Controllers DR, DP, FR and DFR RE 92060 Edition: 04.2014 Replaces: 10.2006 ▶▶ For variable pump A4VSO series 1 and 3 ▶▶ Open circuit Features Contents ▶▶ Control of pressure and flow Ordering code – A4VSO 2 ▶▶ Remote controlled optional DR − pressure controller 3 ▶▶ Pressure controller for parallel operation optional DRG − remote controlled pressure controller 6 ▶▶ Mechanical Vg min − and Vg max −limitation DP − pressure controller for parallel operation 11 ▶▶ The special version enables mooring, swivel-through DPF − with flow controller 16 FR/FR1 − flow controller 19 operation, and decompression over the pump FRG/FRG1 − flow controller with remote Variable pump A4VSO, data sheet 92050 controlled pressure control 22 DFR/DFR1 − pressure-flow controller 25 General instructions 28 RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers Ordering code – A4VSO 2 Ordering code – A4VSO 01 02 03 04 A4VS 05 O 06 07 08 09 / 10 11 12 13 – Hydraulic fluid 01 For details see data sheet 92050 Axial piston unit A4VS 02 Swashplate design, variable Charge pump (impeller) 03 without charge pump (no symbol) with charge pump (impeller) only with port plate 25 (service line ports) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ● ‒ L Operating mode O 04 Pump, open circuit Size (NG) 40 71 125 180 250 355 500 750 1000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● DR1) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● DRG1) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● DP1) F ‒ ‒ ● ● ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ DPF ● ● ● ● ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ FR G ● ● ● ● ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ FRG ● ● ● ● ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ FR1 05 Geometric displacement Control device 06 Pressure controller remote controlled Pressure control for parallel operation with flow control Flow controller DR DR G DP DP FR with pressure control, remote controlled FR FR no connection from XF to the tank FR 1 FRG 1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ FRG1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ DFR ● ● ● ● ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ DFR1 07 Series 1, index 0 ● ● ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 10 Series 3, index 0 ‒ ‒ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 30 FRG no connection from XF to the tank Pressure and flow controller no connection from XF to the tank DFR DFR 1 Series For details see data sheet 92050 08 Direction of rotation 09 Seal 10 Drive shaft 11 Mounting flange 12 Service line ports 13 Through drive ● = Available 1) ‒ = Not available Available in mooring and swivel-through operation on request Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 3 DR − pressure controller DR − pressure controller The pressure controller limits the maximum pressure at the ▼▼ Static characteristic pump outlet within the control range of the variable pump. The variable pump only moves as much hydraulic fluid as is Operating pressure p [bar] exceeds the pressure setting at the pressure control valve, the pump will regulate to a smaller displacement to reduce the control differential. ▶▶ Recommended setting range 50 to 350 bar. 350 bar is set as standard. When ordering, please state other values in plain text. ▶▶ Initial position in depressurized state: Vg max 50 ▶▶ Mechanical minimum and maximum swivel angle limita- qv min tion 20 bar is set when port B is plugged. –– The Vg max stop is set to nominal Vg max. When ordering, please state other settings values in plain text (possible setting ranges Vg max to 50 % Vg max). The pressure controller for mooring and swivel-through operation is available on request. For decompression, the pump swivels over zero in operation as a motor. Remote controlled pressure control optionally available – qv max Flow A4VSO - open circuit ▼▼ Flow direction S to B Direction of rotation Swiveling range1) Pump High pressure port clockwise left B counter-clockwise right B 1) cf. swivel angle indicator right left 15° 0° 15° –– The Vg min stop is set so that a pressure of 15 to Pressure deviation ≤ 3 bar 350 required by the consumers. If the operating pressure DRG see page 6, pressure controller for parallel operation DP see page 11 RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers Ordering code – A4VSO 4 Dynamic characteristics Load step by opening and closing a pressure line with a pressure-relief valve as load valve 1 m after the connection flange of the axial piston unit. Operating pressure p [bar] 400 Swivel times NG tSA [s] tSA [s] tSE [s] against 20 bar against 330 bar zero stroke 350 bar 40 approx. 0.12 approx. 0.08 0.02 71 approx. 0.20 approx. 0.10 0.03 125 approx. 0.30 approx. 0.20 0.04 350 180 approx. 0.30 approx. 0.20 0.05 300 250 approx. 0.40 approx. 0.30 0.06 355 approx. 0.40 approx. 0.30 0.08 500 approx. 0.50 approx. 0.30 0.10 750 approx. 1.00 approx. 0.60 0.15 1000 approx. 1.50 approx. 0.90 0.20 200 100 The values of the outward swivel time tSA (Vg min → Vg max) can be shortened by the factor 2 to 3 if required (please 0 contact us). Vg max Displacement (swivel angle) This does not have any effect on the inward swivel time tSE . Vg min Swivel time t Outward swivel time tSA Inward swivel time tSE Note Characteristics are measured median values at: ▶▶ n = 1500/1800 rpm ▶▶ Pressure safeguarding at 400 bar Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 5 Ordering code – A4VSO DR schematics Controller range (gray field) applicable for A4VSO ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 125 to 355 2 2 B1 B MB B1 B MB 1.1 U S MS 3 1.1 U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) M1 K1 K2 T R(L) M2 ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 500 to 1000 2 3 B1 B MB M2 M1 1.1 U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) Components 1 Pump with hydraulic control device 1.1 A4VSO (see data sheet 92050) 2 Pressure control valve 3 Intermediate plate (NG 125 to 1000) RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG 6 DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers DRG − remote controlled pressure controller DRG − remote controlled pressure controller Function and equipment as for DR. Note for setting the remote controlled pressure control: A pressure-relief valve (pos.4) can be piped externally at The setting value for the external pressure relief valve plus port XD for remote control, although the pressure-relief the differential pressure value at the pressure control valve valve is not included in the scope of supply for the DRG determines the level of pressure control. control. Example: External pressure relief valve Version with built-on valve on request. Differential pressure at pressure control valve Pressure control at The differential pressure at the pressure control valve 330 bar 20 bar 330 + 20 = 350 bar (pos.2) is set to 20 bar as standard, the quantity of control required, please state in plain text. As a separate pressure-relief valve, we recommend: ▶▶ DBD 6 (hydraulic) as per data sheet 25402. The maximum wire length should not exceed 2 m. max.350 External pressurerelief valve 20 qv min Δp pressure control valve Flow Pressure deviation ≤ 3 bar different setting (recommended range 20 to 50 bar) is Operating pressure p [bar] liquid emerging at port XD is then approx. 1.5 l/min. If a qv max For the function, description, and swivel times of the pressure controller DR, see pages 3 and 4. Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 7 DRG − remote controlled pressure controller DRG schematics Controller range (gray field) applicable for A4VSO ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 125 to 355 2 2 XD XD 4 B1 B MB B1 B MB 3 1.1 1.1 U S MS 4 U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) M1 K1 K2 T R(L) M2 ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 500 to 1000 4 XD 2 B1 B MB M2 M1 3 1.1 U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) Components 1 Pump with hydraulic control device 1.1 A4VSO (see data sheet 92050) 2 Pressure control valve 3 Intermediate plate (NG 125 to 1000) 4 External pressure-relief valve (not included in the scope of supply) RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG Dimensions [mm] DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers DRG − remote controlled pressure controller 8 Dimensions DR / DRG ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 A7 XD A8 A2 Pressure control valve B Pressure control valve mounting for clockwise rotation A5 15 0 15 Einschraubloch M33 A6 A1 LR A3 XD A4 R(L) B (XD for counter-clockwise rotation) (Pressure control valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) NG1) A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 40 260 140 147 137 47 67 209 128 71 298 157 142 142 42 72 236 144 Port XD (DRG) Pilot pressure remote control pressure controller Standard Size2) DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep For detailed dimensions and technical data of the v ariable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) pmax abs [bar]3) 400 XD (DR) 1) 2) 3) For sizes 500 to 1000 see page 10 Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 State4) O X 4) O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) Dimensions [mm] Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 9 DRG − remote controlled pressure controller ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 125 to 355 A7 Intermediate plate XD A8 A2 Pressure control valve B M2(M1) Pressure control valve mounting for clockwise rotation A5 Einschraubloch M33 A6 LR 15 0 15 A1 XD R(L) B M1(M2) NG1) A1 A2 A5 A6 A7 A8 125/180 354 191 41 71 305 172 250/355 424 238 41 71 367 208 Port XD (DRG) (XD for counter-clockwise rotation) (Pressure control valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) For detailed dimensions and technical data of the variable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) Standard Size2) Pilot pressure remote control pressure controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 125 and 180) M18 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 250 and 355) 400 pmax abs [bar]3) XD (DR) M1; M2 1) 2) 3) State4) O X For sizes 500 to 1000 see page 10 Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. 4) X X O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG 10 Dimensions [mm] DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers DRG − remote controlled pressure controller ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 500 to 1000 Intermediate plate A7 Pressure control valve A8 A2 XD B M2(M1) Pressure control valve mounting for clockwise rotation A5 Einschraubloch M33 A6 15 0 15 LR A1 XD R(L) (XD for counter-clockwise rotation) B (Pressure control valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) M1(M2) NG1) A1 A2 A5 A6 A7 A8 500 510 283 41 51 452 216 750 582 322 41 51 484 235 1000 622 350 41 51 550 269 Port XD (DRG) For detailed dimensions and technical data of the variable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) Standard Size2) Pilot pressure remote control pressure controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 pmax abs [bar]3) XD (DR) M1; M2 1) 2) State4) O X For sizes 40 and 71 see page 8; for sizes 125 to 355 see page 9 Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 3) 4) X Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 11 DP − pressure controller for parallel operation DP − pressure controller for parallel operation Suitable for pressure control of multiple axial piston units The DP controller for mooring and swivel-through operation A4VS in parallel operation. is available on request. For decompression, the pump An external pressure-relief valve (pos. 4) actuates multiple swivels over zero in operation as a motor. axial piston units together over ports XD. The respective throttle valve (Pos. 5) provides the pressure increase pro- Swivel times as for DR, see page 4. portional to the current pump setting that is required for Flow control is optionally available – DPF see page 18 parallel control. 100% Swivel angle a 10% ▶▶ Initial position in depressurized state: Vg max Differential pressure setting on the controller The control valve (pos. 2) plus throttle valve (pos. 5) is set to 33 bar when the XD port is relieved. The quantity of control liquid emerging at port XD is then approx. 1.5 l/min. The setting value for the external pressure relief valve plus the basic setting of the controller determines the level of 0 pressure control. qv min ▶▶ Adjustment range 33 to 350 bar The pressure increase is retained independently of the setting value of the external pressure-relief valve and Flow qv max Swivel angle deviation ± 10 % from the setpoint value ensures the swivel angle deviation is low for all mutually ▼▼ Static characteristic pressure-relief valve. 350 Operating pressure p [bar] The pressure-relief valve (Pos. 4) is not included in the scope of supply of the DP - please order separately. ▶▶ Recommendation: DBD 6 (hydraulic) as per data sheet 25402. ▶▶ Mechanical minimum and maximum swivel angle limitation 33 –– The Vg min stop is set so that a pressure of 15 to 20 bar is set when port B is plugged. qv min –– The Vg max stop is set to nominal Vg max. When ordering, please state other settings requests in plain text (possible setting ranges Vg max to 50 % Vg max). The maximum number of pumps is limited by the output of the used pressure-relief valve (pos. 4). Single pumps can be relieved to the amount of the basic setting by the relief valve (pos. 6) as required. A check valve (pos. 7) is then additionally needed at the pressure port. Both valves are not included in the scope of supply. Special version with mounted relief valve (pos. 6) is avail- qv max Flow A4VSO - open circuit ▼▼ Flow direction S to B Direction of rotation Swiveling range1) pump High-pressure port clockwise left B counter-clockwise right B 1) cf. swivel angle indicator able on request. right left 15° 0° 15° Use the same as possible line lengths from ports XD to the Δp = 6.5±2 bar activated pumps. RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG 12 DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers DP − pressure controller for parallel operation DP schematics Controller range (gray field) applicable for A4VSO ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 Connection of further axial piston units 4 Mst XD 6 Mst XD 6 7 7 5 5 2 B1 B MB 2 B1 B MB 1.1 1.1 U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) M2 U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) M2 ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 125 to 355 4 Mst XD 6 Mst XD Connection of further axial piston units 6 7 7 5 2 B1 B MB 5 B1 B MB 1.1 1.1 U S MS 2 K1 K2 T R(L) M2 Port XD Pilot pressure pressure controller MSt Pilot pressure measurement M1, M2 Measurement stroking chamber pressure (NG 125 to 1000) Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) M2 Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 13 DP − pressure controller for parallel operation ▼▼ Example A4VSO, sizes 500 to 1000 Connection of further axial piston units 4 Mst Mst 6 XD 7 2 5 M2 M1 B1 B MB 7 2 5 M2 M1 B1 B MB 3 3 1.1 1.1 U S MS 6 XD K1 K2 T R(L) U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) Port XD Pilot pressure pressure controller MSt Pilot pressure measurement M1, M2 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure Components 1 Pump with hydraulic control device 1.1 A4VSO (see data sheet 92050) 2 Control valve with pressure compensator 3 Intermediate plate (NG 500 to 1000) 4 Pressure-relief valve (not included in the scope of supply) 5 Throttle valve 6 Relief valve (not included in the scope of supply) 7 Check valve (not included in the scope of supply) only required in combination with relief valve RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG Dimensions [mm] DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers DP − pressure controller for parallel operation 14 Dimensions DP ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 125 to 355 A6 to flanging face A6 to flanging face 5 XD 5 XD 3 2 2 A7 A2 1.1 A7 A2 1.1 B B Control valve mounting for clockwise rotation Control valve mounting for clockwise rotation M2(M1) XD M14x1.50 A3 XD M14x1.50 M14x1.50 R(L) MSt 15 0 15 LR A5 A1 Einschraubloch M33 A4 15 0 15 A5 LR A1 M14x1.50 Einschraubloch M33 R(L) MSt Schl.weite: 30 mm B B M1(M2) (Control valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) NG A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 40 260 210 147 137 39 133 170 71 225 225 142 142 39 155 187 125/180 354 261 – – 39 192 221 250/355 424 306 – – 39 237 268 Port Standard (Control valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) For detailed dimensions and technical data of the variable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) Size2) pmax abs [bar]3) State4) XD Pilot pressure pressure controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 O MSt Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3853 S8 shape W 400 X M1; M2 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 125 and 180) M18 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 250 and 355) 400 X X Components, see page 13 1) 2) Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 3) O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) Dimensions [mm] Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 15 DP − pressure controller for parallel operation ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 500 to 1000 A6 to flanging face 5 XD 3 2 MSt A7 A2 1.1 B Control valve mounting for clockwise rotation M2(M1) 15 0 15 LR A5 A1 XD Einschraubloch M33 R(L) MSt Components 1 Pump with hydraulic control device 1.1 A4VSO (see data sheet 92050) M1(M2) 2 Control valve with pressure compensator (Control valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) 3 Intermediate plate (NG 125 to 1000) 5 Throttle valve B NG A1 A2 A5 A6 A7 500 510 353 39 268 313 750 582 392 39 290 352 1000 622 419 39 349 379 Port Standard Size1) pmax abs [bar]3) State3) XD Pilot pressure pressure controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 O MSt Pilot pressure measurement DIN 3853 S8 shape W 400 X M1; M2 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 X 1) 2) For detailed dimensions and technical data of the variable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. 3) O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG 16 DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers DPF − with flow controller DPF − with flow controller In addition to the pressure control function, a differential A4VSO - open circuit pressure can be used to control the flow from the pumps, e. g. by an orifice between the pump and consumer. The ▼▼ Static characteristic pump supplies only the amount of fluid actually required by the consumer. 350 tion of the external measuring orifice (pos. 9), which is located between the pump and the consumer. The flow is nearly independent of the load pressure below the setting value of the pressure control and within the control range of the pump. For a description of the flow controller, see FR page 19. Δp = 6.5±2 bar Operating pressure p [bar] The flow of the pump is then dependent on the cross sec- 33 For the function and technical data of the parallel pressure controller DP, see page 11. qv min Flow qv max ▼▼ Flow direction S to B High-pressure port clockwise left B counter-clockwise right B 1) Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 cf. swivel angle indicator right left 15° 0° 15° Direction of rotation Swiveling range1) pump Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 17 DPF − with flow controller DPF schematics ▼▼ A4VSO, size 125 to 355 9 Connection of further pumps 4 Mst XF 7 8 XD 2 5 3 B1 B MB Mst 6 XF 7 U S MS M1 K1 K2 T R(L) 8 XD 2 5 3 B1 B MB 1.1 6 1.1 M2 U S MS M1 K1 K2 T R(L) M2 Port XD Pilot pressure pressure controller XF Pilot pressure flow controller MSt Pilot pressure measurement M1, M2 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure Components 1 Pump with hydraulic control device 1.1 A4VSO (see data sheet 92050) 2 Control valve with pressure compensator 3 Intermediate plate 4 Pressure-relief valve (not included in the scope of supply) 5 Throttle valve 6 Relief valve (not included in the scope of supply) 7 Check valve (not included in the scope of supply) only required in combination with relief valve 8 Flow control valve 9 External measuring orifice (not included in the scope of supply) RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG Dimensions [mm] DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers DPF − with flow controller 18 Dimensions DPF ▼▼ A4VSO, size 125 to 355 A11 to flanging face A9 to flanging face A7 to flanging face 5 XD 3 XF 2 8 A8 A11 A2 1.1 B Valve mounting for M2(M1) clockwise rotation XD MSt A5 Einschraubloch M33 A6 15 0 15 LR A12 A1 XF R(L) B M1(M2) (Valve mounting for counterclockwise rotation) NG A1 A2 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 125 354 261 41 71 191.5 172 345 220.5 371 39 180 354 261 41 71 191.5 172 345 220.5 371 39 250 424 306 41 51 236.5 208 407 267.5 433 39 355 424 306 41 51 236.5 208 407 267.5 433 39 Port Standard Size For detailed dimensions and technical data of the variable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) pmax abs [bar]2) 1) State 3) XD Pilot pressure pressure controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 O XF Pilot pressure flow controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 O MSt Pilot pressure measurement DIN 3853 S8 shape W 400 X M1; M2 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 125 and 180) M18 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 250 and 355) 400 X X Components, see page 17 1) 2) Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 3) O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 19 FR/FR1 − flow controller FR/FR1 − flow controller The flow controller adjusts the displacement of the pump A4VSO - open circuit to the volume required by the consumer. The flow of the pump is then dependent on the cross sec- ▼▼ Static characteristic tion of the external measuring orifice (pos. 4), which is located between the pump and the consumer. The flow is nearly independent of the load pressure within the control 350 max range of the pump (see maximum flow deviation below). Operating pressure p → The opening cross section of the measuring orifice determines the flow of the pump. The flow controller compares the pressure before the measuring orifice with that after the orifice and maintains the pressure drop encountered here (differential pressure ∆p) and thus controls the flow. If the differential pressure ∆p increases, the pump is swiveled back (towards Vg min), if the differential pressure ∆p 14 min 0 qv min decreases the pump is swiveled out (towards Vg max), until equilibrium in the valve is restored. ∆porifice = ppump – pconsumer ∆p is 14 bar. If a different setting (recommended range 14 to 25 bar) is required, please state in plain text. Higher values on request. The stand-by pressure in zero stroke operation (sensing orifice plugged) is slightly above the ∆p setting. The DFR1 version has no connection from XF to the tank. ▼▼ Flow direction S to B Direction of rotation Swiveling range1) pump High-pressure port clockwise left B counter-clockwise right B 1) cf. swivel angle indicator right left ▶▶ Initial position in depressurized state: Vg max ▶▶ Mechanical minimum and maximum swivel angle limita- 15° 0° 15° The standard setting on the flow control valve (pos. 2) for qv max Flow ▼▼ Static characteristic at variable rotational speed tion –– The Vg min stop is set so that a pressure of 15 to 20 bar is set when port B is plugged. –– The Vg max stop is set to nominal Vg max. When ordering, (possible setting ranges Vg max to 50 % Vg max). Flow qv please state other settings requests in plain text Rotational speed n ▼▼ Max. flow deviation measured at drive speed n = 1500 rpm Size 40 71 125 180 250 355 ∆pv [l/min] 3 3 5 6 8 10 RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers FR/FR1 − flow controller 20 ▼▼ Dynamic characteristic Swivel times The characteristics are measured median values. Flow step standby / qv max through relief of the X port to the tank. 100 400 75 300 50 200 25 Load pressure [bar] Displacement Vg [%] 350 100 50 Standby 0 NG tSA [s] standby...350 bar tSE [s] tSE [s] 350 bar...standby 50 bar...standby 40 approx. 0.1 0.02 0.050 71 approx. 0.2 0.03 0.075 125 approx. 0.3 0.04 0.100 180 approx. 0.4 0.05 0.120 250 approx. 0.4 0.06 0.150 355 approx. 0.5 0.07 0.180 The values of the outward swivel time tSA (Vg min → Vg max) can be shortened by the factor 2 to 3 if required (please contact us). This does not have any effect on the inward swivel time tSE . Swivel time t Outward swivel time tSA Inward swivel time tSE FR/FR1 schematics ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 125 to 355 for FR1 plugged B for FR1 plugged B XF XF 4 2 B1 B MB U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) Port Pilot pressure flow controller M1, M2 Measurement stroking chamber pressure (NG 125 to 355) Components 1 Pump with hydraulic control device 1.1 A4VSO (see data sheet 92050) 2 Flow control valve 3 Intermediate plate (NG 125 to 355) 4 External measuring orifice (not included in the scope of supply) Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 3 B1 B MB 1.1 XF 2 4 1.1 U S MS M1 K1 K2 T R(L) M2 Dimensions [mm] Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 21 FR/FR1 − flow controller Dimensions FR/FR1 ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 ▼▼ A4VSO, size 125 to 355 A7 to flanging face A7 to flanging face XF 1.1 3 2 XF 2 A8 A2 A8 A2 1.1 B Valve mounting for clockwise rotation B Valve mounting for clockwise rotation M2(M1) A3 XF M14x1.50 XF M14x1.50 A5 A5 M14x1.50 Einschraubloch M33 A6 15 0 15 LR A1 Einschraubloch M33 A6 15 0 15 A1 LR M14x1.50 A4 R(L) Schl.weite: 30 mm R(L) B B (Valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) (Valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) NG A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 40 260 140 147 137 47 67 209 128 71 298 157 142 142 42 72 236 144 125/180 354 191 – – 41 71 305 172 250/355 424 238 – – 41 71 367 208 Port Standard (XF for counterclockwise rotation) For detailed dimensions and technical data of the variable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) Size1) pmax abs [bar]2) State3) XF Pilot pressure flow controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 O M1; M2 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 125 and 180) M18 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 250 and 355) 400 X X 1) 2) M1(M2) (XF for counterclockwise rotation) Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. 3) O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG 22 DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers FRG/FRG1 − flow controller with remote controlled pressure control FRG/FRG1 − flow controller with remote controlled pressure control The FRG pressure flow controller is a combination of FR A4VSO - open circuit (FR1) and DRG. The flow control is overridden by a pressure control that is ▼▼ Characteristic controlled by a separate pressure-relief valve (pos. 4). For the function and technical data of the remote controlled pressure control, see page 7. ler, see pages 19 and 20. The FRG1 version has no connection from XF to the tank. max Operating pressure p [bar] For the function and technical data of the FR flow control- 350 20 min 0 qv min Flow qv max ▼▼ Flow direction S to B High-pressure port clockwise left B counter-clockwise right B 1) Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 cf. swivel angle indicator right left 15° 0° 15° Direction of rotation Swiveling range1) Pump Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 23 FRG/FRG1 − flow controller with remote controlled pressure control ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 125 to 355 for FRG1 plugged B 4 B XF XF 2 2 XD 5 6 B1 B MB 4 XD 5 K1 K2 T R(L) 6 3 B1 B MB 1.1 U S MS for FRG1 plugged 1.1 U S MS M1 K1 K2 T R(L) M2 Port XD Pilot pressure remote control pressure controller XF Pilot pressure flow controller M1, M2 Measurement stroking chamber pressure (NG 125 to 355) Components 1 Pump with hydraulic control device 1.1 A4VSO (see data sheet 92050) 2 Flow control valve 3 Intermediate plate (NG 125 to 355) 4 External measuring orifice (not included in the scope of supply) 5 Pressure control valve 6 External pressure control valve (not included in the scope of supply) RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG 24 Dimensions [mm] DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers FRG/FRG1 − flow controller with remote controlled pressure control Dimensions FRG/FRG1 ▼▼ A4VSO, size 125 to 355 ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 A10 to flanging face A10 to flanging face A9 to flanging face A9 to flanging face A7 to flanging face A7 5 to flanging face 3 XF XD 5 XD 1.1 2 B B Valve mounting for clockwise rotation Valve mounting for clockwise rotation XD M2(M1) XD A5 15 0 15 Einschraubloch M33 LR A1 A5 XF Einschraubloch M33 A4 R(L) A6 A6 15 0 15 LR A1 A3 XF Schl.weite: 30 mm R(L) Schl.weite: 30 mm B B (Valve mounting for counterclockwise rotation) A1 A2 A3 A8 2 A2 A8 A2 1.1 NG XF A4 M1(M2) (Valve mounting for counterclockwise rotation) (XD and XF for counterclockwise rotation) A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 40 260 140 147 137 47 67 209 128 249 275 71 298 157 142 142 42 72 236 144 276 302 125/180 354 191 – – 41 71 305 172 345 371 250/355 424 238 – – 41 71 367 208 407 433 Port (XD and XF for counter-clockwise rotation) For detailed dimensions and technical data of the variable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) Standard Size1) M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 O pmax abs [bar]2) State3) XD Pilot pressure remote control pressure controller DIN 3852 XF Pilot pressure flow controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 O M1; M2 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 125 and 180) M18 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 250 and 355) 400 X X Components, see page 23 1) 2) Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 3) O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 25 DFR/DFR1 − pressure-flow controller DFR/DFR1 − pressure-flow controller The DFR pressure and flow controller DFR is a combination A4VSO - open circuit of the DR pressure controller and FR flow controller. For the function and technical data, see DR (page 3) and ▼▼ Static characteristic FR (page 19). The DFR1 version has no connection from XF to the tank. Operating pressure p [bar] ▶▶ Initial position in depressurized state: Vg max Pressure deviation ≤ 3 bar 350 ▶▶ Mechanical minimum and maximum swivel angle limitation –– The Vg min stop is set so that a pressure of 15 to 20 bar is set when port B is plugged. –– The Vg max stop is set to nominal Vg max. When ordering, please state other settings requests in plain text (possible setting ranges Vg max to 50 % Vg max). 50 qv min qv max Flow ▼▼ Flow direction S to B High-pressure port clockwise left B counter-clockwise right B 1) cf. swivel angle indicator right left 15° 0° 15° Direction of rotation Swiveling range1) pump RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG 26 DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers DFR/DFR1 − pressure-flow controller DFR/DFR1 schematics ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 125 to 355 for DFR1 plugged B for DFR1 plugged B XF XF 2 2 4 5 B1 B MB 4 5 B1 B MB 3 1.1 U S MS K1 K2 T R(L) Port XF Pilot pressure flow controller M1, M2 Measurement stroking chamber pressure (NG 125 to 355) Components 1 Pump with hydraulic control device 1.1 A4VSO (see data sheet 92050) 2 Flow control valve 3 Intermediate plate (NG 125 to 355) 4 External measuring orifice (not included in the scope of supply) 5 Pressure control valve Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 1.1 U S MS M1 K1 K2 T R(L) M2 Dimensions [mm] Controllers | DR, DP, FR and DFR 27 DFR/DFR1 − pressure-flow controller Dimensions DFR/DFR1 ▼▼ A4VSO, sizes 40 and 71 ▼▼ A4VSO, size 125 to 355 A9 to flanging face A9 to flanging face A7 to flanging face A7 to flanging face 5 3 XF 1.1 B A3 Valve mounting for clockwise rotation A5 Einschraubloch M33 A6 15 0 15 Einschraubloch M33 LR A1 A5 XF A6 15 0 15 A1 B M2(M1) XF A4 R(L) Schl.weite: 30 mm R(L) Schl.weite: 30 mm B B (Valve mounting for counterclockwise rotation) A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 M1(M2) A7 A8 40 260 140 147 137 47 67 249 128 275 298 157 142 142 42 72 276 144 302 125/180 354 191 – – 41 71 345 172 371 250/355 424 238 – – 41 71 407 208 433 Standard (Valve mounting for counter-clockwise rotation) A9 71 Port For detailed dimensions and technical data of the variable pump, see data sheet 92050 (A4VSO) Size1) pmax abs [bar]2) State3) XF Pilot pressure flow controller DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep 400 O M1; M2 Measurement of stroking chamber pressure DIN 3852 M14 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 125 and 180) M18 x 1.5; 12 deep (NG 250 and 355) 400 X X 1) 2) A8 A2 A8 A2 2 Valve mounting for clockwise rotation NG XF 1.1 2 LR 5 Observe the general instructions on page 28 for the maximum tightening torques. Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. 3) O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery) X = Plugged (in normal operation) RE 92060/04.2014, Bosch Rexroth AG DR, DP, FR and DFR | Controllers General instructions 28 General instructions ▶▶ Basically, the installation instructions for the variable pump A4VSO - data sheet 92050 apply. ▶▶ The DR, DP, FR, and DFR controllers together with the pump A4VSO are intended for open circuit operation. ▶▶ The project planning, installation and commissioning of ▶▶ Pressure controls are not backups against pressure overload. A separate pressure-relief valve is to be provided in the hydraulic system. ▶▶ The following tightening torques apply: –– Fittings: the axial piston unit requires the involvement of skilled Observe the manufacturer's specifications regarding person. the tightening torques of the fittings used. ▶▶ Before using the axial piston unit, please read the corre- –– Mounting bolts: sponding instruction manual completely and thoroughly. For mounting bolts with metric ISO thread according If necessary, these can be requested from Bosch to DIN 13 or thread according to ASME B1.1, we Rexroth. recommend checking the tightening torque in indi- ▶▶ Depending on the operating conditions of the axial piston unit (operating pressure, fluid temperature), the vidual cases in accordance with VDI 2230. –– Female threads in the axial piston unit: characteristic may shift. The maximum permissible tightening torques MG max are maximum values for the threaded holes and must ▶▶ Service line ports: –– The ports and fastening threads are designed for the specified maximum pressure. The machine or system not be exceeded. For values, see the following table. –– Threaded plugs: manufacturer must ensure that the connecting ele- For the metallic threaded plugs supplied with the ments and lines correspond to the specified applica- axial piston unit, the required tightening torques of tion conditions (pressure, flow, hydraulic fluid, tem- threaded plugs MV apply. For values, see the follow- perature) with the necessary safety factors. ing table. –– The service line ports and function ports can only be used to accommodate hydraulic lines. ▶▶ The data and notes contained herein must be adhered to. ▶▶ Before finalizing your design, request a binding installation drawing. ▶▶ Not all variants of the product are approved for use in safety functions according to ISO 13849. Please consult the responsible contact person at Bosch Rexroth if you require reliability parameters (e.g. MTTFd) for functional safety. Ports Standard Thread size Maximum permissible Required tightening torque tightening torque of the of the female threads M G max threaded plugs MV DIN 3852-1 M14 x 1,5 80 Nm 35 Nm 6 mm M18 x 1,5 140 Nm 60 Nm 8 mm S8 shape W 50 Nm 40 Nm 19 mm external hexagon of the fitting DIN 3853 Bosch Rexroth AG Mobile Applications An den Kelterwiesen 14 72160 Horb a.N., Germany Tel. +49 7451 92-0 [email protected] Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92060/04.2014 WAF Hexagon socket for the threaded plugs © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.
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