LIQ “KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS”: A DETERGENT INDUSTRY CAMPAIGN TO PROMOTE THE SAFE USE OF LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT CAPSULES ACROSS EUROPE ”Project Description” FINALE DETERGENT CAPSULES 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE CAMPAIGN AND BACKGROUND The “KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS” campaign for Liquid Laundry Detergent Capsules1 is a new voluntary initiative of A.I.S.E., the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products. This campaign builds on a series of voluntary initiatives already undertaken by A.I.S.E. in the domain of safety and sustainability. A.I.S.E. and its member companies involved in the liquid laundry detergent capsules market in Europe regard the safety of consumers as a top priority. This consumer education campaign aims at securing the safe use and storage of liquid laundry detergent capsules by parents and children carers, to ultimately significantly reduce the incidence of accidental exposure, in particular of small children, to these products. Whilst this campaign is being launched by A.I.S.E. mid-2014, it is important to note though that the campaign follows the implementation of another related voluntary project within A.I.S.E.: THE A.I.S.E. PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMME FOR LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT CAPSULES (PSP). This one was released in December 2012 and contains a number of requirements concerning the packaging of those products (opaqueness and closure), the mandatory use of on-pack information as well as of an industry safety disclaimer to be used on all brands communication, and finally, the collaboration with Poison Control Centers in Europe to collect quantitative and qualitative data on this category (see link below2 for the full details). It is strongly expected that companies committing to the “Keep Caps from Kids” Campaign are either committed already to the above PSP or at least, adhere and implement its safety principles, concerning packaging, closure and on-pack information. Important Notice: The following document provides an overview of what A.I.S.E. intends to implement for the “Keep Caps From Kids” campaign, and is opened on 1st July 2014. The full execution of the plan is subject to sufficient partners officially committing by the timing provided herewith to the different campaign principles. BACKGROUND Liquid laundry detergent capsules are relatively new product forms that have been progressively introduced in Europe. They are practical, convenient, sustainable and safe when stored and used as instructed. They need to be handled safely and, as any other household cleaning product, kept away from children. The 1 By « liquid laundry detergent capsules » it shall be understood any liquid laundry detergent contained in a water soluble wrapper. This includes auxiliary laundry washing products. 2 1 A.I.S.E. membership has however been made aware by Poison Control Centers (PCCs) that in some countries incidents of accidental exposure involving small children have been observed, mainly of ingestion but also eye injury. The issue is fundamentally one of unintended use and, in newer markets, lack of familiarity. Against this background, and with the support of the industry, A.I.S.E. has developed the voluntary Liquid Laundry Detergent Capsules Product Stewardship Programme summarized above, and the subsequent “KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS” campaign outlined below. 2. PRODUCT & GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE - CAMPAIGN CONCEPT, MATERIAL & PRINCIPLES 2.1. Product scope The campaign aims at covering the safe use of « liquid laundry detergent capsules ». By this, it shall be understood any liquid laundry detergent contained in a water soluble wrapper. This includes auxiliary laundry washing products. 2.2. Geographical scope The KEEPCAPS FROM KIDS CAMPAIGN is planned for the whole EU 28 + 4 territory namely : EU 28 : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom + 4: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland It will be run in the following local languages : English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish 2.3. The campaign concept A.I.S.E., through its membership, undertakes to run a consumer education campaign to promote the safe use of liquid laundry detergent gel capsules in Europe. This campaign will be deployed in a specific time window and be based on a communications toolkit centrally designed by A.I.S.E. The campaign tag line is “KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS”. The concept of the campaign is that it will be led by A.I.S.E. and its National Associations membership (See list in Annex I), jointly with laundry detergent companies involved in the product scope, based on the “KEEP CAPS FROMKIDS” communications toolkit. The toolkit will also be made available to other potential partners of related industries (e.g. retailers) as well as other relevant stakeholders (e.g. consumer NGOs, Ministries of Health, Poison Control Centers, Pediatricians Associations) but also to consumers who can help spread the messages of the campaign. The Campaign will have as core feature the web portal. Upon commitment to the project, participants will have access to the Toolkit through a password protected area. The campaign is opened to different partners (as outlined in section 3). This includes, if all the other applicable conditions are met: - members and non-members of A.I.S.E.; - members and non-members of the National Associations of the countries within the geographical scope; 2 2.4. The campaign material The website will be at the heart of the digital campaign KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS. A.I.S.E. will provide as part of the main campaign assets: 1) WEBSITE : - A multi-lingual consumer website, available in all the campaign languages (see 2.3) - An extranet for partners (in English only), where all the campaign material will be available for download by campaign partners 2) VIDEO: - A 15 seconds video, available in all the campaign languages (see 2.3) - A longer version of the video (e.g. 40 seconds), available in all the campaign languages - A 2 second ‘thank you video”, available in the campaign languages => All free of rights for use in Europe (on internet and/or on TV) during the Campaign period (August 2014 - August 2015). 3) WEB BANNERS: The following formats will be produced and available in the campaign languages as listed in 2.3: Display ads : Leaderboard: 728x90 px - Half-page ad: 300x600 px - Wide Skyscraper. 160x600 px Skyscraper: 120 x 600 px - Medium Rectangle: 300x250 px Mobile : Mobile banner: 300x50 px and 320x50 px Facebook : 600x315 - Headline: 25-character - Body Copy: 90-character Search: Headline: 25 character - Line 1: max. 35 character - Line 2: max. 35 characters - Visible green URL: max. 35 2.5.Campaign principles The Pan-European KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS intends to be run as follows based on the following 3 activities: 3 The KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS campaign is a pan-European digital campaign. It is meant to be disruptive and incentivize people to share the key campaign assets (video, website, web banners) as much as possible. 1 ) The KCFK BASIC PACKAGE : This one will consist in making available the multi-lingual website and video, as well as web banners, from mid-2014. This will be developed in all EU 28 + 4 languages. This work, developed with the support of the communications agency DDB, is aimed at providing consumers in Europe with basic tips for the safe use of liquid laundry detergent gel capsules. It targets consumers, and more precisely parents and children carers. It is engaging and will call upon them to help spread the message so at to maximize the reach of the campaign. 2) The KCFK AMPLIFICATION: This activity aims at requiring that any partner to the campaign should help deploy the KCFK material so as to reach a maximum of consumers. For liquid laundry detergent capsules companies, particularly those signing up as “Campaign Partners/ Sponsors”, it will oblige them to place the KCFK material (video and/or web banner) on all the brands websites, Facebook sites and other digital communication opportunities where they are present in the EU 28/4 territory, for the whole Activation period of the Campaign. For details on how to use the campaign material on brands website, please refer to Annex II. For other Campaign Partners, they will be invited to also make optimal use of the KCFK material by placing the material as much as possible on their digital channels. The above partners will be provided with all the campaign material from the campaign extranet. For others (e.g. Consumers, Pediatricians etc), those will be invited to forward the message via the sharing facilities organized on the site, via email etc. The KCFK material is provided in a specific format by A.I.S.E. and should be used with no changes at all to this material. It is critical that there is no “appropriation” by brands of this campaign and that its industry and pan-European nature is always respected. 4 Note: Any additional activity fitting the spirit of the campaign is welcome. Campaign partners/Sponsors may also use the KCFK material for use on TV in Europe. This will be organized at own discretion, based on material centrally available from A.I.S.E. and agreed with regard to possible use by brands based on central industry guidelines. The material for use on TV may be made voluntarily by Campaign Partners/Sponsors but at their own cost. These additional activities are not part of the core project described herewith. Any use beyond what is foreseen in the scope of this pan-_European project will need to pre-clearance from A.I.S.E. before airing/use. The same rules apply for use outside the project ‘s geographical scope, especially as buy-outs have been negotiated by A.I.S.E. for the EU 28+4 territory only. 3) The KCFK MEDIA PACKAGE : The key part of the KCFK campaign is to run a pan-European Campaign. This one has been developed together with the communications agency DDB and their media partner. It will be rolled out from September 2014 and will be based on : - Web bannering (display and Facebook)and video pre-rolls - Search Engine Marketing The campaign will be centrally led by agency DDB on behalf of A.I.S.E., during the period (see details in Annex III). The buying of the media for the Core Campaign will be organised directly by DDB on behalf of A.I.S.E.. 3. THE PARTICIPANTS- CRITERIA OF PARTICIPATION - COMMITMENT The KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS CAMPAIGN is open to the following partners: i. Campaign Partners/Sponsors (KCFK Basic Package/KCFK Media Package) This category is open to companies manufacturing and/or placing on the market household liquid laundry detergents capsules (see definition under 2.1.) (either branded or private label products) within the defined geographical scope. ii. Campaign Partners/Retailers This category is open to retailers selling household liquid laundry detergents capsules (either branded or private label products) within the defined geographical scope. iii. Campaign Partners/Suppliers This category is open to ‘Business to Business’ companies not falling in the “Campaign Partners/Sponsors” category but which may be related to this sector (e.g. suppliers), and see an opportunity in helping the successful roll out of the campaign. This category is not open to companies active in the detergent and maintenance products industry. iv. Campaign Partners/Institutional Organisations This category is open to organisations such as Non-Governmental Organisations, Academia or National Authorities (e.g. consumer NGOs, Ministries of Health, Poison Control Centres, Pediatricians Associations), with a link or an interest in driving further the safe use of liquid laundry detergent capsules in Europe. Campaign Partners/Institutional Organisations will support the campaign and agree to have their logos featured in the project’s website. Each Participant adhering to the project will commit to take concrete specific steps towards achieving the objectives of the project. The Commitment from the above partners is outlined below : 5 Finance the initiative (See details in Section 5) Make optimal use of the toolkit during the activation period Allow A.I.S.E. and/or its National Associations to use their institution name/logo in the main campaign website Reporting Campaign Partners/Sponsors KCFK Basic KCFK Basic Package Package + KCFK Media Package YES YES Other Campaign Partners Retailers Suppliers Institutional Organisations NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES (with logo) Nomination on website: “Sponsor” YES (with logo) Nomination on website: “Main sponsor” YES YES (with name or logo) YES (with name or logo) YES (with name or logo) YES YES YES YES 4. TIMING Opening: The initiative will be “opened” officially by A.I.S.E. on 1 July 2014. - - - 1 July 2014 – 20 July 2014: Period during which Campaign Partners/Sponsors and Campaign Partners/Suppliers can commit to the project by signing the corresponding “Commitment Letter” with A.I.S.E. 1 July 2014 - 30 April 2015: Period during which Campaign Partners/Retailers and Campaign Partners/Institutional Organisations can commit to the project by signing the corresponding “Commitment Letter” with A.I.S.E. 22 July – 25 July 2014: Confirmation of the communication campaign (subject to commitment by campaign Sponsors) and confirmation by A.I.S.E. to each Campaign Partners/ Sponsors and Campaign Partners/Suppliers of their respective budget/media commitment Note: should any company/organization be still interested to join in one of the categories after the above dates, then, they are invited to contact the A.I.S.E. secretariat who will consider their request on an ad-hoc basis. Activation: The Toolkit can be publicly used during the Activation period by the project’s participantsin the framework of implementation of the campaign. The Activation period will last at least from 1 August 2014 until 30 July 2015. - - August 2014: Opening by A.I.S.E. of the business to consumers web portal 1 August 2014 – 30 July 2015: Activation of campaign and use by all partners of the campaign assets on the brand websites, and other relevant digital communication (e.g. Facebook brands sites, partners sites, etc…) (cf. “KCFK AMPLIFICATION”) 1 September 2014 onwards: “KCFK Media Campaign” led by DDB starts, provided all Campaign Partners/Sponsors’ Invoicing or at least Purchase Order has been issued by then to A.I.S.E. and DDB. 6 Note: A.I.S.E. reserves the right to stop the campaign at any time, should it be felt appropriate to do so. Reporting /Evaluation: Sept 14 onwards: Ongoing analysis of the communication agency partner of A.I.S.E. (DDB) February – April 2015 (latest): Reporting by participants on their use of the Toolkit March 2015 - April 2015: Evaluation of campaign success (quantitative and qualitative) by A.I.S.E and partners and assessment for possible campaign next steps Mid 2015: Close out report to be drafted and communicated by A.I.S.E. based on input from Campaign Partners/ Sponsors and other Campaign Partners. 5. FINANCING THE INITIATIVE A.I.S.E. has established a dedicated budget to support the central expenses related to this project. This budget will cover all the expenses covering the development of the strategy, the core media plan, development of the communication materials of the Toolkit, and the project management. In addition, a media plan has been organized with the communications agency contracted by A.I.S.E. DDB in order to implement the local media plan. The financing of the initiative comprises two parts: 1- Contribution to central development costs: 430 000 € => INVOICED BY A.I.S.E. TO PARTICIPATING COMPANIES 2- Contribution to media costs: 3 000 000 € => INVOICED BY DDB TO PARTICIPATING COMPANIES (based on figures communicated by A.I.S.E. to DDB) 7 The KCFK BASIC PACKAGE and the KCFK MEDIA PACKAGE will be financed essentially by: - A) Campaign Partners/Sponsors : on the basis of their estimated “European Value Market Share” (“EVMS”) of the household liquid laundry detergents capsules market during year 2013 for the EU 28 territory. Reference data for the calculation of financial participation have been obtained for 2013 from independent source (basis Euromonitor figures rounded by A.I.S.E.). The fair share of each Campaign Partners/ Sponsors will be communicated in full confidentiality by A.I.S.E. no later than 21 July 2014, together with its corresponding budget. Campaign Partners/Sponsors with a “EVMS” in 2013 below 5.0% will contribute to the campaign costs with a minimum flat fee as outlined below. For all Campaign Partners/Sponsors, the amounts due will need to be paid to A.I.S.E. by 1 September 2014 at the latest. For their financial participation, Campaign Partners/Sponsors will have the choice to either participate their fair share (as communicated above from A.I.S.E.): 1) to the KCFK BASIC PACKAGE only 2) to the KCFK BASIC PACKAGE and the KCFK MEDIA PACKAGE Company has a EVMS > 5% EVMS share applies for the full campaign territory. EVMS share applies for the full campaign territory. Company has a EVMS < 5% Flat fee of minimum 12,300 euros for the full campaign territory applies. Optional: if company wishes to contributes, minimum contribution is 20 000 euros. Campaign Partners/Sponsors who may wish to participate e.g. to the KCFK BASIC PACKAGE, but who are keen to contribute to the KFCK MEDIA PACKAGE may also be able to do so (with a minimum of 20 000 euros- amount of their choice).They should do so via the corresponding commitment letter. The Campaign will be secured based on a minimum of 3 companies having confirmed their participation , covering together minimum 60% of the EVMS, for the KCFK BASIC PACKAGE. For the KCFK MEDIA PACKAGE, investment will be done pro rata companies’ commitment received. - B) CAMPAIGN PARTNERS/SUPPLIERS: Campaign Partners/Suppliers are also invited to help sponsor the initiative by indicating to A.I.S.E. the amount of their choice that they are keen to contribute, to help the successful development and implementation of the project. The minimum contribution expected to this pan-European is 5000 euros, with no maximum. This commitment (to be communicated confidentially to A.I.S.E. no later than 20 July) will be used optimally by A.I.S.E. in the context of the project, for either the KCFK BASIC PACKAGE and/or the KCFK MEDIA PACKAGE. NOTA BENE: 1) The Core Campaign led by DDB is due to start on 1 September 2014. This will be secured only if all Campaign Partners/Sponsors and Campaign Partners/Suppliers Invoicing or at least Purchase Order has been secured/issued by then to A.I.S.E. and DDB prior to 20 August 2014. 2) Categories of participants other than Campaign Partners/Sponsors or Campaign Partners/Suppliers are not requested to participate to the financing of the initiative. This applies to Campaign Partners/Retailers and to Campaign Partners/Institutional Organisations. 8 6. CAMPAIGN EVALUATION In the course of the campaign, A.I.S.E. together with its partners will assess the potential future to give to this campaign. This decision will be assessed based on the progress of the campaign but also based on feedback received from partners and stakeholders, and evolution of data linked to the incidents of accidental exposure involving small children. It will also be subject to the conclusion from the close out report that A.I.S.E will produce based on Campaign Partners/Sponsors and other Campaign Partners input. --------------------------------- ANNEXES 1) Annex I: List and role of A.I.S.E. and its National Associations members 2) Annex II : Amplification of Campaign via Brands website – Guidelines 3) Annex III: Summary overview of the Campaign media strategy 9 Annex I: List and role of A.I.S.E. and its National Associations members Organisation Role in the keep Caps from kids Campaign A.I.S.E. 15 A Avenue Herrmann Debroux B- 1160 BRUSSELS Tel : 32 2 679 62 69 Email: [email protected] Contact persons Susanne Zänker, Director General Valérie Séjourné, Director Communications & Sustainability Caroline Morgan, Communications Officer - A.I.S.E.’s National Associations In the respective campaign countries (see list herewith) - - - - - Project coordination Toolkit and website development and delivery (with agency) Media Campaign strategy Overall campaign management with main communications agency Stakeholder engagement Campaign evaluation Support for translation on main campaign assets (July 2014) Promotion to potential Campaign Partners, especially Retailers and Institutional Organisations (July 2014-March 2015) Contact point for “Keep Caps from Kids” on main campaign website for interested stakeholders in their country (August 2014 – July 2015) Campaign evaluation 10 Annex I (continued) List of A.I.S.E. Ordinary National Association Members with presence on the market of household liquid laundry detergent capsules June 2014 Country Austria Belgium/Lux Croatia Cyprus Czech Rep Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal National Association Fachband der Chemischen Industrie Österreichs F.C.I.O. Association Belgo-Luxembourgeoise des Producteurs et des Distributeurs de Savons, Cosmétiques, Détergents, Produits d’Entretien, d’Hygiène et de Toilette, Colles, Produits et Matériels Connexes DETIC/ESSENCIA Society of Traders and Producers of Cleaning Products, Washing Products and Cosmetics at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce STPC-VPC Cyprus Aerosol, Detergents & Cosmetics Manufacturers Association CADCMA Committee for Detergents with the Czech Association for Branded Products CSZV Brancheforening for Saebe, Parfemeog Teknisk/kemiske Artikler SPT Federation of Estonian Chemical Industries EKTL Teknokemian Yhdistys r.y TY Contact Mr Christian Gründling Ms Françoise van Tiggelen Tel 43 590 900 33 48 Email [email protected]. at [email protected] Website Ms Dubravka Marijanovic 385 31 513 530 dubravka.marijanovic Mr Andreas Andreou Mr Karel Strasak 357 22 889 737 [email protected] 420 222 316 606 [email protected] Ms Hanna Loyche 45 4520 2010 [email protected] Mr Hallar Meybaum 372 6139775 [email protected] Ms Sari Karjomaa 358 9 1728 4335 Ms Valérie Lucas 33 1 40 98 19 19 sari.karjomaa@teknok [email protected] www.teknokemia.f i Association Française des Industries de la Détergence, de l’Entretien et des Produits d’Hygiène Industrielle AFISE Industrieverband Hygiene und Oberfläschenschutz für industrielle und institutionelle Anwendung e.V IHO Industrieverband Körperpflege und Waschmittel e.V. IKW Association of the Greek Industry of Detergents and Soaps SEVAS Hungarian Cosmetic and Home Care Association KOZMOS Irish Cosmetics & Detergents Association I.C.D.A. Associazione Nazionale Detergenti e Specialità per l’Industria e per la Casa ASSOCASA The Association of Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry LAKIFA Nederlandse Vereniging van Zeepfabrikanten NVZ Vaskemiddelleverandorenes Forening V.L.F. Polish Associations of Cosmetics and Home Care Products Producers SPKiChG Associaçao dos Industriais de Saboes Detergentes e Produtos de Conservaçao Mr Heiko Faubel 49 69 2556 1245 [email protected] Mr Andreas Lange 49 69 2556 1321 [email protected] Mr Theo Michaelides Mr Istvan Muranyi 30 210 777 27 80 [email protected] 36 1 398 0823 Ms Siobhan Dean 353 1 606 16 71 muranyi.istvan@kozm [email protected] Mr Guiseppe Abello 39 02 34 56 52 35 g.abello@federchimic assocasa.federchi Ms Raina Dureja 371 6729 86 83 [email protected] Dr Hans Razenberg 31 30 692 18 80 [email protected] Ms Finn Rasmussen 47 22 99 22 70 [email protected] Ms Anna Oborska 48 22 625 57 81 www.czystepiekno. pl Ms Ana-Maria Couras 351 21 799 15 50 anna.oborska@czyste [email protected] 32 2 238 97 65 11 Romania Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom e Limpeza A.I.S.D.P.C.L. Romanian Union of Cosmetics and Detergent Manufacturers RUCODEM Slovenské zdruzenie pre znackové vyrobky SZZV Asociacion de Empresas de Detergentes y de Productos de Limpieza, Mantenimiento y Afines ADELMA Branschföreningen för Industriell och Institutionell Hygien I.I.H. Kemisk-Tekniska Leverantörförbundet K.T.F. Schweizerischer Kosmetik und Waschmittelverband SKW UK Cleaning Products Industry Association U.K.C.P.I. Ms Mihaela Rabu 40 21 210 88 85 mihaela.rabu@rucode [email protected] Mr Lubomir Tuchscher Ms Pilar Espina 421 2 5273 1113 34 91 733 05 66 direcciongeneral@ade Ms Ulrika Flodberg 46 8 783 82 42 [email protected] Mr Olof Holmer 46 8 783 82 43 [email protected] Mr Bernard Cloëtta 41 43 344 45 80 Mr Philip Malpass 44 1829 77 00 55 [email protected] philip.malpass@ukcpi. org 12 Annex II: Amplification of Campaign via Brands website – Guidelines Campaign Partners/Sponsors will need to display to KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS material from the moment they commit and until the end of the activation period as follows: - - MANDATORY: Use of the 15 second (or 40 second) video on all the brands websites of liquid laundry detergent capsules sold in the campaign territory, in the relevant langue where the product is sold, with weblink to OPTIONAL/ STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Use of the campaign web banners of brands websites and corporate websites STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Use of the video and/or web banners of the brands of liquid laundry detergent capsules on brands’ social media channels (e.g. Facebook, etc), at the frequency/discretion of the company/brand. However it is strongly recommended that companies amplify the campaign wherever/whenever possible. Report of amplification activities done will be sough at the end of the project. For other Campaign Partners (e.g. retailers, etc), those are also encouraged to display the campaign material as much as possible on their website, site of e-commerce related to liquid laundry detergent capsules. NOTE : the material provided from the central KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS should be used as such ant not changed/customized, for its use in the context of this campaign. In case of any question, please contact the A.I.S.E. Secretariat. 13 Annex III: Summary overview of the Campaign media strategy General Set up: - Roll-out in 28 + 4 countries Combination of video, Display and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Centrally managed (DDB Tribal for A.I.S.E)) Continuously optimized during the campaign Strong audience targeting Channels: Audience: Declared parents ; parents of toddlers, young children ; children agend0-5 in household; child carers Optimization: - Learnings used for campaign optimization to achieve an efficiency uplift. - Reporting: Cross channels deduplicated reach ; view through rates, ; ad impressions, clicks, unique users ; viewability rates ; advanced analysis Search: - SEM in 2 phases for maximal effect 14
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