Certificate of conformity of the factory production control 0799-CPR-25 In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (the Construction Products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the construction product(s) 3D Grid MS , 3D Grid S , 3D Grid XL HF, HF PLUS CE 450, CE 600, CE 750, CE 900, CE 1000 DL 1 DP 1 DR 1, DR 2 GNT 650, GNT 750, GNT 1000, GNT 1300, GNT 1600 produced by or for TENAX SpA Via dell’Industria, 3 I-23897 Viganò (Lecco) Italy and produced in the manufacturing plant(s) 29169-A, TE-2007-I This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in Annex ZA of the standard(s) EN 13249:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13250:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13251:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13252:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13253:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13254:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13255:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13256:2000+ A1:2005, EN 13257:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13265:2000 + A1:2005 under system 2+ for the performances set out in this certificate are applied and that the factory production control fulfils all the prescribed requirements for these performances. Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH Niederlassung TBU Greven Gutenbergstr. 29 This certificate was first issued on 15.09.2002 and will remain valid as long as the test methods and/or factory production control requirements included in the harmonised standard, used to assess the performances of the declared essential characteristics, do not change, and the construction product, and the manufacturing conditions in the plant are not modified significantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the factory production control certification body. 48268 Greven Germany Notified Body No. 0799 Phone: +49 (0)2571 9872-0 Fax: +49 (0)2571 9872-99 Greven, 02.07.2014 Digital signiert von: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz Name: CN = Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz C = DE O = Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH, Niederlassung TBU Greven OU = Zertifizierung Datum: 2014.07.02 13:37:46 +02'00' Web: www.kiwa.de e-mail: [email protected] Managing Director: Michael Witthöft, i. V. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz - Head of certification body - Dr. Roland Hüttl, Dr. Rainer Kunterding - page 1 of 5 - This certificate including newest products: http://portal.kiwa.info/Certificatede.html Certificate of conformity of the factory production control 0799-CPR-25 In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (the Construction Products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the construction product(s) GT 220, GT 330, GT 330-3, GT 370, GT 440, GT 3030, GT HM2, GT HM3, GT HM4 LBO SAMP 140, LBO SAMP 200, LBO SAMP 202, LBO SAMP 220, LBO SAMP 270, LBO SAMP 301, LBO SAMP 302, LBO SAMP 330, LBO SAMP 370, LBO SAMP 401, LBO SAMP 440, LBO SAMP 470 LBO HM 2, LBO HM 3, LBO HM 3L, LBO HM 4 MDP 1200, MDP 2250 MS 220, MS 330, MS 500, MS 550 MULTIMAT 030, MULTIMAT 100, MULTIMAT 100 P, MULTIMAT 20/R, MULTIMAT 230, MULTIMAT 35/R, MULTIMAT 55/R, MULTIMAT 80/R, MULTIMAT 110/R, MULTIMAT 150/R, MULTIMAT 200/R produced by or for TENAX SpA Via dell’Industria, 3 I-23897 Viganò (Lecco) Italy and produced in the manufacturing plant(s) 29169-A, TE-2007-I This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in Annex ZA of the standard(s) EN 13249:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13250:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13251:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13252:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13253:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13254:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13255:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13256:2000+ A1:2005, EN 13257:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13265:2000 + A1:2005 under system 2+ for the performances set out in this certificate are applied and that the factory production control fulfils all the prescribed requirements for these performances. Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH Niederlassung TBU Greven Gutenbergstr. 29 This certificate was first issued on 15.09.2002 and will remain valid as long as the test methods and/or factory production control requirements included in the harmonised standard, used to assess the performances of the declared essential characteristics, do not change, and the construction product, and the manufacturing conditions in the plant are not modified significantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the factory production control certification body. 48268 Greven Germany Notified Body No. 0799 Phone: +49 (0)2571 9872-0 Fax: +49 (0)2571 9872-99 Greven, 02.07.2014 Digital signiert von: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz Name: CN = Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz C = DE O = Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH, Niederlassung TBU Greven OU = Zertifizierung Datum: 2014.07.02 13:37:55 +02'00' Web: www.kiwa.de e-mail: [email protected] Managing Director: Michael Witthöft, i. V. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz - Head of certification body - Dr. Roland Hüttl, Dr. Rainer Kunterding - page 2 of 5 - This certificate including newest products: http://portal.kiwa.info/Certificatede.html Certificate of conformity of the factory production control 0799-CPR-25 In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (the Construction Products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the construction product(s) NDP 700, NDP 1000 PROMAT 100 RS 320 TDP 700/140/1, TDP 700/140/2, TDP 1000/140/1, TDP 1000/140/2 HD 201, HD 202, HD 301, HD 302, HD 400, HD 401, HD 402 TENDRAIN 650/1, TENDRAIN 650/2, TENDRAIN 750/1, TENDRAIN 750/2, TENDRAIN 1000/1, TENDRAIN 1000/2, TENDRAIN 1300/1, TENDRAIN 1300/2 produced by or for TENAX SpA Via dell’Industria, 3 I-23897 Viganò (Lecco) Italy and produced in the manufacturing plant(s) 29169-A, TE-2007-I This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in Annex ZA of the standard(s) EN 13249:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13250:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13251:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13252:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13253:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13254:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13255:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13256:2000+ A1:2005, EN 13257:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13265:2000 + A1:2005 under system 2+ for the performances set out in this certificate are applied and that the factory production control fulfils all the prescribed requirements for these performances. Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH Niederlassung TBU Greven Gutenbergstr. 29 This certificate was first issued on 15.09.2002 and will remain valid as long as the test methods and/or factory production control requirements included in the harmonised standard, used to assess the performances of the declared essential characteristics, do not change, and the construction product, and the manufacturing conditions in the plant are not modified significantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the factory production control certification body. 48268 Greven Germany Notified Body No. 0799 Phone: +49 (0)2571 9872-0 Fax: +49 (0)2571 9872-99 Greven, 02.07.2014 Digital signiert von: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz Name: CN = Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz C = DE O = Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH, Niederlassung TBU Greven OU = Zertifizierung Datum: 2014.07.02 13:38:04 +02'00' Web: www.kiwa.de e-mail: [email protected] Managing Director: Michael Witthöft, i. V. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz - Head of certification body - Dr. Roland Hüttl, Dr. Rainer Kunterding - page 3 of 5 - This certificate including newest products: http://portal.kiwa.info/Certificatede.html Certificate of conformity of the factory production control 0799-CPR-25 In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (the Construction Products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the construction product(s) TENWEB 3/200, TENWEB 3/300, TENWEB 4/100, TENWEB 4/200, TENWEB 4/300 SD 3-1, SD 3-2, SD 4-1, SD 4-2 TN 450, TN 600, TN 750, TN 900, TN 1200 TNT 450, TNT 600, TNT 750, TNT 900, TNT 1200 TS 1, TS 2 produced by or for TENAX SpA Via dell’Industria, 3 I-23897 Viganò (Lecco) Italy and produced in the manufacturing plant(s) 29169-A, TE-2007-I This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in Annex ZA of the standard(s) EN 13249:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13250:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13251:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13252:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13253:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13254:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13255:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13256:2000+ A1:2005, EN 13257:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13265:2000 + A1:2005 under system 2+ for the performances set out in this certificate are applied and that the factory production control fulfils all the prescribed requirements for these performances. Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH Niederlassung TBU Greven Gutenbergstr. 29 This certificate was first issued on 15.09.2002 and will remain valid as long as the test methods and/or factory production control requirements included in the harmonised standard, used to assess the performances of the declared essential characteristics, do not change, and the construction product, and the manufacturing conditions in the plant are not modified significantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the factory production control certification body. 48268 Greven Germany Notified Body No. 0799 Phone: +49 (0)2571 9872-0 Fax: +49 (0)2571 9872-99 Greven, 02.07.2014 Digital signiert von: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz Name: CN = Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz C = DE O = Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH, Niederlassung TBU Greven OU = Zertifizierung Datum: 2014.07.02 13:38:13 +02'00' Web: www.kiwa.de e-mail: [email protected] Managing Director: Michael Witthöft, i. V. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz - Head of certification body - Dr. Roland Hüttl, Dr. Rainer Kunterding - page 4 of 5 - This certificate including newest products: http://portal.kiwa.info/Certificatede.html Certificate of conformity of the factory production control 0799-CPR-25 In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (the Construction Products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the construction product(s) TT L 55, TT L 60, TT L 75, TT L 80, TT L 100, TT L 120, TT L 130, TT L 150 TT RW 045, TT RW 060, TT RW 090, TT RW 120, TT RW 160 TT GS 045, TT GS 060, TT GS 090, TT GS 120, TT GS 160 FLEXA 1, FLEXA 2, FLEXA 3, FLEXA 5, FLEXA 6, FLEXA 7, FLEXA 8, FLEXA 9 CHS-Grid 2020, CHS-Grid 3030, CHS-Grid 4040 produced by or for TENAX SpA Via dell’Industria, 3 I-23897 Viganò (Lecco) Italy and produced in the manufacturing plant(s) 29169-A, TE-2007-I This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in Annex ZA of the standard(s) EN 13249:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13250:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13251:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13252:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13253:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13254:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13255:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13256:2000+ A1:2005, EN 13257:2000 + A1:2005, EN 13265:2000 + A1:2005 under system 2+ for the performances set out in this certificate are applied and that the factory production control fulfils all the prescribed requirements for these performances. Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH Niederlassung TBU Greven Gutenbergstr. 29 This certificate was first issued on 15.09.2002 and will remain valid as long as the test methods and/or factory production control requirements included in the harmonised standard, used to assess the performances of the declared essential characteristics, do not change, and the construction product, and the manufacturing conditions in the plant are not modified significantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the factory production control certification body. 48268 Greven Germany Notified Body No. 0799 Phone: +49 (0)2571 9872-0 Fax: +49 (0)2571 9872-99 Greven, 02.07.2014 Digital signiert von: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz Name: CN = Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz C = DE O = Kiwa MPA Bautest GmbH, Niederlassung TBU Greven OU = Zertifizierung Datum: 2014.07.02 13:38:22 +02'00' Web: www.kiwa.de e-mail: [email protected] Managing Director: Michael Witthöft, i. V. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Verena Wesselmann-Hinz - Head of certification body - Dr. Roland Hüttl, Dr. Rainer Kunterding - page 5 of 5 - This certificate including newest products: http://portal.kiwa.info/Certificatede.html
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