The AMC13XG: A New Generation Clock/Timing/DAQ Module for (CMS) MicroTCA Detailed documentation at: E. Hazen, J. Rohlf, S.X. Wu, A. Heister, C. Hill, D. Zou Boston University, Boston, MA USA Motivation: HCAL Upgrade Analog Signal Copper 80 MB/s Fiber 1.6Gb/s AMC13 Construction Fiber Myrinet 2.5 Gb/s S-Link 400 MB/s T3 board HTR GOL DCC FRL Crosspoint switch or other custom board can be installed here ADC Front-End VME T2 Clocks board Split/Patch Analog Signal Fiber 4.8Gb/s ADC uHTR GBT AMC13 T4 T3 T2 T1 Quad SFP+ Cage FEROL CMS / Level 1 Trigger EMU Track Finder: Overlap region TF: Barrel TF: Global Trigger: Spares, Test stands: TDC Front-End DAQ Interface MicroTCA CMS / Pixels Observation: All subsystems need timing / DAQ services, So why not develop a common module? AMC13 Logic The AMC13 provides clock, timing and DAQ service for many subdetectors and central systems in the upgraded CMS detector. This year we have developed an upgraded module, the AMC13XG, which supports 10 Gigabit optical fiber and backplane interfaces. Many of these modules are now being installed in the CMS experiment during the current LHC shutdown. G-2 (FNAL) / Calorimeter G-2 (FNAL) / Tracker Total (est) AMC13XG Front Panel LED2 LED1 The AMC13XG mounts in the MCH2 site of a “dual-star” MicroTCA crate, and thus has point-to-point connections for clock and data fabrics to each of 12 AMC slots. The module is constructed as a stack of 3 PC boards (Tongues 1, 2, 3). SFP0 Serial # (MMC console) SFP1 (DAQ Output) JTAG JTAG These tests establish the reliability of the high-speed serial interconnections. In each plot, the horizontal axis represents the time of sampling of the serial data, with 0 representing the ideal time (middle of bit period). The vertical axis represents the threshold voltage used to characterize a bit as '1' or '0'. 3x SFP+ 10Gb/s capable USB Functions listed for initial HCAL firmware Tongue 3 JTAG Backplane Loop-Back @ 5.0 Gb/s AMC Slot 1 (farthest from AMC13) SFP2 (MMC AVR-32) (Spare) (6) GPIO T3 LVDS Clock MMC JTAG Sensors MMC JTAG (AMC13 FPGAs) Fabric B TX: TTC out RX: -spare- Spartan 6 SPI AT32UC3A1 SFP3 XC6SLX25T-2FG484C Handle GTP SPI Flash AMC13 T1 Board UTCA T2 Fanout GTP Top Layer 1 (signal) Fanout M25P128 128Mbit HS to T2 1.8V 2.0V PCB Stackup UTCA connector DDR3 power Mux SFP+ Nelco 4000SI-13 DDR3 2.5 Gb/s Ethernet+ Private 1 GTL Z0 ctrl (10G, SDRAM) Prepreg 2.7 2 IPMB bus Tongue 1 Divide by 4 GP1 3 Split power GP2 Prepreg 5.4 4 40MHz 5 6 LS to T2 CLK 7 8 Split power GP3 Prepreg 2.7 GP4 GND 9 UTCA T1 SFP+ TTC Prepreg 5.4 G2 Z0 ctrl (SDRAM) GP6 GND Prepreg 5.4 10 G3 Z0 ctrl (10G, SDRAM) Core 5.0 11 GP7 GND Prepreg 2.7 12 GBL Kintex 7 GTX XC7K325T-2FFG900 . . . GTX GTX 16 (data) 17 (addr) 1.0V aux 3.3V Payload AMC13 T2 Board GTX Fiber clock 16 Backplane clock Memory clock Ethernet clock DDR3-1600 speed 128M x 16 DDR3 SDRAM UTCA connector Spartan 6 FPGA 128M x 16 DDR3 SDRAM The AMC13 Machine clock recovery begins on tongue 1 with an optical receiver feeding an Analog Devices ADN2814 Clock and Data Recovery IC. This device process i.e. an LHC Trigger, Timing and Control (TTC) encoded stream and recovers clock and data. The clock (160MHz for the TTC case) is fanned out and delivered to several alternative clock inputs on the Kintex 7 FPGA on tongue 1 as well as to Tongue 2. The recovered data is sent to the Kintex 7 for further processing. The AMC13 clock fanout is located on tongue 2. It can take input from either a front-panel input on tongue 3, or from the TTC receiver on tongue 1. The clock is fanned out to 12 AMC modules via the MicroTCA backplane as well as to the Spartan FPGA. From there it can be returned to the Kintex FPGA on tongue one for special applications. GTL Z0 ctrl (TTC) 5 mil dielectric 2 Clock fanout ICs 3 GP1 GP2 GND 3 mil dielectric Split power 9 mil dielectric Connector to T3 4 G1 Inner signal 9 mil dielectric 5 Connector from T1 GP3 Split power 9 mil dielectric 6 Inner Signal G2 9 mil dielectric 7 8 GND GP4 GBL Splitters installed on GOL links Parallel readout in VME and uTCA Events “tagged” by specific L1A ID (programmed HLT to save events) HCAL uTCA Data! xDAQ software to control uTCA Results: All data match perfectly! 5 mil dielectric Z0 ctrl (TTC) AMC13 Software LHC bunch structure seen in uTCA A set of C++ classes is provided for full control of the AMC13. Command-line tools support testing and diagnostics. CMS xDAQ applications support operation and monitoring for CMS HCAL (currently) and generic CMS operation (soon). AMC13 in CMS MicroTCA Crate A HyperDAQ web display provides real-time status during data taking. DAQ optical fibers (5/10 Gb/s) Fiber links from detector (i.e. GBT) TTC / TTS ( Mb/s) Selectable level of detail MicroTCA Backplane 5.0 Gb.s L1A FIFO Possible 2nd DAQ fiber Note: Data could flow through SDRAM AMC Event Builder DAQ Tx AMC FIFO DAQ Fiber Power DAQ Tx Power Fiber Out 5.0 Gb/s (to 10 Gb/s) FIFO TTC Thickness Overall: 1.6mm Signal: 18μm Power: 36μm FR-4 1 AVR 32 (MMC) AMC13 DAQ Path Link Tx (in AMC) PCB Stackup Fabric B (TTC) The AMC13 local clock subsystem is quite flexible. A SiLabs Si5338B quad programmable “fractional-N” type clock synthesizer is used to generate four independent clocks. These can be used in addition to the TTC recovered clock to drive the backplane links, front-panel fiber links, Gigabit Ethernet and DDR3 memory. The AMC13 Module Management Controller (MMC) is implemented with an Atmel 32 bit AVR microcontroller, with firmware developed by colleagues at the University of Wisconsin. In addition to required MicroTCA MMC functions, our MMC provides several extended features, allowing for fine-grained control over fault conditions, remote setting of module IP addresses and other parameters. MicroTCA Crate at P5 AMC Si5338B Quad Clock AMC port 1 1.2V MCH1 SFP+ Spare 1.0V Fabric A 5.0 Gb/s AMC SFP+ DAQ 1 Z0 ctrl (10G, SDRAM) GTX As a validation test of the MicroTCA readout system, the front-end data for the HCAL subdetector of CMS was split using optical splitters on the fibers from the on-detector electronics. Collider runs were taken in CMS and the data was compared byte-wise between the legacy VME electronics and the new MicroTCA system. An exact match was found in all data. AMC SFP+ DAQ 0 HCAL Slice Test Split power GP5 Core 5.0 GTP DAT Z0 ctrl (SDRAM) Fiber Optic Loop-Back Test – In this test a 30m optical fiber is connected between an SFP transmitter and receiver, and a PRBS is sent through the fiber. Core 5.0 4 GPIO reserved IN G1 Core 5.0 GbE from MCH Backplane Loop-Back Test – In this test a pseudo-random bit stream (PRBS) is sent down the backplane to an AMC slot, and electrically looped-back to the AMC13. This corresponds to double the trace length of a normal point-to-point connection. GND Core 5.0 Kintex-7 160 MHz Fanout Clock/Data Separator ADN2814 Thickness Overall: 1.6mm Signal: 18μm Power: 36μm AMC Voltages Fiber Optic Loop-Back @ 10.0Gb/s (TTC/TTS) AMC Serial Console FPGA JTAG AMC Tongue 2 110 Serial Link Tests (DAQ Loop-back test) USB 3 Custom firmware (MMC Green LED) (MMC Red LED) AMC13 Block Diagram 3 3 3 1 20 6 TTC only, readout direct from FEDs? 10 Custom T3 for front-panel clock and control inputs 28 Custom firmware CMS / TCDS AMC Detector AMC ADC (500/1G B/s) Power JTAG (MMC and Xilinx) Utility SPI MMC serial console 30 May require 2-3 x 10Gb/s DAQ outputs 6 36 Calo trigger: AMC ADC Fiber 10 GbE No. Special Requirements AMC13 CMS / HCAL Connector to T3 provides: Clock / controls fanout Fiber 5.0/10 Gb/s uTCA Backplane 5.0 Gb/s (250 MB/s) Experiment / Subsystem AMC Detector MMC functions (Wisconsin firmware) TTC optical rx 3x SFP+ cage Cross-over GbE from MCH1 for controls and local DAQ AMC13 ADC Estimated AMC13 Use through 2014 T1 base board Provides JTAG / LEDs on front panel Can be removed after initial programming ADC AMC13 Test and Production 8k event SDRAM IPbus control / monitor / local DAQ This page provides an overview of the operation of one AMC13. Color highlights various warning and error conditions in real time Fiber links to trigger Ethernet GbE The AMC13 DAQ Path is detailed above. In response to each Level 1 trigger (L1A), each AMC card in the MicroTCA crate sends a CRC-protected packet over the backplane to the AMC13 at 5.0Gb/s. The packet has a header with event number, bunch crossing number and orbit number along with an optional subsystem-specific payload. The AMC13 event builder collects these packets and builds event fragments. The event builder output can be sent to one, two or three 5/10Gb fiber links to CMS CDAQ, and additionally to an SDRAM buffer which can hold several thousand events. The SDRAM buffer may be prescaled, and may capture “windows” around events which exhibit specific error conditions. The buffer may be read out to a host PC over the 1GbE backplane link via the MicroTCA Carrier Hub The AMC13 also supports 10GbE TCP/IP readout on up to 3 links. A simplified subset of the TCP/IP protocol allows transfer at close to 1GB/s to a standard PC.. AMC13 HCAL uHTR Fiber Link to DAQ ● ● AMC module 5.0 Gb/s optical link with “S-Link like” protocol Firmware developed by CMS CDAQ (both ends) – – – Error check coding, retransmission on error Error monitoring Full diagnostic and test capability from receive end AMC13 Data from FED -DATA (64 bit) -WEN -UCTRL -CLOCK -Backpressure -link down FEROL 4 blocks (4Kbytes each) SFP itf Main Logic Block is sent until it is acknowledged Internal Receive CMD + ACk Vadatech VT892 Crate -Receive block -Ack. block -Order blocks Send commands (one at the time) MCH (commercial)
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