QC End of Line Test System C3 Basic, Standard, Programmable Version Version 4.0 FEATURES BENEFITS Ultra fast testing at physical limit High sensitive rub & buzz testing detection Ambient noise detection Easy limit calculation, grading, limit-import Rugged hardware, 19” frame Integrated sensors (50A current , 200V voltage) Supports any 3rd party audio interfaces Automatic detection of golden reference units T/S parameter (Re, fs, Qts) Impedance, frequency response Polarity, mean level THD, 2nd – 5th -order distortion, multi-tone Extraction tool for data export Production indices (Cpk, Ppk) Yield and Single Value Statistics Operator and engineer access level Auto-detection of amplifier gain Report generator Simple integration into assembling line by digital interface Multi-language on-line support (Certain System Configurations may not include all features listed above) Provides 100% testing of production Ensures consistency of production Monitors statistics of production More reliable than human ear testing Comprehensive defect detection Simple and intuitive operation Seamless integration in production process Compatible to R&D Klippel System Flexible, modular solution to match your company needs Simple customization with dedicated infrastructure APPLICATIONS: Loudspeaker drive units Headphones Micro-, balanced armature speaker Active / passive audio systems Any 3rd party devices / interfaces Multi-channel systems (2.0 up to 7.1) Incoming goods inspection Document Revision 1.4 Klippel GmbH Mendelssohnallee 30 01309 Dresden, Germany Updated June 3, 2014 www.klippel.de [email protected] TEL: +49-351-251 35 35 FAX: +49-351-251 34 31 QC Test System CONTENTS: Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Hardware ................................................................................................................................................. 3 QC Software (Standard Package) ........................................................................................................... 5 Access Modes ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Basic Version ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Programming Version (User Customization) ......................................................................................... 10 Annex 1 – System Configuration ........................................................................................................... 12 Overview The QC test system is a modular system comprising hardware and software components. It provides a complete solution to perform straightforward QC checks. It is controlled by a PC. Note, that sensors such as microphones and amplifiers are not included in the QC System package. Please refer to the separate specifications to find the best products according to your needs. Philosophy Scope of Delivery The QC test system was developed to fully satisfy the following requirements: Objective and reliable detection of any loudspeaker defects, even if extremely small in energy and time, within the shortest possible measurement time. Highly flexible system to fulfill the individual requirements of loudspeaker producers or buyers for testing with a minimum of effort (user interface and signal processing easily configurable). Cost effective hardware solution. The QC set comprises dedicated sensor hardware (Production Analyzer) as well as different software packages. Extremely short training period for all access levels (less than 1 hour for operators) The QC system is comprising the following components: Additional required hardware Production Analyzer Hardware (Spec H4) Cable Set 1 USB Cable (2m) PA Version 1.x: 1 FireWire Cable (1,5 m) 1 XLR Cable OUT Production Analyzer -> LINE IN Amplifier (1m) 1 Amplifier Cable OUT Amplifier -> IN Production Analyzer (1,5m) 1 General Purpose Speaker Cable including Alligator Clips (4 wire; 2,2m) Software (Software features depend on System Configuration; see Annex 1) 1 Microphone, (2 Microphones for ambient noise detection) 1 Power amplifier 1 PC o USB interface o FireWire interface (only PA Version 1.x) 1 Fixture for driver and microphone (not supplied by KLIPPEL) See also description of hardware requirements below. Optional hardware Temperature and Humidity Sensor Bar Code Reader Foot Switch Additional Speaker Cable Speaker Cable Extension Multiplexer (BNC-Mic, XLR or Speakon) A complete hardware set can be supplied by KLIPPEL on request. KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM page 2 C3 QC Test System Hardware Setup Temperature Humidity Sensor Nearfield (Box) Ambient Noise (1 m Distance) Startswitch (Foot, Hand) Production Analyzer FIREWIRE POWER USB DIGITAL I/0 AMP SPEAKER 1 SPEAKER2 OUT1 OUT2 MIC1 LINE1 LINE2 MIC2 Firewire USB FireWire - not required for Production Analyzer (USB only) default routing AMP Power Input alternative routing The simple hardware setup requires connecting the QC Production Analyzer Hardware only Production Analyzer Microphones Calibration To the PC With the microphone(s) To the DUT (Device Under Test) To the power amplifier and (Optionally) to the external devices via digital I/O (footswitches, assembly line control) rd Use of windows compatible 3 party audio devices is supported (not shown) Features of the QC Production Analyzer Hardware: AD/DA Conversion: 48 / 96 / 192 kHz / 24 Bit SNR > 100 dB FireWire Interface to PC (only PA Version 1.x) Analog Sensor Hardware: Two channel speaker monitoring Voltage and current Sensors (up to 200V peak / 50A peak) Two channel Microphone Input Built in IEPE Mic power supply Symmetrical Line Input and Output PC-controlled operation via USB Please refer to H4 – Production Analyzer Hardware for detailed specification. All ICP powered microphones may be used with the QC Test System without an additional power supply. For measurements in a closed box a low sensitivity microphone is required since sound pressure level exceeds 130 dB easily. Also other ICP power sensors such as acceleration sensors may be used. Microphones can be calibrated using a pistonphone or entering specified data. The amplifier gain will is detected automatically. A comprehensive self-test is available. Klippel recommends calibrating the hardware (inputs, outputs, sensors) every two years. KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM page 3 C3 QC Test System Power Amplifier PC Fixture Any standard audio amplifier meeting the power and bandwidth requirements of the tests may be used. Requirements: P4 (2 GHz) or equivalent, 1024 MByte RAM, USB port and for PA Version 1.x FireWire (IEEE1394) port; 1 GB space on hard disk drive for programs and additional hard disk space for measurement data (depends on task); Windows XP/7/8 Required for a constant distance from driver to microphone (not supplied by KLIPPEL). Acoustical Environment Optional: For better shielding but not required for any test Accessories Optional: Bar code reader, Remote foot switch, Buzzer KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM page 4 C3 QC Test System QC Software (Standard Package) (See also Annex 1 for System Configuration) Task Philosophy There are 3 basic steps in a QC measurement: Measuring DUTs, Check against limits and Deciding (classify) whether a DUT has passed or failed. Since often several tests are required (e.g. one based on multitone for impedance, one based on sine sweep for SPL tests), multiple Measurement Tasks may be applied to the DUT in a sequence. Each Measurement Task has its own Stimulus generation, Data acquisition and analysis, Limit check, Limit calculation, User interface to setup the task, Signal processing, and Graphical output. These Tasks specific pass/fail decisions are fed into the Control Task. This special Task Checks all Measurement Pass/Fail results, Provides the overall Pass/Fail Result or grading levels for different product quality levels, May have an algorithm to select the “Golden DUT” Therefore each measurement sequence consists of multiple Measurement Tasks and one Control Task. Measurement Measurement Tasks Impedance, fo Pass/Fail Task Imp. passed (based on multitone stimulus) SPL Fund. + Harm. SPL Fund. passed (based on sinusoidal sweep) SPL THD failed Pass / Fail (Grade) (passed) There is no restriction in the number of Measurement Tasks to be used for one measurement sequence. The QC test software comes with a variety of predefined Tasks covering most standard applications. An intuitive user interface gives access to the setup of the generator, the data analysis, limit setup and the representation. Multi-Language Support KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM The following languages are supported: English Chinese (simplified) Spanish Portuguese German page 5 C3 QC Test System SPL Task (QC-Standard) SPL-IMP Task (QC-Basic + Standard) IMP Task (Standard) Using Log. Sine Sweep excitation, the following measures can be tested: Fundamental (Frequency Response) Average Level Phase Polarity THD+N (implemented as high-pass filter) nd th 2 – 5 harmonic Rub & Buzz Production Noise Detection for each measure Using Log. Sine Sweep excitation, the following measures can be tested: Fundamental (Frequency Response) Average Level Phase Polarity THD+N (implemented as high-pass filter) nd th 2 – 5 harmonic Rub & Buzz Production Noise Detection for each measure Impedance - Magnitude Points at impedance curve T/S Parameter Using Log. Sine Sweep or Multitone excitation, the following measures can be tested: Impedance - Magnitude Impedance - Phase Points at impedance curve T/S Parameter IO Task The following user interaction and communication with digital IO are provided: (QC-Basic + Standard) User Message Cancel test Wait for digital input Run batch file Digital output Those actions can be combined with conditions: Digital input status Verdict of preceding tests (Pass / Fail / Noise) Preconditioning Task For pre-excitation (burn in) of transducer the following stimuli are available: (QC-Basic + Standard) Control Task (QC-Basic + Standard) Log sine swep Sinetone Wave File General settings for the whole test can be defined: Execution mode (Synchronization to external sources, wave file mode) Routing Configuration of the control panel (operator rights) Serial number handling Data logging Limit Check The limit check compares the measured values with limits. Each measurement Task offers own limits for all specified measures. The results of this check are provided to the Control Task to calculate an overall verdict (see below). Pass / Fail All task specific pass/fail verdicts are forwarded to the Control Task, which derives the overall test verdict and grade classification. In addition to strict verdicts (limits exceeded) warnings may be generated, e.g. in case ambient noise corruption has been detected. KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM page 6 C3 QC Test System Limit Calculation The limit calculation is performed in a special mode, which is accessible via QC Engineer and Programmer mode only. By default it is not accessible for the Operator (see access modes below). Limits can be defined using absolute limits tolerances related to reference measurements (average or max) statistics based on variation of reference DUTs or a combination of these methods. External file (imported limits) An arbitrary number of reference measurements may be recorded to define limits statistically. All reference measurements are displayed in the result windows and may be (de)selected or deleted from the reference pool. Golden Unit Selection One or more “Golden Units” may be selected from the reference DUT pool in Limit Calculation Mode automatically. These units best represent the statistical average of the pool and may be used for on-line limit recalibration to account for systematic drifts (e.g. due to climatic variation). Statistics Basic post statistics is implemented in the measurement Tasks such as pass/fail statistics as well as advanced features such as process capability indexes (Cpk, Ppk). The dedicated Yield Statistics provides comprehensive statistical data (yield analysis, single value result analysis). Yield Statistics is included in each QC version. Remote Monitoring / Control Using standard remote desktop tools (e.g. “Remote Desktop” or “Teamviewer”) it is possible to monitor the operator screen from a network connected PC and even to control the operators PC using mouse and keyboard. Login / Rights User Login names and passwords can be handled Based on Windows User Management or Using separate user management (including access level and passwords) The operator rights can be restricted by the QC engineer setting up the tests and the QC Start Tool accordingly (no deletion of test, no recalibration of limits...) Storing Data Measurement data can be stored in two forms: Data Extraction Tool (db extract) KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM Summary log file: One line per test with results, verdicts, grades as well as meta information like time stamp, serial number and operator. Full Results: All results, settings and meta information are stored in a database (*.kdbx). This database can be opened at any time to visualize the particular test using dB-Lab. Reports can be generated or data can be exported using db extract. This tool allows extracting any curve data from a selection of stored measurements (databases). The export format may be specified as well as the source files. This allows assessing variations over a certain time span and processing the curves using Excel or other programs. page 7 C3 QC Test System QC Start Tool The QC Start is the central test management framework software providing the following functionality: Master Tests Test selection (simple and fast access for operators) Different access levels for engineer and operator - configurable access rights for Operators Template handling: New tests can be based on default or company specific templates for fast test setup Synchronization of multiple lines – refer to section Master Templates rd Calibration of peripheral hardware (microphones, amplifier) and 3 party sound cards Access to additional tools o db extract o Statistics o Performance test o Remote support o Setup check o Custom Tools May be used as exclusive windows application (started automatically after booting Windows, Windows shuts down after exiting) to restrict access to other software. For synchronizing multiple test stations with identical test setups, Master Tests may be defined in a central network location. The local tests are updated by the Master Test automatically (settings, limits) at the beginning of each test session (login). It is also possible to adjust settings and limits from remote computers. For this option no measurement hardware is required, only a remote setup license must be available. dB-Lab Frame Software The dB-Lab frame software (which is also used for the R&D Klippel Analyzer System) provides the HTML report generation, Database handling and User interface Using the same environment as for R&D applications, a seamless interaction between R&D and production tools is provided. No additional learning effort is required and knowledge already available in the company may be efficiently used. Access Modes Different user access levels are provided by the QC Software. The login specifies, in which mode the application starts. By default (Standard QC system) two levels are provided: The QC Engineer Mode provides full access to test and limit settings. In the Operator Mode all settings are hidden and protected. It provides a simple interface and only necessary information to perform testing. rd In the optional 3 level Programmer Mode all setups and also algorithms can be modified using a scripting language. KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM Level 3: Programmer Mode (optional) Change Algorithms Level 2: QC Engineer Mode Change Setups Level 1: Operator Mode Execute Tests page 8 C3 QC Test System Operator Mode The Operator Mode provides an intuitive and simple interface providing the following functionality: Level 1 Start / repeat measurements (using keyboard, barcode reader, external switches) Generating reports, Recalibrating limits This functionality may be extended or restricted depending on the access rights granted due to the settings defined by the QC Engineer. Basically the rights of the operators can be restricted to a minimum (e.g. start only) or enhanced for well-trained persons. The operator interface supports multiple languages. No special knowledge about the software and / or hardware is needed. This reduces the training time for new operators to less than 1 hour by default. QC Engineer Mode Level 2 Programmer Mode (optional) Level 3 KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM The QC Engineer Mode allows setting up test sequences and modifying setup parameters of measurement Tasks. This includes the setup of test signals, signal analysis, limit calculation, Golden Unit calculation, statistical post processing, or even result representation. Also the communication with the production line or operator can be set up in the Engineer Mode. Typical scenarios are setting and reading digital pins or showing instructions for the operator. The Programmer Mode allows customizing the signal processing algorithms to any company standard e.g. calculating limits, specific result representation needs, pass/fail detection algorithms and many others. In this mode Measurement Tasks or Pass/Fail Tasks can be modified or created that can be used in Level 1 and 2. Even the operator interface is completely defined by the scripts, e.g. buttons can be hidden or enabled according to the operator's knowledge. Default templates covering most demands not requiring this special mode are provided by Klippel as part of any system. The programming is based on a high level language (Scilab), which allows an intuitive realization of company specific requirements. The source code of the default scripts is provided for easy understanding and modifications. A comprehensive help functionality on the Scilab syntax with numerous examples is provided. It is very similar to MatLab language and is also used for the MAT module implemented in the Klippel Analyzer System (R&D). See section Customization (Programming) below for more details. Dedicated tools are provided to customize the existing standard functions and also benefit from the regular updates by Klippel. Using custom feature libraries many features can be added in encapsulated containers. Please see separate manual. page 9 C3 QC Test System Basic Version The QC-Basic version provides the most common functionality for fast and simple QC tests. For a detailed feature list, also refer to the overview table at the end of this document. The Basic system can be upgraded to the Standard version at any time. The Basic version offers the following main features (identical to Standard version): o Sensitive Rub&Buzz detection o Speaker (driver) test, active or passive systems o Algorithm based limit generation o QC-Start program to manage tests and templates o Extraction Tool (db extract) to access single number values and curve data from stored results. o Barcode scanner interface o Automatic power amplifier gain check o Calibration of power amplifier and microphones o Configuration of operator rights o Limit recalibration (using Golden DUT) The following restrictions apply compared to the Standard version: o The only standard measurement task that can be operated with QC Basic version is the combined Sound Pressure and Impedance Task. o Task sequences only supported up to 3 tasks (steps). o Sweep Profiles (level and speed) are not available o Multiple reference DUTs not available (restricted to one) o No ambient noise detection o Most additional modules (Motor & Suspension Check, Leak Detection..) cannot be operated User customized scripts modified with the programmable version cannot be executed in QC Basic version. Programming Version (User Customization) (Module: Programmable Version) One of the fundamental ideas of this QC Test Application is to keep almost every step of the program flexible to customize the application without any need to rewrite low level programming code. All these modifications can be done by extending or changing Scripts in the Programmer Mode. For users who do not want to have this degree of freedom, a set of Default Tasks are provided which cover the standard QC measurements. It is also possible to specify any demand and ask Klippel for implementing these specifications. Feature Libraries Feature libraries are the easiest and recommended solution for customized extensions. They are part of the custom library infrastructure that is provided by the QC System. This infrastructure allows to easily customizing standard measurement tasks by including external functionality using a common interface without actually modifying the source code of the tasks. Thus updating by regular software maintenance does not interfere with customized extensions. Specific features are implemented in individual feature libraries that can be linked into standard task scripts easily. See separate manual for more information. KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM page 10 C3 QC Test System Measurement Each individual measurement is based on a Measurement Script, which allows the programmer to implement arbitrary signal processing based on an interface to the measurement kernel. This kernel provides the following features (for details, see the programming reference of the manual): Generation of the test signal Fundamental, THD, Rub&Buzz, IDD with user definable number of result points (data reduction) th Up to 100 harmonic Full resolution time signal and spectrum of any signal processing Repetition of measurements Control of the routing and amplifier in the QC Hardware (Production Analyzer) RMS value and headroom of signals Statistics Arbitrary statistical processing can be implemented. This allows to implement or to create company specific statistics and to connect to the company specific data storage system (e.g. database). Custom Libraries To even more simplify programming, additional code can be inserted at many entrance points using customized libraries. Those modifications are based on the standard version. The main benefit is to avoid re-engineering with each update. Pass Fail Check The Control Task allows the programmer to implement any criteria for the Pass/Fail check including grading, data logging, visualization of defects and others. The selection algorithm of the “Golden Unit(s)” among multiple references is also reprogrammable. Limit Generation Arbitrary algorithms to calculate or import limits can be implemented. The selection of the “Golden Unit(s)” among multiple references is also reprogrammable. User Interface The user interface for the Operator and Engineer are programmable as well. Key features are: Starting, repeating the measurement Label, color, short-cut and position of buttons in the operator interface Visibility of buttons in Operator, QC Engineer and Programmer Mode Kind, labels, comments, error checking, visibility of setup parameter. Printing report, logging of data Barcode reader handling Multiple language support External switches or interface to SPS and many more. Applications Please check Klippel website: http://www.klippel.de/our-products/qc-system.html for: Application Examples Demo Videos Papers And much more… KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM page 11 C3 C3 QC Test System QC STANDARD System, QC BASIC System, Optional Modules Valid for QC Software Version 4 January 2014 For details please see specifications under www.klippel.de. Measurements / Features of QC SYSTEM: QC BASIC KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM - FEATURE OVERVIEW QC STANDARD Annex 1 – System Configuration Amplitude frequency response Phase response Mean level in frequency band Polarity Time delay Electrical impedance Resonance frequency fs Loss factor Qts DC resistance Re Pass / Fail statistics Limits calculated automatically Flexible eata export THD+ Noise 2nd-5th order harmonics Rub & Buzz, loose particle, loose connection & drop out detection Advanced limit algorithms (Jitter) Off-line statistics for yield and single value results, histogram/ time course analysis Control of Klippel QC (IOMonitor) 3 party audio interface in/output Ultra-fast testing (Speed Profile) - Stimulus shaping (Level Profile) - Ambient noise detection (2. microphone, considering test enclosure) - Noise attenuation of test enclosure - All linear T/S parameters - Force factor Bl (added mass) - Moving mass Mms (added mass) - Select golden reference units - Manual sine sweep - Process indices Cpk, Ppk - IO Task (digital IO, user interaction) - Grading (multiple limits for grade classification) - rd KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM page 12 C3 QC Test System Optional Modules: MHT Module: Meta-Hearing Technology optional - Isolated Defect Distortion (IDD) - Active compensation of regular distortion - PNI Module: Production Noise Immunity optional - Auto repeat + intelligent merging - Full noise immunity - optional - Voice coil offset - Suspension asymmetry - Force factor limited displacement - Compliance limited displacement - Port resonance frequency fb - Port loss factor Qb - MSC Module: Motor-and-Suspension-Check BAC Module: Balanced Armature Check optional - Armature offset - Small signal parameters - High-speed testing - optional - LD Module: Leak Detection MODulated distortion – detect air leakage - DETerministic distortion – detect driver defects - Random distortion – detect loose particles - Noise immunity (auto repeat) - LS Module: Leak Stethoscope optional - Localize air leakage and other defects - Auralization of defect symptoms - optional - High-level GPIB support (IEEE 488 & 488.2) - Control and include external measurement instrumentation equipment - Flexible test sequence - EQ + Alignment Module EXD Module: External Devices optional - Automatic source equalization (level profile) - Manual and assisted alignment of level and frequency response - optional optional LST Module: Linear Suspension Test Suspension part & passive radiator testing Resonance frequency of suspension part f0 Loss factor of suspension part Q0 Effective stiffness k0 Mass deviation ∆m (LST Pro only) Stiffness deviation ∆k0 (LST Pro only) optional optional Find best matching pairs from pool of speakers Find best matching DUTs to target curve Match-Speaker-Tool: External Synchronization: KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM optional - page 13 C3 QC Test System rd Synchronize measurements with 3 party audio devices - Measure stand-alone sound sources - Cope with varying delays - WAVE export of stimulus sequence - WAVE import and analysis of recorded responses - Use stimulus or unique noise ID for synchronization - Please find further information in the following specifications: C6 – Linear Suspension Test A4 – Microphones A6 – QC Accessories A8 – Multiplexer H4 – QC Production Analyzer S13 – QC MSC (Motor + Suspension Check) S14 – Remote QC Configuration Tool S15 – QC Match Speaker Tool S18 – QC Leak Detection S20 – QC Meta Hearing S21 – QC Production Noise Immunity S31 – QC External Devices S33 – QC EQ & Alignment S34 – QC IO & Prompt S35 – QC Yield Statistics S36 – QC Feature Libraries S39 – QC BAC (Balanced Armature Check) Find these documents and more related publications here: http://www.klippel.de/know-how/literature.html updated June 3, 2014 Klippel GmbH Mendelssohnallee 30 01309 Dresden, Germany KLIPPEL QC SYSTEM www.klippel.de [email protected] TEL: +49-351-251 35 35 FAX: +49-351-251 34 31 page 14
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