OUR LADY PEACE Catholic School Council MINUTES MAY 12, 2014 7:00PM OLP SCHOOL LIBRARY, OAKVILLE TYPE OF MEETING: Parent Council Meeting CHAIR: Jo-Ann Morgante SECRETARY: Laura Nasato ATTENDEES: R. Alonso, L. Toperczer, J. Morgante, R. DeLuca Malette, K. Boss, D. Piantoni, L. Nasato, C. Gallant, J. Chandler, D. Di Frusia, L. Cronin-Nowitsky, S. Rusk, F. Rollo, S. Brown, C. Barbul, K. McDougall REGRETS: # OF PARENTS IN ATTENDANCE Rachelle Fontaine, CWL President from St. Michael Church RESOURCE PERSONS IN ATTENDANCE None in attendance SPECIAL NOTES AGENDA TOPICS 5 MINUTES DISCUSSION WELCOME JO-ANN MORGANTE We began at 7:01pm with J. Morgante welcoming all in attendance, with special thanks to the new President of CWL of St. Michael Church. J. Morgante led us in the prayer by citing the Catholic School Council Prayer. CONCLUSIONS N/A ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE N/A N/A N/A 10 MINUTES APPROVAL OF AGENDA & PREVIOUS MINUTES DISCUSSION Review of current meeting’s agenda and past meeting minutes for approval CONCLUSIONS Minutes Approved by R. Alonso; Second by L. Toperczer Agenda Approved by C. Gallant; Second by J. Chandler JO-ANN MORGANTE ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE N/A N/A N/A 15 MINUTES PRINCIPAL’S REPORT RITA DELUCA MALETTE DISCUSSION Mrs. DeLuca Malette reviewed the key activities and initiatives since last meeting under the areas of: Catholicity, Curriculum and /Community/School Culture CONCLUSIONS ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE AGENDA TOPICS 15 MINUTES SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR 2013-2014 RACHELLE FONTAINE ,RITA DELUCA MALETTE Jo-Ann Morgante Catholicity Rachelle Fontaine, CWL President from St. Michael Church R. Fontaine introduced her newly acquired role as CWL President and thanks OLP for their ongoing support. She informed Council that CWL is having a massive Garage sale this coming Saturday, May 17 th. If one wishes to aquire a table to sell own items, the donation of $20. All donations must be at St. Michaels no later than 6am the morning of sale. If one wishes to donate, and cannot make it to the Church, they may also leave items for R. Fontaine to bring with her that am at her house. All funds that are accumulated that day will go back into helping the Church with their expenses of renovations. CWL is in need of volunteers, and thus, has asked Council to spread the work L. Nasato questioned if Grade 8 students can start to acquire their volunteer hours by helping out with Sale. R. DeLuca Malette informed Council that Grade 8s can start to accumulate their hours the Summer prior to going into High School. Curriculum The Council is asked to be present during Curriculum Night and Corn Roast because it is a great opportunity to introduce ourselves to our community and its partners. As well as invite future prosp ects to volunteer for Council. DISCUSSION Community/ School Culture *Grade 2 Communion May 10 th, 2014 *Grade 7 Trip- May 28th- May 30 th, 2014 *Graduation for Grade 8 Students- June 26th, 2014 The will be a need for Grade7th Liaison to be present as well. Their role would be to help with the Grade 8 Graduation and set up the food and drinks while the Grade 8 and their families are at the Church. *Musical May 13th and May 15 th, 2014 at Holy Trinity Rehearsals May 12 th and May 14 th, 2014 *Brick by Brick – How many to go? D. DiFrusia informed Council that thus far, OLP has raised $8166 and have only 92 bricks left to sell ($1836) The Thunder Run, sponsored by ToperTemps, will definitely need volunteers. D. DiFrusia has asked Council members to consider to volunteer some time. They need cross guards at the intersections. The fee is $10/person and includes a T-shirt. J. Chandler spoke of the cookbook being created by staff of the Friday treat day sta ff participate in and proceed of the sales to staff will go to support the Brick by Brick initiative as well. CONCLUSIONS ACTION ITEMS 20 MINUTES DISCUSSION PERSON RESPONSIBLE PARENT ENGAGEMENT DEADLINE JO-ANN MORGANTE & RITA DELUCA MALETTE .Volunteers Needed for: Sports Day – June 18 th R. DeLuca Malette will send out an email for volunteers to come forward. Thunder Run – June 21 st D. Di Frusia will send out form by end of May. This is the last event to help raise money for Bri ck by Brick –Free the Children in order to build a school in India. Corn Roast Event 2014, Date to be determined. Tentative date September 10th, 2014. L. Toperczer is hoping that 3-4 Council Members will be present. There is a place in Milton that OLP can rent items for that evening event. She is scheduling the evening events out and was thinking aloud on 45 minutes for food. Then 45 minutes generated for Meet and Greet. Thus, community outreach from our wonderful families here at OLP is necessary to carry this event out. J. Morgante will help L. Toperczer with fine tuning the details and preordering the food so it will be carried over for September and ready to set in motion once the new academic year rolls around. Items to look forward for OLP in the new academic year will be a Christmas Musical for Gr4 -8. J. Burns pilots the whole event and every class will sing a song. Auditions will be next year. General Information Gmail Account Feedback CONCLUSIONS ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE A DIRECT EMAIL TO SEND OUT THE NEED FOR VOLUNTEERS. ASAP FINANCIALS REVIEW 10 MINUTES DISCUSSION R. DELUCA MALETTE DEADLINE R. DeLuca Malette will post it once final numbers are recorded. CONCLUSIONS ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Post on website R. DeLuca Malette When completed 15 MINUTES PROPOSALS: UPDATES AND SUBMISSIONS JO-ANN MORGANTE DISCUSSION New Business: PRO grant Ideas The monies here will be allocated for the Corn Roast. There will be no fee for the families for OLP. CONCLUSIONS ACTION ITEMS 5 MINUTES DISCUSSION PERSON RESPONSIBLE ACTION ITEM RECAP DEADLINE LAURA NASATO All Action items noted were reviewed and approved by the Council and those identified as owners of the actions. CONCLUSIONS Guest Speaker for September 17th is Paul Davies- Online Internet Safety September (10th) with Corn Roast BBQ (Sept 11 rain date)L. Toperczer will lead committee for this Open House event An email blast will circulate to help coordinate event ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Please note that if witness any one vandalize the school property, the number to call is 905-825-4747 not 911 HARPS Security # Webpage for OLP should include CWL initiatives and Current Events For Example, the Big Garage Sale held at St. Michael Church this Saturday. R. DeLuca Malette M&M prices for Corn Roast (hotdogs, corn, etc.) L. Toperczer Finalize details and Agenda on the Corn Roast Evening. How will it run? When will food be served? L. Toperczer and J. Morgante Email blast out tomorrow for Big Garage Sale Next meeting Next Meeting Guest Speaker for Speaker Night as well as all other pertinent details for that evening to run smoothly must also be finalized. Council proposed question if Next Meeting babysitting will be available to some families in order to increase likelihood for J. Morgante and R. DeLuca Malette attendance. Police Check forms available for parents who wish to volunteer yet have not filled out forms. To have forms available during Curriculum night when OLP gets the most parental attendance. D. Di Frusia and L. Toperczer Adjournment moved by R. Alonso at 8:34pm First by L. Nasato Second by L. Toperczer Next Council Meeting: June 9, 2014. th Principal's Report May 12 , 2014 Catholicity 1. Adult Faith Formation opportunities for staff 2. Seminarian David Reitzel visits 3. Stations of the Cross by Mrs. Haley’s grade 8 class 4. Easter weekend 5. Home School Parish Partnership Meeting – D. Piantoni attended 6. Theology Education for Leaders – Mrs. CN attended 7. Peace Team attended ME to WE session with Spencer West 8. HCDSB Staff retreat – three staff members attended 9. Catholic Education Week Events – Marian Liturgy, Walk with Jesus Curriculum 1. Primary Math In-Service for teachers in the NTIP – New Teacher Induction Program 2. Intermediate Math In-Service for teachers in the NTIP – New Teacher Induction Program 3. D. Piantoni attended Discovery Education In-Services (4 sessions) 4. Literacy and Numeracy teacher weekly sessions 5. Educational Assistants Professional Development opportunities 6. Discovery Education In-Service for teachers by Curriculum Consultant 7. Learning Commons In-Service – Mrs. CN attended 8. Leading Student Achievement Conference- Mrs. DM attended 9. Ballroom Dancing – Grade 8 students participated 10. Halton Skills Competition – Intermediate Students attended 11. French Presentation – Le Voyageur Errant 12. EQAO Intervention begins 13. Pathways meeting with the secondary panel – Mrs. Boss attended 14. Dairy Presentations to the primary classes 15. Track and Field In-Service – Mrs. Rainville attended 16. Grade 7&8 staff and grade 8 students visit to Holy Trinity 17. Full Day Kindergarten Parent Information Night 18. Grade One trip to 4Cats Art Studio 19. Grade Five trip to Mountsberg Next Meeting 20. ECE Manager visit to FDK classes 21. Special Education Resource Teacher Family of Schools Meeting 22. Administrators Meeting – Implementation of Panorama Database - Region of Halton Health Department, Duty to Report / New Admin Procedures for CAS, PPM 149, Public Health Nurse, 21st Century Ca tholic Learning Environment, Medical Conditions update, Halton Catholic Children’s Education Foundation Golf Tournament June 4, 2014 23. Divisional Leaders attended Social Studies/History and Geography In-Service 24. My Blue Print In-Service - Grade 7 teachers attended 25. Mental Health Committee Meeting – Mrs. CN attended 26. ECE In-Service – L. Robillard attended 27. Grade 7 trip to the Hamilton Military Museum 28. Itinerant Educational Assistant in to support staff and students 29. Grade 6 trip to the Warplane Museum 30. Student Success Transition Meetings with Holy Trinity Staff Community 1. OLP hosted the Oakville Regional Public Speaking Finals – thank you to the committee 2. Constable M. Hogan visit th 3. Earth Hour at OLP – May 28 4. Battle of the Books Junior and Senior teams 5. Hockey Tournament in memory of Alex Pace 6. Guys Night In – thank you to Mr. Miljan and Mr. Curto 7. Musical Rehearsals began on the weekends 8. Lockdown Drill with Constable M. Hogan 9. Waste Audit – board personnel 10. Grade 8 Graduation – parent volunteer meeting 11. Earth Week Clean Up 12. Awards of Excellence Ceremony at Jean Vanier Secondary School 13. Catholic Education Week Events – Oakville Green Presentations – FDK – 8, Book Fair and Open House 14. HMS Pinafore this week at Holy Trinity
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