department of Health. Whilst allowances for incremental increases should be included on the form, nationally or locally agreed pay increases should be excluded. Further itemisation of costs and methods of calculation may be requested to support the application at a later date. Appropriate sub-contracts must be put in place for any element of the research which is to be paid to another organisation. All applications are expected to have appropriate NHS or HEI input into the finance section of the application form. Details of Proposed Fellowship Please complete: Clinical Trials Unit. Applicant name. Start date (please note NIHR TCC awards may only start on the first of the month). Select % WTE from drop down menu. Duration (months). Published April 2014 Page 8 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Information on different types of employing organisations Please select the employing/host organisation type from the drop down menu. Please ensure that you select the correct employing/host organisation as this impacts on the level of funding provided. Staff employed by a Higher Education Institution (HEI) are funded at 80% of cost, and staff employed by NHS, Commercial or Other Partner Organisations at up to 100% of cost. Applications are invited from current NIHR trainees (NIHR DRFs, NIHR PDFs, NIHR CLs or NIHR Clinician Scientists) working in any scientific discipline or sector, within an institution sited in England, who are currently involved in clinical trials as part of their training award and will benefit from hands on experience and training in all aspects of clinical trials. NIHR TCC would normally expect applicants to indicate that they intended to be employed by an English NHS or other healthcare organisation or a recognised English HEI. HEIs HEIs should determine FEC of their research using the Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC) methodology. For HEIs, up to 80% of FEC will be paid, provided that TRAC methodology has been used. NHS Organisations For applications where the contractor (employing host) is an NHS organisation, up to 100% of direct costs will be paid. A. DIRECT COSTS These are costs that are specific to the research, which will be charged as the amount actually spent and can be supported by an audit record. They should comprise: A1: Staff Details of Posts and Salaries. Salaries should be listed at 100%. This section presents an overview of salary costs needed to support this fellowship. Please list: The applicant Please state the current and proposed salary point and scale at the start of the fellowship. No additional increments should be included, and immediate promotion to a higher grade as a result of securing a fellowship will not be funded. Please do not include any Clinical Excellence or Discretion/Merit awards or discretionary points. NIHR agrees to fund consultant salaries at a full-time rate equivalent to 10 Programmed Activities per week. Annual Costs of Posts This section specifies the annual costs of the applicant and support/shared staff contributing to the research. You should now allocate the individual staff member costs to each year of the research, allowing for increments. Published April 2014 Page 9 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Use current rates of pay, and build in any known annual increments (again at current rates). You will not be able to claim for increments retrospectively, once your research is underway. Applicant staff costs should be broken down into basic salary, national insurance, superannuation and geographical weighting. Please note the ‘% full time on this research’ and the ‘Year’ columns are independent and the % figure is not used to calculate the net staff costs. For the ‘Year’ columns, enter the cost of research/fellowship. the individual to the For example: If an individual’s total annual salary costs are £20,000 and they are expected to work 50% of the time on the research/fellowship, in the ‘% full-time on this fellowship’ column enter 50, then £10,000 in ‘Year 1’, £10,000 plus any increment in ‘Year 2’, £10,000 plus any increments in ‘Year 3’, etc. If an individual is going to work full-time on the research/fellowship, for 6 months, enter 100 in the ‘% full-time on this fellowship’ column and 6 in ‘total months on this research’ column, and the cost of their work in the ‘Year 1’ column. It is important to double check that the %, total months and yearly costs information are consistent with the information presented in ‘Details of Posts and Salaries’ (‘Details of Posts and Salaries’ should show the full current staff costs independent of % FTE etc, whereas the yearly costs in ‘Annual Costs of Posts’ depend on % FTE etc). A2: Training and Development All costs in this section will be met at 100% for HEI and NHS organisations. Please itemise and describe fully the costs associated with training and development. The CTF training programme: Please list the costs associated with supporting the Fellow’s clinical trial training activities (up to £5,000). B: HEI Indirect Costs B1: Estates Charges & B2: Other Indirect Costs Total HEI indirect costs must be fully justified. HEIs are permitted to claim estate and other indirect costs. These costs are calculated on the basis of TRAC methodology. Proposals from other types of institutions/organisations should leave this section blank. HEI indirect costs are based on the number of full-time equivalent research staff working on the research and the indirect/estates charges set by an institution. The applicant(s) should consult their HEI Finance Departments for the appropriate figures to include in the estate charges and other indirect cost sections. Published April 2014 Page 10 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre C: SUMMARY OF COSTS NIHR programmes currently fund: HEIs at a maximum of 80% FEC; NHS organisations at 100% of direct costs; and Commercial/other partner organisations at 100% FEC. Please note that whilst these percentages will be used to calculate the maximum grant payable, the programme reserves the right to award a grant for less than this maximum where it is considered appropriate. Trainees and host institutions should note that by authorising and submitting an application they accept the process by which an application is assessed and agree to abide by the conditions under which an award may be offered. Submitting the Application One original application form Parts A to G with signatures and one original copy of the Finance form Part H A CD or memory stick containing the completed application form and finance form Parts A to H. One original copy of the equal Opportunities Form Part I. Please ensure your completed application is securely packaged for delivery. Incomplete or damaged applications will not be accepted. Please do not submit any additional papers. Completed applications should be sent to: NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowships NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre Leeds Innovation Centre 103 Clarendon Road Leeds LS2 9DF Closing Date 17:00 Wednesday 25th June 2014 Incomplete, faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. Proof of postage will not be accepted as proof of receipt by the published closing date and time. Late applications will not be considered under any circumstances. You are advised to use a guaranteed delivery service when posting your application; however, please note that it remains your responsibility to ensure your application is received by the published deadline. Published April 2014 Page 11 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre Acknowledgement Applications will be acknowledged by email within a week of the closing date and time. Applicants should not phone or email the NIHR TCC offices with enquiries prior to receiving this email. Data Protection Act The Data Protection Act 1998 gives individuals the right to see personal information held about them on computer and in some paper files. NIHR TCC complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act with regard to the collection, storage, processing and disclosure of personal information. Freedom of Information and Transparency NIHR TCC manages the NIHR Fellowships Programme on behalf of the Department of Health. As such, the findings of researchers funded by the programme are incorporated into the DH Freedom of Information Publication Scheme: Government procurement transparency regulations require us to publish details of all contracts made with the Department of Health on the Department of Health Website. Confidential information including bank details, staff names and Heads of Department names will be removed from the published versions. Guidance and Advice If you require any further information, advice and guidance please contact: NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre Leeds Innovation Centre 103 Clarendon Road Leeds LS2 9DF Tel. 0113 346 6260 Email. [email protected] Published April 2014 Page 12 of 12 Trainees Coordinating Centre
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