N Na attiio on na all FFe ed de erra attiio on no off A Atto om miicc E En ne errg gyy E Em mp pllo oyye ee ess N F A E E NFAEE D DE EP PA AR RT TM ME EN NT TO OFF A AT TO OM MIIC CE EN NE ER RG GY Y Regn.No.17/9615 Recognised by DAE vide DAE OM No. 8/1/2007 – IR&W/95 dated 13th June 2007 JCM Office, Brindavan, Anusaktinagar, Mumbai 400 094 Web site: www.nfaee.blogspot.com ; Email address: [email protected] Ref. No: nfaee/sg/14/179 25.11.2014 To The Secretary to the Government of India Department of Atomic Energy Anushakthi Bhavan CSM Marg, Mumbai 400001 Sub: Request for removal of disparity in Scientific Assistant Cadre Sir, We would like to put forth a few facts for your kind perusal and favorable action to remove the discrepancies and anomalies meted out by the Scientific Assistants. After the implementation of the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission, Department has carried out cadre restricting of Scientific Assistants which ended with anomalies. There were similarities in the Grades, Promotions and Norms etc in both the departments of DAE/ DOS since its inception. But after the implementation of the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission there are differences in the Grades, Pay, Promotion, etc. The initial appointment of Scientific Assistant ‘B’/ Technical Assistant ‘B’ in Department Of Space having Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- where as in DAE the Scientific Assistant ‘B’ has been given the grade pay of Rs4200/-. It is pertinent to note here that the SA and TAs in DOS has been appointed afresh where as in DAE they are appointed after one year rigorous training programme. In all Central Government Departments including DOS/DRDO, the Scientific Assistant Cadre is being recruited based on the Qualification of Diploma in Engineering (3years and above durations)/ B.Sc followed by all India based written test and personnel interview . Subsequently they are appointed as Technical Assistant / Scientific Assistant. By Considering their rich technical expertise (7 years and above) they will be declared as Technical Officer/Scientific Officer with Gazetted Status after reaching Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- But in Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) the facility for track change has been taken away after the cadre restructuring carried out following the implementation of 6th Central Pay Commission. DAE has introduced compulsorily the Additional Qualification of BE/AMIE/MSc for track change. Not only that Departmental Qualifying Examination also been introduced to further curtail the facility of track change. As per the information it is understood that in most of the Central Government Ministries and Departments the Grade Pay 5400 and above has been notified as gazette. Whereas in Department of Atomic Energy, Scientific Assistants (SA)s holding Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-, Rs.6600/- and Rs.7600/ (Group A category with PB-3 pay Band) with rich technical experience of 20-35 years are also treated as Non-Gazetted in contrary to the practice being followed in all Other Central Government Departments including Scientific Establishments such as DOS/DRDO. Extract of DOPT handbook for Personnel Officers Chapter 2.3 clearly states that “Group A posts and Group B non ministerial and executive posts should ordinarily given Gazetted Status. Even in our own DAE Scientific Officer B (SO/B), with Grade Pay Rs.4800/-, Administration Cadre like Assistant Personnel Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer/Assistant Stores Officer having Grade Pay Rs. 4800/- are declared as Group B Gazetted Officer. Ministry of Education and Social Welfare (Department of Technical Education) now ministry of HRD, (Government of India) by its order No. F-18-19/75/T-2 dated 26th May 1977 clearly states that “ the Government of India decided to recognize a Diploma in Engineering in appropriate discipline plus total ten years of technical experience in the appropriate fields is recognized as equivalent to Degree in Engineering. It is considered valid for the purposes of selection to Gazetted posts and services under the Central Government or State Government.” . Recently based on the above Notification the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Principal Bench, New Delhi in its judgement pronounced on 26.04.2013 with respected to OA No. 2651/2012 between Shri T. R. Sharma and Others Vs Union of India and upheld the plea for gazette status. Where as in our DAE, the diploma in engineering /B.Sc qualified candidates are being recruited after all India written test followed by the interview of excellently performed candidates with sound health. They will be absorbed as per their performance after successful completion of the rigorous On Job Training of One year duration which includes operational, maintenance, analysis and safety aspects required in Highly Hazardous and Toxic areas. Majority of them work in Round the Clock (RTC) Shifts which involves Night shift. The following Table shows DOS Promotion/Track Change for Diploma/ BSc holders From Technical Assistant /Scientific assistant Pay Band & Grade Pay 9300-34800 + 4600 Status Non-Gazetted Sr.Technical Assistant /Sr.Scientific assistant Technical Officer /Scientific Officer-C Technical Officer /Scientific Officer-D Technical Officer /Scientific Officer-E Technical Officer /Scientific Officer-F Technical Officer /Scientific Officer-G 9300-34800 + 4600 Non-Gazetted 15600-39100 + 5400 Gazetted 15600-39100 + 6600 Gazetted 15600-39100 + 7600 Gazetted 37400-67000 + 8700 Gazetted 37400-67000 + 8900 Gazetted The Table below shows the Promotional channel for Diploma/ BSc holders in DAE Designation Pay Band + Grade Pay Rs. Category-1 trainee On Stipend Scientific Assistant B (SA/B) PB2 (930034800) + 4200 Scientific Assistant C (SA/C) Scientific Assistant D (SA/C) Scientific Assistant E (SA/E) Scientific Assistant F (SA/F) Scientific Assistant G (SA/G) PB2 (930034800) + 4600 PB2 (930034800) + 4800 PB3 (1560039100) + 5400 PB3 (1560039100) + 6600 PB3 (1560039100) + 7600 Cumulative Minimum Service Requirement ( in years) Status New recruitment One year training programm e 1 NonGazetted SA/B + 3 years 4 NonGazetted SA/C+3 years 7 NonGazetted SA/D+ 4 years 11 NonGazetted SA/E+ 5 years 16 NonGazetted SA/F+ 6 years 22 NonGazetted Educational Qualifications and eligibility Criteria Diploma in Engineering (3 years above duration)/B.Sc Completion of One year category-1 training programme The above table shows that even after attaining grade pay of Rs.7600/- (Group A) Scientific Assistants are being kept under Non-Gazetted Status until superannuation without considering for Gazetted Status which is supposed to be given after 10 years of relevant experience. From the history of the pay structure it can be seen that DAE has introduced one new Posts for Scientific Assistants under Non Gazetted status in every Pay Commission since 4th Central Pay Commission. The same can be seen in the below given chart:Pay Commission 4th 5th 6th 7th CPC CPC CPC CPC Designation/Posts introduced for the first time SA/E (Group A)/Non Gazetted SA/F (Group A)/Non Gazetted SA/G (Group A)/Non Gazetted ? Grade pay applicable to the post Rs.5400/Rs.6600/Rs.7600/? The above table clearly expose that DAE is ignoring the Scientific Assistants continuously and are being deprived of the Grade, Pay Promotion, Status, etc in contrary to all other central government departments. Though the Department assured and committed that there will not be any difference in status, pay and allowances among the Scientific Assistants and the Scientific Officers corresponding to those SAs, DAE themselves deviated from their commitment while introducing two increments to SO/D and above, update Allowance to SO/C and above and the introduction of different yard stick for consideration of promotional post, etc All this discrepancies and anomalies are continuing and thus the Scientific Assistant become the disrupt group of employees in the whole DAE. We would like to bring to your notice that even the DAEs directive itself flouted by the Department and thus denied the justice. Please refer DAE OM No. 32/1 (2)/2008-SCS/R-198 dt.12th Sept 2008 issued by the principal secretary DAE while appointing the Committee for the implementation of Part B of the 6th CPC. First Para instructs the committee, not to disturb the vertical and horizontal relativity of any category. Last para, instructs to compare similar Departments like the Department of Space for comparable categories of employees while arriving at its conclusions. The guide lines of Principal Secretary were not taken into account while recommending Part B of 6th CPC with respect to Scientific Assistant cadres even after knowing the latest changes incorporated by DOS. DAE adopted only Non Gazetted grades upto SA/G (the last Grade) with grade pay of Rs.7600/-. This has created many repercussions and ripples among Scientific Assistant category which are yet to be settled. Only in DAE Diploma holders/BSc graduates are joining as Scientific Assistant and superannuating as Scientific Assistant even after putting rich and valuable services for more than 30-35 years. By making additional qualification, Departmental Qualifying exam, etc compulsory for track changing the Department neglected the senior most SAs who have completed their service for 25 or more years and for them no scope for getting additional qualification DAE selected the entry scale of Rs4200/- for SA/B. At a later stage inducted new recruitment policy by adopting two years training programme for Category I trainees and appointed them as SA/C with grade pay of Rs4600/-. By adopting the unethical approach DAE cheated the entire Scientific Assistants working in the Department. Three to five or more year’s seniority and service has been put in waste bin by changing the recruitment from SA/B to SA/C. Director BARC has been constituted a committee vide the OM dated 5th October 2012 to reemphasize the need of addressing discrepancies of merit based promotion scheme currently in vogue in DAE and DOS. The said Committee also was not curious to find way to remove the discrepancies and anomalies exists in the pay structures of SAs of DAE and DOS During an informal discussion with Dr. Suri and other members of the Norms committee was tried to explain that the track change linked to additional qualification and DQE for developing competitive mind among the Scientific Assistants only. But the practical difficulties of senior most employees to acquire additional qualification has not considered. If the same was considered prospectively, it can be understand that the employees who joining in the Department well averse with the recruitment/promotion policy. Based on the above mentioned explanation and the factual position we request you to initiate action to carry out the following: Revise the entry level pay for SA/B with grade pay of Rs4200/- and upgrade other grades. Consider the third promotion, ie, SA/D to SA/E into Technical officer based on the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare (Department of Technical Education) order No. F-18-19/75/T-2 dated 26th May 1977 that the Government of India decided to recognize a Diploma in Engineering in appropriate discipline plus total ten years of technical experience in the appropriate fields is recognized as equivalent to Degree in Engineering. Consider the minimum eligibility period for promotions of Scientific Assistants for similar grades to be kept in between ‘ITI qualified technicians’ and directly recruited ‘Graduates in Engineering /Technology Scientific Officers’ as they are middle category of employees which is kept now equal with ITI qualified technicians. Ensure parity on Allowances, increments and other monitory benefits to SAs and the Scientific/Technical Officers placed in the equal grades. It is very much essential to carry out the above mentioned exercise to ensure the removal of discrepancies and anomalies exist after 6 CPC before the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations: Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Jayaraj KV) Secretary General Address for Correspondence: Jayaraj. KV, Secretary General, NFAEE PESS/UED; BARC, Trombay, Mumbai 400 085 Tel. No: (O): 022 – 25596519; (Res): 022 – 25554179; (Mobile): 9869501189 Email Address: [email protected], [email protected]
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