Bluffton University merchandise order form

Bluffton University merchandise order form
I would like to order Cap ($15 each)
Visor ($15 each)
Bluffton University flag ($35 each)
License plate frame tag ($5 each)
Retro-ware Bluffton College t-shirt ($20 each)
Size ____S ____M ____L ____XL ____2XL ____3XL
Retro-ware Bluffton University t-shirt ($20 each)
Size ____S ____M ____L ____XL ____2XL ____3XL
Golf shirt ($35 each)
Men’s ____S ____M ____L ____XL ____2XL ____3XL
Women’s ____S ____M ____L ____XL ____2XL ____3XL
I would like to order the selected Cat’s Meow buildings, $5 each
Merchandise subtotal
Shipping & handling (see chart below)
Total amount enclosed
Lincoln Hall
Mara-Alva House
Marbeck Center
Mosiman Hall
Bren Dell Hall
College Hall
Hirschy Hall
Ropp Hall
Shipping and handling chart
Merchandise total Shipping & handling cost
$1-$24.99......................................... $5
$25-$49.99....................................... $6
$50-$74.99....................................... $7.50
$75-$100.......................................... $8.50
More than $100................................ 10% of sale
Salzman Stadium
Sauder Visual Arts
Shoker Science Hall
Yoder Recital Hall
E-mail address
Payment options:
Check (payable to Bluffton University)
Card numberCVV code
The CVV code is the last three numbers from the code on the back of your card
Expiration date
Name as it appears on card
Return payment and order form to:
Alumni Office
Bluffton University
1 University Drive
Bluffton, OH 45817-2104