Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Electrical Power and Energy Systems journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijepes Systematical method of designing the elements of the Cuk converter Ebrahim Babaei ⇑, Mir Esmaeel Seyed Mahmoodieh Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 28 January 2013 Received in revised form 20 September 2013 Accepted 25 September 2013 Keywords: Cuk converter CCM DCM Equivalent critical inductance Switch peak current Output voltage ripple a b s t r a c t In this paper, a systematical method of designing the elements of Cuk converter is proposed to reach the minimum values of output voltage ripple (OVR) and switching current stress. Applying the physical laws and analyses, the mathematical relations of critical inductances between continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) are obtained. In addition, the values of switch peak current (SPC) and OVR are calculated in each of operational modes. Since the values of input voltage and load resistance are variable in real systems, the values of OVR and SPC are investigated in the specific ranges of input voltage and load resistance, and the maximum values of SPC (MSPC) and OVR (MOVR) are obtained. Finally, the minimum values of inductances and capacitors are proposed to reach the minimum values of MSPC, MOVR and filter size. The proposed method can be applied for different kinds of dc/dc converters. The simulation results obtained in PSCAD/EMTDC as well as the experimental results verify the presented theoretical subjects. Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction The dc/dc converters are switching circuits that convert a specific dc voltage to another specific level. The conventional dc/dc converters are Buck, Boost, Buck–Boost, Cuk, Zeta and Sepic. The dc/dc converters are widely applied in distributed generation resources [1], power factor correction [2,3], air-space industry [4], cranes [5], vehicles [6], electrical motors [7] and renewable energy resources such as fuel cells and photovoltaic [8–13]. The exact control of acceleration, high efficiency, quick dynamic response and using less number of power switches are specifications of dc/dc converters. The quality of output voltage is a significant parameter and it should have the minimum value of ripple [14,15]. In addition, in these converters the switching current stress should be minimized. Some studies have been performed about operational modes and OVR for some kinds of dc/dc converters. In [16], a Buck converter is investigated from an OVR point of view considering the intrinsic security level. Considering the energy storage elements (inductors and capacitors) in the structure of dc/dc converters and their application in the industries such as refineries and mines which consist of flammable gasses, the value of inductances and capacitances should be selected by concentration on two aspects to maintain the intrinsic security level and to optimize the OVR. In [14], the elements of Buck converter are designed by considering ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +98 411 3300819. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E. Babaei), es_mahmoodieh@yahoo. com (M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh). 0142-0615/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2013.09.024 the OVR and the filter size. In [17], a different arrangement of a Boost converter with an extra LC filter is presented to decrease the OVR. The major disadvantages of [17] are increasing the cost and complexity of the converter. In [15] considering Buck–Boost converter, CCM and DCM are developed to complete inductor supply mode-CCM (CISM-CCM), incomplete inductor supply modeCCM (IISM-CCM) and IISM-DCM, and the converter elements are designed to minimize the OVR by calculating the OVR value in each of developed operational modes. In [18], the authors have presented a modified topology of a Sepic converter in order to decrease the OVR in CCM and DCM. The major disadvantage of this method is the high stress of switching voltage compared with the conventional SEPIC converter. Because of this disadvantage, the presented method in [18] is just applied in low voltages and high currents. The use of more power supply elements (inductor and capacitor) in [18] causes the increase of electromagnetic interference (EMI). One of the other disadvantages of this method is the complexity of converter and its control method. By developing CCM and DCM to CISM-CCM, IISM-CCM and IISM-DCM in a Sepic converter [19], the elements of Sepic converter are designed to reach the minimum OVR and switching peak current [20]. This paper focuses on the Cuk converter. The investigations into the Cuk converter mainly focused on the reduction of switching losses [21,22] and control methods [23,24]. A new soft switching method to minimize the switching ripple and EMI has been given in [25]. A zero-voltage switching parallel-connected Cuk converter is presented in [26] which an active snubber circuit is used in its structure to achieve a soft switching and to limit the voltage stress across power switches. It should be noted that these methods have 352 E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 several disadvantages such as increasing the number of elements, circuit size, losses and complexity of control system. One of the studies about the parameters ripple of Cuk converter is the ripple of switching frequency [27]. In [27], the switching frequency ripple of Cuk converter is investigated by applying the state space model. In addition, the effect of switching frequency ripple on the electrical parameters such as the ripples of load current, resource and output voltage is investigated. However, the effect of other parameters such as input voltage, inductance value, capacitor capacity, and load resistance on OVR is not considered. In [28], the switching ripple of Cuk converter is modeled only in CCM by applying the small signal model. In this paper, the effect of parameters such as input voltage, inductance, capacitance and load resistance on the OVR is not considered. Meanwhile, this method is applied only in CCM. The studies of Cuk converter is not performed by considering the stress of switching current, OVR and filter size in the same time. The value of inductors and capacitors of converter affect the value of OVR and switching current stress. Therefore, these values should be chosen in a way that the stress of switching current, OVR and filter size are minimized. In addition, the value of load resistance is also effective on the value of switching frequency stress and that of OVR which should be considered in designing of converter. In this paper, the MSPC and the maximum value of OVR are minimized by proper designing of values of inductance and capacitances. The operation of Cuk converter is also investigated into CCM and DCM and the critical inductance is also calculated between these two operational modes. In addition, the relations between SPC and OVR are investigated for the specific ranges of input voltage and load resistance. This is performed in order to reach the optimum values of inductances to obtain the minimum value of switching current stress and also the minimum value of maximum OVR (MOVR). Finally, the experimental results are presented to confirm the validity of theoretical analyses. (a) Operational modes and calculation of equivalent critical inductance (b) Fig. 2. Waveforms of Cuk converter: (a) CCM; (b) DCM. The topology of Cuk converter is shown in Fig. 1. This converter has two CCM and DCM operational modes [29]. The classification of operational modes can be accomplished based on the different parameters of converter such as duty cycle, input voltage, load resistance and inductances. In this paper, the classification of operational modes is accomplished based on the values of inductances. In Fig. 2, the waveforms of different quantities of converter are illustrated for CCM and DCM. In CCM, the currents of L1 and L2 have positive values in all time intervals. In DCM, the current of one of the inductors has a negative value in a part of time intervals and the other inductor has a positive value in all time intervals. In the time interval in which the current of one of the inductors is constant-negative, the sum of currents of inductors L1 and L2 are zero. The operational modes of Cuk converter are determined based on the values of inductors currents while the values of inductors currents depend on the values of inductors. So, the border between the operational modes of converter can be deter- mined by critical inductances LC1 and LC2 which is equal to the equivalent critical inductance LCe (LCe = LC1kLC2). In order to obtain the equivalent critical inductance between CCM and DCM, ILV1 + ILV2 = 0 should be valid. So, at first the minimum currents of inductors L1 (ILV1) and L2 (ILV2) should be calculated. Calculating the minimum current value of the inductor L2 and that of the critical inductance LC2 The energy conservation law is used for calculating the current of capacitor as follows: 1 T Z T iC ðtÞdt ¼ 0 ð1Þ 0 The current of capacitor C2 (iC2) is equal to: iC2 ðtÞ ¼ iL2 ðtÞ Io ð2Þ In time interval Ton (the switch S is on), the voltage of inductor L2, vL2 is as follows: v L2 ¼ V C1 V o ð3Þ where, VC1 is the voltage of capacitor C1. The voltage of the capacitor C1 is equal to [30]: V C1 ¼ V o þ V i Fig. 1. Cuk converter. ð4Þ E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 In CCM during time interval Ton, the equation of iC2 can be written as follows: iC2 ðtÞ ¼ Vi t þ ILV2 Io L2 ð5Þ Considering Fig. 1, in time interval Toff (the switch S is off), vL2 is equal to Vo. Assuming the new time era (t1 = 0) and (2), the equation of iC2 in time interval Toff is obtained as follows: iC2 ðtÞ ¼ Vo t þ ILP2 Io L2 ð6Þ RL;min V i;min 2f V i;min þ V o RL;max V i;max ¼ 2f V i;max þ V o LC2;min ¼ ð14Þ LC2;max ð15Þ Calculating the minimum current value of the inductor L1 and that of the critical inductance LC1 Considering (3) and (4) and Fig. 2(a), in time interval Ton, the equation of iC1 is equal to: The duty cycle of converter is defined as follows: iC1 ðtÞ ¼ T on D¼ T ð7Þ When the Cuk converter operates in CCM, the duty cycle will be: D¼ Vo Vo þ Vi RL ILV2 ¼ Io 1 ð1 DÞ 2L2 f RL ð1 DÞ ILP2 ¼ Io 1 þ 2L2 f ð9Þ ð10Þ In CCM, the currents of inductors L1 and L2 are positive and in DCM the current of one of the inductors L1 or L2 is negative. Hence, the minimum value of inductors currents will be zero in the border between these two operational modes. In order to obtain the critical inductance of inductor L2 (LC2), the value of ILV2 in (9) should be equal to zero, so: RL ð1 DÞ 2f ð11Þ LC2 ¼ RL Vi 2f V i þ V o ð12Þ According to (12), LC2 is a function of Vi and RL. By variation of the input voltage from Vi,min to Vi,max and the load resistance from RL,min to RL,max, the operational region of converter in RL Vi plane as shown in Fig. 3(a) is a rectangular shaped region (ABCD). In Fig. 3(a), the following relation is always valid: LC2;1 < LC2;min < LC2;2 < LC2;max < LC2;3 ð13Þ The minimum and the maximum values of critical inductance LC2 are the corresponding inductances with points A and C, respectively which are given as follows: Vo t þ ILP1 L1 ð17Þ Considering (16) and (17) and boundary conditions, the values of ILV1 and ILP1 are equal to: D RL ILV1 ¼ Io ð1 DÞ 1 D 2L1 f D RL þ ð1 DÞ ILP1 ¼ Io 1 D 2L1 f ð18Þ ð19Þ By applying zero for ILV1 in (18), the value of critical inductance of inductor L1, LC1, is obtained as follows: LC1 ¼ RL ð1 DÞ2 2f D ð20Þ According to (8) and (20) can be rewritten as follows: LC1 ¼ Applying (8)–(11), we have: ð16Þ In time interval Toff, the values of iC1 and vL1 are equal to iL1 and Vi VC1, respectively. Considering (4), the equation of iC1 is obtained as follows: iC1 ðtÞ ¼ iL1 ðtÞ ¼ LC2 ¼ Vi t ILV2 L2 ð8Þ Applying (5) and (6) to (1), considering boundary conditions and Vo = RLIo, the values of ILV2 and ILP2 are obtained as follows: 353 RL V 2i 2f ðV i þ V o ÞV o ð21Þ The value of input voltage varies from Vi,min to Vi,max and the value of load resistance varies from RL,min to RL,max. So the operational region of converter, as shown in Fig. 3(b), is a rectangular shaped region (ABCD) in RL Vi plane. In Fig. 3(b) the following is always valid: LC1;1 < LC1;min < LC1;2 < LC1;max < LC1;3 ð22Þ The minimum and the maximum values of critical inductance LC1 are the corresponding inductances with points A and C, respectively which are given as follows: LC1;min ¼ V 2i;min RL;min 2f V o ðV i;min þ V o Þ ð23Þ LC1;max ¼ V 2i;max RL;max 2f V o ðV i;max þ V o Þ ð24Þ Calculating the equivalent critical inductance of the inductor LCe For obtaining the equivalent critical inductance (LCe) between CCM and DCM, the following relation should be valid: ILV1 þ ILV2 ¼ 0 (a) (b) Fig. 3. Critical inductances LC1 and LC2 in RL Vi plate: (a) critical inductance LC2; (b) critical inductance LC1. ð25Þ Applying (9) and (18)–(25) and considering Le = L1kL2, the value of equivalent critical inductance (LCe) between CCM and DCM is obtained: LCe ¼ RL ð1 DÞ2 2f ð26Þ 354 E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 Considering (8) and (26) can be rewritten as follows: LCe RL Vi ¼ 2f V i þ V o ICCM ¼ SP 2 ð27Þ It is important to note that the following is always valid: 1 1 1 ¼ þ LCe LC1 LC2 ð28Þ If Le < LCe, the converter operates in DCM and if Le > LCe the converter operates in CCM. According to (27), LCe is a function of Vi and RL. By variation of the input voltage from Vi,min to Vi,max and the load resistance from RL,min to RL,max, the operational region of the converter in RL Vi, plane as shown in Fig. 4, is a rectangular shaped region (ABCD). In Fig. 4 LCe,1 < LCe,min < LCe,2 < LCe,max < LCe,3 is valid. The minimum and the maximum values of critical inductance LCe are the corresponding inductances with points A and C, respectively which are given as follows: 2 RL;min V i;min 2f V i;min þ V o 2 RL;max V i;max ¼ 2f V i;max þ V o LCe;min ¼ ð29Þ LCe;max ð30Þ Fig. 4 shows that the converter operates in CCM if Le > LCe,max which is depicted by LCe,3 and operates in DCM if Le < LCe,min which is depicted by LCe,1. Considering Vi,min < Vi < Vi,max, RL,min < RL < RL,max and for the specific values of RL and Vi under the condition LCe,min < Le < LCe,max, the converter operates in CCM if Le > LCe and operates in DCM if Le < LCe which is denoted by LCe,2. V o ðV i þ V o Þ V oV i þ RL V i 2fLe ðV i þ V o Þ ð33Þ Considering (33), the value of SPC in CCM is reversely related to the value of the equivalent inductance and that of the load resistance. For the specific values of Vi and RL, the converter operates in CCM if Le > LCe and if Le < LCe, the converter operates in DCM. For the specific values of RL and Vi, the SPC will be maximum in CCM if Le = LCe. So by applying (27)–(33), the maximum value of SPC ðICCM SP;max Þ is obtained as follows: ICCM SP;max ¼ 2V o ðV i þ V o Þ RL V i ð34Þ SPC during DCM For calculating the SPC in DCM, at first the currents of inductors L1 and L2 should be calculated. In time interval Ton, the voltage of inductor L2, vL2, is equal to (3). Considering (4) and Fig. 2(b), the equation of iL2 is obtained as follows: iL2 ðtÞ ¼ Vi t Ib L2 ð35Þ Applying the boundary conditions in (35), the value of ILP2 is obtained as: ILP2 ¼ DV i Ib L2 f ð36Þ In time interval Ton, voltage of the inductor L1 is equal to Vi. Therefore, according to Fig. 2(b), the equation of iL1 is equal to: Vi t þ Ib L1 Calculation of stress of switching current iL1 ðtÞ ¼ The value of switching current stress is one of the effective parameters which should be considered in designing of dc/dc converters. The high value of SPC results in increasing the stress of switching current when the switch is turned off. In this section, the SPC is calculated in CCM and DCM. The effect of each parameter of converter on the SPC is also investigated. Applying the boundary conditions in (37), the value of ILP1 is obtained as: SPC during CCM ð32Þ which ISP is the switch peak current. Considering (10), (19) and (32) and Le = L1kL2, in CCM, the value of SPC is obtained ICCM as follows: SP DV i Le f ð39Þ When the Cuk converter operates in DCM, the value of duty cycle (D) is as follows [31]: D2 ¼ V 2o 2fLe V 2i RL ð40Þ Applying (40) to (39), the value of SPC in DCM will be equal to: IDCM SP sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 ¼ Vo RL fLe ð41Þ Considering (41), the value of SPC in DCM has a negative correlation to the value of the equivalent inductance and that of the load resistance. For the specific values of RL and Vi, the minimum value of SPC in DCM is obtained if Le = LCe. So by applying (27)–(41), the mini is obtained as follows: mum value of SPC in DCM IDCM SP;min IDCM SP;min ¼ Fig. 4. Operational modes of Cuk converter in RL Vi plate. ð38Þ can be calcuApplying (36) and (38) to (32), the value of SPC IDCM SP lated by: ð31Þ According to Fig. 2, at t1 = Ton, the switch current reaches to its maximum value in both operational modes and is equal to: ISP ¼ ILP1 þ ILP2 DV i þ Ib L1 f IDCM ¼ SP Considering Fig. 1, when the switch S is turned on, the switch current will be: iS ðtÞ ¼ iL1 ðtÞ þ iL2 ðtÞ ILP1 ¼ ð37Þ 2V o ðV i þ V o Þ ¼ ICCM SP;max RL V i ð42Þ According to the above explanations, the SPC is basically determined by the value of inductance. Considering the relations of SPC in different operational modes, for a constant value of switching frequency and the specific value of input voltage and load 355 E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 resistance, the relation between SPC and Le is given by Fig. 5. According to Fig. 5, it is observed that in the Cuk converter, the value of SPC in CCM and DCM is minimum and maximum, respectively, and has a negative correlation to the value of the inductance Le and that of the load resistance. Calculation the maximum value of switch peak current Fig. 6. Operational region of converter in MSPC: (a) for RL,min and Vi,min; (b) for RL,min and Vi,max. Considering (33) and (41), the value of SPC has a negative correlation to the value of load resistance. In other words, considering operational range, the MSPC is obtained for RL = RL,min. Since Vi,min < Vi < Vi,max, according to (12), (21) and (27) as the SPC is maximum, the minimum and the maximum values of the inductances LC1 and LC2 and equivalent critical inductance LCe are as follows: RL;min V i;min 2f V i;min þ V o RL;min V i;max ¼ 2f V i;max þ V o Lmin C2;MSPC ¼ Lmax C2;MSPC Lmin C1;MSPC ¼ V 2i;min RL;min 2f ðV i;min þ V o ÞV o RL;min 2f ðV i;max þ V o ÞV o 2 RL;min V i;min ¼ 2f V i;min þ V o 2 RL;min V i;max ¼ 2f V i;max þ V o Lmax C1;MSPC ¼ Lmin Ce;MSPC Lmax Ce;MSPC V 2i;max ð43Þ ð55Þ By applying (47)–(55), the minimum value of IDCM SP;max is obtained as follows: n o 2V ðV o i;min þ V o Þ min IDCM ¼ SP;max RL;min V i;min ð56Þ ð44Þ ð45Þ n o 2V ðV n o o i;min þ V o Þ max ICCM ¼ min IDCM ¼ SP;max SP;max RL;min V i;min ð57Þ ð46Þ MSPC in RL,min and Vi,max conditions ð47Þ ð48Þ Lmin C2;MSPC ¼ LC2;min ð49Þ Lmin C1;MSPC ¼ LC1;min ð50Þ Lmin Ce;MSPC ¼ LCe;min ð51Þ LC2;min < Lmax C2;MSPC < LC2;max ð52Þ LC1;min < Lmax C1;MSPC < LC1;max ð53Þ Lmax Ce;MSPC ð54Þ < LCe;max sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi n o 2 ¼ V min IDCM o SP;max min RL;min fLCe;MSPC If Le > Lmin Ce;MSPC , the converter operates in CCM. If the MSPC of CCM is CCM specified by ICCM SP;max , the maximum value of I SP;max is obtained for Le ¼ Lmin . Applying (47) in (33), we have: Ce;MSPC Comparing (43)–(48) with (14), (15), (23), (24), (29) and (30), the following relations can be obtained: LCe;min < (b) (a) In Vi = Vi,max and RL = RL,min operational conditions, the operational region of converter is given by Fig. 6(b). If Le < Lmax Ce;MSPC , the converter operates in DCM. If the MSPC of DCM is specified by DCM max IDCM SP;max , the minimum value of I SP;max is obtained for Le ¼ LCe;MSPC . Applying (48) to (41), the minimum value of IDCM is obtained as SP;max follows: n o 2V ðV o i;max þ V o Þ min IDCM ¼ SP;max RL;min V i;max ð58Þ If Le > Lmax Ce;MSPC , the converter operates in CCM. If the MSPC of CCM is CCM specified by ICCM SP;max , the maximum value of I SP;max is obtained for max Le ¼ LCe;MSPC . So by applying (48) to (33), we have: n o 2V ðV n o o i;max þ V o Þ ¼ max IDCM ¼ min IDCM SP;max SP;max RL;min V i;max ð59Þ Fig. 6 shows the operational region of converter in the MSPC operational condition. According to (57) and (59), for both operational conditions (Vi,min and Vi,max), the MSPC in DCM is more than CCM. MSPC in RL,min and Vi,min conditions Calculation of OVR Under the conditions RL,min and Vi,min, the operational region of converter is given by Fig. 6(a). If Le < Lmin Ce;MSPC , the converter operates in DCM. If the MSPC of DCM is specified by IDCM SP;max , the minimum vamin min lue of IDCM SP;max is obtained for Le ¼ LCe;MSPC . Applying Le ¼ LCe;MSPC to (41), we have: One of the other effective parameters in designing dc/dc converters is the value of OVR. So in these converters, the circuit elements should be selected in a way that the output voltage has the minimum value of ripple. In this section, the value of OVR is calculated in both CCM and DCM. In addition, the effect of each of the electrical parameters on the value of OVR is investigated. Calculation of OVR in CCM According to Figs. 1 and 2(a), the value of OVR in CCM is obtained by integrating the current of capacitor C2 in time interval (t0, t2): V CP2 ¼ V CV2 þ 1 C2 Z t2 iC2 ðtÞdt ð60Þ t0 The value of OVR is equal to [29]: V CCM PP ¼ V CP2 V CV2 ¼ Fig. 5. Value of SPC in different operational modes versus Le. V oV i 8L2 C 2 f 2 ðV i þ V o Þ ð61Þ 356 E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 According to (61), the value of OVR is independent on the value of the load resistance and that of the inductance L1. In this operational mode, the value of OVR is negative correlation to the value of inductance L2 and is positive correlation to the value of input voltage (Vi). In other words: @V CCM PP @L2 @V CCM PP @V i <0 ð62Þ >0 ð63Þ If Le > LCe, the converter operates in CCM, so the maximum value of OVR in CCM is obtained for the specific values of Vi and RL if Le = LCe ((L2 = L2C)k(L1 = L1C)). Owing to the fact that the value of OVR is independent on the inductance L1, the maximum value of OVR for the specific values of Vi and RL is obtained if L2 = LC2. Applying (12)–(59), (60a) (61), the value of maximum OVR (MOVR) is obtained as follows: V CCM PP;max ¼ Vo 4fC 2 RL ð64Þ Applying (40) and (69)–(73) to (1), the value of Ib is given by: Ib ¼ Le V o V o 1 RL L 2 V i L 1 Applying (40) and (74) to (36), ILP2 is equal to: ILP2 Vo ¼ L2 L2 ðIo þ Ib Þ Vi L2 t2 ¼ ðILP2 Io Þ Vo t0 ¼ 1 C2 Z t2 iC2 ðtÞdt ð65Þ t0 Considering (2) and (35), iC 2 , in time interval Ton, can be written as follows: ð66Þ In time interval t 1 ; t 02 , vL2 is equal to Vo. Assuming t1 = 0 (new time era), iL2 is calculated as follows: iL2 ðtÞ ¼ Vo t þ ILP2 L2 ð67Þ 0 Applying (67) to (2) in time interval t 1 ; t2 , iC2 will be equal to: iC2 ðtÞ ¼ Vo t þ ILP2 Io L2 ð68Þ In time interval Ton, the value of iC1 is equal to iL2, so considering (35), the current iC1 is equal to: iC1 ðtÞ ¼ Vi t þ Ib L2 ð69Þ Considering Figs. 1 and 2(b), and (4), during time interval t1 to t 02 ðD0 TÞ, iC1 is equal to: Vo iC1 ðtÞ ¼ t þ ILP1 L1 ð70Þ During time interval t 02 to t3, the value of iC1 is equal as follows: iC1 ðtÞ ¼ Ib ð71Þ 0 Considering Fig. 2(b), the value of D is obtained by applying the energy conservation law to vL2: D0 ¼ DV i Vo ð72Þ Applying the boundary conditions to (37), we have: ILP1 ¼ Vi DT þ Ib L1 ð73Þ ð76Þ ð77Þ " 2 1 L1 V o ðV i þ V o Þ L2 ðV i þ V o Þ V o ðL1 V o L2 V i Þ V o þ þ C 2 RL fV i ðL1 þ L2 Þ 2V i V o RL V i ðL1 þ L2 Þ RL sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi # 2Le ðV o þ V i Þ V o ðL1 V o L2 V i Þ V o ð78Þ þ Vi RL V i ðL1 þ L2 Þ fRL RL V DCM ¼ PP Considering (78), the value of OVR has negative correlation to the value of the inductance L2 and that of the load resistance. Moreover, it has positive correlation to the value of inductance L1. In other words: @V DCM PP >0 @L1 @V DCM PP @L2 Vi iC2 ðtÞ ¼ t Ib Io L2 ð75Þ Applying (66), (68), (76) and (77) to (65) and considering (40) and (73)–(75), in DCM, the value of OVR is obtained as: Calculation of OVR in DCM V DCM ¼ PP sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2Le Le V o V o 1 RL f RL L2 V i L1 By applying iC2 = 0 to (66) and (68), the values of t0 and t2 can be calculated as follows: Considering (64), in this operational mode the maximum value of OVR has a negative correlation to the value of RL. is obtained by integrating the The value of OVR in DCM V DCM PP current of capacitor C2 in time interval (t0, t2) as follows: ð74Þ @V DCM PP @RL ð79Þ <0 ð80Þ <0 ð81Þ The minimum value of voltage ripple is obtained for the specific values of Vi and RL in DCM if L1 ? 0 and L2 ? 1. In an ideal case, it is obtained for L1 = 0 (considering (L1 = 0)k(L2 ? 1) < LCe). Applying L1 = 0 to (78), for the specific values of Vi and RL in DCM, the minimum value of OVR is equal to: V DCM PP;min ¼ 0 ð82Þ The maximum value of OVR is also obtained for L1 ? 1 and L2 ? 0. In an ideal case by applying L2 = 0 to (78), the maximum value of OVR is obtained as follows: V DCM PP;max ¼ V o ðV i þ V o Þ RL C 2 fV i ð83Þ Design considerations The values of the switching current stress and that of OVR are the most important electrical parameters in designing of a dc/dc converter. In a constant switching frequency, the value of OVR is determined by the values of L1, L2 and C2. In addition, the stress value of switching current is determined by the values of L1 and L2. Considering the relations of SPC to CCM and DCM, it is observed that the stress value of the switching current has a negative correlation to the values of L1, L2 and f. The value of OVR has a negative correlation to the values of L2, C2 and f and has a positive correlation to the value of L1 in DCM. It is also independent on the value of L1 in CCM. So the values of L1, L2 and C2 are important for minimizing the value of OVR and SPC in different ranges of input voltage and load resistance. The proposed method in this section, is an E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 (a) 357 (b) Fig. 7. (a) Variation of OVR versus L1; (b) variation of SPC versus L1. optimum method in order to achieve the least stress of the switching current and minimum value of OVR with the minimum size of filter (L and C), considering the worst operational conditions. According to the mathematical analyses presented in the previous sections, it is observed that according to (42) for the specific values of Vi and RL, the SPC in CCM is less than its value in DCM. In addition, the value of OVR in CCM is low, to some extent, and it is independent on the value of L1 and has a negative correlation to the value of L2. According to the above explanations, to have a low stress of switching current, the converter should operate in CCM the in whole of operational region (RL,min < RL < RL,max and Vi,min < Vi < Vi,max). So, according to (30), the value of inductance should be as follows: Le > LCe;max ¼ RL;max V i;max 2f V i;max þ V o 2 ð84Þ Considering (84), it is observed that because the value of equivalent inductance is high, the size of filter increases. Hence, we should have Le < LCe,max. If Le < LCe,min, the converter will operate in DCM in the whole of operational region. According to the presented explanations if (L1 ? 0) < LC1,min and L2 ? 1 ((L1 ? 0)kL2) < LCe,min is valid and the converter will operate in DCM in the whole of operational region. Considering (82), the OVR will be equal to zero ðV DCM ! 0Þif PP L1 ? 0. But considering (41), the value of SPC will be maximum ðIDCM ! 1Þ in DCM if L1 ? 0. So, because of the high value of SP switching current stress, selecting this value for L1 is not recommended and we should consider L1 > LC1,min. Considering that the values of L1 and L2 could not be selected high because the size of filter increases, so it should be considered L1 < LC1,max and L2 < LC2,max. According to the above explanations, the range of L1 and L2 should be as follows: LC1;min < L1 < LC1;max LC2;min < L2 < LC2;max ð85Þ ð86Þ Using (85) and (86), the range of equivalent inductance is: LCe;min < Le < LCe;max ð87Þ If RL = RL,min (heavy load), the SPC in both operational mode is maximum and according to (59) the value of MSPC in DCM is more than its value in CCM. So, according to (47) and (48), the minimum equivalent inductance which ensures the converter does not operate in the worst operational condition (for RL,min) in DCM, is Lmax Ce;MSPC , so: Le;min ¼ Lmax Ce;MSPC ð88Þ Considering (88) and Le = L1kL2, the minimum value of L1 and L2 are equal to (89) and (90) as follows: L1;min ¼ Lmax C1;MSPC ð89Þ L2;min ¼ Lmax C2;MSPC ð90Þ (a) Fig. 8. (a) Variation of OVR versus L2; (b) variation of SPC versus L2. (b) 358 E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 (a) (b) Fig. 9. (a) Variation of OVR versus RL; (b) variation of SPC versus RL. Considering that the value of OVR in DCM has a positive correlation to the value of L1, hence the value of L1 could not be selected so high. Therefore considering (89), the value of L1 is obtained as: L1 ¼ Lmax C1;MSPC ð91Þ In the worst operational condition, the converter should operate in CCM or in the borderline between DCM and CCM, so according to (63), the value of OVR in this operational mode is maximum for Vi = Vi,max. Applying Vi,max to (61), the maximum value of OVR is calculated as follows: V CCM PP;max ¼ V o V i;max 8L2 C 2 f 2 ðV i;max þ V o Þ ð92Þ Applying (90)–(92), the maximum value of MOVR is obtained in MSPC condition: n o CCM V max ¼ PP;MSPC ¼ max V PP;max V o V i;max 2 8Lmax C2;MSPC C 2 f ðV i;max þ V o Þ ð93Þ Applying (44)–(93), the maximum value of OVR in MSPC condition is obtained as follows: V max PP;MSPC Vo ¼ 4fC 2 RL;min ð94Þ In designing the elements of Cuk converter, in addition to the values of L1, L2 and C2, the value of C1 should be calculated. It can be calculated by integrating the current of C1 in time interval Toff, according to Fig. 2(a): V PP;C1 ¼ 1 C1 Z T off iC1 ðtÞdt ð96Þ 0 where, VPP,C1 is the value of voltage ripple of capacitor C1. Applying (17)–(88), (90)–(95) and (96) and considering (7) and (8), the value of voltage ripple of C1 is obtained as follows: V PP1 ¼ V 2o RL fC 1 ðV i þ V o Þ ð97Þ According to (97), the value of voltage ripple of C1 has a negative correlation to the value of the input voltage and load resistance. So the maximum value of VPP,C1 is equal to: V PP1;max ¼ V 2o RL;min fC 1 ðV i;min þ V o Þ ð98Þ Considering (98), the minimum value of C1 will be: C 1;min ¼ V 2o RL;min fV PP1;max ðV i;min þ V o Þ ð99Þ According to (94), the minimum value of C2 will be as: C 2;min ¼ Vo 4fRL;min V PP;max Theoretical analysis ð95Þ For theoretical analysis, the main parameters of converter are considered as follows: f ¼ 10 kHz; RL ¼ 30—180 X; V i ¼ 10—14 V; V PP1;max ¼ V PP;max ¼ %2V o The value of output voltage for buck and boost conditions are also considered Vo = 8 V and Vo = 18 V, respectively. By applying the above parameters to (14), (15), (23), (24), (29), (30), (44), (46), (48), (95) and (99), the value of the critical inductances and that of the capacitors C1 and C2 are obtained for both buck and boost conditions. So: For buck condition: Lmax C1;MSPC ¼ 1:67 mH; LC1;min ¼ 1:04 mH; LC1;max ¼ 10 mH; LC2;min ¼ 0:83 mH; Lmax C2;MSPC ¼ 0:95 mH; Fig. 10. Experimental set-up of the Cuk converter. LC2;max ¼ 5:72 mH; LCe;min ¼ 0:46 mH; Lmax Ce;MSPC ¼ 0:6 mH; LCe;max ¼ 3:64 mH; C 2;min ¼ 41:67 lF; For boost condition: C 1;min ¼ 33:2 lF 359 E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 0.80 Is [A] 1.2 1.0 0.8 iS [A] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 8.2 0.0 8.200 Vo [V] 8.1 Vo [V] 8.0 7.800 7.9 0.0500 0.0502 0.0504 time (sec) 0.0506 7.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Time [msec] (a) (b) Fig. 11. MSPC operational condition for RL,min = 30 X, Vi,max = 14 V, L1 = 1.67 mH and L2 ¼ 1:6 mH Le > Lmax Ce;MSPC : (a) simulation results; (b) experimental results. 1.20 Is [A] 1.2 1.0 0.8 iS [A] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 8.2 0.0 8.200 Vo [V] 8.1 Vo [V] 8.0 7.9 7.800 0.0500 0.0502 0.0504 time (sec) 0.0506 (a) 7.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Time [msec] (b) Fig. 12. MSPC operational condition for RL,min = 30 X, Vi,max = 14 V, L1 = 1.67 mH and L2 ¼ 0:5 mH Le < Lmax Ce;MSPC : (a) simulation results; (b) experimental results. LC1;min ¼ 0:29 mH; Lmax C1;MSPC ¼ 0:51 mH; LC1;max ¼ 3:06 mH; LC2;min ¼ 0:53 mH; Lmax C2;MSPC ¼ 0:65 mH; LC2;max ¼ 3:93 mH; LCe;min ¼ 0:19 mH; Lmax Ce;MSPC ¼ 0:28 mH; LCe;max ¼ 1:72 mH; C 2;min ¼ 41:67 lF; C 1;min ¼ 68:77 lF Fig. 7(a) and (b) show the variation of OVR and SPC versus L1 for the specific values of Vi and RL when L2 = 4.5 mH, respectively. Considering Fig. 7(a), it is observed that the value of OVR increases by increasing the value of L1. By decreasing the value of L1 to zero, the value of OVR reaches to zero but in this case according to Fig. 7(b), the value of SPC is maximum. Considering Fig. 7(a), the value of OVR in CCM is independent on the value of L1. For the same voltages, increasing the value of load resistance does not affect the value of OVR. Moreover, by increasing the value of input voltage, the value of OVR increases. In DCM, by decreasing the value of load resistance, the value of OVR increases. According to Fig. 7(b), in all operational modes, by increasing the values of load resistance and L1, the value of SPC decreases. It is important to mention that by decreasing the value of SPC, the stress value of switching current decreases. Fig. 8(a) and (b) show the variation of OVR and SPC versus L2 for the specific values of Vi and RL when L1 = 4.5 mH. According to Fig. 8(a) and (b), it is observed that the value of OVR in DCM decreases by increasing the value of the load resistance and it is independent on the load resistance in CCM. Considering Fig. 8(b), the value of SPC has a negative correlation to the value of load resistance. Fig. 9(a) and (b) show the variation of OVR and SPC versus the load resistance for Vi,max = 14V, Vo = 8V and different values of L1 and L2. According to Fig. 9(a), for LC1 = 10 mH and LC2 = 5.8 mH, because Le = 3.67 mH > LCe,max = 3.64 mH, the converter is in CCM in the whole of the operational region. In this case, the value of OVR is independent on the value of load resistance. In addition, the value of SPC is minimum and decreases by increasing the value of load resistance. According to Fig. 9(a) and (b), for max LC1 ¼ Lmax C1;MSPC ¼ 1:67 mH and LC2 ¼ LC2;MSPC ¼ 0:95 mH, the value of OVR in MSPC operational condition ðV max PP;MSPC Þ is equal to % 2Vo = 0.16 V so that by increasing the value of load resistance, the values of OVR and SPC decrease. According to Fig. 9(a) and (b), the value of OVR and SPC decreases by increasing the value of L1 and increases by decreasing the value of L2. Simulation and experimental results In order to prove the validity of theoretical analyses presented in the previous sections, the simulation results in PSCAD/EMTDC and the experimental results of Cuk dc/dc converter which is shown in Fig. 1, are presented in this section. The MOSFET (switch S) and diode (D) of the prototype are IRF540 and MUR460, respectively. The pulse generator LM555 has been used to generator the switching pattern. Tektronix TDS 2024B Four Channel Digital Stor- 360 E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 0.90 Is [A] 1.2 1.0 0.8 iS [A] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 8.2 0.0 8.200 Vo [V] 8.1 Vo [V ] 8.0 7.800 7.9 0.0500 0.0502 0.0504 time (sec) 0.0506 7.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Time [msec] (a) (b) Fig. 13. MSPC operational condition for RL,min = 30 X, Vi,max = 14 V, L1 = 1.67 mH and L2 = 0.95 mH: (a) simulation results; (b) experimental results. 1.00 Is [A] 1.2 1.0 0.8 iS [A] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 8.2 0.0 8.200 Vo [V] 8.1 Vo [V ] 8.0 7.800 0.0500 7.9 0.0502 0.0504 time (sec) 0.0506 7.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Time [msec] (a) (b) Fig. 14. Cuk converter operation for RL = 100 X: (a) simulation results; (b) experimental results. age Oscilloscope is used for measuring in laboratory. Fig. 10 shows the hardware of implemented set-up. The simulation and the experimental results of operation of Cuk dc/dc converter in CCM and DCM are performed by using parameters which are expressed in Section 7 for buck mode. The values of Vo = 8 V and Vi,max = 14 V are selected among the above ranges for obtaining the simulation and the experimental results. The waveforms of switch current and output voltage are illustrated in Figs. 11 and 12, considering the different values of inductances L1 and L2. Considering Fig. 11, owing to the fact that the value of equivalent inductance (Le = 0.817 mH) is more than the value of Lmax Ce;MSPC ¼ 0:6 mH, the converter operates in CCM. According to Fig. 11, the value of SPC and OVR are equal with 0.8A and 0.096V, respectively. It is important to note that the OVR is in the permissible range (VPP < %2Vo). Comparing the Fig. 11(a) and (b) shows the experimental results correspond very well with the simulation. According to Fig. 12, because the value of equivalent inductance (Le = 0.384 mH) is less than the value of Lmax Ce;MSPC ¼ 0:6 mH, the value of OVR is not in the permissible range (VPP = 0.285 V > %2Vo). The value of SPC is also more than its value in Fig. 11. The above results prove the validity of presented analyses in Section 6. The waveforms of converter in the worst operational condition max (MSPC) forL1 ¼ Lmax C1;MSPC ¼ 1:67 mH and L2;min ¼ LC2;MSPC ¼ 0:95 mH are shown in Fig. 13. This figure shows that the value of SPC in MSPC operational condition is equal to 0.9 A and the value of OVR is equal to %2Vo = 0.16 V. In addition, by comparing Fig. 13(a) and (b), it is observed that the experimental and the simulation results are completely according with each other. As shown in Fig. 14, for L1 = 1.67 mH, L2 = 0.5 mH and RL = 100 X, because the value of equivalent inductance (Le = 0.384 mH) is less than the value of LCe = 2.02 mH, so the converter operates in DCM. Comparing Figs. 11 and 14, it is observed that by increasing the value of load resistance, the values of SPC (0.59 A) and OVR (0.15 V) decrease. Fig. 14 shows that by increasing the value of load resistance, the value of OVR in this operational mode and that of the SPC in all operational modes are reduced. In other words, the MSPC is obtained for RL = RL,min. Conclusions In this paper, the detailed mathematical analysis of Cuk dc/dc converter is presented emphasizing on the design consideration considering key factors. The boundary between the operational modes of Cuk converter is determined by the equivalent critical inductance. For Le < LCe, the converter operates in DCM and for Le > LCe the converter operates in CCM. The value of SPC in both operational modes decreases by increasing the values of inductances L1 and L2. The investigations show that the SPC for the specific values of Vi and RL in DCM is more than its value in CCM and for the specific values of L1 and L2, the SPC will be maximum in both of operational modes for heavy loads (RL,min). The value of OVR of converter in CCM has a negative correlation to the value of inductance L2 and is independent on the value of E. Babaei, M.E. Seyed Mahmoodieh / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 55 (2014) 351–361 inductance L1. In DCM, it has a negative correlation to the value of inductance L2 and has a positive correlation to the value of inductance L1. In addition, the investigations show that the value of OVR in CCM has a positive correlation to the value of input voltage and it is independent on the value of load resistance and has a negative correlation with the value of load resistance in DCM. The simulation and the experimental results show that for the specific values of L1 and L2, the MSPC in Cuk converter is obtained for RL,min. 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