CC Unit 3 DBQ American Revolution

American Revolution DBQ Packet
Name: _____________________________________________
Directions for DBQ (Causes and Effects of Exploration)
PRE ESSAY Checklist (Do the following things before you write your essay)
Read what the essay is about – historical context and task
As you analyze the documents, highlight what information will help your essay
At the top of the document, write which task the document answers (1 or 2)
Answer each question for each document
 1. Your essay must be legible (clear to read)
 2. Your essay must include the following:
o Introductory Paragraph (use parts of the historical context and the task for your
o Body Paragraph 1
 Must have a topic sentence
 Must include outside information and reference documents
o Body Paragraph 2
 Must have a topic sentence
 Must include outside information and reference documents
o Conclusion (restate the thesis and summarize your topic sentences from each body
 3. You must use at least 4 documents in your essay
o After writing the document information, put (Doc #) at the end of the
sentence(s). For example: “Slaves were forbidden from learning to read or write
(Doc 6).”
Part A – Document Questions
Document 1
The Quartering Act
WHEREAS … several regulations are made and enacted for the better government of the army, and
their observing strict discipline, and for providing quarters (housing) for the army, … and inflicting
penalties on offenders against the same act, and for many other good purposes therein mentioned;
but the same may not be sufficient for the forces that may be employed in his Majesty’s dominions in
America … there may be occasion for … quartering of regiments and companies of his Majesty’s
forces in several parts of his Majesty’s dominions in America: and whereas the publick houses …, in
his Majesty’s dominions in America…
I. … if there shall not be sufficient room in the said barracks for the officers and soldiers, then and in
such case only, to quarter … officers and soldiers for whom there shall not be room in such barracks,
V. Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby enacted, that the officers and soldiers so quartered … shall
be received and furnished with diet (food), and small beer, cyder, or rum mixed with water, by the
owners of the inns, livery stables, alehouses, victualinghouses (restaurants), and other houses in
which they are allowed to be quartered by this act;
VI. Provided always, that in case any innholder, or other person, on whom any non commission
officers or private men shall be quartered by virtue of this act, ..
1. What does it mean for soldiers to be “quartered?”
2. According to Article I, why would officers and soldiers need to be quartered?
3. Besides being quartered, name one other item soldiers would receive.
Document 2
British Tax Stamps
The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765. The new tax was
imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed
paper they used. The money collected by the Stamp Act was to be used to help pay the
costs of defending and protecting the American frontier near the Appalachian Mountains
(10,000 troops were to be stationed on the American frontier for this purpose).
4. What good was the tax placed on?
What was the highest tax enacted (authorized) by the Stamp Act?
Document 3
The Tea Act of 1773
The provisions (requirements) of the Tea Act of 1773 were as follows:
The new provisions in the Tea Act allowed tea to be shipped in East India Company ships directly
from China to the American colonies, thus avoiding the tax on goods first sent to England, as
required by previous legislation
The Tea Act also made the provision for a strict collection of a duty (tax) of 3 pence (a currency
used by Britain) per pound to be collected on tea delivered to America
This new import tax of 3 pence was considerably less than the previous one in which 12 pence (1
shilling) per pound on tea sent via Britain. The American colonists would therefore get their tea
cheaper than the people of Britain but the tax would now be enforced.
The tea was to be marketed in America by special consignees (receivers of shipments) who were to
be selected by the East India Company
The tea consignees were to be based in four centers in the colonies: Boston, New York,
Philadelphia and Charleston
6. According to the Tea Act, who was allowed to ship tea directly into the American colonies?
7. According to the Tea Act, what amount of tax was required per pound of tea delivered?
8. According to the document above, name one difference between a previous tea tax and this new one
created by the Tea Act?
Document 4
Colonists Tar and Feather a Loyalist
Though the tarring was not usually fatal, it was extremely unpleasant. Applying the
burning hot tar to bare skin usually caused painful blistering and efforts to remove it often
made the condition worse. The adding of feathers which stuck to the tar added to the
humiliation and made the victim a comical figure. Sometimes tar was applied to the
clothing, and was only a minor warning. Although illegal, it was common to threaten or
attack British government employees in the colonies. No stamp commissioner or tax
collector was actually tarred and feathered but by the day the Stamp Act tax went into
effect, there were no stamp commissioners left in the colonies to collect it.
9. What happened to person’s skin after tar was applied to it?
10. Why were feathers added to the tar after it was applied?
11. Who is being attacked in this picture?
Document 5
The Boston Tea Party
12. In what city did this event take place?
13. After analyzing this picture above, what were the Americans dressed as on the boats?
Document 6
Boston Non-Importation Agreement *
August 1, 1768
We, the subscribers, in order to relieve the trade under those discouragements … do promise and
engage to and with each other as follows:
That we will not send or import from Great Britain this fall, either on our own account, or
on commission, any other goods than what are already ordered for the fall supply.
That we will not purchase … any kind of goods imported from Great Britain. … That we
will not import on our own account, or on commission, or Purchase from any Who shall
import from any other colony in America, … any tea, glass, paper, or other goods
commonly imported from Great Britain.
That we will not, from and after January 1, 1769, import into the province any tea, paper,
glass, or painters' colours, until the Acts imposing duties on these articles have been
repealed (canceled).
*Non-Importation means Boycott
14. What was agreed up by Boston merchants in 1768?
15. What would stop the merchants from following this agreement?
Part B – Document Based Question Essay
This question is based on the accompanying documents. The question is designed to test your
ability to work with historical documents. Some of these documents have been edited for the
purposes of this question. As you analyze the documents, take into account the source of each
document and any point of view that may be presented in the document.
 Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs, and a
 Use evidence from the documents to support your response.
 Include specific related outside information.
Historical Context: In 1776, the Continental Congress declared the thirteen colonies independent of
Britain. In the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental Congress gave the reasons for
declaring independence and its justification for revolution.
Task: Using the information from the documents and your knowledge of global history, answer the
questions that follow each document in Part A. Your answers to the questions will help you write the
Part B essay in which you will be asked:
Identify and discuss at least two reasons for the American colonies to revolt against Great
Identify and discuss at least two methods of protest the American colonies used against
Great Britain.
You must use at least 4 documents!
Graphic Organizer
You are not required to complete this organizer but it is important to organize your thoughts before writing
the essay. Make any notes on the organizer below to help you write a well written essay.
Include any documents and outside information that relates to the topic.
Reasons Colonists Revolted
Methods of Protest by Colonies
Additional Reason(s)
Additional Protest(s)