CRC 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

CRC 12th Annual
Charity Golf Tournament
Monday, August 25, 2014
9:00am Shotgun Start
Hidden Hills Country Club
Jacksonville, FL
For more information call 904.358.1211 XT 101 / email [email protected]
Or you may visit our website: to register online.
Join Us for Fun and a Day of Golfing for Charity
Monday, August 25, 2014
Golf Tournament Information
~ Danish & Coffee Registration Begins at 7:30 am
~ Shotgun Start at 9:00 am
~ Luncheon & Awards @2:15 pm
~ Live Auction
~ Hole in One - And the chance to win a Brand New Car!
~ Longest Drive
~ Closest to the Pin
~ Monster Putt
~ 50/50 Raffle (Be sure to bring cash!)
First Tee
“Golf Club Roundup”
Bring your old & tired clubs to be donated for the kids at First Tee
Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc. 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Hidden Hills Country Club
Monday, August 25, 2014 • 9:00 am Shotgun Start
The Community Rehabilitation Center (CRC) is excited
to present its 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament and
Luncheon, hosted by Hidden Hills Country Club, on
Monument Road, Jacksonville, Florida.
CRC and its staff of professionals offer hope, where
once only hopelessness was found in those
consumers living with the challenges of mental illness,
substance abuse or HIV/AIDS. We offer programs
dedicated to the goal of making lives whole.
We cannot do this alone. We need your help. That is
why we rely on those whose hearts are with their
fellow travelers on the path of life; those who heed
the call to help others who can not help themselves.
Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc. 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Hidden Hills Country Club
Monday, August 25, 2014 • 9:00 am Shotgun Start
Golf Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities
Title Sponsorship $ 10,000 +
~ Corporate name and/or logo on official tournament banner and all promotional advertising
“Presented By” Title Sponsor in all media advertising including but not limited to NBC
Channel 12 and the Florida Times Union
~ Recognition in CRC publications and the “CRC Hall of Fame”
~ Sponsorship commemorative award
~ Golf entry for four (4) foursomes for the tournament
~ Golf shirts for sixteen (16) participants
~ Photo opportunity with the winners & attending celebrities
~ Luncheon for sixteen (16)
~ Pin Flag Sponsorship
Gold Sponsorship $ 5,000 +
~ Corporate name and/or logo on official tournament banner displayed
on Course and at Clubhouse
“Presented By” Gold Sponsor in all media advertising including but not limited to NBC
Channel 12 and the Florida Times Union
~ Recognition in CRC publications and the “CRC Hall of Fame”
~ Sponsorship commemorative plaque
~ Golf entry for two (2) foursomes for the tournament
~ Golf shirts for eight (8) participants
~ Luncheon for eight (8)
~ Pin Flag Sponsorship
Silver Sponsorship $ 2,500 +
~ Corporate name and/or logo on official tournament banner displayed
on Course and at Clubhouse
~ Recognition in CRC publications and the “CRC Hall of Fame”
~ Golf entry for one (1) foursome for the tournament
~ Golf shirts for four (4) participants
~ Luncheon for four (4)
~ Hole Sponsorship
Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc. 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Hidden Hills Country Club
Monday, August 25, 2014 • 9:00 am Shotgun Start
Additional Sponsorships
Premium Golf Cart Sponsor $5,000.00
~ Your Company's logo / message on
75+ Golf Carts / Service Vehicles
during the tournament and on all
promotional advertising
~ Golf entry for (1) foursome for
the tournament
Premium Tee Box Sponsor $5,000.00
~ Your Company's logo / message on
all Tee Boxes during the tournament
and on all promotional advertising
~ Golf entry for (1) foursome for
the tournament
Luncheon Sponsor $1,500.00
Beverage Cart (4) $500.00
Beverage Tent (2) $1,000.00
Hole Sponsorship $300.00
~ Attractive sponsor sign displayed
at each green
~ Lunch for two with RSVP
Pin Flag Sponsorship $500.00
~ Commemorative Customized Pin Flag
that will be displayed on Green Pins
during play
~ Lunch for two with RSVP
Golf Registration
1. Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State:____________ Zip ________________
Handicap: ________________________
Shirt Size:________________________ (for sponsors only)
2. Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State:____________ Zip ________________
Handicap: ________________________
Shirt Size:________________________ (for sponsors only)
3. Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State:____________ Zip ________________
Handicap: ________________________
Shirt Size:________________________ (for sponsors only)
4. Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State:____________ Zip ________________
Handicap: ________________________
Shirt Size:________________________ (for sponsors only)
Enclosed please find my check or money order for $____________________
Entry Fee Includes: Lunch, Range Balls, Green Fees, Cart & Great Prizes
______ $600.00 Foursome
______ $150.00 Single Registration
Sponsor must provide the name, handicap, and a daytime phone number
by Monday, August 18, 2014. If sponsors do not wish to fill their groups,
please advise. All donations are tax deductible for sponsorships and
game day contest entry fees and purchases.
______ No foursome but I would
Sponsorship / Benefactor Profile
Company Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: __________________
Phone: ________________________________________ Fax: __________________________________
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________
Please Check Sponsorship Level Desired:
n Title n Gold n Silver n Luncheon n Beverage Tent
n Beverage Cart n Hole n Pin Flag Sponsorship
Enclosed please find my check or money order for $____________________
Sponsor must provide the name, and a daytime phone number by
Monday, August 11, 2014. All donations are tax deductible.
Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc. 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Hidden Hills Country Club
Monday, August 25, 2014 • 9:00 am Shotgun Start
General Information for all Sponsors
~ Confirmation of sponsorship must be received by
Monday, August 4, 2014 due to printing deadlines.
~ On Course Signage – Sponsor logo, and other on
course advertisement must be provided no later than
Monday, August 18, 2014.
All proceeds and checks are made payable to:
Community Rehabilitation Center Inc.
12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Pearl Plaza Office
5320 N. Pearl Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32208
(904) 358-1211 XT 101
(904) 355-9585 Fax
[email protected]
We accept all major credit cards.
Please visit us online or call our office and ask to speak with Jill for more details!
Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc. 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Hidden Hills Country Club
Monday, August 25, 2014 • 9:00 am Shotgun Start
Community Rehabilitation Center
623 Beechwood St.
Jacksonville, FL 32206
CRC 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Sold Out 4 Years Running ~ Don’t miss out!
Monday, August 25, 2014