Modification report Central Heating Boilers Nefit ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW3, Nefit ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW4 Bosch Thermotechniek B.V. Zweedsestraat 1 7400 AA Deventer The Netherlands Report/modification number: 130200836/2 Project number: 131101861 Client-number: E5260 Kiwa Date: 28 March 2014 Kiwa, P.O. Box 137, 7300 AC Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, Phone: +31 555 393 355 HISTORY SHEET REPORT CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 1 SUMMARY 3 2 REFERENCES 4 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT 5 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE MODIFICATION 6 5 FURTHER INFORMATION 7 SUPPLIERS INFORMATION 7 DETAILED TEST RESULTS 7 KIWA FILES 7 1 © 2014, Kiwa Nederland B.V., Apeldoorn. This report may only be duplicated as a complete set without any modifications and with permission of the legitimate owner. The test results in this report are exclusively related to the samples offered and tested. Tests marked in this report with the IRN number are part of the accreditation scope (RvA L248) unless stated differently. With regard to measurement uncertainty information please check our website. Conclusions for compliance with e.g. product standard requirements are not part of the lab scope (RvA L248). In case of dispute regarding this test report please contact Kiwa Nederland BV. Version: 035 Report/modification Number: 130200836/2 2 of 7 1 SUMMARY The Central Heating Boilers: Nefit ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW3, Nefit ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW4 Supplied by: Bosch Thermotechniek B.V. Have been tested in regard to: • Gas Appliance Directive 2009/142/EC • Boiler Efficiency Directive (92/42/EEC) See chapter two for a detailed overview of all the references. There are no further conditions/remarks applicable. Signed in Acceptance: Date: ............................. March 2014 R.A. Evers Project Manager Kiwa Nederland B.V. Report/modification Number: 130200836/2 3 of 7 2 REFERENCES Directive Standard Issued Description GAD EN 15502-1 2012 Gas-fired central heating boilers - Part 1: General requirements and tests GAD EN 15502-2-1 2012 Gas-fired central heating boilers - Part 2-1: Specific standard for type C appliances and type B2, B3 and B5 appliances of a nominal heat input not exceeding 1 000 kW BED (92/42/EEC) 1992 Boiler Efficiency Directive GAD/LVD EN 60335-2-102 2006 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-102: Particular requirements for gas, oil and solid-fuel burning appliances having electrical connections ; A1:2010 EMC EN 61000-3-2 2006 Limits for harmonic currents emissions [equipment input current <= 16 A per phase] ; A1:2009 ; A2:2009 EMC EN 61000-3-3 2008 Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current <= 16A per Phase EMC EN 55014-1 2006 requirements for household appliances, electrical tools and similar equipment Part1 Emission ; A1:2009 EMC EN 55014-2 1997 requirements for household appliances, electrical tools and similar equipment Part2 Immunity; A1:2002 ; A2:2008 Report/modification Number: 130200836/2 4 of 7 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT Name of the Supplier Trade name Appliance type: PIN: : : : : Bosch Thermotechniek B.V. Bosch Thermotechniek B.V. B23, B23p B33, C13(x), C33(x), C43(x), C53(x), C63(x), C83(x), C93(x) 0063CO3836 Appliance description The gas-fired condensing boilers are equipped with pre-mix burners. Gas/air ratio control by means of pneumatic control. Control is modulating, controlled by fan speed. DHW by means of a plate heat exchanger. The appliance can be used in overpressure CLV flue systems. Approved for I2H, I2E, II2ELL, I2L, I3P, I2Esi, II2ELL3P, II2H3P, II2E3P, II2L3P, II2Esi3P, II2EK3P Group E H L LL ELL mbar Group 20 20;25 20;25 20 20 3P EK mbar Group mbar 30;37;50 25 Heat inputs Model Proline Nxt HRC 24/CW3 HRC 24/CW4 CH (min) kW(Hi) 5.9 5.9 CH (nom) kW(Hi) 23.5 23.5 DHW (min) kW(Hi) 5.9 5.9 DHW (nom) kW(Hi) 23.5 28.0 Marketeers: Name Nefit B.V. Report/modification Number: 130200836/2 Trade Name Nefit Proline Nxt City Deventer Country The Netherlands 5 of 7 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE MODIFICATION Modification description Fieldtest Proline Basic changed to CE and Gaskeur Name change into: Nefit ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW3, Nefit ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW4 All gas technical measurements for GAD have been performed by Bosch Thermotechniek under their lab acknowledgment with Kiwa. Spot-checks tests have been witnessed by a Kiwa Test Engineer The Bosch test results are not part of the Kiwa ISO/EN 17025 accredited test report, although the Bosch test results can be determined as equal to the EN 17025 level. The Bosch test results are used for verifying to show compliance to the essential requirements of the GAD (2009/142/EC). The Bosch test results can be found in folder B_suppliers information, test results manufacturer. The appliances have also been tested on gas group K according Dutch regulation NTA 8837:2012. Not all gas technical tests have been performed. See folder B_suppliers information, test results manufacturer for justification of adjusted test program. The EMC and electrical safety tests were performed by Kiwa on the ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW3. The ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW3 and ProLine NxT HRC 24/CW4 are almost identical. The appliances only differ in maximal DHW load and DHW flow limiter. On these aspects the HRC24/CW3 is representative for the HRC24/CW4 as well. The electrical safety and EMC test reports are therefore valid for both appliances. The determination of the maximum flue gas length has been performed by Muelink & Grol and was witnessed by Kiwa. Used instruments are under calibration of Kiwa. The M&G test results can be found in folder B_suppliers information, test results manufacturer and are not part of the Kiwa ISO/EN 17025 accredited test report. The Proline NxT is equipped with a back flow valve which enables it to be connected to overpressure flue systems, just like its predecessor ProLine I. The back flow valve is identical to the one used in the ProLine I CW5, only the angle of the housing changed 10°. The back flow valve was tested by Bosch according the DVGW G635 standard. A 24 hour overpressure CLV test has been performed by Bosch Thermotechniek to see whether an unsafe situation with the appliance can occur. Condensation was formed in the housing of the gas boiler, but this did not lead to an unsafe condition. The test has been witnessed by Kiwa. Bosch decided to use the same flue gas and air intake duct diameters for CLV systems for the ProLine NxT as for the ProLine I. The ProLine NxT uses higher fan speeds than the ProLine I. Thus the flue pressure is higher at a 5% reduced load. Because of that longer flue lengths can be used for CLV systems with the ProLine NxT. The ProLine I was already approved for CLV systems by DVGW (see CE certificate ProLine I). Kiwa checked and concluded that in the installation manual for CLV systems of the Proline I and ProLine NxT the same flue gas/air intake diameters are used. See folder B_suppliers information, CLV flue systems data and measurements for the test results and further data. Bosch Thermotechniek has made an analysis for justification of the use of plastic flue gas material which has not been tested according EN14471. The justification for its use can be found in folder B_suppliers information, justification plastic flue gas material. Measurements according tapping cycle S and M with the EN13203-2 method have been carried out by Bosch Thermotechniek. The test results can be found in folder B_suppliers information, test results manufacturer and are not part of the Kiwa ISO/EN 17025 accredited test report. The Gaskeur test report number is 131101861GK. Based on the product(s) information the test plan is not subject to any special interpretations or modifications. Report/modification Number: 130200836/2 6 of 7 5 FURTHER INFORMATION CERTIFICATION INFORMATION (A) Description Copies of issued certificate(s) by Kiwa SUPPLIERS INFORMATION Description Supplier Declaration for CE Data plate Warning & packaging labels User Manual Installation Manual Component list Certificates/declarations of components Drawings ErP measurements CLV flue systems data and measurements Justification plastic flue gas material Test results manufacturer DETAILED TEST RESULTS Description Gas technical aspects EMC aspects Electrical safety aspects KIWA FILES Only included in Kiwa report. Report/modification Number: 130200836/2 7 of 7
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